
#69 Astra Militarum VS Tyranids 40k Battle Report 10th Edition Combat Patrol

The Tyranid plague is infesting the Imperial territories, devouring every city in their path. This situation can no longer be tolerated, Karsk and his men are on the march to face the enemy army head on and try to stop part of the horde before it reaches the next city. Don't miss our Combat Patrol game! Who will prevail? Let us know in the comments which armies you would like to see in the next videos! If you want to support the channel on Patreon: If you want to support the channel with a single donation: Follow us: Instagram: tabletop_warbands Twitter: @T_Warbands

Tabletop Warbands

3 weeks ago

S: Hey guys, welcome to Tabletop Warbands.  In this video we're playing Warhammer 40k in Combat Patrol format, which pits the Astra  Militarum against the Tyranids. I'm Simone, and I will be playing the Astra. A: Hi, I'm Andrea, and I will be playing the Tyranids. Before we start,  if you are subscribed to the channel, welcome back! If you are not subscribed yet and  want to help us, join our growing community now by clicking on the subscribe button! And don't  forget to activate the bell so you
don't miss the next battle reports. Thanks you guys! S: Today's mission is Sweeping Raid. The two armies will have to deploy within these two  areas. There are four objectives, and they are arranged in this way. As secondary objective  the Astra has chosen: Methodical Destruction, while the Tyranids have: Alpha Xenoform. A: At the start of each command phase, the player whose turn it is rolls a dice and  with 4+ he gains an additional command point. Let's move onto the description of the armies
. The Tyranid army is growing really fast, and this is thanks to all those who are trying  in vain to stop the fleet's advance. Who knows if they will ever understand that blocking  the path of a hungry Tyranid is a bad idea... The leader of the army is a Winged Tyranid  Prime also called the Terror of Vardenghast, he is armed with Prime Talons and has  the enhancement “Psychostatic Veil”, the Prime gains the Lone operative ability and 4+  invulnerable save, in addition every melee attack agains
t him has a -1 to the hit roll. Then we have a Psychophage armed with Psychoclastic Torrent and Talons and Betentacled  maw, he’s perfect for eliminating the infantries. The core of this army is a Termagant  unit of 20 models split into 2 units of 10 models each thanks to the ability Patrol  Squad. They are all armed with Fleshborer. Then we have the Barbgaunts, 5 bio-artilleries who can slow the movements of  the enemies with each shot. The last unit is the Von Ryan’s Leapers,  3 models armed w
ith Leaper’s Talons ready to jump on the enemies and wipe them out. S: The Tyranid plague is infesting the Imperial territories, devouring every city in their  path. This situation can no longer be tolerated, Karsk and his men are on the march to face  the enemy army head on and try to stop part of the horde before it reaches the next city. Karsk is the general of the army. He is armed with Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon. He is accompanied  by a command squad that follows him everywhere. As troo
ps, the army is made up of two  infantry squads. The first team is made up of 10 models, as special weapons  they have a Flamer and a Meltagun. The second unit is also made up of 10  models and as special weapons they have a Plasma Gun and a grenade launcher. As a support vehicle there is an Armored Sentinel equipped with Plasma  Cannon and Hunter-Killer Missile. Finally we have the Field Ordnance Battery!  The unit consists of two pieces, a Malleus Rocket Launcher and a Bombast Field Gun. A: Wi
th the Hangar blocking vision of almost the entire battlefield, I could deploy my units  aggressively. The Termagants on the left side, together with the Barbgaunts, will take care of  the objective 3 while the Tyranid Prime and the Psychophage on the right will fight the Astra  to gain control of objective 2. The Leapers, thanks to their ability “Infiltrators”,  can deploy outside the deployment zone at more than 9 inches from the enemy units.  To avoid losing them in the first turn I placed th
em behind the wall of the hangar. S: The most important unit to deploy for me is the artillery and I chose to position  them on the left, where they could have the best line of sight on the battlefield.  The two infantry squads are in the center, forming the battle line. The Sentinel is deployed  directly behind while the Command Squad along with Karsk are hidden behind the smaller hangar. A: Rolling for initiative, Grey dice for astra and red dice for Tyranids. S: Three is fine, I'd like to go
