
After Bankruptcy, I Received a Text Message from My Future Self with Lottery Numbers,Won 500 Million

After Bankruptcy, I Received a Text Message from My Future Self with Lottery Numbers, and Won 500 Million

Monkey Manhwa Recap

5 days ago

after I went bankrupt I received a text message from the future it contained a series of Lottery winning numbers I thought it was a scam I was just about to block them but he claimed to be my future self he even mentioned that I peaked at misses Jung bathing when I was 5 years old I was so scared I almost threw my phone away could it really be my future self I decided to buy a $100 ticket to test it out 8 minutes later the lottery results automatically popped up and I stared at the winning numbe
r numbers I checked them one by one and they were all correct I quickly opened my account to check and the $2,000 prize was all there I immediately sent a message back saying if it happens again I'll believe you to my surprise the other person replied instantly the winning numbers for the next draw are these I spent all $2,000 on tickets and 30 minutes later my account balance became $40,000 I won again and I took a sharp breath at the same time my scalp started to tingle could this person reall
y be My Future Self so now you should believe about half of it right then he told me not to buy this kind of Lottery anymore or I might end up in trouble he demonstrated his ability to predict the future to me and 10 minutes later my girlfriend Shen Shing would knock on the door to come home because she forgot something and was also drunk you will have a very unpleasant argument because of his desire to buy a Gucci bag I am a little skeptical because my girlfriend Shin Shing never drinks and jus
t last week I bought her a Gucci bag soon 10 minutes minutes passed and there was a knock on the door luon please open the door quickly I could hear shining's slightly incoherent words outside the door I was quite shocked to be honest I really predicted it right again I opened the latch and immediately a strong smell of alcohol hit me I put her on the sofa feeling a bit dazed she really drank and she's drunk she even told me she was socializing with clients do people from the customer service de
partment also need to socialize I don't get it she directly questioned me what do you mean luon I didn't say anything why is her reaction so strong seeing me silent Shin Shang slowly sat up from the sofa like a different person in a slightly coish tone darling are you angry a little bit oh my I'm not in a good mood so I might sound a bit harsh it's all Fong Yan's fault that annoying woman was showing off in front of us again saying her boyfriend bought her a new bag she even said one new bag eve
ry week no repeats look at how capable she is the more I listen the more it doesn't make sense it seems she was lying about socializing with clients just now why do you also want to buy a new Gucci bag Shin Chang looked pleasantly surprised and said darling you're just too good if it were at other times I would really grit my teeth but right now I'm not in the mood let's talk about it another day hurry up and take a shower you wreak of alcohol didn't expect to ano Shen Chang again do you think I
stink you can decide whether to buy it or not another day that's how women are she Chang changes her face faster than flipping a page with a bang the bedroom door was shut then with a click it was locked I was completely stunned is this how women act when they're drunk it's simply unreasonable I hurriedly pulled out my phone I sent a message to the one claiming to be my future self hey are you still there buddy so do you believe now that I am your future self although I can't be 100% sure the p
ossibility is very high there was a pause from the other side then quickly a long string of messages appeared it's okay there's still time to verify I sent you a message from the future mainly I want you to seize a chance to get rich in half a month to the west of us there will be an event that catches everyone off guard a large scale military conflict it will escalate continuously for over 10 days it's several times over so you must seize the opportunity and find every possible way to gather en
ough money sell the car and the house this round as long as you don't make any mistakes due to nervousness you can at least earn several billion there's still half a month left I will try to help you make the most of the existing funds and accumulate some capital from the stock market but the stock market situation is not good you won't make too much whether you believe it or not let's talk after the stocks have earned looking at this information I was instantly dumbfounded I really can't stay c
alm although my annual salary is 400,000 I dare not even think about assets and the hundreds of millions in the next week I will act according to my own instruction for the future quick in and out of the stock market earned almost 200,000 Yuan without any deviation so without any hesitation I sold the car and the house at a low price then I took out some of the funds and fixed deposits in advance almost gathered more than 6 million I don't plan to borrow from family or friends either after all t
his is a high stake scamble if I lose everything I can start over but I must not involve my family and I absolutely won't go into debt this is the bottom line in the past half month Lu and I have still been in a cold war with Shin xang after that night Shin xang would come home drunk and late every day as if deliberately showing it to me normally I would have coaxed her back early but recently I really haven't been in the mood and surprisingly I found that Shin Shing really seems not to care unl
ike before we started dating there are Rumors in the company that she's a materialistic gold digger I don't believe it at most she's just a bit materialistic during this period I've also been a little distracted at work I was called in by the boss for a talk but after the full 6 million arrived I couldn't wait to send a message asking dear future me the 6 million has arrived can I enter now even change the way I addressed them in another 15 minutes I could get started because after 15 minutes th
e price of oil has never dropped so it's okay to enter later as soon as the time was up I transferred the full 6 million in one go automatically converting it to US dollar after converting it according to the real-time exchange rate it was almost $800,000 went straight with a maximum 50x leverage soon the amount available for trading in the account became $40 million clicked to buy all next for every increase in the price of crude oil there would be a huge return after the operation I was so ner
vous that I couldn't even sleep a wink if the news from Lon is accurate the first shot of the conflict will be fired at 3:00 in the morning time passes second by second the latest headlines of current fairs news have just been updated shocking accidental discharge these two countries are at War continuously flipping through news reports from major media and some news pictures after confirming without a doubt I finally breathed a sigh of relief finally I can sleep peacefully the next day when I w
oke up at noon I immediately checked my account sure enough the price of international oil has soared significantly Rising by $5 in just one night after converting he has already earned over 20 million I have haven't had time to get excited yet my girlfriend shinshan walked out of the bedroom with a cold expression and said to me Lon it's quite boring to go on like this right now I just want to ask you one question are we buying the bag or not happily my mood is very good at the moment before lo
an I'll be a billionaire why care about this little money of course we're buying all right transfer the money over now right now I have less than 1,000 yuan in my account I won't fail to make money don't worry in another half month I'll have the money as compensation by then I'll buy you two three or however many bags you want but I didn't expect shinin to be unwilling I'm really disappointed in you last week I saw you making tens of thousands from stock trading and now you're telling me that th
ere's less than 1,000 you want in your bank account and you still speak so self-righteously what do you take me for I was dumbfounded by what you said but I quickly realized that you had been peeking at my phone ha luckily I saw it otherwise I wouldn't have known what lies you were making up Lon do you think that just because you made some money I'm not worthy to be your girlfriend right of course I quickly denied it Shin Chang slammed the door and stormed out damn peeking at someone's phone and
still acting so self-righteous it's a good thing he saw it last week so he probably didn't see the balance in my account now he didn't even give me a chance to explain let alone believing me honestly I've been good to him I haven't even touched him until now from the beginning I plan to get married after dating for a year I could Overlook his materialistic nature but is it worth it over a handbag is it worth having this kind of conflict with myself I've decided to make one last compromise after
all more than half a year of relationship if it doesn't work out then let it go I opened WeChat preparing to borrow some money from someone I'll buy the handbag first I first thought of aen who has the best relationship in the company I'm an urgent need can you lend me 20,000 bucks I'll pay you back in half a month fan are you kidding me you earn a higher salary than me why do you still need to borrow money from me and haven't you made a lot of money recently from Trading stocks Lea Fang respon
ded puzzled that's not right how does this guy know that I made money from Trading stocks but I didn't pay much attention and just told him about investing in a project I only have 1,000 bucks left on me Lea Fang obviously still doesn't quite believe it then I sent over the records of selling the house and car as well as screenshots of my bank card balance see why would I lie to you leang looked at the pictures sent and realized that I really didn't have any money he was a bit dumbfounded and af
ter a while Lan you don't know how to trade stocks and put all your money in are you really bankrupt I'm not really bankrupt so will you lend me the 20,000 bucks or not after a full 2 minutes he finally sent a message bro I don't want to lend you I'm planning to buy a car recently I've already paid the deposit seeing this message really made me angry you haven't even drawn the license plate number and you're telling me about booking a car is Lea Fang really this damn annoying does he really thin
k he's Le a Fang he originally thought that we were colleagues after all everywhere you look there he is since we're both bankrupt what face do we have left my money didn't come out of thin air why should I lend it to you it chilled my heart I used to lend money to this so-called friend all the time wow 20,000 Yuan made me see you in a new light Lea Fang unbelievable after saying that I immediately put Lea thing on The Blacklist I couldn't help but bitterly smile there's a joke online that says
if you want to know who your true friends are lend them money once and you'll find out I thought it was just a joke I didn't expect the reality to be even more ironic than the joke I picked up my phone again and found a person named luu I've been very considerate of him at work I always call him fangu in private I'm a quiet and honest person an Le a Fang the three of us have a good relationship hey Lau what are you doing let's have dinner together tonight his name is luu he's a very honest perso
n he hesitated when he heard about borrowing money he even said he recently bought a few limited edition LV bags for daily use what a coincidence I happen to know that the limited edition LV bag that Shan Shan is carrying was actually given by the head of another department in their company luu still lied and refused to lend me money although we didn't fall out but sometimes this kind of hypocritical righteousness is even more chilling it's rare to see someone like Lea Fang who can have a fallin
g out with you one second and the next second let the whole world know that lvan is bankrupt never lend money to this jerk I'm not bankrupt at all in fact I'm about to become a multi-millionaire well the Betrayal of two best friends I'm not in the mood now lend money to Shin Shang to buy a bag just want to be alone for a while since that's the case I plan to borrow from all my friends around and see who is worth befriending and who isn't worth it after all I have news about my future and it's a
sure thing I'll sore by then there will definitely be many people coming to me if they're not worth it don't even waste time on them thinking about this I simply sent out a message urgently needing to borrow 20,000 you on I sent it to people I still have some rapport with there were probably 40 to 50 and after an afternoon 12 people said they were also in difficulty can't help but feel helpless although I'm a bit disappointed I can understand eight people also sent me 100 to 500 yuan in red enve
lopes the rest didn't even respond but what shocked and amazed me the most is that the manager of the company's purchasing department is named ly Yun he directly asked me if I had gone bankrupt of course I told the truth we haven't gone bankrupt the next second he suddenly created a company group I just clicked to take a look but I was kicked out of the group I opened the group chat I started searching online Leah Fang and everyone I want to remind you all Lan from the marketing department went
bankrupt from stock trading and he put his car and house into it he's gone crazy borrowing money everywhere everyone works hard so be careful not to fall into a pit Lea Fang has evidence everyone open your eyes take a look following are a few forwarded pictures Lan sold his car sold his house and withdrew from the fund there are also chat records damn Lan really borrowed money from me and I even made 500 from him no way so he really did go bankrupt one after another over 20 people sent their own
screenshots confirming that Lan went bankrupt it's solid evidence kick him out of the group this group is a pure land of mutual assistance and love for our outstanding Partners his character is terrible kick him out quickly since everyone agrees Lin Yun I don't OB to you being in the purchasing department of course I also don't object to you being in the purchasing department ly Yeun was removed from the group chat the message ends here I won't be able to see the rest of the chat records lookin
g at these chat records I went from anger to laughter indeed money can see through the human heart it's too real just then a loud slamming of the door suddenly rang out my girlfriend Shin Shang appeared in front of Luan with a dark expression on her face Luan you're quite something you went bankrupt and still hid it from me why don't you just die Shin xang unable to contain her anger directly threw her bag at him I looked at Shin xang in disbelief I guess he immediately came back after seeing th
ose chat messages however after receiving a series of Soul crushing blows I surprisingly calmed down nothing is more sorrowful than a dead heart but so be it you saw it right so he was so angry that his whole body trembled Lan you bastard no wonder you hesitated to buy a bag and acted so evasively bankrupt and still acting like a big shot Shin Shang are you implying that I don't deserve to be your boyfriend just because I went bankrupt what right do you have to criticize me Shin Shing took a dee
p breath I think I see it clearly now I wasted more than half a year on you for nothing what else is there to say break up Lan get out of here right now I don't want to see you again I coldly retorted breaking up is fine but I'm the one who rented this house the one who should leave is you people can be Shameless to this extent why bother showing him any Mercy Shin shang's lips turned pale with anger and she went straight back to the room to pack her things after packing up she grabbed a suitcas
e and was about to leave but I asked her to leave the key with me Shin Shang was so angry that her hands were shaking she then took out a key from her bag and with a slam of the door she left I fell into silence again carefully recalling the beginning of my relationship with Shin Chang was a bit inexplicable a year ago when LV fan became the manager it was Shin Chang who actively pursued her they say when a woman pursues a man there's a barrier moreover Shin Chang is such a tall hot-tempered and
Charming Beauty I who hadn't dated since high school completely gave away my heart this made me Overlook some of shin shing's abnormal behavior such as never spending her own money for example she always seemed a bit strange when smiling in front of the company leaders for example lying about drinking late into the night recently although there was no evidence but at this moment I feel like I'm no different from Lu yanii just a fool if it weren't for today's incident being a spare tire might ha
ve ended up with the same result being a lap dog in the end I have nothing thinking about this let's just break up dear future me I've been through a breakup in bankruptcy another person lying on the couch take out the phone and send a message to your future self tell about what happened today this is nothing plastic friendship materialistic girlfriends are always there but it doesn't mean no one really cares rest assured it's actually a good thing it's better than finding out later that someone
stabbed you believe me you will be grateful for what happened today in the future these words immediately gave me great comfort and confidence even a bit of Hope for the future watching the international oil prices keep Rising feeling even more beautiful just as I was calculating how much money I had made a message popped up I opened we chat to check it was sent by a former colleague from the company is lon there this young wh and I were in the same Department worked for over a year then I star
