
9 TRUE Terrifying & Disturbing Hotel Horror Stories | Alone At Night

9 TRUE Terrifying & Disturbing Hotel Horror Stories Dive into the spine-chilling depths of the unknown with our latest video, "9 TRUE Terrifying & Disturbing Hotel Horror Stories." Uncover the darkest secrets hidden behind the doors of seemingly ordinary hotels. From haunted hallways to unsolved mysteries, each story is a true account that will leave you questioning what lurks in the shadows of your next hotel stay. 💻 My Previous Story ➤ Send your true stories to: Hit the bell next to Subscribe so you never miss a video! 🔔 Like, Comment and Subscribe if you are new to the channel! ❤️ Comment your own story below! 🔥 00:00 - Intro 00:05 - Story 1 11:43 - Story 2 17:35 - Story 3 20:32 - Story 4 22:41 - Story 5 24:19 - Story 6 27:10 - Story 7 29:48 - Story 8 33:39 - Story 9 37:00 - Outro 37:18 - End

Mr. Creepiness

3 days ago

I used to work in a hotel where strange things happened all the time but there was one room room 12 that was weirder than the rest it was almost like a small house inside it had a living area with a TV and a place to eat and even a small kitchen with drinks and glasses there were two bedrooms too each separate from the living area one day I wasle cleaning room 12 by myself I was in one of the bedrooms when I heard the door open I thought maybe the guests had come back early so I said sorry from
where I was telling them I was still cleaning but nobody answered I called out again but still nothing I went to the living area to check but found no one I even checked the other bedroom but it was empty I was really confused after I finished cleaning I went to ask my friend Tom who works with me if he saw anyone go into room 12 he told me he didn't didn't see anyone enter the room except me another time something happened to Tom in the same room he was bringing drinks to another room on the sa
me floor when he accidentally dropped the tray and broke the glasses right after the glasses broke he heard footsteps inside room 12 and then the door opened and closed by itself he thought maybe a guest came out to see what the noise was about but thinking it was just a curious guest he didn't think much of it at the time both of these stor are just the beginning of what's going on in room 12 everyone who has worked here for a while has their own story about it it's like the room has its own li
fe doing things that make no sense making you wonder if you're not alone even when you can't see anyone after Tom cleaned up the mess from the broken glasses he made new drinks and delivered them then he told another co-worker Jack about the strange noise he heard from room 12 he laughed it off thinking he might might have Disturbed the guests in room 12 with the noise but Jack looked puzzled and asked Tom exactly which room he heard the noises from when Tom mentioned room 12 Jack's face turned
serious he told Tom that room 12 was supposed to be empty that night they both felt uneasy wondering if someone had sneaked into the room deciding to check it out they went to room 12 together only to find it empty but what really scared them was that every single glass in the room was shattered spread all around as if someone had destroyed them on purpose ever since then I avoid going into room 12 alone unless I absolutely have to it always gives me the creeps making my skin crawl with a sense
of dread the next incident happened a few months later in a different part of the hotel it was a slow day with only two guests checked in the hotel isn't big so on quiet days like this I have to do extra jobs like checking rooms to turn off any lights left on people often forget to turn off the lights so I went from room to room making sure everything was off I finished my rounds and was ready to leave early since it was about 900 p.m. and my shift usually ends at 11:00 p.m. however the supervis
or that night was very strict about leaving early she asked me to double check all the rooms to ensure the lights were off I did and all were off except one room which was brightly lit I was sure I had turned off all the lights so this really scared me as I was leaving the room a bedside lamp suddenly turned on by itself I felt a chill and left quick without looking back earlier this year another Eerie thing happened I was finishing cleaning a room and went to get more supplies on my way back I
saw a woman in a white robe with brown hair walking down the hallway towards a room I needed to clean a room down that same hallway so I was annoyed thinking the guest had returned early our hotel tries to give personal service so I decided to ask her when I could clean her room I knocked on her door but no one answered I stood outside the room for a bit longer thinking maybe she was just not hearing me but after getting no response I used my card to open the door a bit more and called out again
still nothing I stepped inside my heart starting to beat faster the room was empty no sign of the woman in the white robe I felt a rush of fear because I was sure I had seen her enter this room and there were no other doors she could have used I quickly left the room and shut the door behind me heading straight to the front desk to talk to my cooworker Alex when I told Alex what I saw he wasn't surprised he told me other staff members had seen the Phantom lady too no one knew who she was but sh
