
8 STOIC TIPS For Solving Problems With People

Read the pinned comment! ⚠💪 Subscribe to the channel. 💪 Join us on a transformative journey with "Stoicism's Tips For Solving Problems With People," a comprehensive guide exploring how ancient Stoic wisdom can help us navigate modern-day interpersonal challenges. In this 28-minute deep dive, we uncover practical Stoic strategies to enhance your relationships, cultivate inner peace, and foster a resilient mindset. 🎯 Key Moments 0:00 - Introduction to Stoicism and Interpersonal Problem Solving 1:05 - Care Less About People's Opinion 5:10 - Embrace Honesty 9:15 - Avoid Taking Things Personally 13:20 - Cultivate Patience 17:25 - Lead by Example 21:30 - Tune Out Negativity 23:45 - Embrace Love in Actions 24:50 - Conclusion and Reflection Check out other videos from the channel, about Stoicism from Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca and others: 🌟 4 Ways to TORTURE The NARCISSIST |STOICISM ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🌟 11 SIGNS That You SHOULD END EVERY RELATIONSHIP even it is your family or a friend | STOICISM ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🌟 12 Stoic Principles For Immediate Life Transformation ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Stoic Journal

18 hours ago

Have you ever felt utterly overwhelmed by the noise around you the endless stream of opinions expectations and the relentless pressure of 'keeping up'? imagine this ancient stoic philosophers over 2,000 years ago faced the same human emotions struggles and questions about identity and purpose that we grapple with today it's fascinating, isn't it? that the wisdom from centuries past still holds profound relevance in our modern fast paced world today we're diving deep into the stoic way of life un
covering timeless truths that can help us navigate the chaos of the 21st century with grace resilience and profound inner peace whether you're struggling with stress seeking meaning or simply curious about a philosophical approach to life that has stood the test of time you're in the right Place together will explore how stoicism isn't just a set of ideas but a practical guide to living more fully authentically and serenely and if you're eager to embark on this journey of self discovery and time
less wisdom with us please hit that subscribe button and remember every part of this video is crafted with you in mind so don't skip any section each moment is a step towards a more stoic resilient you isn't it curious how much we all at some point in our lives find ourselves entangled in the web of others opinions? we often surrender our peace of mind and happiness trying to fit into the molds others create for us but let's pause for a moment and delve into the ancient stoic wisdom Marcus Aurel
ius emphasized the futility of seeking external approval he urges us to question this innate desire to please others challenging us to break free from the chains of external validation it's a liberating thought isn't it to realize that the only approval you truly need is your own now think about it when you lay your head on your pillow at night it's your thoughts you're left with not others so why not make those thoughts about your true self your values and your actions imagine the freedom of be
ing unapologetically you not swayed by fleeting opinions or the latest trends but how do we start caring less about people's opinions it begins with understanding and reaffirming your values what do you stand for what matters most to you when your actions are in harmony with your beliefs there's a profound sense of peace and authenticity that no amount of external approval can match moreover embracing your uniqueness attracts the right kind of people into your life those who appreciate you for w
ho you genuinely are not for who they want you to be it's about quality not quantity having a few meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and understanding is infinitely more fulfilling than seeking the fleeting approval of the masses it's crucial to remember that people's opinions are just that opinions they are subjective variable and often more reflective of the person expressing them than of you as Marcus Aurelius wisely points out the only constant and true validation comes from wi
thin from living a life aligned with your values and principles when we talk about being honest it's easy to default to the idea of not lying to others but stoicism invites us to explore honesty on a much deeper level it's about aligning our external actions and words with our internal values and beliefs this alignment fosters a profound sense of integrity and wholeness imagine the peace that comes from knowing your actions are not just surface level performances but true reflections of your inn
er self Epictetus one of the great stoic philosophers really hammers this point home he suggests that honesty doesn't just make moral sense it makes practical sense think about it deceit requires us to remember our lies cover our tracks and live in constant fear of being found out it's mentally exhausting honesty on the other hand is simple and liberating it frees us from the tangled web of deceit and allows us to live with ease and clarity but here's the real kicker honesty affects not only our
relationship with others but also with ourselves when we are honest with ourselves about our strengths our flaws our desires we pave the way for genuine growth and self acceptance it's like clearing out the clutter in our minds to make room for more peace more understanding and more authentic connections with the people around us and yet embracing honesty is not always easy it requires courage and vulnerability it means sometimes admitting we were wrong facing our mistakes and dealing with the
