
8 Stoic Lessons That MEN Learn TOO Late In Life | STOICISM

Read the pinned comment! ⚠💪 Subscribe to the channel. 💪 This 28-minute video is not just a history lesson; it's a practical guide to living a life of purpose, peace, and unshakable joy. From the power of your mindset to the importance of embracing the present, each lesson is crafted to inspire you to challenge your perceptions and live your best life, no matter what challenges you face. 🎯 Key Moments: 0:00 - Introduction to Stoicism 1:30 - Lesson 1: Happiness Is Within Your Reach 4:00 - Lesson 2: The Impermanence of Life 6:30 - Lesson 3: Life Isn't Always Fair 9:00 - Lesson 4: The Stoic's Guide to Risk-Taking 11:30 - Lesson 5: Living in the Present 14:00 - Lesson 6: The Trap of Overthinking 16:30 - Lesson 7: Following Your Heart 19:00 - Lesson 8: The Power of Your Mind 21:30 - Conclusion: Your Life as a Masterpiece 24:00 - Final Thoughts and Invitation to Subscribe Check out other videos from the channel, about Stoicism from Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca and others: 🌟 4 Ways to TORTURE The NARCISSIST |STOICISM ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🌟 11 SIGNS That You SHOULD END EVERY RELATIONSHIP even it is your family or a friend | STOICISM ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🌟 12 Stoic Principles For Immediate Life Transformation ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Stoic Journal