second. A: 6! I’m ok with going first. S: At the start of the Battle Round I choose an enemy unit for  my Methodical Destruction secondary objective. If I manage to eliminate that  unit at the end of the Battle Round, I gain 4 victory points. I choose the Leapers. A: I roll the dice to see if I manage to gain the additional command point at 4+, nope… The first to move are the Termagant, they advance and with that 4 they manage to  reach the objective 3 and stay in cover from Simone’s units. The
other unit of Termagants  move 6 inches forward since they have nothing to do at the moment, and since I have secured  the objective 4, the Barbgaunts can also move forward to keep an eye on both the objectives.  The Leapers with 10 inches of movement manage to get really close to the enemy artilleries. S: My artillery unit spots the Leapers and opens fire on them doing Overwatch. The first to fire  is the Bombast Field Gun, D6 shots. Only 3. 6 to hit. Not even one, not a good start. Malleus  Ro
cket Launcher, D6+6 shots. 5+6, a total of 11 shots. 6 to hit again. 11 dice and only one  6. Amazing. With strength 6 and toughness 5, it wounds at 3+. At least it wounded. A: 4+ To save, not even close. S: Finally, the Lasguns, short range so 4  shots at 6. Obviously they also fail. Only one wound in the entire Overwatch. A: 2 Wounds left to this guy. Now let’s resume the movement, the Tyranid prime  flies behind the hangar while the Psychophage moves forward to guard the objective 2. No one c
an shoot so let’s go straight to the charge phase, the Leapers charge the  Artilleries and need 7 to reach them. 7! That’s perfect! Now the only thing left  to do is eliminate the Artilleries. In the combat phase the Leapers pile in to better  fight the enemies and then make 18 attacks at 3+, 13 hits! With strength 5 and toughness  7 they need 5+ to wound. 6 Wounded! That’s not too bad, good job guys! S: -1 Penetration, so I need 5+ to save. 3 wounds saved and 3 wounds suffered.  The artillery h
as 6 wounds each so 3 wounds left on the Malleus Rocket Launcher. The  soldiers attack the Leapers, 6 attacks at 4+. Only 2. 5+ to wound. Obviously no one. Help. In the command phase I gain an additional command point thanks to the Karsk Enhancement,  then I roll a dice at 4+ to gain one more command point thanks to the mission.  Yep, another command point for me. Karsk gives the order Take Aim! which  improves the Ballistic Skill of the unit to which he gave the order, but thanks to his  Enhanc
ement all Astra units on the battlefield receive the order, instead of just one. Luckily my artillery survived the Leapers' attack, but now it is best that they fall back from the  fight to allow the rest of the army to fire on the Leapers. The Gunther's Rats advance and  roll a 2, it's not much but I can place them far enough ahead. The Command Squad together with  Karsk moves forward leaving behind the objective which is now under my control. The Sentinel  makes space among the soldiers and mo
ves to the front line, in sight of the Psychophage. I need to get the Leapers out of the way, the Diehards fire all their weapons at the Tyranids.  The Drum-Fed Autogun fires along with the Lasguns, +1 for the order but -1 for the Leapers'  Stealth rule so 16 shots at 4+. 8 hit. Strength 3 and Toughness 5, need to roll a 5+. 4 wounds. A: Saving with 4+, unlucky… That’s a Leaper dead… S: Plasmagun, 2 shots at 4+. Only one.  3+ to wound. Oh missed. Grenade Launcher armed with Krak Grenade. 1 shot
at 4+.  Ok hit. At strength 9, I need a 3+ to wound. This too failed. On to the next ones. A: But first, this guy has to leave… Sorry mate. S: The Command Squad also tries to eliminate the  Leapers. The first to shoot is Karsk with his Plasma Pistol. 1 shot at 4+. 6! Excellent shot.  3+ to wound. Never mind. A Bolt Pistol from one of the guards along with the Lasguns from the others,  7 shots at 4+. Only 3, not many. Toughness 5 is quite high, so they wound at 5+. A wound. A: Saving again with 4
+, nope… 2 Wounds left to this guy. S: The Sentinel divides the fire of its weapons, first firing the Supercharged Plasma Cannon at  the Leapers. D3 shots. 1 shot, this shooting phase is not going very well. 4+ to hit. Yes,  now with strength 8 it must roll 3+. Nice! A: This will be hard, invulnerable save  at 6, that doesn’t look like a 6 to me… S: Being a Supercharged shot, I have to take the  Hazardous test, if I roll a 1 the vehicle suffers 3 wounds. No problem, the Sentinel is fine. The Sen