e had been spotted by several people over the years the next story takes us to the hotel's basement a place that always felt cold and unwelcoming the basement is crucial for moving supplies without guests seeing and it also has some storage spaces and offices staff often said they felt uneasy down there especially at night as if someone was watching in them this particular event happened on Thanksgiving night in 2018 I remember it clearly because I was tasked with helping to set up Christmas dec
orations afterward I went down to the storage area we jokingly called The Dungeon Because of its dim lighting and musty smell I was there to pick up some Christmas wreaths as I grabbed a box and started to leave I heard a whisper right next to my ear saying wrong one it scared me so much because I was alone I decided to ignore it and hurried back upstairs with the wreaths it turned out that the wreath I had chosen couldn't be used it was missing ribbons tinsel Holly and berries suddenly it hit m
e that the whisper was trying to warn me I had picked the wrong one I was shocked and confused at the thought that something or someone was trying to help me another incident in the basement involved a different coworker Lisa she was walking through the basement one evening and thought she saw a maintenance worker which was odd because it was was way past his working hours she called out to him but at that moment she heard a loud crash from one of the storage rooms investigating the noise she fo
und a door with a hole punched through it when she looked back for the man he was gone the last story I'll share for now happened to Mike who was doing a turn down service in one of the rooms our hotel's turn down service includes refreshing the room adding champagne and chocolate covered strawberries we also light candles to create a cozy atmosphere despite the high risk it poses after lighting the last candle Mike realized he had forgotten to provide new body towels for the guests Mike quickly
went to fetch new towels for the guests when he returned to the room he was surprised to find all the candles he had lit earlier were now out not just one or two but all eight of them this struck him as odd so he relit them and decided to stick around for a bit curious about what might happen next after waiting for 5 minutes he checked the room again only to find the candles extinguished once more convinced that a ghost was playing tricks on him he left the room feeling a mix of fear and Fascin
ation later that evening the guests called the front desk to complain that all the candles in their room were out adding another layer of mystery to the night the last story involves Sam who was in charge of the hotel's grounds for the first 15 years since it opened Sam loved his job deeply viewing himself as the artist responsible for the beauty of the hotel's exterior he took great care in ensuring that the grass was always neatly trimmed and that the flower beds were a sight to behold in Wint
er he made sure the parking lot was clear of ice and snow Sam's dedication was unmatched but unfortunately he passed away from a heart attack on the hotel grounds 8 years ago since his passing the grounds have never quite been the same however some of the current groundskeepers believe that Sam's spirit is still around watching over the hotel grounds one grounds keeper recalled finishing up planting new flowers at the front of the hotel when he heard a voice whisper beautiful he looked around bu
t there was no one close enough to have spoken stories like this have become common among the groundskeeping staff whenever someone puts extra effort into making the grounds look especially nice they sometimes hear a voice praising their work they're convinced at Sam still caring for the hotel from Beyond the Grave making sure his beloved grounds remain as stunning as ever interestingly the hotel is built on what used to be farmland for about 170 years before it was converted into the hotel in t
he 1990s Sam didn't report any strange occurrences until about 3 months after the hotel opened initially The Unexplained events were minor like objects falling off desks or tables even though they were securely placed away from the edges these small Mysteries set the stage for the more overt hauntings that would come to define the hotel's Eerie atmosphere As Time passed the strange happenings in the hotel became more frequent and intense around the year 200000 an employee was the first to report
hearing a clear voice in the service room he was alone fetching supplies when he suddenly heard someone firmly tell him to leave he looked around expecting to see a colleague or a manager rushing him but he found himself completely alone things escalated in 2004 when an employee found a freshly made bed completely not long after they had prepared it the sheets and pillows weren't torn or damaged but were thrown all over the room as if someone had a fit of rage by then it wasn't unusual for staf
