
Abraxas' Precipice: Adapa's Fate II charity one-shot (The Expanse RPG Actual Play)

Charity one-shot benefitting World Central Kitchen, donate here: The future of the Belt does not come lightly. Abraxas' Precipice is an actual play of The Expanse RPG by Green Ronin Publishing. It airs live on Wednesdays at 6pm PST on Support the stream: Follow social media: Abraxas' Precipice GameMaster: John Bultena Jacob Mundell (he/him) as Dingo: Isabel Chavez (she/her) as Carmen Castillo: Dr. Jessie Christiansen (she/her) as Mel Holson: KP Upadhyayula (he/him) as Srijan Misra: Josh Simons (he/him) as Marv DeValentine:


7 hours ago

oh my God hello welcome to avx's precipice I am John Bina the game master of this shinig and I have been well forever because I because I I invented the name um uh we got a special episode today very special episode uh we're doing a charity stream uh it's a one shot uh my continuation of adapis Fate we did it last year uh and we had a lot of fun with it we raised quite a bit of money um and uh the only tragedy of it was that I wrote a lot more than we got to play and so I was like let's do it ag
ain and uh you know finish the story and uh we're we're back so I wanted to say um a little bit about uh why I'm doing this I want to say and then I want to say who I'm doing with and I want to give every one of these people here who has been so kind to sacrifice their Saturday uh a little bit of time to tell about themselves uh what they're doing who they're playing and just whatever they want to say with within reason please twitch shows have guidelines I like to come back to Twitch i' like to
do the show again um and uh everything then uh we're playing today for World Central Kitchen which is a charity near and dear my heart and I'll talk about that a little bit after uh we introduce everybody um I'll throw the donation link here in the chat here and uh we'll get started but why don't we why don't we start with um our veteran uh Josh Josh why don't we start with you we'll go with Brady Bunch order here hey uh I'm excited to be here uh if you don't know me uh I'm Josh you can find me
every on the internet at Joshua M Simons uh I'm the community manager at Demi plane uh big expanse fan and John keeps asking me back and so I keep saying yes uh I I think it's a contractual obligation at this point um excited to be here excited to uh continue uh this adventure from uh last year awesome dud well thank you so thank you for so much for coming back as a Marv marvs are our we would call Our Favorite Martian uh and the light here so I'm going to go in uh I'll go in clockwise here uh
KP oh gosh okay uh hello everybody my name is KP I go by K1 Studios on all the socials I am a photographer a performer voice actor writer uh and cultural consultant uh bit of a lot of things and uh you can find me on pretty much all the socials as K Studios and I this will be my first time ever playing the expanse ttrpg so go on me don't kill my character off too quickly there um you should have brought plot armor oh well I mean I forgot in on my other character sheet unfortunately um and also c
omparatively a much newer fan of the show itself uh I started watching this literally because I was going to be on the show and then uh I was like screw the show I just want to watch the watch the show itself because this is fantastic um and became a huge fan because of that uh and I'm very excited to be on this with everybody for very great cause so thank you thank you so much we appreciate you being here uh Isabelle hello uh my name is Isabelle Chavez I uh this is actually the first time in qu
ite some time that I have done an RPG so I'm excited and nervous to get into this with everybody um but I am an actor I uh play Maya Castillo in the expans a tail tale series and I'm super excited to be here and to continue uh you know just being part of all things expanse well we appre we appreciate I appreciate you uh coming in and taking a chance roll the dice on us as it would be see what I did there uh to play to play the expans RPG uh with us and uh and I will say this actually the your pe
rformance in the game is actually really fun and amazing and a memorable character to add to the uh the lore of it all but uh we are we are uh we're also really admin on the show that when we have people that have been on the expanse that they don't play the character they play in the expanse we want people to I I always ask them who do you want to be and that's what role playing games are about who do you want to be today so uh we're having a having a lot of fun with that uh but speaking of whi
ch uh we have this gentleman below me uh Jacob hi everybody my name is Jacob I am first and foremost a Sci-Fi fan and a nerd and I uh always D and D I love games been playing games my entire life and I just so happened to be an actor by Passion who was lucky enough to be on my own Sci-Fi show once and I was on season five of The expanse I played the dirt bag um Eric uh who was a friend of um Amos as they as they gallivanted across the Galaxy and um John pulled me in John has been very cool to ma
rry my love my my career with my nerdiness and he brought me onto this show and we've become on again off again internet boyfriends I send him trinkets from the set and he sends me branded t-shirts precipice um and yeah I haven't played I I've just been busy I actor I shouldn't have been busy it's there was an actor strike but um I haven't role played in a minute so I'm very excited just to this is a great Saturday for me awesome awesome well thank you so much again for coming out here Jacob las
t and certainly not least we have one of my most recent guest players actually from my main store another person someone that did bring their plot armor uh because they they do live 10 years in the future of the expans continuity uh I do play continuity is Jesse Jesse tell us who you are what you do and all kinds of good stuff hi folks uh my name is Jesse Christensen I am the lead scientist of the NASA exoplanet archive which is how NASA keeps track of all of the exoplanets we found so far I fin
d planets by day and watch Sci-Fi by night uh so you know like Jacob huge sci-fi nerd very excited huge expanse fan from a long time ago um and yes I was a recent guest on the show which was my first time doing an expanse roleplay game I have my like home Dungeons and Dragons games with my kids and my husband that we play weekend which is super sweet um uh but in terms of like a quick promo I also host a podcast called explore exoplanets colon the discoverers where I interview other people who'v
e discovered planets about what did they find and how did they find it and how did they feel and their favorite fictional planet and have we found anything like that um so it's called explore exoplanets I think John is going to drop the link somewhere yeah so so check that out again I'm Jesse Christensen so I play Dr Mel holson who's an aerospace dynamicist who I now know has plot armor so I'm going to roll with abandon for the next few hours hooray whatlock do yeah I press this button I'll be f
ine you guys send me out into all of the dangerous situation um you know that's actually a great Point um so yes I am an Aeros spice dynamicist uh who loves designing orbits and rocket ships awesome awesome so yeah great cast today I'm very excited um but let me go and say what uh we're really here for which is uh my birthday no um this is my this I every year for those of know I do birthday games I I do a big game for my birthday I did my home game last week with my friends which was a blast uh
but I also do a big expanse game for my birthday and uh one of the awesome Parts about doing stream games is uh fundraising charity stuff is super cool it's it's it's fify guys it makes it easy like they make it shockingly easy and I've had the privileg to work with them uh on several of these and uh today we're playing for World Central Kitchen uh this is an organization that shows up in disaster zones all over the world and I mean all over the world uh comes to helps to feed people and sets u
p Logistics to get food to people uh and tries to really like meet people where they are in terms of their food cultures too so they'll show with peanut butter sandwiches but they're not going to stick to peanut butter sandwiches type of thing you know they're going to try to get what get what people eat um for me personally this charity uh means a lot uh last year about this time in my area here in California we had floody and it was a small town outside Planada uh very big farm worker town and
a lot of the Town got flooded I have a lot of friends and I even have co-workers people that are professors do what I do live there and their homes were flooded and World Central Kitchen showed up and fed my friends they fed my community they didn't have to but they did and when you step up for my people I step up for you so that's why I'm playing for World Central Kitchen today this isn't just something I picked you know they were in my like literally like six miles down the road uh with truck
s so I I really appreciate it there's a great uh last year Jennifer uh kretchmer pointed out there's a great documentary on Netflix called we feed people about them directed by know Ron Howard who's that and really good documentary hi recommend watching it it really shows what they do and how they set up and both their triumphs and their pitfalls in terms of trying to set up uh shop so uh great stuff um uh but yeah uh that's that's the uh that's what I SP about that so let me drop there's a dona
te link uh John I'm gonna John I'm GNA I'm going to force the spotlight on you for just a second I think it's really great that you're using the capital of your birthday to give to other people so happy birthday buddy hey you know it's it's uh you know thank you I appreciate it no I just I just uh I it's also a way to like you know lure you people into playing the game with me um uh to have an awesome cast and and you know uh get people to it so you know hey show for my birthday guys you know no
it's it's more than that too and I I really appreciate it though um so but um anyways sorry I'm trying not to get too emotional here but we're going to kick up our game uh just real quick context of the game this is uh any anything is good my my general rule when I brought my expanse games is it was on the TV show it's fair games there are content warning um and I always felt the TV show was very mature in the way it dealt with things it didn't it didn't you know nothing was gratuitous uh maybe
Aus a shower scene at the worst but uh it's it's that you that was contextual um but yeah we uh we really uh uh have a lot of fun with this and our game is a prequel taking place about five years before the main stay of the show begins and deals with how did Fred Johnson become the director of Tao station and just happen to have the most advanced ship in the in the solar system to spy on everybody so but we're gonna go and kick off here I'm GNA run the opening credits uh we'll be back in about
a minute and uh we'll be playing our game of avaus precipice the expans role playing game adapt fate 2 with this amazing cast all right be right back all right guys we just had a very heated conversation oh man oh geez okay got real spicy for a minute oh wow that was Jacob wow okay no I'm just should we recap it for the viewers or should we move on restart the opening credits again no um but uh uh oh my God by the way your donations could affect the game getting rerolls and we have some great PD
F bundles um I also you can get an autograph photo from Jacob and you can get a private game of the expans ball playing game with you and your friends with me so we have some cool stuff in there all right sorry gotta plug it all it's live all right here we go sergeon uh and Carmen the two of you known each other for a while uh both Martian uh both of you have uh you know worked your way through the solar system and such um and you you've seen uh sergeon you you've seen how people are treated uh
on Mars how the workers are treated quite well it's it's very uh Equitable people get their uh they get their health care they get their shelter they get their pay it's very very fair um Carmen you've you know uh you served in the Martian Marines for a while uh might have you might have your own opinions of that you have certainly have your own opinions of that uh but something about it didn't sit well do for a career uh rising to the rank of Corporal then leaving uh and I'll I we haven't determ
ined why you left but I I'd love to hear it um and uh the two of you kind of uh you know met up and worked together here uh Serge uh I'm saying it right surgeon right swen one more time yeah swen swen swen yeah SW okay so swen um you've been doing Union work uh representing people kind of like a lawyer is is the best way it's like the expans version of a lawyer so when they read people the right in the expans they say you can you know you do have a right to an attorney or your union rep like tha
t's actually a Canon and so you kind of work that kind of angle but you specialize in negotiations um Isabelle how would you characterize kmen I mean Carmen's a pilot like has certifications in piloting but how would you characterize armen's kind of uh I don't know how would they describe themselves as a a job title or kind of work they do or is it that simple it's it's that simple it's that simple okay no that's fair that's fair I like that one I like that one um I'm trying remember how to uhon
wait wait I did it wrong hey however you wanted buddy I okay okay it's your birthday I'll give you a birthday pass oh I feel bad thenen swen so I can't want to say Swedish now um swen you uh you were contacted uh through one of your Opa contacts you kind of start becoming kind of a worker little more you know empathetic to the to the plot of the belter seeing them and wanting them to be treated fairly uh okay gotcha perfect and um you one of your contacts kind of said hey there's a job here we
really need you on uh we'd like you to meet with somebody and you get a you get a a contact of a name you get a photo of a a younger man maybe like in his uh late 20s uh earther for sure you can tell by you know how you know clean cut he is and everything um and kind of a blurry photo of the guy but he saying that you need to meet with him at this place um and it's a and it's on OS uh you're on OS you're on the station of os and Stu that which is known as kind of a place where people go to have
uh spend some money U there's a lot of brothel there's gambling there's bedding there's like racing there's all kind boxing all kinds of entertainment here um and you've been told to meet with uh a man that goes by the name dingo uh at a place called at a little small little hole in- the- Wall Restaurant little hole in- the wall cuz that's like how they build their buildings on an asteroid um place called moritos the name of the restaurant is called moritos and more it's like the word burito wit
h an M okay all right all right so um dingo uh you're you know company man working for Tao now for a few years security um operations there uh your current task is to at least publicly is to escort a pair of Engineers uh one by the name a martian by the name of Dr Marv Dev Valentine and a earther by the name of Dr Mel holson out out from Luna to Tao station where they'll oversee some sort of operations and such um but uh part of your instructions have come from directly from Fred Johnson himself
uh and he's asking you to to you know he's ask you a little bit of a favor a little bit a little of a job a little a task give you a little something to do here and uh he says he's send you some a little bit extra help in the form of a of a pair of martians that he he trusts um and you're to meet them in a place called moritos and mo all right well assuming that um most special favors from Fred Johnson come in the form of some kind of paid corporate Espionage I'm going to put on my uniform make
sure it's straight and put on my my cute ass little [ __ ] name tag and uh and I'll uh make sure report 15 minutes early well so Fred's already kind of issued the orders through through various uh non-direct means and uh the the job seems to be one of a little more not so publicly Tao oriented we'll say tao doesn't want to put in oh so I put on my regular I put on some Street cloth and I looks great right now still a name tag because we got to have a cute you have a name tag yeah sure it could
you know it could say like you know princess or pinky or you know you know have some fun little want people to be um you want people to feel like they know who you are you want people to be confused so even though I I also stand out because I have a very visual uh visible visual implants you know like like Jordy uh yeah not not it's not protruding but yeah it's like embedded in your skin yeah um Marv and and and Mel the two of you have you've worked with each other uh you were working on this ki
nd of concept for this thing called like the navu project so a proposed ship going to tetti uh the latterday Saints are willing to pay an absolute Fortune due to their um disagreements with certain policies of the UN and um you uh you you're now being reassigned a tao station it's unclear if the NAU project is going to be uh go off from from Tao's point of view or something like that but uh you you are now under the uh I the jur I say jurisdiction I don't say command you're you're being you're b
eing escorted by dingo and you were sitting in a restaurant called moritos and more okay um delicious it actually is uh we'll get to that I I did I did once again disclaimer I love talking about food um so uh uh all right here we go sanun you uh uh and Carmen you you two uh get to the approach you can see uh clearly off the corner of the side there's a small table it barely sits five people but there's three sitting there uh two of them look pretty uh they all they're all two of them are Earth o
ne's a martian but you're you know maybe he doesn't have as much dust in his veins as some other martians uh but he's uh they're all kind of sitting there uh chilling out just drinking having some drinks whatever they may be uh water alcohol Etc uh but the food does smell good actually it does smell pretty good here and as you walk in this this man comes up he goes hello uh get you a seat oh yeah uh room for room for three a little probably um you want anything Carmen uh they have tequila here m
qu uh yes yes we have a excellent goes well with our moritos perfect real tequila or he just uh he kind of looks back and you you know this this station stuff's cheap it's cheapap for a reason so I mean he it'll it'll taste tequil a like substance yes I mean he might be splicing it with some like you know engine fluid or something but yeah I mean will will it get the job done oh yeah God perfect then I I don't care what you get messed up it's okay perfect um dingo your your uh optic your little
like interface kind of you can you ping off and you can you can see quotequote c um across the room both uh one of the the figure you're supposed to meet with this uh uh s Jun yeah and just um before I approach anybody just because this is kind of how dingo always operates how much of a CU he lives in the internet at the same time how how how much uh of how much network am I aware of at the of you know right now am I in a friendly environment or am I pretty locked out AOS is okay so as a as a se
curity expert uh Heros of the [ __ ] uh not just like its own like setup and everything but even security here the current company that runs their security is some some shitty company called protogen and like it's just not like they don't seem to be taking care of their gear uh they they have they don't have many guards um there's some no in company you're like they need to upgrade their security like fastly um as far as your like access to the network uh I mean you can you can talk to the Eros
stuff it's it's okay like you can get some information here and there but if you're trying to talk off station you're going to hit like delay immediately but yeah you can I mean the station's uh but yeah the security station's like a joke yeah and I have no so I have no um confidence that I may or may not be monitored like this conversation you're probably not monit you're probably not being monitored there's also a pretty decent crime element on on here too so they seem to be kind of a back and
forth to some degree all right yeah do I do I is it is it apparent um which table my party yeah you guys are clearly yeah yeah all right you want to wave them down or yeah I'll I'll I'll H I'll hang back for a minute and see who else shows up and yeah I'll head up in in a couple minutes obviously assuming it's uneventful our party commences um all right you're uh you guys approach uh the smell you can smell in the air the the aura it it is a um uh they they serve moritos here so this is actuall
y a local delicacy in my area that we have it's um it's basically like chicken Tika it in a burrito form um and it's it's actually quite good but they don't sell they don't they don't they do have quote unquote chicken here um but their primary their primary form you can see is a fungal curd Kik Masala killing my Indian heart it's it's space man it g be practical um but it's flavored it is flavored I will say that they do have they do have flavoring um they do have a tofu version if you are inte
rested um but um it does it does smell uh and you can even tell uh as uh actually Carmen you would tell this you can tell this place isn't operating up to up to Snuff and that you can see that they've modified the motors on the uh air the air purifiers to like make sure their smell lingers longer um so they're definitely kind of making sure they Market themselves uh to your smells but like cookies when you're trying to sell a house but it's yeah they put the fan directly in front of the oven yea
h it's it's that whole it's that whole game yeah um see some never change uh so but um yeah the five of you uh kind of you kind of see each other you kind of you give each a nod from across the room but uh you guys can approach uh feel free to interact here um and if you uh want to describe your character a little bit too uh or if you want to eat anything or have any questions like that please let me know oh yeah I mean stren is just going to be like um and when you guys approach him he is defin
itely an older gentleman uh someone who's been in the workforce for quite some time um probably fit at one point but now he's kind of in his age um he's a bit more Ron a bit bigger um very strong like forearms so someone who's clearly worked all of his life uh the muscles that he has underneath is just built up from straight doing labor um but you know just being at the desk you you don't need to use that anymore so you know he's seeing the later aspects of that um his hair is slightly balding y
ou see kind of the Widows Peak forming pretty PR dominantly on top of his head a lot of gray coming in and he he's just very much the type that's like I've Seen It All I've seen all this [ __ ] and he's just sitting on there and orders himself uh one of the one of the moritos and just starts pooping it down waiting for whoever else approaches occasionally offering it to Carman to see if she wanted it who's just straight up chucking tequila you know you probably need something in your you know be
lly there before you take that all down it's going to hurt you in the long run got to lay a base yeah yeah you got you got to protect them the stomach Lings oh she's she's she's she's drank a lot more uh with a lot less in her stomach so she's doing great tell us about Carmen's uh what does Carmen look like uh Carmen has so she's so she is very kind of like she's built the first thing that's coming to my head is built for tough which is not she's very Stout uh she does not get knocked over easil
y okay um and she's got uh long hair but it's like kind of braided back is what I imagined um in a single braid down her back um should I say kind of her background at this point uh I mean if if things are given away by her appearance if you have like tattoos that would give away like your previous service that's something oh man I didn't think that far into the her appearance do you want to say you have a you have a marine tattoo or something yeah let's let's do it I have a a martian Marine tat
too clear clear Martian Marine tattoo uh placed what you say forearm or something like that perfect perfect all right warm tattoo very good um okay and a drinker uh as we've established you know you know I I feel we haven't heard from is Josh I want to hear about Marv de Valentine let's put him on the spot yeah well you know uh I'm I'm doing that freelance thing right now so uh of course you you see Marv he's uh always been uh kind of in a lab or or you know uh at a desk he does not look like uh
he could survive getting pushed over by either of these two individuals uh uh but you know he's got kind of a pretty straightforward uh I would say like jumpsuit on at this point um like you can tell from the way he carries himself right he is um uh we'll say a man of science um but uh you know he is uh probably you know mid mid to late 30s uh and and uh starting to starting to show uh just the the the wear and tear of of being on the go uh all the time um he he has not been in a single uh plac
e for for very long um for the past few years uh just a month ago you know uh Fred Johnson practically kid kidnapped him and dragged him to a uh uh big well to a spa and then to a big ass meeting so you know uh is what it is but uh uh yeah he's kind of a a scientist engineer for hire uh or kidnapping apparently okay fair enough let's hear about uh Dr holsen yeah Mel is really trying to get Mau deep into a discussion about like the best generation of like Landing shuttles on Ma like she's she's i
nto ships she loves ships you know she her thing is to design the biggest F next ship um and and she's just like and then you know the generation 2 proton rocket and then oh it was so cool but then oh then they wrecked it with Generation 3 and she's she's just like you know she has this air that she actually doesn't care if MV is interested in the conversation she just is like oh shits yeah eating drinking talking and just like hoping that someone is listening but just eating drinking talking an
d excited uh she's uh 20 some something young earther uh hot shot out of the you know Astros space Dynamics Department she she's all over it she loves it uh she's actually not good in space space is very exciting and fun to think about but she's not a space person she's an earther so any time she's kind of out of that environment just a little covering it up a bit with like yeah let's eat and drink it's great um so yeah she's just trying to draw mvin into a conversation about sh well I I'll enga
ge with it but there's a not not uh not a reticence but um as you're talking you know right like and you're talking about oh like the features of this ship versus the features of that ship and then they ruin it with this one Marv is like well yeah I designed that one uh well well I did I had a a very crucial role in the development of the engine on that one uh and so there's like almost like a sense of like um like uh just amused listening as some of the things you're talking about from this shi
p he's like yeah well I could tell you all the lessons I learned developing the Gen 3 as opposed to the Gen 2 but I don't know that we necessarily want to get into that right now kind of like maybe trying to gauge like is is this uh you know uh a scenario where I should say oh yeah it's story time let's talk about you know the years and years that went into developing the Gen 3 or should I she just wants to talk about rockets and chips like if you have stories okay yeah but yeah I'll tell you I'
ll tell you another time CU I I was on the team that developed the the Gen 3 uh the engine components of course um remind me to tell you about it later uh you know when we aren't um waiting for a Meetup but U yeah I I can tell I think the meet up might be about to happen but I do want to hear this so yeah yeah yeah well another time convenient you know conveniently timed Interruption I have to I have to go look at the rules for Egghead combat now um we said this would happen yeah I do I'm AB thi
s is beyond my dream thank you so much we we are uh technically on the same team so there is no combat it is just uh simply friend sparring friendly sparring we're trying to out nerd each other a little B out n each other I think the entire time you just see stren rolling his eyes like egads and um like you would hear him occasionally commenting things like he's like that old guy who was like the old old stuff was better they were more reliable you know easier to fix no need to go and change thi
ngs up on things you know they work totally fine things and all these fancy little bells and whistles coming in just mucking it about uh Jacob Let's uh let's let's hear about dingo real quick give me a give me a physical rundown and if you need me to describe certain aspects I know they get a little technical dingo is a is is is an approachable middle M height well-dressed soft-bodied um earther born into middle privilege on Earth which on the scale of the solar system is a vast amount of privil
ege um and uh I you know he's just he just gives he gives all the trappings of um of tired well-compensated ninto um uh also I think uh seren we're we're both we're both on the uh the Widows Peak um Brigade you know I I think in the really in the really awesome um uh uh profile that John commissioned of dingo he's got that he's got that really healthy you know Widow receding hairline um uh but I don't know I he he's friendly he's friendly enough but I don't think you're ever going to see him smi
le which seem might might be a little scary I don't know I I I I I bet he gives off an air that he's always lying to you but he's not lying about the fact that he's lying I don't know let's yeah U I would say that real quick the one thing about dingo's most distinguishing is that you see that he has a lot of circuitry built underneath his face around his eyes and His Hands uh he has some sort of implants that allow him to basically quotequote see um dingo is blind but he sees he sees through whe
re it counts yeah yeah he sees through he literally sees through his fingers and he sees through the internet and he sees through well you guys remember the reporter on season 4 yeah it's kind of like that yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a little more his is a little more prototype but yeah this is like super prototype Tech that is one thing that all of you will acknowledge that like this is not something on the market um this is a this is an augmented person this is a person who's been augmented like
like in a very distinct way uh certainly by their own will because it is not cheap um all right so um D you see your contact yeah I'll I'll approach the table I see so so the table the table Marvin M yeah Marvin and you are at the table and then you see uh swen uh swen come in and with uh his uh his large uh Martian friend with uh Martian Marine tattoos all right fantastic so all all five of us are spot now you're at the table you're around it you're having drinks food but um yeah uh maybe you w
ant to bring up to speed on what you're uh going on here I'm sorry I thought our contact was named dingo not princess who's who's uh who I'm just looking at your name tag my my oh good nice um you're fun I'm going to I'm going to get I'm going to enjoy getting to know you um hi hi well welcome everybody I don't know I'm not good at this uh my name is dingo I'm a security officer I'm I'm supposed to be in charge right now I don't know if any of you are familiar with Classic Cinema but I you I gue
ss you can think of me as Danny ocean um we're all uh I I appreciate you all being here today um we're basically laid over for a week and we're here to escort uh Marvin Mel to um to Tao station mhm yeah but uh I I'm how how are all your flights are all set in does anyone does anyone need anything all all I need right here points to like his all the like his belt of utility essentially has like all pouches of tools and stuff on it Amar uh I mean you you you've been privileged to while you're here
you U I guess my question is are you I mean asid from geeking out with with Mel have you kind of um let have you let anything loose about like cuz you know why you're here yeah I do um am I under the impression that uh dingo is equally informed from Fred or am I 100% he would be he would be on the job yeah and I seem to recall uh that that Fred and I had a conversation and feel free to correct me on this if I'm wrong uh that perhaps we wanted to you know uh accomplish this um you with some assi
stance here um but maybe without uh revealing our our full uh you know hand of cards uh off the bat is that a correct understanding of what uh what Fred Johnson might have told me yeah that's fair yeah you might want to start easing them into it yeah so uh if I may um uh hi everyone U Marvin Dev Valentine uh scientist uh uh the the short version of of uh what we're here to do dingo being our uh Mr ocean uh are you sure it's not Frank Ocean I feel like that's the name of the character I don't kno
w is it I to be talk about one of these old 2D movies yeah well you know talking about yeah it's been a few years since I since I I I've you know really had time to watch any kind of kind of you know Hollow program and so uh how about how about Nick Fury putting together a team yeah oh sure I think I think I did uh read some of those Comics uh when I was younger so um classic classic literature yeah yeah yeah so um the short version is uh there is a uh a a mark I'm pretty sure that's the right t
erm here there's a mark uh that uh we have been hired to um uh use their connection to a uh offw world uh uh Network um to upload some uh shall we say faulty information um and that's why we need everyone's individual set of skills here uh just going to like slow down her eating and just be like like this information is starting to Tri like okay that sounds a lot like a criminal activity well there's a difference between criminal activity and uh what I would call corporate Espionage which is pro
bably closer to what we are doing here today what I think about the law feel like the law wouldn't would see both them the same thing but if you want to make them distinctions you can make those if you want who which okay corporate Espionage uh which Corporation well all of us have been all of our paychecks are coming from Tao Corporation but they're also coming from Fred Johnson so it may be from any amount of um shell corporations I can see that the art of subtlety is lost on us um I can assur
