
A Hidden Gem in Bratislava, Slovakia - Rick Steves' Blog

Rick's blog (2018): Day 62 of my 100-day trip to Europe brought me to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. One hour from Vienna and two hours from Budapest, this city is filled with surprises. Here at Café Kormúth, a cake and a coffee come with an unforgettable setting. Follow my travels on my blog: Visit for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe. Check out more Rick Steves’ Europe travel resources: “Rick Steves’ Europe” public television series: “Travel with Rick Steves” public radio program: European Tours: Guidebooks: Travel Gear: Trip Consulting: Travel Classes: Rick Steves Audio Europe App: Rick Steves, America's most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.

Rick Steves' Europe

5 years ago

"Ahoj" -- that's "hello" in Slovakia. I'm Rick Steves, I'm in Bratislava, I'm with my guide friend Martin Sloboda, and that means "freedom?" "Freedom," and Martin's like, the most incredible guide here in Bratislava, and he took me into this incredible little cafe and, Martin tell me...this is one man's passion. - What's the name of this cafe? - Kormuth, after the owner. - Mr. Kormuth. And he has spent... - Ten years. - Ten years putting this together celebrating this city. Here, now it says P
ressburg. - Pressburg is the historic name of the city. - So, Bratislava, we know Bratislava, but for centuries it was the German name, Pressburg. -Yeah. And if we look around here we see so much heritage like, right up here on the roof. Martin, what is this symbol here? - This is the full coat of arms of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. - With all the little countries that were part... - The crown lands. - So, Maria, Maria Teresa, and Franz Josef - they ruled all those lands until World War I, an
d that was bad times. Now, if you want to come into this beautiful place and enjoy this kind of ambience, you have to spend a little money, and it costs you 10 euros, but then you get your choice of any of these beautiful cakes, and a nice coffee, And you can can then... luxuriate in the 17th century. So, we're in Pressburg, but now it's Bratislava, and we're going out into the city. So, we have a... one of these hidden gems and I wouldn't know about it unless I was with a local guide
. And then we're back out in the real world. It's goodbye, Cafe Kormuth and we'll say "thank you" to Mr. Kormuth, and now we go...what square is out here, Martin? - This is the main square coming up - the heart of the old town, where all the markets would have been held back in the 1200s. Hasn't changed much, actually. - So, this is just right downtown in Bratislava, checking out a city that a lot of people don't even consider visiting. One hour from Vienna, two hours from Budapest, and worth
a look. Happy travels from Bratislava in Slovakia.



woow the ceiling is stunning .. i would love to go there .. so beautiful !!!


good to know this place, Rick. Bratislava is even greater than before. I would say, Time to go back.


Bratislava was one of my favorite places that I ever visited. I recommend everyone goes there.


Beautiful...even the streets and sidewalks!


ohh my neighbors :D I'm sending greetings from Czech Republic


Fantastic city, so easy to get in from Vienna to enjoy a day. A lot of culture, beautiful architecture and good food! The statues in human size are incredible! We hope one day to come back! Thanks for this video!


Bratislava- one more place on my MUST VISIT list! Especially the cafe, cake and coffee yummm, I want to follow in your footsteps Rick Steves!


I used to live just down the street from that shop, moved last year but still in Bratislava. I remember it was under renovation and completely dark inside for a few months, but the puppet/animatronics were still in the window and working. Glad to see it got a beautiful re-decoration.


Hey Steve, is there a chance you’d ever do a 25 minute Slovakia episode?


Thanks for this video 👍


Thank you very much. Your videos really help me to study English.


Splendid !


Beautiful ...


This video is definitely one of the best I have so far been watching for guiding from you.


Crikey, Steve. You have the best job in the world. Lucky git!


I’m definitely going to visit this beautiful place .




This seems to be a very interesting place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much! And please keep up the great job! Subscribed!!


Likely sweet