

Il nostro avventuroso viaggio attraverso il Marocco continua a regalarci emozioni senza fine mentre ci immergiamo nelle atmosfere uniche e nei panorami mozzafiato di questa terra affascinante. Tra le dune dorate del deserto e i labirinti dei souk, ci troviamo ad affrontare le sfide delle piste 4x4 con entusiasmo e determinazione. Ma non è solo l'azione che ci emoziona: lungo il percorso, ci imbattiamo in villaggi remoti e incontriamo persone dalle storie straordinarie, scoprendo la ricchezza culturale e umana di questa regione. Ogni curva della strada ci porta a nuove avventure e ci apre gli occhi su mondi diversi, rendendo questo viaggio un'esperienza indimenticabile che va oltre l'immaginazione.

Storie di Mannu

2 weeks ago

Hello everyone, we are Elisabett and Sebastiano. We have been sharing our lives since 2016. Traveling around the world in the last year we have camperized an ex-truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after traveling along a real 4x track here. we are settled to spend a day of tranquility near the banks of the Dra river we took advantage of it to work a bit on the computer and to enjoy moments of serenity in the midst of nature Good morning waking up here in the middle of the track m
akes me want to speak in silence because there is so much silence that I don't want to disturb the laquet of the place The awakening of the place this morning early morning with awakening at 99° before the sun came out it was 9° outside and it was cool this night the Dra river is one of the Morocco's main waterways originate from the High Atlas mountain range and flow south- west through a vast desert region. Before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, its course passes through various cities and re
gions of southern Morocco, contributing to the irrigation of agricultural lands along its path the river is of great importance for the economy and agriculture of the Region even if its flow can vary considerably depending on the rainfall I climbed onto the hill in front of the truck to contemplate the view a bit and I am amazed from the beauty of this place a sandstorm arrived So we decided to spend another day Here before getting back on the [Music] road after a few kilometers of track we arri
ved here a completely restored Oxer h along this track you come across this xar which a xar is an ancient fortress in North Africa it is a hotel currently and also hosts travelers How can we be with vehicles So you can park inside we stopped to observe it because it is really very beautiful loxar It is an Arabic term that refers to a traditional fortified settlement present in North Africa, in particular in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, the sand storms now we take you to discover unar a few mete
rs away in a state of complete abandonment once upon a time they rightly built intelligently because down here it is all a river bed so there was certainly a lot of water here once upon a time these settlements are often located in desert or semi-desert areas and may be built from local materials such as mud, wood and stone . historical, cultural and architectural importance and many of them have been preserved as a world heritage site by UNESCO, they testify to the construction and living tradi
tions of the nomadic and sedentary populations who have inhabited these regions for centuries. We love going to discover these abandoned places. They leave you space. to the imagination In addition to the fact that we madly love Ancient Moroccan architecture And the wind is also picking up, in fact in the distance you can see the sand coming in you can see pieces of the [Music] ceiling the wind has really picked up a lot now we're getting back into it road we returned to the asphalt [Musica] as
soon as we arrived at guil MIM We went to do some shopping and look what was parked next to [Musica] us that is, for us it was completely absurd to cross paths with a vehicle of the kind on the roads Because it looks exactly like the ones made for carnival Yes a carnival float Here we can define it like that The problem is that it actually has license plates and circulates Furthermore it was made entirely with sheet metal and riveted sheets a mess Yes we can define this camper as a mess then we
have discovered that tefel I don't know if it's pronounced like that means devil in German now let us know in the comments Which character you can attribute to a means of this kind that is, we have made ourselves in our imagination a gentleman with a slightly long beard. A bizarre alternative, the thing that is frightening is the fact that a very normal gentleman has come out, that is, one of those who you see him with the images with a classic camper of the white attic ones but no It's disturbi
ng This very thing is disturbing because it seems like a normal person the license plate the license plate is death behind with the Scythe they really make you think about staying away from the camper after this bizarre encounter here we are back on the road towards a new location Well we have arrived at our spot for the night we are in this beautiful palm tree not far from guel m we will be here in the area for a week more or less 5 days because on Saturday we want to go and see something very
