
A Kids Book About: The Podcast | Episode 26: Courtney Talks About Activism

A Kids Book About: The Podcast Episode 26 | Courtney Talks About Activism ---------- Episode Summary Courtney Ahn, author of A Little Book About Activism, talks about how you can use your voice and work to make your community better through activism. ---------- About The Show A kids podcast about the things that matter, like racism, body image, and belonging. Each episode opens up the dialogue we've begun in our groundbreaking A Kids Book About series. Created by folks who've been there. Honest. Important. Relevant. Start the conversation. We know you're ready. ---------- Meet The Host Matthew Winner is Head of Podcasts at A Kids Company About and has 15+ years in education as a teacher and an elementary school librarian. ---------- Follow A Kids Company About: Store: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Email:

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2 years ago

Hi, this is Matthew, and I'm Head of Podcast  at A Kids Company About. We are so glad you're listening to this show, and I wanted to let you  know that we've got an entire network of podcasts dedicated to producing original content that talks  up to kids, centers the things going on in their world, and themselves. With shows about facts  climate justice, current events, and activism, there's a show out there made just for  your kid. Check out the A Kids Podcast About channel on Apple Podcasts or
wherever  podcasts are found. Or visit Matthew: What is activism? Courtney: Um, to me, Activism is a lot like  problem solving in our communities. Identifying when something isn't right, intentionally or  unintentionally and taking the necessary steps to fix it for everyone's benefit. I think it's  helpful to think of activism like a verb instead of a noun. It requires action. And the way we  think about it is always growing and change. Matthew: Welcome to A Kids Book  About: The P
odcast! I’m Matthew. I’m a teacher, a librarian, and I’m your host. Today we’re continuing our special series of  episodes with the authors and illustrators of our A Little Book About series. We know that many of  you listening have younger brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, neighborhood friends  and new-to-the-neighborhood faces. And while this series is  intended for kids ages 0-4, we know that many, many of you are the  ones who read to those young learners. The topics we cover in the
series are universal,  which means they are things that anyone, no matter the age, can connect to. Things  like sharing and curiosity and bravery. Today, as we talk about the big  things going on in your world, we’re doing so with an author illustrator  from our A Little Book About series. Courtney: Hi, my name is Courtney Ahn, but everybody calls  me Courn. I'm a Korean American designer and illustrator in Portland, Oregon, and I am also  the author of A Little Book About Activism. Matthew: I'm
so glad to be talking to  you on the podcast. I'm so glad that our listeners get to hear you. And I also get to  share some love for A Little Book About Activism. It's a gorgeous book. It's so beautifully  written. I'm so grateful that you're here. Why don't we get into speaking of pictures, but  also actions. Courn, what can activism look like? Courtney: Activism can look like so many things.  It can look like starting a petition in your school for gender neutral clothing policies. It  can loo
k like joining a program to clean up trash in your community. It can look like getting  involved in marches and rallies in your city. The shared thing is just that  activism requires a desire for change and to make your  community a better place. Matthew: Can anybody be an activist? Courtney: Absolutely. If you have a  voice and a means of expressing it, however that may be, you can fight for  anyone and anything through activism. Matthew: I love that. Are,  are you an activist, Courn? Do you co
nsider yourself an activist? Courtney: I like to think that I am. Matthew: Yeah, me as well. And I love seeing, I  love identifying those children that care about the thing that they care about and want to  take that next step into action too. I think. I say it a lot around here, but you know, when we  work with children, we're looking into our future. And so kids, when we talk about you, we look  for those ways that you can change this world. What are some of the most important  causes, Courn,
that you fight for? Courtney: Growing up in a community  without a lot of kids that looked like me, I was often bullied for just being Asian. So of  course anti-racism and racial equality has always been the most personal to me. But the great  thing is that a need for equality connects so many other causes near to me, environmental  activism, gender equality, LGBTQIA+ equality, worker rights, workers' rights, and much more. Matthew: We've talked about gender and identity  on this podcast before.
And we've also talked about anti-Asian hate and I think any one of  those things that we identify with those things that make us feel like us when those come under  attack, um, that is an awful, awful thing. And I think it's also a space where we can step  in and be that support for one another. So I'm grateful for you for sharing those with us.  And I'm also a fan of your causes. So, uh, I would love to hear a little bit about what it was like  for you to create a book for our youngest readers