ted my own business our relationship was okay before but there was less contact after I resigned I only know that he seems to be selling cars now I heard about your situation I have 60,000 in cashier ticket for emergencies wow I really didn't expect someone would be willing to lend me money seems like to confirm that this is real then a 60,000 transfer message popped up and this was even knowing that everyone was talking about my bankruptcy still chose to lend me money without hesitation and not
just 20,000 but directly lent 60,000 my best friends Le Fang and luu not only did they refuse to lend but also turned hostile and kicked us when we were down instead it was someone with an average relationship like jangu who was so generous there are indeed kind-hearted people in this world while feeling touched in my heart I finally couldn't help but ask him why he said that I had previously let him have a large order and at that time it was just enough for his mother to see I really forgot ab
out this little thing but I didn't make a fuss and accepted the 60,000 Yuan mainly because I really didn't have any money I have to pay the rent at the end of the month it also meant that Lan accepted Jang hui's favor and when he got his revenge he also had a reason to repay jangi the next day Sunday I didn't go out all day I kept staring at the news and the price of oil in Just 2 days it kept rising and had exceeded a 35% increase in just two days I made almost a small Target even president Wan
g would have to call me dad if he saw it I took a deep breath to calm myself down according to Lan's words this was just the beginning wait until a week later the news of the cruise ship running ground came The Surge will accelerate if I want to make money I should aim for a few more small targets because I was so happy when I ordered takeout in the evening Lan added an extra meal for himself ordered a deluxe Pizza Plus two bottles of cola getting used to the life of the wealthy can't we take it
slow on Monday LV fan appeared on the 36th floor of the Excellence building right on time although in less than half a month he would become a solid billionaire but in a responsible manner he still had to continue going to work however from the moment he entered the elevator he clearly felt the strange looks around him he had been at this excellent company for 5 years never before had he attracted so much attention like today it's really annoying the general manager holds the morning meeting as
usual on Monday as soon as I stepped into the meeting room I felt all the bloodthirsty eyes cast upon me but these people still remained composed at the end of the morning meeting general manager hiin suddenly cleared his throat and raised his voice I heard that a certain manager engaged in fraudulent activities with colleagues in private I hope everyone present can separate personally Al Matters from work matters don't let personal matters have a negative impact on work or company management a
fter speaking he gave LV fan a meaningful look you Heen almost directly named me LV fan as bankrupt just as I returned to my office someone knocked on the door and came in the person who came in was the CEO's secretary he said expressionlessly manager LV the CEO wants you to go to his office as soon as he pushed the door open and walked in he said without even looking up manager Lou I heard you've gone bankrupt and are borrowing money everywhere is it true I still don't understand I'm just a sma
ll department manager how could such a small matter attract the attention of the CEO and lead to dismissal after all the level between the two of us is too far apart if I had to say something special it's that the CEO and I we are alumni of Nang University from the same year the difference is after Jang Manu graduated she took over this company under the family group while I struggled to apply and enter his company I honestly told CEO Jun that I didn't go bankrupt but through this incident I saw
through some people what surprised me was the imperceptible relaxation that crossed his face then he unexpectedly said he wanted to ask me for help it turns out he wants to use this incident to completely eliminate the company's problems but I don't understand why he had to find me Leah Fang also seems to be our classmate right Jang Manu really wanted to say I didn't know Lea Fang in college either but to be honest Lea Fang didn't go bankrupt and borrow money from people everywhere well I reall
y have nothing to say about this reason then he brought up my bankruptcy he said he could lend me 100,000 first and he knew that no one else was willing to lend me money suddenly I had a feeling I took you as the boss could it be that you are investigating me he revealed that manua who is she will be the heis of the conglomerate and will inherit the position of the head of a trillion doll conglomerate in the future her abilities and appearance are both top-notch and before this I was just a hard
working employee with a little reward there is an insurmountable class barrier between us besides we have known each other for a full nine years and left the president's office with suspicion after coming out I found countless pairs of eyes looking at me this reminds me of what John manua said just now the incident of Lon borrowing money has caused quite a stir within the company it seems to be true as soon as I returned to my office turned on the computer I received a message from the company o
n WeChat it contained the latest Personnel announcement l F the manager of the marketing department is on leave without pay pending investigation this woman acts really fast she must have prepared this in advance just as I Was preparing to leave someone suddenly burst in from outside the door ly Yun from the purchasing department didn't even knock sat on the chair without a word probably here to find out the truth I took this opportunity to play along with the president so I indignantly told him
that I really didn't go bankrupt who on Earth reported my borrowing to the inspection department and even made president Jang aware of it this round of accusations made Lin yun's face turn green however he still pretended to be surprised how could this happen I can assure you I Lin Yeun did not complain about you it's a Pity not to pursue acting with such acting skills then he suggested dinner in the evening but I politely declined ly Yan had a regretful look on his face but as soon as he left
he took out his phone and sent a message when I was almost done tidying up another person came to my office luu had a guilty expression on his face explain to me about buying the LV bag I didn't expect that he was still lying to me I don't plan to expose him either finally under the watchful eyes of countless people I left the company and as soon as I walked out of the company's door I felt an urgent need to use the restroom just as I was about to open the door to the stairwell I heard a familia
r voice Shin Shang and Luan are finished not only did they go bankrupt but they were also fired by the company I'm different this time I did a favor for directory I'll definitely be promoted to director next year now you can consider me this voice is clearly Leah Fang what's the use of you liking me I still like Dad mayun is he going to give me an opportunity don't bother me during work hours the voice of my ex-girlfriend shining followed I was stunned Shin Chen could actually say such materiali
stic things I suddenly felt sad for myself leaving without saying a word is impossible I kicked the door open they looked at me in shock oh what a coincidence I didn't hear anything ah foam so you've always liked my ex-girlfriend I should have just given her to you earlier it's not worth it to make us not even friends leang looked as embarrassed as if he had eaten then he cursed to himself stop pretending to be something you're not don't think I don't know you haven't even touched it damn it can
't be caught like this wasn't it because I didn't touch it it's just that I don't want to dirty myself you can try if you like but before Lea Fang could even feel disgusted Shin Shing next to me couldn't help but get furious pointing at my nose he scolded you didn't tell me you were bankrupt damn it what's wrong with breaking up with you do I have to follow you to pay off your debts are you only happy when people look down on you for following you he was almost hysterical who have you been drink
ing with every night recently you can't have forgotten it's only been a few days since you called someone else dad for a heartwarming story right you did it and still won't let others talk about it my words were like a bolt from the blue shattering his final disguise I could still hear him muttering after I left after returning to the rental house I thought that I was about to become a multi-millionaire I need to expand my horizons a bit I was going to open my phone and contact My Future Self bu
t then I suddenly received a call from my mom who then asked me about bankruptcy and being fired and what's the situation with breaking up with your girlfriend I was stunned for a long time this news spread too quickly and he even told me that my relatives and friends all know but he doesn't believe that I would do such an unreliable thing I smiled she really lives up to being my mom sold the house and the car it's true that I broke up with my girlfriend and it's also true about my hand but bein
g fired by the company is not true and as for bankruptcy that's just nonsense I recounted everything that happened these days in detail the old lady was shocked to hear it it's true that you never really know someone's heart son don't take it too much to heart receiving comfort from my mom made me feel warm realizing it's been a while since I've been home I asked my mom to prepare braced pork so I can still make it for dinner if I leave now be careful on the way said the old lady before hanging
up the phone I got on the bus and finally arrived home after a 2-hour Journey as soon as LV fan entered the house he saw that there were guests at home it was my uncle Lu Jing leang and Aunt Lun our two families had a falling out in the early years due to a family separation it was very unpleasant I didn't think much about it I put down my things and walked over to greet them with a smile how's work been recently LV fan how come you have time to come back Lu jingliang greeted obviously it's a bi
t puzzling to bring a suitcase home at a time like this well something happened so I came back home to take a break for a while from the look in the eyes of the couple I can tell they probably heard about their own affairs from their parents you should be honest with Uncle you really haven't gone bankrupt have you you've been mischievous since you were a child don't lie to your parents about this kind of thing tell Uncle what you really invested in Lin's sound like he's caring about me on the su
rface but our whole family can tell they're definitely here to see the joke I just casually brushed it off just dabble in stocks and Futures haven't gone bankrupt when they heard the word stocks it struck a cord with them because of stocks like green City recently they've also been affected it seems that Lon really went bankrupt and he's been hiding it from his parents Lon you need to be down to Earth but don't ever count on getting rich overnight if that kid Lou dares to sell his car sell his h
ouse and play the stock market see if I won't hit him and break his legs L jingang immediately took on an elder tone and leoen continued you really should learn this from luhu although luhu isn't very promising he didn't even graduate from college but you know that kid is resourceful one step at a time now he's also a small business owner with hundreds of employees the steady I furrowed my brows in annoyance but I couldn't be bothered to explain to them I just wanted to finish my meal quickly le
t these two weirdos leave however Luen became even more enthusiastic this woman towards her own son L since childhood he has been resentful that he couldn't compare to my cousin who was 2 years older than him in the face of such a great opportunity he couldn't resist mocking him thoroughly from the beginning it turned from sourness to showing off asking me to work for his son when I left the old lady couldn't help but say often you two are always so busy if you don't have time then don't come ov
er unannounced can't we video chat now now it's not like we'll never see each other again I almost burst out laughing the old lady's status is still high time passed in the blink of an eye and it had been exactly 10 days since I bought the crude oil Futures exactly 10 days had passed the most I've done every day since coming home is holding my phone and watching the price trends recently no one from the company has contacted me the people I usually chat with either blocked me or I blocked them l
ater I accidentally saw the CEO's profile picture hesitated for a while and then sent a message is President John's plan going smoothly unexpectedly he replied within seconds you declared bankruptcy very timely and your acting skills are also top-notch those people running a mut gave me the chance to catch them red-handed and you deserve credit for it I'm speechless I'm not bankrupt okay I actually wanted to resign on this occasion after all I made quite a bit of money but then he unexpectedly s
aid he would raise my salary to a million Yuan annually which left me in shock in in the past I would have agreed immediately but now I don't care I maintained a serious tone on the surface and said it's not about the money then it's still a matter of emotions Lan you are a talented person why worry about the future anyway if you want to resign I won't stop you I feel a bit uncomfortable if we don't clarify things this woman seems to be holding on to her heartbreak so I'll tell her about the tic
ket issue in detail then you learn at least 2 billion from this but how could he figure out the principle of my investment I feel a bit scared upon careful consideration could he have investigated me I couldn't help but ask him isn't it because I'm afraid that your bankruptcy would affect the company is there a problem with knowing more about it Jan Manu replied it would be strange if there were no issues if a manager were to go bankrupt borrowing money within the company affs work in management
why not just fire them directly I furrowed my brow and jokingly said he he those who don't know it yet do you think Jang has a thing for me after after sending it out I started to regret it a bit I was just joking but what I didn't expect was his reply even if I'm interested in you it's nothing special you don't have a girlfriend now and I don't have a boyfriend either I was completely shocked again could he be trying to check me out my mom found out too I used work as an excuse but my mom ques
tioned you a manager chatting with the female CEO late at night about work I was suddenly asked and didn't know how to respond not answering is as as agreeing son I remember your company it seems to be under the Jung group and the Jung group seems to have only one daughter could it be that your CEO is the old lady it's unbelievable it's just a few words I still couldn't speak the truth the more I said the more the old lady imagined the old lady got the answer she wanted from my eyes and then she
looked surprised although the old lady felt proud she also understood the significance of matching social status I took this opportunity to give my parents a heads up in advance so they won't ask where the money came from later after the old lady left I immediately opened my phone and looked at the last message did I abandon you as my boss my mom suddenly interrupted the chat I haven't replied for so long there shouldn't be any misunderstanding right mister jong's matters about my future with t
he company I will talk to you about it in person when I get back I didn't expect an instant reply again is he staring at his phone waiting for my response meanwhile on the other side JN manua puts down his phone a barely noticeable smile Crossing his lips in the blink of an eye another 5 days have passed the international crude oil prices have finally stopped skyrocketing after talking to my future self I decisively sold it all after that when he hung up he even said he wanted to accompany his w
ife I couldn't help but ask him who it was when he got married so quickly but after several minutes there was no response at all forget it I already know maybe it's not good to ask after clearing the warehouse I find finally received $57 65 million wow I actually made over 300 million the initial capital of over6 million was earned in just over half a month I couldn't help but sigh heavily having obtained future information making money is surprisingly easy it's time to go back to the southern c
ity the first thing is to cancel the rental house just the thought of living with Shen Shing in there for almost half a year makes me uncomfortable I feel terrible all over but the first thing to do is to buy a car later I told Jang manua about going back and he invited me to a high-end restaurant where the average spending is in the thousands to chat for me it's very extravagant but now I'm not holding back either seeing how readily I agreed she curiously asked if I had struck oil I was stunned
how can this woman be so smart yes just now that night wouldn't it be better if the guys paid for this meal after all you are a billionaire John don't be silly when has an employee ever treated the boss you are are so petty no wonder Shen Chang wants to break up with you do I owe you money always looking for an opportunity to stab me in the back I've decided to ignore him for now this JN Manu is becoming more and more outrageous there's not a trace of a female CEO about her I've seen it clearly
if she were my wife she would be controlled to death in the evening due to the bus being stuck in traffic I ended up being 10 minutes late when I could have arrived early at this time Jang manua had already reserved the private room and was waiting for me I was shocked by the luxurious Decor of the restaurant as soon as I entered filled with artistic taste I have to say you get what you pay for I was just about to open the door to the private room suddenly a familiar voice came from behind Lan