e you I'm not very good at lying I usually uh omit the truth but you can assume that you're I'm pretty sure if you're under the the employment of Fred Johnson you can always assume you're being lied to but let's be frank here what we are doing is crime design a cool spaceship but it's for a good cause it's for a good cause uh we and let's be let's be clear we're not stealing from um innocent people it's one it's one private company stealing from another private company for the sake of jobs with
in our sphere of influence for the sake of prosperity for the people that on our own payroll I don't want to mince words but please if do you want to is there anything you want to add to that was going to say technically we're not stealing anything we're we're giving we're giving a gift we're stealing a job so Tao's Tao is not being given a contract the contract is being given to the gentleman we're here to find today and the the gentleman we're here to find today contains the uh the work he's b
een performing for the contract and we're basically here to sabotage their work so that Tao will receive the contract um I'm going to have uh both Carmen and San uh make current affairs tests we're gonna actually roll some dice here guys uh those are yeah these games we actually get to do that do that in these games occasionally um so this will be for KP this would be just your intelligence uh Isabelle you have a really good current affairs you have a plus three so roll the three Dice and add th
ree to it Isabelle and KP you're adding two okay and how many dice do I 369 dice three6 369 dice see how you guys do see if you guys can kind of know what's going on here in the context of the if you watch the news or not okay I uh I rolled a 10 plus three gives me 13 good okay okay go on K uh oh I'm using a digital dice uh that is uh an 8 n 11 11 including plus two yeah that so nine was the base so and plus two Carman you you have you know a little more of the Scuttle butd about this is that yo
u know Tao's been really they've always reached for the Stars they've always tried to do the the really hard engineering jobs they spun up this station they spun up series um they go wherever it is the last thing you heard about them was they were trying to like build some ship for some earther religion or something like that but it sounds like some other companies going to get that that this might be something to do with like a a really large ship being built and when I say large ship I mean li
ke bigger than any Martian ship's ever been built like unbelievably massive okay lots of money's at stake is what they this is not some small job they TR steal so can I ask what's in it for us yeah money money dude I mean I I want to offer Carmen and San the the opportunity to be as ignorant as they want to be um if you want to build a shell of liability um around yourselves um the three of us are committing corporate Espionage and your job is to uh make it easier while we do it and be around um
if you'd like the full details I'm happy to share but um yeah yeah we're we're we're just we're we're we're we're stealing uh think of it as a giant military contractor um getting a government contract Ste stealing from another company where we we're stealing a job and um uh I I will say uh Carmen you would know that the Tao Corporation especially with them hiring Fred Johnson recently has more active in providing jobs in the belt than Earth corporations tend to be um if there was another compa
ny doing this they would probably not be as um we'll say gracious to belters or even martians or anyone else they would probably try to keep it close to Earth I'm not asking go ahead sorry I would say I would even uh specify that point also and to be clear uh we are um targeting a company that um has uh only um we'll say uh Financial ties to Earth and so therefore um perhaps you could say we are uh spreading the wealth to the rest of the solar system sure absolutely if you want to spin it that w
ay yeah we're we're promoting uh wealth in the belt as opposed to the the other we can put a Robin Hood Vibe on this if you like um if that makes you feel better I'm not going to ask you to murder anybody I'm not going to ask you to hurt children or vulnerable people um uh just just I don't know shoot somebody if they attack me you know um what how do you how do you feel what's what's what's going on in your side over here um just going to start quietly hyperventilating while this conversation h
appens yes uh I turned to Carmen I was like so what do you think Ace you think we should pick this up Carmen puts down her drink which is unlike her that's a statement her her her interest just peaked uh do we know exactly how much money would he be getting out of this uh well I uh was involved in the initial uh pitch um uh to the Latter Day Saints uh um about a month ago and let's just say it is uh more money than God is there something that you would like besides money like I can I can I can d
ivert lobbyists to your favorite charity or something like is there uh is there something else that would make you feel more um emotionally invested cuz money money is great it's also boring if you're like a if you're a hero type one more one more tip of information to for the group um the um Tao Corporation is also known throughout the socialism because they actively give money to every government possible um they've paid for several Martian um uh legislators they paid for several un legislator
s uh they pay they are more than likely paying uh for belter rights things so they're very um they're they're an equal playing field an equal opportunity Corporation we'll say this and tend to um tend to really enjoy doing the hard the hard tasks um but speaking of hard tasks here uh Mel can you make a stamina test I I like to have Mel make a constitution stamina test here because I feel like hyper if you're if you're AC which one that's roll three and add one yeah oh no oh it's not it's nine it
's not great okay um two on the drama die oh that's that's fun yeah um uh it's not great at space and confrontations and things uh dingo you your your sensors pick up like uh your your little sonar thing picks up that Mel's heart rate's going up quite a bit like like where you can't not notice it at this distance doctor it's okay to walk away from this table we're not being monitored there's no you're not committed and you're not um what's the word accessory yet so you relax you're okay if you w
ant to walk I really want to get to I really want to get this job I want to design the ship I thought I was coming out here to get this job now you're telling me someone else is going to get the job I thought it was mine I thought it was mine no I think okay the it could be yours it could be yours think about it this way the job has already been stolen from you Pope Sanchez has immense connections and ties and he's probably pulled a lot of strings to to turn the tide in his favor to getting the
contract and the it's not over yet it's not over till it's actually over this is your opportunity to pull strings back um so no no you don't have the contract yet and if you want to keep it this easier opportunity but if you're not willing to do what you need to which everyone else is doing anyway to get what you want then I invite you to to go away what is the what is the faulty information well we have that do we need to make that let me let me start by having Mel do a uh do a do a current aff
airs test there for uh for Mel I think I don't think she has but you get roll your intelligence so you're you're smart you're already yeah you're already okay ahead of everybody else on this at five that's 14 14 okay so pop Sanchez if that's a success you have to provide additional information provide you a ton of information Pope Sanchez is a kind of conglomerate uh the it's it's run by two guys the main one is still running his name Sebastian Pope um and he's he likes the Stars uh he'd be a fu
n guy to talk he's one of the people you've always wanted to meet to talk to about spaceships um he's very much into Landers and everything too um fairly wealthy he's probably like the like the 12th wealthiest person in the solar system um and you know that his company's been working on some like possible cryogenic oriented ships where they would like freeze people and then you know go way out so like making the trip easier and stuff like that um and with the the quotequote navu project that the
Mormons are pitching uh his his company was one of them but it sounds like they're going to beat Tao somehow like somehow the Mormons prefer to freeze themselves and shoot them shoot them at a Moon versus your magnificent generational ship with a rotating drum and can hold animals and you know have an artificial sun and is amazing they're just going to freeze people and send them to another Sun okay lazy okay Mel is very stressed she's trying to think through like so do we know what the faulty
information is that that we would need to somehow upload is that something that I uh you wouldn't have it but you suspect that either uh you would imagine that Marv who seems to know a lot about this and and or dingo would have it it will be provided for you we just need you to implement it implement it mhm what does that mean we go well uh like literally she John remind me of the of John Derek gun right Captain do I have do I have a photo do I have a cool data pad like in the movies you throw o
ut a little disc and it shows up a hollow well you can you can send everyone's data pack wipe it off your handheld wipe it off your hand yeah goes every so you s a photo around of a gentleman uh it's labeled Captain Derek gun Hilder uh Derek is uh you kind of see the image of him looks like a pretty straight cut guy earther for sure um he seems to in the photo he's wearing a flight suit like he's coming off like a dock or something like that there's a few photos of him in there pretty easy to id
entify uh he has kind of a goatee kind of slick back hair black hair um paler skin uh probably spends a lot of time in space for Earth he has that kind of gray tinge to his skin because he hasn't had like natural light in his skin for a while um and it comes up it tells you that he is a uh ship captain for Pope Sanchez he he uh works for them and like uh runs cargo for uh one of their uh subsidies a company called Vector Security there's some small security firm that tends to just do kind of Tra
nsport so it's like like like armored cars in space is the best way to describe it okay um I like that made KP smile because KP that sounds fun um I want that job Armored Cars space a 5-year-old would light up if you told him that okay this this guy this guy is going to be on station for a week he is an he's not really a person of consequence to us he just has he just works for the pope and um has access to the Pope's Network where which is where we're trying to get I need I need to make somethi
ng very clear this is not the pope this is a guy whose name is Pope oh po this isn't this isn't the Catholics versus the mor dude like I'm not I'm not try to play that game that's a very different but as we've been plotting this Heist for the last month I think probably I think we have probably uh for shorthand stopped wanting to say Pope Sanchez the pop oh yeah we're going after Pope or the Pope I think it's name nice save Josh so I don't sound so [ __ ] we've been talking about this for a mont
h I just got a really great plot line in my head that I want to run or something else but go on so so this man has access to um to the to to the space Pope's Network um Pope I I've already forgotten his last name I'm sorry sebti Sanchez Sanchez yeah Sanchez is that's the name of the company is Pope Sanchez two names and the guy's name is actually Sebastian Pope you can say Sebastian like that sorry all right Sebastian's network is our Target we need to get into his into his Network to um sabotag
e his his projects data this man works for him we don't he's not a really a good or a bad guy we're not trying to hurt him but we're going to use him to get through to Sebastian's Network he is an enormous Gambler he loves to gamble and that is our Inn ladies and gentlemen there will be a contest here this week that we have rigged and he's going to win this will um uh we're not sure how yet but this will let his guard down this will allow us a certain amount of access to him we are going to um G
we are going to use the opportunity to get his privilege to Sebastian's Network and uh doctor that's when we need you to um plant the data and the data itself doesn't hurt anybody the data just makes their project proposal look bad and if zeros and ones have feelings if she's really trying to reconcile it in her head that it's not actually that bad she gets ship I would say is just to point out the already egregious flaws with their plan and highlight them for the Latter-Day Saints doctor do yo
u think it's a good idea to freeze people and and shoot them into space do you think there's a think there any dangers this is not proven science yet but it is it does seem theoretically possible and it does seem like Pope's at the Forefront of this but he is promising to freeze like a thousand like thousands of more instead to another star yeah right now with the technology we have now the Generation ship is safer okay so i' i' I'd wager that um the data would the sa the sabotage would save liv
es because the project that we're sabotaging is more dangerous to to the settlers all right I need I'm going to need it's coming along a little but it's I'm going to need dingo to make a persuasion check because this is amazing I'm really enjoying this one so go ahead and roll uh you get roll this app five to it and tell me what you get persuade just just rolling out five add five you got it dude wait wait wait what's the logo uh six six oh it's not bad so n 14 14 okay um dingo comes off decentl
y persuasive on this it's it's a solid it's a solid you do feel a little bit better the his perspective of like lives save is interesting perspective but it's not a wrong one either right right and the fact that you know we're not going to hurt anybody to get the data where it needs to go is making her feel a little better but she's still very off guard yeah we're not hurting anybody we're saving lives uh the only crime being committed is the um aggregation of wealth into this pocket versus that
pocket um not being dishonest about that I'm kind of surprised you've made it this far as a grown adult in this world where people die all the [ __ ] time um so godamn without dying I just care about ships and making cool ships and making them fly better I thought I was just coming out here to design a cool ship dude I'm really sorry sorry I'm really sorry I'm a nice person but I'm sorry yeah out here everyone is stealing from each other all the [ __ ] time and you can be a perfectly nice perso
n but you have to play your cards to to get ahead and I mean we're we're we're stealing from Steelers if that makes you feel any better but we're we're we're not hurting anybody we're we're just we're I've said it a million times we're stealing a job at this point seren puts down his half eaten marito um and uh looks looks at the doctor and he goes well putting aside the legality of this plan this situation this whatever we're trying to do um morally as let me tell you Doctor someone who's been
in the uh in the union and has been in the workforce for a long long time none of these companies are actually morally just most of them rupt as hell and looking for any way to to screw you over and screw everybody else around you over so if we can do our part to perhaps divert some of these funds divert some of these PL to someplace sales which is what seems like we're trying to do um might actually be a good thing and and then he looks at Carmen and I feel like they've known each other long en
ough that fact that she put down her drink he would be like okay she's very peaked um and uh look at my partner I think we're both probably on board on on this matter uh not to mention Union pensions aren't that great so if you're telling me a little money goes on goes my way on this and I can help some folks out sign me up doctor if you'd like to do this the right way if you'd like to gain access to this project and um make all of your dreams a reality the correct way I invite you to go back to
Earth and um spend another 10 years trying to get the attention from someone else with this much money but if you're not going to do it for anybody else I recommend you do it for yourself because you'll never get this opportunity to build a project like this ever again yeah the project is really selling her she's just like oh God I want it so much it's mine I the idea is so good the idea is and I'm going to walk away I'm going to say everyone take a couple hours I and I'm going to I'm going to
throw I'm going to pay the the tab for the drinks and I'm going to say everyone this is tense and this sucks I hate this energy right now I'm going to go relax um I'll meet back here and meet back here tonight you know for dinner and anyone who doesn't want to be here bye uh but anyone who does I'll see you for dinner and I'll I'll I'll bounce d go bounces out of the room what up um as he walks away um you you you probably heard you probably will hear him uh but swegen looks at then whale since
he's paying I look up the menu and I look at uh the well well I had the marito what's the more uh the more would be they they also do um noodle fil burritos here uh they have like yeah I had them in LA they're real okay this is all like the expans based on real science and I've had noodle fil burritos okay okay okay that's a thing well the most expensive thing yeah but they have like they have like a different quality of noodles so they have like the generic kind of fungal based ones but then th
ey have other ones that are higher quality made of actual like you know what you would get on Earth or even on Mars um but they have to like special put that out and everything that too you know but it won't be cheap yeah but you would definitely uh put a ding in dingo's budget um and yeah he just goes ahead and orders in Rome might as well and then as he's doing that he looks at Carmen looks at her drink and then points it to Mel just like maybe give her give her a drink to calm her down kind o
f as uh yeah I'll get I'll give uh Mel the rest of my drink um but ironically enough uhan I was actually going to do the exact same thing since dingo's picking up the tab yeah yeah or the marrier I think I'm you know that that bottle of tequila that's up there on the shelf that looks like a nice bottle that looks like H I'm not much of a drinker but I'd go for that bottle you I think you and me should go back gonna be really confused when he looks at this to so so he's buying so fun fact about t
he expanse system it actually uses an income score uh Jacob can you make an income test oh Noy yeah add five to this oh yeah it's actually actual stat in the game yeah you don't have money you have like that's funny I mean I will I will pay this personally if I have to but I assume Fred I assume Fred gives me a grease the wheels card you have a you do actually have an emergency cred ship like you have like the for like for like the really bad well this isn't an emergency I'll pay personally befo
re this isn't you don't know how much I eat okay so um what do I do I just give you the roll or yeah five 16 16 yeah you you can afford this readily it's not too bad but you can see that you can see that they're hanging out eating which I don't know if that was dingo's plan to have them hang out and eat but that means that people are like are together you know you know that they're together if it goes this is fine if it goes if it keep we'll see how they role play if it keeps going up let me kno
w and maybe I'll cut them off and send them a send them a Kurt text or something okay guys come on all right I'm gonna let you know Common slides this drink in front of me and I'm just going to kind of look at it for a little while and just like really she needs she needs a minute I'm sorry she needs a minute um surprise I'm sorry go ahead Dr holon have you uh had to do much in terms of uh Grant riding uh in your career I mean yeah back in back a few years ago not for a while but yeah yeah grant
writing and I never would have sabotaged someone else's Grant well let's just say uh from from uh uh someone who's been in Academia uh a hair longer than you have and I got out for a reason uh there's a game you play no matter what industry you're in and Academia it's the politics it's uh you know the the networking and relationships so you can get you know the funding for your Grant as opposed to somebody else's it's the same thing here it's identical you're trying to get a leg up professional
ly yeah I can I'm not a philosopher I can't can't talk to you about the ethics or morality of everybody's doing it but um from a pragmatic approach everybody's doing it and so if you aren't uh you're the one that's going to get left behind um and I think that's just the truth of the matter MH John if we think we have a few hours I think Mel would probably want to like think more about the Pope the pope Sanchez proposal and like whether you know if there's any way to do an investigation into whet
her I they have faked their numbers they have faked their numbers I'll feel better about it if I genuinely think their proposal is is like shoddy in some way this is going to be a research test this be you plus seven of this because you were a hell of a researcher as character um since I as part of the I got know like my handeld or on the Internet or something go ahead M since as part of the initial you know like proposal process I was involved and uh did some of this sort of I I was not uh I di
d not propose the the pope Sanchez project I was proposing uh the taco project um we were all in the same place there were a series of meetings and we gave all our proposals kind of around the same time and so there was a lot of at that time like shall we say um uh you know uh Espionage and counter Espionage trying to get a sense of who who was pitching what uh do is there a way that I can assist with this John in order to um uh maybe recall some tidbits a white paper that I saw you know um I'll
give I'll give melan extra uh bonus plus one on this because you're getting assisted by by so yeah plus eight on the total you m is pointing me at the you know hopefully and I'll tell a story as part of it part of my help is you know I said well you know if you're looking let me tell you a little bit about this time where uh uh you know I assisted Fred Johnson as part of this and I'll regil the stories of you know adapa fate part one uh fill me in that one all right basically he explains to you
that that him and several other people with Fred Johnson went to present Tao's proposal against other people's proposals including Mal Kowski other companies stuff like that to ice jar a startup and basically the Mormons preferred the cryogenic solution because their whole idea is that they would like to have the people that get to talet be the people they put into to go to T sure I mean that's human nature I that's human nature yeah that the people that the people that basically they're uh the
ir donors who donated are the ones that get the actual reward not their great grandchildren is the premise so our R to 21 yeah yeah uh you go and pull this stuff up there has been there's no certified uh human tests on this they do have like tests on like rats and like you know some animals here and there like small animals but full-blown human size and even then the way they've proposed it is that it so it's like a 100e journey or so um even with like a with like Marv's years basis and everyone
stay 100 years at least unless you want to you know liquefy everybody um you can get there quick one piece but um uh the idea was that they would put people in Crow Jen stasis for 20 years wake them up for for a year they do stuff maintain the ship go back to sleep for and do this in shifts to then get there that way like people really honestly quote unquote only would Age like five years on the way there or something MH um this is say I'm looking for evidence that they've like bodgie their num
bers like I'm you know dingo is saying everybody lies everybody espionageshitposts they're they're really keeping this a like they they had to be keeping this a super secret and there's been no proof of concept deployed like showing that they can actually like do this on a big scale for that long okay so I really do feel like they're over promising though right yeah it it feels uh they're you know they're promising a moonshot they're getting into orbit type thing like you know they're not they'r
e not there yet um okay and uh and especially with unless like unless they're already engaging in human tests which is they are is extremely problematic um but according to what they say they haven't engaged any of that they've just done like animals for like they they have like a few rats they put in cry in cry stasis for like two years and got them out fine but that's a rat the biomass is a lot a big there's a scale issue here especially we're to free a thousand Mormons okay well I think that'
s enough information for Mel to think that like the proposal is genuinely not ready and it shouldn't go ahead you can readily convince yourself of this yes if you if you feel yeah if you there's doubt there's enough doubt yes I I want now I I got this is my own personal feeling here I really want I really want to know what carman's up to in all this I want to hear carman's like hanging out here with these people watching them debate like could these guys could these Eggheads do this I'm really c
urious how Carmen considers all this and by all means um we have our Union rip here but uh you can you you can vote I'm really curious uh Carmen Carmen is into it she's she's intrigued she will do almost anything for a big enough paycheck MH um and the fact that uh San is is down for it she's also down for it you know she's she likes the idea of kind of like the the the the Robin Hood stealing from the rich giving to the poor kind of angle that was brought up earlier um and she think that that t
here's a good opportunity for adventure in a lot of this and trying something new um and just doing something that she hasn't done before and it sounds like a opportunity to to kick some ass and she's always down for an opportunity to kick some ass and drink some tequila almost out of tequila exactly okay okay all right I think I think Mel has convinced herself that you know I didn't think she's 100% there but she's like 95% of the way there so she's not leaving I dig it I dig it um do any of yo
u guys want to Ping dingo or dingo do you want to make your way back or uh you guys can do what you need to do relax a little bit here take it easy uh well if if we got a couple hours before dingo wants everyone to meet back I will you know kind of go uh stretch my legs get the lay of the land and then uh you know time it's a it's a fun station uh the main station is built it's so there was originally like a large like mining complex here when they were mining the actual asteroid Way Way Back li
ke a 100 years back or so um that area is now a casino uh and the whole station everything runs through the casino somehow so like gambling is a big thing here uh of particular interest because of the novelty of gravity to belters pachinko machines are extremely pocket especially with spin gravity mhm um it's it's a it's a different uh type of game and like supposedly certain machines on certain levels have different like you know odds and all this stuff like you can play the same machine like d
ifferent coras for for different coris yeah it's it's a very much a niche kind of uh uh novelty feature uh those you guys all Earth a marsh you're like you guys are weird but like this it's it's a big gravity is kind of like a it's a to them it's like this is a fun oh look they got they got you know it's like it's like when you go to Vegas they got free drink refills it's it's that kind of novelty but it's gravity remind me is this is this a Quarter G or a half a G oh jeez no not even that it's
like I think os's spin is like uh 12.12 G or something like that1 it's low yeah it's still low grab okay low gravity you're not like bouncing around but it also depends where you are on the station but like um the closer you are to the center but like the the center is all like the reactors and like it's pretty bad down the center you guys are mostly towards the the top here I also like to mention by the way for those those are new you have to remember going up goes towards the center of the of
the station towards the center of the the asteroid going down takes you outside to space um just it's always so when they say I'm going to go up that means they're yeah they're not going towards the sky so they're going underground essentially but yeah um yeah it's uh you walk around there's lots of smells people are advertising different things there's like boxing events if you want to go bet on slingshot racing they got that here um it's pretty indiscriminate compared to Martian Society in you
r time on Earth it's very uh open-ended in terms of what you would want to do here um and Station security once again is pretty minimal you're noticing a lot of like people keep themselves like people have bouncers or like private security or places don't put up with people [ __ ] around uh they will throw you out um and their neighbors will come over and help help them them throw you out um but protogen you do see some of the officers here with guns and like people do open carry here to some de
gree but like they're not really um has very hands off will say how they have this contract you you can't imagine cool just just doing a quick a quick walk around trying to get a sense of my bearings sure sure yeah it's it's a nice station you can tell it used to be nice but it's it's G run down and everything uh then me go to uh swan which was yeah I I think at this point while uh the rest of the uh The Tao cor Corp guys leave um and the doctors having her existential crisis um I think I think
uh what swen might do actually is try to reach out to some of his contacts in the union and see if he can kind of get more information about anything else he could find out about about this deal about these two companies um absolutely absolutely any other relevant information okay um this will be uh since you have the you have the union context and you are a distinct member of that uh you can go ahead and make a uh Communications check uh so roll the 3d6 and add five to it and then you get bonus
step points because you're Union Association you're gonna get a lot of information out of this basically hey all right so let's see what we get oh big number oh [ __ ] wait all three of them are fives isn't that doubl yeah 15 you get doubles you have you have like seven stun points on this you can spend so you can like find out like okay so you hit the union contacts I'm just going to run this for you you hit the union contacts and what happens is you start digging they start getting back to yo
u takes like with light delay takes like maybe 30 40 minutes for a few people to get back to you and um they're but they're on other stations around the belt and everything and they're saying like one of the guys like three of the guys come back you know You' worked these guys personally I'm not going to name them please please don't have to name them um and they like hey oh [ __ ] like uh they're like Tao's pretty good to work for uh we don't really trust Fred Johnson being the quotequote Butch
er of Anderson station so we have some problems with that but they mentioned that two years ago a PO a pope Sanchez subsidy a company called Vector Security quelled a union Uprising actually came in like pinkton style and like like busted heads um they showed which one did this the the pope one yeah one of Pope a company called Vector Security yeah so um they're like the one that the the captain gun Hiller is yeah yeah it's it's a it's the same it's the same he works for the the bigger Corporati
on but yeah they have a sub Corporation yeah and basically yeah he's like yeah they uh they haven't made any favors out here if they're going to build anything out here they're definitely not going to use our labor like we won't work with them type stuff like a lot of the unions are like no we we you know we won't work those guys they're scabs [ __ ] them um so they're like they give you some info about that that's a big part uh they also say that um there also a lot of the belter some of the Be
l the Marans you know like uh I mean we're cool with freezing earthers good luck to them uh but like you ain't get me in one of those pods you know like uh the only the only pods that bels get into are like slingshot ships like you know like that's it they already have their space c yeah they don't need yeah they don't need more of them kind of thing they're like that there everyone's kind of like the these guys are nuts but um you know the if the Mormons want to do that they want to freeze them
selves and themselves to a new a new sun go for it it's free it's a free Sol is a bro uh good luck bro yeah yeah hey you know let me know how it works out godp speed um yeah but yeah you get was there more yeah um is there anything you kind of want to know more specifically um I think I think as I get that sort of information um first and foremost um before I continue asking further questions from my my contacts um I take my data pad and then flick it to both the doctor and to Carmen and more so
for the doctor and I said well if that ain't the final proverbial nail in the coffin I don't know what else will convince you but uh another nails if our work here can help a bunch of people and make sure that another uprising like or another Crackdown like that don't happen again well I already know where I'm going to go with all this but if you clearly that company ain't going to be good for anybody here and on top of that seems like your plan is probably going to be the better one anyways so
if we can tilt things in that favor a bit more I don't see why this isn't a bad a good thing yeah okay she's she's there she's there she's just not happy she's there yeah I I am going to give both of you a bond where basically you guys get a bonus at some point in the future you guys get a bonus stun point you can spend on the other person okay you get like a little bonus like uh cuz you guys there's a there's a trust there now yeah cool um would I already have one here with Carmen considering
