
aespa 에스파 ‘ep.2 Next Level’ – SM Culture Universe

aespa's 2nd Mini Album "Girls" is out! Listen and download on your favorite platform: 💥🔥 'Girls' MV ☀️ 'Life's Too Short (English Ver.)' MV Subscribe to aespa Official YouTube Channel! 'ep.3 Girls (Don’t you know I’m a Savage?)' ➫ aespa Official #aespa #SMCU #NextLevel #æspa #에스파 #SM_Culture_Universe


1 year ago

全球范围内æ们正在消失 因为又名SYNK OUT的现象… 由于原因不详的SYNK OUT现象 æ正在消失 为了了解原因不详的SYNK OUT现象 (同时 SNS上展开了寻找失踪的æ的话题活动) 在世界各地的城市广场上 牵挂æ们的市民们聚在一起 举行集会 汇集着共同的心声 朋友们!我是æ-KARINA! MY! 想你们了! MY! 我也是! 发生什么事情了? 所有SYNK都断开了 现在是靠nævis的力量暂时连接着 KWANGYA里的某个东西 正在妨碍FLAT和REAL WORLD的SYNK KWANGYA…? FLAT的那端 没有任何约束的无规则 无常态 无限的领域 时间和空间不受拘束 时刻都在变幻 不断生成无限能量和数据的地方 那里就是KWANGYA 也就是说 需要到那个叫做KWANGYA的地方解决SYNK OUT的问题吗? 我要去! 怎样才能去呢? 就算æ们去了KWANGYA 但是我们去不了啊 KARINA 可以暂时闭上你的眼睛再睁开吗? KARINA 其实你并没有来到FLAT 你的身体依旧在REAL WORLD 来到FLAT的感觉怎么样? Not bad 现在你们两个的意识是同步
的 可以共享彼此的感知 这个叫做SYNK DIVE 但不是每次都能成功的 KARINA 给你看点有趣的东西吧 看这个 还能这样 喔~nævis 很有气质哦 好美啊 哇 好神奇 KWANGYA变幻莫测 所以很容易迷失方向 这只蝴蝶会指引你们的 不要跟丢了哦 nævis 你不一起去吗? 我无法脱离FLAT 但我会一直关注你们的 最后 你们要遵守KWANGYA的规则 第一 不要贪图KWANGYA的东西 第二 千万不要回头 放心吧 nævis Come on, NEXT LEVEL! Follow the butterfly Oops! Blocked! NINGNING! 哇~好神奇 So pretty Black Mamba…? KARINA! KARINA很稳重 KARINA总是这么可靠 因为是大家的KARINA啊 MY? 听说性格不太好 是吗? 唱歌… 听说了吗 她的性格 说实在的 没她也不是不行啊…? 你…是谁?! 我? 我既是你 也是你想成为的完美的我 什么意思? KARINA 你觉得我会永远在你身边吗? 你把你喜欢的数据传到了SNS 而我 就是用你最好的优点创造的 我就是你想成为
的完美自我 你以为年龄增长了也能始终保持现在的样子吗? 生病会怎么样呢? 随着时间的流逝 你会发生变化吧 但我永远都是完美的样子 看啊 KARINA 你觉得在这种情况下人们会喜欢我俩中的谁呢? 就知道会是这样 我不是说了吗 终究会抢走我们的位置 不行! 我要尽快删掉好看的照片 全部删掉 然后关闭帐号 或许 现在就是个机会 机会…? 删掉æ 删掉 删掉 删掉 …千万不要回头 危险…



I'm speechless. NO KPOP GROUP HAS EVER HAD A CONCEPT LIKE THIS!!!! All the artist that worked on this project, i bow to them. Incredible.


Aside from the technology and stuff, what ae-karina said in the mirror got me goosebumps, the words like "I'm the perfect version of you, you always show perfection in social media. You'll change as time passes, but me, I will be perfect (forever)". The issue of toxic social media is the main idea of this story, it's amazing!!!!!


