
Adventure Time - Full Series Credits

Here's a full credits list for Season 1-9 of Adventure Time, paired with the full AT version of Ashley Eriksson's 'Island Song'. Twitter: Patreon (monthly support): PayPal (one-off donations): Please consider donating to support the channel. If you want to download the looping credits background I made for this and use it for anything, it's in here:!CVlyxZyS!wwnLh8REPweKqw5NH1n1PA


6 years ago

تَعال معي... والفراشات والنحلات، سنمشي عبر الغابة، ونمرح كما يحلو لنا. تَعال معي... إلى سهلٍ أسفل الشجرة، نستطيع النظر إلى المياه. كحلم لا ينتهي أبداً! كل مجموعاتي!، أنا سأشاركها معك! ربما حين يأتي الصيف القادم، لن تتغير أنغامنا! ولا نزال نريد أن نكون، مع الفراشات والنحلات! نصنع أرقام جديد أعلى! ونعيش بمرح أكثر! كل مجموعاتي!، أنا سأشاركها معك! أنا سأكون هنا دائماً من أجلك، ودائماً سأكون معك! تعال معي... والفراشات والنحلات، سنمشي عبر الغابة، ونفعل كل ما يحلو لنا! نعيش بمرح أكثر! فريديرايتور هذه ا
لحفلة مجونة حقاً لا تنسى أنه بأمكانك مشاهدة الفيديوهات السابقة، و أن تدعم القناة الإشتراك.



I can already tell the last 2 minutes of the finale are gonna play this and make me bawl my eyes out.


R.I.P Adventure Time 2010-2018 Your world, the characters, and the adventures in them will always be in our hearts and be remembered as some of the best stories ever told. goodbye, Adventure Time.


Me singing along: To a cliff under a t- TV: FREDERATOR!!! Me: JESUS CHRIST SPARE ME


This Cartoon was an masterpiece. It does not matter what anyone says. This show did grow slowly, firstly childish and then goes to deeper. It was the best cartoon i ever watched in my life and i will never forget about it. Pretty sad the fact that this show is ended, its been 3 years since the last episode came and i still remember all of the seasons. I miss Adventure Time.


*laughs nervously because the day i decided to join this fandom it just happened to end. *


this will be the series finale ending


Basically the song that we'll hear last from adventure time


Welcome back, we all know we searched for this...




Rip Adventure Time. Well, at least we still have The Amazing World Of Gum- GOD DAMN IT!


Man, why are the best shows in CN ending???


Kind of regret never finishing this, honestly. Will always have a place in my heart though, love it to bits.


This is beautiful. I started crying when I realized this was the end credits...its been so so long since I've heard this makes me so emotional. It really hurts. I can't stop crying. My childhood.




Goodbye Adventure Time. You weren’t just a show, you were a ledgend, and you will never ever be forgotten...


We didn't know we were making memories, We were just having fun. -Winnie the Pooh.


This song isnt just catchy. It has a pretty deep meaning.




I'll sing this to my children as a lullaby, I will show them this show... It was my childhood and I will forever be sad that this show will end as I stuck with it from the start to the very end! This of all shows would be the worst possible show for me to stop watching because the characters are so diverse and the world is so mysterious! Alas, this world is cruel and has to end all the good things above the bad things... I will never forget this show that built my childhood's foundations and then went on to finish all the rest...


After watching the trailer for the finale so many times, I cant help but get the chills from this. Ive watched this shit since I was 8. ;(