what are you doing here I turned around and it was Shin Chang and ly Yun but I'm not interested in them at all right now I'm here to eat what's it to you I turned my head and was about to push the door into the private room Lan how did you end up eating at such a high-end place you couldn't afford to dine here before let alone now where did you get the money girls are still attentive especially ones like shin Shing extremely sensitive to material things in money last time they parted they had al
ready spoken so decisively he still needs to ask Luan about the matter that may involve money he doesn't want to see Lans suddenly have money again not leaving stay and watch me eat they were just about to leave but the door of the adjacent private room was opened JN manu's stunning face showed a hint of confus usion in front of the three people upon seeing Jang manua Lin Yan's voice trembled with surprise this Lackey is naturally afraid of leaders and bosses Shin Chang unexpectedly calmed down
faster than Ling Yun smiling and greeting Jang manua Jang manues gay first swept past shining then shifted to Ling Yun from the distance between him and Shining as well as the subtle expressions of the two he instantly understood the situation before him lightly asked are you also here to eat from J Manu very ordinary words ly Yun sens a hint of inquiry he's just a purchasing department manager and can afford to eat in a place like this anyway it's best to leave quickly so the two of them left i
mmediately the oppression from this female CEO is too strong there's a strong sense of discomfort around her but after walking a few steps Shin xang noticed from the corner of his eye that Luan was still standing there unmoving why isn't this guy leaving could it be that this guy Lan is also here to eat a sudden inexplicable strong premonition surged up in Shin Chang's mind and she finally couldn't restrain her curiosity slowly turning her head then she saw Luan following behind xang manua walki
ng into the private room together what's going on one is the company boss the other is an employee on the brink of bankruptcy and dismissal what else could they be discussing besides work ly Yeun who turned around a second later also wore a shocked expression why would Luan this guy come to eat in a place like this with President Jung after sitting down in the private room Jang manua seemed somewhat playful she asked Luan how it felt to run into his ex-girlfriend who had just broken up with him
and come out to eat with a male colleague I don't mind it's just that I'm increasingly disappointed in the female president in front of me she's increasingly ruining her own reputation Jang manua briefly talked to lufan about the recent situation in the company mentioning that the audit Department's work is almost done she sincerely admires Jan manu's courage to completely eliminate the internal troublemakers at joou then tried to persuade me again but I refused what I didn't know was that he ha
d been silently watching me all along since the Freshman mixer in the first year after briefly dancing with Lan from a different department he started paying attention to this steady yet Dashing Young man who was also a Dashing Young Man at that time he thought he had left a good impression on Luan so after leaving his number he had been waiting for Lan to contact him however I never actively contacted him especially after graduation I realized even more the difference between him and Jang manua
it wasn't until half a year ago that I couldn't resist Shin Ching's passionate Pursuit and we officially started dating knowing this news Jang manua felt a little sad and regretful but when he investigated the character of shining he felt it wasn't worth it for me it wasn't until half a month ago that he learned about my bankruptcy and breakup in the end he decided to call me to the office alone and talk to me under the guys of work only then did he realize that this feeling was really good but
now Lan has become rich overnight and is going to leave me then her beautiful eyes welled up feeling disheartened it made my heart skip a beat unearthing memories that had been buried for 9 years it flashed inexplicably in his mind that was during the Freshman welcome dance the closest he had been to hand inhand with JN manua this feeling made me shiver it must be an illusion for sure so I told him that we can be business partners in the future because there will be plenty of investment opportu
nities there will definitely be many investment opportunities for him in the future Jang manu's eyes lit up you said this if you don't cooperate with me then we're not finished Jang Manu asked again how many billions are you worth now how do you plan to spend so much money I haven't decided yet but I should probably buy a car first it's really inconvenient without one I came here by bus today that's why I was late Jang manua mentioned another car not long ago he had just asked a friend to order
a Maserati the limited edition for the CEO's Centennial I don't have any special preference for cars as long as it's decent that's what I truthfully replied what do you think of Maserati I've ordered a white one suitable for both men and women to drive if you don't have any particular preferences I can sell you mine for the original price of four 8 million as Jung manua spoke he actually moved closer to me and opened his phone to show Lan the car with that enthusiasm one would think he was a car
salesman suddenly I caught a whiff of the faint fragrance from Jang manu's body and I felt a bit at a loss before I could even think it through he took the initiative and then asked me if I wanted to buy a house he also mentioned that the company recently developed a high-end property with less than 300 units available so it's not guaranteed you can buy one even if you want to I can tell you as a female CEO are not serious you're really trying to get close to me but to be honest all right I'll
go take a look when I have time let me know when you go I also want to buy a unit it's not a bad idea to have business partners as neighbors Jang manua platform hasn't arrived yet I haven't decided to buy but oh my I feel a bit overwhelmed is the high and cold female CEO really so easy to get along with in private just like a girl next door if anyone else in the company saw this they'd be shocked I really don't understand over half an hour later I returned to my rental house as soon as I opened
the door I was shocked and at that moment my expression was just like your second Emoji my ex-girlfriend Shin Chang was sitting on the sofa Lon you're really something you even even threw away all my stuff Shin Shing really likes to toy with my emotions like this but my reaction next made it hard for him to control his emotions do you plan to keep these for the new year give me the keys get out of here immediately Shin Shang started to act up not only did he not leave but he kept mocking me for
living off a female CEO I took a deep breath and left immediately in order to prevent him from catching up I took a taxi for over an hour and found a relatively distant Hotel I really don't know what sin I committed to encounter weirdo lection shine I took out my phone opened the international Futures account and transferred the funds in the trading Market it's already been deposited into my account without hesitation I clicked to exchange all 5765 million us into Dasha coins without any surpris
es I'll wake up tomorrow with assets over 100 million almost involuntarily I opened xang manua profile picture and said thank you to him then I immediately thought of shutting down and going to sleep but he replied said sending a message to his female boss so late what's your intention one sentence completely threw me off I promptly suggested treating him to dinner next time goodbye get some rest on the other hand John manua was a bit shocked when she saw the message this guy couldn't be a tough
unemotional man could he sending a message to someone in the middle of the night chatting for a bit then saying goodbye and to rest early rest my foot the next day I slept until after 10: in the morning opened my eyes saw a text message on my phone confirming the arrival of the money a total of 389,000 Yuan that jangu lent me if jangu doesn't lend me money I won't have any money to stay in a hotel a we take the money thank you for your timely help luon you really don't like money do you I don't
need it urgently so it's okay if you return it later if you need it he's actually still considering my feelings I really understand jangu a truly reliable friend I quickly let him take it then remembered he sells cars at the 4S store you still need a car to get around so I asked him for a location jeangu confirmed with me repeated after all he sells BMWs I quickly arrived at the 4S store he's now the store manager a bit better than being a department manager like me he couldn't wait to ask me w
hat's been going on lately I briefly mentioned the stock situation and he couldn't help but whiten his eyes he looked at me with a hint of disbelief Lon you must have struck at Rich this time then it's justifiable to buy a BMW I wonder how Lea Fang and luu would feel when they find out you've made a fortune what their thoughts would be and also Shin shins actually when they found out about me they seemed quite indignant on my behalf but now it might actually be a good thing I smiled bitterly the
se things are no longer my concern then he asked me what car model I wanted to buy I thought about it and decided to get the top of the line X7 for my old man the top of the line X7 this car is a pure import we don't have it in stock but we can get it from another place this afternoon is that okay jangu was slightly stunned even though he knew Luan had made a fortune the mention of a million level top-of-the-line luxury car still surprised him no problem and it won't take much time this is proba
bly the fastest sale jangu has had since becoming the store manager after a dozen minutes Jang clear wrote down all the costs and Loan Data on a piece of paper the total cost is one 68 million I directly made the down payment and then jangu had the bank credit Personnel stationed in the store come in to handle the loan Mr Lou hello your credit history is completely fine we just need you to provide bank statements for the past 6 months the loan officer is a young lady very professional and effici
ent okay no problem I'll open my own bank account and Export the transaction record out then I sent it to the little girl to print it out she didn't carefully read the document and went straight to the printer after all the review of the flow for the car loan is not strict people who can afford a nearly 2 million luxury car no flow will have any issues he was just following the procedure but when the little girl took the printed flow and saw the deposit on it she was a little stunned jeang Hui o
n the side was also a bit dumbfounded when he heard this number he had just made a bold calculation Lan made at tens of millions or even over a 100 million from this but he never expected to have nearly 400 million looking at their surprised Expressions I just smiled and said I was lucky jangu remembered when he resigned and used all his savings to start a business he was so conflicted and frightened while Luan had sold both his house and car he staked everything the risk was many times higher t
han he knew so the high return was simply unattainable this also made Jiang we more convinced that choosing alone to buy a car was just returning a favor to himself thanks Lan come to pick up the car around 5:00 p.m. the license plate will be ready in a few days and I'll have someone deliver it to you after completing all the formalities I left after taking all the personal items from the rental house I returned the keys to the landlord and also returned the two months deposit I'm sorry to tell
the landlord that there's still one key I haven't returned I suggest the landlord change the lock and I will cover the cost after returning to the hotel I comfortably lay on the bed and messaged my future self my dear future self I have received 380 million what's our next move Lan felt that his future self reaching out to him must be a plan message and quickly responded the most profitable real estate deal in nchang this year will happen in half a month half a month later there will be a large-
scale concentration of resources in Nanchang but the most profitable Dark Horse especially with only one plot must be secured after saying these few sentences the other party suddenly stopped this time guanming District will only release two plots in total if you can't even find this then you deserve not to have this Good Fortune all right that's all I have to say my wife and I are going to play golf later I find this information a bit annoying not directly telling me which plot it is it's just
unnecessary showing off your love again your wife is my wife however this message from the future still excites me greatly once we secure the plot the land price will increase fourfold at around 4:30 in the afternoon I return to the BMW 4S store by this time his X7 had all been taken care of lan can I take a picture and post it on my Social Circle every time we sell a car we will promote it like this jangu who has been waiting in the store is ready he led me to the brand new black a 7 I readily
agreed then I'll post it on my WeChat moments while janghu and I go to dinner two people left earlier than us and they arranged to have skewers and drinks together it was Lea Fang and luu when we were talking about my bankruptcy they happily had a drink indeed finding joy in someone else's pain is quite something Lan is really something he took advantage of my good relationship with him and was the first to ask me for money he even foolishly sent me records of him selling his car and house than
kfully I was sharp enough not to lend him any money I didn't lend him any money otherwise no matter how much I lent it would have been a lost cause Lou you should thank me for that if I hadn't warned you in advance with your inability to refuse people you would have been Driven Crazy by Luan Lea Fang felt great cursing at Luan and luu nodded in agreement the two of them clinked glasses again and finished their drinks ironically Lan even blocked me on WeChat Lea Fang disdainfully laughed as he sk
ewered a piece of beef heart did he block you I wonder if he blocked me too luu picked up his phone with a hint of surprise wanting to check but habitually clicked on the Red Dot of we chat moments he scrolled down wow jangu sold another BMW and and it's the top of the line X7 at least it must be over a million just from this sale he must have made at least 50 to 60,000 Lea Fang couldn't help but feel emotional because the BMW X7 is also a Stream Car the person buying the car Mr Lou could it be
Lan after zooming in on the picture and taking a closer look he stood up with an incredulous expression and exclaimed in disbelief Lan buying an X7 that's impossible Lan's incredibly familiar face with a bright smile on it impacting Le Aang's heart through the screen it's really Lan how is this possible didn't he go bankrupt how could he afford a million dooll luxury car even if he didn't go bankrupt he couldn't afford it it must be fake definitely fake luu obviously didn't believe it either but
then they both thought of something do you think Lan might not have gone bankrupt his selling of houses and cars is real but losing money in stocks is fake in fact he raised money to make other Investments and even made money Lea thing remembers when Lan asked him for money he did say he would invest the money in a project but it's also a fact that Lan made over 200,000 from stocks before going bankrupt Shen Shing saw it with her own eyes just as the two of them were about to call jangu and ver
ify it their phones both rang with a series of message notifications the group chat for outstanding workers suddenly became Lively can someone explain to me why the bankrupt L fan manager Lou can afford to buy a top-of-the-line X7 luxury car worth a million don't doubt the authentic it of this I saw it on Jang hui's moments from the former marketing department head and I verified it with him Luan paid for it tagging a post what happened to going bankrupt from stock trading come out and explain i
t to me a colleague from the HR department handed over several explosive photos specifically calling for Leah Fang to come out and explain because the rumor of Lan's bankruptcy started with Lea Fang originally this colleague from the HR department had a decent relationship with Lan and was planning to lend him money at that time it's because he believed Leah F's disclosure not only did he not lend money to Lan but he also blacklisted him everyone's blame is directed at Lea Fang which made him ex
plode with anger at first I was just kindly reminding these people where did I say a word about Luan going bankrupt you guys are just making it up and you're blaming it on me furthermore it wasn't my proposal to kick Lan out of the group it wasn't me either but it's also being counted against me seeing others by luxury cars they all put on this expression sure enough this world is full of malice towards him at this moment luu's Heart is also filled with mixed feelings but thinking back he didn't
confront Luan like Lea Fang did and didn't directly fall out with Luan moreover shanan is like a money devouring Beast he doesn't want to waste all his previous efforts after stealing a glance at Lea Fang Leu found luan's chat box he sent a message to him are you there just the next moment his expression became somewhat stiff there was an exclamation Mark at the beginning of the message and Lan also blocked him he either had to delete the friend directly after hesitating for a few seconds he di
dn't want to give up and clicked on at friend at this moment my former good buddy and ex-girlfriend are eating together but my extremely materialistic ex-girlfriend didn't regret it she was convinced that I was a meal ticket ly Yeun was also shocked and speechless by this explosive news Lan's true colors are really hard to see it's a disgrace to us men spending a woman's money showing off outside really something after cursing a couple of times he suddenly realized a serious problem Lan is actua
