
7 March 2024,,BBC Global News Podcast 2024, BBC English News Today 2024, Global News Podcast

YOUR QUERIES 1. BBC Global News Podcast: A podcast produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that covers news and current affairs from around the world. It offers in-depth analysis and reporting on global events and stories. 2. Global News Podcast: A podcast that covers international news and events from various sources and perspectives, often produced by media organizations worldwide. 3. BBC News Podcast: A podcast produced by the BBC that provides news coverage on various topics, including politics, economics, technology, sports, and more. 4. BBC News Live: The live streaming service of BBC News, allowing viewers to watch news coverage in real-time through their website or designated platforms. 5. BBC Podcast: Any podcast produced by the BBC, covering a wide range of topics, including news, entertainment, education, and more. 6. BBC English News: News coverage by the BBC in the English language, primarily targeting an English-speaking audience. 7. BBC News: The news division of the British Broadcasting Corporation, renowned for its comprehensive and impartial news coverage across various platforms, including TV, radio, and online. 8. BBC News Live Today: Real-time news coverage provided by BBC News on the current events and stories happening on the day of broadcasting. 9. BBC World News: A BBC television channel dedicated to international news and current affairs. 10. Podcast English: Any podcast produced in the English language, covering a wide range of topics. 11. BBC News Today: News coverage provided by the BBC on the current events and stories happening on the day of broadcasting. 12. Democracy Now: An independent news program that provides progressive and alternative perspectives on global news and politics. 13. BBC Radio News: News coverage aired on BBC Radio channels, providing updates and analysis across various topics. 14. BBC World Service: An international broadcaster, also part of BBC, providing news and programs in multiple languages across the globe. 15. News Podcast: A podcast format that delivers news content, including reports, interviews, and discussions, to its listeners. 16. BBC: Acronym for the British Broadcasting Corporation, the UK's public service broadcaster. 17. BBC News English: News coverage provided by the BBC in the English language. 18. BBC News Live Stream: Real-time streaming of BBC News coverage, allowing viewers to watch online as events unfold. 19. BBC News Live Stream Now: Current live streaming service of BBC News, enabling immediate access to real-time news coverage. 20. BBC English: Content produced by the BBC in the English language, encompassing various media forms. 21. Global News: News coverage on international events and stories, often from a global perspective. 22. BBC World News Live Now: Live and current news coverage broadcasted on the BBC World News channel. 23. Democracy Now Today: The latest episode or current news coverage by the Democracy Now program. 24. English News Today: News coverage delivered in the English language, focusing on current events. 25. English Podcast: Any podcast produced in the English language, covering diverse topics of interest. 26. Podcast: A digital audio or video file series that can be streamed or downloaded, covering various subjects, including news, entertainment, education, and more. 27. RT News Live English: Live news coverage from RT (Russia Today) in the English language. 28. BBC Radio 4: One of the BBC's radio stations known for its diverse content, including news, current affairs, drama, and more. 29. Global News Today: News coverage on current international events and stories happening on the day of broadcasting. 30. Podcast BBC: Any podcast produced by the BBC, spanning various subjects and themes. 31. Taylor Lautner 2023: A reference to Taylor Lautner, an actor known for his role in the Twilight series, in the context of the year 2023. 32. BBC News Live Today English: Real-time news coverage provided by BBC News in the English language on the day of broadcasting. 33. RT News Today: The latest episode or current news coverage from RT (Russia Today). 34. BBC Live: Live coverage of events, shows, or news provided by the BBC. 35. BBC News 2023: News coverage provided by the BBC in the year 2023. 36. BBC Radio: Radio broadcasts and programs produced by the BBC. 37. BBC World News Live Now: Real-time news coverage broadcasted on the BBC World News channel. 38. BBC World News Today: News coverage on global events and stories delivered by the BBC. 39. Huw Edwards: A Welsh journalist and broadcaster, known for his work with the BBC, including presenting the BBC News at Ten. 40. Podcast English BBC: A podcast produced by the BBC in the English language, covering various topics. 41. World News Today Live English: Live news coverage on international events delivered in the English language.