interesting here in guel MIM What a beauty I don't want to spoil anything for you but pay close attention to the lady you see behind the goats It all started from here we were we were invited by the head of the village to drink tea so we are going to the little village at the end obviously we are not going by hand empty we bring what we have a bit of catteri and a couple of croissants In short the head of the village invited us to his house to drink tea here now do you remember that lady behind
the goats she is Belgian and together with her husband 6 pass by months a year at the village chief's house they met him on a campsite and since then they have become great friends so they spend the winters at his house and help him with daily chores one of these is going to the pasture with the c Ae but not only are they doing environmental education for the whole village as well as helping them in managing the village and the lady told us that here they have put street lamps that are powered b
y solar panels, something they did recently and here if you notice there is a kind of structure that holds the rubbish that throughout the village they have created various installations for rubbish to prevent it from falling and therefore plastic is found everywhere throughout the village after having taken a tour of the streets of the town we went to the little shop Alì and To repay Enza We bought a tajin and an artisan arm What did you buy tajin to cook outside even after spending the afterno
on in the company of ali and the Belgian couple we went to visit a museum a few kilometers from the town on manager with a cheerful soul He explained to us in detail the use that was made of all the objects present there. Furthermore, during the visit He made strange [Music] verses like this accompanied also by some small screams which I was unable to record and It was a very fun visit and at the end of the tour he wanted to invite us to tea in a very pleasant environment [Music] [Music] that as
we walk through the streets of this town we realize that there aren't the paved roads that are all dirt as it used to be 5060 years ago with us [Music] [Music] [Music] we are in Gu MIM it's Friday afternoon evening and tomorrow there is finally the dromedary suc [Music] in reality we came here to attend the dromedary suc but unfortunately we discovered only after the exchanges take place from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning did we take the opportunity to make some purchases before getting back on t
he road. Then we waited 4 days to see this animal market that everyone was telling us about and which was interesting and worth seeing . one of the biggest in all of Morocco but basically it didn't go exactly as we expected and then we got closer and honestly very very sad what you see and so we also avoided filming and having said that We went to do a bit of shopping at the normal market like another classic Moroccan market which are always interesting But I saw one in the end they are very sim
ilar it's not that this one has something special something more and in any case we ended up spending €4 per suc for this vegetable it's not not too much because in any case there will already be 6-7 kg of vegetables now we get on the road we go towards the gorge of ait mensur and it must be a very beautiful place We are preparing to cross the threshold of one of the enchanted treasures of Morocco where the kilometers wind slowly through fairy-tale sceneries our eyes intoxicated by the timeless
beauty of these landscapes find themselves unprepared to contemplate such magnificence It is a place that on the one hand may seem hostile to those who venture on the other fascinates and envelops with its mystery we are pilgrims of beauty guided by the desire to discover and understand the essence of this place that captures the soul and enchants the senses we are deflating the tires from here begins the track that takes us to the gorge the monsour there is also the state road if you want to re
ach that forest but the state road goes all the way around the mountains and it's many kilometers but from here it stands out in the river bed and you get directly to the gorges I don't know if it makes sense from the video though live it is something titanic, that is, a beauty that leaves you speechless. I hope to be able to convey it through video because it is truly [Music] beautiful [Music] we are literally passing through the bed of an absurd river. Here there is also a very green argan and
also quite Majestic speaking to the locals Several people told us that it hasn't rained for 4 years, maybe it happens that it rains for a day or two but it's not enough to fuel all this this need another beautiful track very beautiful totally different from the other because we are on the bed of a river so they are all rock pebbles [Music] Hi we prefer to see the Drome from R di directly in the middle of nature which has a [Applause] [Music] market there We parked for the night near these two b
eautiful argan trees and here along the entire river What was once a river there are many argan trees and green ones therefore This means that in any case there is a lot of water underground it is not a very simple path because there there are some quite critical points with a lot of difference in altitude and nice steps in some places I haven't even recovered because I'm too anxious and this week too we'll leave you in the middle of a track, see you next Sunday for new [Music] adventures



Guardo sempre con molto interesse i vostri video attraverso essi vedo posti stupendi che altrimenti non potrei vedere e per questo vi ringrazio.