4 days ago

"THE HAPPINESS OF YOUR LIFE, DEPENDS UPONTHE QUALITY OF YOUR THOUGHTS" Did you know that the ancient Stoics had a secret? a secret so powerful it allowed them to face life's toughest challenges with a calm mind and a resilient heart imagine possessing the strength to meet adversity with a smile to turn every obstacle into a stepping stone this isn't just about enduring hardship it's about transforming every moment of your life into an opportunity for growth and happiness welcome my friends to a
journey back in time to the wisdom of the Stoics and forward into your own life where this ancient wisdom is more relevant and needed than ever today we're not just learning history we're unlocking the secrets to living a life of purpose peace and unshakeable joy stay with me as we explore how stoicism isn't just a philosophy it's a practical guide to living your best life no matter what the world throws your way get ready to be inspired to challenge your perceptions and to see the world through
the eyes of some of the greatest minds of ancient times before we dive into the transformative wisdom of stoicism I invite you to hit that subscribe button there's absolutely no harm in doing so and you're about to embark on a journey that's unlike any other and remember you're different from the majority an exception in a world of norms so don't skip any part of this video every moment is crafted with you in mind how often have we found ourselves saying "I'll be happy when...?" fill in the bla
nk with whatever fits your life "I'll be happy when I get that job promotion" "I'll be happy when I buy that new car" or even "I'll be happy when the weekend finally arrives" it's like we're constantly postponing our happiness waiting for something outside of ourselves to trigger it but here's where the Stoics come in with a game changing perspective stoicism teaches us a profound truth happiness isn't something that just happens to us it's not a prize to be won or a destination to reach instead
happiness is something we create for ourselves through the way we perceive and interact with the world around us it's about taking control of what's within our power our thoughts our attitudes our reactions and letting go of everything else that's beyond our control think about it how many times have we let a rainy day ruin our mood but here's a stoic twist when life seems like a rainy day remember you have the power to choose how you respond you can either dance in the rain embracing the momen
t with joy and laughter or you can sulk about getting wet letting something as trivial as weather dictate your happiness the choice my friends is entirely yours this isn't just about weather of course it's a metaphor for life the Stoics are reminding us that life will throw all sorts of weather our way sunny days stormy nights and everything in between and while we can't control the weather itself we can control how we choose to experience it do we let challenges dampen our spirits or do we find
a way to dance through the storms now I'm not saying this is easy it's a practice something we have to work on every day but the beauty of stoicism is that it gives us the tools to do just that it teaches us to observe our reactions to question our assumptions about what it means to be happy and to gradually shift our mindset from one of passive expectation to active creation so the next time you catch yourself waiting for happiness to come knocking remember this stoic wisdom ask yourself what'
s within my control right now how can I create my own happiness in this moment it might be as simple as choosing to be grateful for what you have finding joy in the small things or deciding to smile even when you don't feel like it the Stoics had this beautiful way of looking at life seeing it as a series of moments each one fleeting and unique they believe that everything around us every experience every joy and every hardship is temporary this isn't meant to be a gloomy outlook but rather a li
berating one it's a reminder to truly live in each moment to appreciate the now because the now is all we ever really have so when you're experiencing those peak moments those times when everything just seems to click and life feels like a smooth ride soak them in bask in the sunlight of those moments with deep gratitude these are the times to fill up your happiness tank to store memories that you can cherish and look back on the Stoics would say that it's not just about enjoying these moments i
t's about appreciating them for the precious fleeting gifts that they are but what about when life gets tough because let's be honest it will that's just part of the human experience here's where stoic wisdom shines even brighter they teach us that even in the midst of adversity there's a steadiness a resilience that we can tap into because just like those beautiful moments of joy tough times are also temporary they too shall pass this perspective is incredibly empowering imagine facing life's c
hallenges with the knowledge that they're not permanent this doesn't mean that the challenges are any less real or difficult but it does mean that we can face them with a different mindset it's about standing firm in the storm knowing that the sun will shine again it's like watching the seasons change each one brings its own beauty challenges and lessons but none of them last forever life is constantly in motion and when we understand and accept the impermanence of everything we can live more fu
lly more fearlessly so the next time you find yourself either on top of the world or in the depths of despair remember this stoic principle embrace the impermanence of life let it teach you to live more deeply to hold on to the good times with gratitude and to face the tough times with the courage and the knowledge that they are just part of the journey a journey that's always moving always changing this is a reality we can't change but and this is a big but it also tells us that our power lies
not in the cards where dealt but in how we play them it's our reaction to life's inequalities the choices we make in the face of adversity that truly defines us let's sit with that for a moment it's not about the obstacles themselves but how we choose to respond to them stoicism invites us to shift our focus from lamenting our fate to actively shaping our journey it's a call to arms to take what we have the good the bad and the ugly and carve out a life of meaning and purpose despite the odds no
w I know this is easier said than done when you're in the thick of it facing challenges that seem insurmountable it can be tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel but here's where the stoic practice of reframing our perspective comes into play it's about looking at our struggles through a different lens seeing them as opportunities for growth for proving to ourselves what we're made of think of it as being the sculptor of your own life each challenge each unfair turn of events is a block
of marble and you you've got the chisel and hammer in hand ready to shape something beautiful out of it it's not about the imperfections in the marble but about what you make of it this stoic mindset encourages us to take ownership of our lives to stop playing the victim card yes we might not have control over everything that happens to us but we always have a choice in how we react do we let the unfairness of life defeat us or do we rise above it using it as a stepping stone towards becoming s
tronger wiser more compassionate beings and here's the silver lining when we start to live this way embracing stoicism's teachings we begin to find a deep sense of satisfaction not because life suddenly becomes fair but because we're living in alignment with our values our principles we're no longer at the mercy of external circumstances instead we're actively engaging with life making conscious choices that reflect who we are and who we want to be so my friends let's take this tough pill to swa
