
7 Happy Songs in Horror Versions

I played 7 happy songs in horror versions on piano. Would you imagine these songs as horror movie soundtrack? I hope you enjoy! Be a Member of my channel! Hear on Spotify:


4 years ago

嗚嗚!令人毛骨悚然的書,我喜歡令人毛骨悚然的書了! 禁歌?聽起來不錯! 啊......哦,請原諒我,我需要轉移一下。 唔......。好無聊,回到凝視你的靈魂。 看這個! 7.小星星變奏曲 莫札特 *燈光閃爍* 6.祝我生日快樂 祝我生日快樂 生日快樂,生日快樂,祝我生日快樂 更好的版本,更好的地獄,更好的凝視 5.耶穌,男人渴望的喜悅-1723- 巴哈 那種魔力是什麼? 安娜貝爾? 嗚!!那不是我的錯 4.叮噹地獄-1857- James Lord Pierpont 叮噹地獄 叮噹地獄 叮噹到地獄 哦,這對地獄來說真是太有趣了 在一個地獄開放的雪橇 穿越黑暗 穿越黑暗 通過地獄我們去 今晚的雪橇厄運 回到地獄 回到地獄 我們去的地獄 這是我們的家 盯 3.小調的託卡塔和賦格曲 -1704- JS BACC 由Vinheteiro和鬼演出 砰砰! 嗚,我的靈魂! 2.交響曲 No.9 -1824- 貝多芬(地獄頌) *蠟燭吹* 貝多芬:我聽不到它! 1.FrèreJacques(你快死了嗎?) - 〜1780-法國民歌 *衣櫃門突然打開* 我的天啊?它還活著!??? 沒門 它被詛咒了
燮! 噢,我太難死了,請幫忙 現在訂閱!或者死! 也在飄帶上 我們再次倖存 和平了!



You and the ghost played so beautifully!


I love how these sound better than the originals.


1:46 I love this idea of sad-sounding Christmas songs! Would be great to have a whole playlist for an Alternative Christmas, or for people who don't like Christmas, or for people who are sick of the same old songs every year.


Plot twist: He's not looking at you, he's looking at the notes


I love how he stares at you like an angry child stares at a parent while being forced to do chores


That’s the version of “happy birthday” you hear when you turn 40


This man isn’t looking at you he’s looking at what’s behind you


The stare, the captions and the things happening in the background makes this so perfect 😂😂


My 1 year old niece danced along to most of these, she's really feeling it


Only thing missing in this video is that creepy af guy in the painting coming alive.


To be honest I love horror, and I love all the little paranormal stuff that happened in the background. It kind of set the mood of the theme of the video and I love it!!! ps. nice touch with the captions


It's amazing how such beautiful things can turn cold and dark in a heartbeat.


Rumors say that you can still hear piano music in that house, with a strange feeling of a stare at your soul, coming from the pianist...


I love the fact that you can see inside the piano. It looks so cool and satisfying, don't you agree❤️


Plot twist: The place is cursed for real and everyone is making jokes about it


mano, o vinheteiro é uma definição de talentoso. que homem!!


I need that version of Happy Birthday for my next birthday.


Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday to me... I’m depressed can’t you see I just want to be happy But my life has no meaning Jingle Bells: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride a one-way trip to hell Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to jump into a high high well Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: Twinkle twinkle my dead star, How I ponder what you are Up above my roof so high, Like a bird I tried to fly Twinkle twinkle my dead star Let me drown in pitch black tar


The scariest part is still the young Mozart looking at the scene.


These side effects like the candles, the piano in the back and so on are EXTREMELY good! Respect bro