we've known each other a long time uh you would have that Bond because you guys uh yeah I'll give you guys you guys get the one bonus yeah that future so Bud uh Carmen is there anything you want to be doing while everyone else kind of like you see like Mel's going through data pad uh you know uh Swan is like going through and like contacting all these people doing the union thing you've seen him do this before you starts like hitting all the forums I should also mention in the expanse uh forums
are huge because of light delay uh it's it's uh yeah your little live communication the thing Star Trek gu U they yeah so we obey the the laws of physics in this universe so um but yeah there is the there is that whole element of uh of light DeLay So we had the form you get all like the contacts kind of it's like a Discord server like in the in the future but better um it's not saying much uh are there any are there any uh points of interest where we're at right now um down uh I mean there's Cas
inos gambling there are docks the the one thing about AOS is that because it's kind of outdated docks here um docking fees are super cheap here um so like the docks are actually pretty uh well uh I don't to say they're not abandoned or anything like that but there's not like the constant traffic of like moving equipment through like you would like you see on series or you even see like like uh near Mars or something like that like there's no there's not Goods coming in and out like rapidly like
people are't doing industrial scale they're bringing in food they're bringing in like you know more Pachinko balls or whatever it is but like it's not like real um overthe toop like um like shipping it's more people more of like transports and everything um would be something you notice about the station that is a distinct element um the one thing you do notice as a marine especially um you know knowing about where you know the the doors and Corners are as it would be I said the thing guys um is
that uh every thing in the station wher almost wherever you are unless you're on the outside of the station pretty much towards the outside you have to go through the casino the casino is like the biggest choke point on this entire station it's like the dutyfree Zone in airports yeah pretty much um buy something yeah it's gambling is the big thing here I mean by all means there's brothel and and and there's like uh sports bars and like some you know fight matches but people love to gamble there
's not really card games they're more um like Ru kind of roulette style games or Pachinko would be the best ways to put them um and even like it's more like it's more like Reno than Vegas though in terms of the class that we're talk now there are there are like quotequote private games you you do know of Carmen there was always a private game I think I think the March Marina there's always private game is um is there a Armory at all um there is places to purchase weapons here and they do have an
open carry policy um however though you you are required to keep it holstered and it has to be uh revealed it can't be concealed carry especially because and they the only place they really they they really distinctly enforce that you can tell is in the casino itself okay did I men the casino yes is is um I'm thinking I'm thinking you know Carmen's had a couple drinks and I think she might want to go check out the casino herself okay um she likes to barter so I'm wondering if there's maybe some
body there who has something on them that she want to try to get or maybe she can win from them okay okay um there's like uh most of the gambling here is don't like cred sticks it's kind of like little chips you know or whatever you have or you go through your account so and you have like your your quot earos dollars each station has its own like currency that thing it's basically for lack of a better term like blockchained around the solar system um uh and you um you can go in and like uh you k
ind of go in with the credits the casino itself only does credit transactions they don't let you like put your watch up or anything um but there are other parlers that do that kind of stuff if you want to find a like that uh yeah okay all right you go and find some uh there's like some like bars where people are Bing uh there's like guys that I mean you walk past on the table some guys got like what looks to be a trench knife in like the bedding pool there's it's like a pile of money some like c
hips from other stations like random currencies and like I kid you not like a guy's trench knife on top like a like a old world war one knife on top of like a pile of money they're gambling for it it this is like I if this doesn't scream Martian Marine I don't know what screams Martian marine and they're they're saying they're playing cards like they're they're not doing the Pachinko stuff like it's um them playing a card game in this bar the bar is pretty rough they play some music little littl
e discording it's definitely a vure bar um but you see a few earthers and and martians there you can tell that of like to high stake stuff yeah can I join in on their game yeah the guy gu uh so as you do like the guy who's the attendant kind of P ponies up and he goes uh uh yeah we have a we have a buy in or if you have something to to put down collateral um what do you have to put up I'm looking at your sheet I'm trying to see what you have to put up I think you have um I have screwdriver well
I mean your tool belt uh you have like you have a decent actually like a decent quality tool belt um and you do have like um the only thing you would have a value on you would be like your um it might be like a not a metal but like um like a coin you got from the Martian marines that would be of value uh what they called um oh not commencement coins they have a name for them the proof coin it's a thing in like military culture i what they're called um they the government gives them out um but ye
ah you have like that from the military which is kind of a keeps safe that's pretty valuable to you but like they're asking for something that or air amount of money to put up um um does she do she have a fair amount of money I mean she's she knows she's about to you have some money amount yeah you you have a decent amount of money you're actually not like um yeah you're not um it's called commitment challenge coin that's what called challenge coins that's right okay let's let's buy in because I
mean she knows she's about to uh go and make an income test so this is going you're going to be rolling a 3d6 and add four to it and this determines if you if you have enough to buy into it will be a DC 15 it's going to be kind of a hard check uh 13+ 4 you said okay uh you 3d6 the 36 I dice plus four yeah yeah so oh 17 17 okay so this is this is so much money that's going to reduce your income score by one permanently not a bad move you might be able to win some money let's do it all right so y
ou go all right so so you put you put you put the books you uh you you Pony it up they go all right we got a new big spender here and they they cash you in and they sit down and you sit down and start playing cards um a lot of you have no idea where Carmen went um and we'll we'll come back to Carmen's uh night of gambling uh Marv you got anything while you're waiting for dingo oh oh no no I I think after kind of just doing a lap and getting my bearings I'll probably sit down you know the the con
stant challenge uh I feel like is just staying on top of emails uh you know messages things like that so I'll go uh take a little time I'm sure I've got quarter somewhere and uh you know catch up on some correspondents uh maybe jot down some notes uh for you know whatever my current uh you know Pet Project is and I'll kind of lay low until we're supposed to meet back up all right all right cool you go ahead and uh you start uh hanging out um the uh yall take it easy take it low and I wanted say
thank you uh we have someone thank you Jesse uh the churn has gone up to a Mighty Seven uh I need to catch up on that and I want to thank one of our donors for giving me a uh I'm gonna say the thing Jacob uh it is uh that redeem the uh Hard Times all around I guess uh reward which is a I get a reroll I get a rroll uh I make things hard for you guys yes me not you me yes um sorry for those who don't know that that was one of my favorite Eric lines from the show Hard Times all around I guess I it'
s just such a good line such a good line all right um especially coming from Clarissa cuz he he's responding to something Clarissa ma said yeah it's like oh [ __ ] Clarissa daughter of Jules per meow okay I actually I gotta drop I got to drop some geekery on Jeffy real quick I I need so in the books you need understand how rich like Jules Pau is he owns one of the um uh most unique pieces of real estate Earth has he owns the Grange three he owns lrange point three or I say it right you know the
lrange points like on like oh like the gravitational points yeah he owns that he owns lrange yes yeah he owns lrange three and just has like his space Mansion there yeah casually just just casually because he had the money to do it the other ones are occupied by like the other ones are occupied by like you know shipyards and like military bases yeah NASA spacecraft if they're still there yeah he's just like he's like yeah you know let's buy something like that why not right the rights to that it
's just like that's just insane how I love that perspective of cash they're limited suppli the gr 3 is is a a position in space that is 186 million miles from Earth and it's located behind the sun opposite Earth yeah he there so it's it's it's behind the sun in a permanent blind spot from Earth yeah good place for some shady stuff yeah just his Mansion yeah he hangs out that's his that's that's that's his know offshore home hell it all hell of a Shore anyways um but yeah um so yeah he uh you guy
s uh you guys kind of Do It All I'm gonna have Isabelle roll the gamble check here and then we're going to reconvene here uh and uh take our take our first break of the day here shortly uh uh Isabelle you're going to make a gambling chest so this is I believe oh my God I have not had to do gambling test this game for a very long time remember gambling in this game um and how much uh and uh let me see quick here I gotta look it up because while John's looking that up I'll say Mel just is just red
oing all of her calculations again just she's just sat down with her with her proposal and she's looking at the ship and she's just recalculating everything cuz it's got to be perfect and it is it is it's communication so uh this will be uh Isabelle you'll you'll add a plus one to this okay I have a feeling we're going to spend some Fortune here which I'm really looking forward to as long as it's that includes a plus one yes okay all right and I I'm going to roll I'm going to roll your gam what
you need to beat I'm going to use one of my rolls CU it's hard times all around I guess uh okay okay um you're going to need to up your rooll by one point so what this is this is what's called Fortune so what was your lowest die what single die was the lowest I had two threes two threes okay so you need to push one of those to a four that's that's going to cost you four Fortune so if you look at your sheet at the top of it has a Fortune total has a Fortune amount lower that by uh by four and you
can succeed if you don't you'll lose your money permanently oh do you want to win the gambling or not that's my question um unfortun just kind of your hit point SL luck in the game is the best way to describe it not actual damage it's just like luck above the table it's a one shot spend them all yeah spend them all I'm G I'm gonna do it I'm GNA do it so you spend four I get up the turn um but yeah you managed to win uh you now have your you have your you have your full income back so you have t
he four and you also get what's called a temp bonus of of two so you can you have a one time when you make an income test you get a one time bonus of two whenever you want basically you have extra money to burn but you end up oh you but you wanted to get something huh um I wanted that knife you want oh you want to win the knife okay you win the knife you have a trench knife now yes next and the next bottle of tequila is uncommon you should have known fate would have have let you in against someo
ne like me she says drunkly yeah so I I'll give you I'll I'll find a fun picture of a trench knife for you so uh yeah it looks like this we'll use this one here this is a fun I'll put this in the chat for you there you go there's the trench knife um it's brutal yeah yeah they're like the knives with like the spiked handles like it's it's yeah for trench combat very the handle very helpful in space um ask ask any ask about lost a tool they'll tell you all right so um dingo shoots out a message to
everybody that gets to everybody here um and it says uh my open bar part my open bar party is over the perks are now for closers only uh message on board if that you who wants the message on board um I thinken sends on board on Mel's on board on board Mar I was on board to begin with but I'll say it again uh on even bodia uh Carmen absolutely I'm so sorry can you repeat the question basically dingo's asking are you on board with the mission oh on board yes yeah okay cool all right you guys all
message back uh he gives you a location to show up at and uh the plan's going to commence here um I think we're going to take our first break here uh so we're going to take a 15minute break guys uh let me go ahead and set that up um but we're getting close we're getting we're about almost a quarter of our goal here uh I got I gota do MTH on my head real quick because I I have to like put this seconds and it's a big number um uh so but yeah we're going to go ahead and take a uh break here um and
then we're going to come back and do our second part of our game um guys you can donate and everything like that to World Central Kitchen uh who we're playing for uh you guys having fun over there I'm it's it's okay that's all right I haven't disappointed I haven't ruined the expanse for you yet that you're not going want to finish the series KP or play the video game hasn't that been that bad um but thank you guys everyone for watching uh we're gonna be back in a uh in about 15 minutes here go
a make sure I got the um yeah let me go and get the thing here we'll return in about 15 minutes uh and uh we'll see you then all right see you welcome back everyone thank you everybody for the donations too uh we're about almost a quarter of our way to the goal uh plenty of time to donate here uh raising money for World Supple kitchen uh your donations can go to rerolls which I will waste extravagantly to try to get isab Isabelle's character to lose money um you can use it to raise the churn you
can use it to uh even get an autographed photo of Jacob Mundell as Eric from the expanse firing a large gun uh which was dope which is actually a great shot you you you got you got a lot of good got stills of you with guns on that show like fun fact fun fact that gun I don't know where it is now or if it's been I don't know where that prop is but that prop gun uh the very end of it it's very gnarly it's got spikes and stuff the props guy told me that was a a a cooking UT that was a meat tenderi
zer I suppose any gun could be a meat tenderizer if you you really think about it um but uh yeah so cool but yeah we got a lot of great stuff here um still time to uh donate so please uh take a look at that and help out PE be people all over the world in all kinds of disaster zones and such like that but speaking of disaster zones let's get back to this game um and arrows uh so uh dingo recalled you all back to a uh Hotel kind of boardroom Suite area type thing uh it's at a it's kind of a not a
great place not a high-end place but kind of one was off the the main beaten path some place called the Blue Falcon and you go in and um the uh it's it's not clean it's kind of a checky yourself in type situation uh you know you get that gives you clearance it's like Airbnb but you know more ethical um and so you uh you go on uh meet up in this room uh does Dingle provide Refreshments or anything or do you have like a ball or something or just this water or how how you want to do that he's alrea
dy provided us a lot of food and drink today that's fair this is fair yeah there's there's there's one bottle of tequila for Carmen I don't know I've paid attention to kind of what their favorite things are there's like a soda what yeah there's there's a there's there's a light there's light Fair okay okay so while while my we can roll this however you want but just one thing that I've been doing while my crack Squad was gambling and um having meltdown I I'd like to I would like to actually do s
ome work and I'd like to use my my burglary my observation and my contact talents to um identify uh and possibly make contact with anyone who's working this station who has access either to um guner quarters and or his spaceship and I'm i' like to T some who vulnerabil such as debt addiction or other um proclivities so uh yeah you knew Gill was a gambler that was the whole premise of stepping up him winning this kind of like Excursion and he seems to be excited about it he does seem to frequent
Aros at least like once a year as kind of a vacation but this is going to be an extra special year for various reasons we'll say um and uh he he is held up in a in a in a higher scale Hotel once closer to the to like the docks and kind of the the casino know and everything and it's got like nice um a lot nicer than where you guys are right now um you know the walls are actually you know fully padded and painted uh versus having exposed rock like a little bit in the room here you can see where so
meone punched a hole through like the the padding into the Rock uh or carve carve the way to it um and it's at a place called the um we'll call it the um the extra roll it's called the extra roll M and it's kind of a nice nicer Place uh for uh where they kind of bring High not like say High um high rollers but high rollers do do occur there um and uh you do make there is some you do have some you could try to contact someone in protogen if you want to to ask about this stuff um but uh as far as
like I know like like like who are you who are you think of asking like do you want to talk people on the street do you want to like go and just like call someone at protogen the security station do you want to try to like talk to some of like the locals here that sounds good to you well I want to I well let let's pull my my team together and I want to say let's let's make a let's make a uh let's make a let's make a plan guys and I want to clarify explaining this to my team I also would like to
just clarify with you John um in this in this dossier you gave me it says the um we need to leverage means to plant the corrupted uh plans into Pope Sanchez's Network and this will require going to a core base or a major node namely some place not AOS in addition you need to ensure you are not uh so we need to we need to leverage access to the network here but we need to do it somewhere else right yeah so AOS you would be able to access this data Pad but because of the the way light delay works
like if if a station's getting hacked from another station they're going to have a lot of time to respond to the hack um because like you know it's it's like you know 30 minutes delay they're like oh that's easy right um so uh and it's easy to cut off the connection because it's just you know just a light signal um but yeah so you would have to like go to like either bring this to one of Pope's bases like one of his like shipyards or like a corporate headquarters a lab some place that has high c
learance um and directly feed it into their Network um you know that the that the way that like the thing that Marv has on him the the data version he has It'll like start overriding their versions of the thing uh in kind of a clandestine way so it'll replace their their plans throughout the network over time won't happen immediately but over like the next like week their plans are going to go to this like not not official version we'll say so here's what I'm thinking team and I would love this
is not fully baked but I so I need your help what I feel like we can do is when gun Hilder wins this contest he's we're going to we're going to ply him with alcohol we're going to make him uh suggestible and try and gain while he is distracted Andor vulnerable somehow we're going to gain access to his [ __ ] either through his hotel room or through his ship wherever it's docked and I'm hoping that's when the doctor and um and my and Marv can hopefully if I if we can gain them access to the physi
cal space they can implant some kind of the the corrupted data into like a virus or something that when the ship later when when gun Hilder gets to the place he needs to be um perhaps it can be programmed Marv to have a delayed activation that that once it's in the right network will dispel the information um after he's left the station does that make sense uh I think what you're describing as possible and now I'm certainly not the most technologically savvy person but I might know somebody who
uh uh has the capacity to um uh create something like that for us to leverage here uh and I'm also a security expert so I can help write any code or anything like that oh security is more about like knowing about how to like break the systems and also like get in through systems and kind of like the the general tactics of systems use coding's out of your wheelous actually unless you have like I don't think I don't think I don't think um if we have a coder here uh no um you're your I have cryptog
raphy yeah your best bet would be Jesse sorry Dr Holston uh might have a way to do it but yeah so is the plan can I ask yeah is the plan to subtly corrupt their data such that they don't notice that we've done something and then they present numbers that actually look really bad or is the plan to wipe their system so that they have nothing to present or something in between I think and tell me what you think I think the idea is to sabotage the plan so it looks like they work is [ __ ] if we wipe
it then they will know they've been hacked we're trying to make it look like they have not been hacked and their work is bad okay so it's more the former where we're trying to make it look like it's bad but we also if they notice we've changed some it can't be like a huge change CU if they notice it it'll be the same as if we wiped it yeah and what what what the proposed version of like what their little little data cryp they have basically the information they're they're saying they have you h
aven't seen the actual CP where they have the actual like corrupted Shard or want to call it um the idea is that it would propagate through the network over time and so whenever their system goes and try to match it it just gets overwritten with the the bad version so it would be a very subtle thing and it's and like you're guessing it's like minor changes just enough to the formulas the stuff just doesn't work like make this pipe just off we don't actually have a copy of their proposals so part
of the us part of Mel and Ma getting access to the physical space is someone has to go in and make the change to the file yeah just upload it yeah okay okay so and so where so is this in so I this is probably on gun hilder's ship right if you so you look him up and he doesn't have a ship here he came in on a transport okay um but uh give me a uh see here uh yeah make this like a um yeah make this like a security test here uh actually make an investigation check here uh Jacob roll investigations
you get a plus five of this uh 19 okay so in the downtime you had you actually asked around about this guy and kind of like looked at the data and like the doc doc he's traveling with someone you're not sure who he's traveling with but he's he's not traveling alone he's got someone with him at least at least someone with them it it is it possible it's like a security detail could be I mean it would make sense you you have a pair of scientists on this station with a security detail mhm um so I'm
think I'm thinking we either need access to his room or to his person like if we uh I mean we're not going to be able to corrupt their work directly we need to put a Shard into some kind of a virus that will implant itself after we've parted ways along for a while the the premise does that make sense I'll I'll let Marv chime in here uh Marv you're understand the plan was to Le like dingo's angle is like dingo's role is to get this guy leverage him make him give you figure out access using him s
o somehow either like steal a means of access or go and find him and you know give him a firm talking to um or something like that it yeah yeah yeah well I I think you know uh perhaps the angle here uh we're we're all connected by these you know devices these data pads that we had have um especially if his is uh you know a company issue or linked to the company's Network that may be enough access for us to uh uh you know have our um Trojan Horse so to speak um I think the real question is um one
how do we get access uh either to his data pad or uh you know a copy of it in such a way that we can um kind of use the information there to get to the network um as as you know kind of the the the um doorway so to speak um and then uh the second question is uh more about I think the technical component of how do we corrupt the data on the network if we can uh you know send you know a file to the network that um does not immediately appear corrupted perhaps we could uh um allow that to then uh
do its work from the server side yeah the version you were given by like Fred himself uh was cooked up by the guys at Tao on his little his little sect of Tao and it's basically like you plug and play it and like it'll work just make sure you give it time to upload and then walk out with it so it's it's ready to go you guys don't need a hacker is what I'm trying to say um you have uh you have it in your pocket ready to go it's just a matter of like getting it to a place where it can propagate ou
t um sure so so so sorry you would know that like his data terminal his little data pad would not be an authoritative like data source for the plans You' have to hit like a high a high level um position so it would have to be off Heros essentially you guys would have to get off Heros somehow but that's why you have a pilot yeah I was going to put out well I don't know about the coding and all that stuff but I might be able to help somehow in terms of getting in touch with him and getting his inf
ormation off of him I mean considering is's here for trying to sell this plan this this this proposal that he's got I mean he's probably trying to get in contact with some of the workers here or some of the companies or some representative and I mean I do have connections as a union rep I would I could possibly leverage or maybe even represent or pretend to represent whatever Union or or or or Workforce that he's trying to get in touch with sorry to be redundant are you saying it might be possib
le to steal his credentials and then to pretend to be him elsewhere and upload the data it's a possibility I was thinking more about having a conversation with him and pretending to be one of the people that he needs to talk to and have him hand over the information directly to me or to us um you yeah you would know that this guy he is ranked in in the company uh in pop sanes company so he would have poll of some sort so like him you might yeah I mean this is not uncommon for Union is just a you
know uh cold call someone or you know hey you're on the street oh you like the same thing I do I like to gamble you like to gamble hey well I'm in the business or you're in the business too I mean it's that kind of situation where uh your com camaraderie and uh go a long ways this is not uncommon as someone who knows a lot about the local laws and rules and understanding about how how you know worker worker Union work I'm assuming that he might have a little bit of interest if he wants his his
plan his company plan to actually pan out in the future uh to kind of get on the good side with the unions and make sure that you know all of the all the details are smooth over and uh make sure that the the workers are happy and the plan's good for them so maybe that angle I can approach them with and be like hey your plan I need to I need to go over your plan a little bit here to make sure what you're doing is legal and actually might help out here and actually will work you know do you think
that's a good like conversation to have with him after he's won this contest to drunk enough and as he say he pulls out that they bought from the from from the from the restaurant like I think we got that covered I I do have uh a suggestion a little bit uh unless my skills are needed elsewhere there's a couple things that I know how to do well and that is being a pilot drinking tequila and seducing men hopefully not the same time I don't all at the same time she's a multitasker multitasker uh an
d I don't I don't know if uh if my skills are needed elsewhere such as piloting a ship I do understand that but um if this guy is into women and can be seduced and is drunk enough I mean I think that could be an as well uh uh dingo you you a do guy you want to pull his stuff about his proclivities for uh intimate contct uh yeah he he's actually uh he likes men he likes women uh but he loves gambling uh that's his that's his first that's his first mistress uh we say um's he's one of those kind of
guys who like who kind of likes the edge of like not sure what's going to happen type thing you can kind he is a captain he is a pilot but um you're guessing probably moving ships around like for a company is not the the exciting piloting job that he wants so gambling's kind of become his go-to risk behavior is what your your assessment tells you about maybe he would enjoy some strip poker or something common gambling and seduction yeah I mean I will say that kmen has had a lot of great influen
ce on our dealings Like We Go Together We Are One Two punch mhm do we think it's possible to have him do it I was I assumed we weren't he wasn't going to be in on it but are we trying to leverage him into uploading the corrupted data himself or are we just trying to get make him not realize he's carrying corrupted data the the issue with that is there's no guarantee of it once he's off station out he's out with that you guys are out of big product and also that little Shard that uh Mar's carryin
g that has all that on that would imp that would imp the [ __ ] out of Fred Johnson yeah I don't trust him so we got to get around him guys so he likes what go ahead sorry I I think if what we need is credentials to access uh the network from another place um it seems to me that if uh we could keep him uh distracted or occupied for long enough whatever form the distraction takes whether it's uh gambling or uh the company of another or some third mystery uh distraction that we have not conceived
of yet um I think we could uh use that time to perhaps uh uh make uh a copy of his uh device which should have his uh his his uh credentials that would let us access the system from uh uh another place such as uh one of you know Pope Sanchez's uh you know ships or Labs or something like that um it's it's I think that our angle I agree we should not trust this man he is not on our dime he's on someone else's but we could absolutely keep him busy long enough for us to uh you know copy the the info
rmation off his data pad in order to uh give us access at a later time and then could we have any idea how long that kind of thing takes the the the data transfer process of this thing or like cloning his device in a way that gives us too that's not too bad to do uh it would go pretty quick but you'd have to be on site with it with the device like proximity is a big a big thing uh the network on earos isn't great it's a need of an upgrade like the internal network but um you would need to get li
ke if you could get into his room or get access to his device directly that would make it a lot easier oh I can get into his room if you need me to well how about how about this oh we lost oh sorry so after he wins this contest tonight he will be there's no guarantee he's going to win it he won the what it is he won he won a opportunity of a contest for like a weekend to hang out and like gamble uh so he's already won the contest but he's like playing poker tournaments and stuff like that over t
he weekend and hang and hanging out so he's like he's around like you guys could walk in the casino walk right up to him if you wanted to he's not like in some private room or anything like that he might be the later at some point if you want to ask him but yeah he's uh he won he won like a you know he got a thing hey you won like a spelling contest three weeks ago or you know whatever like a truth telling contest now you have this you have this free thing oh okay cool he shows up he's just rede
eming it but what you do know is he's not alone um all right so if our Target is to steal his per is to clone his our Target is his data pad which we have his which we're cloning his credentials from um yeah Carmen I I love that I love you if you're comfortable distracting him I think that is a but I so so what if he's being distracted what is the what is the end to that I can try to gain access to his room I don't think we know if his data pad if his credentials if what we need from him is on h
is body or in his room and he he has people with him so that's also a big I was to yeah so sorry in terms of the other people like I said this could be a on twoo punch where I'm just going to let you know when when when uh we go through corporate training there's a lot of you know conversations about how you know other corporations they want to come in to you know steal your stuff and a lot of training videos about you know Honeypot situations like this however get you get people drunk enough no
one's G to care what I'm goingon to suggest is in this situation I can maybe give them a tour or something or take them the rest of them away if they're here on business we can go and be like hey come meet smoo up and with this most important person over here go talk to this person oh we can make this so easy for you and how this deal is going to make something Grand and kind of se you know separate the the sheep from the herd if you know what I mean and then Carmen can come in at this point pr