lly living off the company boss wouldn't he be fired absolutely can't let this happen his expression involuntarily darkened and this is exactly shining's purpose he knew Lin Yun would definitely go find Luan so half an hour later rumors about the company boss taking care of Manu for Luan quietly spread within the zoyu company this explosive piece of Gossip spread rapidly throughout the night and everyone knew about it but it's still unclear where it spread from moving to time a little earlier th
e dishes that janghu and I ordered had just arrived the phone's notification tone rang and I opened my phone to take a look it turned out to be a friend request sent by luu probably knowing about me buying a car and shamelessly adding me as a friend jangu was quite speechless about this in my memory luu should be a very stylish person even getting nervous when speaking big words and easily blushes especially in front of girls how did he become so quick to lie in thick skin to this extent now whe
n it was almost over jangu said I was his customer so he insisted on paying the bill first I didn't argue over anything either during this time I went to the restroom to wash my hands when I came out I was surprised I saw the female president again and she was indeed a bit surprised to see me and even reminded me to come to work on time tomorrow speaking of which Jang Manu was also Jang hui's former boss so jangu must know Jang Manu Jang man and may not necessarily remember jangu even so I subco
nsciously didn't want the two of them to meet you bought another car you don't seem to want my car Duan you were so Too Faced Jang Manu I caught onto the so-called point I suddenly felt a headache this female CEO is acting up again I can only deceive her and the car hasn't arrived I'm just buying it for my dad then he asked me to wait for him in the parking lot implying that I had been drinking but it was out of concern for the employees I need to be sent I'm really drunk I can only meet up with
jangu first and then he took a taxi and left at this time Jang manua had already arrived downstairs and sent me directly back to the hotel when are we going to see the house we can't keep living in a hotel I happened to need to go to the sales center after the meeting tomorrow morning I'll take you with me do you doubt my availability I'm your employee I don't have to go to work I can just lie down and pretend to sleep don't pretend to sleep I'm not sure about your alcohol tolerance Jang Manu u
sed her usual CEO tone said condescendingly all right I'll finish the resignation procedures tomorrow I'll go see the house with you I won't pretend to sleep either I might as well be frank started chatting aimlessly with Jang manua the girl didn't feel embarrassed at all I'm not embarrassed at all later I brought up the matter of the centralized construction site and their group was also very interested but still lacked some funds I immediately felt a sense of excitement how could I not have th
ought that joyu would also participate in this land auction according to Way's disclosure that plot of land in Guang Ming District I must definitely acquire it but in the short term I also couldn't obtain the corresponding qualifications so I weakly asked what about director Jang I also want to acquire a piece of land for investment and development do you think we have room for cooperation Jang Manu turned in Surprise looked back at me but I also fully understand Jang manu's lack of confidence i
n the idea a he enlightened me on some industry knowledge but still agreed under my insistence I drove away I'll come to pick you up tomorrow morning Jong manua said to me as a matter of course I feel like I've been played but there was nothing I could do and as I watched lon's retreating figure enter the hotel Jung manu's pretty face blushed hoping for a fool to take the initiative is impossible in this lifetime luckily I let go of my so-called Reserve but in the evening he received a surprisin
g message Lon from the marketing Department was taken under the president's Wing director Jang even bought lfon a BMW X7 the top-of-the-line million dooll luxury car all in a well thought out manner quite convincing naturally he was quite angry rumors about his company were spreading to his ears after much consideration he decided to ignore the rumors with these rumors wouldn't it give him more opportunities to get in touch with Lan early the next morning JN manua arrived at the entrance of the
Marriott Hotel on time I thoughtfully bought him breakfast after driving for almost an hour we finally arrived at the underground parking lot of the company while waiting for the elevator suddenly someone appeared beside me mister Jong glanced at me and walked past morning Jang manua responded in his usual Al Manor as for ly Yan appearing so coincidentally here I already had a guess in my heart my car was parked in his designated Spot while ly Yan as an ordinary employee did not have an assigned
parking space the area where he parked should have taken him to the company through a different elevator running into him and L fan here was undoubtedly not a coincidence Lin Yun didn't greet me and I couldn't be bothered to acknowledge Him but it was clear that Wu Fun's gaze towards us was somewhat strange could this guy be thinking of something Shady after we left he took out his phone and sent a few photos to someone I really caught them the two of them got out of that BMW X7 and Lan's car h
as already taken the elevator as soon as I arrived at the office I received countless surprised looks I was under the Gaze of countless people after arriving at my manager's office I sat down and turned on the computer then I sent out a resignation letter then I just waited idly until it was time to attend the data meeting this is John manu's request otherwise I wouldn't want to attend during this time people passed by my office one after another sneaking curious glances at me just when my mind
was full of confusion a WeChat public account message alert sounded it was finally about the announcement of the con concentrated construction site for the third quarter of Nanchang with an excited heart I began to study it carefully and I was still studying it until the meeting started the meeting room was already full of people who were attending the year-end data meeting all of them were at the manager level or above both Shin Chang and luu are supervisors and not qualified to attend as for l
in Yan and Le Fang they were naturally present with the air of Victors about them on the platform John manua announced the start of the meeting first it was Eon himself s who attributed all the credit for the outstanding performance in the first half of the year to himself however anyone knows that the success of this property is mainly due to the wealth and power of the Jang group being able to acquire that piece of land next was Jang Manu herself ensuring the smooth progress of each developmen
t stage he and Cohen are just routine executiv I listen carefully for about 10 minutes about the process and data analysis of real estate development because these things are very useful to me I need to learn this time n Chang released a total of 13 land Parcels among which the most attention grabbing is a residential land parcel in the central fuan district there are also two residential land Parcels in nanon District Prime locations and well equipped facilities excellent School District Gather
ing all the best of course the price is also exorbitant the starting price is all at 1 billion it's not something I can participate in right now I've shifted my focus to two land Parcels in the guangning district one of them is my target the land parcel is not big starting price is 300 million deposit of 60 million since this land parcel is relatively Niche the land price is not high I estimate the final transaction price to be around 350 million I have more than 380 million on hand so it's no s
urprise that I can secure it following several departments presenting their figures it was the turn of the marketing department I'm in I presented the numerical PP I had prepared long ago and after finishing the presentation something unexpected happened as expected Ed hean first challenged me manager Lou there seems to be a problem with the data in your department it's not the latest right the cost data from the marketing department it doesn't match with our procurement departments as one of he
on's lackes Ling Yun immediately spoke up the Revenue data doesn't match with our finance departments either Leah Fang also stood up without hesitation and both of them presented evidence as the general manager hean launched an attack on me in the meeting room everyone else also echoed his sentiments nodding and weighing the situation this was all planned in advance he was determined to ensure that his nephew became the manager of the marketing department the reason he had the confidence to cont
radict Jang manua was because of his position as the general manager it's because of his position as the general manager he was also appointed by the Jong group moreover heon's background is that he is the second largest shareholder of the Jung group I was completely stunned his data had been crosschecked with various departments so it was definitely a setup to trap me but what really concerns me is whether the infighting within joyu company has become so serious no wonder Jang manua has made up
her mind to cut off the company's cancer there's nothing wrong with my report he CO's moral Integrity doesn't match his position if his capabilities don't allow it he shouldn't force it it will harm others after saying this he sat back down as if nothing had happened because it was John manu's turn to perform next John Manu took out a document since everyone was just discussing manager Lou's case then I will first announce the investigation results regarding manager Lou first I announced that t
here are no issues with the investigation into me and because of personal development reasons he also approved my resignation then I announced the investigation results of the inspection department marketing department head luu acted independently causing damage to the company's interests and has been dismissed customer service department headed shining has been repeatedly complained about by customers for her bad attitude and has been dismissed Financial Manager Lea Fang's business ability is n
ot up to standard and he has repeatedly sent false accounts dismissed purchasing manager ly Yun has repeatedly taken Kickbacks harming the company's interests fired a total of more than a dozen people were dismissed in succession and nearly half of those above the supervisory level were disciplined the whole conference room was dumbfounded no one had expected such a result looking at the investigation file ly Yun and the others couldn't help shivering and looked at Ean with a desolate expression
hion was also shocked at this moment Jean manua must have come prepared Jang Manu took out the last piece of paper general manager hion announced without hesitation that his ability was inadequate resigned from the position of general manager and the company will make further arrangements the whole room fell silent even hiin was removed from his position who else dares to make a move the meeting is over John Manu suddenly stood up and left the conference room he Coen left the conference room wi
th a lifeless face still ignoring Lynn ye fun em Le fangs I continued back to my manager's office focusing all my energy on land auctions more than an hour later I went to John manu's office asked with concern everything okay why make such a big fuss if something happens to you I won't have many people to rely on Jang Manu however had a smiling face looking as if she had no worries at all but I remember that general manager Heen is from the group based on what I know about him he won't give up e
asily Jan manua boldly invited him over and then began to talk about the land auction and now I am officially proposing a collaboration to him I want to cooperate with Jo to develop a piece of land all the profits from it to be distributed according to the proportion of the total development cost that each party occupies if there's a loss I will bear it alone Johan Manu was stunned for a moment obviously she didn't expect me to propose such conditions then she asked me which piece of land I want
ed to bid on I want to bid on the h005 land in guangning District but at this time guangming district is a deserted suburb for Nanchang she really couldn't understand why I was so optimistic about guangning District I blurted out my own speculation by grasping future information wanging district will be listed as a national level science city which is also foreseeable moreover shortly after the land auction ends after hearing my prediction John manua fell silent began to look at me with new eyes
and couldn't help but fall into contemplation if he follows my advice it will definitely require at least 10 billion in funding in this case there is no guarantee of winning to acquire the land in the Central futin District that piece of land full moon also has another reason that must be acquired which is that it is connected to the excellent era project currently being developed by joou he can on the land planning a medium-sized high-end shopping center this kind of strategy anyway the land a
uction is in half a month there is still time let me think about it carefully again I will give you an answer tomorrow I agree to that wholeheartedly whether or not we cooperate with z h i will still secure that piece of land after reaching a consensus I got up and prepared to leave but he suddenly stopped me we will visit together in the afternoon do you want to have lunch together at noon can't make it for lunch I'm about to resign at noon I made an appointment with two colleagues from the mar
keting department to have a farewell meal I answered truthfully coming out of Jang manu's office it attracted countless pairs of ice filled with secret speculation after all the morning meeting had already caused a stir within the company I originally thought it was a normal reaction until lunch with two colleagues when I found out that the whole company was spreading rumors that I was being kept by the CEO it made me spit out the food I had just eaten in order to make me believe them they even
showed me the photo of Jang manua and me getting out of the BMW together show me that photo I immediately thought of Ling Yun it was most likely taken by Ling Yun soon I thought of another person Shin Shing the reason why Ling Yun who was a boot licker would do this I also thought of another issue Jang manua has a lot of informance within the company she must have known about the rumor of being kept by someone yet she acts as if nothing happened she even arranged to see a house with me later thi
s woman is out of her mind thinking about this I couldn't even eat I went straight to her office to question her now the whole comp knows that I Lan am associated with you Jang manua you don't know what are you thinking do you really want to be kept if you do just say it don't beat around the bush Jang manues suddenly froze this isn't true it's just rumors why do you care what others say besides I'm a girl and I'm still the boss of the company I'm not afraid of rumors what are you afraid of you
haven't suffered any losses J Manu said indifferently this female CEO is really unreasonable but for a moment I didn't know how to refute her in the end I could only say how can I find a girlfriend like this I didn't expect him to refute me without any politeness why are you telling me this it's not like I started the rumor if you really can't find a girlfriend I can just be your girlfriend hearing this I felt my whole brain go blank the Fox's tail finally showed I said Jang manua do you like me
I do like you looking at him with a calm expression I feel a bit disoriented it's not a good feeling to be anti- Jang uan schwang Jang don't tease what do you like about me you've asked like this I have to give you some face thank you okay J Manu raised her eyebrows you've helped me so much satisfying your vanity it's just a small effort I directly admit defeat it's the agreed time he took me to see a house with him before the car even stopped the salesperson warmly approached originally though
t it was just an ordinary house viewing customer but unexpectedly it was the company's beautiful female president many employees greeted Jan manua one after another I don't care about them either anyway I'm not living off others Jan Manu still had that aloof expression not a hint of anomaly this woman has a big heart then she chose a 388 squ met large flat I calculated the price this must be over 40 million the down payment also needs to be over 10 million if it's just this extra 10 million it w
ould be a Pity if that plot of land is insecured I expressed my concern without hesitation it's okay if you don't have enough money at that time I'll lend it to you I'll definitely help you buy it smoothly John manua said readily I'm not being pretentious but these words were heard by the salesperson it's a completely different meaning what's going on but still wearing a professional smile leading us to see the house coming out of the model room I noticed that the door next to it was closed it's
also the 388 M layout and the layout of the two houses is exactly the same How Could my house possibly be connected to yours isn't that abnormal John manua faced my silent questioning and explained with a disdainful look I didn't say a damn thing what the hell are you thinking and hang xating after hearing Jang manu's forced self-justification was completely flustered they are planning to buy two sets on the same floor and even connect them I didn't hear anything either Wang shouting seriously
suspects that after this reception she might be fired by the company that being said she obediently took us back to the sales Center selected the floor paid the deposit and signed the subscription agreement since the project has not yet opened the price is not determined it's also impossible to pay the down payment signing the sales contract all processes are specially approved so when Jang Manu and I left the sales Center this news spread like wildfire within the zoy company the president bough