Global News Podcast

21 hours ago

welcome to the global news podcast your source  for the latest and most comprehensive coverage of global events breaking news and in-depth  analysis we are here to guide you through the top stories from around the world  whether it's politics economics culture or science I'm Rachel Wright and in the early hours  of Thursday the 7th of March these are our main stories South Africa has petitioned the internet  naal court of justice to impose new emergency measures on Israel citing what it describe
s as  widespread starvation in Gaza Ukraine's southern city of adessa has been hit by a deadly missile  strike during a visit by President zilinski and the Greek Prime Minister kirakos mitsotakis  a thousand National Guard soldiers and police officers are to be deployed to patrol New  York City's Subway to help tackle violent crime also in this podcast of course there is a certain curiosity as  to what they would have thought of this but they did not participate in this  decision a new book is p
ublished by the sons of a late great Colombian  author against the wishes of their parents South Africa has asked the international  court of justice to order emergency measures against Israel over its war in Gaza warning that  starvation for palestin ions must no longer a threat but a reality this is the second time  Petoria has asked the court to take action in the war in February a call to order Israel to  Halt an offensive against the city of Rafa was denied I got more from our correspondent
in the  ha anah holligan South Africa accuses Israel of repeatedly using humanitarian Aid as a bargaining  chip in negotiations creating hostile inoperable environments for Aid agencies um blocking Aid  deliver iies creating restrictions and denials closed Crossings deliberately targeting and  killing humanitarian workers and destroying Palestinian crops and arable land I'm just  reading through these here forcing Palestinian men women and children to eat animal feed  bird seed and leaves and o
f course Israel has has denied targeting humanitarian workers  I mean South Africa is a real leading voice in this does it have support there is WI spread  support but what we've seen in this case over the last couple of months is how the kind of  global Community is divided and we have seen Israel's allies like the US of course object  to this case initially but now as the situation is changing their positions have become more  Dynamic and that's really putting the pressure on this course actua
lly because more and more  countries are seeing International Justice as a mean to wield real power on the ground and  this is one of the first situations in which they're dealing with an an active conflict this  isn't International Justice in retrospect this is this is in real time and so the pressure is on  the court now and just towards the end of this document South Africa draws parallels with the  situation in Bosnia in the 1990s and points out that Bosnia came to the icj in 199 3 and asked
  for a similar ruling to prevent genocide that request was rejected and in 1995 genocide was  committed in cinsa and what South Africa says just at the end of this submission is that the  court must act now to prevent another genocide but what the court has to weigh up now is whether  the the situation has changed enough since their original provision measures were issued to justify  issuing more as South Africa has requested here an A holligan in the hag there's been another  deadly Russian mi
ssile strike in the southern Ukrainian Port City of adessa this time during  a visit by the Greek Prime Minister kirakos mitsotakis captured there the sound of the attack  which happened just a few hundred meters away from where Ukraine's president volodimir zalinski was  showing Mr mitz attakus around the port no one from either delegation was hurt but five people  have died I spoke to Vitali shevchenko a Russia editor at BBC monitoring about what had happened  they were at the Port seeing the
infrastructure when they heard sirens and explosions according  to Mr mitat Takis they didn't really have time to take cover and he described it as a very intense  experience now afterwards uh president zalinski described the attack and he said and a quote that  Russia had either gone crazy or lost control of its Army now we have to remember that adessa has  been under Relentless Russian attack for more than a week now the two leaders visited an apartment  block which was hit by a Russian drone
in the early hours of Saturday and 12 people died five  of them children so what happens is yet another attack on this really important Ukrainian City  given that why do you think that the two leaders were there it's a dangerous place to be it was  an act of Bravery that's true and president zalinski has been on numerous visits to really  dangerous places and of course no place within Ukraine is completely safe but he's made a point  of visiting Frontline towns and Villages just uh a few hundred
s of meters away from Russian forces  and of course Russia has attacked places where they know foreign dignities are it has in April  2022 Kev was bombed when the un Secretary General Antonio gutes was there and the UN delegation  said they were shocked by this act and it would appear that this can be part of Russia's strategy  undeterred Unapologetic and relentlessly targeting Ukrainian cities regardless of who's there  foreign digies or civilians or children and of course the the Russian defen
se defense Ministry  said it was targeting a maritime drone facility is that plausible it is plausible but it may or  may not be true because a Russia doesn't really have a track record of being completely truthful  when it when it comes to these attacks it's denied targeting civilian infrastructure consistently  and B Ukraine doesn't reveal what's being targeted in fact it's an offense to disclose immediately  after these attacks that such and such military facility or civilian facility has bee