consequences of our actions but the reward trust respect and a clear conscience is immeasurably worth it so how can we cultivate this virtue in our daily lives it starts with small steps practice transparency in your interactions reflect on your day and acknowledge moments where you might not have been entirely honest ask yourself why and how you can improve remember it's a journey and every step toward honesty is a step toward a more serene and meaningful life we've all felt that sting that imm
ediate reaction when someone's words or actions seem to hit us right where it hurts Seneca with his profound understanding of human nature reminds us to look beyond the surface he suggests that when someone acts in a way that we find hurtful or offensive it's often not really about us at all people act based on their perceptions their struggles and their history it's like everyone is moving through the world wearing a unique pair of glasses that colours how they see everything around them includ
ing us now think about a time when you might have snapped at someone or acted in a way that wasn't really you chances are you were dealing with something else entirely stress fear insecurity or maybe you were just having a really bad day now if we can recognise this in ourselves why not extend that same understanding to others this perspective shift which Seneca advocates is about empathy but it's also about self preservation when we stop taking things personally we detach ourselves from the unn
ecessary pain that comes with believing everyone's actions are about us it's like setting down a heavy burden we've been carrying around suddenly we can breathe move and live more freely but how do we actually do this how do we stop taking things personally especially when our emotions are already flared up it starts with a pause when you feel that rush of hurt or anger just pause take a breath remind yourself of Seneca's words this might not be about me at all this simple act of pausing can pre
vent a reactive spiral and give you space to choose a more reasoned response it's also about building resilience and understanding the more we remind ourselves that we don't have the full picture of what someone else is going through the less likely we are to be wounded by their actions or words and when we do get hurt because it will happen we can treat it as a practice ground for our stoic principles ask yourself what can I learn from this how can it help me grow in embracing this stoic approa
ch we not only protect our peace of mind but also open ourselves up to more compassionate and meaningful interactions we become less reactive more understanding and in a way more connected to the humanity in everyone we meet Marcus Aurelius often wrote about patience he saw it not just as a passive waiting but as an active engagement with the present moment whatever it may hold to him being patient was akin to donning armour against the trials of life transforming potential irritance into lesson
s of endurance and calm think about it when you're stuck in traffic there's a kind of freedom in accepting you can't move faster than the cars in front of you it's an opportunity to listen to your favorite music an audiobook or simply to your own thoughts this shift doesn't change the traffic but it changes how you experience it turning a frustrating weight into a moment of peace or even enjoyment similarly when dealing with a challenging person imagine if instead of reacting with irritation or
anger you respond with patience you give yourself a moment to understand where they're coming from to recognize that their behaviour is more about their own struggles than anything else this doesn't mean you accept bad behavior but you respond to it with composure and thoughtfulness which often diffuses tension and leads to better outcomes for everyone involved patience in the stoic sense is about embracing the moment rather than fighting against it it's about seeing the delay the annoyance or t
he obstacle as part of the path not a deviation from it every moment of impatience is a chance to practice to deepen your understanding of stoicism and to cultivate a serene mind but how can we cultivate this patience in our everyday lives it starts with awareness recognize when impatience is starting to bubble up inside you then pause take a deep breath remember Marcus Aurelius and the countless others who have faced far greater trials with patience and dignity another practical step is to adju
st your expectations often our impatience stems from things not going according to our plan but if we remind ourselves that we're not in control of everything only our response to things we can set more realistic expectations and find peace in the unfolding of life however it happens view each test of patients as an opportunity not a hurdle like a muscle that gets stronger with exercise your capacity for patients grows every time you choose it over frustration or anger and the rewards are immens
e a calmer mind less stress and a reputation as someone who is composed and thoughtful even in challenging situations Epictetus knew a thing or two about adversity and integrity he didn't just lecture about stoicism in the classroom he lived it every single day and he encouraged his students to do the same to embody your philosophy it's about making your life a testament to your values letting your actions speak louder than your words imagine the ripple effect you can create by simply living out
your principles when you show kindness even in challenging situations others take notice it might inspire them to act kindly in turn when you demonstrate integrity refusing to compromise on your values it sets a standard for those around you and when you face adversity with resilience maintaining a calm and composed demeanor it can be a beacon of hope for others who are struggling but how do we actually do this how do we become an example for others it starts with self reflection take a moment