obably a little drunk from all the smoing and the conversations we've been having and then Carmen can come in take out that Lone Wolf and uh well Bing Bang Boom so I if we're concerned about there being a second individual who is you know perhaps looking out for this guy uh do we have any information about who they might be no we know we know we know he's accompanied but that's that's all I have right now what kind of a what kind of a distraction could we have for you know I'm trying to think yo
u know I think I think you guys got to distraction with car so we have we have kmen Carmen can Carmen can distract him if she cannot if she cannot get his data off of him somehow and maybe it's in his room may maybe she can pull if maybe we can while she's with him we can also try to be gaining access to his room at the same time if there are guards at his room we can get him to call guards away cuz perhaps he's in trouble but uh yeah I we have few a few things here uh ding a city with your secu
rity expertise one is that if you if if Carmen was to go back to his room you would know where his room is right two uh the other element too is that uh you know you you've seen this before people like get access to a room and don't necess do anything in the room like don't have security issues in the room while they're there they more set it up for a later security breach so you kind of like you know you put like the over the door over the the I know words guys like L uh yeah the the the thingy
that goes into the thingy I Jesus Christ like the latch yeah the latch thank you the latch Jesus okay sorry great that sounds great let's we we hang out with him tonight so that the next day when he's out partying we go in we go we go we we we go back we go into his room and uh and and plant plant the stuff so we have we have two we have two phases we have Recon night and we have act action night is the plan still some kind of data pad swap like you're going in on night two you're going in on n
ight two and you're going to clone his device in room and then that'll allow us to do what we need to do offsite at our own pace okay so in this scenario on night two he leaves his room and leaves the data pad behind for some reason well that's the key question is does he keep his data pad on him or does he leave it if he keeps it on him then we have a second uh problem which is how do we uh separate him from his data pad uh for long enough in order to make the the switch AO so to say yeah night
one is Carmen and she we're going to have to answer those questions live we're going to have to find out what the inside of his room is like where his [ __ ] is and how he carries it and that's all going to be we're going to figure that out night one with Carmen night two is when we take the information we've gained and then we we use uh Marvin the doctor to um take advantage of what we figured out sounds good well uh you guys rest up for the the night here kind of the plan that it's simmer uh
you know uh having uh the breakfast wherever you guys are staying whatever it is some of you might be staying like in like you know little tube hotels some of you might be staying in like nicer rooms like dingo uh other you uh whatever you want to whatever you want to do um but the next day uh you guys reconvene uh set up here uh kind of meet up in one of the um the medas of the of the station so like not Medina station but a Medina of the station um where you guys can kind of go out and you're
not too far from the from the the casino you can see there's like different stores there's different places to buy food all over the place there's Pinko machines on every corner like every restaurant's got two P it's like it's like when you go to like Nevada and there's there's like a slot machine in the gas station some for some reason um you know it's that kind of it's that kind of environment but you can also see the main casino where you I believe you're Mark uh Derek gun Hilder is Captain g
un Hilder um who wants to start looking for gun Hilder himself who wants to start like ey in the crowd looking for this guy um I I feel like yeah I feel like I'm seeing Dingo and I'm seeing uman sorry yeah I I think uh for stage one you know I can help do a lap of the casino in order to get eyes on them but uh I might if we have a a a third a neutral location where uh uh someone can kind of act as um uh I don't think OverWatch is quite the right word but uh you know Mission command once again th
e casino has pretty much one entrance one exit like it's like as like the Hub of the place everything has to go through there even if you're walking into like if you want to walk from the docks to like the reactor that runs the station you have to go through the casino it's built that way um so uh there is like choke points on it and outside of this thing there's like a vendor you can just sit there and hang out and drink tea and or coffee or just screw around as you know chill out and watch peo
ple come in and out um all day long but it is it is several um thousand people that come in and out every day the station's population about a million there people here do do both entrances have access to the hotel or just one of them uh the hotel that he's in is actually um part of the casino itself it's one of the higher roller ones so they would in that sense you'd have to go through the casino to go to the hotel type thing got it okay so um all right let me go and get uh how do you guys want
to look for him uh do you want to look just like ask around do you want to uh let let me start with uh swen what what's what's the way you want to kind of like look for him for this guy we have a photo description of him you do yeah you have you have image on on your phone your data pad sorry um I think you you just see seran looking very like despite like how his physical appearance might be like very confident looking um he's he's done he he's he's he's you know been in the business for long
enough that he he just doesn't give [ __ ] about what other people think about him so he kind of just walks in very like nonchalantly through he's been in such situations before so he kind of like you know observes games um just trying to look like he's deciding on which one to play as he's looking for uh Derek okay um you do know uh and there are like help here and everything like that so you can uh you can certainly like ask people if you want to as well and you a good people person um so yeah
if you want to if you want to ask around you can uh let's go to dingo uh dingo how do you want to look for this guy I mean you can start putting up your like sonar and see if you can see him basically do sonar um is it is there any way to like track um uh any kind of like a like like his his digital ID moving through different different uh parts of the building swe for that so the the there is but you'd have to go and hack uh protogen's Network and if you get caught on that it's over it's over
um that's not that's not worth it yeah I'll uh yeah I mean you I'll like what yeah what you said yeah all right so go ahead and um I'm gonna have uh uh I'm G have KP uh did you want to like so you kind of go around as you are like one of like the kind of waiters weight staff goes uh see do you are you having trouble finding some finding uh finding where you need to be yeah I mean I'm just this is my first time in this location oh welcome to Euro sir thank you it's it's a fine fine station fine C
asino actually I've never been I've never been in something this good looking he he like reaches in his pocket and like pulls something out to give you he gives you it's five Pinko balls oh wow well thank you house we really encourage you to try out some of the games and enjoy the the festivities here yeah absolutely now if I may ask you uh what are some some what would you say is some of like the more higher rolling tables there oh um You' want to go over there there is a check-in uh for that y
ou have to go talk to our concierge about that um because we don't we a lot of people we lot people kind to go in there and try it and they maybe don't have the fun and everything that so we we want to make sure that everybody has a good and optimal experience when they go uh for their experience the casino um but if you go over there and talk to um I think it's is it Sven I think Sven over there is the is the gentleman uh the taning the death but you want go talk to him uh he'd be happy to set
you up with the game sir sounds fantastic now if I may ask um you you've been probably doing your your serving dents for a few hours now tonight yeah yes yeah um I when I'm in these sort of situations I love I love meeting new people I love you know the the celebratory atmosphere of it all anybody stick around out here for you that's like oh man he's in a good mood he's he's really like putting down the money putting down the the the the the credits for all this um that guy that guy is really ha
ving a good time well I mean if you just look around everybody here is having a good time and everyone's a winner on Heros you can tell this is practice this is the most practice [ __ ] ever heard in your life I I like I I I I drop like a like a tip into his hand okay and I'm like you know what I'm talking about a guy that's kind of having a little too much fun a little little tipsy a little someone who kind of looks like uh would would would be a great com compatriot tonight oh um yeah uh you'r
e you're I know what kind of services you're well no yeah and your tip is more you flash over like a little bit of moneyy to his data pad directly um he kind of goes oh well we um I know the kind of service you have um those are one of the levels down one of the level's down oh dear Lord my God no I'm not talking about like that kind of I'm just talking about like friends to someone to gamble with looking like he's actually having a fun time out here and also I'm looking for a sucker man I'm loo
king for someone that I can he go he goes um I I think you'd want to go uh talk to I'm going to have you make an etiquette check here so this is actually one of your best skills you're actually really good at etiquette so uh plus seven uh hold on let me look up my screen she yeah got uh that is a five9 uh 16 16 very good yeah um he kind of goes through and he he's like oh well I appreciate your I appreciate the tips sir like I said Sven is your best bet here our a service is better for the highe
r rers he's and you can see this guy like this guy's like he's he kind of bends over Whispers In Your Ear like looks I just serve drinks man I'm I'm just trying to [ __ ] ear a Liv in here bro and you're just like hey you're the sucker and he's like H I'm worries bro no worries no I do want to make I ask question um for Carmen Carmen um so I got the impression that Marv is set up at one of the entrances to watch for this guy Mel set up entrance to watch for this guy kmen what do you want to be d
oing uh during all this you want to try to check the floor uh maybe Shadow one of the people make sure they don't get into an altercation what kind of stuff sounds good to you okay so Marv is at the door yeah they're kind of like they're not at the it's there's like there's like these like giant entrances like you the big casinos at the giant fancy entrances there's two of them and outside of them are these bars and like food places and they're kind of sitting there watching the gate as they com
e come in it's like watching like people come to the TSA when you're at the airport the coffee bar you know you can see people coming and going yeah yeah yeah um uh can I just look around and maybe seem like I am looking to see what uh gambling table I want to join okay yeah you check out some tables and uh there's people as you walk by people are friendly the the people that run the tables like hey please join us and um you know kind of look around uh you can see that um uh swen is like going t
owards uh the conier where the higher rollers is uh seems to be doing that pretty well um and uh you're welcome to follow you're welcome to go off your own and look look around so and we know what this guy looks like correct yeah you have a photo of him yeah he's got kind of a slick back hair goatee uh no uh no mustache or anything like that too but uh earther dark hair skin a little he's uh we we would call we would call him like you know Caucasian but like he's like gray kind of his Skin's a l
ittle grayer like thinking like mine but a little grayer just from not having access to natural light for very long okay um so yeah yeah just by uh a quick look around at the casino take look uh do I do I see him at all good question uh give me a uh this would be a perception test so roll your um roll your three Dice and add one to it yeah to be uh to be clear as K on kp's side like I assumed that he wasn't it was because of how big this casino is that it would be hard to like look for him so I
was like yeah this is what we call a complex test that everybody can contribute successes to it yeah uh nine total nine total at the plus one uh do you want to increase that or do you want to accept that result I'd like to increase that okay what was your low die roll what was your lowest number on it a one okay uh you would need to increase that to a five so it's going to cost you five Fortune points but that'll give you a success that's a lot of forun total I'm loving it I'm loving it though I
pushed that luck got to push it to the Limit guys let's do it let's do it let's do cool and then what did you get on the off color die there should be like a different color two two perfect okay so um you start looking around and you think you saw him over in the distance um kind of like walking around he wasn't in the High Roller area but he was kind of like looks like he's coming out of like the hotel area you think you saw a car okay all right I'm going to Mander over there you start you sta
rt going try to follow the guy all right let's go to um dingo uh you kind of you reach out with your senses so give me a hearing test hearing you a plus five I see that nice whoa oh [ __ ] here we go uh sorry math uh 20 20 22 all right yeah we got to send those numbers off to NASA to calculate that result all right um what uh what you what you uh oh Al six perfect okay so so you get a high degree success um dingo you start registering through and you you think you pick up on him uh like a 3D ren
der of them because you're kind of reaching out like it's a very confusing place there's a lot of sound but you kind of see through it all through your sonar kind of capabilities uh for those that don't know dingo see through sees through hearing at distance um and you you kind of pick up on you think you have a beat on on the figure you kind of briefly get his face in it um you also uh yeah you catch it like people going on but yeah he seems to be in like the more like coming out the hotel area
if you will and do I do I am I aware that that Carmen seems to be on his tail also yeah you track yeah he allows you to track both um seran and Carmen Carmen seems to be kind of going his Direction spion seems to be going off to the high rollers area which is kind of gated it's not gated but it's like Velvet Rope type area you know it's got like a nice like uh you know uh fake wood finish if you will around it uh and uh but it's certainly a choke point he's going to go in there he's going to ha
ve to check in kind of thing um but yeah uh yeah you kind of catch him and you catch car's on his tail or seems to be on his tail somewhat but great I communicate I communicate his location just to the entire team so we're all on the same page presumably yeah we can communicate through a group text or something that yeah yeah easily enough group text now they they do not have group text in the future if if the future is going to be a good future there will be no group texts okay I I let I let ev
erybody I DM everybody on Instagram and I tell them where group jesz that's even worse all right um the feature sucks guys all right the um so there is no hope you um you guys kind of follow you guys following him and everything however though I'm gonna let I'm gonna let our uh our new player uh who's been nervous Isabelle roll this Isabel I need you to roll one sixi die and tell me exactly what number you have we have we have a possible turn event here o over to 10 past 10 five five okay there
is no churn event um oh [ __ ] so nothing nothing Rando happens that hinders you um okay um let me ask this question of dingo dingo do you want to let Carmen approach him first or do you want to try to like catch him first catch him like catch up to him catch up I mean like he's not a [ __ ] Pokemon but like up to I'm sorry just yeah you know like like just in the interest of time I I don't we we weren't terribly specific but I think the goal is to let Carmen Le lead the way we're just we're jus
t trying to get into his room and we got to get him drunk and horny first and um I think I think I think seren should um I don't know be ready to follow I think he I think if she's tailing him we should tail her yeah so I think the Hope was like does he look like is he alone already or does he don't know you're not you didn't see him but according according to them they they at least know where he is it is a crowded place so you don't know if he's alone or not it's hard to tell all right uh let
me go ahead and uh go to uh Carmen Carmen yeah you start catching up to him and uh you have confirmation from Dingle that you're high confidence this is the guy uh how do you want to do you want to approach him or how do you want to do this um I want to tail behind him a little bit and just kind of get a read on if there's anybody else that seems to be following him such as security okay uh give me a uh I'm going to you use tactics on this this would be a tactical assessment because you're you'r
e assessing the Tactical situation so roll the three sided the three Di and add three to it and that's what you get for tactics this is something you actually have oh man you're going lose all your uh 10 10 okay yeah yeah you don't see anybody unless you want to push that result to a uh 15 which would be extremely expensive no okay all right I also mention the churn goes up every time you spend Fortune so yeah it's fun okay but you um yeah you you look around he seems like he's isolated and he's
just kind of you see like he's like walking with a drink it looks like he he's probably coming back from breakfast or something probably got the Continental in there or something whatever it is all the fungal cage you can eat um and he's just kind of chilling out he's got like a actual like glass in his I should also mentioned too they actually serve drinks and glasses on the station which is like you can tell the people that are highend have glasses in their hand versus bulbs of like tea or wa
ter or whatever it is like um and most of the belters aren't you can tell belters pretty quickly because builds aren't comfortable not drinking through a nipple okay yeah uh so does Dingo since he's security or he's got a background in security can he tell if there's anybody around him that is you want to ask if it's you can you can Tex okay dingo she's asking you if is it yes go ahead and make a uh you can make a security test on this if you want to so plus four to this well I I I'm going to do
security I also want to ask you if it's useful to consider my my my notes for uh covering my tracks like to to not make sure we're not giving our giving ourselves away yeah you can certainly do that you being observed yeah if you pull out the stunt yeah if you get the stunt point you can make sure you're not so plus plus four plus four sir here we go it's a good day uh uh 21 would you go the off color die that's a five God damn you're the devil today boy um all right I'm I'm going to be blowing
turn later so it's good to roll nice now so um yeah uh you see Karma are approaching them and you're checking it you see one individual behind him you're pretty sure is following him around I'm going to following him around he's wearing like a suit he's wearing like a a business casual type thing kind of like a has a a nice coat on kind of like something you'd wear to use or something like that going out for uh you know to the park for the day does he look like he's caught on to Carmen no okay
so Carmen you are being he is being followed you have not been made but you might be so if you are make sure you're playing a common idiot instead of an agent okay do is that like in a group text or was that specifically a group text yeah allum group text um we do have a tail uh at that point uh looks at and points out maybe maybe we can distract the security guard like Marvin doctor and I could go and approach him each separately and like hey do you know where this is at like you know can I ask
you where the bathroom is I should mention uh KP that one of your favorite your favorite stunts this is something you can do if like really a lot easier than other people is is called over here okay where you just you literally make yourself the center of attention and basically like oppositional forces have to Target you it could be used in combat but it could also be used during um social encounters right over here as in over this location not over here as in I can listen in first heard I'm l
ike yeah yeah sorry yeah yeah okay um I think then what I'll do is um around where the secur like I'll make my way where the security guard is okay they point out too yeah um because it's been point out to me and then I'm just going to as one of the waiters walks by flip one of like whatever drink tray or anything that they're having and fliping like yeah watch where you're going all right this is going to be a slide of hand check I I I feel this is kind of like a ledger domain kind of like you'
re trying to make it seem like a fake thing H okay all right cool you're trying to make it seem like you didn't do it on purpose I'm assuming unless you want to be like hey buddy I'm G throw this like drink in your face or something like I it was more incidental than that like no no yeah yeah okay let's see oh come on that's not good uh 14 14 okay 14's uh what's your lowest number on that uh the lowest is a two two and you need to push that to a three so spend three fortune and you get the succe
ss on it sure I'll do and uh yeah so you do that and uh you flip the drink over Carmen you see uh surgeon like kind of like you know kind of like flails his arms uh pretending not to be used to the the weird coris effect here um and uh the drinks kind of fall and shatter on the they kind of fall slowly they don't shatter on the ground because it's like there like quasi padded floor and everything and the grabby solo but um they kind of fall on the ground in front of the security guy and you can
see him kind of like stop and stumble and he's like you know uh what do you KP what do you want your character to do to kind of distract this guy oh I'm just making a Ruckus now I'm just like you know how could you just go in don't you have eyes can't you just walk around like you can't just walk around just bumping into people the management of this place what kind of [ __ ] hole am I am I working in here um guards guards look at this guy and I'm just gonna like as I say walk by like just being
an utter okay a nuisance you're a you're a public nuisance sir okay uh Carmen you see your moment to to approach Derek Captain uh gun Hilder okay uh I'm going to I'm trying to decide if I want to be more subtle with this or if I want to be more heavy-handed like like use your character as melee weapons no no no no no get a get a little primitive on it just BFF him over the head and yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go subtle um I'm gonna make it seem like this is kind of a like a a chance encounter like
maybe I I drop something in front of him and I do the bend and snap okay all right um so he okay give me umh I'm gonna put that as like a I put that as a Communications I'll put that as dexterity if you're trying to like kind of do it um sounds like it's more physical so give me roll the three six add the two to it nine nine okay what was your low number one one okay um spend three fortune is that a question or is that I if you want to if you want to succeed on this and not like have them ignor
e you it would be three fortune thank God okay let's do it all right cool there is ways to get Fortune back I will say by donations you can actually donate and give us a for give a character Fortune back um give me Fortune all right so um so you you yeah you kind of uh B and he goes oh oh Excuse Me Miss he kind excuse me as he as he's like uh what' you drop and he's like looking around at the ground for you oh um I uh I I must have just dropped my uh my my my I don't know what I have you could s
ay like your data pad or like your my data pad okay yeah my data pad he looks around he's like U my hotel Key um he goes uh Jesus subtle you I thought I thought he said subtle um and he goes oh I think oh there it is and he he goes and he kind of picks up the piece of glass you would hands it to you he kind of makes sure as a gentleman not to like look at it he's like trying to like hold it away from him he goes here you go okay um I'm gonna say I'm gonna give him a little bit of a a pickup line
that's not too heavy-handed something like maybe like shock in the moment of like oh I'm sorry I didn't I didn't uh expect to see somebody whose face is so out of this world like well suppose we're all out of this world on AOS aren't we uh he say um he goes puts his hand forth and uh he goes Captain uh Captain Derek G Hilder uh he he's like you see him you see him clearly looking at your uh Martian Marine tattoos okay so he and he I will say this etiquette wise he introduced himself with his Ra
nk and what he does or he he's ranked so it's kind of like he's kind of expecting to here I for my understanding I believe your character is a Corporal my character yeah was your rank when you left the military was a Corporal so you can introd yourself as Corporal if you want to or you just say here my name but I'm gonna introduce myself as Corporal okay uh how do you say it oh please please may I interrup for a second um I'm watching the whole thing like Danny ocean and this is perfect so now n
ow that she's initiated contact if it's unless it's going to be Mega obvious i' I'd either text to her or radio her just say like you're doing great remember that your best bet is to challenge him to some kind of a bet if you can wager him or gamble with him like that's his I'm throw in I'm going to throw in a thing that Dingo would know is you probably don't want to text the person uh about the person they're trying to like Swindle on their data pad that they're handing back to the person right
what got text here oh it says uh you're supposed to [ __ ] me over okay maybe I was me no I was probably metagaming good you're you're sler than that all right um but no it's good it's good so I like this this good and I like I like that you think you're George clone now which I'm this is what I was going for to this session um uh but uh yeah Carmen um he kind of looks at and he he goes uh oh he's like pball he's like wow um he's like I've I've never really had a the pleasure of dealing with th
e uh well I've never had the pleasure or the or a displeasure of dealing with a martian Marine what brings uh one of the core to to AOS uh I'm on a vacation actually uh had some time off and decided to to spend it here I myself am uh pretty big at uh gambling I do say it is a little bit of a a guilty pleasure of mine so you know just taking some time to spend it here by myself and um meet the company of others that are also here oh can I ask what brings you here uh It's Kind of a Funny Story act
ually um I I entered one of those kind of like you know drop your data thing you know drop your name into like the local you know Forum list here a while back I guess and My name got pulled and I got a hotel stay here and a little bit of a little bit of spending cash for the for the the casino here I'm actually um heading over to to the uh the tables over there past the the the the little bar they have set up um looking what kind of what's your what's your what's your pleasure you like cards uh
Pinko uh roulette what what kind of stuff do you enjoy uh I'm actually a fan of Pinko myself Pinko yeah and it um it seems like you are a bit of a a winner it sounds like from last night all right I'm that when you call him a winner I am calling for the uh that's going to be the seduction test to see if he's actually interested at this point that's actually a very uh oh you I right I forgot you have the you have the attractive uh Talent too yeah he's um uh he's every favor but yeah roll 36 and a
dd your uh communication which is a plus one this is Juicy speaking of juice uh Isabelle Carman got back you get back a whopping uh you get back a whopping uh because of someone's generous donation you get back a whopping um eight uh Fortune back so you're you're back in the game a little bit here feel a little bit better the juices are flowing as we as we say yes yeah they are um okay I rolled but that doesn't reset the turn no it does not the turn still SP that yes but oh yeah what you get plu
s one yeah plus one yeah uh 12 12 okay uh you can spend Fortune uh to push that to uh I 12 dude he's interested so he's marginally interested he's like okay this is interesting um he's like winner last night well um I think I I think I everything I have at this point is just winning I came in up but unfortunately I have to spend the credits they gave me here but uh maybe um would you Beed to help me spend them a little faster I'm be interested in helping you spend them a little faster absolutely
God damn Jacob your face is killing me okay um so sorry this is fun okay okay um so he kind of he he goes okay well why don't we head over here um my my man zven who like he points to the coner uh we I'll be sure to get you in and everything that too um I do have to say though um do you have a what is what is Carmen wearing at this point cuz what I understood earlier was kind of more like kind of workers clothes uh do you have anything like you're you're wearing specifically for today like you
want to kind of like tell us about nothing like it would be overly fancy but kind of like uh what would Cara be wearing for like this kind of a scenario so for this specific scenario yeah um I think she has uh I don't want to say like she doesn't have anything too too fancy M um but it's a step up from a couple steps up from business casual okay so she's dressed nice but she's not like fall [ __ ] interview stuff yeah yeah yeah like a step up from that say like a like kind of like a like a like
a but it's a buttonless dress shirt shirt zipper uh type stuff and just kind of uh some you know slacks or something like that sound good yeah okay all right so yeah he it you know it looks good it's uh they just print clothes here so it's everything's form fitted basically um or it's fitted to your whatever whatever you want to measure as and he's yeah come on in so he takes you up to um he goes hey it's Ben and so he's like oh he's like uh welcome uh welcome back uh Captain are you ready for y
our next round and he says well I'm actually interested in the next round but um I can I'd like to bring my uh my compatriot here I just recently read met oh this is oh fantastic absolutely uh let me go ahead and I can uh pull up a temporary credit ship for I do need to scan uh her ID before she comes in though but we her credits are paid for by your uh your pool if you want Ser oh absolutely and he kind of like puts up some numbers real quick and he basically gives you a decent amount to gamble
with it's not like it's not it's it's it's not it's it's it's a fair amount to gamble with you could play you could play a few hands at the high rollers table if you wanted to without like without issue um uh and he uh he goes up and but he asked to scan your uh your credentials there uh Carmen you want to bring your data pad or yes he goes up and he goes uh oh he's like uh uh welcome Miss Castillo uh yes you're uh welcome here uh see here credit transferred no problem and he's looking he's lik
e looking basically he's doing like a security check on you nothing comes back that uh is what he comes up with and he goes well welcome on in and uh do enjoy your stay and like he open like he push the button the bar kind of opens up and it lets you through and everything's very fancy it's a much cleaner area we'll say um as you walk in uh one of the weight staff greets greets you and him and he goes uh so what's your what's your poison uh Derek asked uh is sorry Carmen I'm a woman of taste and
I love me some tequila tequila absolutely um oh God Jacob where's the bottle do you have the bottle oh one second Jacob has a propy stole from the show which which is bottle of tequila acquired acquired yes he actually has am model of tequila um so we got to props once in a while guys um so yeah you he brings you on back and he presents you a bottle which will look identical to the bottle that Jacob will have in his hand here momentarily and uh it's high quality stuff this is from Earth uh this
would on Mars go for quite a bit and here on OS would go for even more so um he they bring it bring yeah it's in the box and everything uh what's the name of the what's the name of it it's like blue something isn't it uh blue label no M you're muted buddy oh [ __ ] yeah it's made with blue agave Blue Agave and it's it's and it's called Kasa deola okay and I think it's because the director or the props guy there like dog was named Lola or something or no some there's a person named Lola Lola's a
real person deola this is a faded tequila that that Carmen has heard of but has never tasted and they present it up uh as did you want just shots is that what you wanted uh Isabelle like shots of it let's do it all right so so bring up some shots and he goes well um to our luck and he he goes to cheer you to our luck can I um pretend to drink it but not actually drink it okay you're going to pretend not to uh okay so yes you can with slide of hand if you want to you kind of Chuck it back if you
want to yeah because I don't know that I want to be like inated for well to be fair your character is pretty tough and you do have I think you could drink him onto the table yeah I'm just concerned like since this is the real deal High label stuff is this going to be affect me more or is it going to affect me less than the stuff that I'm used to Fair uh it would probably affect you more but it is your first drink of the day so like I mean it's it is a shot and it is an opportunity this is not h
