
Addie MS: Behind The Bright Lights, a documentary short film by Erwin Darmali

Addie MS, a self-taught music conductor, is one of the pioneers of symphonic music movement in Indonesia. His orchestra, Twilite Orchestra, is the first orchestra from Indonesia that performed in The Konzerthaus Berlin as well as Sydney Opera House. His love for music combined with his strong-willed nature allowed him to become one of the most well-known conductors in Indonesia, but his passion led him to his purpose in life, something that is bigger than himself. ---- Director & Editor: Erwin Darmali Cameraman: Erwin Darmali & Piet Kalalo Sengkey Twilite Orchestra Concert Footage: P Production Twilite Orchestra Concert Sound Mixing and Mastering: ArtSound Studio ---- ยฉ 2022 Erwin Darmali Documentaries

Erwin Darmali

1 year ago

Speaking about the level of musical education, many of my conductor friends have doctorate degrees, having spent years in conservatory I had to learn everything on my own. Between these two, which one would you want, mas Addie? These handwritten ones, if I have to read this, it gives me a headache I have to admit especially when I was growing up, Indonesia was not a conducive place for classical music There is rock, dangdut, pop, and some country. But why do I love it even more? It's as if I was
watching drama I do have a strong personality People say I had a bad temper when I was little. Once I kicked a glass window and broke it when I was in elementary school simply because my family didn't bring me to go out with them because I was unhealthy If I want it, I must get it. The sound engineering story is similar. I asked for too many things from the senior sound engineer then he ridiculed me Do you really think I can't do this? I don't want to have to rely on you ever again. There was n
o internet, YouTube, I had to search how to learn this I looked for books, and finally decided to go to a workshop outside the country On the day when the certificates will be handed out, I was already on my way to New York. I was after the knowledge, not the paper. Ladies and gentlemen, Let's give our warmest cheers and applause to The 25th anniversary of Twilite Orchestra with Addie MS Even in a few seconds, the emotion has decreased. We really don't want that to happen. Things have to be rap
id This is truly essential in showbiz. So you are the youngest here, correct? [and the oldest?] Don't ask as to who is the oldest Makes me uncomfortable I feel like there is nothing to be worried or scared about but don't be so over confident that you think this is about you Often people fall because of over confidence. overly sure of oneself, feeling arrogant, That's the moment where failure awaits, ok? My father was a businessman, before that he was a freedom fighter He worked at The Ministry
of Trade, but he disagreed with the culture at the time, filled with challenges, being offered presents, and he was such an idealist Eventually he left, with very little capital and borrowed money from people He was able to start his own business, and became successful, He has a motto which he wrote in big letters on the wall in front of him: "OJO DUMEH" which meant don't act bigger than you are, don't forget who you really are. That left such a big mark in me in my life. In junior high, no one
liked classical music I was the odd man out After junior high, into high school, it was even worse. I ended playing rock music, I have hair this long After graduating from high school, I arrived at a crossroad My father wanted me to continue the business that he had built, I was not allowed to be in music. Father, you don't need to give me any money, but don't forbid me from playing music. Trying to be like everything is ok in front of my parents, in reality I don't know where I would get the mo
ney. Quietly I approached aunts and uncles and borrowed money. After playing music, I would get some money and pay them back. This happened over and over. It was very tough in the beginning. But once I said it, I will never say "Father, I changed my mind, give me some money". No. How can I prove this as quickly as possible? No other way but to go back to mainstream music industry After 12 years building my career in the pop music industry, finally I was able to form Twilite Orchestra with Oddi
e Agam and Indra Bakrie. A conductor is actually the ambassador of the composer It's about what the composer wants through the interpretation of the conductor. But at the same time, the conductor is the representative of the audience So he / she has to be demanding. Ah, right here must be in unison. The crescendo (is too harsh) slowly and linear more pronounced and louder that part needs to be louder Oh that's wrong. Don't be too... ...not like that... When I am looking for musicians, I look fo
r their competence. But to be in an orchestra, often the more important part is the character. how well is the person's capability to work together - teamwork. An orchestra has a variety of musical instruments, character, the melodies that they play are not the same. Cymbals for instance, sometimes for a 30-minute composition, it is played just once. There is so much diversity within an orchestra, but with one knowledge, agreement, leadership, coordination, everything can be woven into a synergi
c strength, an awesome, beautiful strength that can be savored. 6 years with The Twilite Orchestra I saw that the Indonesian National Anthem is played on TVRI daily. That recording is a roughly 45-year old recording. I should make a new one. Finally, together with Youk Tanzil we were able to record the new version. Before I made it, I needed to research and understand better. Thank God that I was able to meet the creator of "Hari Merdeka", Husein Mutahar, he was still alive back then I also met
with Mr. Sudharnoto, and he also told me stories before he passed The more input I got from them, the more it fuels my nationalism ["Indonesia Raya" playing] [On the way to The Ministry of Home Affairs] 9 am sharp. That's the building that we are going to The mission is what needs to be delivered through this song. (Our Indonesia) (ready to serve) (support democracy) (maintain unity) Every year Melbourne Symphony does about 160 concerts As a comparison, myself with Twilite Orchestra probably do
10 concerts a year in total, the ones for public, sometimes two, sometimes not at all depending on if we have a sponsor or not One concert requires 2 days of practice at the minimum They are so active: practice, concert, practice, concert Beethoven, Mahler, Wagner... filled with difficulties, challenges, discussions, debates, every single day. They are forged that way every day. Can we do that? Of course, but large scale funding is needed to subsidize it. All these concerts... are the same, in I
ndonesia, or anywhere in the world Even if it is sold out, you can't cover the ROI, without sponsors. Always a deficit. There has to be a sponsor, and subsidy. Melbourne Symphony gets a third of their income from the government, another 1/3 from ticket sales, and the final 1/3 from sponsors But we are not like that. so my Twilite Orchestra surviving for 28 years is a miracle. But also, we have to do something so these songs can still be brilliant Now we seldom see these revolutionary songs play
ed in school My mother enjoyed classical music, although she only listens to them on radio and some vinyl records. I saw my cousin and aunt practicing on the piano at my grandfather's house They played Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin When I heard Chopin, I felt an indescribable feeling... Ever since that moment, I keep searching for music that can bring me joy and calmness. Something that pleasures us and gives us joy, often times we want to share it with others so they can experience that enjoy
ment, right? We're going to sing it here like before, ok? Twinkle twinkle little star ok? Two, Three. I have approached ministers and governors multiple times, not discussing about Twilite Orchestra or Addie MS, I was talking about the importance of symphonic orchestra in Indonesia, the importance of building a concert hall in Indonesia There are educational values, sir character building of the nation, appreciating diversity, In that moment, I reaffirmed myself that I have to go directly to th
e seeds of the nation. So you have to pay attention on that side.. .. no need for the left hand ok? ready? Your eyes..., ready? Just stare at them.. Ready? Ok. Follow my lead... One, two, and... Go ahead... Careful, you'll get swallowed into the instrument... This next hour, we are going to dedicate it to the children, all of you children. The concert is actually tomorrow, The tickets were already sold out three weeks ago. All of you, though, watching this concert, you don't need a ticket. Awes
ome, right? Why is classical or symphonic music needed? In developed countries we see that kids are introduced to music, how to appreciate music, how to learn about music, and finally playing music together within an ensemble There, they can learn about appreciating diversity, forming diversity into something that is harmonious Imagine if these kids are taught about the importance of adopting discipline, doing something in close detail and with precision, But through a method that is entertainin
g, they also have to play it with imagination. Continuously sharpened on how to appreciate beauty. They will be different than those who don't recognize beauty - their actions would be brazen, insenstive. What is the result of the combination of the two? The capability for innovation exists. Who knows that this would change their lives in the future... hoping that some would study this music, hoping that some would become musicians, but if they don't become musicians, hoping that they would beco
me decision makers that can repair our ecosystem. I only live once, I want to utilize my life the best way I can. The most important thing of all, is how the knowledge that we have accumulated, can benefit our society.



