
Adorable 3-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert Brielle

After Ellen saw Brielle's video on ellentube, she invited her to showcase her science smarts on the show!


8 years ago

- Our next guest can recite the entire Periodic Table, so she's either really smart or just a complete show-off. From Salinas, California, please welcome three-year-old Brielle and her mom, Carrie. Hi, Brielle. - Hi. - I kept seeing you in the hallway out there. Did you see me in the hallway? - Yes. - And then I ran away. Yeah. Okay, so you're three years old, and you know the whole Period Table. How did you learn? When did you start learning all that? - Uh... - How old were you? - Three years o
ld. - You're three years old now. When did she start getting interested in this? - We actually got flash cards for her in April. - Uh-huh, in April? - So, it's been about--yeah. It's been about six months or so. - And-- - Yeah, we hardly ever spend time doing it. She can learn just so quickly. - Can--can you read? - No, not yet, but I'm sounding out words. [applause] - Yeah. - Me too. [laughter] What else do you like to learn about? - I know all my states and capitals. - All your states and capi
tals. - And I also...know... the Periodic Table of Elements. - Yes. - And... I know all my countries in Europe and Africa. And also the presidents. - You're making me feel bad about myself. [laughter] Wow, and the presidents, too. Who's your favorite president? - Barack Obama because... [applause] He was president when I was born. - He was president when you were born. Yes. I have shoes that are older than you. But...okay. So here-- I'm gonna show you some, and you're gonna tell us what this is.
What is that? - Geranium. - Geranium. Um...what is this? - K, potassium. - K, potassium. You want to tell me some facts about that? - Yes. It's in bananas. - Found in bananas. - And that's why bananas also helps our nose function. That means it sends our brain information to our muscles. - Wow. [applause] You must eat lots of bananas. And this is? - Iodine. - Iodine. - It kills bacteria. - Yes, it does kill bacteria. And this is? - Chlorine. - Chlorine. And this is? - Strontium. It's in firewor
ks to make them loud. And it also used in dark paints. - What is strontium? What is it? - Strontium. - Sorry. Um... [laughter] What is this? - Phosphorus. - Phosphorus. They all look alike to me. I don't know what-- and what is phosphorus? Tell me about that. - It's a chameleon. - It is a chameleon. Why is that? - That means it can be different colors. - That's right. - Black or white. When it's white, it's least stable, and also burns under water. - It burns under water? - Isn't that crazy? [la
ughter and applause] - It is crazy. It is crazy. And this is? - Tantalum. [indistinct] And if you have a map, I can show you. - I still wouldn't know what... How do you remember-- you're three years old. How do you remember all this? - My new brain just remembers. [laughter and applause] - Your little brain just remembers? I think it's a big brain. I think it's a big brain remembered all kinds of things. That's amazing. Okay. Before we go, you named your dog one of the elements, right? - Yes. -
What did you name your dog? - Nici. - Nici? Short for what? - Because it's one of my elements. - And which element is that? - The right to say it is Copernicium. - But Nici is short for that? - Yes. - Okay. [laughter] All right, so you love to study, and your favorite color is purple, right? - Yes. - I'm just guessing because of your dress, but I actually knew that, so I got you something, okay? Let's bring it out. All right, you have a little station. Come on over here. - Go with Ellen. Go. - C
ome on. [applause] - Oh, my goodness. Brielle. - It's a little station that you can study. You have a desk, and you have-- everything is purple on there. Isn't that nice? - Yes. - And there's all kinds of books that you can probably read tonight, and... - Thank you. [laughter]
