
7.2 Three Female Poses || Learn to draw anime || Anime Drawing free course || Anime Art

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Drnchrj Academy

11 months ago

hey everyone in this video I'm going to be going over female poses with clothes so once again I have it on my phone here I have a standing a sitting one and a dynamic one so if you guys have uh if you guys can see the downloadable resources go ahead and download that and use that for your reference if you want to of course as always if you want to use your own poses go ahead and do that as well so let's get started and I will go a little bit quicker because I don't want this to drag on for too l
ong uh but anyways let's get started so with the first pose we always want to draw our head understand where it's going in space so you want to draw across lines uh depending on where the head is facing right so our eye line is facing this way because she's looking out in space then we have our neck that's one hand down from the nose and then what we can do is we can draw two two boxes this box would look better if it was more Dynamic so I would current more to the side where her shoulder is mor
e up it's not like that in the actual photo but I'm doing this for artistic purposes then what we can do is we can go ahead and draw one box that it will be a rib cage box and then we have our pelvis box which will be a little bit more wide because for a girl uh usually we would have wider hips halfway point is our pelvis and I'm going to be changing this just because I like to but anyways here we have our arm which I'm going to rather than go into the center I'm going to extend outward so I can
see more of the pose in her and here we have her hands being collected on one side so now I'm going to be drawing her legs I'll zoom out to see if I can there I could and then what I can do now is I can go to the legs so the legs she looks it looks like that she's kind of bending them which is cute I like it so I'm going to be doing the same thing I'm going to draw a line here to show where it's going to bend I'm going to bend it lower in this case I'm not going to bend it too much since she's
a it's more of a standing pose and I'm going to keep this leg more straight and her feet more flat so this one will be more in the air so this is what it will look like so we can also draw in her legs from thick to thin make sure it's nice and slender and then we have the calf of course if it's too short go ahead and change it or if it's too long go ahead and change it but we just want the basic shapes in there these can be corrected later so that that's her legs and that's the top of her body s
o let's zoom in and let's actually start detailing these out so as you can see I'm going a little bit faster now this gesture took about three minutes for you guys it may take a little bit longer feel free to pause if you need to so we're going to go off from here and just start erasing most of this and that's just because I don't want this to distract the rest of my drawing so I'm just erasing it but I can see enough that I can draw on top of so here we have our head her ears and here we have h
er then here we have her color her neck and the color wraps around her neck like a cylinder so you can see two sides you can see one side which is underneath and then the other side which goes over so notice that I always wrap around like a cylinder because that's you know what the neck is here we have a ribbon which I will make a little bit bigger than in the image just because it stands out a little bit more if you want to draw the hair as well go ahead so here's the ribbon which is just two t
riangles connected to one point so here is her hair which it can be drawn very simply make sure it's overlapping your scalp or scalp so it looks more puffy and nice then we can draw in her sleeves so if you want you can draw in the basic shape of her arms we have her elbow we have her upper arm we have her hand the sleeves ended right above and right about uh her and at her elbow area so I'm going to make this more scrunched up because it's you know pulled too her elbow making her arm a little b
it more slender so it doesn't look too thick her this seems like a little bit puffy so I'm going to drag this down and overlap it over on top and I'm going to draw in some Force to show that it's connecting downward if you want to add a little bit of more chest go ahead and do that here is the middle section where it's buttoned up and here is some folds to show that the fabric is stretching a little bit around her waist we have our skirt which is more like a high waist skirt but just because it'
s a high waist skirt doesn't mean that everything else on our body moves up so just keep in mind that the rest of her body lower body will be in the same position it's just a higher waistline here we have her other arm and then same thing on the other side scrunched up shoulders sorry not shoulder scrunched up sleeves with a little bit of bagginess around the sides and here we have her other arm maybe she's grabbing some shopping bags in this case so this is a little shopping bag here so this wi
ll be good enough at the top now let's go towards the bottom if you remember how to draw pleats just make sure that you go one plate over another so we have our first pleat then we have our second then we have our third we have a fourth and fifth until it reaches all across the girl's waist our legs if you want to shade it in shade it in go ahead and do so as well you don't have to though I'm putting in a little bit of value just to show the distance and a little bit of uh depth into the skirt l