to consider the values that are truly important to you what principles do you want to guide your life once you have clarity on these strive to align your actions with your values it's about making conscious choices every day that reflect who you are and what you stand for of course nobody's perfect we all have our moments of weakness our lapses in judgement but being an example isn't about perfection it's about striving about making a genuine effort to live according to your ideals even when it'
s hard and when you do slip up it's about owning your mistakes learning from them and moving forward with even greater resolve another key aspect of being an example is consistency it's not just about doing the right thing when it's easy or when people are watching it's about being consistent in your values whether you're in the spotlight or alone this consistency builds trust and respect and it's what truly sets an example for others let's take inspiration from Epictetus and strive to be living
embodiments of our philosophy whether it's kindness integrity resilience or any other virtue let's bring it to life in our actions remember you have the power to inspire to influence and to make a positive impact on the world around you be the change you wish to see and watch how your example can light the way for others it seems everywhere we turn social media news outlets even our daily interactions there's a barrage of negativity criticism and yes the haters it can be exhausting but they don
't have to dictate your happiness Marcus Aurelius often wrote about maintaining once inner peace amidst external turmoil he spoke of the Inner Citadel a fortress within use that no external negativity can breach unless we allow it this concept is incredibly empowering think about it you have the power to create and maintain a space of peace and calm within you no matter what storms rage outside so how do we tune out the haters and keep our inner citadel secure first and foremost it's about recog
nizing what is and isn't within our control we can't control what others say or do the harsh comments they leave or the unkind rumors they spread but we can control our response we can choose not to engage not to internalize their negativity and not to let it disturb our peace another key stoic strategy is to reflect on the intention behind the negativity often those who lash out are struggling with their own issues insecurities or pain understanding this doesn't excuse their behaviour but it ca
n help us respond with compassion rather than defensiveness or anger it allows us to see their negativity as their burden not ours practicing mindfulness is also a powerful tool in maintaining our inner citadel when faced with negativity take a moment to pause and breathe remind yourself that this moment of negativity is just that a moment it will pass you don't have to let it define your day or your mood by staying present and grounded you can keep your inner peace intact it's also helpful to s
urround yourself with positivity engage with uplifting content connect with supportive people and fill your environment with things that bring you joy and peace remember you have the power to curate your own life experience choose positivity and let the negativity slide by remember that tuning out the haters is not about building walls or becoming indifferent it's about choosing where to focus your energy and attention it's about preserving your inner peace and strength so you can face challenge
s with grace and resilience stoicism might seem all about rationality but there's a big place for love too Seneca tells us that love isn't just something you feel it's something you do it's an active vibrant energy that you put out into the world and it has this beautiful boomerang effect the more love you give the more you find it coming back to you often from the most unexpected places but what does it mean to be full of love in a stoic sense it's about approaching every interaction every pers
on with goodwill and benevolence it's seeing the humanity in everyone even those who are challenging to deal with it means wishing well for others genuinely desiring their happiness and well being regardless of how they feel about you this isn't always easy especially when faced with negativity or hostility but it's a powerful stance that can transform not just your own life but also the lives of those around you being full of love also means practicing forgiveness and understanding everyone we
meet is fighting their own battle carrying their own burdens by choosing love and compassion we lighten their load and our own we connect on a deeper level recognizing our shared humanity moreover stoicism teaches us that love extends beyond just our relationships with people it's about cultivating a loving relationship with life itself embracing all its twists and turns with open arms it's finding joy in the simple things appreciating the beauty around us and engaging with the world in a meanin
gful positive way so how can we cultivate this loving stoic approach to life start small offer a kind word to a stranger show appreciation to your loved ones practice gratitude daily reflect on your actions and intentions asking yourself if they're rooted in love and kindness and when you encounter negativity or unkindness try to respond with understanding and compassion remember being full of love isn't about being naive or ignoring the harsh realities of the world it's about choosing to respon
d to those realities with love rather than fear or anger it's a courageous powerful choice that can lead to true contentment and connection how often do we find ourselves scrolling through social media looking at someone else's highlight real and feeling like we just don't measure up but here's a stoic antidote to this pervasive issue focus on your own path your own growth and your own achievements the Stoics with their profound wisdom teach us that the only comparison worth making is with who w