is first drink uh yeah you don't think it's his first drink okay I'm just going to drink it all right you drink it mind uh it hits you but it's not that hard uh it's very smooth going down honestly uh you don't feel drunk yet but like uh it's one of those ones that kind of creeps on but it was actually probably one of the best beverages you've ever had in your life uh it it's shocking how how good it actually is um you know the Earth do some things okay and one of them's like tequila um so he um
yeah he goes okay well uh P we have some there's actually some high-end machines over here uh that use uh you know the classic old stuff they've actually imported from Earth uh they have I heard they've been restored um and we have some card table and everything like that too but uh yeah let's let's go ahead and hit it off um we're going to go back to uh seron uh you get done cleaning up and you see uh Carmen go off with with the mark the security guard for a moment here he's like [ __ ] this a
nd he starts moving off past them uh dingo you see them moving off as well uh span what do you what do you want to do dingo what do you want to do you did you guys both did see kmen go past the security barrier yeah and then I also want to ask to if Marv and Mel have anything they want to do or they have their own private geek text thing or whatever it is uh well you know I think uh since we're kind of off in our own maybe you know we'll be in like a a Discord voice Channel you know and I'll be
uh regaling uh Dr holson with the story of developing the uh you know gen 3 uh engine back you know uh during my time uh on Mars uh I will be eating up that story and then telling uh an old Legend of a physics conference on Earth that went to Las Vegas and none of the physicists gambled and Las Vegas were like we are never having a Convention of physicists ever again because we lost money uh and like Mel thinks this is the funniest thing because she also will not gamble because it's a stupid ide
a uh so she's just there like ah this is great uh yeah yeah yeah and you know we're probably just kind of like you know swapping stories and shooting the [ __ ] but um I I do think uh once we know that um you know there is a uh uh once we know where our Target is and uh what's happening inside as we're staying kind of um appraised of what's Happening um I might uh leave the door and uh make my way in uh just to see if I can lay eyes on this security person I don't need to be near the uh you know
High Roller section I trust that uh you know uh Carmen and dingo uh and San are find the three of them they don't need my help but maybe I can uh you know do something to um keep the security guide otherwise occupied as well so you move into the vicinity Mel what about you do you have anything you want I'm just gonna trail behind maob I don't know if m is trying to be subtle but I'm just like gambling yes uh so at that point I think um am I confident at this point that security guard is not goi
ng to be a issue anymore he's going to get you're pretty sure he's going to get past uh the concierge that's there and uh be part because he's part of the the party he's part of like he's probably on the ticket or whatever it is uh he might become an issue then but you're Al you also have a lot of confidence in your uh friend Carmen too so they uh you do know that kmen can uh yeah kmen can fight worst case can like of all the people you don't want to pick a fight with on the station Carmen's it
yeah um crap uh I think I I I I reach out to I reach out to dingo at that point or and said what do you want me to do you want me to follow Carmen and kind of add a little you know fuel the flame a little or do you want me to keep distra this security guard I mean this is her job she's kind of doing her part right now if she's if she hits an emergency she'll text us I don't I don't see a direct way to help her right now maybe if we thought ahead of time we could have made you a fake idea to get
you clearance P well uh you do have the you do have the cred chip for Fred Johnson you could buy your way into it right possibility but that is an expensive ship to play I mean yeah I can I can flirt I have flirt as a talent as as Charming as my character is I have I could yeah maybe maybe it's worth it just so she's not alone to try and get regen behind the behind the checkpoint somehow I either either flirt bribe or hack whichever is the least problematic okay um hacking is by far the most the
riskiest one uh and the uh I don't think you yeah you're not much of a hacker but you could certainly try to flirt your way dingo has a lot of interpersonal skills here apparently I can make a contact out of an NPC I can flirt with an NPC and then make them yeah like I don't know so you come to I'd like to yeah like housekeeping we're gonna need so you go to you go up to spin with uh scren and uh as you guys do uh you guys saw the security guard go in uh what's going to happen beyond that you'r
e not sure yet but you're trying to get your way in here at least legitimately uh the consist as you approach goes welcome uh what can I help you gentlemen with I'm just here to enjoy the night with my compet here there there's plenty of tables out there uh we have tables inside uh but there is a minimum buy in along with a uh we have to do a quick credit check along with an ID scan you'll find none of that it's going to be an issue for us and I turned to dingo I'll I'll I'll flirt with the conc
ierge and say I'd like to show my my friend a good night and I'd like to buy him into the room and and I don't think yeah yeah I'd like I'd like to get him please all right I think Shon might have found his sucker yeah it was in the party the whole time all right so um you bring up the credit chip that that that Fred gave you and it like buys through and the money goes through and the guys oh wow it's quite quite the sum sir uh and so I'm I'm bringing in am I bringing in both of you or just one
of you no just my friend here okay well it's good to have gracious friends uh thank you so much uh sir and uh he uhan uh he kind of checks your thing out and it actually you your credentials are fine he says Ah I got to say U so that that advertising we've been doing on on uh at uh lris Nova the capital of Mars has been paying off I have to say the tourist the tourist uh promotion we did um oh absolutely that's so whoever did the marketing for that did a fun job well uh M Mr misra I really hope
you enjoy your evening uh if your games are uh cards we have some of that we have uh roulette tables and we have some uh vintage pachinko machines we would love for you to play do a little walk around and then find one and don't don't don't walk around thirsty sir please uh help yourself to one of our complimentary drinks as you walk in and there's like a little little hook you up whatever the concern in his voice don't walk around thirsty my goodness oh dare you sir me um and so uh San walks th
rough and he as he walks by he looks at Dingo and kind of give him gives him like a final wink as he walks by and um he tries to text him and say let me see if I can uh I can really fleece the sucker tonight or at least get him riled up um so that way you know he's he's more the plan is for me is to like be the antithesis to Carmen make her look you know her company look way better and you know you know leave this place as soon as possible either through him with big or losing big um so that tha
t's what San's plan is to like find the table that that uh Derrick's going to be sitting at with Carmen and hopefully I feel like I feel like this is something that Carmen and I have worked out in a while like that that one punch I'm talking about is where we kind of use our skills to mess with this guy a little bit in One Direction or another all right so um Carmen you're out here with Derek and you guys have machine and you guys you guys sit been playing a little bit here it's pretty fun actua
lly it's kind of it's kind of interesting to see them like a completely purely mechanical machine on Eros versus like these electronic ones that are kind of like very light up and and everything it's very vintagey very um it's old too it's probably about like two 300 years old to be honest this machine that you're playing on Carmen but he um yeah he's uh you guys you guys playing some games you're win some you lose some it's Pinko uh you know it's it's it's to it's very random but he um uh he sa
ys so um yeah uh what um so tell me uh tell me about some of your your what exactly you do in the Marines uh or you want to get to know him too you could too I uh I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a pilot oh wow he's like me too I I've uh I piloted in the uh the UN for the UN a little bit in the Navy for a while and now I work in the private sector okay yeah I'm more of a a freelancer myself yes how long have you been doing that jeez uh I've been flying now for about uh 20 25 years as well I got I gotta I I
I envy you uh you you Navy types uh you get to fly the big fun ships I just I just move cargo nowadays uh pretty boring what amounts to an armored truck uh bus driver H so I you know I imagine with all that experience you're you're pretty good at piloting though I would imagine you're you're good at what you do regardless you're pilot I'm essentially trying to stroke as you go yeah yeah uh I believe you have the focus touching actually you you are touching you stroking his ego with the touching
skill yes um no he he literally like he's like um well you know I do I do all right uh got all my certifications and everything uh but right now it's hly here to there there to he sometimes I go elsewhere uh not much else um sorry to say but uh pay is good pay you know pay is good the benefits are great got a little equity in the company now that been there for so long yeah well I I would imagine that you know the type of ships that I'm used to Flying versus the type of ships that you're used t
o Flying are pretty different I would be interested in maybe sometime you could uh teach me how to fly your ship kind all right that's going to be um that's that's going to be a uh a SED I'm say I'm G call Seduction That that seems that seems seductive just so you know John himself is bad at this uh so I have a stunt called when a plan comes together which is Grant an ally uh bonus stunt points equal to the amount spent on the next role concerning the same goal so I want her to succeed so I will
give her so you can what you can do here um is you can make a roll with one of your uh your skills whichever when you think be appropriate here let's say you did the research you did some research on this guy so she's she's exploiting that so let's go and do a research rooll real quick for you Jesse three three five 11 18 18 and you got doubles on that you got yeah I got two what was the off color die five five okay well uh yes you have three bonus stun points here to spend uh Carmen so you hav
e additional stuff if you really want to make this pull this off you can pull you have a lot to pull so make a seduction test this going to be communication uh there going to be plus one to it but you'll get a bunch of stop points to do extra stuff if you succeed to go for it here and it's three dice yes uh 12 + 1 13 13 okay um what was your lowest number two two uh if you can push that to a four so spend four Fortune trust me it's gonna be worth it here um we'll do it all right so you push up y
ou push the the the the stuff up again um and you actually uh he's like oh well I have to say maybe uh it is my uh I will have another bout of luck here um well honestly the ship the ship I fly is kind of boring uh honestly I'm kind of glad to be away from it um but is this all we're going to talk about is what we do in our on time what about our off time what what kind of stuff do you enjoy in the doing when you're not uh out uh you know uh moving moving people in power armor around the solar s
ystem uh you're actually looking at it I'm I'm a big Gambler myself oh oh yeah I I quite enjoy the the thrill of you know putting things on the line never knowing what I'm going to win what what's what's going to happen next and I kind of like the element of of chance chance encounters even so his um game wise you've actually very much won his favor he's actually very in favorable he he seems to trust you and he seems very enthralled by you suddenly you can clearly tell this um and uh he's like
well why don't we uh enjoy a little B more time here at the tables and the machines and uh if you got nothing else you I'd love to have a dinner with you and hear more about these um your your techniques on uh flying these ships absolutely uh do you think I do you think that I could uh maybe get a little handsy with him and just yeah you you want if you want yeah if you want to like start like kind of like put your arm around him or something that he seems he seems open to it he's kind of into i
t and he he's like okay [ __ ] this was like this vacation is going to be dope uh I I I'm thinking I want to get a get a little get a little handsy with him and maybe do some slide of hand just to do a quick little pat down see if his data that data him yeah give me um give me a slide of hand here if you try not to like be observe or you know observed uh feeling his uh possessions up howse describe that literally his possessions he owns his data pads not you you can deal it all right so yeah giv
e me give me um yeah give me the slight of hand check so uh plus four here 16 16 okay yeah great role um you can tell he has a data pad on him uh you can tell he has some uh what are like like loose credit chips so if they're like oneof chips you can kind of throw into the bin and like they'll they'll work through the machines and everything if you don't want to like run your data pad um you can tell he is not armed one thing you did notice that at the at the gate to the high rollers place there
's no weapons in here there's no weapons in the casino I should have mentioned that by the way no there's not you guys can try to bring weapons in here but like um uh if you get caught it'll suck um so yeah the uh but yeah no weapons on him um he does seem you do feel the data pad vibrating occasionally and he seems to be ignoring the notifications on his data p uh you're guessing he's he's more concerned with you know you at this point okay um as you as you you're kind of doing this uh you see
this gentleman in like a kind of a casual jacket a little bit bigger than than uh Dereck come up he goes uh sir and uh Derrick's kind of like's kind of like ignores me initially and he goes sir uh captain and he looks back and he goes oh geez um all right all right yeah yeah I get it he's like um the guy kind of comes over goes uh Miss uh do you have any uh he's like yeah who is this and he's like oh this is my uh my new friend Carmen um but you can call her uh Corporal Castillo he's kind of lik
e he's kind of like pull a rank on this guy somehow and the guy's like uh uh yeah Corporal Caso he looks at your Tattoo's a martian huh um so this is uh we can we talk off the side please real quick he's like you can see der's like [ __ ] come on man like I'm having a good time here he's like but sir I I need to step in this guy's trying to break up a good time you can tell this is probably security detail yeah oh wait is that the same security guy that I saw earlier or yeah it's the same guy ye
ah um he's not like telling get to the table yet stre John I mean I've been in the area I've been Mak you can see them off off the side you kind you have to go through and find them you can see them off the side and you can see the security guard confronting both Carmen and Derek yeah uh can I use can I use my uh uh uh what was it um over here distraction thing yeah okay yeah all right how do you want to make a distraction this time um oh [ __ ] how what do I want to do spit his face I don't kno
w man like what your deal is here um would I H about how about this um [ __ ] Buy around for everybody man duns in staff yeah drinks on me I'm going to pretend I'm drunk and I'm just gonna straight body this guy in the sense of like I stumbled into him and like make him fall over uh yeah go Ahad and roll um this is going to be a communication test so you try to fake it real quick so give me a communication test real quick as you try to as you try to like fake into as you body into them uh so wha
t would that be five bro you got you got a high roll in this hell yeah come on o uh that is a you said plus five yeah 13 oh what's your lowest number was that was my total that's no what your lowest number any the dice you got two two uh you need to push that to a four so spend four fortune and uh you can get the check you will you will you will get distraction without hinders so yeah you you bump into him yeah I bump in and kind of like wanting to like trip him up and like as I kind of like fal
l on him and like oh I'm sorry oh God pushes you off like like very like it's powerful but he's not like he's not putting his hands on he's more using his arm to kind of push you off Jesus CHR he's like he's like [ __ ] he's like God damn [ __ ] Aros piece of [ __ ] he's like just pissed off at this place he's like this is garbage he's like it's all right he kind of props you up and he goes hey he he kind of snaps at one of like the weight staff he goes hey we got a problem here get this guy the
[ __ ] out of here and he's like uhy okay who are you to kick me out man like I I I I'm a Pay customer I'm here to have a good time you the weight staff comes over and goes sir we we have uh in the high Roars area we have uh you agreed as you signed in to certain to conduct yourself in a certain manner this is not it oh no we're going to have to have you we're going to have to have you leave and come back when you're silver up I'm good I'm I'm really good I'm just I the gravity here is not what
I'm used to I'm kind of just a little you know off-kilter a little bit my center of gravity is I'm just trying to figure it here go here here it goes I need you to roll a hearing test this is going to be uh this is going to be perception hearing test I want see if you hear this okay uh come on baby give me something good ooh o okay okay okay uh that just on the dice is a for plus uh 15 15 so uh okay car did not hear this luckily um you hear 14 16 you hear him say [ __ ] duster piece of [ __ ] t
he [ __ ] you call me and he my [ __ ] face you come here talk to me right the the weight staff goes security and like these like guys come out um they're no no no I I I I taking [ __ ] from no one I've had to deal with this kind of [ __ ] all my life I came here on a vacation I talking I need to hear this [ __ ] what do you say to me say it again say that one more time and and and you can see that uh uh Derek's like uh so there's now a scene uh there's a scene with the scene uh Carmen you can s
ee that that the guy like security details like starting [ __ ] with as stran and uh that they're kind of like there's some there's some sort of issue they're calling security over for the casino um uh Gunderson gun Hilder is like kind of looks to you Carman goes let's get the [ __ ] out of here was like God damn [ __ ] security and like the uh the security guard he's like he's like Captain come on come on he like no no you [ __ ] stay right here you heard him wait was it the security guard that
said it or was it someone else it was his security detail yeah I said it yeah yeah yeah you a [ __ ] going nowhere right so you kind of and like these two security guys come out and like start holding you back and the walking away uh you could try to do you want to try to intimidate him further or try to provoke him further how would you want to do that he certainly he's listening to you but he's like trying to keep his eye on on his on his like his guy he's taking care of here he's trying to d
o his job what is the equivalent of a duster to him it's derogatory as [ __ ] dude no no no I get that I get dusters want insult earther the derogatory ter for earthers is called flats yeah they I'm G look like a two Two Can Play That Game you swat Squad he's like [ __ ] [ __ ] he's like yeah that's all he's all yeah big big impressive thing but I want I want you to make a um I guess this would be like um yeah Communications use etiquette Communications to see if you can get under his skin yeah
yeah yeah um come on baby uh that is an eight on the die and I think my etiquette is a seven so yeah 15 okay uh you say something like uh like cuz you know like the Earth were they were like like Colonial like kind of colonized Mars and Mars was under overall uh you say something like you know like I don't know colonize this dick or something he's like Hees he makes a LW Jester to him and me roll his like will power oh yeah he comes back and like he go he goes all right he's like yeah [ __ ] wha
tever and he like he goes and starts like pushing you towards the exit and the security guard hey hey hey all the are pulling you back to the exit and he comes out with you right and he's like walking out and like there's a big scene the casino people are looking uh the the casino security are more of interested like trying to keep they're trying to stay between the two of you as you guys walk out but the guy's like you know [ __ ] let's do this [ __ ] like let [ __ ] I'm G to knock your [ __ ]
teeth out oh let's go let's go see yeah you're lucky you're lucky we're here on Heros you're not gonna hit that ground that hard [ __ ] like that got do nothing with it son I'm gonna deck you so hard you're gonna fly back to Earth hey John yes sir are they both outside of the security checkpoint now yeah they're in your area yeah okay so I'll flirt I I'll I'm going to communicate with some Hotel staff and say to inight like that security guard is hassling my Personnel I don't want I don't want e
ither one of them to have access back inside the security checkpoint does that make sense yeah you want to say hey that that's my guy like I don't him going back in okay cool am I Frozen no you're good you're good so he he come he comes back and uh you go to him you tell him that and they kind of like go oh jeez yeah some people can't hold their they're not used to like like the the pure like the real alcohol they're used to the synthetic [ __ ] and he's like yeah I get it like we get this once
in a while it happens don't worry don't worry sir we'll make sure your your buddy's taken care of and they kind of keep you apart until they get you outdoors and then they kind of let you do what the [ __ ] you want right so and and my my intention was to um uh blame the the security detailed man as well and color him is like well he's like I want I don't want him to be allowed pass the checkpoint they're mutually okay um all right give me a um you you seem he won't be allowed back in at least i
nitially until it Stu gets smoothed over so he's not going to be allowed in for a while like a few hours okay great that's all I wanted's not allowed back yeah they're both okay great but he did not forfeit his money so you guys you guys still have a little bit of money here all right so uh Marvin uh Mel anything you guys see this scene unfold uh what do you guys want to anything you guys want to do or just kind of like watch the fireworks my intention earlier coming in was just kind of to have
a slightly better angle on what's happening but not necessarily participate as this is happening you know and we're still I'm sure Talking Shop about uh you know spacecraft and engines and you know uh whatever the hell the space equivalent of you know thermodynamics is and whatnot is you know we're talking about all that kind of stuff um thermodynamics in space that is okay great great I don't know like if they like the lack of like anything anyways I'm not a scientist we're not going to get int
o what I don't know because theist very long yeah yeah seeing seeing the scene unfold I might like message uh kmen and and like just be like I'm providing a decoy excuse if you want an excuse to be like we should scram like maybe it's a time good time to leave like I'm just going to provide like a buzz on a handheld where she can really obviously be like oh you know we might need to wrap this up do you want to go somewhere more quiet sort of thing like I'm just going to provide the out if she wa
nts it all right perfect um my question to you real quick KP is do you want to fight this guy or not or do you always want to run um so so I'm was really curious about that angry um to him he's seen and heard all s sorts of [ __ ] in his um he's not a young buck who who lets emotions get to him that easily um I do want to see if I can intimidate him to step down cuz seren like I said he's he's quite he's a big man like he's quite like a big guy too look intimidating this guy's muscle mass a litt
le denser than yours just go ahead and uh roll a um this would be a intimidation check this is actually strength based like as you try to like size him up he's pass communication at point about is about Force now make a strength check uh one sec yeah strength yeah you plus one H this is not going to go well not at all uh that is a that is a 14 all right yeah he slugs you and you you take a whopping seven points of Fortune damage sorry I'm sorry uh six points of Fortune damage there's one less um
now I want to say this game with a mechanic called roll over where you can just like collapse in combat instead of like having to have it continue he doesn't the type is going to beat you when you're down he's just going to knock you out and be like [ __ ] done yeah yeah um or you're probably going to get WI you here oh man that's a good question like he was to actually be decked um I think do instead is I'm just going to appeal to the masses I'm going to appeal to the other security guards and
the other like they they come in and they break it up and they he knocks you down they come and break it up and he's like yeah [ __ ] not worth my time and he kind of he kind of just sof off goes back to tries to go back to the casino uh they're kind of talking to him a little bit but he's definitely well behind where K and Derek are um if he's going you put a lot of distance between the two of them for sure like d he's going back to them I look at I look at Dingo and I'm I'm like or like kind
of subtly do like what do I do should I still like distract him essentially um that I'm going to come back I'm come I'm here I know what happen with I love it car yes um you and uh Captain Gilder uh he starts kind of taking you through uh the high roller areas you guys get a few more drinks what you guys get some drinks uh he's kind of interested in where you want this to go um he seems very flirty uh he seems like he's he's feeling pretty high um and you can tell that he has a uh you know he's
been the way he's been talking he has a night he has a room in this casino that's actually pretty high high-end room um what do you want to do um so do I know that all of this is happening like I can see you you heard the commotion and saw it like firsthand and just like Derek didn't want to be a part of it he seems like he's kind of like he wants some alone time he wants to like have his own time as it would be on his own terms versus having like a babysitter um but uh yeah he kind of like uh y
eah he kind of saunters he's kind of trying to get away from that and trying to like oh Jesus you know kind of he's embarrassed a little bit exhausted um I'm gonna I'm gonna see get him alone to see maybe like he wants to take it upstairs um yeah he he's you kind of talk to him a little bit and he's you're at the bar hanging out with him and he goes um well yeah um sure I got a we got a room out here on the on the floor not too far out uh pretty nice got say said it's a nice where are are he's l
ike um are you staying on I think you're staying on Heros too uh but I I can tell you the room where I'm staying is a lot better than any place also on the station oh I'm I I am staying here on the arrows but um you know I I'd really like to see you let's go take a take a look just get an idea of what's what's going on in there and we'll see what he goes he goes uh and he goes to the BART turn he goes on my tab uh bring uh I want that that full bottle of the Lola let's do some more of that he ge
ts like a whole bottle served up of the Lola with a pair of glass and starts carrying that back to the room uh yeah going back into his his space um here's my question to you uh for Carmen uh once you he kind of goes up he's he's with the room he's having a few little drinks here and there uh he's had a few drinks he's not drunk but he's like you can tell he's having he's feeling pretty good about himself here uh his he's definitely has a positive attitude about this this day um and uh he opens
up the door with his with his data pad or kind of flashes the biometric scan them and let them in it's a nice room it's it's got like its own shower even um it's got it own kind of set up kind of like a quasi kitchen net almost set up it's a pretty nice little Suite uh there's looks like two bedrooms in there too so it's set up and he's got plenty of space you can see he's packed kind of light he has like a single suitcase there with some stuff in it um and it's not like a he hasn't been in the
room long enough to make a mess kind of thing but yeah you see that he's uh he kind of comes on he's all welcome on in and there's like a table and chairs and everything it's actually very spacious it's honestly bigger than like it's probably the size of like the home you grew up in on Mars like this room it's it's pretty damn big okay and you said there's two bedrooms in this one room yeah there looks like there's more of like a master bedroom and then there's kind of another room that has you'
re guessing a pair of twins or something like that or kind of like like bunks and stuff yeah okay is there anybody else can I tell based on like is there any other luggage you only see the one you only see the one luggage piece uh you do see can't tell if anybody else is you do see some like some leftover like rappers and like some like leftover like food items he had like there it's not like rotting food but it's just like you know he he's eaten in here he had a you know he woke up in here and
hung out it's been the room has been used it's not fresh okay um can I somehow let uh Marv and Dr Mel know that I'm in the room absolutely not a problem like I've I've made it to there yeah Absol that's totally easy yeah so uh yeah you get you get uh Marv and you let everybody know that hey you're you're in his room not a problem okay after um just the the ordeal that we've gone through in order to create separation for them I think uh Marv has just kind of been thinking even while you know him
and Dr uh holson have been talking and he's just going to send a message back uh that basically says um do we still think we have a second day of this we can do or do we need to strike now I mean Carmen's there Carmen's in the room so we need to I don't know we don't know where she is but Carmen's doing job the room's easy to tell she said she's in the room yeah she it's easy to beam over where the room is there's a number and everything that's that's taken care of um yeah but yeah in terms of l
ike getting to and this is an a above above board I'll say I'm just thinking like uh while he's actively distracted is maybe the best time to strike above board uh but then you know in character I think I think what what uh Marva thinking is um while the security guy is out is maybe like the the time to strike and we're not going to get a second opportunity right well we know he keeps his data pad with him now like that was one of the things we need to find out and he keeps his data pad with him
so when he leaves the room tomorrow he might have it with him he might leave it there breaking into the room doesn't do anything for us let let me get the car quick uh what's what's going on yep I'm wondering can I you know say I'm going to go to the bathroom real pick and freshen up or something sure yeah you go and take this opportunity to communicate with my team to see if we want to alter our plans well I'm I'm I'm going to throw in something here you took some clandestine phot of the room
real quick so you guys have a lay what the room looks like now and you can see that it does have two bedrooms that would isolate um and uh while you're while you're doing that car you can see he's gotten like the the the tequila out he's getting the drinks out he's kind of trying to straighten up the room a little bit make a little a little more presentable you're guessing like while you're in the bathroom he does want like a total slob here um but he's definitely like um you know he you can tel
l his intention is that he's planning on retiring with you to the bedroom um which would certainly uh uh uh isolate the room the areas of the rooms this might be a moment for you to strike is what I'm trying to stay here the door so there's a living area and two bedroom areas yeah and then like a bathroom and there's like a kitchen in the living area type thing it's a sweet yeah okay well I was under the impression we needed the doctor to implant the data and I want to make sure that I want to m
ake sure that uh that Jesse gets some gameplay here but like like is it like I mean since she's there is it possible can has the the the shod right yeah so if M and I can get there you're not trying to drop the data here you're trying to get his data pad to get access to where you want to bring the data that's right so um do I have the equipment that I need to clone it yeah you got yeah like dingo brought up a whole security kit that's like it's it's it's gray Market at best um you know and uh y
eah cloning a cloning a data pad I have I have jeury jeury rig which is a stunt with with found or improvised equipment um so if it's gray that's great I can even do more with it Abol now the question is how are you going to get into the room uh you guys know where the room is and as you guys see his security detail has eventually like is like trying to talk his way back into the casino okay this well great if we want to try and do this now let's do this now which means shrien this is the make o
r break moment and you need to [ __ ] fight this guy like this is it okay as soon as I get that word okay um is that security guy still walking away no he yeah he walked away uh they kind of broke you up and he's like trying to talk his way back into the casino explaining that he's like part of a detail you can see he's like hey do you know who the [ __ ] I am type thing to like the security guard the casino they're like sir we got you're on you're on a six- hour ban you need to calm down he's l