llow and turn it into a source of strength let's accept life's unfairness not with resignation but with resolve let's use it as fuel to propel us forward to carve out a life of meaning and purpose because at the end of the day it's not the fairness of the journey that matters but the courage the resilience and the integrity we bring to it this isn't about being reckless it's about recognizing that the greatest risk in life is paradoxically never taking one it's about understanding that true grow
th fulfillment and even happiness often lie just on the other side of our comfort zones the Stoics with their profound insight into human nature and the workings of the world remind us that life is inherently uncertain we can't control the outcomes of our actions with absolute certainty but here's the kicker they also tell us that this uncertainty shouldn't paralyze us instead it should liberate us why because once we accept that uncertainty is just part of the game we can focus on what we truly
have control over our decisions our actions our willingness to embrace the unknown think about it every major leap in human history every great love story every breakthrough innovation started with someone taking a risk someone decided to step into the unknown to pursue something with no guarantee of success and yes not every risk leads to a win but stoicism teaches us that there's value in the attempt itself it's in taking these leaps that we discover our strength our resilience and sometimes
we even surprise ourselves with what we're capable of so what does taking a risk look like in a stoic sense it's not about being fearless it's about being brave bravery isn't the absence of fear it's the decision to move forward even when you're scared whether it's telling someone how you feel making a career switch that aligns more closely with your passions or standing up for a cause you believe in it's about listening to that voice inside you that says what if and not letting the but what if
I fail hold you back this is where stoicism really shines it provides us with a framework for risktacking that balances courage with wisdom it's about evaluating our options considering the potential outcomes but ultimately it's about taking action because in action the Stoics argue is a risk in itself the risk of stagnation of never knowing what could have been of looking back on life with a heart full of regrets so how do we apply this stoic wisdom to our lives start small take a risk in an ar
ea of your life where the stakes feel manageable notice how it feels to step out of your comfort zone and pay attention to what you learn from the experience regardless of the outcome gradually as your confidence grows so will your willingness to embrace bigger risks and remember the goal isn't to become reckless it's to become more alive more engaged with our own lives it's about making the most of the time we have pursuing what truly matters to us and living with the kind of purpose and passio
n that only comes from being willing to take a leap the Stoics with their keen insights into human nature recognize that our minds are often pulled in two directions towards the past with nostalgia or regret and towards the future with worry or anticipation but here's the thing life in all its richness complexity and beauty is happening in this very moment not yesterday not tomorrow but right now living in the present is like discovering a secret garden that's been right behind your house all al
ong it's always been there quietly waiting for you to step in and explore its beauty the present moment is where you can truly feel alive where you can fully engage with the people around you appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and find joy in the simple things now embracing the present doesn't mean abandoning all thoughts of the past or future the Stoics weren't suggesting we live without regard for what's to come or forget our experiences rather they were advocating for a balanced appro
ach learn from the past plan for the future but don't dwell there the past is a place of reference not residence and the future is a canvas not a cage imagine you're walking through a forest but you're so focused on the path ahead or the path you've just walked that you miss the sound of the leaves rustling the sight of the sunlight filtering through the trees the smell of the earth after rain that's what happens when we're not present we miss the beauty and richness of life as it's happening so
how do we practice living in the present start by tuning into your senses what do you hear see smell feel right now it's about becoming an active participant in your life rather than a passive observer when you're having a conversation really listen to the other person when you're eating savor each bite when you're walking notice the movement of your body and the environment around you the Stoics also teach us about the importance of gratitude in living in the present gratitude anchors us to th
e now reminding us of the value and beauty of the current moment it's about appreciating what we have here and now rather than always reaching for something else something next living in the present is a practice something we can get better at with time and intention it's about gently bringing our minds back when they wander to the past or future reminding ourselves that life in all its impermanence and imperfection is happening right now the Stoics were no strangers to the complexities of the h
uman mind they knew all too well the trap of overthinking and the paralysis it can cause their solution action it sounds almost too simple but therein lies its beauty and effectiveness instead of getting lost in your head swirling in endless circles of what if and should I the Stoics advise us to take a step any step it's about moving from passive ruminating to active doing now let's unpack this a bit because it's crucial the idea isn't to take reckless action or make hasty decisions without tho
ught stoicism doesn't advocate for impulsivity rather it's about breaking the cycle of overthinking by taking intentional thoughtful action towards something productive it's about recognizing when our thoughts are no longer serving us when they're not leading to clarity or solutions but are instead spiraling into unhelpful territory and choosing to redirect our energy into something tangible think about it how often have you felt stuck in a decision weighing every possible outcome only to find y
ourself more confused and anxious than when you started now compare that to a time when you decided to just do something anything related to the issue at hand maybe it was starting a small part of a project talking to someone about your thoughts or simply writing down your options didn't that feel better that's the power of action it cuts through the noise in our heads and creates momentum propelling us forward even if it's just a tiny step stoicism teaches us that action is the antidote to anxi
ety and indecision for a reason it moves us from a state of passive dwelling to one of active engagement with our lives it's a reminder that we have agency that we're not just spectators of our own lives but participants who can shape our path even in small ways moreover taking action aligns perfectly with the stoic principle of focusing on what's within our control we can't control the outcome of every situation but we can control our actions and reactions by choosing to take a step forward we'
re exercising our agency asserting our ability to influence our path even amidst uncertainty so how do we put this into practice start small if you find yourself overthinking ask what's one small action I can take right now that moves me in the direction I want to go it could be as simple as organising your thoughts on paper setting a small achievable goal for the day or reaching out to someone for advice or support remember the goal here isn't to eliminate thoughtful consideration or planning t