n targeted  so there's a shroud of secrecy surrounding these attacks which is only to be expected at a time of  War Vali shevchenko When Alan Scott went to work as a conductor on New York City's Subway Network  last week he hadn't expected it to be different from the past 24 years in the job but that day  his neck was slashed in a violent attack and he vowed he would never go on the Underground again  it's one of many altercations and killings on the transport service recently so the authorities
  have announced a new measure they'll be sending a thousand National Guard soldiers and state police  officers on patrol there the task force will check platforms and passengers bags for weapons Governor  Kathy hok gave details at a news conference we're focusing on repeat offenders to uring crime and  protecting the people in our Subways because no one heading to their job or to visit family  or to go to a doctor appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a  deadly
weapon they shouldn't worry about whether someone's going to brandish a knife or gun that's  what we're going to do at these checkpoints these Subway users gave their thoughts I think it would  kind of deter some things that have been happening I've certainly noticed a difference in crime  in subways that even and have me as an NYPD employee fearful of my safety I think it's a not  a wonderful use of our resources to be putting National Guard into our Subways we should be  providing those resou
rces to supporting folks who are homeless to our new immigrant families  who are coming into the city I think it's worse than ever it's been getting worse for the last  couple of years and since the ridership seems to still be down from Co you feel a little alone  down there Subway users in New York City on new measures to tackle violent crime it was described  by one politician as an alleged Act of vigilantism that instilled Terror into young children now  police in Western Australia have calle
d for calm after a video circulating on social media showed  a six-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy with their hands tied crying and cowering in Terror  in the driveway as a large man stands nearby the children are from the Aboriginal Community the  man is white he's now been charged with aggravated assault the premier of Western Australia Roger  cook echoed the police call anyone that saw that video uh found would have found it confronting I  would have found it disturbing and I understan
d that it raises very strong emotions in everyone in  the community but I urge everyone let the police get on and do their job let the Justice process  take place our correspondent in Sydney Phil merer spoke to janat Jalil about the incident well the  police say that um this happened in the seaside town of broom which is about 2,000 kilomet to  the north of Perth in Western Australia they received one telephone call from a neighbor  saying that there were children in a pool in a vacant property
they then received another call  about 10 minutes later from a 45-year-old man who who said that he had restrained three children  for allegedly causing damage now when the police officers reached the property they found allegedly  two Aboriginal children tied up with cable ties in the driveway of a house at Cable Beach which is a  very popular place for tourists in broom and the officers believe that a third Aboriginal child was  also restrained but managed to escape the children have been chec
ked over by paramedics and reunited  with their families and what's been the reaction in Australia to this well senior State officials  in Western Australia say that they are appalled by some of the footage that has been shared on  social media politicians say that the video was disturbing and confronting so this will once again  highlight the treatment of Aboriginal children in Australia when it comes to the criminal justice  system First Nations Australians aged between 10 and 17 are 29 times
29 times more likely to be in  detention than their non-indigenous counterparts and of course this alleged Act of vigilantism  doesn't concern the criminal justice system in terms of those children but once again this  alleged incident does shine a light on the way that Aboriginal children are sometimes treated by  the broader Community fil merer in Australia we thought we'd close the Final Chapter on the work  of Nobel prizewinning author Gabrielle Garcia Marquez when he died 10 years ago but a
new book  until August was released on Wednesday the Lost novel is being published by his sons Gonzalo and  Rodrigo Garcia barer despite his request for it to be destroyed our culture reporter Yasmin Ruf has  the story would you go against the last wishes of your parents directly do something that they  asked you not to do well that's what Gonzalo and Rodrigo have done they have published a novel  he wrote over a decade ago while struggling with dementia Gonzalo told the BBC he wasn't sure  wha
t to do with the novel at first but destroying it was not an option of course we didn't destroy  it we weren't sure what we were going to do with it but definitely destroying it was not in our  plans about a couple of years ago 2022 we came back to the book and we didn't find it as as  disastrous as Goble had judged it the book is also unique in that it's the first of Garcia's  novels to Center on a female protagonist until August tells the story of a middle-aged woman who  travels alone to an i
sland every summer to visit her mother's grave and during each trip takes  a new lover despite being happily married we decided that maybe gabble wasn't in a position  to to judge his work you know he he could only see the flaws the story which is very different  to some of his most beloved novels such as 100 Years of Solitude has received mixed reviews from  critics with one concluding that his family and Publishers should have respected his wishes as  he was right to have never wanted this boo
k to see the light of day Garcia marquez's book is not  the first novel to be published postumus against the author's the likes of France Kafka Vladimir  Nabokov and Virgil have all had Works published after their death despite asking friends and  family to burn their stories Gonzalo told a press conference in Madrid that of course he wonders  what his late father would have made of his decision of course there is a certain curiosity  as to what they would have thought of this of what we put tog