ike I'm [ __ ] sober like he's like bitching about it and everything that's how you make I'm I'm gonna say this racist piece of [ __ ] um but yeah uh if uh yeah you you see this as a moment to try to like cuz uh Dingo and Mel are on good terms of the casino you guys haven't like you know gotten violent in it you guys could walk right in and try to get to the room if you want to yeah um yeah that's fine common is there any way to get the leave the door a jar or not latched or there there's like a
you guys go to the bedroom and get busy but how do we get into the living room yeah I'm going to stay with shrien just to just to vaguely support him from a distance but yeah I'll get I'll I'll set I'll get melon you know I'll I'll I'll there I want to say this yeah quick there is yeah the the there's like a like a like a panel next to the door like kind of like your ring doorbell type thing but it does have a do not disturb kind of setting where you can say you know don't it's like putting the
the thing on the outside of the door at the hotel um that would be an opportunity to try to rig the door so it doesn't lock yeah um if you if you're looking for a mo a tactical moment to strike this would be yet okay uh I'm going to I want to I would like to do that okay so you you move over and he kind of he he kind of says oh good idea he's like I was going to let you know though my I gotta I'm here with someone not like that he's like trying I'm not like that I I have I have a I have a part
of my corporate job I have a security detail that has to be with me because my clearances and everything he's going to come knocking I'm sure sooner or later but um hopefully put a sock on the door as I tried it before it doesn't work uh this guy he's got he's got protocols um real ones uh but yeah um he's like yeah it'll be good make sure we're uh that they you know you know I'm here or something like that so I'm GNA send I'm G to send a message that I'm just taking I'm taking a a quick nap or
something that before the a big event tonight or something you know the picture but um disappear with the pretty lady I'm taking a quick nap yeah that's that's it yeah that sounds good yeah that's exactly what I'm uh but Carmen go over the door you go over the door and you make a slight of hand check to kind of show make sure the door is rigged and everything so give me a slight of hand check it's this is like a it's not hard to rig a door from not locking it's pretty easy but give me a slight o
f hand check I think if it goes badly I also bought the doors and uh yeah I saw that we have one roll on on Deck so yes give me goes badly there's a roll so uh 3D I rolled a I rolled a 12 12 okay plus uh you get to add four to us too that was plus four okay do you want to use the roll I would recommend using the roll yeah I would like the roll quick let's do it let's see let's make Jess Jesse's money worth it here 18 18 okay you go up in your rig and he goes yeah he's like I hate to yeah it's al
l like I said the job pays well but it comes with a babysitter um well look uh you want to um how's he's like he has a pair of drinks there he's kind of bringing over to very uh very kindly you know like he's trying to meet you in the middle of the room type thing uh I was I was thinking you know with with you know how chaotic both of our jobs can be and how stressed and tense I'm sure we we carry this tension with us how fun would it be if maybe we just took a shower together oh he was like wow
well I thought that conversation was going somewhere else uh he and he kind of like he kind of goes like like puts the drinks down like picks up your hands and he notices that you're like your character is visibly like physically strong uh he's like um I think I could I think I could I could fit into these and he kind of puts like puts your hands around him and everything around his waist and everything um he's he's very much um we'll say uh implementing submissive uh elements here he's submiss
ive or I'm spensive he is oh or he's he's he's he's con conveying that whether or not you act on a stri to your character but he is uh just carry him to the bathroom I mean you really can I saying you can yeah I mean if you want to go full-blown ceman and put him over your shoulder and [ __ ] you're welcome too but like yes do do do you want to pick him up yeah let's pick him up let's take him to the bathroom so as you pick him up he hold on a minute and like he picks up both glasses and he carr
ies both glasses as you carry it to to the bathroom I'm G just say this ladies so bad guys don't like this [ __ ] guys like this [ __ ] too [ __ ] dud sweep I I be a real everyone out there like I'm 5'11 my wife is 6' one okay oh hell like like it's not like I'm just saying like I'm she can't pick me up but like I'm just saying like look you know all shapes and sizes buddy um and so uh you know Martian Marine that's that's that's something um I I thought you going to offer mage I was like okay l
et's [ __ ] do that that's cool but oh the shower thing that I'm up for that too um so yeah he go you guys go off and he um uh you guys start kind of stripping down or whatever it is and we'll let that we'll let that be what it wants to be um and uh he uh Mel you you like you kind of give me a hearing test Mel as you listen to the door okay I also have observation which is getting to roll perception checks you get a roll theme test only okay yeah but you do haveing test yeah but you do have yeah
so go roll go roll for this one okay two three and four on the drama die which is that's pry 9 + 2 is 11 11 okay uh what's your lowest number I can spend Fortune you can yeah I think I think you're okay uh if you can push up to a four so spend four fortune and you get the success on this all right so you go ahead and you listen the door and you hear like the the you hear like the bathroom door uh close and then you hear uh you hear nothing for a second and then like you do want try to open the
door yeah and I have quick reflexes as well so I'm going to try and open the door and if something if it doesn't seem like it's safe I'm going to you're ready to bolt for the door at any moment okay give me a stealth check so this is going to be stealth check this will be dexterity so you have a plus three you're actually pretty good you're actually pretty dexterous all right um uh 10 six on the drama die look guys this like these cool little icons my hand my hand drawn icons yeah yes uh so that
's 10 six on the drama die plus three is 13 13 okay you could have coming quiet uh Carmen you guys are the shower's on the noise is going no problem to be stealthy through this uh the water's warming up and everything uh you can see like there's like a pile of clothes um there's like some like like stuff on on top of the desk uh you sitp through quick and you find a data pad mhm okay then I'm trying to I have the equipment from dingo I'm trying to clone it it's going to take a few minutes uh din
go you Dingo and marf you guys spot his security details finally talked his way past the casino people and is like going to try looks like he's try to make his way uh Serge what do you want to do at this point um if I'm seeing that the the you know the security guard has a higher chance walking through um I'm going turn to Dingo and I'm like um so how confident are you that uh Fred or you can get me out of jail if I need to get in that's not an issue like like all right be an assault charge who
cares all right that's all I need to yeah dingo the one thing you know is that like the cops on stations like this are on the take they're easy to yeah oh yeah bureaucracy is not real don't yeah I would rather I would rather disappear with the his data pad if I'm not done I'm just make sure everybody knows this if I'm not done cloning the data pad someone's coming tell me and I will go with his daad Mar you got anything you're up to um I I think I have been kind of waiting in the wings for an ad
ditional distraction if needed to keep the security guy from going up uh it seems it seems like uh if if if San's going to do his thing I'm going to let him do his thing uh if he gets in um I am uh going to uh well I I have something in my back pocket if we need it I got this image of mar walking up to the security guard going hey I heard you I heard I heard what you said about Martians slow something oh no no no no no all right Sergeant what do you want to do I walk up um I'm assuming that he's
not he doesn't notice me walking up or he's not looking he's he's having he actually does notice you [ __ ] he actually roll really high he he not he kind of looks back he goes he goes he all you ready you ready to start losing some teeth or what n no I just want to say I think you forgot something and I want to like like distract him and then just punch him straight in the mouth okay give me um what that I'm playing more of the rather than straight you know strength like just try fake it your
thr give me a Communications test here this will be a um yeah this will just be a straight Communications test you try spell a punch all right um come on give me good something good ooh ooh wait uh that's 11 plus and communication you're good aha 16 16 not a problem yeah uh you kind of do it and he's like he goes like uh Dodges the punch enough and the security oh oh sh GNA do it again and the guy like goes to like try to like CU he's kind of up up up these stairs he tries to like push you down
the stairs he's a jerk and uh yeah he he uh he pushes you down the stairs he rolled a natural 15 plus his bonus um so he connects and you proceed the fall down and Tumble down the stairs a little bit here making quite the scene you you only take four Fortune damage on this um I should mention too when you take the physical damage you actually get to negate your uh it's called your toughness you get to negate that from the damage so you negate three of that um as you roll down the stairs double c
hecking again how much is oh so I have a fortune tracker up here and so I've lost eight before from the punch and then how much this time again it' be another three but your toughness will absorb it so you're you're good so you actually you're only down five toughest or five Fortune by definition but don't worry about it it's a game guys so okay and he like pushes you down he goes like he's trying to get back in the casino um as as you roll down um I need I need uh well you distracted a little b
it but I need um I need Mel to make a stealth CH test as you try to like not get heard in the room and this is going to be against hising sorry what do I add uh it would just be your uh your dexterity um is this the security guy trying to come up to the room or yeah look like he's trying to go back to the room oh so i' I've been kind of waiting in the wings if he gets past three John I've got something in my back's coming he's coming your way yeah I did I did notg great I rolled five with three
on the two ones and a three three yeah you're Fortune you're for you can't spend enough Fortune to win that one we're not going to get there it's not going to matter because uh I have my uh hand I I've been talking to this security guy for the last like two minutes I've been like hey there's a guy I just saw him a minute ago and he he stole all of my credit chips he took all of my all all of my money uh and as uh this guy is coming back in and pushes San I'll be like there he is that guy is the
guy who just right picked my communication deception yeah that's a deception too that's a lie it sure is and how um damn right it is okay so so here's the thing uh here's the thing I've rolled uh 16 with a stunt Point um because I got two sixes uh okay and and and a one on the drama die okay and a one on the drama die mhm if I spend Fortune to increase my drama die can I as part of my stunt here like be somehow not not just convincing this but like to somehow like um uh get credit chips to like
fall on the ground okay yes and I will absolutely if you now I will say drama increasing the drama for with Fortune cost double so it's 12 Fortune to do oh yes oh yes I'm I I know and I'm spending my fortune but I want to like plant evidence on him as part of this that he has in fact robbed me okay so yeah you go through and you do this whole [ __ ] scene you guys see Marv get more animated than you've ever seen him be animated before there's like it's like a cartoon and [ __ ] like chips are fl
ying and everything and he's like oh God the guy's like the guy's like what the [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] martians and he he like says this [ __ ] out loud like openly is now like blaming uh your people and yeah the security guards like ohy buddy we've had some problems earlier and like they're very much now stopping him 100% if you spend that much Fortune okay Carmen you're with Derek as you would be and whatever is happening is happening and Derek goes hey did you hear that as Mel had like I don't
know like the suitcase fell off the table or something rode real bad yeah he heard it over the shower um uh I I would say I don't hear it um that must just have been the the sound of my heart pumping in the moment because I'm So Into what we're doing right now all right I'm going to have you roll a a seduction test on this one to like maintain because he's actually a little worried he actually got a little worried there for a second because he is screwing off like make this will be uh in figura
tively this will be Communications okay what do I add to this uh plus one or you could restrain him and bring him in your arms I forgot you have might like if you want to like bring him not like not like bear hug him but like like really Embrace him and prevent him from leaving uh or like him kind of like like bring his attention back like I don't say in a forceful manner but like you're kind of like no we're here now and like all that kind of [ __ ] like can I can I just like shove him against
the wall but like yeah okay uh yeah give me a might test okay I'm I'm he's into the he's into the the big Martian Marine like he's he's here for it he's being pushed around he is yes this yeah might and seduction overlap here in an odd strange manner for this encounter uh 15 and that's plus the five okay uh you do that and he is well we say he's very turned on and uh you can tell this by eyes getting big and wide and the dilation of his pupils uh the whole thing is like he's like he's speechless
and you can kind of hear his like he's not his breathing is abnormal like this if he was in normal space you'd think he's having a problem like something like that he's into it oh great okay he you distract him enough uh you hear you hear a slam in the in the bathroom you hear like Bo and uh over the shower going yeah all right I'm just going to keep trying to going you keep on doing the transfer okay give me a uh give me a cryptography test here uh roll your dice and add cryptography to it I l
iterally can't roll worse on the cryptography check than I just did for the stealth check oh no where'd you get the drama all right uh four on the drama die seven plus seven is 14 okay uh yeah the transfer is going through it's a little it's a little on the slow side but it's worth can I spend Fortune to speed it up uh if you want to up the drama die yes you could it if you want to speed it up it would uh you would have to eat 12 Fortune to increase it by two no it you have to spend whatever you
increase it to is how much you have to spend so if you go from a if you go from a one to a six it's six points if you go from a four to a six it's six points it's always the number you increase to I see I see right the drama dies double to increase okay all right I'll spend 12 all right cool 12 all right I like you guys are giving me all the churn all right here we go uh I'm going to have actually um our other new person KP you're going to roll the churn check on this one so roll 1d6 and tell m
e exactly what number you get okay here we go got a three you want high or low uh you want uh high is preferred but low will still do something or no high high will still do something but Low's low is bad and you rolled low um Marv as you're there with with uh the security detail he gets in his mic and he goes he goes [ __ ] bravo team I need you to go and check on the check on our guy oh no um dingo is dingo close enough to uh uh overhear that Dingo heard it yeah dingo certainly heard okay grea
t well I'm in the middle of accusing this guy of uh uh theft and you know have planted the evidence and need to be there to uh you know prove that this person is a scumbag and needs to go away for a long time it sounds like it sounds like uh Mel might be might be caught at the room there's more security so now now now there's like a team of people on their way to the room right it sounds like a pair of guys it sounds like a team like a pair of Team call them a team Bravo Team all right well I ha
ve been intentionally saving all of my fortune for an inevitable churn so it's time to try and save my team um all right I I is there a way to you you can start beining to the room that that that's where you're going to have the most impact is at the room all right I mean I'll I'll I'll text I I'll I'll I'll text Mel that she's been made and she needs to get out as shap and um yeah I'll engage I you're on the way you're on the way there that's all we're going to say all right Mel uh another cryp
tography test as you as you keep on trying to fiddle with this thing let's see if this one will let's see if this one will get the transfer over not great it's uh 13 13 what was your l number one on the drama die uh spend four fortune in you can get the the success what was your drama was a one one okay actually it's going to be eight points then but yeah that'll that'll give you a nice success um the transfer the transfer completes the transfer completes over um all right so I can I leave you c
an leave anytime you want but yeah you can you're like okay so you I'm going to get the get the data pad where but back where it was as to make it look like nothing happened and I'm going to book it okay so you go and start booking it um even in your uh attempts to we'll say distract this man uh Carmen he uh certainly he goes hey I'm sorry look I what the hell's going on out there he's like kind of like actively is now trying to leave the shower um I is he still like did he hear me is that why w
ell you you said you ran out of the room which I'm assuming was being recklessly closing the door I mean I was trying to leave it all as it looked and well as it looked but like you're still moving stuff around um it's I thought you were doing it kind of in a hurry but yeah uh do a hurry it'll be kind of fun but yeah he he thinks he heard something this time Carmen like for sure he's like I gotta go check this real quick I'm sorry okay uh if he but she's already out and she's getting out you thi
nk you don't know actually you don't know what's going on with her so I don't okay so I don't know what's going on time to be a dmy mommy um I would say you know do I have like I don't know does somebody have like a are one of us wearing a belt or something I mean you're naked now you're naked yeah that's right cuz our clothes aren't okay yeah but presumably you have clothes nearby yeah there's clothes in there's clothes in the in the the bathroom there's some some of your clothes not all your c
lothes are in are in the shower room they they've been strong as a line can I just like grab a belt or something and um just start tying him up but in like sexual way okay so you okay so you kind of uh throw it around throw the the thing around him to uh all right this is going to be a very difficult seduction test uh unless you yeah uh you throw it around him you try to seduce him back you're like come on you know whatever you come on back to the shower buddy it's like warm and everything and h
e's like I gotta do but give me US adduction test this is going to be a very high this going to be opposed to his willpower okay okay okay let's see what you got see you can beat this one I know what he got uh 11 what your you need to push by one more number up uh my lowest was two all right so gen three fortune and you he's like [ __ ] it and he like comes back and he's like into all this [ __ ] all right he got an 11 he he needed to beat his number so yeah he he comes on back to it uh Mel you
hear like the struggles of of of intimacy Le faster yeah and leave faster um dingo you come on the hallway and you can see coming out of the room trying to close the door kind of quietly yeah and I can just like give him the thumbs up and be like we got to go right uh dingo you look back behind you you can see a pair of men walking to a breast towards you and uh wearing similar clothes to the other guy so the security detail there you go yeah I mean I don't I don't see a need to to inter to inte
rcede I mean he this dude's allowed to I guess am am I worried that they're going to scrutinize um Carmen uh they might it seems like um you're not sure yet they they might car might be an issue they have um uh they have no they have no uh problem with uh it seems like they might they might scrutinize kmen a little bit but like kmen got through the security check the first time and has been consistently with the storyline so it doesn't seem any association with you guys either so they're not a t
ao employee which helps yeah yeah I feel like if I interfere with them it's going to be worse so I'll just I mean I feel like situation is the most innocent the way it is might these guys might have questions for you and uh Dr holson well I'll I'll try to I'll do they see us I mean Mel and I are going to leave we're going to we're going to we're going to at least at least get around a corner out of view if possible like calmly walking casually casually F fly casual okay give me um I guess this w
ould be a uh performance test like you try like actually I'm G to make this a willpower test for for Mel Mel you're gonna like have to see if you can contain yourself in your nerves here uh because I feel like this would be a I was like please let this all ride on dingo because Mel is like fried okay so uh roll willpower for yourself dingo you're you've done this kind of stuff before this is old hat for you uh go ahead and roll a Communications test okay 12 um one on the drama die okay actually
can I now I feel like I have an can I can I play into this John all right she's upset and scared I'm going to play an abusive H an emotionally abusive husband or boyfriend and be like what what the [ __ ] is wrong with you where' you go I told you not to so she seems nervous for reason dingo something yelling at you and it's like it it's like the stress like he like like you come on you just did the thing they asked you to do and you did it well and now he's yelling at you do I see the other two
guys coming as well like do I know yeah you see them yeah for sure they're not they're not being they're coming towards you and uh yeah I'd like to think I know that he's doing a bit all right you're you're you're let's see I'm gonna have you yeah just you got it you figured it out yeah you kind of got to dingo's uh act here yeah get get come on back get back to the lobby you told them love do this too many times okay all right and the these guys kind of start walking they they walk past you uh
dingo make a performance test this will be this is going to be a um Communications test of plus three to you see if you can beat their check here plus three uh yeah 10 lowest roll is a one oh okay they saving all of that fortune yeah you can't you actually you could fortun any way out of this they beat your they would beat your number more than six so the guy these guys kind of go hey hey uh buddy uh you stay in here not no I'm getting my I'm getting no no I'm not staying here that's not a lie
okay he's like uh look uh What uh are you what you doing what are you doing in the hotel then do you work here oh you're gonna go caring on them okay um uh they go no but we're on a security detail uh for some from some individuals here we're just on on alert of anyone kind of coming into out of the VIN you what kind of business do you have in the hotel today I don't know you and you don't work for the hotel have a good night all right um let's see if you can make them feel awkward uh give me gi
ve me a test as you try to make them feel awkward this will be a communication test here dingo all right okay I do have a question is flirt is flirt only a positive thing or is that a generic term for positive or negative you can change uh you can make their their uh attitude towards you much better suddenly if you want to so I'll let you I'll let you try to do this with the with the yeah if you want try flirt with them a little bit be funny about the contacts or the or the Intrigue oh roll comm
unication I have I can communication if you want them yeah you can you should be like you should be like oh oh no I don't want to get in your I don't want to get seduction give me give me a seduction test we've never rolled this many seduction tests in this game I've ever played for played for [ __ ] three years okay so does that count as my first failure or is that was that my roll uh no the roll has been spent sir that was a failure okay yeah they they go and uh they check they go um they kind
of go and like all right hey uh one of them goes hey sir we got we got a we got a kind of issue here um now you know that that Mel has the asset that you need mhm Mel has the asset that I I know she's page datapad yeah that's the that's the that's the evidence you don't want to found all right um I'm going to be 100% the problem and I'm going to start yelling at Mel saying I told you this is what happens when you wander away um look at the trouble you're getting me I'm I'm going to pull Focus t
o myself and be the problem so you you pull Focus to yourself and these two guys like start Mel these guys seem like really focused on trying to keep dingo like there uh you don't to really notice you seen you're kind of like you're you're clearly like you know uh like cardiovascular activities up and all this stuff I don't know if you're hyperventilating or you're like crying or anything like that but like I'm a b I'm like I was just about to say Mel was about to cry regardless they they defini
tely pay more attention to him than than you uh what do you want to what do you want to do uh you could try to beine it out of there you could like play up that this guy's an [ __ ] and you get going to say can I can I like try to ask them to help me like you know is is there a way I can play it up can you ple like I need to get away from I need to get away from I need to get away guy can you get me away from this guy I'm gonna let you make a deception check and I'm going to give you an extra pl
us two on this because uh you definitely have the circumstantial situation actually being actually being aggravated uh so yeah this will be communication so extra plus two you have a plus four to this uh as you or actually actually plus six I'll use expression on this okay that's not too bad 16 16 okay they go three three on the drama they go yeah they go hey yeah get out of here hey buddy you need to [ __ ] settle down this [ __ ] even if you know like and they're like they're kind of like corn
er I'm going run off crying and kind of they kind of like push you back a little bit Mel gets away though blow it out your ass I'm gonna let them beat the [ __ ] out of me I'm not gonna fight them but I'm not gonna stop you but they kind of restrain you and uh eventually um uh Carmen uh what do you what do you want to how do you want to in this encounter with this guy you heard everyone kind of got away like uh you think everyone got away you don't hear any more noises coming from the other room
but what do you want to do and you can hear some noises you hear a yelling coming from outside the the the room actually and now um dereck's like what the [ __ ] going on out there so are we are we like wrapped up in the shower if you uh I mean you're in charge saying the pace so you say you tell me okay so Mel is is gone like everybody's gone yeah and Derrick's like now he's actually actually trying he's like look I got he's like I got to take care of this real quick who the [ __ ] out there s
ounds like they my guys and he puts his pants on he's got his shirt off and everything he comes out he comes out of the hallway he sees dingo two guys and he goes what the [ __ ] is going on out here and the two guys like sir we we've we've encounter this man we think he might be uh spying on trying to like uh get to you he's like Jesus Christ you think everyone's trying to get to me he's like I can't even [ __ ] have a night to myself here and like it's weird the thing about you hear him kmen h
e's becoming very dominant with his employees he's got that weird dynamic going on um he need he needs his Martian mommy sometimes um what was that what was that movie yeah doesn't yeah what was that movie Mars moms yeah remember that movie okay know one any the kids movie sadly enough um so I'm I'm assuming that I'm clothed I'm not just standing here you can be you can start putting your clothes on if you want to yeah okay I my clothes are on you way and he's there he's like he's like I'm tryin
g to have a [ __ ] nice night to myself you and you animals can't [ __ ] leave go who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] he points to to dingo he the he says who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] yeah this is Dereck the guy's in charge the guy you've been you've been trying to tell I don't know this I don't know this dude you seem I have no [ __ ] business here and your employees are are are shaking me down when I'm trying to beat my girlfriend oh no okay so he go like like he looks at you and he's like he's lik
e [ __ ] it he's like yeah he's like do me a favor he looks at the two guys he's like do me a favor take this trash out and pointing to you uh uh as you as you kind of exit Carmen he kind of comes over he kind of comes over look I'm sorry about this uh how long are you on station for um you know um this is actually my last night here and um it seems that you are dealing with a lot right now um and so I'm kind of you know I I had fun that was good that was very adequate um oh no keep the Dom up k
eep it up keep that energy ride Marti and bommy energy I love it yeah this was very adequate um you know I I I think that that was uh good enough but I'm going to I'm going to just you know go uh take care of some things and we'll catch up later yeah yeah uh for sure and he like he like flashes you over his like contact information he goes yeah yeah um hopefully we'll we'll meet again and he looks to like he looks to Dingo and he's gonna uh he as the two guys he go he kind of nudges to the two g
uys they hold you up and dingo he slugs you in the stomach great and I and and I I and I I looked at the security guards and say yeah you do a good yeah you're real interested in his sex life I bet you you bet you suck dick Better Than You Secure people one of them takes actually actually pause pause I'm sorry I'm having a lot of fun I I on a PG moment I'm sorry if I'm if I'm no you can say that [ __ ] on here I mean if if you want say you want to throw it I mean one of them probably take one of
them would actually be like you know but anyway it's yeah it's a weird but you can give them [ __ ] you can you can question sex prowess whatever it is call just on a on a Content warning I just want to blle them and they kind of like [ __ ] with you while like in holon Mel you hear like dingo getting beat up on the way out you can hear him getting slugged and him yelling at [ __ ] um you paid for I'm going on he knows what he signed up for you didn't and you got got Scot free speaking of scotf
free Mar if you see Mel come out uh very um clear clearly visibly distraught but um uh you guys guys have the data pad you guys have the setup you guys have what you need here uh we're going to take our second break second and final break here and come back to this in about 15 minutes and close out this adventure that we're having a lot of fun of it uh this was got this was getting uh well well out of hand on so many front people I I really appreciate you guys you guys are doing uh a lot here u
h it's a lot of fun I I I I know that I just want to say before we before we go to break uh Isabelle you were mentioning that you were kind of like nervous about playing the gaming and [ __ ] killing it yeah uh we I'm doing something to it I love it I love it yeah um all right well we're going to go ahead and uh be right back in about 15 minutes with a quick break here uh and close out this adventure everybody there's still time to donate we're up to 295 aiming for a th000 today uh but I'm good
with whatever we get whatever we get good to get if anyone else supposed to contribute to the the thing um if building needs Fortune what it comes down but people Mel needs Fortune Mel needs Fortune everyone needs Fortune because they sple on the counter a lot of fun uh yeah stream Squatch thank squat thank you so much for everybody for supporting and hanging out in the chat KP thank you for hanging out chat I I love when our players get chat with everybody uh but we're going to be back here in
about 15 minutes okay all right we'll see you in a few we'll back all right we're back for for the finale here um you get the data pad you get you go through the information here uh Mel and Mar pour over it none the wiser Derek he's little you know little little hole in his heart uh where we little little Caron shaped hole in his heart uh and um but he'll get over it right but he's in the past look at the data pad you find there sever there's some information here and some some coordinates of li
ke different labs and everything like connections and uh Derrick wasn't the best at keeping his his tracks covered up but um you uh you be essentially you know through your contacts uh in the union here uh you know um oh God sorry uh San San and uh you manag to actually get a get a ship to use for a little bit of time you can borrow off Heros for a while someone someone of your buddies is going to come here and hang out for a little bit he's I take the ship out for a spin just bring it back in o
ne piece right it's not a combat ship doesn't have combat capabilities it's a light frater uh it has like one PDC on it just for rock busting it doesn't have like a full Network um it's not going to survive combat with a martian frig or something but um it'll uh it'll it'll it'll get you from A to B um you got a pilot uh and you got Marv and uh Mel going through this data uh the data pulls up a uh an interesting uh Place one a position that's actually not too far off from where you guys are um a
