
[ACCEPTED] Sheridan Animation Portfolio 2022 (94%) (Eng Sub)

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로다 Rodah

1 year ago

Hi, I am Rodah. I got an offer from Sheridan Animation this year! Yay I did not think about recording my voice but I decided to speak instead of putting subtitles on the video file. This is the first time to make a video with a recording for me, so it is a little bit clumsy. Even I do not have equipment for recording. I ask for your understanding😓 I will do my best to make better videos in the near future! The minimum score required to be accepted this year was 91, And I got 94. My result was e
nough to get an offer, but it is a shame that I could have not gotten a higher score. When it comes to the reason I create this video, Well, I would like to share what I had felt and thought while I was preparing for this portfolio. I am afraid to call this ‘advice’ as they are obvious facts that everyone might already know. It would be better to just watch what I had drawn. Do not care too much about what I am talking about! Do not care too much about what I am talking about! 1. Observational D
rawing I have drawn a lot of figure drawing. lol I tried to practice it at least 3 times a week. There are some YouTube channels and websites to refer to: New Masters Academy, GESture DRAWing Party and Line of Action. I feel sorry that it became hard to get free references for figure drawing these days. I highly recommend buying a book of nude photographs for artists if you are financially okay. Or you can attend a nude-croquis class with a real art model. The best way to draw a nice figure draw
ing is simple. Draw and Draw. This is my favorite one of all artworks I handed in. I think I am pretty good at drawing hands…! ʸᵉᵃʰ( ᐛ✌️) I like my work. hahaha (showing off) But I am not sure why I got the highest score. I am sorry (ㅠ_ㅠ) Instead, I recommend watching others’ video.... which explains what the factor is for...... a nice result. 2. Character design and Animation It was pretty tough to finish this. I did my best until I got a headache. The most difficult point was drawing by consid
ering the shape of the character from 4 different viewpoints. Why did I get a little deduction? I am not able to be aware of the reason. Maybe, this is because they estimate the portfolios with various criteria such as the design of the character. Just my assumption. Just my assumption. Wow. This one was really... *sigh* This was the most difficult section. This was. Ha I even thought that animation could be not a proper major for me… But I finally finished but I feel a little bit sad about the
pretty low score. I was upset! ʕ ´•̥ ᴥ•̥`ʔ I have no idea why they gave me that point. I cannot make good advice as I am not good at animating. As far as I know… Studying ‘Squash and Stretch’ and ‘Timing for animation’ might be useful. I would like to suggest you find a teacher who is good at animating. 3. Storyboarding In my opinion, this section is the toughest to get a high score. Many people get poor results in the storyboard. “Simpler the story is, better it is to get enough marks.” I belie
ve. Make sure that the plot should be clear and easy to grasp. Make sure that the plot should be clear and easy to grasp. Make sure that the plot should be clear and easy to grasp. 4. Layout drawing I really enjoyed drawing these backgrounds. I think the most important points... are to make the feeling of distance Clear!!! It would be helpful to put variations of line thickness between close ones and the opposite. (ง˙∇˙)ว (ว˙∇˙)ง Color is not compulsory. However, if you decided to draw with only
lines, you need to care a lot about them. This is because color is also one of the things that help you to make difference in my opinion. 5. Personal Artwork You must spend plenty of time on personal artwork. You must spend plenty of time on personal artwork. Bear in mind that it should be begun in advance, even before you get the portfolio requirements of that year. I recommend spending at least 6 months for only this section. ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧ ٩(๑❛◡❛๑)۶ ٩(๑❛◡❛๑)۶ (I did not give up to put the sub
titles) (Do not worry) ... (I think I spoke too many words in Korean.) (I am sorry) Every kind of artwork could be able to submit like figure drawings, oil paintings, sculptures and digital works. In addition, you can send them PDF artwork even though it is not a "real sketchbook" For me, (It is quite not in sync.. Please ignore what I am talking about. They are not so important) I made the photographs of my sculpture as one PDF. I made the photographs of my sculpture as one PDF. If you have som
e questions, please send DM to @beloverodah on Instagram. I am not sure whether I can help you or not, but... I will do my best as much as I can. (ง •̀_•́)ง This was... Rodah! Thank you for watching. Best wishes! 🍀( . ̫ .)💗
