
6 presumed dead after Baltimore's Key Bridge collapses

The 6 people that fell into the water after a ship crashed into a Baltimore bridge are presumed to be dead. Visit our website: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:

DC News Now

4 days ago

continuing our team coverage of the bridge collapse in Baltimore this afternoon again the latest details the Associated Press reporting the construction company working on that bridge says the six workers who fell into the water are presumed dead our Randy bass has been on the scene all day Randy what's the latest from officials yeah Mark and Alisa this catastrophic bridge collapse we're seeing here in Baltimore really unlike anything many of us have ever seen in our life times again that search
and rescue effort for those six workers who remained unaccounted for still very active still underway right now as we speak those search and rescue efforts include divers people in the air people on the ground people on boats on the water right now again officials at the scene still holding out hope that these workers may be found alive however the company they work for not feeling as optimistic saying they are presumed dead citing again the depth of the water and the length of time that has pa
ssed since the Collision again this happened around 1:30 this morning a Singaporean cargo ship known as the dolly hit the Key Bridge around 1:30 sending cars and people plunging into the Tapco River below some of them were rescued early this morning one of them is in the hospital another refused treatment again that searched for at least six people working on the bridge at that time still underway one good piece of news here today officials say lives were saved after someone made a Mayday call a
nd stopped more traffic from coming over this bridge we had a chance to speak with Governor West Moore and Secretary of Transportation Buddha judge here in the last several minutes Buddha judge says it's going to be quite some time before any sense of normaly is restored here to the city of Baltimore and quite frankly the state of Maryland this bridge has been here for decades and decades and it's going to take time to rebuild take time to reopen this port and at this point still not realized th
e human toll the economic ramifications that this is going to have here on the city the state and the region Governor Westmore says local state and federal officials all chipping in to help in this incredible search and rescue effort and investigation that's active and underway right now he says there's been overwhelming support from local businesses and nonprofits looking to see how they can help one thing he really emphasized the resilience of this city and the state moving forward and how he
thinks the city and the state are just are going to be able to rebuild and and to be able to move forward from this but at this point the the main focus is on the human toll that's still yet to be fully realized live in Baltimore I'm Randy bass DC news now what