Siamo pellegrini di bellezza!!! Frase meravigliosa ...... racchiude l'uomo e l'universo ...un tutt'uno ❤❤❤❤❤


Buonasera Eli e Bastiano, complimenti per le bellissime immagini, buon viaggioUCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/G8AfY6yWGuKuhL0PlbiA2AE


Ciao Sebastiano e Elisabetta, il vostro modo di essere, trasmette bene quello che state vivendo grazie. Buona Vita a Voi 🙏


Buongiorno ragazzi da vecchia rinco mi sveglio presto 🤣 aspettavo il vostro video sempre bello e interessante! Eli quando dic evi ci aspettavamo un tipo bizzaro e mettevi la foto e tale e quale al mio "mostro"infatti a Trieste le signore lo fermavano chiedendogli se è Shapiro,qualcuno lo chiama Saruman o Gandalf 🤣 interessante quel camper forse lo ha preso dal figlio,bellissimi questi incontri e bellissima l'iniziativa di questa coppia belga.Questo è il genere di viaggio che piacerebbe anche a noi ,vedere la vera realtà dei luoghi e persone,naturalmente si sa ci sono i pro e i contro come in ogni luogo! Grazie x averci fatto sognare e viaggiare con voi ....a domenica prossima ....un abbraccio 😍👏👍🏻🤗


Una tempesta di sabbia e quel camper diventa inguidabile ed è inutile aggiungere altro. Il lato positivo è invece dato dalla massima abitabilità usufruibile e va bene come casa mobe in quei posti dove le concessioni edilizie non le danno. Ottimo video👍👋😊


wow e' incredibile come ogni viaggiatore ci mostri il paese dal suo punto di vista e come si possa vedere così ogni sfaccettatura... C'è Stepsover e i due Vagamondi in Africa e tramite ciascuno loro si vedono cose diverse. Ognuno di voi racconta la sua storia è fantastico! Voi avete sempre un punto di vista poetico e per questo vi ringrazio, denota la vostra anima. Verbena


Ragazzi siete veramente fantastici. Bravi, intelligenti e colti. Vi auguro tutto il meglio e vi seguo.


Complimenti ragazzi per tutto quello che ci fate vedere portate la Sardegna in ogni continente ❤❤❤❤❤


Davvero affascinante, un altro mondo....viaggiare apre le menti e i cuori...buon cammino!😊


Bravissimi no ho parole.


Bellissime esperienze di viaggio! Bravissimi i miei conterranei. Vi voglio bene! Un abbraccio da Gran Canaria


11:10 ma quanto sei bella Eli . Che meraviglia, che bel video , bellissima gente ❤ grazie 😘


Bellissime immagini e bellissime musiche, complimenti.


Ciao cari! Grazie per un altro fantastico video! Davvero inquietante quel camper, sembra mascherato per nascondere la sua essenza e non dava per niente belle sensazioni, vista la targa il nomignolo da diavolo era proprio azzeccato. Certo che ne fate incontri incredibili, come la coppia di signori belgi ed il loro amichevole ospite nell'oasi. Magnifica la maestosità di quelle montagne che contrastano con la vastità vuota del deserto! Proprio un bel viaggio avventuroso! Un abbraccio!


Magnifico non c’è altra parola 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Bellissimo grazie alle vostre immagini si può capire quanto sia affascinante il pianeta terra . Buona strada ❤




Che posti!!!😍😍


Ciao Sebastiano &Elisabetta video molto coinvolgente natura cultura pace silenzio e la cosa più bella e l ospitalità gentilezza della gente del posto 🤗❤️