e were yesterday not with someone else today this idea is so liberating when you really think about it imagine freeing yourself from the endless cycle of looking over your shoulder worrying about what everyone else is doing and feeling inadequate the Stoics offer us a different perspective your journey is yours alone reach with its own challenges triumphs and lessons by embracing this you honor your unique path and cultivate a sense of self worth that isn't reliant on external validation but how
do we put this into practice especially in a world that constantly urges us to compare and compete first it's about becoming mindful of when we're making these comparisons notice that twinge of envy or self doubt when you see someone else's success or happiness acknowledge it and then gently remind yourself my path is different and that's okay next actively celebrate your own achievements no matter how small they may seem did you tackle a difficult task at work did you show kindness to a strang
er did you make time for self care these are all victories worth acknowledging by celebrating your own progress you reinforce the idea that your journey is valid and valuable another powerful stoic practice is reflecting on your personal growth take time to look back at where you were a year ago five years ago or even a decade ago recognise the strides you've made the obstacles you've overcome and the lessons you've Learned this reflection not only boosts your self esteem but also deepens your a
ppreciation for your unique journey and remember the Stoics didn't just talk about personal achievements in terms of career success or material gain they valued wisdom virtue resilience and inner peace so when you measure your progress consider these deeper more meaningful markers of growth are you more patient than you used to be more compassionate more resilient these are the kinds of achievements that truly reflect your growth as a person in the whirlwind of our daily lives it's so easy to ge
t caught up in the manutia the endless to do lists and the relentless pursuit of our personal goals but stoicism with its profound insights into the human condition reminds us of what's genuinely important the connections we share with the people we love stoicism might seem like it's all about self discipline and resilience but at its heart it's deeply concerned with community and relationships the Stoics understood that our time on this earth is fleeting that every moment we have with our loved
ones is precious and not to be taken for granted they encourage us to live in the present to appreciate the here and now and to value the people who add meaning and joy to our lives but how do we put this into practice especially when life gets busy and we get distracted it starts with mindfulness with making a conscious effort to be present when we're with our loved ones it means really listening when they speak engaging with them fully and showing them through our actions that they matter to
us expressing gratitude is another key aspect it's about letting our loved ones know that we appreciate them not just in grand gestures but in the everyday small moments that truly define our relationships a simple thank you a note of appreciation or a kind word can mean so much it acknowledges the value of the other person and the contribution they make to our lives and then there's expressing love which can be done in countless ways tailored to the individual and the relationship it might be s
pending quality time together offering support during challenging times or sharing enjoys and successes love in the stoic sense is active and engaged it's about showing up for people being there in the moments that matter making time for our loved ones is perhaps the most crucial part in our busy lives it's all too easy to let relationships slide to assume that people will always be there but the stoic reminder of the impermanence of life urges us to prioritize our relationships to carve out tim
e for those who matter most even when it feels like there are a million other things demanding our attention cherishing our loved ones is about recognizing the irreplaceable role they play in our lives and honouring that with our time our attention and our affection it's about building and nurturing those bonds knowing that they are the true source of richness and meaning in our lives remember that the journey of life is one we share with those we hold dear cherish every moment embrace every opp
ortunity to show love and never underestimate the power of presence thank you for joining us today on Stoic Journal your journey towards wisdom and inner peace is one we are honored to be a part of please don't forget to watch one of the suggested videos on your screen to continue exploring the profound insights of stoicism together let's cultivate a life of virtue resilience and deep connection thank you for being here for being a part of this journey and for embracing the wisdom of stoicism in
your life as we close this chapter of our journey together remember the wisdom of the Stoics isn't just ancient text it's a living breathing guide for navigating the complexities of modern life by embracing their teachings you embrace a path of growth resilience and profound inner peace thank you for joining us today at Stoic Journal for taking this step toward a more mindful and meaningful existence your presence and engagement here are what make this journey so enriching and worthwhile



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I love these videos because they teach you from right from wrong and pass it on to the next.


It's a life learned story. A heart does have ❤




I love these videos these videos are very peaceful 💙💯💎👍🏽✨🔥 Thank you


Thank u, these videos are very educational have a wonderful day.




Thank you Seneca...i needed this 🙏


You give me wise lessons thank you


Thank you for this video.




Thanks very much!!


great motivational video


"Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?" - Epictetus How can implementing Stoic self-reflection improve our approach to resolving conflicts and misunderstandings with others?