
Adults Try To Play Iconic Board Games Without Making A Sound! | React

We tested the reactors to play some of the most iconic board games in history without making a sound while playing! Whoever can make the least amount of noise is the winner! Who do you think will be crowned silent champion? Content Featured: Connect 4 Buy It Now - Hungry Hippos Buy It Now - Deck of cards Don't Break the Ice Buy It Now - Operation Buy It Now - Crocodile Tooth Game Buy It Now - Yahtzee Buy It Now - Toilet Trouble Flushdown Buy It Now - FTC Disclaimer: If you buy something through our “links” we may get a small share of the sale. Amazon Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. REACT’s goal is to credit the original links to the content featured in its shows. If you see incorrect or missing attribution please reach out to Reactors Featured: Carter Izzy Raven Julian Jayka Dani Benison Erin Producers: Joe Kat Gina Abhishek Jada Raven Check out our instagram stories on video release days to see exclusive behind the scenes footage of this episode! AROUND THE WEB: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE CHANNELS: REACT: PEOPLE VS FOOD: Creative Director - Nicole Iizuka Director of Production – Kevin Lee Line Producer - Anthony Mugnolo Executive Producer - Joe Bereta Producer - Abhishek Joshi Talent Producer - Annie Knudsen Production Coordinator - Julian Steinberg Casting Coordinator - Alexandra Sheffield Studio Manager - Stephen Miller Studio Technician - Micah Fusco Set Medic - Mark Kirkendall Editor - Luke Caso Post Production Supervisor - Doug Brady Thumbnail Graphics - Alison Lowenberg Supervising Editor - Ryan Johnson #games #trynotto #reaction Adults Try To Play Iconic Board Games Without Making A Sound! | React 0:00 Intro 0:29 Connect Four 2:31 Hungry Hungry Hippos 3:42 Operation 5:56 Don't Break The Ice 7:40 Crocodile Dentist 9:22 Yahtzee 11:34 Cards 13:19 Toilet Trouble 14:31 Winners 14:45 Outro