ether now but they did not  participate in this decision however he says that him and his brother are certain that they  have made the right choice in publishing this novel we decided that you know we'd give  it a shot at giving our version of what gab's work would look like this is really  gab's last work there's nothing else in the drawer there you know this is the last thing  that he was working on that report by Yasmin rufo still to come on this podcast he was typical  ordinary man not a you
know flying dragon breezing fire a film about a prominent Nazi gets its first  screening in a former concentration [Music] camp as we Mark International women's day discover two  podcasts from the BBC World Service celebrating women around the world where to be a woman  is the brand new podcast exploring in which countries women are living their best lives and  my award-winning podcast dear daughter is back for season 3 join me nanta combo as I update  my handbook to life for daughters everywhe
re search for where to be a woman and dear daughter  wherever you get your BBC [Music] podcasts welcome back to the global news podcast in recent years  the Spanish authorities have investigated several top footballers on tax fraud accusations with some  cases resulting in millions of dollars in fines now prosecutors are seeking a jail sentence of  nearly 5 years for the Real Madrid manager Carlo ancelotti over alleged Undeclared earnings of more  than a million dollars the newsroom's Nigel Adie
has more about the allegations they relate to his  first fell in charge of the club in 2014 and 2015 and the Madrid Community prosecutor's office have  accused him of creating a confusing and complex system of shell companies to extra earnings  now ancelotti was paying tax on the wages he was getting from Real Madrid his football club  but he was also earning money for the club as well for image rights which are often negotiated  separately to the core contract and they relate to the image bein
g used of the of the person  in merchandise and promotion and that sort of thing and the allegation is that this money  was hidden away in these shell companies and tax wasn't paid on it now there's been no comment  from ancelotti's legal team or the club so far but the prosecutors in Spain believe they have  a solid case so how extensive is the Spanish tax Authority's pursuit of of footballers and  top earners in sport well they've been going after celebrities as well as sports stars in  Spain
now over many years because I think they became frustrated that a number of uh top sports  stars and also in entertainment and other walks of life were being paid huge sums of money but on  large portions of that were not paying tax because it was being squirreled away into offshore tax  companies and we've seen two of the most famous footballers in the world also be prosecuted  by the Spanish tax authorities in 2017 Leonel Messi was given a 21-month jail sentence that  was reduced to a fine he
was found guilty of defrauding Spain of nearly $5 million during  his time at Barcelona and Cristiano Ronaldo also accepted a fine of over $20 million for tax  evasion while he was playing at Real Madrid and he was also given a 23mon jail sentence but in  Spain convictions like that usually don't result in prison time because a firsttime offender who  gets less than two years tend to spend time on probation or pay a fine so effectively Ronaldo's  prison sentence was suspended a number of sports
stars have often blamed advisors previously and  said that these companies were set up without really their knowledge and and although they were  being paid the money they weren't absolutely sure of where all the money was going and how much tax  was being paid but clearly this doesn't wash with the authorities in Spain and now they're cracking  down hard once again the news rooms Nigel Adie in a few days time the Holocaust era drama the zone  of Interest could make history by becoming the first
British film ever to win the Oscar for  best International feature the film which has f nominations has become one of the most talked  about of this award season the authorities at outfits where the film is set recently held a  special screening at the former concentration camp to Mark the official polish premere our  reporter Tom Brooke was in the audience for the screening of a 24's film directed by Jonathan  Glazer it has the feel of experimental Cinema an anthropological study of a man resp
onsible for  Mass extermination Rudolph Hurst the commandant of the aitz Concentration Camp it observes  him his family and their domestic routines good evening everybody thank you the film's  director Jonathan Glazer welcomed the audience to a special screening of the zone of interest  in the cinema Hall at the former concentration camp it's Jonathan Glazer's first film in  almost 10 years a labor of love he wanted authenticity he wanted to shoot it at alitz I  felt that the film had to be abou
t this place and the importance of this place but what  really sets the director's film apart from standard Holocaust movies is its point of view the  focus is not on those who suffered at aitz but on the perpetrators chief among them Rudolph Hurst  the Nazi commandant of the camp who lived with his family a seemingly Blissful life in a house  adjacent to the Concentration Camp the audience at the special asit screening were impressed by the  film's unusual perspective and how it normalized the
horrific you can see Ordinary People like  commant of aitz he was typical ordinary man not a you know flying dragon breathing fire he  had family his own life and he was able to run the biggest death camp in [Music] Europe one  of the things that's incredibly powerful is how he uses sound to convey the horror of the  Concentration Camp you hear the noises of H's children playing joyfully in the garden combined  with the suffering coming out of these buildings people in pain gunfire the judge pos