I feel like most people are focusing so much on how cool everything looks and the while ai concept but when you really pay attention to these episodes especially this one it really shows what being a kpop idol is really like. The scene in this where Winter hears rumors about her. The scene where Giselle is being bombarded with flashing lights and cameras. NingNing seeing hate messages. Karina wanting to be perfect so feels like she can only show her triats that make her seem perfect. It really has many meanings. Other than it being their story line and concept they also showed the harsh reality of being a kpop idol.


I seriously wish they would release a game of this.


This concept is absolutely great! The black mamba is like a metaphor of your insecurities/self-hatred using your æ (alter ego or digital presence) and comparing it to how different the two are and using it to point how imperfect you are. Nævis is trying to connect æ with the person’s real self. In my perspective i think its a metaphor for showing your true self upon the internet and being comfortable with who you are. Btw everyone, dont compare yourselves to an ig post, or a tik tok. You’re amazing just the way you are.


the conversation between ae-Karina and Karina is really touching. Not only for these K-pop idols, but we also struggle to be the best of ourselves. Then the difference between perfection and setbacks reminds us we are not the best and make us doubt ourselves. We will be caught and even give up. This video told us setbacks cannot pull us back and we always have to break perfection.


SM has some really creative people on their team, I'm glad they're running with this idea for a gg cause it's normally coined as guy things. They're setting up a platform for these ladies to be role models and I hope more people can get behind that.


This concept is so deep... SM actually speaks up about people wanting to see only the perfect versions online and especially about idols, I wouldn't have expected them to be so socially critical. Really impressive.


aespa has the BEST storyline I've ever seen! I love how it delves into KWANGYA, the online world, and how we only show the beautiful side of us, which can create a complex where the perfect version of ourselves makes our REAL self insecure. Black Mamba who represents the negativity and unhealthy obsession of chronically online people, only aggravate that insecurity making us not even want to share happy moments out of fear that they will be exploited. I wish people understood how deep this concept is. The amount of potential storylines and content they can create with this type of concept is endless. The script was perfectly written, and the quality of the CGI/comic was amazing! I love the fact that you can tell SM actually put effort and time into making a high quality video. The girls were in their bag with their acting! They really embodied their roles with an OSCAR worthy performance! I would love to see them produce a short movie compiling all the parts of the story together. I hope SM releases a Box set that has a comic version of this, as well as a DVD. They need to have a video game as well as toys etc. I know some people aren't fans of KWANGYA but I LOVE it, and I think that their true fans do too. I like that they occasionally get the chance to do videos outside of this concept like Life's Too Short, but I really hope they stick with this concept for their albums and title tracks. SM and aespa are really on the Next Level!


Aespa being voice actors, they are multi-talented !!


자본의 힘 미친다,,, 퀄리티도 너무 좋고 상상해낸 이야기를 온갖 형태의 애니메이션과 실제 멤 연기들을 합쳐가며 그대로 구현해낸다는 것 자체가 오지는 듯,,, 다음 에피가 진짜 궁금하다


Aespa definitely has the most amazing and satisfying concept of all 4th Gen k-groups 😍


I think aespa's concept may seem surreal, but it's actually about bullying on social media and obsession with looking perfect. all of these things are such a deep message. If you notice, in some scenes, for example, in the animation scene of Karina, we see images of Karina actually crying while laughing, with words like "Karina is mature, Karina is successful". it emphasizes that these people live with the "obsession of being perfect" because of others, so they create a virtual reality on the internet and show themselves as perfect on the internet.


i find this so amazing. this is basically the movie version of the lyrics of Next Level. SM's foresight and worldview is really ahead of its time


I swear this is cool asf, im actually intrigued now wanting to get into their SMCU especially as a gamer lmao. I see alot of references, from shows like Code Lyoko, to SYNK DIVE reminds me of SAO, also have a bit of Marvel feel too but the combine all the diff references and made their own original universe, pretty impressive i think. I wish they can have like a cross world where they can meet K/DA that would be cool asf


Watching this made me realize that Epic Seven did a really great job with their collaboration..


this is seriously one of the coolest concepts in kpop


We need an ep 3 pls i wanna know what happen


The meaning behind SMCU is heartbreaking..... Cyberbullying,hate comments, Toxic social media, pressure of being perfect now it's all make sense😭aespa deserve all love... aespa you got me!You got MY keep going


Episode 3 will be released this year! Let's wait a little more <3