8 months ago

- (React) Hello friends! - (both) Hello! - (React) Today, we will be doing Adults Try Not To Make A Sound whilst playing iconic board games! - Oh! - What? That is bizarre! - Alright, let's do it. (laughs) - Let's do it. I'm glad I'm finally considered an adult, let's go. - (React) You have to make less noise than -10 decibels. - (whispers) Oh God. - We are screwed! - (screams) We're done! Wait, wait. (screams) I gotta get all this out now! - (React) Get it out, yeah get it out! (both yelling) -
Connect 4! - Connect 4. - I remember this commercial! - Good old Connect 4. - Oh okay. I've always been really bad at this. - Wow, this is a wild commercial. - I never knew they had a little jingle. - ♪ Connect 4 ♪ - Dude, I'm so good at this. Watch me lose. (laughs) - (announcer) Four in a row wins! ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - Mm, mm, mm, mm! Oh, let's go! - Aww. - Okay. (clears throat) (buzzer) - (React) You lost! (Izzy laughs) (buzzer) And you made noise! - I should've just slowly put it, I didn't e
ven think about it. I was like it's gonna make noise. - (React) Wow, Raven seems to have a bit of a strategy. - This is so hard. - (React) You are just laughing! You both lost again. (buzzer) Oh! Okay. (buzzer) Ooh, I'm sorry Julian, just at the end, you lost it! (buzzer) Oh, that made noise as well! (Erin laughs) - Pfft, bro, she's impossible! (laughs) Bro, I've never seen anyone so concentrated on Connect 4, dude. (both laugh) - (React) Okay, good stuff, Erin! (buzzer) Ooh, that was a bit too
loud! - Bet! - (React) Right at the end, Carter, and the winner is Izzy! - Yeah! - (React) And Raven is the winner! (bell rings) - D'ah! - (React) Dani! - You got, we both got two! - We both got two, we didn't even get to four! - No Connect 4! Connect 2! (Benison laughs) (buzzer) - (React) And you laughed! - Are you kidding me!? (both laugh) - Hungry Hungry Hippos! - Hungry Hippos! - This is not like... (both laugh) - It's the original button masher. - Oh! - There's no way! - Yeah, what? - What?
- What? - As a kid, like... - I remember this commercial! - ♪ Hungry Hungry ♪ - ♪ Hippos ♪ - Oh my God. - This is my childhood. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (marbles clattering) - (React) Now you're just using your hands, Izzy. That doesn't count. (Izzy laughs) - I thought that was the strategy! - (React) And time! - I only got one. - (React) Well, the winner is Carter! - Three. - Four and four. - Yeah, you did really well. - (React) Alright, Benison, back in there! - I think they lean towards you more!
- I got eight. - I got six. - (React) Okay, good stuff, good stuff, Jayka the winner! - There's no way! - That is so loud. - (React) Raven! Are you going easy on her 'cause it's her first video? - Yes. - (React) Is that's what's going on? - That's exactly what's going on. - Okay, don't undermine me. (marbles clattering) - Mine's stuck! It's broken! - Oh no! - They're both broken. (laughs) - No! (laughs) (bell rings) No! - Oh yeah. - I can't. - You're regretting the caffeine? - I quit, I'm out. I
can't do this. - I used to be really good at this game. - You were really good? - But I think now that I'm so anxious, and just jittery all the time... - I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this one. - I'm gonna be really bad at it. - I can't. - Dude, look at the... - I hate this game. I hate this game. I hate this game. I'm scared. - So we're playing the game that's supposed to be silent. (buzzer) - (React) Aww, Julian lost it. But if Raven was to make some noise, then she is still losing. -
No, not happening. - (React) Ooh, I'll give it to you, Jayka. Ooh, good stuff. Erin, you can give commentary. - I can, okay. - Ah! - Did you get it? I didn't even notice! - (React) Good stuff yeah, good stuff. - (whispers) Bro, how do surgeons do this? - Is like the easiest thing? - (React) Good stuff, good stuff! (Erin screams) (both laugh) - I've never done that in my life! - That was really impressive. - That was scary. (buzzer) - (React) Oh! (Izzy laughs) (Izzy claps) Straight loss. (whispe
rs) Just pull it out. And Izzy, the winner! And the winner is Raven! - This is too easy! - Kill me. (both laugh) - (React) Ooh! Six, five, four, three, two... (buzzer) And that's a loss, Jayka! - Ah, that was so hard! - We are good! (Erin whispers) (buzzer) (Erin screams) (Benison sighs) - (React) Erin, all you have to do is get one out, and you will win this game. - There's no way, dude! There's no way! You're not clutch like that, Erin! (heartbeat thumps) - (React) Erin for the win! (Erin scre
ams) - Oh my God! - What the heck is this? - This is Break The Ice! - This is the loudest option yet. - Also, this game looks really fun. I've always seen videos of it. - Yeah, I have. - And I've always wanted to try it. - I've played melt the ice, which was like with a polar bear. (ice clatters) (buzzer) - (React) Ah, you lost a point! (Erin laughs) (ice clatters) (buzzer) And that's out! Dani's figured out a way in go one. - (whispers) Why is it so hard? - (React) No, I'll let you have that. -
Oh? - (React) Yep! That's a point! - One. - (React) Keep going. I'll give it to you. All you need to do, Erin, is pull this out successfully, and you've won. (buzzer) - This is so hard! (buzzer) (hammer clatters) - Nah! - (React) That was a noise, Carter! - Ugh! - Yeah! (laughs) Absolutely not. - (React) Good stuff. (ice clatters) (buzzer) Oh, Dani! Had to lose it there! (ice clatters) (buzzer) Oh, and we've lost there, Raven! - Finally! - Yeah. (laughs) - Thank God! (buzzer) - Oh! - No! - (Rea
ct) Oh my God! - You were so close! - I had that! - You had it! - (React) Erin, you just need to do it. (Benison laughs) Erin, the winner! - Yeah! (laughs) - Dude, that was good! - I think that was a team effort. - Wow, like, I couldn't hear a thing! (ice clatters) - (React) Can you put the penguin... Oh, and lost! - (crocodile) Help me, my tooth aches! - Oh! - What did he say? - It's the tooth one, where it like bites down on your finger. - (React) Yeah. - I've never played this! - Yeah. - Oh m
y God! Oh, I'm so excited! I've never seen this, or played it. - Oh my God, and it attacks you? - ♪ Crocodile Dentist ♪ - (React) So we don't have this game. - Oh, what? - (React) We have a version of this game. - Why would you get me excited like that, Abhi? Only to dash my hopes against the rocks. (tooth clicks) - Ooh. - (whispers) It's so damn loud. - (React) Don't make too much noise coming out of it. (Carter sighs) (crocodile chomps) (buzzer) - Ah! (laughs) - (React) Ah! (buzzer) - Oh. (lau
ghs) - Aww, that's a shame. - (React) Raven, the loser! - That's a shame! - Something was holding it though. - That's got a nice ring to it, Abhi. Raven, the loser. I like how that sounds. (both laugh) - (React) This is a game of luck. (crocodile chomps) (buzzer) Ah, Dani! Ooh, Benison! (laughs) (Benison gasps) (React laughs) (laughs) 50/50 chance, Erin! (buzzer) (both scream) The winner, Benison! - (both) Oh! (bell rings) - Yahtzee? - (React) Yeah. - Oh, I love Yahtzee. - Oh yeah. - I only know
this from that scary movie where the kids go see their grandparents. I never actually played it. - I love Yahtzee! - I didn't play... - Did you play Yahtzee? - I didn't play too much Yahtzee growing up. I don't know how to play this. - Yahtzee? - Ooh! - (React) Yahtzee! - I love Yahtzee, but how are you gonna roll dice? What the... - (React) That's okay. (buzzer) Oh, that was not okay! (Raven gasps) - Oh no! - (React) Raven! - No! - Oh no! - (React) That's okay. (buzzer) Oh, that's not okay, Ja
yka. - Stupid! (dice clatter) (buzzer) - (React) Oh. (Izzy laughs) Sheesh. You got 18. 20 is your high score! Okay, well done, Carter. - Wow! (dice clatter) (buzzer) - (React) Oh, and you lost it there, so Raven, you got a fighting chance. - Neutral, neutral! - (React) Oh, good work! - What'd he get? - (React) Erin, the winner! - Oh no, that was so close! (Benison sighs) - (React) Yep, what's your score? - Damn, that's a high score. - Kind of a really good one. - Yeah. (buzzer) - Well, 22, 25. B
anger. - (React) Yeah. (laughs) I mean... (Raven laughs) - (crowd) Aww. - (React) And the winner, once again is Raven! (Raven laughs) - Ugh, whatever. - (React) Raven, the winner! (dice clatter) ♪ (sad trombone music) ♪ Okay, so the winner's Carter! (Carter laughs) (bell rings) - Uh oh. - Ah. - Wait. - Can you do this? - Uh, not like that. - There's no way. - How did he even do that? - What are we playing? What are we... Are we just shuffling cards? - I think I could do this. - (React) Okay, I'l
l give you that, as the second one. - (laughs) 52 card pickup. - (React) Yeah, I'll give you that. Quiet. Second one, yep, I'll give you that. One more needed. Oh, you're gonna try it. I'll give you that too! - Yeah! (laughs) - Wow! - Wow! (Izzy laughs) (buzzer) - (React) You lost right at the end. (both laugh) And you have 30 seconds to do one more. (buzzer) Oh! Lost it there! (cards rippling) (buzzer) And you lost again! (both laugh) The winner, Dani! - Good job! (buzzer) (both laugh) - (React
) And the winner's Erin! - Oh my God! - That's where you fold! - (React) And now, split the cards in half, because obviously, you both lost. - (React) So now... - Sudden death? - (React) Whoever does a shuffle quicker is the winner. - What? - (React) Three, two, one. Without making noise, go! - Oh, without making noise? - (React) Yeah. - Oh. - (React) Raven is the winner! - Eh, I'm sorry. (laughs) (bell rings) - (announcer) It's the new Toilet Trouble Flushdown! - Oh, I'm ready! - Oh, Hell nah!
- Nuh-uh! (laughs) (toilet flushes) - Absolutely not. Absolutely not. (laughs) - (React) Three, two, one, go. - (React) Ooh! (Raven laughs) - There is no way! - (React) And that's how Julian can lose and still be the winner! Let's go! - Don't even... (screams) - (React) And the winner, Dani! - Oh my God! Dani was so loud! - Oh, what? (Erin laughs) (Erin screams) - How did that even work? I thought I was winning, dude! (Izzy screams) (Izzy laughs) - I got squirted on! (both laugh) - Let's go! Di
d I win? - (React) It's Erin! - Woo, yeah! - What? See, I said. Absolutely not. How many games are there left? - (React) Nine. - There's nine more games? - (React) No, that's it, that was the end of it. - Oh. - Oh. (laughs) - (whispers) Goodbye, and thanks for watching this video. - (whispers) Be sure to subscribe for more videos like this. - (whispers) Thank you for watching, guys. - (whispers) Let us know in the comments what we should try to do next. - (whispers) Did you enjoy us playing the
se board games as quiet as we possibly... - (screams) No!