f to hear footsteps ascending from the basement when no one was there or to feel an eerie sense of being watched while down there the exact moment someone first saw a ghost is hard to pinpoint but many believe it coincided with the bed incident interestingly despite these occurrences no one has reported physical contact with any spirits the most chilling tale I've heard involves the origin of the woman in white the hotel built on what used to be Farmland is adjacent to Woods preserved for their
natural beauty complete with hiking trails and a pond in 2007 a tragic event occurred when a woman staying at the hotel drowned in that pond since then the pond has been off limits to guests marked by signs prohibiting swimming fishing and ice skating my boss is convinced that the woman in white frequently seen around the hotel is the spirit of the woman who drowned he speculates that other paranormal activities might be linked to former Farm Workers who died in accidents on the property and hav
e not moved on in a more recent incident a medium who was visiting for a show stayed in one of the rooms known for its strange occurrences she specifically requested a room with a history of Paranormal Activity and was assigned to the room where I had experienced the lights turning on by themselves although I wasn't there to hear her story firsthand my boss shared with me what she reported upon checking out she claimed to have made contact with the spirit of a six-year-old boy believed to be con
nected to the land's past as a farm according to her this Spirit was playful responsible for turning on lights and moving objects around but not harmful she assured us that none of the spirits in the hotel meant any harm a sentiment I'm inclined to believe after all despite all the Eerie experiences No guest or staff member has ever been harmed it seems the spirits if they are indeed present prefer to make their presence known to the staff rather than the guests last year I was studying in Brazi
l and decided to travel as much as possible during my break my friend who was also on Exchange and I planned a backpacking journey across Brazil without setting a return date or location to keep our options open we had a great time and and a few days before our trip ended we chose to fly back from a nearby City offering cheap flights the city itself wasn't special but we found a room on Airbnb close to the airport with a swimming pool we thought it would be nice to relax there at the end of our
journey the hosts were a family the husband was Brazilian and the wife was European and even spoke our language we arranged for them to pick us up from the airport after taking a bus there however when we arrived it was dark and the bus driver left us on the highway refusing to go to the airport as it wasn't directly on his route we were stuck on the side of the road in a dangerous city in Brazil with our backpacks I called the hosts and sent them our location they said they would come for us th
e husband arrived to pick us up and it felt risky getting into a car with someone we didn't know especially in the middle of the night and in such an isolated place he reminded me of a famous actor but without a mustache and he barely spoke during the drive either ignoring my attempts at at conversation or responding with short answers I hoped we would arrive at their place soon trying to convince myself that his silence was just his nature looking back there were so many warning signs we ignore
d possibly because we were too tired or just didn't have any other choice when we arrived my worries grew the house was surrounded by Fields with sheep and goats accessible only via a gravel road leading off the main road along this road there were about six large houses each enclosed by high walls with security fences on top massive Gates and at least two large guard dogs each the situation felt off as soon as we entered the house the wife a friendly and talkative woman greeted us warmly she ha
d prepared dinner and we tried to make light conversation as we ate but the husband remained silent we were exhausted from the day's events and went to bed soon after dinner the oddness of our situation settling in as we tried to sleep the next day the sky was cloudy so we chose to explore the town instead of staying by the pool after spending the day out we returned in the evening feeling the heat and humidity despite the darkness we decided to cool off in the pool the hostess joined us and my
friend out of curiosity asked how they could afford such a big house she didn't give a straight answer but mentioned her husband was very skilled with his hands having grown up on the streets and had built their home himself we quickly realized it was is n't the right topic to dwell on and change the subject it was our last night before our flight home the next morning we had some leftover weed and thought it would be nice to use it up however considering it was a family home we wanted to ask ou
r hosts if it was okay that evening we asked the hostess if we could smoke on the Terrace she laughed loudly at this and called out to her husband who was watching TV asking him what he thought about us smoking weed he just laughed and didn't really answer she then told told us to go ahead so we went to the Terrace to smoke later they joined us and the conversation took a strange turn they began asking detailed questions about the weed where we got it how much it cost and how we'd get more back