nd it is a uh an an abandoned what but what looks to be like an abandoned asteroid um it looks like they're running like like you're guessing that's where uh Pope Sanchez might be running their main uh lab experiments you can see there's numerous like occurrences of where uh gun Hilder gun Hilder like had gone there and talked about going there uh and they were like moving like a large cargo ship into like match you know uh link up with the asteroid and kind of keep not orbit but like um use its
dock to like dock with the with the asteroid to kind of go with it um they're using the the it seems like they're using this like uh large like this Freight ship with the asteroid as like a quasi base um you're and based on the readings more you think that the the old asteroid had like an abandoned Fusion reactor they could repurpose to use to like for all this stuff so they don't have to keep on floating around space um but the ship's running dark and is what your best guess is and you have an
asteroid name I will give you you guys you guys want the name of the asteroid yeah yeah that's probably helpful it's a 532 uh herculina and it looks like an old abandoned like they mined it and then whoever was mining it left but it's been it's been abandoned for like 60 years 50 years something like that no one's mining anymore but it looks like uh pop seems to found a use for at least Park a ship there um you guys are flying spend about a week flying out about like half a week three four days
getting out there through the belt pretty easy to do here and uh start on the approach here uh guys didn't have a lot of time to gather intelligence on this place uh honestly what it's going to look like when you get there you're not sure but aside from knowing there was a former mining Colony that's pretty much it uh the freighter is pretty big that's supposed to be dock there um but you don't have a name for the freight or anything like that yes please um would I happen to have any contacts a
t this Mining facility the been abandoned the mining operation has been abandoned for six years before you were born so it's it's like it's it's a there's a lot of bases where they went operated mined it then just left the stuff and went on the next one so this is one of those but there would be facilities there like like you could have like people live there uh it'd be kind of like if you just bring your Fusion reactor plug and play it and you could turn the station back on type stuff anyone el
se these are good questions though all right you uh you guys start making your approach um the sensors uh who wants to run sensors on this who wants to be the uh who wants to run sensors for the ship uh that's what's the best skill for that technology yeah I can do that that's i' I in the future I'm very good at that in a certain uh uh Mission so I might as well do it now and practice the skill yeah cut your teeth on it right okay so you start um you head out and you start checking out and you g
ive me a technology test here Marvin see what you do as you kind of find out about this uh asteroid you guys kind of scan it initially uh yeah that is uh 10 16 uh total good um you you guys pick it up take an image at this thing uh track it you find the freighter there is it is there it's large it's almost a SI it's it's pretty good size it's not bigger than the asteroid but it's it's pretty damn pretty big chunk and it looks like what they've done is they've actually like parked in the freighte
r the freighter and also like umbilical to the other there's a second Docking Bay there as well and you get kind of an idea that they this thing is docked to be there for a long time they might be using it as like a mobile lab or something but it it's there in addition you don't see any like security like external Security on on it like there's no like this FR doesn't have Torpedoes doesn't have it has like a like a a rock breaker Cannon but it doesn't have like combat capabilities they would um
so you guys aren't looking for like a space firefight if that's what you're worried about um so that's a relief um but uh yeah you guys are on a trajectory there uh and such like that too trying to think anything else about it um you do know there probably would be other mining oper the mining operations would have holes in the surface of the asteroid so it wouldn't just be like you can come through the docks there might be other ways in but that involves space walking or doing a little like a
little space walk and everything so and the the ship you're on has v suits you guys have whatever weapons you had on on Heroes uh the ship did not bring any weapons with them this is just a little small crater pretty boring got tools machine shop of sorts but it's about it so and we think this is somewhere we can go to upload the the The Shard yeah based on the cargo manifest you kind of got off of Derek it seems like they've been bringing like materials here to set up a lab and this would be an
a place where the research is definitely going to either start happening but it would be a privileged location of the network that would have raised up Stu so if you could plug it into the network you'd probably be good either on the ship or inside the station somewhere all right so how do you guys want to approach this we have a pilot which is our our good friend kmen here um oh wait oh oh you got put the space helmet on okay yeah hel it's on here we go hell yeah okay all right yeah so helmets
are a great way to make sure your hair doesn't get wet um all right sorry but what do you what do you uh what do you want to do here as you approach how do you want to approach it like direct line as you just fly straight at it try to like land on the surface you can talk to the crew about this um uh could we do like a fly around just to or have we seen everything that we need to see um you guys can do a fly around that would give you some more angles on on the location just to see there's else
there yeah is there a scan we can do yeah you guys do some more scans uh a little more take a little more time with it you're pushing the limits of your time frame here though but you take a look around the back side of it is blank there is nothing back there uh you think you could you could land uh the ships like in the shadow of the freighter uh you're not reading any like um if if they have the only sensors that are active on the place are actually on the freighter it looks like the station
itself is like dead like it's it's it's not active they're not running their antenna on the station or on the asteroid yet if they're running everything off of the freighter docked with it so like that side is like I mean if you want to if you want to fly up uh in the shadow of of this asteroid that's actually a pretty good move um well we're going to have to go in so I take that precaution but we might as well just you know fall into whatever trap this is so let's I let's say we just make our a
pprach yeah and it's a big as like when I say it's big it's like 167 uh kilometers in diameter it's pretty good size it's one of the bigger asteroids in our system so it's it's it's not hard to hide behind it well you know I'm I'm no tactical Mastermind but uh I feel like if we can sneak in and sneak out that's better than uh going in uh and raising suspicions uh yeah I'm good with being decked one time I I ain't looking for another well I think it's healed up nicely you you got a little bruis i
n there still but it's not too bad I'm just going to say that autod do bill is going to go on the tab I point to okay uh we have a we have a donation did where did you get this uh so we got a special item here uh I'm going to roll see who gets to determine the item Josh you guys found something special on the freight ship what is it uh on the fre ship don't Martian power armor well sure sure of course not um M how about it it's something um let's say uh man what would be so useful here uh I I th
ink um it is uh something that we could use to uh like uh breach the um side the ship or something station breach the station uh and get in uh it doesn't necessarily need to be you you find a bunch of um you find a bunch of mining charges actually there a whole there's a whole like box of mining charges um you can use them to break through a ship although that will be not not not good for anyone inside the ship quiet an arer or something uh but yeah no it's actually demolition charges to like ro
ck breaker stuff this is standard stuff you see the belters um a few of you would know how to handle this uh the i' probably um might also be a good distraction if we need a disten yeah just throw them out and say hey rocks blew up oh well that's what happens they just do that um but yeah you guys have some you guys have some cool stuff that very cool okay all right so um yeah you you have a whole set of breaching or not breach demo charges these are not like shape charges they're meant for like
blowing open rocks and rock breaking all right um give me can be a weapon this is true and you you guys do find I mean like you guys find stuff on the weapons I think I think dingo has a pistol and I think uh I can't remember who else has guns on here but you'll have a pistol you have a pistol okay few of you are armed all right so at least two of you armed uh you guys have noticed that um Carmen seems to have a favorite weapon which seems to be a sledgehammer holy she likes smashing yeah we ca
ll in the future they call him beat stick 9000 uh I have a stun gun that's my hey stun gun answers a lot of questions without permanent damage I'll say that uh but um okay so you guys approach the thing uh Carmen give me a piloting test so roll the 36 and add add your four to it as you kind of try to land the ship here 13 13 okay and by the way everybody has all their Fortune back you guys are back at 100% Fortune for the yeah that's the beauty of this game is as you travel because it's a weekl
long travel your fortune comes back um amaz it is uh I'm GNA need you to spend three fortune on that though I'm sorry you'll never be a full Fortune Isabelle okay but um you I just accepted it yeah you just have to yeah does get the result here um but you do manage to land the ship uh in the shadow of here um do you want to have it float away from the asteroid kind of like in a stable kind of like not orbit but like a stable kind of position there it's really low gravity or you can have the ship
self correct or you can actually have it land on the asteroid I don't want it to fully land okay okay all right um you guys get uh dingo they're talking about doing an Eva action here uh moving stuff like that uh this is something that you you don't do because of your uh implants you can't see like I am not good in I'm I'm totally blind in space my my Sonar [ __ ] doesn't work there so so I I'm I'm happy to give you moral support from here but I I have full uh let me go ahead and I'm going to h
ave Marv you you're you know like an astro Dynamics too both of you I mean there are cargo uh containers on the ship you could just kind of like you know ship dingo over to the place yeah sure I mean yeah CU cuz I have a gun or something yeah if it's worth it to have me there in person I'll you guys can mail me to the to the freighter you can put me in a box well there yeah the idea would be you kind of land the uh the cargo container up against the place let it pressurize but the beauty of that
too let you bring a lot of gear with you like you can put a lot of gear in the cargo container um so you have charges all that stuff right and this will also be a useful sieg for an idea that Mel will have in 10 years time to do this with other people oh yeah yeah the the the whole the holon project yeah uh okay so you you guys uh you rig this it's pretty easy job and there's actually like they're not like full on docking Bays but they're more of like cargo Supply Bays um this side some of thes
e mining shfs actually seem like they're so pressurized well that's uh that's encouraging that means that we can uh get in there uh and and maybe not need vac suits once we get inside the the the station let me ask this question I wouldn't take them off too quick but who who would want to is there anyone that wants to externally guide this thing either uh like that is like be on the outside in a back suit doing the actual Eva action to make sure in case make sure everything's like sealed up and
everything this is considering my background as as originally starting from a you know a dock worker and and would that be helpful in this oh yeah absolutely absolutely yeah all right uh so sergeon uh you go ahead and you set up uh to be on the thing you shoot out the car container it Ducks it kind of it it you have to kind of correct it a little bit here um we have everyone's I'm assuming everyone inside the cargo container besides uh our Martian friend here um you guys pilot it in it locks up
it seals up no problem um you guys have kind of a makeshift air lock on the back of it uh it's not great you're going to lose air as it comes out but you guys do manage to like link up with this with these mining tunnels so here's my question what's everyone carrying into it who wants to carry the demo charges or the yeah the mining charges and do you have any other Gear with you I heard I know that like one of you has a tool kit you have weapons what would be what would you want to bring in on
your little I don't know station assault you are I'm going to be outside in in the in space observing from external no you can there's a makeshift kind of like really shitty air lock that doesn't really it's not the kind of air loock that Cycles uh you're going to lose air every time you blow it open but you're guessing there's enough air in there to blow it up a few like quite a few times it also makes if you guys do need to leave quickly you can just open it and everybody's get shot out in the
space um so uh but yeah that would be the way to weigh in basically okay all right uh yeah I mean I'm probably gonna bring my stun gun in St gun's good yeah um and if there's enough charges to go around I'll take one of those yeah you you bring a nice Satchel of them there's a pretty good amount of them you've worked with these before you're not great at them uh like you yeah you might be a little reckless with them but you can you know how to set them and everything too readily enough yeah eas
ily enough um all right who else any else have anything else they want to bring this not on their character sheet I'm sorry if I feel like I'm rushing here but I'm trying to like I want to get through this part no no I bring bring my gun and my plastic rounds my my double and M is The Shard right I have The Shard and I figure you still have the data pad and that way I have the data pad yeah there's the two of us and I'll say it's in this pocket on my coat and that way if something happens to me
you know where it is and if something happens to you we know where the data pad is and we got little little uh you know backup plan there I should mention the only person in the party to that has actual armor is Carmen Carmen actually has like security armor kind of thing it's like extra pads like chest pad KN like thigh pads so that's your your heavy if you will um mhm so all right the M the mine opens up it's very low gravity you guys can kind of Bounce Around Here There is this now this place
is spun up to a degree but it's not it was an early uh it was one of Tao's like demo like things no pun intendo with the charges but like it was one their demos see they even start just spitting the asteroid long enough to get gravity it's light um it's honestly not much more than the actual like asteroids gravity but it is something uh to affect it so you guys can kind of like bounce it's kind of like being on the not even like worse than the moon like where you kind of bounce on it it's it's
like much lighter than that but you guys can certainly move around uh there is long story short there is an orientation if you drop something it will fall eventually Mel has taken like all of the hot bur medication that she brought with her all right um and all of you guys you might have your helmet with you you might have it off dingo has his off for sh up guess because um it's very confining um but yeah you guys go ahead and start marching on Who Wants to be in the front of the the party yes w
e are doing a dungeon now of who want to be in the front of of this group we put the armor at the front yeah yeah I was going to say probably probably me you have uh L us here so far why don't you you know continue to uh uh okay be the leader that you are Ty of spear as they say um you start you start marching through here uh is there anything you want to do specifically as you kind of move through the tunnels here do we have light can we see yeah you guys have like either glow sticks or uh you
can have lights on your um on your suits most suits have lights built into the shoulders um headlamp whatever whatever works for you flashlight you really want the lights that shine straight onto your face inside the expanse helmets yes they're so functional yes okay the one the one unreal the one really unrealistic thing they did yeah I get and so so remind me we're specifically trying to go to so the thought is that the m so these mines were the original like when they first like broke into th
e as started mining it but then there's some sort of like Station built into it and you think that the mines the mines supposedly go into the back of the station where they would actually do the processing of the or and everything it's a lot easier to process on the station than it is to like ship it out okay but yeah you think it might link up to the back of the station somehow or some sort of processing facility in here okay and is this area is it are there is there any kind of a like camera a
ny or is this completely give me give me a seing test uh roll or searching your choice this will just be perception for you roll perception uh eight eight actually you don't see anything anything like cameras but based on how like Dusty it is in here and everything and like what these guys are doing it seems like they're trying to reactivate the station there probably is nothing in here this far they're probably more sort of turning the power on before they start installing cameras um okay they'
re they're getting um and then like dingo would know this for sure they're doing security through just being obscure as hell just being on a nowhere Rock it's like where no one's going to look you know space is a big place to throw a trash there uh it's yeah I mean I don't think we're going to I don't think there's a ton of Recon to do I think we should go to the door and and you know yeah the the sooner we're in and out the sooner our job is done and and uh you know we can go get our our payday
all right I'm throwing uh um spean in the second place I feel like you'd be you'd be following up a second what do you want look okay do you have anything you want to like you want to do is check your anything for stuff that you're looking for or curious about or I mean I I I I'm I'm I'm I'm a words guy right I'm I'm Sade people I talk to people I I I'm I'm I'm upper management punch people that's true well clearly that went managerial decision um so think gonna like um you know Carmen's the mu
scle just you know support her as I can um you don't you don't see much then as you as you move through uh it's pretty pretty mundane anyone else like dingo Marv or Mel uh I'm I'm willing to be in the front um uh or or towards the front um you know I think it probably makes sense to keep the uh The Shard and the uh uh you tablet kind of in the middle of the group and not in the way front or way back you notice that like the tunnels were I mean this place has been stripped they they went through
and they mined the shells place you can see where the smaller BS go in but there's this main tunnel that goes through it seems like and you can tell there's tra there was like tracks here like they actually had like machines they were moving up and down the tunnels to like bring the ore through and everything so like following those tracks as an engineer you're like that's the way to go they you guys do the same [ __ ] on Mars like it's not an uncommon practice um so yeah you're guys go the righ
t direction yeah dingo yeah as as soon as I can get out of my crate I'll I'll take up the rear cuz I'm armed and I'll um yeah I assume we're trying to find you said the power's out I guess we're just trying to find a terminal where we can connect to the network and there's not really any here there's like some old wires going through where they probably ran power long ago but you're trying to get to the back of this place but Dingo go ahead and give me um yeah give me a give me a hearing test he
re as you kind of look around uh look around this place and kind of see if you can find anything weird out out of the position and what do I add for my hearing hearing plus yeah so 13 um your Echo your kind of echo stuff kind of picks it works really well in these tunnels and you pick up that there's like uh there's these wires that kind of run through and you can see that certain ones are branching off others they get thicker as you're going you're guessing the thicker ones go towards where the
ir power source would be so you can guide the crew really easy that way okay Mel you got anything you want to do no I'm just ready to get there I'm like y you guys eventually come into this very central location it kind of reminds you of the shape on Eros of the casino but it's like all bare rock and you can see where they were mining stuff and and everything was broken up but you can see clearly there's an elevator set up here there's like a mining elevator um where you would bring stuff up and
down in through the station you're guessing that's the that's the primary way to get to where the Cal Locations are and as far as you see there uh dingo your sensors are going here you're not seeing any like cameras you're not seeing any trip wires this is the place is abandoned it is Dusty yeah as you guys take footsteps you can see like the stuff just moving around in the atmosphere of everything like the the cor kind of throws it to the one side but like it's really um it's boring so I so it
looks like maybe this isn't a place we can upload our we can connect to to Pope's Network or is there anything going I say well we're here to back door into the ship the the mobile lab um if we connect to the you know docking uh sections on the ship they' know we're there but if we can sneak in the back door so to speak um they won't realize we're here until we're already gone great yeah I don't yeah I mean I'm I'm trying to pick up on what John's putting down here I don't I don't think there's
any traps I think we should just go go ahead paranoid real quick can I have my uh pistol drawn sure Point okay yeah not problem I think one thing I do want to ask maybe I can help in this way is that um would I have a general understanding not not saying about specifically this location but but overall like a similar type of layout of like hey I think generally this is where this would be situ I I feel like this is going to this is going to make Jesse smile but all asteroids are unique and but
the but the general way that they get mind is not yeah you're going the right way like this is going to go in the center of the station you know Go's getting ANC go go you come up you come up to the elevator and the elevator's powered down now um I mean you might build a Jerry rig to power it up you might build like uh there might be a backup battery uh who wants to take a shot at powering up the elevator I'm willing to do that I know a thing or two about uh you know what makes power happen appa
rently apparently uh so does Carmen um all s sorry I remember earlier I'm sorry that I'm sorry that was power I really appreciated um but uh yeah you you come up to you come up to it and you kind of like poke around it this thing's been dead for a long long time it's been disconnected U marf give me an engineering test yeah sure thing we haven't done we probably Engineers long we haven't asked them to do we just asked them to go and steal stuff uh hey I don't I don't mind uh uh just doing doing
other tasks all right that is uh 18 very nice sir um and uh I I will note that um I got double sixes with one of those sixes being on my stunt die and so what I'd like to use is maybe uh jewelry rig or high-tech hustle or maybe both since I've got enough stump points you you find you find feed this up yeah so you find that like the you find the backup batteries for the the emergency batteries for the the elevator it works no problem you actually find like their stock of they left of extra batter
y so if you need to power up other parts of the station you can bring one these like Port it's like a basically a car battery you kind of bring it with you just like put it down plug it in power the part unplug it pick it up and move it on so you now have a a power source as well yeah that's going in my gear okay and it's it's heavy I want to be clear it's not like um this isn't something you just put in your pocket it's not that far in the future um I I I I'll find a way to bring it all right w
e like a necklace car battery necklace all right but yeah you the the elevator activates and you guys get on it goes up and it comes there's several levels there's different levels of mining but one of them is listed as like main station and like barracks and like meth Hall it seems like that's where people would be more than likely well I think that's where we should go uh any any uh objections before I push the button go go no Do It Let's Do It Let's Do It um click you go on up it's super loud
uh you can hear it creaking tons of this fine dust is all getting into it and everything um dingo you get to the top of it uh and uh this is kind of the point where like you're a good point man on this because you can kind of quot quote unquote hear through walls if you will do you want to like take a shot and like try to like see on the other side of the door 100% is a touch test for you touch test all right plus five 8 9 14 the only thing you can really feel for the door is like a a really li
ght by vibration which you think might be like the freighter hooked up to the to the station but like no one's immed the other side of this you don't feel anyone you don't feel like any like one's walking around they would probably be wearing mag boots too so like it would be kind of loud if they if they are stopping around but no no like hums it sounds pretty quietly the other side then then let's go let's open this door door opens up dust comes off of it you can see that this opens up into a h
allway um you can see that the hallway off to the right like there's like old labels they're they're pretty dusty you might have to like brush them off but you can see there's like several rooms up ahead there's like a room off the right two rooms off the left and the hallway goes for a while and this is all like not like in the mining shaft this is like refined actual like station material you're in the station proper and you can also here the elevator should mention act as an air lock now I'm
I'm sorry to be redundant we are looking for a place to remotely access this this lab yeah like consoles and stuff Compu lab like that um well let's just systematically start sweeping rooms for anything that will do what we need the the closest the first up is the closest door is on the right there's one not too far from the left there's no lights in here as you kind of move there's kind of no lights in here uh right now um You you start ADV dancing first door comes up uh it's powered down uh yo
u want to take a shot at this here uh yeah sure I'll uh take the battery plug it in uh buttons you you could also brush the dust off the sign if you want to see what the room is the rooms are labeled oh yeah sure what what's what's it called uh it says reactor room oh so uh if we want to power the whole station uh we could do this um that seems noisy it does seem noisy uh and uh if they don't have it running I don't think turning it on is going to help us significantly uh well give me a second h
ere John as I think about this right as I think about you know what I know that uh a ship connected to a station uh via you know umbilical cord is going to do here uh is there some kind of transfer of data associated with that or they they could or they can even try uh starting this like kind of like kick start like jump starting the station with with thing or use the the fusion reactor on board to power the station but they're not powering this part of it not to mention the door has been like c
losed for a while like it doesn't look it's been opened recently yeah well if they haven't been through here there's probably nothing terminal wise that's going to connect up there well that's what I was going to say would we know if we find a terminal and we have this groovy B mobile battery pack do we think we could turn on just a terminal and get a signal well sure we we could check the reactor room and see if there is a terminal in there but uh I wouldn't want to turn the reactor on uh not b
ecause I'm not interested Ed but because I don't think that's going to you know serve our purp today I agree since we have a portable power source that we can use it might it's probably better to just power something when we need it instead of turning on the enti house 20 seconds and just check all the door labels like the door across the way the door across the way is labeled like machine shop um and once again it's Al but that one's um I'll say uh sergeon you you see that like that door though
has had activity like you can see where the dust has been Disturbed on the ground people have gone in and out of that room can we find a map is there a map of this ship somewhere like a directory a directory you this would be you would be able to find maybe you saw one on the um on the elevator a map of the station that was built into it not a map of the ship the ship's like just been added on recently um you do see that there's like up ahead is like kind of like a quotequote like um operations
room there's like a Barracks a mess hall um and then the dock are way up ahead at the very end of the station I mean comms will probably be on the bridge or something right or if you want to get on the ship yeah okay but the the operations room uh might have uh some kind of uh you know uh console that we could connect to I think we can check these rooms uh but I just a quick you know 30 second peek around the room and then probably there's not going to if there isn't something we can use uh ope
n doors until we find a terminal yeah the I'm going to point out the one that got used the most considering that that I'm well this one seems to be the one that everybody's going through or most folks are going through we can check that one first then I don't mind so you open up the machine shop first Mar open it up uh the room isn't as Dusty it looks like they've actually started cleaning the room and what you see is not a machine shop to you it seems like uh there's like almost storage but lik
e it's this what's being like there's a few things in here that look pretty fresh like like like the taret aren't dirty like theyve just been moved here or crates that have been moved here that aren't dirty sure so this looks like storage but uh you know I'm looking is there uh something that is going to be connected to the ship's Network here if the answer is no I'm going to keep moving you don't see any consoles built in but uh Mel give me a quick uh I say Mel you would know this actually you
can tell that some of the labels on the crates like indicate that there's like tech gear inside like computers and like analysis gear and like basically technology stuff to research with in here but it looks like it's all packed up and crated up it's not connected it's not connected to anything okay someone got this is just tech gear let's keep going all right yeah okay the fusion room you open up it has not been touched uh and you look at the core the core is actually there's no Fusion core in
it like it's like been stripped out um you're but it looks like if you got a new core you could start the station back up type thing sure well uh maybe another time uh the next time we visit there are Cil in there will they but they look ancient like they look like they're not they're definitely not connected to that ship's Network sure okay all right yeah well let's go yeah we'll keep moving then keep on moving um as you guys kind of come up you find um there's like this kind of command uh you
kind of see there's more been more traffic through here uh places are slowly being cleaned up you can see like where they've been moving gear through on pallet jacks kind of thing mag Jacks um and everything you come up and see like uh there's like an operations room it's lab like you know mining operations none of the stuff been relabeled it's all has the old label on it uh what do you guys want to like um that room looks like it's seen a lot more activity though we should poke our heads in rig
ht just to see mhm okay good the mean all right and there's actually there's two rooms across okay you open up operations who's opening the door uh well probably is it powered on or do I need to the battery actually is powered and you can see they have they have like a looks like there's actually a battery like like outside Cable's coming from this going down towards the docks it look like they're actually trying to do something in this room right now Carmen would you mind going in first I would
like to go first Carmen uh the door uh clicks open and reaches open inside the room you can see that there's like uh you can see where they they're been stripping the room out of like old gear like old panels and like old Tech and everything but there's actually been some new tech installed um some of it looks operational you you can see it's being powered off of this power source they have in there um but a lot of it's like not active it's not really doing anything it's just kind of sit there
like like blinking going clicking doing uh does of it serve our purposes it might if you want to open it up and try it out yeah may as well take a look okay can I can I ask what what does the terminal that we're looking for is it just like a thing on the wall is it it could be it could be anything that's kind of so we don't really know what it what form it takes we just need a some kind of computer that's connected to the network okay pretty much yeah got it okay um all right so yeah Carmen you
go who want take a look at the terminal actually me all right give me a technology test so you kind take a look at it is there a way I can assist we we'll we'll check out we'll see how holon does the first the first go okay uh 12 plus whatever I add what I add for technology oh um 17 and I got two fives and a two oh great you pulled the console and you look at it and this thing has just been installed and it hasn't even been activated yet they haven't even like connected to the network yet but t