t a 388 squ meter house in zoy times for lvan today valued at 40 million he's definitely a winner in life what do you say to that I have no power to argue anymore who let me get on Jang manu's treacherous boat thinking about having to rely on Jang Manu to buy land in the future I can only endure it on the way back to the excellent company Jang manua openly took out her phone and sent a message to the general manager of excellent real estate gu Yan xang she sent a message requesting to keep the h
ouse next to Luan unsold when Luan and Jang manua appeared together at the company again everyone looked up for a moment slightly surprised and then buried themselves in their own work although the seat CEO's high-profile presence caused her aloof image to waver slightly it was also a bit unsettling but it's better to get used to it while spectating is cool obviously the rice bowl is more important this is a principle that every office worker understands moreover the CEO's decisive and Resolute
image had reached its peak through the continuous fermentation of the morning meeting who dares to complain now after entering the company with face recognition John manua smiled at Luan and returned to her office she summoned gu Yen xang and other highlevel Executives to start a closed door meeting to discuss land acquisition strategies and matters related to cooperating with Lan as for Luan when the time came to 4:00 in the afternoon it was just right for him to go through the resignation proc
edures he returned to his office again after handing over his work to the deputy manager of the marketing department holding a stack of documents he walked towards the HR Department unexpectedly as soon as he reached the door of the HR department's office he heard a commotion why does the company have the right to fire me just like that why does everyone else receive in plus one compensation but not me I refuse to accept this I'm going to the Labor Bureau to sue you all it was Lea Fang's voice p
resident Jang made it very clear in the meeting if you want to sue go ahead Lee eang I advise you to think twice you falsified accounts the evidence is solid the company didn't make you compensate for the losses that's already going above and beyond whether you want to sign the resignation certificate or not leave quickly if you keep complaining I'll call security to kick you out the HR manager didn't indulge him either and angrily retorted you you Lea Fang was left speechless losing a well-payi
ng job at Excellence was undoubted ly hard for him to accept he had been hoping to be promoted to director next year which would give him the capital to pursue sh Chang but now Not only was there no hope for a promotion or a raise he had also lost his job he had been at Excellence for 5 years starting as a small cashier and working his way up to the finance department manager among his peers he was considered to be doing quite well he knew he had done something wrong and deserved to be fired but
not receiving any compensation was something he couldn't tolerate No Matter What at this moment his face turned red and his neck thickened as he glared at the HR manager he wanted to cause a scene and make a big fuss but as soon as he heard that security was coming to kick him out he became a bit cowardly and luu who was next to him had completely lost his Spirit when they came in they were encouraged by Leia Fang to stand together against the company however he was just a bootlicker and couldn
't stand up for himself self then he silently signed the resignation certificate staying here would only bring him shame luu at this moment was also filled with regret Luan who was originally destined to be fired had suddenly turned the tables and started enjoying a high position as for those who made the decision to go against Lan they couldn't even afford a meal now in this world people laugh at the poor but not at the prostitutes they used to look down on LAN but in the eyes of others they co
uld only complain and add to their own Misery after signing the document luu pulled on Lea Fang's sleeve in his eyes there was endless unwillingness and helplessness this scene happened to be seen by Lan who had just pushed the door open the gazes of the two intertwined with luan's gaze but Luan quickly averted his eyes treating them as if they were air and walked straight to the HR manager manager Lou come to handle your resignation come come there's no problem with handing over the documents j
ust sign here the HR manager who had a gloomy face just now was instantly replaced by a bright smile this obvious differential treatment like a sharp knife stabbed Lea Fang and L use Hearts both left Excellence both lost their jobs why does it hurt so much louan smiled and handed the documents to the HR manager the HR manager only glanced briefly and nodded he took off the resignation certificate and had Luan sign it after Lan signed smoothly he left the office without looking back at these two
former friends not only did he not have these two people in his eyes now but they had completely disappeared from his entire world fan fan go Luan deliberately quickened his Pace but he was still caught up by luu this guy's face is thicker than a city wall indeed learn from Lea Fang have some dignity isn't it better to leave without saying a word is there something Lan turned around indifferent at this moment he was actually somewhat relieved that in the eyes of others he was a freeloader if thi
s dog plaster knew his net worth of several billion it wouldn't be so easy to get rid of him and nothing special fan good did you change your number I sent you a WeChat message but it didn't go through Lou you knowingly asked I didn't change it I just blocked you if someone calls me to harass me from time to time then I will definitely consider changing my number Lan said firmly however Leah still wanted to salvage the situation oh I won't bother you no need to change that's good Lan said with a
smile then turned and walked away resolutely even if luu's face was thicker he couldn't muster the courage to chase after him again this is even more hurtful than the attitude of his future girlfriend Shan Shan who keeps people at a distance of a Thousand Miles forget it why bother there's nothing to envy about being kept by someone as a man what's the difference between that and being castrated let's each go our own way luu consoled himself like this Lan did not encounter ly Eun and shin Shing
in the HR department as expected because these two people obviously have a higher position and they still have a future to look forward to at this time in a cafe Heen Lin Yan and shin Chang and he coen's nephew who was originally planned to take over as the market department manager the four of them gathered together with gloomy faces General he what should we do John manua has no scr and wants to force you out you are Mr ga's person is there no way ly Yun anxiously asked for help he needs the
position of the purchasing department manager at Excellence more than Le Fang and luu shin Shing his girlfriend is like a bottomless pit she has already emptied most of his savings without income he will lose her in minutes what's more important is that he doesn't want all the previous Investments to go down the rain he has been playing golf for so long and still hasn't sunk a ball it's not worth it Shaolin do you not trust me hean asked displeased he was also angry about Jang manu's move to cut
the gordian knot but it involves the internal struggle of the Jung family group and the shareholders it's not something he can control he is in a hurry now he has been a Lackey for GA maian the second largest shareholder of the group for so long how can he be kicked out just like that no no of course I trust you General he I have always stood firmly by your side ly Yeun shook his head vigorously he didn't want to lose the last straw that could save him Shaolin listen carefully this matter is st
ill uncertain did you not see what Johan Manu said at the meeting did she imply that she had other arrangements for me how dare she easily kick me out with the control I have over some crucial business operations as long as I make a move it will be enough to give her a hard time besides you can also say that I am under director gaw can director GA approve of John manu's Reckless use of the company's funds don't worry as long as I have a meal to eat I will never let you go hungry you just relax a
nd continue to keep an eye on Lan just J Manu is just a little girl still inexperienced he is so high-profile prioritizing his personal preferences over the company's interests even if her father Jang haton is the chairman of the group he can't protect her just wait and see it won't be long with the concentrated land Supply in nchang this time zoua will use the group's funds again as long as this fails Jang manua will have to bow down he Coen said fiercely he has no other choice now but to hold
on to the threat of Luan he had previously brought up the matter of Jang Manu and Luan to the group who could have expected that it not only had no effect but Jung manua became even more audacious she seemed afraid that others wouldn't know that she was keeping an employee under her Wing she made it well known what's even more outrageous is that she actually took Luan to buy a house in her own real estate development how dare she does she really think she can do whatever she wants and that JN ha
tang will cover for her no matter what mess she creates she's really naive okay I will follow your instructions Mr he with the situation reaching this point Lin Yun couldn't do anything else his expression was like he had eaten as he glanced at the expressionless shining beside him the reason shining hadn't broken up with him yet was probably because she still held a glimmer of hope however what Lin y never expected was that although Shin Chang appeared calm her heart was bleeding Lan Lan Jan Ma
nu Jan Manu I won't let you this pair of dogs off easily you Shameless couple not only did you show off your Affair but you even got me fired I will definitely not let you off after cursing for a while Shin Chang unintentionally found inspiration from the conversation between hik and Ling Yun director GA director GA of the Jang group she didn't know about this person before after all she was just a customer service supervisor at chuou she was in the middle and lower levels of the company let alo
ne a director of the parent company she thought of a great idea instead of struggling at the bottom with no hope of advancement why not strike at the top as long as she climbed up to that director G she would have the capital to look down on Luan even Jang manua could be looked down upon Mr he you've been troubled I agree with Y fun there's no need for me Shin Shing to hesitate as for Lan he is my ex-boyfriend no one knows his situation better than me we just broke up not long ago I'm sure you n
ow understand why Lan and I broke up I really misjudged him I was heartbroken for a while but now I understand this scum doesn't deserve my sadness saying this a tear welled up in Shin Shin's eyes a pitiful sight hi Coen couldn't help but feel sorry for her is that so that's great I originally thought that you would side with Lan because of your past relationship it seems I was thinking too much a small time jiggalo like Lan won't have a good ending don't be sad for people like that he Coen comf
orted Shin Chang with a smile Lin Yan who was standing next to them felt nauseous at the sight of that smile ly Yan felt like he had just taken a bite of concentrated feces wanting to vomit but unable to however he would not give up on Shin Shang after discussing for a while the four of them dispersed without joy in the taxi on the way back with Lin Yun shining casually took out her phone and sent a message to eoan Mr he if there's anything you want to know about Lan from the group CEO you can t
ell me directly I won't hide it from you I know quite a few of Lan's bad Deeds after sending the message she waited for about 10 minutes all right shaan I will definitely trouble you thank you Shin shing's mouth revealed a barely noticeable sense of satisfaction upon seeing this message in the excellent office everything was packed up and it was almost time to leave work Lan was about to leave ding-dong unexpectedly JN manu's message came can you give me a ride home after work I don't have a car
Lan was really annoyed it was 5:15 15 minutes before the end of work Jang Manan must have timed it to find him fearing that he would slip away but he really couldn't ignore her after all she had had sent him back to the hotel last night although there was really no need for it if you slip away I will look down on you after waiting for only 2 minutes without replying to her message Jang manua sent another preventive message I'm waiting for you in the car Lan had no choice but to reply to the mes
sage and quickly leave if he didn't leave soon when Jang manua came out they would be seen going home together then he wouldn't be able to shake off the blame of being kept he waited in the car for about 10 minutes a graceful figure slowly walked towards Lan's BMW X7 Luan quickly glanced at her in the rearview mirror he knew it was Jang manua there was no way around it this crazy female CEO was tall standing at 1.7 m and wearing high heels this kind of outstanding height was Unforgettable couple
d with her iconic black long hair in the windless underground parking lot her distinct walking posture accompanied her flowing hair dancing elegantly in the air moreover her figure even if you only saw a blurry silhouette it was easy to distinguish below the waist it was all legs the well-proportioned figure above was even more impressive if she walked a little faster it would be a feast for the eyes just a few more glances and any man's mind would start to wander Luan opened the car window and
lit a cigarette before that figure approached he smelled a familiar fragrance it was Jang manua there was no escaping he didn't know where that unique scent came from it wasn't a perfume scent it was a bit like the refreshing scent of shampoo what brand of shampoo did she use it smelled so good let's go to tii Garden I've set the navigation for you Jang Manu opened the car door with a bang she sat naturally in the passenger seat and directed Luan without hesitation tii Garden was located by shan
gi Lake in nanchong a famous wealthy area in nanang it was a high-end residential area consisting of pure Villas developed and built by the Jang group it was Jang manu's home it was the largest Standalone Villa in the entire Community Jang Manu really lives in a place like this when the BMW X7 stopped in front of the spacious Garden Of The Villa Lan couldn't help but mutter to himself I'm here Jang Manu reached out and smoothed her hair she didn't mean to get off the car what do you want me to g
et off and open the door for you welcoming you home Lan saw Jang manua unmoving and couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment is it okay Jean Manu turned turned her head and smiled what do you mean okay I'm not your driver even if I were I wouldn't do that you really dare to say anything if there's such a service why doesn't a butler or someone come running out of the house louu fan was truly amazed ah these days has chivalry really disappeared Jang manua shook her head in annoyance she opened
the car door and got out just as she took a few steps she suddenly turned around she knocked on luan's car window and bent down she said to Luan come pick me up tomorrow my driver is still on vacation that depends on tonight the result of your discussion with your father if our win-win idea for cooperation in acquiring land is rejected then I have no need to go to Excellence anymore right general manager Jang Lan Shrugged finally he sees the the opportunity to turn the tables Lan why are you so
focused on self-interest even if we don't cooperate as your former boss what's wrong with inviting you to the company besides we're also alumni don't alumni have any sense of camaraderie Jang Manu pursed her lips she wasn't too surprised that Luan had already seen through what she wanted to discuss with her father but Lan was not entirely correct whether to cooperate or not she could decide on her own discussing with her father was just to hear his opinion not talking about self-interest with a
former boss are we talking about talking about camaraderie does that sound right all right I'm leaving Luan was almost tricked by Jang manua falling into her linguistic trap he quickly rolled up the car window and stepped on the gas pedal He Slipped Away watching the tail like light slowly disappear into the darkness Jang Manu raised an eyebrow and smiled even more happily on the luxurious leather sofa in the high ceiling living room of the Villa Jang manua was somewhat surprised to see her fath
er Jang hatang already sitting there waiting for her and her mother suyuin was there too there was no need to think they must have seen the situation when Lan drove her back just now dad why did you come back so early today I just wanted to ask are are you more concerned about my work or my personal situation Jan manua sat down opposite her parents somewhat suspiciously I care about both you've been so busy all day I don't have the energy to do anything else John haton shook his head helplessly
although there were complaints in his words there was more Indulgence hearing this Jang manues silently nodded it seemed that not only did her father know about the major change es in the company's Personnel but he also knew about the rumors between her and Luan all right JN Manu had picked up the cup on the coffee table and took a sip of tea her expression turned serious as she said dad hien this time I must kick him out of Excellence I've taken care of the resources he controls in the company