in Europe their interest seemed excessive then the hostess casually mentioned they had considered selling weed as a way to make money but decided against it because it was too dangerous due to the cartels shockingly she added that her husband had once killed people over such matters for the cartel I felt a wave of sobriety hit me did she really just say that her husband nonchalantly confirmed saying he did such work for the cartel when he was 16 as casually as if he were talking about a regular
Teenage job I was so stunned I texted my friend sitting across from me to confirm I hadn't misunderstood he texted back confirming our worst fears but suggesting we stay calm as there seemed to be no immediate danger we decided to play it cool but inside we were both both on high alert questioning how the night would end and what our hosts were truly capable of we were stuck with no other place to go and it was late trying to stay calm we kept talking with our hosts suddenly the husband left and
came back with a huge block of weed he broke off a piece and rolled it into a giant joint bigger than anything I'd seen he offered it to us but we said no claiming we were already too high he looked a bit upset but seemed to believe us then the night took a scarier turn loud bangs broke the silence the wife looked worried and asked what those sounds were her husband coolly said they were gunshots which made me even more nervous after a short while we heard more shots this time closer the wife b
ecame more anxious suggesting we go inside but her husband remained disturbingly calm saying it was fine since he hadn't heard any screams his calmness in such a tense moment terrified me we quickly excused ourselves and and locked ourselves in our room panicking about our situation we were in a remote place with a man who had admitted to killing for cartels while unknown dangers lurked outside we felt our safest option was to stay in our room hoping that being his guests would keep us safe from
harm we spent the night Wide Awake fearing what might happen as soon as Dawn broke we rushed out of there and headed for the airport never in my life had I been so relieved to go through airport security the experience of that last night haunted us a Stark reminder of the dangers we had narrowly escaped I'm a young woman just turned 18 and I recently got a job at a small hotel cleaning rooms it's been a little over a month since I started this hotel is out in the countryside far from the city i
n a quiet part of the country it's not a busy place just now and then a big family comes to stay or some people who are traveling for work stop by most guests are middle-aged in their their 40s or 50s my parents warned me when I took the job that this hotel might be a bit weird or creepy but until recently I didn't see anything strange about the hotel or the people who stayed there my workday started at half 10 in the morning I went straight to the back of the hotel far from the front desk to be
gin cleaning the rooms where guests were staying another night at the very end of this hallway there were four rooms kind of Hidden Away you wouldn't see these rooms until you were right at the end the rooms were set up two on each side of the hall I was gathering my cleaning supplies for these stayover rooms when a man stepped out of one of them he asked me how to use the coffee maker in his room this man was huge way bigger than me he stood 6' 3 in tall and looked to be around 300 lb I'm much
smaller only 5' 3 in tall and weigh 125 lb I didn't think much of it I like to chat and am usually good at making conversation with strangers so so after helping him I went back to cleaning another room focusing on my work then he came out again this time to tell me he didn't need his room cleaned I thought great one less room to worry about his room to my boss was working on a room at the end of the hallway and I was heading to another room to start cleaning it when the same big man stepped out
of his room once more I thought maybe he needed help with something else so I stopped and turned to talk to him he asked me aren't you afraid doing your job here I replied not really I don't usually talk to the guests much since I'm just cleaning thinking it was a strange question he then told me I was very pretty and should carry pepper spray or something to keep myself safe I showed him the car keys I always carry in my pocket for protection the conversation felt weird but not scary at first
but then as he talked more I started to feel really scared he said I don't think car keys will do much you're small someone could easily grab you right after he said that I quickly went into the room where my boss was just to get away from him I waited there until he went back into his room after that I tried to act like everything was normal but inside I was very scared that talk with him really scared me I found myself hiding in a different room crying and shaking for a long time because I was
