
5 WAYS to make money BLOGGING (for Beginners)

In this video, I reveal the 5 ways you can make money with your blog, even if you're just getting started or have been grinding for months/years, these strategies and opportunities can put extra $500 - $1,000 into your bank account.

Digital Mike

1 year ago

so one of the ways you can make money with your  blog is to make it clear that you advertise for brands so there are brands looking for private  blogs private WordPress blogs that they can advertise on so they can come to you and place  a banner ad on your site or a link to one of your products but if you don't want to go the uh  the route of you know looking for this private advertisers you can you know i partner with some  of the other programs networks as well they can go to um a site like Ez you can go to  a AdThrive or Mediavine these are ad networks that can place ads on your site for brands and  you get paid so you can be paid anywhere from fifteen dollars to forty dollars rpm revenue  per meal which is revenue per thousand visitors thousand page views so if your website generates  5,000 visitors per month or 10,000 that would be a substantial amount of money that you can earn if  you advertise for this brand so once you advertise on your blog make sure that you put a con
tact form  on your blog to make it clear that this is what you do most bloggers fail to do this and that is  why they struggle so the second way you can make one through your blog is to accept sponsored posts  so the same way you accept guest posts or you do guess guest posts on other blogs you can make it  clear that you i said sponsored posts on your blog on most of my blogs i charge $200 to $500 by  sponsored like any other post but these are paid posts that the brand has to pay you to place 
their article or to get the article published on your site with a link pointing you know they  have to point to one of your products or their services or just an information or just to build  a brand about an event that they are hosting so a sponsored post is a way to make money  you can make anywhere from $200 to a $1,000 each month if you open up your site to sponsored  post there's a caveat here make sure you're only accepting posts that are relevant to your niche  or to your industry so if
your blog is in the tech make sure you're accepting brands that are  that want to promote posts that are related to tech technology and every other team in between  if you're in the marketing space your blog and your sponsored articles should be related  to marketing small business and all whatnot and you can also make money obviously through  affiliate marketing this is the easiest way the easiest route that most bloggers take when they  start blogging they are looking for ways to you know shar
e the same product that they are using to  their audience and they make a commission from it so you can either make a one-time commission  through affiliate marketing or you make a receipt residual income which is passive through affiliate  marketing residual simply means the money keeps coming every month regardless of you making or  sending another referrals or another complete sales to the brand so i prefer the recurring  but i don't do away i don't ignore the one-time affiliate commissions b
ecause they can all add up  and if you send consistent traffic to your brand or to the athlete offer your income will kind of  become passive because you still earn this amount of money every single month so affiliate marketing  is one of the ways to do that you can sign up with get response to promote your affiliate offer or go  to a site like a network like impact share a sale uh you know there are so many of them out there  and they will give you the access to promote some of their advertiser
s as a publisher that you  are as a blogger you are a publisher and you can aim income through affiliate marketing another  way you can make money to affiliate marketing this one is a little high end because you need  to know your craft very well which is online courses you can make money through online courses  but most people get wrong because they want to create a course that never existed before but  that is a huge mistake because when it comes to blogging you really don't have to reinvent t
he  wheel you simply have to do what has been working you have to tap into an already existing market  so you need to create a product for your audience especially for beginners that are just getting  started create a product for them and then let them know that you're just an expert but you're  learning along the way if you know a little above the average visitor on your site then you  are qualified to create an online course it could be a course to show people how to  do something or a course
that reviews some secrets about your industry so i'm in the  marketing space i can create a course about how to make money blogging or how to build a  profitable blog or how to build build a six figure blog or how to take your blog as a business  and i will share some of the tips and strategies that i've learned over the years and i can package  it as a course and certainly through Thinkific, Teachable and there are so many of them out there  you can even use Kajabi you can use you can
use there are so many of them  even Convertkit helps you sell your online courses as well and you can also make money from  your blog as a freelancer so if you have a skill you definitely do that is why you started the  blog perhaps you have a skill in writing you are good at writing on graphic designs why not sell  those skills and make money through a freelance uh freelancing so you could become a graphic  designer and sell it through enter some of the contests and yo
u could win if you're  really good with your craft you are good with logo designs graphic design web designs you could  windows contest or you just becoming a freelance writer and go to sites like and actually and up work there's freelance idea other places to where you can get  freelance uh jobs that you can write and get paid you could get paid anywhere from $50 to $250  dollars for a thousand words as long as you're good with your content people will pay you bec
ause  content powers the web so if you're looking for a way to bring all these things together so you can  start making at least a thousand dollars per month there is a video here that i want you to  watch and if you have enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up like the video and subscribe  to the channel i will see you next week peace



The best👍👍😍


This is great information!!!


Awesome ....


Nice one... Kudos!


nice information


I haven't checked all the sites yet, but you were great. You also speak very fast. I have to go back.