I just don't know if it will have any impact on your side no need to worry about that John hatang said confidently he's just an insignificant little person if I can't handle even this small matter then I as the chairman would be useless Jang manua nodded seems to be thinking then the beauty frowned slightly and said so what you're saying is the rumor about me keeping a toy boy would actually make it easier for people to use against me it's not that extreme is it she had considered this possibili
ty after weighing the option she still chose to do it she just didn't expect it to be exposed to the company so quickly it's hard to say for sure John hatam also stared at his daughter with some confusion he couldn't understand I just don't get it in the past Whenever there was any negative news about those young masters from prestigious families you would be furious and now you're actively causing such a commotion with a subordinate don't tell me you actually like him a father knows his daughte
r best John hatang had already thoroughly investigated everything about Lan fortunately Luan had worked at Excellence for 5 years so everything was well known even the fact that Luan and his daughter were College classmates Jang haton knew about it too he knew just how proud his daughter was he was well aware after much thought there was only one possibility but even if his daughter liked Luan there was no need to spread rumors everywhere he couldn't understand his mischievous daughter had alway
s been unpredictable now it was even more inexplicable whom at this moment suyuin who was beside them suddenly seemed to have figured something out she made a sound of understanding and then looked at Jung Manu in Surprise asking Manu mom was just speculating you know could it be that you're pursuing that Lan are you playing hard to get are you intentionally making a fuss just to bind yourself to him upon hearing this Jang Manu trembled suddenly then a fleeting blush appeared on her face Jan hat
ang and suuchi noticed this subtle change in expression seeing Jang manua stunned for a while without refuting or explaining anything the couple exchanged an incredulous glance oh my God the case is solved but why that Lan he's just an ordinary person from an ordinary family his abilities are average after 5 years he became the manager of the Excellence marketing department with an annual salary of 400 plus this achievement might be impressive in the eyes of ordinary people but who is their daug
hter Jang Manu she comes from a wealthy family and is the CEO of the company she has made Excellence thrive on her own no matter how you look at it they are not a match there are so many talented young men who eagerly seek their daughter's attention their daughter doesn't even spare them a glance and now she's actively pursuing an ordinary employee what does their daughter see in Lan could it be his looks they have seen Lan's photos the thought of this slight possibility made the couple feel bit
ter and helpless their daughter who is beautiful and elegant is she only concerned about looks how can this be justified if Jung Manu knew what her parents were imagining at this moment they would probably have to kneel since her mother had already revealed the truth Jang Manu couldn't evade the situation she awkwardly smiled and said since we've come this far let me discuss something with you for the upcoming land Supply in the southern city I plan to cooperate with Lan and acquire a piece of l
and together wait wait John haton who had always been calm and composed suddenly became confused before his daughter finished speaking he interrupted cooperate acquire land am I hearing this correctly daughter I'm only 50 years old today I'm not at the stage of having blurred vision let's not worry about whether or not Luan went bankrupt whether it's true or false with his and his family's financial status what qualifications does he have to participate in Land Development in such large scale co
mmercial commercial activities are you not only giving him money but also acting as a money tree although I have some understanding of Lan's family and character Jang hatang really has reason to doubt either his daughter has been Enchanted or Luan has been scheming from the beginning as parents they are quite open-minded when it comes to their daughter's love life character comes first ability comes second and family background is irrelevant of course it would be best if they were a good man the
Jung family doesn't need to sacrifice their only daughter's happiness for some arranged marriage but if someone has ulterior motives towards their daughter that is absolutely unacceptable Dad please let me finish speaking it's one thing if you look down on others but if you look down on your own daughter that's not right Johan manues scolded of course she also knew that too much concern could lead to chaos her father rarely showed such impatience I want to cooperate with Luan because he is not
bankrupt at all not only that he made nearly 400 million in just half a month with 6 million he has the qualifications to cooperate with me wait a minute John hatang couldn't help but interrupt again 6 million half a month made 400 million are you sure you're not joking with me can money be made so easily these words would leave anyone dumbfounded the Jung Group which they had worked hard on for decades was a big business they couldn't even say they could make 400 million in half a month because
sometimes doing business could also result in losses and now their daughter was saying that Lan a worker who used to earn 400,000 A year had made 400 million even if they were exaggerating they wouldn't dare to exaggerate this much Dad I know what you're thinking at first I didn't believe it either but it's all true I know exactly how he made 400 million J manua rolled her eyes helplessly however this was a normal reaction for a normal person if someone else told her such a thing without knowin
g the cause and effect she would have the same reaction all right I won't interrupt you anymore please continue I'm curious now how did he make 400 million in half a month JN haton sneered mockingly in his understanding any method that could make money so quickly would be considered illegal and his daughter said he made it not won it or gambled for it well Looking Back Now I still find it unbelievable dad do you know what kind of investment has an incredibly High return rate recently are you tal
king about the Black Swan events Jang Manu asked with a sigh whom it should be foreign exchange with interest rate hikes and in balance sheet reductions it has skyrocketed many times JN hatang thought for a moment and the next second he blurred it out his eyes whitening no it can't be that kid was trading foreign exchange yes he was trading the US dollar and the Japanese Yen before the big rise he sold his house and car and invested everything and he even used 400 times leverage that's how he ma
de his 400 million you could say he became Rich overnight I asked him why he took such a gamble he said it wasn't entirely a gamble but there were signs to follow he said Jang manua vividly described Lans various signs to follow of course these were all hindsight from Luan they sounded plausible with some credibility but they couldn't help but believe it after all the fact that he could contact his future self seemed even more unbelievable so that's how it is no wonder he could make 400 million
in just half a month I know some foreign exchange institutions that have made a fortune in this market Trend but there are also many short sellers who have been killed I didn't expect that kid Luan to be able to predict the market Trend so accurately although there is an element of gambling involved but with such courage and determination not everyone can do it how should I put it getting rich overnight should be left to people like him the J couple listened in astonishment they couldn't help bu
t feel emotional at the same time they also understood their daughter's thoughts their daughter Jang Manu has always admired strong individuals true strong individuals there is no doubt about it Lan's heroic Spirit of Daring to act alone has touched their daughter however such individuals are filled with too much uncertainty sometimes it is is extremely dangerous a slight mistake could lead to endless hell daughter even if Lan has made 400 million now there is still an element of luck involved i
t is not a reflection of his abilities even if abilities account for the majority but Dad I know what you want to say this time Jang Manu interrupted I don't want to talk about personal matters with you now going back to the beginning what I want to discuss with you is the cooperation in acquiring land Lan has set his sights on a piece of land but he doesn't have a registered real estate company with development qualifications nor does he have enough funds for subsequent Development and Construc
tion so he wants to cooperate with excellence in acquiring land for development hearing this Jung hatan brows furrowed even tighter that kid Lan wants to get into real estate development and make money isn't that wishful thinking the main business business of the Jong group is real estate development although it now involves various upstream and downstream Industries such as operations property management and home decoration and in recent years it has also been preparing for transformation into
new Industries but when it comes to real estate there are few people who are more experienced than him you a reckless young person with only a few billion in funds want to come into the real estate industry to make a fortune John haton felt that LAN was insulting this industry he also insulted him a veteran in the real estate industry who had been through thick and thin for more than 20 years moreover he didn't start from scratch he went through various support opportunities whippings and hardsh
ips step by step he managed to make it to where he is today and L fan no this kind of person is indeed too dangerous I must keep my precious daughter away from LAN away from danger seeing his father's expression he couldn't hide his disdain Jang Manu side then she took out a document from her bag and handed it over here are two land analysis reports one is done by the investment Department of Excellence real estate the other is summarized based on Lan's oral analysis Dad I know that Jang Shan re
al estate under the Jang group will also participate in the land auction this time you must have done detailed and professional investment analysis on those land plots take a look first John hatang nodded and directly picked up Lan's report he opened it since he had already listened to the report from Jang Shan real estate's investment Department he already had an idea of the situation of those land plots so he went straight to the conclusion section he actually has the highest expectations for
two land plots in Guang Ming district and the h005 plot is the target he wants to acquire I even doubt if he has ever been to guangming District that place is so remote it may not even develop in 10 years Jong hatang shook his head obviously he didn't agree I didn't fully agree at first either until Luan predicted that Guang Ming district is almost certain to pass the approval for the National Science City Dot and it can be achieved soon Jang manua quickly explained whom applying for the Nationa
l Science City in guangming District is not something that happened overnight every time it's just a false alarm and nothing comes of it in the end the South city government submitted the application again earlier this year who in our real estate industry doesn't know about this this can't even be considered a major planning Advantage it's like a blind cat stumbling upon a dead mou House John haton thought that Lan had some real insights it turns out he just went online and read some so-called i
nfluencers opinions he just used them directly what a joke dad take a look at the reasons he gave Lan believes that this can be achieved based on five aspects John Manu impatiently explained speaking directly knowing her father's character he wasn't interested in continuing to read but as he listened to his daughter listing the reasons one by one he couldn't help but pick up the report he checked each piece of data and official document his expression gradually changed from disdain to interest f
rom interest to slight surprise finally he was shocked enlightened and realized it all made sense Lan connected seemingly ordinary but well-founded details they all came together to form a conclusion the National Science city is a reality so Dad what do you think now John Manu asked somewhat smugly and teasingly looking at Jan hatang there's no one who knows better than a daughter she got the affirmative answer from her father's expression and with the affirmation of her father a real estate Tyc
oon Jang manu's last doubt about luan's decision disappeared completely in fact in the afternoon she had a secret meeting with the company's core members the conclusion they reached was also to believe in Lan's prediction it sounds like he knows what he's talking about but it's all just speculation as business people we are most afraid of taking risks risk is our primary consideration so I don't particularly agree with you working with that Lan although Jan hatan was amazed by Lan's Talent he st
ill denied it Jang Manu frowned she could tell that her father's words didn't match his true feelings she could even guess the reason behind his attitude but she couldn't care about that much is that so that's a Pity since our chairman Jan doesn't support an excellent land acquisition strategy then we have no choice but to reluctantly give up the competition for the futian central land we will go all out to acquire the two plots in Guang Ming District of course there's also the h005 plot that we
will cooperate with lanon we are determined to succeed Jang manua neatly put the documents on the table into her bag she informed Jang haton with some regret Jan haton was immediately dumbfounded his daughter hadn't even done anything with that Lan yet now she's already grown wings and is challenging her own father damn it that Lan is toxic I will never let you easily take away my precious daughter never daughter don't you think you're being too emotional billions of dollars in business don't a
ct impulsively give up that land in fuen it's definitely not a wise choice Jan hatang softened his tone but his attitude remained firm I really don't think so I think it's you Dad who's being emotional I've always been talking to you about work right very rational very reasonable right you gave up a profitable deal because of emotions that's not how you taught me in the beginning Jang manua didn't back down at all this this Jong hattan's old face couldn't hold up anymore he was rendered speechle
ss by his daughter's retort all right all right is it necessary for father and daughter to be at odds with each other at this moment suyuin who had been silent on the side suddenly stood up and said although I may not understand the real estate business as well as the two of you I can still tell so this time I stand with Yan Yuan saying that suyuin turned her head and complained to her husband JN haton are you getting cile your daughter is so capable yet you not only don't support her but also u
ndermine her confidence for what I I jean hatang tried to defend himself what about me do you think you and an doesn't see through your little schemes she was just giving our daughter a right home why are you so jealous whether it's good or bad there's still a long way to go John haton was scolded by his wife to the point where he didn't dare to say a word the family hierarchy was clear and you too Yan Yuan your dad is also worried about you so what's with your attitude when talking to him altho
ugh I stand on your side your dad's words do have some validity it's always wise to be cautious in business matters do you think your dad would harm you after scolding her husband suyuin then blared at Jang manua she gave her daughter a lecture Jang manua was completely out of patience after being scolded by her mother dad I'm sorry I really only considered work rated matters as for anything else it's still too early to tell it's not a done deal Jan manues softened her tone towards her father sh
e didn't know what had gotten into her today she felt uncomfortable as soon as someone belittle Luan oh well forget it JN haton waved his hand since his daughter had given him face he decided to be magnanimous all right since your mom said so then go ahead and do it don't worry about the funding issue and don't worry about the board of directors with your dad in the group no one can cause any trouble at this moment JN haton once again became the domineering chairman at the same time he became mo
re and more interested in Luan dad the people in the board of directors especially GA maian he has always had reservations about Jer group investing in excellence and has been critical if this land auction allows Excellence to reach New Heights will alleviate some of the pressure on your side seeing that her father finally supported her Jang Manu was happy but she couldn't help but ask with concern in the beginning Jang hatang invested personally to establish Excellence company 5 years ago in or
der to groom Jang Manu as the successor of janer group Excellence mainly operates businesses related to home decoration design and Smart Homes in the real estate industry these industries are not directly operated by juner group but but the huge business demand and related transactions still provide great support to Excellence and Jang manua did not disappoint she managed Excellence with great success even without the support of janger group Excellence has made a name for itself in the industry
and has a place of its own therefore two years ago Jang hatang accelerated Jang Manu training he directly had Jang Shan real estate company invest in excellence allowing Excellence to enter the real estate industry the Excellence era luxury residential project was successfully developed with the help of junan real estate however this undoubtedly caused dissatisfaction among the shareholders of juner group JN hatan as the chairman supporting his daughter and giving her some peripheral businesses
