
AdVenture Capitalist | Capitalist Corner, November 2019

Check out our first Dev Couch video where we answer your questions and give you a sneaky little peek into what's coming next! Here is what you can expect: Why was Landscape removed? - 0:26 Is there a possibility Landscape could return? - 1:26 What new features can we expect soon? - 1:55 Any plans for new events? - 2:40 What can we look forward to in the long term? -3:14 Download AdVenture Capitalist now: Stay connected with AdVenture Capitalist! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Reddit:

AdVenture Capitalist

4 years ago

Hey capitalists! I'm Lindsay, the Community  Manager of AdVenture Capitalist, and welcome to our very first Dev Couch. Our team receives a ton of different questions about a variety of topics, so we wanted to go over some of them in  regards to our latest update. If you enjoy this video, provide your questions or feedback in the comments below so we can continue making more. This is an awesome question. First, we want you to know that we've read every piece of feedback that our community has pro
vided and we can't thank you enough for sending it in. We know this change has been difficult for some of our players, especially when it comes to added scrolling and managing investments that appear off screen. We totally understand the pushback and while we tried to anticipate some of the issues, we just want you to know that we're working hard to address as many of them as we possibly can. Now, as for why we removed landscape, believe us, this was not an easy decision for us to make. We wante
d to do this so we could make new features quickly and at a higher-quality. Our team is quite small, so building our new features in one orientation allows us to get them out much quicker. Before, when we were supporting two orientations, it had us so we had to build each feature not once, but twice. It also allows us to test and iterate on new features much quicker. A feature that would have taken us 4-6 months now only takes us 2 -3. Well, a current focus on AdVenture Capitalist is bringing yo
u all brand-new features. We would never ignore something that means so much to you. While we have some big goals over the next few months, we'll always have the question  of landscape on our mind. When these larger changes are fully implemented, we'll be able to reassess if landscape is feasible for our team or not. That being said, the upcoming  features that we have are definitely gonna help out some of those pain points  that players are finding in portrait mode. We've got a lot of new featu
res that we've been working on. Recently we implemented cloud save, which has been a feature that our players  have been asking for for a long time. We're also in the middle of testing a brand new  feature that we're calling Road to Riches. Some players may have already seen this feature as we're currently testing it, but for those who haven't, here's what it looks like. The Road to  Riches was designed to alleviate the need for players to go into menus to hire managers,  purchase upgrades, and
other milestones. This isn't going to change the way that AdCap  is played; however, it is gonna streamline how you play it. The Road to Riches will be  paved with your feedback, so if you have it in your game now and have any ideas on how we can make it better, let us know in the comments below! For the time being we are laser focused  on the new features and improvements that we mentioned earlier. We want to make AdCap the best game it can be, so working on new Events is something we'd be exci
ted to do. If you have  any suggestions on Event themes that you'd like to see come to AdVenture Capitalist,  let us know. Though I don't have any sneak peaks to share, I can let you know that we are  working on a huge five-year anniversary Event. We're excited to share more details with you  about this Event as we continue to work on it, but for the time being you can expect some  new investments and maybe some new rewards. We have a ton of ideas that our team is currently exploring, a lot of w
hich come directly from our players, including the Buy NEXT button, free time warps, cloud save, and the sticky profit booster in Events. Players can expect some user interface design changes, including the Road to Riches update, so keep an eye out for that. We're also upgrading some of the in-game art. Some of you may have noticed some shiny new objects changed already. Over the next few months you should all notice AdVenture Capitalist looking as luxurious as it's ever been. The name of the ga
me for our team isn't to change AdVenture Capitalist completely – we just want to make it the best possible game it can be, and we want to do it as quickly and correctly  as possible. Lastly, and it might be too early to share but I'm gonna do it anyway, the team is currently exploring the idea of smaller tournament style Events. This is just an idea at this point  so if there's anything you'd like to see in a tournament style Event let us know. That's it  for this video as we wanted to keep it
short and sweet. Since we couldn't cover all of your questions, be sure to leave them in the comments below with the hashtag #AskACapitalist. Also, the AdVenture Capitalist producer will be doing an AMA on Reddit answering any other questions you may have, so stay tuned on this page for dates and times for that. All right investors, that's it  for me. Until next time, peace, love, and profits.