Keren Banget Maestro Pak Addie MS. So proud having you in Indonesia ๐Ÿ‘


Sang Maestro, keren banget yet so inspiring


ADDIE MS salah satu Pejuang Musik Indonesia ....


No truth without beauty. Addie MS dan dokumenter ini memberi kontribusi utk itu.


Saya salut dan bangga pada Addie MS asset seniman plus nasionalis sejati bangsa ini


Bangga banget Indonesia punya seorang Bapak Addie MS. Makasih sudah buat video keren ini. Dan editingnya, serta jalan ceritanya sangat terarah. Trimakasih sudah menginspirasi kita. Semoga kita kaum muda, punya kerinduan untuk boleh menjadi bermanfaat. Bermusik itu GK usah takut, tapi jangan ke PD an juga. Pesan Addie MS. Gbu


Mantabhhh.. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Terimakasih sudah mengabadikan jejak Mas Addie MS. Semoga menginspirasi. Allah memberkati


Terima kasih telah membuat video dokumentasi beliau, sungguh menginspirasi


keren bangettt


Terima kasih banyak, Erwin yang sudah mencurahkan waktu, tenaga dan pikirannya untuk pembuatan video ini. Salut pada keseriusan Erwin dalam berkarya. Sukses terus ya, Win!


Sang Maestro, Aset Bangsa, Inspirator Generasi Muda untuk tetap bermusik โค๏ธ


Really touching and inspiring ๐Ÿ‘


Filmnya kurang lama...tau tau udah abis... Diextend dong Mas Erwin, sepertinya masih banyak yang bisa digali dari Addie MS dan Twilite Orchestra nya... Salam sukses dan terus berkarya ya..


10:13 yg tau dong tolong bantu jawab, pernah denger melodinya tpi lupa apa dan dimana ๐Ÿ˜ฅ