hose are important but when you notice your thoughts are going in circles bringing more stress than clarity that's your cue it's time to shift from thinking to doing stoicism teaches us about the importance of living in accordance with our nature which includes pursuing what genuinely resonates with us this isn't just about chasing fleeting pleasures or external successes it's about connecting with what truly matters to us on a deeper level when we talk about following your heart it's easy to im
agine it as simply doing what feels good in the moment but stoicism invites us to look further to delve into what ignites our soul what aligns with our core values and what brings us a sense of purpose the Stoics would argue that life's too short to spend on paths that don't light your fire this isn't just about job satisfaction or career achievements it's about the essence of who we are and how we choose to spend our precious time on this earth the notion that choosing a career that resonates w
ith your soul means you'll never work a day in your life might sound like an idealistic dream to some yet when we peel back the layers it's deeply rooted in stoic philosophy it's about finding joy and fulfillment not in the absence of challenge but in the pursuit of something that is profoundly rewarding now finding this path isn't always easy it requires self reflection honesty and sometimes the courage to make tough decisions it might mean stepping away from the conventional or expected facing
uncertainty or even dealing with the disbelief of others but here's where the stoic concept of courage comes into play courage in the stoic sense isn't just about bravery in the face of danger it's about the inner strength to pursue what you believe in even when it's hard so how do we apply this start by asking yourself what you're passionate about what activities make you lose track of time what topics could you read about or discuss for hours on end these are clues but it's not just about pas
sion in the fleeting sense it's about purpose what makes you feel like you're contributing to something bigger than yourself this is where true fulfillment lies following your heart in the stoic sense also means preparing to face obstacles with resilience it's not a guarantee of an easy path instead it's about being so aligned with your purpose that you're willing to navigate challenges because the journey and the destination are worth it remember the pursuit of passion and purpose isn't a one t
ime decision it's a continuous journey one that may evolve as you grow and learn more about yourself and the world around you it's about staying true to yourself reassessing and realigning as needed our thoughts shape our reality this isn't just a nice sounding phrase it's a fundamental principle of stoicism and indeed of living a meaningful life the Stoics taught that while we may not have control over external events we have control over our thoughts and reactions to those events it's a powerf
ul reminder that our perception of reality is in many ways crafted by our own minds now think about that for a moment your mind can be your greatest ally or your most formidable foe this isn't about engaging in a constant battle with yourself rather it's about understanding and harnessing the immense power your thoughts wield over your life it's about cultivating a mindset of growth resilience and positivity a growth mindset a concept that aligns beautifully with stoic philosophy is the belief t
hat our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work it's the antithesis of a fixed mindset which suggests that our talents and intelligence are static unchangeable traits the Stoics though they didn't use the term growth mindset embodied this idea in their teachings they believed in the capacity for personal development in the potential for each individual to cultivate virtues like wisdom courage justice and Temperance through deliberate practice resilience anoth
er cornerstone of stoic thought is about bouncing back from adversity learning from experiences and continuing forward with a deeper understanding and strength it's about recognizing that life will inevitably throw challenges our way but it's our response to those challenges that defines us stoicism offers tools to build this resilience such as focusing on what is within our control preparing ourselves mentally for potential difficulties and practicing gratitude positivity in the stoic sense isn
't about ignoring reality or plastering a smile on your face regardless of how you feel it's about maintaining a hopeful and optimistic outlook even in the face of challenges it's about seeing the opportunity for growth in every situation and focusing on the potential for good this doesn't mean we won't have moments of sadness anger or frustration stoicism acknowledges the full range of human emotions but teaches us not to be overwhelmed or defined by them so how do we cultivate this mindset it
starts with awareness being mindful of our thoughts and the impact they have on our emotions and actions it involves challenging negative or unhelpful thought patterns and replacing them with more constructive ones this is a practice something to be worked on every day and it's about choosing consciously and deliberately to align our thoughts with the kind of life we want to lead remember the goal here isn't perfection it's progress it's about making a conscious effort to guide our thoughts in a
direction that serves us that builds us up rather than tears us down it's about fostering a mind that supports our goals dreams and values a mind that is an ally on our journey through life and there we have it my friends a journey through the profound wisdom of stoicism exploring how the power of our minds the pursuit of our passions and the embrace of the present moment can truly transform our lives remember it's not just about understanding these principles it's about living them making them
a part of our daily existence as we part ways today I want you to carry with you this simple yet powerful thought your life is a masterpiece in the making and every thought every action is a brushstroke on the canvas of your existence paint wisely paint boldly thank you for joining me on this journey through the stoic journal your presence your willingness to explore and grow is what makes this community so incredibly special if you're inspired to dive deeper check out one of the suggested vide
os on the screen there's so much more wisdom to explore and I can't wait to continue this journey with you until next time remember to live with purpose embrace the moment and let the wisdom of stoicism guide you through the tapestry of life thank you for being here for being a part of this journey



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"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." - Epictetus


Video has illuminated paths I wish I'd discovered earlier. These Stoic principles are essential for anyone looking to lead a meaningful life. Thankful for the wisdom and the wake-up call. A must-watch for every man!


Wisdom is consistency in virtues, in always doing the good thing; happiness is a side effect of that consistency. To be always happy is to be always virtuous, to be consistent in always choosing right over wrong.


hard times is a test from God all we have to do say thank you and be patient it will pass through


Thank you the journey is not easy but am really trying


Thank you…. ❤


"The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." - Marcus Aurelius


"Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants." - Epictetus How can embracing simplicity and reducing desires, as emphasized by Stoic philosophy, lead to a more fulfilling life, particularly for men who often associate success with material wealth?


It is never too late to learn because tomorrow is the first day in the rest of your life.