afraid he might come after me to the man in room 131 I hope we never meet again I work night shifts at a hotel from 11: at night until 7:00 in the morning this story happened during a weekend when we had a big wedding group staying with us it was Saturday night the wedding day when everything took a strange turn before I started my shift most of the wedding guests who had drunk a lot had gone to their rooms to sleep I met some of them while the previous shift was handing over to me and they all
seemed really happy and friendly once I was by myself for the night I got ready for my 8 hours of work sitting at the front desk then the hotel's phone rang I answered it trying to sound as friendly as possible hello this is the river in the voice on the other end was hard to understand as if the caller was speaking from underwater due to a poor connection when I finally understood him this is what he said I need 10 towels in room 401 sure I'll bring them to you in a few minutes I replied then
he added my girlfriend isn't here I didn't know what to say to that so I stayed quiet he continued I want to have some fun with you baby that scared me a lot then he just hung up I tried calling my boss several times but got no answer I ended up locking myself in the bathroom and calling my mom she helped me calm down and I went back to the front desk still nervous when I heard the elevator moving I panicked and hid behind some boxes covering my mouth to stay quiet I could hear someone walking b
ut couldn't tell exactly where they were heading possibly towards the kitchen after about 5 minutes just as I thought of leaving my hiding spot I heard a man cough I stayed frozen the sound of his footsteps went back towards the elevator and I didn't move until I was sure he was gone I can't be certain it was the same man who called me but who else would walk around the hotel so late stay quiet for a while and then just leave the scariest part was when I found out that room 4001 the room he want
ed the towels for had no one staying in it that night I work at a small hotel and one day while sitting behind the front desk a man walked in to buy a soda from our little shop I tried to make small talk as he paid stuff like good morning and how are you but he just stared at me without saying a word I thought maybe he was just not a morning person and brushed it off about 10 minutes later I glanced towards the dining area and saw the same man sitting on a chair staring directly at me when our e
yes met he quickly looked away I thought it was odd but decided he was probably just zoning out I continued with my work wrapping up my shift tasks but when I looked again he was still staring this time I felt uneasy I had to count the cash in the drawer so I moved to a spot where he couldn't see me from his chair and started counting the money peeking up I noticed he had changed his seat to a higher stool positioning himself to have a clear view of me no matter where I moved at the front desk i
t was clear he wasn't trying to be discreet with his staring while I've dealt with strange behavior in the past this felt different more creepy and unsettling eventually I finished my shift and left for home I walked fast to my car and drove off quickly as I passed the hotel entrance Rance I saw him standing there just watching me leave I pressed on the gas and took a different way home than usual constantly checking to see if I was being followed for those who haven't experienced something like
this it's deeply uncomfortable and leaves you feeling scared for a long time when I was a kid my family loved to go on trips because my cousins and I were about the same age this story is from 2012 when we decided to visit at Disneyland in Paris I am the youngest of eight cousins and all of them are girls except for me we were all close in age ranging from me at 11 to the oldest cousin who was 16 around this time I was easily scared because of horror movies I had watched and scary stories I hea
rd in school or on the news so our big family which could easily fill a small bus stayed at a hotel near the park that had restaurants swimming pools and shops one evening after our parents had enjoyed a bit too much wine at dinner they gave us some money to buy ice cream from a shop in the hotel stick together they reminded us that's when I saw him I can't forget his face even now he looked exactly like a villain from one of those horror movies that had kept me up at night which made me instant
ly wary I was in line for ice cream with my cousins trying to stay at the end of the line and I couldn't take my eyes off this man being the youngest and the only boy I felt it was my job to watch out for my cousins I noticed him say something to one of my cousins that I couldn't hear right before he ordered his ice cream the place was crowded full of Noise with kids running around and families checking their park maps but I kept my focus on him next I see him clearly lean back and a little over
to take a look at two of my cousins legs we're talking to girls here and as I mentioned the place is packed the line is long and people are shoulder-to-shoulder and that's when things got crazy as he was paying with his left hand his right was sort of hovering over my cousin's butt but barely touching with everything going on they didn't notice a thing I turned to my sister and told her what was up two heads is better than one plus I wanted to make sure I wasn't just seeing things her face imme