tinel turns its attention towards the Psychophage, firing the  Hunter-Killer Missile at him, which can only be used once during the battle. A: I spend 1 command point for the stratagem “Hyper-Reactive” on the Psychophage, it gives a  -1 to the hitroll to every unit targeting him. S: -1 for Hyper-Reactive but +1 for the order, so  1 shot at 4+. Hit! Strength 14 and Toughness 9, 3+ to wound. And wounded, at  least I didn't waste this shot. A: 6 To save, nope… S: That shot inflicts D6 wounds. 3 wou
nds to the large insect. A: Ignoring wounds with 5+ thanks to “Feel no Pain”, not even one. The  Psychophage is down to 7 wounds. The first turn is over and I already  have a huge advantage over Simone. I’m in control of 2 objectives and my Psychophage  is guarding the third. My Leapers managed to stop the Artilleries from firing and survived  Simone’s shooting phase, this means that they can block them one more time in the next turn! S: Unfortunately I wasn't able to eliminate the Leapers this
round, so no victory points from the  secondary objective. That charge on the first turn immediately put me in difficulty and prevented me  from firing the artillery this turn, but the next turn should be easier, let's see what I can do. A: At the start of the turn I gain 10 victory points for the control of objectives 3 and 4, then  I roll a dice to see if I can take the additional command point at 4+, close, but not close enough. S: In this Battle Round too I choose the Leapers as the target o
f my secondary objective,  hoping to be able to complete it this time. Then in Andrea's command phase I use  two command points for "Artillery Strike", a stratagem that halves the movement of  enemy units, halves their rolls to advance, gives a -1 penalty to hit rolls  and above all, the enemy units can't make charges this turn, really useful. A: Then at the end of the command phase the last Leaper has to take a battleshock test, he  needs 8+ to succeed, well, that’s perfect! 8! Since Simone hal
ved the movement of my units I  need to advance with my Termagants in order to do anything… And of course I roll a 2… Luckily  enough, 5 inches movement is what I needed to have the enemy unit in sight. Now the other  unit of Termagants, they also roll a 2 for the advance so they decide to move just a little  bit towards the objective 3. The Psychophage on the other part of the hangar instead does  a normal movement to be able to shoot. The Psychophage starts the shooting phase  targeting the Se
ntinel with his Psychoclastic Torrent, D6 attacks that hit automatically, 1…  Higher touhness so wounding with 5+, nevermind. The Termagants can shoot thanks to the rule  “Assault” so they aim the Infantry Squad behind the tentacle and make 10 attacks at 5+ because  of the -1 of Simone’s stratagem. Only 2 hit, nice… Higher strength so wounding  with 3+, at least they both wound. S: 5+ to save them, nope, the first  two dead soldiers of the game. This turn too I get an additional command point  f
or the Karsk Enhancement, then I roll at 4+ to get the mission one. Yes! I'm rich! Karsk again  gives the order Take Aim! to all Astra units. In the movement phase, the first to move are  the Gunther's Rats who take cover behind the enormous Tyranid tentacle. The Diehards move  forward, moving closer to the hangar opening to have more enemy targets in line of fire. A: And the Psychophage shoots overwatch on the Infantry, D6 shots that hit automatically,  6! That’s perfect! With strength 6 and to
ughness 3 he wounds with 2, 5 wounds hit! S: With penetration -1, I have to save 5 soldiers at 6. Not even one? What a massacre. This unit was  just halved with a single salvo of fire. Ouch. The Command Squad begins a competition  to see who can kill the Leapers first, Karsk takes precedence and fires his Plasma Pistol  at them. 1 shot at 4+. Nope, you missed your chance Karsk. Bolt Pistol plus Lasguns, 7 shots  at 4+. Wow ok, 6 hits. 5+ to wound, two wounds. A: Saving with 4+, oh come on… Can y
ou save some  wounds please?? 1 Wound left to the Leaper. S: The Diehards also participate in  the competition against the Leapers. Drum-fed Autogun with the Lasguns, 8 shots  at 4+. 5 hit, 5+ to wound. Only two again? A: 3+ To save this time since he’s  in cover… Finally! Both saved! S: Plasmagun, 2 shots at 4+. Failed  miserably. Grenade Launcher with Krak Grenade. 1 shot at 4+. How sad. I need to take out the Leaper now and the Sentinel fires the Plasma Cannon on  the last remaining Tyranid i
