
A Mo Willems Read Aloud for Kids 📖 Knuffle Bunny Too

Trixie can't wait to bring her one-of-a-kind Knuffle Bunny to school and show him off to everyone. But when she gets there, she sees something awful: Sonja has the same bunny. Suddenly, Knuffle Bunny doesn't seem so one-of-a-kind anymore. Chaos ensues until the bunnies are taken away by Ms. Greengrove. After school, Trixie finally gets her beloved bunny back. But in the middle of the night, Trixie realizes something. She has the wrong bunny! Daddy comes to the rescue again as a midnight swap is arranged with the other bunny, the other little girl, and the other daddy. Needless to say, the daddies are not very happy. By the end of the story Trixie has her beloved bunny back, but she has also gained something new: her very first best friend. Knuffle Bunny Too A Case of Mistaken Identity by Mo Willems Read by Cher Willems Want to have more fun with Mo's books? ⬇️ Just DOWNLOAD & print activities here ⬇️ [Don’t forget to ask the official downloader in your home for help!] SUBSCRIBE! Follow The Mo Willems Workshop! Sparking serious silliness for kids and former kids. The Mo Willems Workshop is a space to watch, create and play.

Mo Willems Workshop

6 days ago

Knuffle Bunny 2 a case of mistaken identity by Mo Willams one morning not so long ago Trixie took a walk with her daddy by now Trixie really knew how to talk guess what I'm going to do I'm going to show Amy and then I'll show Meg and then I'll show Margo and then I'll show Jane and then I'll show Leela and then I'll show Rebecca and then I'll show Noah and then I'll show Robbie and then I'll show Toshi and then I'll show Casey and then I'll show Connie and then I'll show Parker and then I'll sho
w Brian and then and talk and talk Trixie was excited because she was taking her one-of-a-kind Knuffle Bunny some place very special come on school Trixie couldn't wait to show Knuffle Bunny to M green grve and all her friends in prek but just as her daddy kissed her goodbye Trixie saw Sonia suddenly Trixie's one-of aind Knuffle Bunny wasn't so one-of a kind anymore the morning did not go well kuff nuff kff nuff the afternoon was worse when the school bell rang M Green Grove turned the Knuffle b
unnies and the day got better then before she knew it it was time to go home Trixie ate her dinner devoured her dessert brushed her teeth and tried to escape the mommy and daddy robots from planet snurp at half past bedtime Trixie was tucked in ready for sleep but a few hours later Trixie realized something Trixie marched into her mommy and daddy's room and said that is not my bunny Trixie's Daddy tried to explain what 2:30 a.m. means he asked can we deal with this in the morning Trixie's Daddy
went to the phone before he even made it down the stairs the phone rang we have your bunny said a man's voice on the other end we have yours replied Trixie's daddy Arrangements were made Trixie and her daddy rushed across the neighborhood Trixie did not want to be late neither did Sonia there was an exchange and the Knuffle bunnies were back where they belonged I was so worried about my bunny said Sonia so was I Trixie replied then they both said I'm glad you got your bunny back at the exact sam
e time and that is how Trixie found her first best friend Knuffle Bunny accepted of course epilogue the next morning both Trixie and Sonia rushed to school the new best friends had a lot of catching up to do do you want to play with my Knuffle Bunny sure do you want to play with mine the end that was fun yeah