ition of  these sounds is truly horrifying and very powerful Cinema director Jonathan Glazer to try and  show these people as people not as monsters was a very important thing to do because human  beings did this to other human beings and it's very convenient for us to try and distance  ourselves from them because we think we could never behave this way but I think we should  be less certain in that that report by Tom Brooke a teacher in Bangladesh has now been  formally suspended after shooting
a student in the leg during an altercation at school and  faces lifetime imprisonment if convicted the incident caused outrage at the medical school in  the city of shiraj gong the teacher in question was already under review for erratic Behavior  our Bangladesh correspondent Akbar Hussein has spoken to the school and told Stephanie Prentice  about what they'd said they told me that there was exam going on in a classroom and the student  he was asked a question and when he failed to answer that
the teacher he became very Furious  and at some point he just took his rivver from his bag and shot him in his leg and he received  a very bad injury and immediately he was taken to to the hospital and other students they became  very scared and they called the emergency hel line triple9 to the police then police came  into the scene and they arrested the teacher and uh we know this teacher had previous he had  history of bringing weapons into the classroom why wasn't it addressed before what h
ave the  schools said basically you know in Bangladesh you know teachers are very powerful so they  can exercise their powers over students the other students they told me that arms are like  a pet to him because he used to keep you know arms in his bag you know that that was kind of  his hobby but they never filed any complaint so that's why Medical College authorities that  told me that they didn't know anything about it but the behavior of the teacher that was not  up to the mark because that
was not student friendly that's why he was cautioned several  times and last month he was given the final warning that the way way he was behaving with  the students because he became Furious and he is not attending his classes properly and he is  very rude to the students that's why he was given the final warning and the police are looking  into whether this gun was being held legally because Firearms are prohibited there yeah it is  absolutely prohibited I mean if you want to have or keep any
firearms in your position you have to  have the permission from the police because you have to show the reason that your life is at risk  your life is under threat so two cases have been filed the one is keeping illegal firearms in his  position and other is attempt to murder so if the they are proven before the court he might be given  lifetime imprisonment Akbar Hussein speaking to Stephanie Prentice a statuette of the Virgin Mary  in central Italy Can Cry tears of blood so said a self-procla
imed visionary who drew large crowds  to a small town north of Rome now that has been dismissed as fake by the Catholic church after it  launched an investigation into the phenomena last year as Alice ad reports after an investigation  involving theologians members of the clergy and followers of the cult which sprang up around the  statue the dasis of chiita Castellano near Rome has ruled there's nothing Supernatural about it  since 2016 gizela cardi had claimed it cried tears of blood and deliv
ered a message to her direct  from the Virgin Mary every third day she'd been holding large prayer meetings in front of a shrine  she'd created in the town of trevano Romana much to the annoyance of locals Alice adly and finally  K-pop Star Karina has issued an apology to angry fans who accused her of betrayal because she has  a boyfriend the fans reportedly drove a truck to the singer's agency after finding out she was  dating actor leej o on the truck was an electronic billboard which said Is
the Love given to you by  your fans Not Enough correspondent Laura Crest spoke to Luke Jones Karina she say she's the lead  singer from this K-pop band esper she gave this apology on her Instagram Tuesday night and that  was a week after the news broke of this new love life she started very solemnly she said I'm sorry  to have startled you she went on saying I'm fully aware of how my M or or My that's the name of the  girl groups fan club who have supported me would have been disappointed in me
to think of all the  stories that we share together she then says I'd like to make amends for the hurt I've caused  saying she wants to heal the wounds and she wants to work harder to not let the fans down  but I think it's safe to say even this apology hasn't really calm them down and is this whole  issue at all surprising in the world of K-pop it isn't it's not really really surprising in the  world of Pop I'd argue either but this is quite an extreme example even in pop and specifically  in K
-pop don't forget it did used to be common practice for K-pop agencies to actually ban new  stars from dating even having a personal mobile phone and so now these admissions of romantic  relationships often quite scandalous even now to hear and is there any support for her from  her fans it's in the minority I have to say looking through social media reaction to this a  lot of people angry actually that she gave this apology on Instagram rather than something called  Bubble which is the uh priva
te messaging service for fans and they pay a monthly subscription  fee for that but I did find one message they said you don't need to apologize for feeling  I'll always root for your happiness Laura Crest and that's all from us for now but  there will be a new edition of the global news podcast later if you want to comment  on this podcast or the topics covered in it you can send us an email the address  is global podcast you can also find us on X Global newsp pod this Edition  was mi
xed by Nick randelle and the producer was meline Drury the editor is Karen Martin  I'm Rachel Wright until next time [Music] goodbye