n the unit. D3 shots. Only 1... please! 4+ to hit. Ok, so  far so good. Now I need 3+ to wound. Yes! A: Saving with 6, nope… And the last Leaper  is also eliminated from the battlefield. S: The Gunther's Rats arrived late  for the competition that just ended, so they open fire on the Termagants next  to the objective. Laspistol plus Lasguns, 11 shots at 3+ for the order. Rerolling the  dice in the balance. 8, not bad. Same strength and toughness, so 4+ to wound. 7, great! A: 5+ To save, 4 wounds
saved! That’s great! S: My favorite weapon in the unit, the flamer!  D6 shots. 5! It was what I hoped for. The shots automatically hit and wound at 3+. Um, only two. A: Saving again with 5+, nope. 2 More dead. S: And finally, the Meltagun,  1 shot at 3+. Nope, missed. A: 5 Dead Termagant, that could’ve been worse. S: Artillery fires at different targets, let's start with the Bombast Field Gun firing at  the Barbgaunts. I use a command point for "Bring it Down" which allows me to re-roll failed
dice  to hit against the chosen unit, in this case the Barbgaunts. D6 shots. 3. Not having the target in  sight I have to shoot with the Indirect Fire rule with a -1 to hit, but +1 for the order and another  +1 for the Heavy rule, so the sum is a +1 to hit. 3 shots at 4+. I re-roll the failed dice for the  stratagem. All three hit. 3+ to wound. I use a command point to reroll a dice. Two wounds, okay. A: 4+ To save thanks to the cover, that’s 2 wounds each so I really need to save it, rerolling 
with a command point, yes! Both saved! S: And now the Malleus Rocket Launcher firing at  the Termagants next to the objective. D6+6 shots plus one for the Blast rule. 10 total shots. 4+  to hit. 5 hits on the Termagants including two 6s, which thanks to Sustained Hits make two additional  hits, so 7 in total. Strength 6 and toughness 3, 2 is enough to wound. 6 wounds. A: Ouch, saving 6 wounds with 6, only 2 saved. That’s enough to keep 1 Termagant alive. S: The Gunther's Rats must reach Objecti
ve 3 at all costs, so they charge the Termagants and  need 7 to reach them. 10! What runners they are! One by one the soldiers approach the  Tyranids, ready to fight. Before fighting, the soldiers Pile-in to carry out as many attacks  as possible. Having charged, the Astra goes first, 10 attacks at 4+. 4 attacks hit. 4+ to wound. I  reroll a dice with a command point. Only one. A: Saving with 5, nope. The last  Termagant is also eliminated. Well, I couldn’t do anything this turn…  The stratagem
that Simone used to block me was really annoying. Luckily my Psychophage  stopped the enemy Infantry Squad from reaching the objective 2 or I would’ve find myself  behind in victory points. If in the next turn I manage to charge with both the Tiranid  Prime and the Psychophage I should be fine. S: Having finally eliminated the Leapers I get  four victory points for the secondary objective reaching 9. I wasted way too many shots  trying to get the Leapers out of the way and now the Tyranids are g
etting too close  to my troops. I absolutely must be able to resist the Tyranids' next turn and try to make my  shooting phase work properly, or I won't have any troops left on the battlefield to do anything. A: In this turn I gain 10 more victory points for the control of objectives 2 and 4. S: With the Leapers gone, I change the target of my secondary objective Methodical  Destruction and choose the unit of Termagants still on the battlefield. A: Rolling for the additional command point at 4+,
here it is! The Termagants move closer to objective 3. S: The Gunther's Rats Overwatch the Termagants as  soon as they start moving. Lasguns plus Laspistol, 11 shots at 6. Oh, only 1. 4+ to wound. Nope,  let's forget about it. Flamer, D6 shots. 6 shots! Amazing flamer. Luckily it hits automatically,  it only has to wound at 3+. 3 Wounds. A: Saving with 5+, 1 saved, it’s ok. S: Last weapon, the Meltagun, 1 shot at 6. Missed. A: After removing the 2 unfortunate burned Termagants, the unit resume 
the movement and gets closer to objective 3. Then the Psychophage gets closer to the other  Infantry Squad and the Tyranid Prime flies over the Hangar and lands right beside the Command  Squad and the Sentinel. At the end of the phase then I spend a command point for the stratagem  “Teeming Broods”. It allows me to deploy a new unit of Termagants composed of 2D6 models, rolling  the dice, 6! That’s really nice! I place them at 9 inches from the enemy Command Squad. The Barbgaunts finally can sh
