
5 BEST SUPPORTS for BEGINNERS - League of Legends Season 13

In this video we take a look in the best & easiest champions for new players that want to play as a support. These champions are meta resistant as much as possible. My socials:


10 months ago

hello everyone league is a very hot and complex  game with over 150 champions in the time this video is recorded in this video we will take  a look at the top 5 best and easiest supports for new players champions in this list will have a  simple and straightforward kit and gameplay making them ideal for new players to land the role and  focus on developing their support skills instead of trying to navigate their kids and executing  fancy combos every single one of these Champions is great not on
ly for getting better but also  for climbing and are meta resistant for low elo without further Ado let's get  started at number 5 there is Sona Sona is an excellent choice for beginner supports  in League of Legends due to her straightforward mechanics and versatile playstyle one of her kick  strengths is her ability to provide consistent poke damage and sustain for her ad carry  additionally sona's ultimate Crescendo can be Game Changer in team fights allowing her to start  multiple enemies an
d set up kills for her team another reason why beginners may want to  choose Sona is here relatively simple playstyle she is able to fulfill a variety of roles within  a team whether it be poking Lane providing sustain for hereditikari or initiating fights with your  ultimate however it's important to note that Sona can be somewhat vulnerable to enemy engage and  crowd control due to her squishiness and lack of Mobility as a beginner playing Sona it is  important to focus on positioning correctl
y in team fights and using their abilities to their  fullest potential with the right strategy and execution Sona can be a valuable asset to any team  and a great choice for beginner supports next in number 4 there is Leona Leona is a great pick  for beginner supports who want to play a tanker Champion that can initiate fights for the team  a Concord role abilities such as Zenith blade e and solar flare R can lock down enemies and set  up kills additionally Leona's passive sunlight can add extra
damage to her allies attacks making  her a strong choice for aggressive players one of the benefits of playing Leona is here relatively  straightforward kit at tankiness allows her to absorb a lot of damage in team fights which can  be forgiving for players who are still learning to position themselves though it's important to  keep in mind that Leona is heavily reliant on her abilities to be effect and can struggle at game  streams with high Mobility or disengage abilities as a beginner playin
g Leona it's important to  be mindful of your positioning and communicate with your team to ensure that you are able to  lock down the right targets at the right time overall Leona can be a great choice for beginner  supports who want to play at Savion that can initiate fights and provide a strong front line  for the team right after Leona there is Zyra Zyra is a fantastic pick for players who enjoy  playing Champions that deal a lot of damage her kit revolves around her ability to plant scenes 
that grow into deadly plants which can build damage and Crown control the enemies one of your  key strengths is her ability to Zone enemies out of various using her plants and her ultimate  ability strangle folds which can knock up and damage enemies in a large area and of course  as every peak in this list Zyra is versatile while second deal a lot of damage with her planned  she can also provide utility for her team we hear grasping Roots which can root enemies in place  and hear passive abili
ty which causes her to spawn additional seeds when she is not costing spells  additionally Zyra can be played in multiple roles such as mid lane or even asakari in the bottom  Lane in case you are getting autofilled that being said Zyra is a relatively squeezy subion and can  be vulnerable when getting code out of position it is important to be mindful of your positioning  and to communicate with your team to ensure that you are able to make the most of your plant zoning  and Crown control abili
ties if you want to deal a lot of damage and provide utility for your team  at the same time then maybe Zara is a pick for you before entering the final two choices I would  like to ask you if you enjoyed today's video so far please leave a like and check the other videos  I've made for the other roles if you want to get some more ideas in case support is not your main  role now getting back to the video the last two choices are not necessarily in power order instead  I've made sure to give one
tongue support and one example depending on what type of playstyle you  prefer or a more tank support I recommend Nautilus Nautilus is a topic for beginner supports who  want to play tabern with strong Ground Control and Gates potential this kit is designed to  hook and pull enemies towards him making it easy for his team to follow up and secure  kills his ultimate ability depth charts can knock up enemies and deal a significant amount  of damage making him a threat in team fights one of the str
engths of playing Nautilus  is his ability to build for his team his Ground Control abilities such as dreads line  and Riptide can help him protect his cars and prevent enemies from getting too close furthermore  Nautilus is a pretty tank it's Albion which can be forgiving for players just like Leona while still  aligning to position themselves correct at this point it's important to note that Nautilus can be  manager especially in the early game as a beginner playing Nautilus it's important to
manage your  Mana carefully and not waste your abilities a lot of times not using your hook can create more  pressure than using it and missing it if you want to play support with one of the strongest engages  and crankled rolls then Nautilus is probably the pick for you lastly we will finish this video  with my favorite enzanto and support in general which is no other but Soraka Soraka is the best  Helotes Albion in the game a kid is designed to keep her eyes alive and healthy even in the midst
  of fights ultimate ability whis can instantly heal allies on the map making it a valuable tool for  turning the tide of battles one of soraka's key strengths is elevated to sustain her team with her  astral infusion which can heal allies and restore their health at the cost of your own health this  ability combined with your Rejuvenation positive and starkle can make it a formidable force in lane  giving to her adikari crazy amounts of sustain her kit is pretty simple the main idea behind Sora
ka  hit your queue which lets you use your W ability without a health ghost in the later stages of  the game and with a pretty small one in the early laning phase not being able to hit your queue  would mean that you are not able to heal enough your allies without needing to recall yourself as  with everyone Center Soraka is pretty squeezy and you should see yourself more of as a utility carry  being in the back line of the team fights and trying to be as safe as possible as you die would  mean
the instant loss of a team fight remember becoming a great support player takes time in  practice but by choosing a table that fits your style and Landing the ins and outs of the kid you  can become so much better I personally recommend you to try every single one of these challenges  and see who fits you better but most importantly keep having fun learning and improving your  skills good luck and have fun on Larry [Music]