his is the kind of console that would be a main like stay thing in the future um but it's like but it's not connected yet they're still setting up yeah they're still setting up the gear here and everything um does it look like there's enough around that I could connect it you want to take a shot at it okay I'll let you take a shot at as you try to hack the system here um give me a crypt can I support her uh you you guys might want to keep a lookout that might be a good a good thing so you guys k
ind of hang up by the door and kind of watch down the hallway uh give me a cryptography test here Jesse okay uh 20 20 okay you start pulling it up and you start going through and like pulling up like the base levels here and start trying to check their stuff here it looks like it connects to the ship but it's not it's not hasn't been granted like the admin privileges it needs to be like a direct backbone yet um okay but based on what you're seeing though it looks like they've activated further i
nto this like closer to the docks are kind of slowly building their way out from the docks and reactivating the station uh piece by piece so you go up a little ways you might get it but you do get a readout that they have um they've reactivated like one of the barracks and it seems like there's uh people probably closer to the like actually staying on the station now slowly rebuilding it okay so I relay to everybody like the closer we get to the dock the more people there are but the more likely
there are to be computers connected to the ship sure how what what's our uh Tom frame on needen um to have this done cuz if it's not too urgent is there a way to use The Shard to affect this terminal and then even just continue and that way uh you know worst case scenario even if we get caught when they connect it this will still uh you know the changes will replicate any it's a largely blank terminal this just kind of barely connected to the network and barely been turned on so it doesn't like
it has no like scientific like it's not part of the main Network yet the problem is they they would probably wonder why still this has the plan for their secret project on it sure okay but yeah it's the sh doesn't the sh needs like a little more access than this or something more readily integrated um sure dingo you start getting noticed that like you can start feeling that people are active Beyond this uh towards what they've notified you as like the meth Hall Barracks area yeah it's yeah this
sucks we we we clearly have to keep going and we're going to start risking running into people um but that's what we have to do I mean can I there's there's so there go ahead yeah you you and you only pick up a total of uh you're kind of feeling out it's not a lot of people it's like maybe two or three in a very large area you might be able to duck them or you might be able to like you know uh hit him over the head of something or stun gun we send the people with the guns to that end of the cor
ridor quietly as close to the where the people would be as possible while we try and get into rooms closer to that yeah sure uh let me go get stealth check from uh Marv Dingo and you guys should agree if you like that plan I'm suggesting it I'm fine with that I'll I'll pass The Shard along to you so you have it uh and I'm keep going in no but you can St with me and help me work stuff you need to open doors for with the dingo and Carmen going up front Okay uh what did you guys get for stealth che
cks add your dexterity did did you you can go yeah you got St gun yeah yeah yeah I got some give me the dexterity check 16 16 is good all right ni 14 14 where'd you get K hold up I'm still I I changed the setting on this thing again all right you got two guys that is a nine plus Ste most of you guys got yeah plus de you're good though um so you guys kind of get to the door here and dingo you're listening to the door you can hear like people kind of moving around in there um there are kind of tal
king a little bit here and there but like it sounds kind of off to the left like there and it sounds like a big room like it's a big wide room and then across the way would go to the docks uh yeah can I um and this door is powered this door is powered I wonder if I I wonder if I could if I could hack this place if I could divert these people somewhere yeah like like can I send so take away with the charges and bl make an explosion somewhere the station the station as a station has has like safet
y measures um there's actually like at each door a safety measure you think you might be able to trigger like an alert in a room like trigger a fire alarm in a bedroom or something exactly like I don't have to pretend to be anybody I don't have to lie just I just have to make a computer say there's a problem on a different end of the ship man computers are great the most the most beautiful thing I ever learned about computers when I origin do computer science was this you can lie to them and'll
believe you then let's AI is so scary no I want the computer to I want the computer to say there's like a decompression or a fire in a different room yeah all right so give me a this will be a security test for you so plus four on this I might have a reroll we have one roll yes someone keeps on buying us rerolls because they're generous no but like my I think my burglary actually burgly yeah I forgot you I forgot you burgly I forgot you're burgle burglar um so what am I adding uh plus four sir u
h so that's a 12 should I roll yeah do the roll here you get the bur the chest yeah you might get another roll you that's a little bit better that's a little bit better um 16 oh very good all right so you go through and you kind of you this is old security system you cut your teeth on crap like this when you're a kid you go and mess with it and all of a sudden like one of the bedrooms starts kind of alerting that like there's like a decompression and uh you hear the two guys like kind what the [
 __ ] and like they're [ __ ] and you hear them like running towards the docks like you you and all of you guys can hear them like marching hard like they're chugging their asses off away from us yeah away from you yeah the docks are on the other side from the mines yeah great wait let's let's be quickly let's be quick guys I don't know how long it's going to last open up the room you open up the room uh Dingo and it looks like a meth fall like this is where people would like eat you can see the
re's Barracks off the left and right the docks are straight ahead with like a big old like you know port and everything there's like gear screwn about they're getting ready to do something here um can I lock the door that goes to the docks uh I'll let you I'll let you try that here in a moment I'll let you try that override it for okay um but you guys can see there's like there's like terminal set up like little like like for lack of better term like like temporary laptop type situations here wh
ere people have kind of computer set up like to try reprogram and coordinate this effort to put the station back online what do you guys want to do dingo goes to the door to try to keep the door locked not a problem uh we'll have dingo make a security test as you try to like break the door basically or not break it but make sure it doesn't uh open easily again yeah if one of the if one of the temporary laptop type things looks like it's like awake and active and someone was doing something I'll
go to that one okay what you get and and bring mob and be like yeah I'm coming I'm helping you bud 18 baby oh very nice yeah uh so yeah you go ahead and you check the you check it all and like you get the door kind of R rigged so like it won't open on the initially they have to do override take of time um Mel you go over and you go from the laptops it's like it's all locked up like it's kind of it's locked up but give me a cryptography test see if you can get through the the code here uh Marv uh
surgeon and what not a problem you actually crack this one open this looks like a place where you can start uploading the uh The Shard uh The Shard is a lot of data it's going to take a while to upload and you're also not supposed to leave it behind because it's you know incriminating right but uh what do you want to do well uh if if Mel's got us in I'll produce The Shard and we'll uploading plug that thing in yeah uh it's G to take a little while uh let's go to surgeon and the two of us are ju
st sit there and watch the status bar move like keep on typing to make them think you're you're doing work when you're just waiting for it to compile that's right my card's compiling uh what what are the two you what our two favorite Mar over here you want to do is there any other uh kind of like entrance that we should be privy to uh there's like the Barrack entrances off for the sides one of them has actually like like closed up because it's saying decompression notice on the on the door and e
verything which is you know is fake um but the weird thing is like you see this piece of this device in the room that's like fairly large uh it's probably like the SI it's like the size of like those cargo containers you guys saw in the earlier room but it's it's out of the cargo container some weird looking like shaped thing you're not really honestly you've never seen anything like it in your work neither of you it's like weird it's got tues running out of it like um doesn't look very refined
and it's like a piece of technology yeah yeah it's it's human but it's not alien I'll be very clear on it's it's human made but like piped like almost has like a Geer s biomechanical look to it but it's like clearly um like human bab it's like metal and you know refined and everything like that too definitely looks very clean okay hell it's L like like large there's a kind of a cylinder on the front of it what is it hooked up to um you go up to it and you look at it and um it doesn't need to be
hooked up to anything it seems like they have it here just to kind of store okay so it's it's not like it's not huming or anything active yeah okay um sergeon uh give me a uh either of you can give me like a science test of some sort and I'll give you science information about it your choice of science or you just do intelligence if you guys want to let me see see what my base roll is for if it's even worth it I think you have yeah I think this would just be straight intelligence for you KP and
then Isabelle this would be straight science for you as well just intelligence 12 for me all right yeah can I use a can I use a fortune die yeah what your lowest number lowest is a one that would put you by plus five to a 17 all right I'll let if uh that will not succeed this is very Advanced Tech what' you get uh what what Carmen get so yeah I got 13 okay what was your lowest number one uh that would be of 18 actually which will barely succeed uh so yeah you blow a bunch of Fortune on this uh a
nd you look at it uh you Remember The two scientists talking about like cryogenics and [ __ ] you think this is a cryopod this is where they would free this is like the protype Mormon freezer I don't know what to call it Mormon that's what it does that's what they're proposing also freezes Rats You Well I this would be overkill for a rat but it's like person size it's like built to like someone could get into it and you can see that it has okay so we have somewhere to stash stash the body when t
hese guys come back potentially yeah but yeah you can see this large thing but yeah this is the tech this is their prototype you're guessing uh Carmen so this was their big trick so this is what we're sabotaging yeah I was going to say can we break it while we're here oh yeah part of the can I Sledgehammer it maybe more well hold up now hold up now I'm not actually we can't pull out a sledgehammer like now hold up I'm not against the you know advancement of human knowledge and science I just don
't want them to get the contract because this isn't quite far enough along yet uh I mean you think that perhaps is this like some sort of top secret method that they're doing or is this common knowledge that they have here well you know anything top secret is really just a new uh use of something that already is common knowledge so nobody has done it before actually a person and then we're already here and we got two egg EDS here maybe one of y'all could go and uh get a little extra information
from off this thing on how it works and I don't know perhaps change some parameters go do your hacky hacky thing and make you want us to make it better so it does work no I'm just saying like maybe like make give them make a little delay make it so that they don't you know the next time they demonstrate it to the Mormons it won't do so good you know I'm going to go into the source code and delete a comma all it needs no uh actually that was the code you were Marv your priv the code you're upload
ing actually would mess with the mixtures of it so it wouldn't work yeah never mind then in that casing it yeah Bas you guys are hacking the firmware of it so it it Mis mixes yeah that was the premise yeah um yeah never mind we're already doing it but I mean if you want Carmen to take a sledgehammer to it let me know uh that's a that that could be a solution to I'm ready you just say the word all right so you guys kind of like the code takes a little while you um Dingle you start hearing them co
me back um it sounds like they're clearing the alert you can see the door to like the the the supposed pressure decompression was like going on and you can you pick up on your implant you can hear guys on the other side bitching about [ __ ] old piece of [ __ ] station like they're like [ __ ] how much more time do we need uh can we tell from the status bar that we're watching it's going pretty fast you need about another like 30 seconds there Mel all right we're real close dingo I mean if that'
s not long can I can I set off another alarm like in the same room or like one room away from us or can I relock the door like have they attempted to lock get through the doors yet yeah they're trying to override the lock you can you can hear them like messing with it like trying to override the emergency lock um you have it like kind of like you're holding your finger on the button kind of thing to keep them can I depressurize that room uh okay I literally got get you would be if you were betin
g depressurized um okay that's varing character good role play Jesus okay um you go I'm just trying to get the job okay give me a security test you try to break through their security system this is gonna be a hard test here dingo this is the hard one here I'm liking this all right great well I roll a 11 um plus plus my what four um uh 15 15 okay what was your l number uh low numbers three three okay you actually you pull up an alert in their room and they they you hear them kind of freaking out
a little bit oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right this thing is a falsy as [ __ ] go fix that one I'll get this one and one of the guys keeps on messing with the door trying to open it and he's like God piece of [ __ ] like the door starts to open a little bit guys but it's like not quite opening all the way everyone stay out of the view the the rate of view um I mean I I don't want to be a bad role player can I is there another stage I can do can I try again can I hack again or is that so you can h
ear the guy like touching the door and messing with it uh sergeon uh we have stun guns if we were gonna decompress them we could just okay so the other guy has the other guy has has gone away yeah you can hear the other you can actually see the other guy like you can hear him like messing with like the manual override which like a mechanical thing he's [ __ ] and he's like having a mess with it it's a it's a open all right I'm gonna say s John come here and grab this man right now and then I'm g
oing to open the door and try to pull him in and close the door again okay you pull you pull him in close the door uh okay all right scorpion uh and uh do not let him scream okay Sergeant you you go up and uh do you want to like how do you want to handle him do you want to stun gun them do you want to have yeah okay give me give me a attack roll the stun gun so this is going to be a u I'll give you a bonus because you're surprising them say least there be extra a plus four total to hit him give
me this dun gun check where this is still have a so I'm going to 36 add four to it and you're good to go oh that is going to be so bad wait how many three three D6 you said and and you add four to it yeah that is exactly that is a 12 12 okay you you pull a good no you're good you you you do surprise him and you hit him with a stun gun and I'll roll damage for actually [ __ ] okay he goes and he like kills over unconscious um I'm guessing Carmen pulls him into the room with you guys or something
um but you guys pull him into the room and he's like un he's like he's like jittering and [ __ ] um yeah is this how's the how's the data how's The Shard it's going yeah did that was like 15 seconds like yeah all right and the other guy is still in the other room yeah and you lock the door again and yeah the door Rec compresses and the guy goes he goes you hear him go uh Wally where the fuck' you go wall Jesus oh God damn it the door yet he's like looking for his buddy Wall-E and [ __ ] so the u
pload I'm sorry the upload is finished or not not quite so close like like honestly everybody who's not trying to get this guy should be at the other door ready to go yeah I'm just like you know you standing there at the computer like guys this this this unconscious man is already a witness now so I'm sorry we're we have we're taking him with us and we're going to space him holy whoa whoa whoa you told us there ain't going to be no death over here what else are we going to okay fine no no no Mel
is the worst kind of hypocrite like as soon as like she's in danger like just where's the sledgehammer like we got to go oh no um I mean guy didn't see no faces I mean there's hundreds of folk thousands of folks out out on this station and then Millions everywhere we going to be gone he's unconscious we can stuff him in some we did because the way The Shard works right it's you know right it it's basically undetectable once it's in somebody commit a different crime in this room right now steal
something smash the Pod smash the Pod yes steal something and make it obvious so that's why cuz they now know people were here so make a different crme all right I I will walk over to the cryopod uh and look at Carmen and do the Vana White all right I aggressively just start smashing the the glass to shatters immediately on the front of it and that's enough time we're done now and you you guys hear the shatter and everything uh this guy's unconscious on the ground are you guys going to leave him
there I like a closet or something like a storage unit there I mean there's like crates in here you can stuff him in but he's like I mean Serge you know getting hit by a stun gun like it it there's lapses in the memory yeah like it's a little might he might not be believed or something like that or someone stun gun maybe like I might like just like uh say sorry bud and then just punch him to knock he's knocked out you stunned him he he went out like like a light the first go he went out like we
nt under yeah if he saw you for like a third of a second yeah so he wouldn't see he wouldn't know he wouldn't know anything so yeah I'm I don't I don't want to kill him he's down like uh I'm not concerned about him anymore if we we've we've covered our tracks if the if if the upgrade is done then let's go let's get out yeah looks like it gets up gets done you can hear people go hey what the [ __ ] Wally what you doing in there and like they're trying to reopen the door manually again which has b
een locked up actually um um can I is there does Wally have a data pad on him his yeah I'm gonna just take that and whatever group chat he's in I'm just going to type in need to take a [ __ ] I'll talk to you guys soon know you later Wally yeah you you yeah and like uh you hear the other guy what the [ __ ] and like they're they're kind of weird out you guys make an exit uh you get out got free you get The Shard and everything like that too um and uh start uh making your your be line kind of a s
low roll as you guys get out as you dropped off this stuff here um but uh yeah we gotta I gotta wrap this up because we got time here um in the future uh the the Latter Day Saints find approach Tao Corporation regionally not caring for their association with Fred Johnson asking for them to take up the ne project this will will provide thousands upon thousands of jobs for the bels uh give them a station there uh and also provide the OPA the means to spy on the entire solar system because you know
they have sensors that can they're supposed to reach you know 20 Lighty years works pretty well inside the system so they you know um it everything goes well dingo gets the promotion Marv keeps on going on uh I don't have a I know what happens with the Mel who she ends up going to work for uh which is kind of a fun kind of a fun Twist of fa and uh surgeon and uh I'm a retire you retired got my payday okay like he was at one last job one last job I didn't if it was your last job I should had you
die then that would been awesome all right but um yeah uh look uh we got we went over time guys and everything but I want to end it out with that uh the job The Heist the plant being done very precarious uh I had a lot of fun everybody uh I want to thank everybody for everything and the like but um yeah I don't know I I feel like I didn't end it as well as I probably should have but I feel like thank you to D ocean for getting us through this it was very important to have that yeah and when you
're short on time it makes it make it heightens the urgency so we were all like we were all like for those that don't know if if you go watch this when when Jesse was on our show in the main storyline Jesse worked for Pope directly yeah in the future start working for I was actually I actually plotted a plot line if I had more time where you were going to be captured like like oh I'll be able to you you guys bu awesome ships build awesome ship yeah I can't I I actually was glad when I did the re
search I was thinking about it in the break if she had have found that he was really fudging things like actually and then I was like how am I going to reconcile that in 10 years I'm working for this guy so I'm glad it was just that they were over optimistic and overselling and not that they were actually fudging numbers and I could see like Mel feeling bad that she like was part of this Ploy and like you know trying make it up or whatever it is deny this guy's dream well honestly if someone com
es and says will you build me a cool ship and the navo like cool let's build ship built let's do the next one yeah exactly this this prototype exploratory science ship I'm really impressed with KP calling out dingo because dingo's just ready do the job I'll kill I was ready to start killing people and KB said you said we weren't G to I like that check them check them accountability accountability we have morals now okay I had morals until I was worried and then no can't afford morals I want to l
ive Isabelle I like I said as I said earlier I applaud your performance here uh any thoughts on playing the expans of the role play game uh it was a lot of fun I I really enjoyed it a lot it's it's surprising how easy it is more so now and maybe it's because I'm John's of course excellent uh game master abilities but I think also just being already part of the expanse Universe it's a lot easier to like get into the moment compared to like when I played in the past it just felt like there was a m
illion different things happening and it was hard to follow but it was very easy to to just easily fall into character in these ones yeah I the one thing that's nice about the expanse as because one for one we're the the RPG is based on the book continuity but um the the one thing that's nice is because we have the show we can point the things and I like I download a lot of images from the prop auction uh the point too cuz visuals are nice occasionally and so it's it's cool to like be able to ha
ve something you can kind of point to here and there and see it actually in action um like it's easier to show like KP obviously you get a lot easier time going into this than like because you're like a Sci-Fi in space how hard could it be then you watch a show and you're like oh [ __ ] space is hard it's like precarious as [ __ ] um and you can also see the I think the other thing too is like um I it's hard to convey the cultural differences of like the earther Martian Opa people but like the s
how does such a beautiful job of showing how it's it's diverse culturally but also still like very um uh there's like a stringent hierarchy of like the belter Martians ears and that the new kind of hierarchy that's Expo that's been emerged so I think it's one beauty of it um so but um and then the veteran here Josh I'd love to get some words from you buddy you know uh you apologized a second ago that it was a a rushed ending but uh it's really not that much of an ending because this is a prequel
John and we know what happens after this you've set the stage for the entire expanse storyline well and that a lot of this came out of a conversation with Josh which I give some credit to which was the conversation was without Fred Johnson having the NAU and being the head of Tao station the whole [ __ ] expans story like falls apart and Fred doesn't come off as the kind of guy who would be like I'm just going to ha and stance f into this he would have step by step made this happen knowing the
he is a player and so that was kind of my premises he has you guys are pieces on the board of the game he is playing yeah and um yeah so I think that's that's a major uh major element of it too um but look I want to um I want to give a moment here uh for everyone here to say their final piece um I do want to say about the charity once again guys thank you for the donations um we didn't hit our goal of $1,000 that's where I was hoping to get today but we got $45 which is $45 more than we had peop
le are going to get fed with uh than before I leave the thing open for a while too uh you can if you want to redeem any of the stuff in there I got some people there I I owe some uh bundles to and everything which is great I can't wait to get those to you guys um but I'm thankful for everyone that donated uh and uh that it means the world to me but I like to keep these open for a while too some people you know just need it's the end of the month too which I totally get I've been there many times
the end of many months as it is my birthday I can actually count them and uh the like and I want to thank uh every single one of you for coming here Josh you've always been a shelder of this show since the beginning I really deeply appreciate it uh you guys and Demi plan are amazing and do great work and you're just a great dude overall I want to say that uh KP dude you were [ __ ] blowing up this year like your January February was OB scene like in terms of like like how much stuff you've been
doing and I I I really like seeing that um I remember you expressing publicly a while back some worry about some stuff and it feels like it's like 20124 is coming up KP um if that's if that's a fair statement so far at least I don't know what else you got going no I I appreciate it thank you I mean I'm just I'm just lucky and also I have just wonderful folks um doing wonderful things and I have the huge privilege of being a part of it that's all it is and this is one of those things I've always
uh I know you and I have been talking a lot huge privilege of being able to play with other wonderful people like you guys um but yeah I'm just uh it's it's just fun I love storytelling I love uh you know exploring new new things new characters and you know T RPG and role playing really it's scat to that itch so um and so I'm say so you making me up my roleplay storytelling game Jesse makes me up my science game every time I run this thing with her Cu uh I'm of getting [ __ ] wrong uh and uh I
try I try to keep it I try doesn't it doesn't happen very often don't be terrified okay okay cuz I yeah like uh yeah we you know and I I one thing I did like about uh the expans if you play if you get the core book you'll find out all about 532 herculina uh which is a real place um and it's kind of a prequel to The I made this a prequel to the starter Adventure in the core book as well I tied in a lot of loose ends on this one which I'm very I like to do a lot I like to tile these stories togeth
er some ways but uh Jesse thank you so much for taking your time out your busy schedule to play um when when I me again when I first approached you I was like oh this person's like super space person they're amazing they have this cool like podcast about exoplanets they do all stuff with exoplanet they're real scientist and then you're like by the way I am a huge gaming nerd and you have no clue what you're in for and and then we uh Your Enthusiasm you brought to plane was riveting uh the first
time we were all like holy [ __ ] this is dope and and you're welcome to come and hang out with us anytime every single one be me but uh we want I want to thank you so much for taking time out to help us out on this and for your generous donations to um to uh WC happy birthday well thank you you birthday I'm getting there I got a few more days but uh I'll ride I'll ride that as long as I can actually um Isabelle I want to say thank you uh to you specifically uh uh the the the game was amazing Ma
ya is dope if you guys haven't played the game please play it uh dark Maya was the premise we both I think you called her Nega Maya like Nega duck from like dark from dark duck kind of thing and we wanted to play kind of and that was that was definitely uh uh I don't know I want to say like like like the opposite of my but it felt like you played a your character was really I really admired your character here you you let it emerge quite organically I was really I have a lot of respect for that
I didn't want her to be exactly the opposite of Maya because there are elements of Maya that I that I love that I don't think that kmen would have been as as likable if I didn't UD those but um I think who kmen turned out to be is I mean amazing she a she's she's a go-getter that's for sure and I I'd love to bring her back uh for one of my main episodes cuz or another special those are a lot of fun to play and bring characters around we incorporate stuff in the storyline and everything and but u
m I did I I also want I also want to say too um the the expans community is [ __ ] amazing like the fans are dope Jacob can attest to this they're really sweet people they reach out and um uh we want I you know I want to tell the people that are part of the Telltale Game that acted in it that made it produc it you guys are part of this to helping make this like fandom still happen and keeping it alive and uh it's the least I can do to entertain you for an afternoon uh with a game and I want to t
hank you for um know not just thinking I'm some you know geek fan who's like hey guys I heard you like the expans and uh but also like a fellow streamer and gamer and uh coming out trying out trying RPG on stream is a whole different thing than playing dead by uh you know uh daylight or yeah dead by daylight that's a whole different it's a whole different thing to play so I I respect a lot that you took a shot at this and it trusted me enough with with the first TTR RPG stream with you thank so
much last but not least uh Jacob uh thank you so much dude uh We've uh you've uh you you're one of the uh people I've reached out to that was super responsive and we've done some great work uh I'm glad we got to like uh bring back dingo who in our continuity is uh please watch our episodes with them because you'll see how dingo's fate uh happened and uh it's a lot of fun to kind of bring them back and try them out in kind of a little more greener pastures little less intense pastures I suppose o
h you're you're muted buddy well it's funny how this is the early this is the earliest point in his life but this is actually the most practiced I've had him so it's like the most developed I've the I've been able to I feel like I've played him the best in this game even though this is the earliest it's a whole Anakin Skywalker thing I mean you know we know become Darth Vader but we got to build up to that what was it like before and you can kind of flush that a little bit more so yeah I just ev
ery time I do this with you John you put me in like a leadership position and I hope I'm up I just hope I'm up to the task cuz I'm flying by the seat of my pants and it's um um it's it's as thrilling as it is terrifying but yeah these Adventures are are always a lot of fun oh good well I'm glad you guys had fun I really I really am and that my first goal raise some money second goal have fun and those are not mutually exclusive things so everybody out there he to watch thank you so much for watc
hing uh please check out every single one of these people I'm going to drop a command in the chat here for you guys all to go ahead and check them out uh check out their links check out explore Astro check out ky's voice over work uh go follow uh Isabelle here on Twitch uh Josh he's cool and uh but no honestly actually actually uh I I've been really enjoying everyone's work and I try to keep up on what you guys are doing and checking out stuff like that um both in terms of like just being a fan
of it but also like being envious of the cool stuff you guys get to do which is awesome um and then last but not least there's where you can donate to our charity that'll be open for a while um please check out my show you want check out back episodes we have it on podcast we have merch we have all that kind of stuff uh but if you got money today and you're looking to burn a hole in your pocket World Central Kitchen is who I want you guys to to give it to today uh but please check us out and eve
rything uh and the like I think that's it I feel like I I've said too many words I used all my words up um I'm I'm running low like you guys have Fortune but I have words happy birthday John thanks you so much everyone all right I think uh that's it uh everybody you guys have a good night enjoy your weekend