oot, and they aim the Infantry Squad holding objective 3,  thanks to the rule blast they shoot 5D6 +5 shots, that’s 18 shots total that hit at 3+ thanks to the  rule heavy, oh wow… 6 Shots hit out of 18, that’s really impressive… Wounding with 3+, 4 wounds. S: 5+ to save those poor unfortunates. Ouch, that's 3 dead soldiers. I don't  have much hope for this unit. A: Now it’s the Termagant unit to return the  favour on the Infantry Squad, 8 shots at 4+, 3 hit. Wounding with 3+, only 1… S: 5+ once
again, another death. I honestly thought it could be much worse. A: Ok, next unit. Termagants on Command Squad, 6 shots at 4+, 4 hit.  Wounding again with 3+, 3 hit! S: 3 shots to save at 5+. Two saved, ok! The  last one must try to ignore the wound at 6 thanks to the medi-pack. Nope, the Command Squad  has its first dead soldier. There are 4 left now. A: Alright the last one to shoot is the  Psychophage, he also aims at the Command Squad. D6 Shots, only 2 that luckily hit  automatically. Wound
ing with 2+, only 1… S: 6 this time to save, as I imagined.  6 again to ignore the wound. Another Command Squad soldier leaves. A: The Termagants try to charge the Command Squad and need a 10 to reach  them, rerolling with a command point, 9! That’s so unfortunate… Well at least both the  Prime and the Psychophage charge automatically… The Psychophage starts the combat phase attacking  the Infantry Squad and making D6+1 attacks, 6! That’s 7 attacks that hit at 2+  thanks to the ability “Feeding
Frenzy”, 5 hit. With strength 6 he wounds  with 2+, thanks to devastating wounds that’s 3 mortal wounds and a normal one! S: Only one can try to save himself at 6. Nope, he's dead too. Four soldiers lie on the ground,  in pieces. The poor remaining man tries to fight the monster with an attack at 4+. Nope, he's too  scared to do anything, after all who wouldn't be. A: And now the Tyranid Prime, 6 attacks at  2+ on the Command Squad, all hit! Strength 6 so wounding with 2+, that’s 5 wounds! S: I
have to divide the attacks to see if the medic dies. I start with two attacks at  6. None, each attack is two wounds that I have to ignore at 6, first attack. Nope.  Second attack. Obviously not. Two dead, including the medic. The three remaining attacks  go to Karsk who saves at 6. Oh no, Karsk is definitely dead. The Command Squad was devastated  and not a single soldier was left alive. The Sentinel attacks the Tyranid Prime making 2  attacks at 5+. Only one. 3+ to wound. Excellent, nice work.
My infantry units are still  on the battlefield but devastated, so I can't use the command point to bring them back as  reinforcements. At this point I would say that the game ends here, with the victory of the Tyranids! A: Well not eliminating both the Infantry Squads was a miracle, it stopped Simone from  using the stratagem to bring them back at full strength. Also the Leapers soaked 2  turns of fire and that allowed me to better place my units and take control of 3 objectives  stopping Simo
ne from gaining victory points. S: I was happy to be able to go second so I  could get the Tyranids close before shooting, but the Leapers' charge in the first turn and the  fact that they survived for so long put me in huge trouble from the start. I would have liked to  see the Tyranids' troops decimated by my volleys of fire and instead those who were decimated  were my soldiers. They really didn't end well. Before finishing we would like to take a  moment to thank our members who have decided
to support us on Patreon. And if you guys want  to support the channel and enjoy an additional and exclusive battle report per month or  see your models showcased in our videos, the Patreon link is in the description.  We are waiting for you on discord! A: And if you have come this far, write the words  "Too-Close" in the comments to let us know, you are the best! And if you are not yet subscribed,  subscribe to the channel. If you liked the video, leave a like and write us in the comments! We 
are always curious to know what you think! S: That's it guys! A: See you next video!



I thought the game was gonna be rough for the nids when they lost a turn of charging, but keeping both Cadian Squads barely alive prevented them from being revived was a smart play even if a little lucky. Good game!


You know things will be hard for the Guard when the enemy gets Too Close to the artillery turn 1.


Amazing video, loved the voices and seeing a smaller battle too. keep it up 😄


too close! loved the episode, keep em coming! ;3 <3


let's go nids ^^ the guard were to close to blowing up all the little bees ^^


Yeah good lesson ... if the Tyranids fet Too-close they will chew your face off. Poor Karsk.


wait wait do we need still change that old scout sentinal base size?


Too close for comfort.