et me zoom out so I can focus on the legs now so the legs would be pretty easy all you can do is just continue and refine drawing her legs so we have for our front leg her knee cap her calf some almost knee-high socks shade that in if you want to and then here we have her shoes so usually these kind of shoes are a little bit more on the unique side let me zoom in they have this kind of dressy look to them but they're not sneakers obviously so they're kind of more like dress shoes so you have the
tongue area then we have a strap over on top and then we have a heel at the back and flat in the beginning same thing on the other side so you have a strap over on top and the beginning is more box-ish boxy and we have a little bit of a heel at the end so that is our girl standing pose this is what it looks like so so far so good let me zoom out and see what this looks like it's a hole pretty good so on to the next one is our sitting pose which will be a more elegant pose rather than a cutesy p
ose she has a more elegant look at with her hairstyle and her clothing so let's get started once again uh so first we want to draw in first we want to draw on her head which is more of a side view sort of side three quarter View but more more leaning side view we could draw in her hair very loosely which is kind of like a little low bun and her neck is straight down you can see her clavicle kind of bending downward so we can sort of see down see downward from her clavicle here we have her chest
which kind of she's more she has a good posture so she's kind of standing a little bit more sitting a little bit more straight so I'm going to curve this a little bit so make sure to draw in the pelvis area as well sitting she has her legs kind of crossed so her legs one leg will go above the other so this one will go up and this leg will kind of go towards us this is the leg underneath so draw in the calf draw a little bit of the kneecap and her legs look a lot longer because she's in heels the
refore her foot is a little bit more shown that's why it looks longer and then her other leg will be bent so try to not also confuse which foot is which um basically to not to not confuse um which foot is which is to know where the big toes are so the big toes are inverted towards each other so let's say for instance for example left this is your right foot it will always be pointy inward so this is your left right foot and this is your left foot I know it looks like it's this is right and this
is left but if you if you turn this person around this is the right this is the left the big toes are always facing each other they're not facing outwards so when you when you know people draw what they call two left feet so this is what it means left foot and then this is the smaller toes and then left foot so you don't want to do that because these toes are not inverted you know they're not facing each other that that's why it looks like it's two left feet so anyways aside from that let me era
se that I'll put it I'll probably put it somewhere else if not um you'll see it on the video so once again here we have the legs now let's go with the arms looks like her arm is sort of bent and going in she's holding something I want to join her chest as well if you want to and then her other arm is sort of hidden but it she sort of she's her hand her other hand is seen holding the same thing so it's sort of hidden at the back and bending where we don't see it so this is what it looks like so f
ar let's draw in the chair real quick sure it's in the right perspective let's just draw an ordinary chair here just draw like that okay so here we have our sitting pose now what we can do is we can erase and then just draw some clothes on top so for close what we can do is we can analyze what kind of clothing she has so it looks like she has a loose kind of shirt and then over that is sort of like a little dress that you know overlaps and kind of tucks in her form a bit more so it looks like th
is is a regular loose shirt not regular it's more like a dress shirt that wraps around her neck and then has very very loose sleeves so try to draw her sleeves as if they were like curtains so what goes down goes down straight overlaps over her arm and then you can draw some pipe Folds the other side you know kind of just indicate the other side here so here we have her chest which is covered by a dress on top so we have the straps over her shoulders and then you want a curve the bus side down I
want to make sure that it's all curved so if you want you can draw a seam line that goes down like so to show the breast form and then we can also draw a little bit of folds kind of showing that this is kind of like Loosely hanging over on top here we have the arm here we have the watch and then here we have the hand holding a wallet it seems or box I'll just put a box in it here's the other hand we have the thumb and then we have the index finger and then the rest of the fingers kind of come f
orward for the hips you can see that there's some nice uh linear folds kind of going through because she's sitting down so the waist or sorry her hip is kind of like facing this way so you want to make sure that the folds indicate where she's sitting and how she's sitting and looks like she has kind of like a a split dress so you want to overlap that on top of her leg and then create an opening so there's an opening between her dress so you can see both legs crossed over so you can see one leg g
