
A Promising New Drug for Blood Cancer | Future Technology & Science News 416

👉 Watch more ▶ ------------------------------ TRANSCRIPT A new drug called rusfertide has shown promise in treating polycythemia vera, a rare blood cancer. In a clinical trial involving 70 patients, rusfertide effectively lowered excess red blood cell production, reducing the need for phlebotomy and improving quality of life. Led by researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the trial demonstrated favorable safety and sustained control of hematocrit levels. Rusfertide, mimicking the hormone hepcidin, offers hope for better management of polycythemia vera and is now undergoing phase 3 trials for further validation and exploration in other blood disorders. Source: ------------------------------ ABOUT Finite Future brings you the latest future technology and science news that can disrupt the world we live in – for better or worse. • We are concerned about the future of humanity. • We care about our planet. • We want to make the world a better place. You are here because you share the same values. Please become a Supporter! 👉 Subscribe ▶

Finite Future

2 weeks ago

A new drug called rusfertide has shown promise in  treating polycythemia vera, a rare blood cancer. In a clinical trial involving 70 patients,  rusfertide effectively lowered excess red blood cell production, reducing the need for  phlebotomy and improving quality of life. Led by researchers from the Icahn  School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the trial demonstrated favorable safety  and sustained control of hematocrit levels. Rusfertide, mimicking the hormone hepcidin, offers hope for better mana
gement of  polycythemia vera and is now undergoing phase 3 trials for further validation  and exploration in other blood disorders.