. Courtney: It was absolutely such an odd  create something that I really would have loved to read when I was younger.  Like, it was definitely a challenge because I don't typically make a lot of  stuff for kids, but it was also so much fun figuring that out, like from writing  to storyboarding and illustrating, like I had such a blast working with the team  to create something that I'm really proud. Matthew: Oh, that's so cool. I love the art in  your book, as I shared. And also your message. I
love that you also are giving those words to the  person, reading the book to help communicate to, uh, the other person enjoying the book,  the reader, whatever their age is. Uh, do you have a favorite spread from  the book? I have a favorite spread that I'm going to share with you, but  do you have a favorite spread? Courtney: Yeah, I would have to say probably the  last spread. It's the one with the large shoe and like everyone in arms kind of marching  off the page. Like it really just felt
like me. That was kind of the whole idea of the book  summarize like this idea of community and unity. Matthew: Yes. I, you know, The the way to, to, to pair with you the  way you talk about the end of the book. I also love the care that you'll, that you show  right at the beginning of the book, where you say I'm going to cheat and say two spreads, but  sometimes the word world feels perfect. Like it's smiling right at you. And then with the  turn of the page, but sometimes it doesn't feel like
that at all. I love in this art for  those listening that on your first spread, you have a closeup of the earth smiling back at us  personified and there's wonderful, welcoming way. But on that page, turn, we zoom way, way, way out  from the earth. Who's who's crying. There's a deer running down Earth's face, and it's just sort of  the bleakness of space. If you will space spaces. One of those funny things that can make us feel  alone, but can also feel wonderful, but the way you use it in this
spread, really feels like  there's no one else there for this character. And I think that, um, being  able to offer that imagery for our readers to set the table,  if you will, for the conversation that's going to happen in this book, uh, is, is  really such a great inviting way to start off. Courtney: And thank you so  much. I really appreciate that. Matthew: I am so appreciative that you. We're on this path and continue to be on this  path that you are calling the brought you to making this bo
ok that brought you  to sharing this story with readers. Uh, I'm so grateful for that. I'm grateful  that we got a chance to talk today before we leave. I'd love to  ask you if there's a message about activism that you'd like  to share with our listeners? Courtney: Yes, just one small thing. I'd just  love to share that you are never too young, small, or unimportant to have a voice  and make a difference in your community. All it is ever taken is a single voice  to start a movement. So why not y
ou? Matthew: And now, read to you in its entirety, here is  A Little Book About Activism by Courtney Ahn. Courtney: A Little Book About  Activism by Courtney Ahn. Sometimes the world feels perfect,  like it's smiling right at you. But sometimes it doesn't feel like that at all. Sometimes the world can be really unfair...  to certain people and communities. To me, and maybe even you too. But it  doesn't have to stay that way. I believe that one person can  make a difference. How? Activism. Activi
sm is caring so much about something  that you want to change it for the better. How does it work? It starts with seeing the world around you,  noticing when it's unfair... and then using your voice to speak up when something isn't right.  And backing up those words with actions too. It's about working with everyone in your community  and working for everyone in your community. Because one step at a time, activism can  make the world a better place for all of us. Matthew: Thank you to Courtney A
hn, author and  illustrator of A Little Book About Activism, for joining us today. You can learn more about this  book and others like it by visiting A Kids Book About: The Podcast is  written, edited, and produced by me, Matthew Winner, with help from Chad Michael  Snavely and the team at Sound On Studios. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this  show was brought to you by A Kids Podcast About. Follow the show on Apple Podcasts  or wherever podcasts are found, and if you
liked this episode, consider  sharing it with a friend, teacher, or grownup. Join us next week for a conversation  about Sharing with Duke Stebbins, author and illustrator of A  Little Book About Sharing. A Kids Book About is now A Kids Company About,  empowering a generation of kids through diverse storytelling. Visit and explore  a wealth of books, podcasts, and classes, for kids of all ages. While you're there, check  out A Kids Class About, an all-new education streaming platform
designed for tweens and teens,  focused on careers, life skills, and big ideas. Visit for more information.