was not unreasonable after all the Jung group won't suffer any losses anyway they have to find suppliers so if Excellence does a good job let Excellence do it initially even within the Jang group there were some idle gossip about Excellence being their supplier later on Excellence completely silenced those voices with its excellent quality and reputation however real estate is the main business of the Jung group they invested money tilted various resources and even many human resources were assi
sted by junan real estate they forcefully turned Excellence into a competitor isn't this obviously damaging to the interests of the shareholders of course this is what some shareholders say openly in fact Excellence not only directly brought more profits to the Jong group but also boosted the stock price of the Jong group it didn't harm the competition at all but rather expanded the business scale of the Jung group the core of the shareholders dissatisfaction is actually that they don't want Jan
manua to take over the Jung group especially the second largest shareholder GA maian he has always been scheming to take advantage of J hatan intention to pass the company to Jang Manu and sees more shares of the Jang group he even wants to completely control the Jang group and become the largest shareholder however gasan is no match for Jong hatang at all but as long as the Jang group is not transferred to Jang Manu he still has a chance these matters Jang Manu and her father are well aware of
it depends on how profitable this land auction is if it's profitable enough to shut up other small shareholders then of course I can use this opportunity to teach GA maian a lesson Jan hatang said indifferently although he said so he didn't really have much hope it's just one or two plots of land how much impact Can it have whom Jang Manu nodded thoughtfully the father and daughter did not continue this topic but instead discussed the strategy for this land auction when it was over Jang hatang
asked Jang manua to give him the report report from Lan because this report analyzed all the land plots in this land auction it was also a reference for Jang Shan real estate dad isn't this considered stealing someone else's intellectual achievement Jang Manu teased with a smile you showed it to me so how did I steal it if we're talking about stealing that would be your business with Lan it has nothing to do with me John hatang said righteously then Slipped Away way after discussing work matters
Jung manua finally sat down at the dining table and started eating dinner however her mother suyuin didn't want to let her off so easily while Jang manua was eating she gossiped beside her yeah yeah Will Lan come to pick you up tomorrow does he know that you like him we know that he has a girlfriend they just broke up do you know about his relationship with that girlfriend did you know him when when you were in college Jang manua almost choked several times even if she was a powerful old lady a
t home encountering such things would still make her instantly turn into a gossiping ant mom can I say that I don't want to talk to you Jong Manu said helplessly what kind of talk is that you're already 27 this year besides holding hands with that child from the Fong family in high school it seems like you've never had a proper boyfriend is that normal do you know what new term mom recently learned Yuri Yuri Jang Manu a lesbian this is what others gossip about me it's making me angry suyuin said
indignantly even if her daughter marries Lan whom she doesn't really know well she can accept it in her opinion taking over the JN group is just a passing Cloud finding a boyfriend for her daughter is what's important hearing this Jang manua was completely dumbfounded there are rumors like this in the company too saying that she is so beautiful never gets close to men could it be her people in this world why are they so boring Jang manua didn't want to speak anymore so she left her mother there
and slipped away before going to bed at night she took out her phone and looked at that familiar profile picture she was stunned for a while before sending a message come pick me up tomorrow morning sign the agreement unexpectedly Lan replied to her instantly General Jang Pleasant cooperation smiling face with smiling eyes the next morning at 7:30 lufan drove his luxurious BMW X7 and arrived on time as promised the moment the car stopped at the Garden Gate the palace likee Villa door opened Joh
n Manu already dressed in professional attire walked lightly and gracefully Lan looked at J Man carrying her bag her elegant and Charming figure he was stunned this female CEO not crazy is definitely a top level goddess however in the next moment a shrewd and lazy woman who resembled Jang Manu appeared in L fan line of sight San hello I am manu's mother please come and pick up our manua have you had breakfast why don't you come in and have breakfast before leaving we have soy milk and fried do s
ticks bread and bacon suyuin took the lead approaching the car window waving her hand she warmly greeted Luan I I've already eaten thank you Auntie luan's hand holding the steering well tightened involuntarily how could he have known that he would encounter this situation what's wrong with Jang manu's mother why does she look at me with the Gaze of a mother-in-law could she be another crazy goddess caught offg guard Jang manua stared at her mother with an extremely speechless expression urging h
er to go away suyuin completely ignored her daughter's dissatisfaction she continued to smile and scrutinize Luan this young man is even more handsome in person than in the photos any boy who shows this kind of nervousness and shyness in his expression can't be too bad I told you now I somewhat understand why my daughter is so sham l l pursuing someone Jang manua seemed to see through her mother's current thoughts she quickly opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat blocking Lan and suu
ch Chin's line of sight she gave the order letun go don't mind her goodbye Auntie Luan politely tilted his head and waved goodbye to suyuin okay come to our house next time it wasn't until the car left Tano garden and hit the road that Luan still felt a bit lingering Fe Fe he had no idea how Jang manua introduced him to her parents don't think too much my parents just approve of our business relationship you know as a business person it's normal to be enthusiastic towards business partners after
all it can bring benefits to oneself Jang manua didn't look at Luan and suddenly explained in a pretentious manner oh that's good Lan said speechlessly clearly he didn't say anything the car returned to its previous silence after a while Jung Manu took out a bread from her bag she opened the plastic packaging and handed it to Lan here breakfast yesterday I ate one of your bread so I'm returning it Lan glanced at the bread but he didn't have much appetite because he had already eaten breakfast a
t the hotel however he still kept his eyes on the road left hand on the steering wheel right hand reaching out to take the bread in the next moment a sudden warm and soft touch came from the tip of my right finger it felt like an electric shock and I instinctively pulled my hand back luon were you intentionally trying to touch my hand Jan manu's hand also slightly recoiled but it remained there questioning Lon what are you talking about who wants to touch your hand I'm just driving luon became f
rustrated and grabbed a piece of bread stuffing it into his mouth Jang manua cly turned her head and looked out the window on the dark glass window her suppressed laughter was clearly reflected luon and Jang Manu appeared together again at the outstanding moment the people in the company were no longer surprised do we now have a boss dad in our company damn boss dad do you still think luon can become a regular employee to be honest if I had lon's looks I could find a richer sugar mommy than gene
ral manager Jang the problem is general manager Jang is not the kind of Rich sugar mommy who's passed her prime that's what makes people envy and jealous but seriously general manager Jang and Lon in terms of looks alone they are a perfect match you guys isn't there a possibility that Lon is just a smokes screen used by general manager Jong to hide her own orientation otherwise I can't understand her confusing Behavior I really want to know how Shen Shing is feeling right now don't mention that
scheming Shin Chang she broke up with Luan less than a week ago and is already dating Ling Yan fortunately both of them have been kicked out by general manager Jang our outstanding company in the whole world are peaceful now yeah if it wasn't for Shen Chang that gold digging woman stealing love maybe I would have been with Luan by now and general manager Jang wouldn't have any business with us I think luon is just retaliating against Chin chong bankrupt and dumped he turned around and followed t
he female CEO boss luon felt quite awkward he had just had a farewell dinner with the marketing department yesterday and now they were meeting again fortunately they didn't have to share the same space he went straight to JN manu's office early in the morning the general manager of outstanding real estate gu Yen xang as well as the directors of the investment legal and finance departments were all present obviously Jang Manu had already instructed them general manager Jang according to your requ
est the contracts have been drafted do you want to review them again gu Yan xang handed over an investment cooperation agreement no need let Lon take a look the contracts were drafted according to her instructions so naturally there were no issues Lon didn't hesitate he took the contract and carefully read it the contract was very favorable for Lon he would use the name of outstanding company to fully participate in land acquisition after acquiring the land all the profits and decision-making po
wer would be in lon's hands he could choose to develop withstanding or transfer the land rights to them because the land was acquired in the name of of outstanding real estate there was no need to pay any land appreciation tax in terms of the Clauses in the agreement there were no problems but the five people present understood one thing in fact there was no risk for outstanding it was only Lon as an individual who had the risk after all once the land was acquired from a legal perspective it bel
onged to outstanding real estate so this contract was also based on lon's complete trust in an outstanding in Jang manua I have no problem let's sign it luon put down the contract and looked at Jang manua Lon how about we each contribute half of the funds to acquire the land since you said you want to cooperate with outstanding in development the development funds will also be provided by outstanding I can promise that all the profits from the appreciation of the land will Belong To You John Man
u saw the clear and pure eyes of Luan there was no trace of impurity she was glad that Lan trusted her so much but she didn't want to take advantage of Lan no need I believe in excellence Lan said dismissively in fact they didn't know how much the land would appreciate if one person contributed half of the investment it might become complicated later seeing luan's insistence Jang manua had nothing more to say she immediately signed the contract on the spot after signing the contract Lan immediat
ely transferred 350 million Yuan to the account of Excellence real estate according to the agreement in the contract when the financial director checked the company's account and saw this huge sum of money everyone except Jang manua looked at each other in shock and took a deep breath at this moment they truly believed that Luan was not bankrupt he really had billions and now he had become a partner of Excellence he was their half boss before this gu Yan xong and the others had doubts L fans ana
lysis of the land was done professionally and with unique Insight they had witnessed this yesterday and believed it but how could he come up with billions of Yuan they had doubted that their boss would use his own money but it was impossible for the boss to have 350 million Yuan in cash the financial director was well aware of every inflow and out flow of the company's money all the company's money was invested in the yet to be open Excellence era project it was impossible to have so much liquid
cash let alone in Jon Zone's personal wallet it was even more impossible if it was funded by Jon Zone's father's private treasury so it could only be Lan's own money who spread the rumor that Jong zong is supporting luu fan come out and see if I won't beat you to death J zong is clearly doings business openly with Lan Lan is a hidden Tycoon with billions of yuan in cash how could he be supported although they sneered at this rumor Jang zong himself did not come forward to clarify they pretended
not to know from the eye contact between Jang Manu and Luan the core members of Excellence also noticed some Clues they continued to gossip maybe it was just an ordinary melon after finishing the matter yenon and the other two left the office they still had many things to do next such as reporting the name of the land auction and paying the deposit they also needed to prepare for the opening of Excellence era Jon zone I'm leaving too only Luan and johnan manua were left in the office Luan also
wanted to leave don't call me Jon zone I'm not your boss anymore we are Partners Jan manua inexplicably felt unhappy Lan was dumbfounded not calling Jon zong isn't that how Partners address each other I call you Jun Zone and you call me lone it was fine when there were so many people around just now why did she suddenly change her attitude when they were alone such a big contrast between public and private uh Lan looked constipated and didn't want to argue with her Lan if if you want to do big t
hings you have to quickly adapt to the change in your identity you can't see those former bosses with an employee mentality what's wrong with being a boss you are a boss now and a billionaire boss do you see me calling you lone right Jang manua spoke like a boss imparting her experience to Lan in a serious manner so what Lan was speechless so I'll call you by your name Lan you can call me by my name too Jan Manu said naturally call you Jang Manu no call me Manu goodbye General Jang Luan turned h
is head and left without looking back this woman is really inexplicable with a name like hers she sounds like the protagonist of a romance novel either that or she has the same name as the female lead in some adult anime I wonder how her parents came up with her name must be a case of chibu who's calling who awkward Manu Manu I'm still a shadow how can I say it out loud watching luan's figure disappear Jang manua felt a bit annoyed if she had any eggs she even voluntarily removed her goddess Hal
o and acted like a girl next door why is Lan still so clueless if only I had admitted yesterday when I said yes I like you why did I suddenly become reserved it's really suffering for the sake of face forget it maybe it's not a bad thing patience is a virtue and I'm still a girl no matter what I say the most important thing now is to focus on dealing with work matters she had to meet with several business partners completely eliminate the hidden dangers left by hean and then she can finally fire
him for good thinking of this Jang manua sent a message to her driver depart in half an hour as for why it's half an hour later it's because she's afraid of being seen by Luan her driver didn't take a vacation at all Lan came out of Jo and found that there was nowhere else to go just then jangu called and said that the license plate was ready when he arrived at the forest store jangu suddenly had something to do and went out Mr Lou have some tea our boss should be back soon the new assistant st
ore manager warmly entertained Luan in Jang hui's office at the same time they arranged for staff to install the license plate for Lan thank you what's so urgent for your boss Jang after sitting down Luan casually asked oh there's a shop in nanson District whose lease is expiring at the end of the month our boss has always wanted to rent it and open a new store the landlord happened to be nearby so the boss went to talk to him and see if he could delay it and not rent it to someone else for the
time being the store manager replied Jang we wants to open a new store the investment for a 4S store should be quite substantial right Luan hadn't heard jiangu mentioned this before and asked in confusion yes the boss has been researching it for a long time in total it would require an investment of about 6 million the boss has been trying to figure out a way but he's still short of money he even wanted me to join him I also want to invest but my financial strength doesn't allow it that shop is
in the most suitable location with the boss's experience and ability it will definitely make money maybe that's why he doesn't want to give up the store manager knew that Luan was Jang hui's best friend so he didn't hide anything and told the truth then he went out to greet other customers Lan smiled helplessly why didn't jangu ask for his help he clearly knows the balance of his bank account he's being too distant even if there's only 30 million left now lending him a few million would be no pr
oblem at all while he was thinking Jean we walked in you're back so soon Lan said with some surprise and from the short time jangu had been away it was evident from his disappointed expression that he probably didn't succeed in negotiating with the landlord and if the landlord rents the shop to someone else junhui may miss this rare opportunity yeah it's right next door very close didn't wait too long right jangu smiled and sat down no I just arrived a little while ago Luan saw xang forcing a sm
ile without beating around the bush he said directly a you're not much of a friend you wanted to open a new store and didn't even tell me you didn't have enough money how much is the difference give me a number jangu was initially stunned but quickly realized that the new store manager must have told Luan that guy talks too much it's more than 3 million jangu reluctantly shook his head seeing Lan's serious expression he decided to accept the offer sometimes accepting someone help as a way to str