erin and benison have the best chemistry always!! but all the cast was great and having fun as usual! izzy my bias!


Erin and Benison combo never disappoints!


How are people screaming Izzy BUT SLEEPING ON RAVEN TF


Benison + Jair Benison + Erin Benison in general is just entertaining


Benison just seems like a great guy lol he's so supportive even when losing


Not gonna lie, I miss the old reactors these days 😔 most of the ones I grew up with are gone and I miss them, but Sharen’s still here 😁 but still 😔


Love the Erin Benison duo!


When adults play “kid”games they still have kid energy lol 💀


Not Jayka and Danny labeled adults 🥺🥺🥺 they’re all grown up now.


Erin and benison are such a fun duo


I remember being afraid of Operation when I was little. Until the Nightmare Before Christmas edition came, that is. It was like: “How can we help this little girl conquer her fear of Operation? Oh, I know! Let’s take her favorite movie and combine it with this board game.” And it worked!


I smiled like this 😁😃😬 the WHOLE episode! Soooo much fun!!!!!!! These shows bring me Extreme joy!


Raven did so wellll im proud


Thought Jair and Benison were the best duo but Erin and Benison are


I need Benison as my hype man! He is so happy every time either of them win


F ing love board games. I wish i were in that video!!! fav video by far


Erin & Benni crack me up here 😂


Benison & Erin are so much fun together! And we had that crocodile game also, it was so scary back then! 🤣😄


Interesting. Fun. Nostalgic. Do it again!


Julian &Raven make a great couple,I see a future with the both of them,In incredible one!