diately turned grotesque when he saw what I was talking about two of my cousins having already ordered ice cream my sister told us that she was getting a call talking old pre- smart phone era only for emergency flip phones so it would really only be our parents and that we needed to get out the line good quick thinking on her part the two who ordered being understandably Furious my cousin sadly walks past all the eager ice cream customers when I asked my cousin what the man said to her she said
he asked if we were together for a minute there and sometimes even to this day I Ponder whether or not I made a scene over nothing perhaps only because he resembled someone bad in a movie but his cold long heart stare at me as I Departed the plaza with my cousins safe will always chew me to the Bone about 15 years ago when I was around 13 or 14 I went on a trip with my best friend Sarah and her family it was Sarah her parents her older brother Tom who was about 15 or 16 and me we were really clo
se almost like sisters and their family was like my second family during our trip we stopped at a hotel that had a big open space in the Middle with a swimming pool one afternoon we all decided to go for a swim the pool area was pretty crowded with lots of kids playing in the water and adults relaxing on the sun chairs around it while we were having fun in the pool I noticed a man probably in his 50s sitting by himself on one of the chairs he wore sunglasses making it hard to see where he was lo
oking but he seemed out of place because he wasn't talking to anyone or doing anything we thought maybe he was waiting for his family or something the next day Sarah's parents went out leaving us kids alone in the hotel room they trusted us to stay put and not get into trouble from our room's window we could see the pool area I saw that same man again just sitting there watching the pool this time a group of young women were swimming later I checked again and he was still there but now a family
with little kids was at the pool it was cloudy and not really a day for sunbathing and he didn't have a book or anything to pass the time he was just staring which made me feel really uneasy in the evening after we had all gone out for dinner and were coming back it was already dark we noticed the man again this time in the parking lot wearing his sunglasses at night he was walking around looking at every car's license plate it was strange because he even checked our car's plates as we were walk
ing towards the hotel entrance Sarah's dad who used to be in the Army and was very protective of us didn't like this one bit he went up to the man and asked him what he was doing the man claimed he was the parking lot attendant feeling suspicious we immediately went to the hotel lobby to ask about this so-called attendant the response from the girl at the front desk sent chills down my spine she looked confused and said we don't have a parking lot attendant that moment we knew something was very
wrong we didn't stay another night we left the hotel the very next morning as we continued our journey the memory of that man haunted us we couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched and it made the rest of our trip feel a bit less Carefree The Experience taught us to always be aware of our surroundings and that sometimes things are not what they seem let me tell you a bit about what happened my sister who was 21 and I decided to drive across the country to start a new life on the west coa
st we had a long long drive ahead of us so we planned to stay at a hotel for a night to break up the journey it was mid June and we were also traveling with her dog a big friendly mix of a Britney and a Pitbull who looks tough but is really sweet also I'm 177 years old and people often think I'm a girl because of the way I look we arrived at the hotel around 700 in the evening got our room on the second floor and everything seemed fine but after a while we got hungry my sister's back was hurting
from driving so I went out to buy some sandwiches from a place a couple of blocks away I didn't mind going and soon I was back at the hotel looking forward to eating but then my sister realized she had left some things in the car and asked me to go get them I took the keys and ran down to the car it was a quick trip and I was back at the hotel in about 5 minutes this hotel had an open balcony that led to the rooms and you needed a key card to use the elevator as I was walking up to it I noticed
two men near a car at first I thought they were just heading to their car but one of them had his hand on the door and stopped when he saw me instead of getting in the car they both started walking towards the elevator where I was headed it felt odd seeing them changed their Direction suddenly I tried not to think too much of it but I couldn't shake off a feeling of unease the night was quiet and the hotel's lights cast Long Shadows on the ground making everything seem a bit Eerie I Quicken my
Pace hoping to get back to the safety of my room quickly hearing stories like this before I knew what could happen next Walking Away might just make them follow me in a city that was new to us so I decided to act normal used my key card pressed the elevator button and stepped in and just as I thought they followed me inside I was trying to think fast then I remembered my sister had pepper spray attached to her keychain I grabbed it tightly ready to use it if needed our room was just a right turn
