
aespa 에스파 'ep.1 Black Mamba' - SM Culture Universe Behind The Scenes

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2 years ago

砰 1 2 3 (打滚) (哈哈哈哈哈) 诶? What? 对 砰 2 3 OK Action Action 寻找WINTER 因为有很多人 还有烟雾 所以应该很难找到我 加油 好奇怪 哎呀 (咔嚓) 哇啊.. 哇啊.. 好酷啊 真的好重啊 但是真枪应该更重吧 看起来很轻 有点像穿了别人的衣服的感觉 确实是别人的衣服 不是我的衣服 (哈哈哈) (演员们) 看到他们飞的了吗? 真的什么都没做 但是真的很会飞 所以我吓了一跳 弹跳力特别好.. 光这样就能飞起来 感觉会很疼..不疼吗? 对我来说这个重量正好 (这个) 手套很大 (摸来摸去) 正好 (握紧) (戳戳) (戳戳) 枪太重了 本来可以这样打的 但是现在会变成这样 (挥) (嘿嘿嘿) 砰砰 砰砰砰 WINTER1 action 我今天来玩游戏 VR 我第一次看到长成这样的 上镜怎么样? 我第一次玩这个VR 好像是特别高质量的VR 很真实 感觉真的像我在打架 Action 再来一次 世界观视频 我的部分终于结束了 各位 我戴了护目镜 这里出现了印记.. (哈哈哈) 等到(印记)消失 有延迟 我要下班了 请期待KARINA姐姐的拍摄 W
INTER要下班了 各位 我最先结束了 一会儿会在同样的建筑... (哈哈哈) 等一下 不要..不要误会 这个是气泡膜 总之不是的 各位 这里有气泡膜 总之.. 啊 刚刚说到哪里了... (哈哈哈) (跳跳) 在这里即将 会拍摄... KARINA姐姐的世界观视频 加油 我先下班了 再见 没有想象中的冷 各位 不要担心 我现在为什么要这样呢.. 因为很害羞 第一次穿像仙女一样的衣服.. 很害羞 刚刚看了一下画面 比我预期的要... 不是说我漂亮 背景和氛围.. (哈哈哈) 比预期的要拍得漂亮 非常期待.. (哈哈哈哈) 这个是我的习惯 这样做还有 加油的时候一定要这样 然后我会做很多手动作 现在也是 (手) (皱皱巴巴) (脚也是) (皱皱巴巴) (摄像机)是防水的吗? (调皮) 我去(工作)了 Bye 地面上 有出温水的口 我忘了 在哪里 感觉像在比心 今天是星期三 星期五的时候 看..剧透吧 当然 等以后都公开之后 大家都会看到 (哈哈哈) 吼抖抖抖 跳水 咻 下去之后.. 然后 着陆之后 这样上来 要拍摄这个 我想尽量不用替身拍 我会拍的 (嘿嘿) 到现在为止 还没有完全地入水
很有趣 现在非常有趣 加油 看不见吧? 自由泳 仰泳 蛙泳 蝶泳 (啪) 我都学过 但是我最擅长的是狗刨 很棒吧? 如果有时间的话就来学吧 我会亲自给你们培训的 好暖和啊 比预期的拍得要好 所以很开心 大家觉得怎么样呢? 像不像鹌鹑蛋? 什么都没有 因为要入水 所以把碎头发都撩上去了 很暖和 (露头) 把爱心露出来 现在可以了吗? 拍摄结束了 辛苦了 我今天收到了scuba的提议 各位 如果在节目中看不到我的话 就来这里找我吧 (在进行过的拍摄中) 这是让我最记忆深刻的拍摄 (看到了吗 MY) 再见 大家好 漂亮吧 (热烈的ambassador) 大家好 我来拍摄世界观视频 现在我在仁川的Paradise酒店 这里真的很漂亮 自己来这里进行拍摄很孤单... 很想念成员们 不是.. 啊.. 我要拍摄的场面 有很多摄像机的闪光灯 有这样的 其实是第一次在观众面前拍摄 现在这个时局不能站在很多人面前 但是这次要在很多人面前进行拍摄 特别害羞 真的很紧张 原来不是很紧张 今天有点陌生的感觉 很有趣 还有点害羞 你好 你好 (嘿嘿) 今天有好多人啊 (害羞) 今天还能用这么漂亮的包 非常感谢纪
梵希.. 非常非常激动 今天是第一天 明天是更辛苦的一天 今天突然说结束了 看来是OK了 (哦耶 下班) (哈哈哈哈) (哈哈哈) 那我就先回宿舍了 明天再来.. 拍摄SELF CAM 今天的LOOK 有点粉粉的头发... 上面是有点暗的颜色 下面是粉色 这样的感觉 You know? 今天的衣服很漂亮 看..看到了吗? 我不太会用这个摄像机 (嘶) 我会再研究一下的 (世界观) 在视频里应该能看清楚吧? (今天)真的很激动 有点 站在人们面前进行拍摄感觉很有趣 还很想快点见到MY 这样(拍摄)感觉更真实 谢谢 明天见 Bye (蹦) 在认真地写Rap 很集中 是谁呢? 微笑 好 卡 现在在教室里听课 要在这里装作写歌词 我不知道 手停不下来... 现在非常紧张 所以 画了有点可怕的画 What do you think? Picasso? (哈哈哈) Classroom的感觉 真的是时隔很久 好神奇 跟新的人在一起拍摄感觉很神奇 像是在拍电视剧 特别陌生.. 很有趣 希望视频能快点公开 大家能尽快看到 因为有故事 四个人都连接在一个视频里 希望大家看得开心 (噢噢) (哈哈哈哈) A
ction 各位 终于结束了 我的个人... 世界观 Clip 很有趣 演了很多戏 不知道拍出来会是什么效果 有点... Nervous 今天是有点长的拍摄 拍了一整天 现在是几点? 原来预计是2-3点结束的 (现在是)11点40分 是提早下班 (Good) ok 我要快点去换衣服 会让大家都快点下班的 Bye 再见 蝴蝶 YEAH 今天要自己拍摄 有点孤单 想快点回到宿舍见到姐姐们 (姐姐们 好想你们啊) 也请多多期待我的 姐姐们也努力地拍摄了个人视频 请多多期待 再见 (一会儿见) 今天也来画画了 是我的工作室 Yup 怎么样?很大吧? 然后看那里的话 (看到了吗?) 是我努力画的 OK (珍贵) 草莓 (哇昂) (嚼) (嚼嚼) 嗯 (嚼嚼嚼) 是我最喜欢的水果 (留心) 好大啊 (哇昂) 嗯嗯 (好吃 好吃) (吧唧吧唧) 准备一下 好 (一会儿见) (回归的)草莓时间 (细嚼慢咽) (嗯) (就是这个味道) 再吃一个... 再吃一个吧... 大家都在看我吃 好有负担啊 大家好 我是NINGNING 今天拍了个人世界观视频 现在结束了 拍摄的内容是 黑客和画画 非常有趣 但是很
冷 今天还吃了草莓 现在.. 还要再吃 (哈哈哈) 现在要下班了 Yeah 很有趣 Bye 请多多期待 昂 下班? 下班



