
7 Tips to help your Beagle Live Longer

Want to make sure your Beagle buddy has the longest, happiest life possible? You're in the right place! In this video, we're sharing 7 top tips to help your Beagle live a longer and healthier life. Get Beagle Puppy Handbook: **************************************** Check out our blog: **************************************** My Recommendations: Puppy Dog Food for Beagles Amazon USA: Amazon India: Adult Dog Food for Beagles Amazon USA: Amazon India: Dog Treats Amazon USA: Amazon India: KONG Toy Amazon USA: Amazon India: Dog Toys Amazon USA: Amazon India: Dog Bed Amazon USA: Amazon India: I am a beagle owner myself and raising him was the toughest thing as there was hardly any beagle specific information on the internet. So I took it on me and decided to share all the knowledge that I learned the hard way. In my videos, I cover all kinds of topics related specifically to beagles. So make sure to subscribe to our channel as I upload 2 videos every week.

Beagle Care

6 days ago

we all want our beagles to stick with us for as long as possible so here are seven tips to help your beagle live longer number one feed your beagle a balanced diet food plays a big role in how long any dog lives for beagles it's important to give them a balanced diet with the right mix of proteins fats and carbs avoid giving them a lot of table scraps and treats high in sugar and fat a balanced diet helps keep their weight in check and helps them avoid health issues like diabetes or joint proble
ms get regular vet checkups dogs can't tell if something is wrong so regular checkups with the vet are super important these visits help catch any problems early when they're easier to treat your vet might recommend some tests and vaccines that are particularly useful for beagles since they can be prone to certain health issues keep them active beagles are active dogs that love to run and play exercise helps keep their hearts strong and their muscles and Joints healthy regular walks and play tim
e can make a huge difference in their overall health plus it's good for their mental well-being too don't skip Dental Care people often forget about their dog's teeth but Dental Care is actually really important for their overall health bad teeth can lead to other problems like infections that can spread to different parts of the body brush your beagle's teeth regularly and consider giving them Dental chews to help keep their gums and teeth clean watch out for signs of illness beagles like other
dogs can get sick and it's easier to treat an illness if you catch it early knowing what's normal for your dog will help you notice when something's off if your beagle is acting strange losing weight or seems really tired all the time it's best to consult with your vet as soon as you can social interaction is key dogs are social animals and they need interaction with people and other dogs to stay happy socializing your beagle helps them handle stress better which is good for their Health Plus i
t keeps their mind sharp just be mindful of introducing your beagle to new dogs as sometimes they can be a bit too too enthusiastic stick to a routine beagles and dogs in general like knowing what to expect consistent meal times walk schedules and bedtime can help reduce stress in your dog's life less stress means a happier healthier beagle that's it for today if you love beagles hit that like button later



My beagle is 16 years old is now totally deaf and 90% blind. The vet says she is still going strong. I love her to bits and cuddle and pat her all the time and she still loves a good tummy rub.


Soooo sweet.๐Ÿ’โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜


I love my beagle girl. Shes getting old and sleeps a lot on my bed.and oddly,unlike true to her breed,she doesnt bark or howl. In the 4 years ive had her,shes only barked 3 times๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


Can you please suggest some recipes or food for the beagle dog


Where can i adopt a beagle in mumbai??


Dental not an issue on a raw diet


If you feed your dog raw food you wonโ€™t need many if any vet visits Can attest to this personally


Donโ€™t listen, feed your dog raw food