and then straight down the hall from the elevator I wanted them to go ahead of me so they wouldn't be behind me but they insisted I go first so there I was walking fast to our room key card in one hand and pepper spray in the other planning to shut the door quickly once I got inside as I opened the door those men were right behind me too close for comfort probably ready to make their move I quickly said out loud hey I got the stuff from the car making sure they could hear me as I pushed past th
e dog to get inside I closed the door fast and then saw them through the peephole walking past our room our room was at the end of the hallway and there was only one more room Beyond ours I looked at my sister with wide eyes as if to say you won't believe what just happened and then I locked the door if those men hadn't seen my sister and her dog I'm sure they would have tried to come into our room my sister mentioned that she saw them peek peing into our room through the window since the blinds
weren't completely shut we also heard them talking to a woman in the hallway and saying goodbye which made us think they weren't even guests at the hotel creepy guys I hope we never run into them again the whole experience left us shaken we kept asking ourselves what could have happened if things had gone differently the thought of being in such a vulnerable situation in an unfamiliar city was truly frightening we made sure to check the locks on the doors and windows several times that night tr
ying to convince ourselves we were safe now but the fear lingered making every little noise sound a 100 times louder in the dark quiet room my parents have run a small bar in eery for 14 years in our Tiny Village my dad loves trying out new things and is pretty famous around here one day a local estate agent came to him with a special offer to look at an old hotel that was for sale this place had been there for ages changing from a hotel to a restaurant and then to a bar but never really succeed
ing every owner before had given up and sold it within a year now the bank owned it and the agent told my dad if you don't buy it and fix it they're going to tear it down many folks in the village believe my dad was the only one who could save this place so he decided to buy it they kept the bar on the ground floor and turned the upper floors into Apartments that's when strange things started happening every night dad would come home with videos from the security C cameras to show Mom and me the
videos always showed the empty game room with a strange light floating around dad believes in ghosts but Mom and I don't we thought it was just dust or bugs even though the way it moved was odd but we didn't think much of it a month later something changed dad came home early one Saturday looking scared which is rare for him he told us that he was at the bar going through the receipts from the previous night when he heard footsteps we're closed on Sundays but it wouldn't be strange if someone s
aw Dad's truck and came in so he wasn't alarmed by the footsteps without looking up he said we're closed now but just a minute he heard the footsteps enter the bar and take six steps toward him before stopping after finishing his work with the receipts my dad looked up and glanced around the wooden pillar but there was nobody there he told us he left so quickly he can't even remember if he locked the door my mom thinks he's imagining things but I was really scared that old place always made me u
neasy and my dad's Story made me too afraid to ever go back just two days ago my mom had her own scary moment there that made her run out even faster than my dad did she was in the bar early before it opened to collect the earnings from the previous night she hadn't been there long when she started hearing soft music coming from the hall by the entrance at first she ignored it thinking maybe it was one of the people living upstairs playing it but as she was getting ready to leave the music got l
ouder she described it as old-fashioned dance music played on a piano and it sounded very clear the closer she got to the bathroom down the hall the louder the music became when she was right in front of the women's bathroom it seemed like the music was coming from inside as if someone was playing it on their phone by then my mom was really scared and couldn't think of any logical explanation for what was happening just as she was about to open the door she heard the sound of water turning on an
d off twice she ran out of there fast in the parking lot she called my dad convinced someone else was inside with her but when he arrived to check he found no one now my mom believes in the strange happenings too and both of us are genuinely frightened of that old Eerie Hotel I wish I had nothing more to tell you about it but there's one last thing the hotel burned down last week they still don't know how it happened



I love how the first guy keeps saying it's his last story. 😅 but they're very interesting 😊


Great vid Mr. Creepiness :)


God, I love these thumbnails.