The fact that both Winter and Karina did their scenes without any doubles or stand in's makes them look more professionals as rookies... They even trained with some professional stunt men and divers for this just to show my's their hard work... We are very lucky to have watched this.... I love how they still smile doing every practices and scenes in the film.... Aespa are all naturals they are very talented in every ways... Can't wait to see them with their different activities in the future.... I wish SM will continue to show how talented this group is as a viewer this kind of talent shouldn't be wasted....


Every kpop stan should watch this. Especially those who said they only got popular because they are under SM. This will show why it's hard to debut under Sm their futuristic concept requires no limitations in talent to offer and hardwork. Imagine how hard they were trained for this.


Not biased but karina got most difficult job and dangerous still she keep smiling non stop she really admirable person.Ace.


I didn't know Karina was this playful and cute, she rly might be my bias wrecker


The resemblance between Karina's famous predebut pictures and her bareface is so striking, her stage makeup makes a world difference. She is beautiful either way.


damn SM is no joke. Imagine the amount of money they spent just for that video: the production, cast, crew, equipment, everything, and not to mention the concept. Just damnnn. SM is the blue print as always


karina deserves all the praise. why are you (some people) silencing others just because they appreciate karina's skills and talent here?


Where tf did SM find Karina? She’s literally so beautiful


I can't believe people were talking shit about Aespa and their concept. Their concept is so damn fun and unique. Aespa will stay winning!


Winter: Perfect Karina: Perfect Giselle: Perfect Ningning: Perfect Aespa: Perfect on [NEXT LEVEL]


Let me tell you something, Karina was born to become an idol Her visuals and professionalism is on the NEXT LEVEL


Karina is hardworking and i love her work manners with the staff. She seems the type tht genuinely cares of ppl surrounding her. Her members even admit tht, so wheres the lie. Besides i can see it in every aespa's vids. Shes not just a visual, a skilled idols, but she's karina who has incredible heart and loving nature. I think thts the reason why her symbols are love.


These girls are literally on NEXT LEVEL.


Karina is not a human being, literally she's like an AI. ANGELIC BEAUTY


Karina is the most gorgeous i've ever seen on KPOP. Just PERFECT.


never doubt SM Ent is a true and real artist maker. look how far SM idol gen 1 & gen 2 still active in their own career without being an idol on stage, we definitely should respect SM Ent more. their gen 1 & gen 2 idol have such a good career, some of them being an actor actress, some of them being a TV persona, some of them being an MC, some of them being a stage producer, some of them being a design, some of them work as an executive at SM company, some of them being a vocal teacher. damn, SM really care about their artist career. thank you SM Ent, especially Lee Soo Man


Winter: Fighting Karina: Swimming Giselle: Studying Ningning: Eating 😂


Wow Winter and Karina going through training for their scenes really shows you how dedicated they are and their hard work, Stan my Queens


Karinas beauty is extremely deadly, If she was born in the past, Emperors would start wars for her hand in marriage
