

Maybe not the best of all time, but definitely some of the best horror/thriller movies you've never heard of. Thanks for watching today's non-spoiler, improv, less than 60sec Movie review - please like & sub & ding the dong for more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TikTok (150+k): Subscribe if you want & get notified for daily reviews at 3pmCST (Passed one thousand subs, ya'll are amazing) Please check out my Letterboxd profile for HUNDREDS of more non-spoiler reviews including every new movie in theaters and old movies as well: Follow my Snapchat or Instagram for movie reviews twice daily: Insta: Snapchat: danielsmalls1 Follow my TikTok, Insta, YouTube, Twitter, Triller, Byte, Clapper for daily comedy videos at the link below: Original videos on TikTok: @senorpequenos (150k followers)​​ Follow me for more content on Reels, Twitter, Byte, iFunny, Snapchat, & Triller Reels:​ (2.5k followers) Snapchat Spotlight: @danielsmalls1 Byte:​​ (16k followers) Letterboxd: Twitter:​​ (basically no one) Triller: @senorpequenos Clapper: @senorpequenos Get an AMC A-list membership for the best movie watching experience! (not an ad, I just use it and love it so much)

Senor Pequenos

2 years ago

Here are five of the best horror slash thriller movies you’ve never heard of Bloody Hell: This is a 2020 Australian horror comedy about a mysterious man getting abducted, and it’s absolutely wild and actually really funny thanks to a clever story and great lead actor Relic: Produced by the Russo Brothers and Jake Gyllenhaal, Relic is a 2020 horror drama about some creepy & supernatural events happening at the family house & has an outstanding cast, and some legitimate creepy moments that’ll make
you afraid of your house The Wolf of Snow Hollow: Another fantastic horror comedy thriller, this 2020 movie is about a small town sheriff trying to catch a serial killer that could be a werewolf, it caught me completely by surprise, the dark humor tone takes a second to adjust to, but after a few minutes you get really into it Compliance: This 2012 movie isn’t the typical thriller, but the tension in this is some of the most uncomfortable yet engaged I have ever been in a movie ever, and the st
ory is 100% true, its about a guy who called up fast food places and convinced people to do horrible things to each other which is absolutely terrifying and sad that I’ve never heard it before The Gift: directed by Joel Edgerton and starring Jason Bateman, this 2015 movie is about a couple trying to adjust to a move after a creepy neighbor tries to send them gifts. I didn’t expect much from this but it creeps into your skin throughout the runtime, and has an effectively upsetting tone thanks to
Jason Bateman’s best performance.
