
aespa 에스파 Reaction | SHINee ‘Don’t Call Me’ ☎❌ MV

aespa 에스파 Reaction | SHINee ‘Don’t Call Me’ ☎❌ MV 'Don't Call Me' MV​​ Subscribe to aespa Official YouTube Channel! aespa official​ #aespa​ #Reaction​ #Dont_Call_Me​​​​​ #SHINee​​​​​ #에스파​​​ #샤이니


3 years ago

大家好 我们是aespa 今天我们要拍摄SHINee前辈的Don't Call Me 这首歌的MV反应视频 - 好想看啊 - 没错 之前的歌也都很好听 - 没错 - 名曲 所以更加期待了 再加上我们是第一次拍摄MV反应视频 没错 各位 不知道能不能做好反应 不过不用故意做也会出来的 真实反应 超级期待 没错 这个真的 我们是SHINee前辈的粉丝 没错 怀着期待开始播放吧 let's get it 噢 旋转门 珉豪前辈 头发.. 亮点是 (头发) 哇 头发 - (头发)是橘色的吗 - 这是预告里出现过的 - 没错 - 没错没错 看过了 这是不是那张照片 头巾 哇 (集中时间) (投入画面) Check this out yo'll (点头点头) 嗯 我真的超喜欢那个 (集中) 噢 噢 噢 好帅啊 beat好棒啊 这次的造型好帅啊 风格很棒 太帅了吧 那个羽毛怎么那么适合呢 (羽毛驾驭力) 头发真的 噢 造型真的很适合 - 编舞好好看 - 编舞真的很帅 (集中) (你能消失吗) wow 喔 绝美嗓音 这次的服装好好看啊 姐姐你是铁粉 (真爱粉的眼神) 噢 好帅啊 哇 这是killingp
art waste my time 糟糕透顶 (强烈) 哇啊 噢 歌曲太棒了 旋律线 - 头部的亮点真的好棒 - 我也咚咚 (投入) (没有Next time) (跟唱 跟唱) (安静) 大家都好集中啊 (醒来) 哇 这种的.. (强烈 强烈) (取向狙击) 哇 这部分好棒 (目瞪口呆) 这个编舞真的好好看啊 HO 好帅啊 好有力量啊 (哈哈哈哈) 好羡慕 知道是欺骗 泰民前辈 - 我是粉丝 - 真的太帅了 真的好帅 (集体感叹) 这里真的好好看 这是亮点编舞吧 (Don't Call Me) 哇 这里好帅 - 我们没有抓住中心吧 - 这里真的好好看 大海 (跳着舞) 啊 啊啊 (泰民 空中悬浮) 噢 (You Love You Love) (踩点) So Bad So Bad 吼噢 (没有next time In your life) 找到我最爱的部分了 这里吗 next time 噢吼 不要打给我 - (温流前辈) 嗓音太美啦 - 没错 朱玉一样 (超嗨) 哇哦 (颤栗2) 泰民前辈.. 还用多说吗 (观众模式) 听筒 嗨 嗨 喂 - 这个布景好漂亮啊 - 这里有点像 IDEA的
感觉 啊 (MAMA IDEA) 噢 Sorry 噢 什么呀 钢琴 钢琴 当然喜欢了 不能少了钢琴 (太棒了) 嗯 噢 好好看啊 (双手紧握) 真的好帅啊 我最爱这个部分 真的是亮点 哇 嗯 wow 不要打给我 不要哦 各位 不要打电话来 - 不是说了不要吗 - 不要打来 真的好帅啊 (Don't Call Me中毒) 这次的歌真的 真的 Don't Call Me SHINee前辈的Don't Call Me MV已经看完啦 怎么样 我个人觉得 (哈哈) 什么情况 自问自答吗 智敏 怎么样 我觉得呢 跟之前的 是完全不同风格的歌曲 - 真的太帅了 - 没错 而且造型也都很好看 真的很好看 - 服装很漂亮 - 没错 颜色 MV跟发色 都很好看 而且SHINee前辈们 嗓音都很有个人魅力 这次的歌曲 每个部分都把魅力展现出来了 (释放出来了) 还有中间beat改变的部分 真的太 弹钢琴的部分 四个人这样一起 - 像电影一样 - 没错 大家都很有经验 我们也快点... (积累经验) 亮点 Don't Call Me 不要打电话 不要打电话 我们也会努力 成为这样 帅气的 - 艺人 - 会努
力的 (正规7辑 Don't Call Me) 请多多收听哦 这次的歌真的很好听 - 太棒啦 - Don't Call Me - 新歌真的很棒 - Don't Call Me 不要打电话 拜 再见 Don't Call Me



Won’t even be surprised anymore if I see they upload “Lee Sooman reacting to Shinee “Don’t Call Me ☎️❌ MV”


We need the whole SM family reacting to “Don’t call me”


Winter scolding sasaeng fans to stop calling their sunbaes is so cute


Karina is the luckiest taemin fan, she was his dancing partner in taemin's solo song 😌


Who else noticed that Giselle repeated Minho’s parts ,Karina tried dancing at one point and winter and Ning Ning gave their opinion on the vocals. I thought that was funny ,but overall they loved everything 😂👏🏻💕


I love how the girls focused on the art of the dance, the vocals and the set. They nailed the details too from pointing out the killing part on the song to recognizing the main vocal in SHINee. It’s really wholesome and entertaining. You can tell they really love music. From a MY, I hope SHINee gets more wins!!💚💜


Man, I really feel for Karina. She genuinely seems like an upbeat person but because of her beauty, people expect her to have a cold persona or something, it's really not fair. I hope that she never loses that sunny disposition and her fangirling ways!


샤월인데 에스파분들 리액션영상 감사해요☺ 에스파도 파이팅!!


Winter: Don’t call me! Don’t do it, y’all! They told you not to call Sasaeng: 👁👄👁


I did not expect this but I ain't complaining. SM Family Moments!!


Karina saying "Let’s get it" and Giselle repeating some words you can see clearly that they were trainees with some NCT members


5:03 I'm so happy that Karina call herself 'Jimin'


Winter: Don’t call me! Don’t do it,y’all! They told you not to call Giselle: Don’t call, Please stop! All the sasaeng: shivering with fear


Giselle is the rapper who can't stop being a rapper when a rap part coming😂😂


확실히 가수들이라 캐치하고 감탄하는 포인트가 다르고 디테일함


Giselle & Mark have the same reaction they keep repeating the English verses and other parts 😂


Winter looks so sophisticated in that fit and her hair. Girlie looks like an american mom im-


Sm never fails to surprise me. SM really is improving with every single comeback. Loads of contents, interactions, on top of their great music, talent, visuals, personalities. I’m sold


Winter: “don't call me! don't do it y'all!” yes, queen, tell 'em


I feel like everyone just knows SHINee and how they perform and how they impress and set standards. Everyone just loves them as a group or as individuals, aside from SHAWOLs (well, of course, it's a given that we love SHINee). They're such cute, sweet, nice and passionate people who act themselves around anyone and are not afraid to show something new and unique to the world. They inspire me 👏💯🥰💪🔥 #SHINee forever ❤️💎✨