
Actress Katie Cleary discusses her passion to help endangered animals and her latest documentary

Katie Cleary, founder Peace 4 Animals, is striving to save animals worldwide, and is raising awareness through her latest documentary "Protectors of the Wild"


1 day ago

LA county is looking for hundreds of new lifeguards and is Raising incentives for potential new hires the county has increased wages ranging from about $23 to $30 an hour for pool and Lake lifeguards that's the highest pay in the region the county is hoping to fill 500 positions for the summer swim season which begins on Memorial Day s thank you today there are more than 1300 endangered or threatened species in the United States that's according to the Environmental Protection Agency and the org
anization peace for Animals has made it its Mission now to support the voiceless for more than a decade so joining me now is the founder of the organization Katie clear thank you so much for being here thank you for having me it's so nice to meet you and just talking to you briefly uh before we even came on camera I I can tell how passionate you are about this topic I do want to talk about you and and the way you've been funding these projects because something you told me was that you dipped in
to your own pocket to make sure this was done that's how passionate you are yeah yeah so our first documentary Give Me Shelter um was just a chance that I took I thought you know I grew up in entertainment on the other side of the camera and I thought you know I think I know how to to produce a documentary so um I had residuals from a commercial I did uh for seven years that kept running and I thought you know I need to use these residuals for something uh greater than myself to raise awareness
for animals and specifically endangered species so I produced the and and wrote the documentary give me shelter and um sold it to Netflix in 2015 and then um the newest documentary uh called y on Earth just came out um with cint Eastwood and uh and we you know we had a budget for that one so which is great we filmed in Africa Indonesia all these amazing countries to show the plight of uh endangered elephants rhinos Lions um sharks you know and um and how to save them so when did you realize that
this was your passion because like you said before I mean you had uh commercials you're a model you've been in front of the camera when did you make that change H in the trajectory of your career to then focus on this well really it started when I was about 11 years old I grew up in Chicago uh with my mom and she was a single mom and uh she loved animals and specifically big cats so when I learned the plight of tiger tigers uh at that time there was only 5,000 Tigers left in the wild I thought
you know what I have to do something on a greater scale to to be able to raise enough funds to help protect tigers in the wild so it was really uh big cat conservation was how I started and then I would rescue Wildlife in our own backyard so baby squirrels that had fallen out of a nest or or um you know baby rabbits and would uh rehabilitate them and then re-release them back into the wild so that was really where it where it began and then one day I thought you know I want to start my own Found
ation to help animals worldwide so that is so great and we actually do have an exclusive clip because I know you're working on this new project too um let's go ahead and take a look in the heart of the Untamed where the very essence of wilderness is preserved there exist creatures that stand as the Guardians of the Wild since being reintroduced into Yellowstone Park they have revitalized overgrazed vegetation and erosion decreased significantly so that is a clip there from um Protectors of the w
ild that focuses on wolves right and I'm just so curious because you've done so many documentaries and this is obviously your passion but you must be learning something along the way when you're going to all these different locations when you're meeting these people when you're collaborating together so what's something that you've taken away well I think um that we all have a chance to be their voice and and we must use our platform whatever it may be whether it's on social media whether it's j
ust telling friends and family to try to you know visit these animals in the wild if they can um that we can do our our part no matter how small or big it is um so it really starts in our own backyards so whether that's just leaving a dish of water out for wildlife whether that's um stopping if you see an animal that was hit by a car on the side of the road making sure that they're okay or calling your local wildlife rehab uh Center to help them um or volunteering at a sanctuary or a wildlife re
hab I mean we can all do whatever we can to to help make this world a better place than the way we found it and um and I have a tremendous faith in God and I feel like um each of us has a mission on this on this Earth to do better uh and to you know and for my my missions obviously animals so yeah I'm so fascinated by all of this that that um little clip that we just saw though that's not finished yet right it's not finished yet yeah okay so tell me what we have to do to get that done so so well
this uh Protectors of the wild um I just thought you know we don't have the funding for it we don't have the budget for it but I'm just going to film as we go so all the legislative meetings we were part of um the reintroduction of wolves into Colorado which just happened at the end of last year which is amazing um as you know in Yellowstone it changed the whole ecosystem you know erosion stopped uh species and and and different plant species that obviously came back in Yellowstone and so um yo
u know wolves are native to our ecosystem but we've eradicated them because of you know the meat and dairy industry sadly and and cattle ranching and Hunters so um you know wolves in the northern Rockies are not protected right now which is very sad so the realist wolf Coalition that we're highlighting in the documentary um will try to relist them on in every state uh in the United States so they're protected right now in every state but the northern Rockies where they're being hunted got it so
that's what we're trying to do okay well let everyone know where they can find you and where they can watch all of uh your project and possibly help help you out yeah well um definitely check out why on Earth which is our latest documentary um starring Clint Eastwood and that's on Apple iTunes Amazon all streaming platforms uh and we have a News Network called World animal news so please check that out uh worldanimal every day and peace for Animals our foundation so thank you so much fo
r being here this is so you're so insightful and I can tell how passionate you are so I really appreciate you you coming on um we're going to post all of this uh on our website morning RP



Beautiful passion ❤


These people are creepy