oing straight down and I'm making her foot a little bit more downward because it looks more elegant and we can draw on this shoe make sure the shoe is covering partially a partial bit of the foot because some people mistake as mistaken as uh draw the whole foot first and then draw a shoe like right underneath it that's not how a shoe works shoe covers partial a bit of the foot so you want to make sure that this is this is not the whole foot this is just part of it that's being seen and here we h
ave the other side which is the knee let me zoom out so I can see what this looks like as a total so far so good here we have kneecap which is facing towards us and then the inner thigh and then we have our calf muscle kind of going down so this is her left leg this is her right leg so make sure that when you're drawing the foot this is where her big toe is that's what it looks like so here is the chair make sure it's sturdy enough to support her let's give her a little cushion as well it's more
fancy chair huh so I'll just put it like that so that here is our sitting pose now finally let's go for our last pose which is more of a of a dynamic pose but sort of standing this is uh I would have put a dancing pose but this I think has a really nice Dynamic curves and nice s-curves that I really want to go over this kind of pose so last but not least let's go ahead and draw in the last pose here so it's more of a standing pose once again but notice that we have S line here so what do I mean
by S line well s line just means that the pose kind of creates a nice contrapposto or opposite look so I'll show you real quick draw the head neck is going straight but rib cage and pelvis are going opposite directions so here we have the rib cage and here we have pelvis so they're kind of going in the form of an S shape so by doing that that gives a very very nice appeal to the pose we're almost done here so now and the thing and another thing is is that the legs are kind of spread far apart w
hich kind of gives a more like wider stance therefore it gives a nice appeal so I'm making this leg go all out more straight and this leg can go back in space therefore creating more of that kind of s line or kind of that tension that you see of course we can draw in our kneecap and our calf our lower leg make sure it's thick on top and Thick at the thin at the bottom and vice versa so this is what it looks like so far you can see that s shape that looks very very dynamic and our arm is more up
which differ creates more nice interesting angles and then she has a more stable arm which is more in front and it's more straight so there's there's kind of like different things going on that make it look really really nice so that's our base for now that's what it looks like as a whole we can go ahead and eat and erase so we are almost done here so let's go ahead and zoom in and let's draw so here we have her face make it nice and cute and round if you want to then draw her hair which is more
flowing downward and kind of nice and long and make sure that when you're drawing hair and it's you know in front of the Body for example make sure it kind of travels in space and kind of follows the form as well here we have tank top or midriff here here's her chest and here is the midriff that kind of it's just barely barely tight on her top on the top half so notice that there's a little bit of a of an opening shows that's kind of loose not too loose but Loose enough that it's not super tigh
t here's her ABS you can just draw a nice little line down here and then here's a high waist skirt which of course you want to follow along the form like a cylinder here's a three finger Gap here is the dress and it kind of splits into two so it almost looks a little bit like a pencil skirt so you want to drag that straight across of course adding some nice folds to show tightness is good because you can see that it's kind of tight because there's a lot of folds that are more straight and you kn
ow close together then for the legs you know it's pretty easy you all you just want to do is just smooth out the rest of the legs here so we have our kneecap our calf and then our shoes which is sort of like a wedge looking shoe so I'm just kind of drawing in the one strap two strap and then the wedge same thing on the other side kind of add in the little Sartorius bit because that looks really nice then calf notice how there's almost like opposites going uh opposites against well when it comes
to the shoes as well or when it comes to the feet and that's more of like a pigeon-toed look that just gives it a more cutie cutesy look so when the feet are going inward that gives it a more cute cuter and more stylish look so expect that a lot when it comes to anime poses so that is our upper body now let's go with our arms and we'll be done deltoid our bicep is facing towards us in our armpit here we have her forearm which is thick towards the elbow and then thin towards the wrist and um same
thing when it comes to her other arm so thick towards the elbow then towards the wrist and then her hand which you don't have to do completely like hers but I'm just doing the basic thing here so that is pretty much it for these poses let me know what you guys think let me zoom out and show you guys what I've done or what we've done so here we have a standing cutesy pose here we have our sitting pose elegant pose and then here we have our Dynamic stylish pose let me know what you guys think and
I will see you guys in the next one bye
