
A Hidden Google Assistant Feature!

It's been smarter than most people realize.

Marques Brownlee

10 months ago

I just want us to all be aware of this really cool Google Assistant feature because it's kind of sick so for years now if you've ever heard a song in the background or on the radio or on a mall or something you just Shazam it it uses the mic you can figure out what song it is now if you've been watching Tech videos you've probably already knew that Google pixels have had this feature called now playing where they're ambiently listening in the background and keeping a rolling list of all the song
s at play but did you know that you can actually sing a song yourself and Google can still try to identify that song or even if you don't know the words you can kind of like sing or hum or whistle the lyrics check this out what song is this [Music] mm-hmm it gives me blue da ba dee 11 match now it's funny it works the exact same way on the iPhone but it actually looks kind of cooler in the Google app for some reason so you hit the mic what song is this Eleanor Rigby 47 match that would be correc
t I had no idea Google would do this but now I'm glad I know



Google really needs to step up their advertising. This is a feature from a few years ago and still not many people knew about it.


First time I knew something MKBHD didn't know, I have been using this for almost two years now.


Another Google tip is that if you use the Google Clock app for your alarm, you can set a routine to go off when you dismiss your alarm. I have mine set to turn on the lights, adjust the thermostat, tell me the weather, what's on my calendar, and more. No more having to talk to Google in the morning!


So it’s confirmed, google is ALWAYS listening


he rick-rolled us in the most nonchalant way😂


I’ve been using this for years now, I can’t believe MKBHD didn’t know about this


I used to spend hours doing this with SoundHound back in the day.


Now everybody accepted the fact the phones always listening


Cant wait till apple invents this feature.


SoundHound has been doing that "humming detection" for at least ten years now.


You can even add an "Sound Search" icon on the Android home screen for easier access.


There are million and billions of music out there from listening to recognize and matching them in real time and show the results in a second is juat amazing


Zamn, Marques got some singing skills


I've been using this feature for the past 2-3 years, and i can say that this is the most practical things from Google assistant


Thank you so much for this Marques! I was able to find a German song that I used to hear all the time in 2014 when I was in Germany. But I don't know the language so never could tell which song it was. Until now. Google's awesome


Google listening all the time. Sounds like a great idea.


There's one big pain point I have with this. If I have a google assistant playing a radio station on TuneIn or something similar, and I ask it to identify what's playing, it sees that it's my other device playing and just tells me the metadata from it, which is usually just the radio station name and nothing about the song!


I want to see all the outtakes where MKBHD botched a song so bad that Google couldn’t find it


SoundHound has been my go to app for basically a decade now because it's ALWAYS been able to do this, even back in like 2014.


I remember jokingly trying to do this years ago and it just.. working. Like "Hey google what song sounds like do do do doo doo do do do" and having it actually recognize the notes and make the correct suggestion. Wild.