engthen friendship as long as you take it seriously Lan silently nodded took out his phone and opened the banking app ding-dong jangu received a text message on his phone he opened it and saw for million has been deposited seeing this number jangu couldn't contain his excitement he immediately called the landlord he had just met after the call he felt relieved then he gratefully smiled at Lan and said wait a moment I'll write an IOU Lan stopped him and said last time you lent me money did I writ
e an IOU for you that's different how much did I lend you ignoring Lan's obstruction jangu insisted on writing the IOU even Brothers need to keep accounts let alone such a large sum of money Lan couldn't argue with him so he let him be persisting further would be disrespectful after xang we finished writing the IOU and handed it to Lan he suddenly said by the way Lan guess who contacted me this morning judging by your expression could it be le a Fang and LU youu one of them Lan frowned um it's t
hem one after the other they both contacted me and they both emphasized not to tell the other very mysterious they contacted me for something you can probably guess yes they wanted to know where you live of course I ignored them but they won't give up easily I guess it won't be long before they come knocking on my door I don't think I can hide from them that's not a problem I have ways to deal with them but they said you and president Jang Manu are together what's going on jangu still didn't kno
w what had happened at Excellence these past few days he looked conf confused ah those two idiots they probably want me to plead with Jang Manu and not to fire them Luan said speechlessly what both of them were fired by Excellence Jang was greatly shocked after realizing it he was even more shocked and said so you and Jang Manu are really together Jang Manu that called an aloof female president Jang Manu Luan denied firmly of course not speaking of which this matter is related to you too since I
bought a car from you Luan straightforwardly told jangi about everything that had happened these past few days including their cooperation with Jang manway in acquiring land damn these people have wild imaginations but I can kind of understand them if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes who would believe that you could earn so much money jangu listened with white eyes feeling deeply moved blame me Lan Shrugged jangu pursed his lips then he asked in confusion Lan did something really happen betwee
n you and Jang Manu any Discerning person can see that she likes you girls naturally care about their reputation especially since she's the arys of the Jang group what reason would she have to tarnish her own reputation you two do you like each other poochie Lan sprayed his tea out in one mouthful well what are you talking about you haven't seen the true face of Jang manua she she's just a crazy woman when he heard the words like each other luan's heart skipped a beat then every cell in his body
tried to deny Jang hui's inexplicable guess crazy woman can someone who graduated from the same prestigious University as you can someone who runs such a large company crazy woman why doesn't she have episodes around other people she only has them when she catches you are you the pathogen jangu didn't know if Lan was deliberately hiding or genuinely didn't understand or maybe he understood but didn't want to admit it he asked with a skeptical expression Lan's mind went blank John manu's innocen
t yet fatally beautiful face flashed in his mind what no more to say jeanu pressed on what are you talking about you seem to understand if you understand so well why are you still selling cars you should be a relationship expert and go on the show love defense battle as a guest Lan retorted without thinking I'm doing fine I understand a bit more than certain people I've had relationships in high school and college my daughter is 2 years old now unlike certain people I'm still a genuine man jangu
wasn't bragging he just wanted Luan to face a reality in matters of love he really was a loser otherwise he wouldn't have been easily won over by shinshin the green tea Queen with just a few words jangu you're annoying can I say that we should end our friendship Lan's face turned slightly green he had always been a genuine man and this incident he had been teased a lot in college after working for a long time everyone focused on their own lives no one cared about anyone else and now he was stab
bed by jeangu damn it really hurt if you want to end our friendship I'm fine with it too oh that's not the point the point is Jang Manu really likes you don't you have any feelings at all I don't believe it jangu Shrugged looking helpless Jean manua a wealthy and heartless goddess pursued him and Lan this guy called her a crazy woman it's infuriating Believe It or Not Lan stood up and clapped his hands he left Lan returned to the hotel he watched some news about the auction had lunch and wanted
to take a nap but lying on the bed he couldn't fall asleep sleep no matter what his mind was filled with the words jangu had said upon careful recollection it seemed to be true future dear me are you there can you tell me honestly who is my wife just tell me her last name thinking about getting married in less than a year lfan with an inexplicable mood sent a message to his future self at this moment he urgently wanted to know the answer however a whole hour passed without any response not a sin
gle word this was truly something he could do to himself another hour passed Lan fell asleep in a days and he had a dream in the dream he was wearing a suit holding the delicate hand of a woman in a wedding dress the two of them walked slowly under the spotlight under the Gaze of countless eyes they walked towards a stage he was the groom and the bride was none other than Jang Manu Lan woke up and he woke up with a sweet feeling this is unbelievable Lan resisted the image of his happy self in th
e dream he went to the bathroom and freshened up put on clothes looked at the phone and the future self still hadn't replied and it was already 5:00 in the afternoon usually he would be waiting to get off work naturally he scrolled to John manu's profile picture again because it was in the recent contact Section of the WeChat messaging interface the first one was jangu the second one was Jang manua Luan held his phone and paced back and forth several times finally he opened the chat box has your
driver returned from vacation Jang Manu replied instantly no are you coming to pick me up after work smiling face with smiling eyes looking at the happy expression that Jang manua sent Lan's heart tightened slightly then relaxed H let's meet at the parking lot after sending the message Lan quickly locked his phone he put it in his pocket without even looking at it and went out on the other side Jang Manu who had just finished meeting all the cooperating business owners returned to her office sh
e stared blankly at the message Lan had sent on her phone a bright light flashed in her Clear Eyes she also quickly locked the screen and didn't reply anymore afraid of saying too much what if Luan changed his mind John manua who was inexplicably excited called her driver from the office phone she told him that she didn't need the car tonight she hurriedly went back to her own home there were still 15 minutes left until the end of work lans's X7 was parked in Jan manu's designated parking space
sure enough it was empty and Jang manu's white kuranin was not seen it seemed that her driver really hadn't returned from vacation he was just thinking about whether Jang manua had lied to him not possible he waited for Less Than 3 minutes John manua also came down early why aren't you afraid of being secretly photographed now sitting in the passenger seat John Manu said triumphantly we're not that kind of relationship it's completely innocent what's there to be afraid of Luan Shrugged his shoul
ders and started the car nonchalantly Jang Manu clearly felt it luan's tone at this moment was completely different from before moreover he took the initiative to come and send her home could it be that this blackhead finally realized it what do you want to eat tonight John Manu pursued the topic naturally don't you have a chef at home who prepares meals for you I'll just order takeout when I get back to the hotel we're not that kind of relationship why eat together Lan understood the subtlety i
n Jan manu's words she wasn't asking if they should eat together she was asking what to eat she is indeed pursuing me but he wasn't prepared yet what if his future self replied saying that his wife wasn't Jang Manu that would be disastrous it's really not her it seems a bit regrettable Jang Manu frowned slightly just having a meal it can only happen if we have that kind of relationship this guy Lan is really strange it seems that this topic can't continue John manua decided to talk about work in
stead general manager goo has already completed the land auction registration today the h005 plot with a reserve price of 300 million we paid a deposit of 15 million using your money we also registered separately for the h006 plot in guing district and the plot in fuan the developers in the southern city are very enthusiastic about this land auction all the well-known ones have registered and there are also many powerful developers from other places who want to share the competition is extremely
Fierce hm I know Luan responded tomorrow I will officially dismiss hian this person may have some prejudice against you now you should be more cautious in everything got it luon responded again they talked about work all the way luon didn't say much as if he had something on his mind do you really want to order takeout actually it's fine to come to to my house to eat anyway you already greeted my mom in the morning the car was still parked in front of the garden Jang manua blinked her Charming
big eyes and looked at luon asking just as luon was about to refuse a figure rushed out of the villa and approached quickly San come in and have a meal if it's not suyuin then who else could it be I I already ate thank you Auntie luon repeated the same words like a broken record because he was lying he was more nervous than in the morning mother-in-laws are indeed difficult creatures to deal with too enthusiastic damn it why do I subconsciously treat this woman as my mother-in-law luon anxiously
used his eyes to urge Jong Manu to get off the car Jan manua helplessly rolled her eyes and let him go the mother and daughter stood side by side they watched lon's car disappear in a puff of smoke this young man is really good he looks like your dad when he said he already ate on an empty stomach just like when he was young I can tell lufan definitely likes you suyuin praised with a smile my dad was also a fool when he was young why don't I believe it J Manu smirked suyuin that's right even mo
re foolish than him and even more handsome than him Jang Manu he he in the next 10 days Jang manu's driver was still on vacation luon continued to act as the driver picking up and dropping off every day and they would always say they had already eaten half of their time was spent discussing work seriously and the other half was spent having inexplicable conversations Jang Manu originally thought that Eon would join forces with g Mouse in to make some moves unexpectedly everything went smoothly d
ad was indeed very capable saying that he wouldn't make waves and he really didn't make waves finally the day of the land auction arrived after waiting for so many days they finally reached this important moment luon couldn't hide his excitement early in the morning he picked up Jang Manu and brought her to the Excellence company in the underground parking lot they discovered Jang Manu white cullinan was already parked there your driver finally came back from vacation where did he go it's been a
lmost 20 days I've been at Excellence for 5 years why don't I get such good treatment luon parked the car next to the cullinan and complained a bit GG get married he took a long vacation because of his wedding if you get married I'll give you a long vacation too John Manu said with a mischievous smile teasing lfon thank you after I resign you're still so generous Lon smiled sarcastically and retorted as usual after arriving at the company the executives of Excellence led by gu Yen xang were alre
ady waiting there today was also a very important day for excellence if the land auction went smoothly and achieved the set goal then Excellence would have considerable strength in the Real Estate Circle of Nan City president Jang good morning general manager Lou good morning the executives greeted each other enthusiastically as the only ones in the company who knew the true relationship between the two their way of addressing luon also changed rumors are just rumors but lon's abilities and weal
th are real you can't deny it after a brief exchange the group set off for the n city land trading center go Yen xang and the others took a business car while luon got into the cullinen with Jang Manu luon didn't say much however as soon as they got in the car the driver who met Jan Manu turned out to be a woman in her 40s Lan looked at Jan Manu suspiciously Jan manu's eyes dodged but she remained confident it was as if she was saying what's wrong is it strange to get married at 40 Society Preju
dice half an hour later the underground parking lot of the large land trading center was filled with all kinds of luxury cars if we talk about which industry has created the most billionaires in the country it is undoubtedly the real estate industry especially in the southern city many well-known National real estate companies have emerged there have also been several National richest individuals this concentrated land supply has gathered almost half of the wealthy entrepreneurs in the southern
city this situation made Lan somewhat shocked Jang Manu said something right Lan should adapt to his role as the boss and at this moment it was the first step for Lan to enter the real estate billionaire Circle in the southern city he was a man who had it all he needed to be confident today Lan put on a newly bought suit it cost over 300,000 Yuan coupled with Lan's already handsome appearance his his temperament immediately stood out John manua on the other hand was dressed casually but the nobi
lity on her body couldn't be concealed no matter how casual she looked this woman even if she wore tattered clothes gave people the feeling of a fallen princess experiencing life among the Common People Luan and Jang manua walked side by side giving off a feeling similar to that of the Smith couple as soon as they stepped into the auction Hall they noticed that many people had arrived ear early they were scattered around chatting with each other John Manu recognized many familiar faces at a glan
ce they were all from the real estate industry and had some dealings with her and there were even more people who knew Jang manua besides being recognized as a beauty there was another more important reason she was the heir of the Jung group and the Jong group was one of the four giants in the real estate industry in the southern city it ranked among the top 20 Nationwide and was hard to ignore president Jang long time no see soon someone familiar came up to greet her it was a young man in his l
ate 20s there was a smile on his face mixed with a hint of mysterious self-confidence and a touch of excitement he naturally noticed that J manua seemed to be close to the man next to her Luan his eyebrows slightly furrowed almost imperceptibly but he quickly recovered the overly attentive smile on the man's face and the disgust that flashed by just now made Luan immediately understand this is so familiar isn't this the daily expression of those two idiots Lin yifan and luu definitely a boot lec
ker actually thinking about it with Jang manu's family background and Beauty it's not surprising that there's a line of boot lickers behind her oh it's Chena JN Manu politely and awkwardly replied with just the sentence that was all then she raised her eyebrows and eyes completely ignoring him at this moment lufan finally witnessed Jang manu's aloofness it was truly deserving of its name not an exaggeration that inherent pride and a faint disdain deeply hurt the man the man's name was Chen huich
o he was the son of a middle-sized real estate company owner in the southern city he was naturally charming and unrest trained but since he had the privilege of seeing Jang manua he became completely infatuated from then on he transformed into a loyal boot licker entangling her in every possible way however his power did not allow it one was the sole heir of a 100 billion group the other was the third son of a billion doll real estate company even Jang mana's personal company Excellence was catc
hing up with her father's assets with great effort as for Chen he was just an idol and useless second generation in his father's company the difference in wealth and status was obvious what's even more fatal is that Jang Manu treated Chan huichu as if he were invisible from beginning to end maybe it's the polluted and murky air the kind that you can't avoid Mr Jang is still so quiet gives off a sense of tranquility and farsightedness Chen hoo felt a sting and a hint of unnaturalness appeared on
his face but he forced a smile showcasing his talent as a bootlicker no I just don't want to talk to you Jang manua immediately added with her eyes she signaled Chen hoo to get out of the way and not blocked the path Chen hoo's boot leaking heart was pierced this sentence created another hole but if he were to retreat in the face of difficulties he wouldn't be himself Mr Jang is really Jing huh this time in the land auction I saw that Joy us signed up for three plots it's quite a coincidence we
also sign up for the h006 plot in guing District it doesn't matter who gets it later actually our two companies can form a strong Alliance wouldn't that be great Cheno faced the difficulties head-on he wanted to get closer to Jan manua by discussing work rated topics because everyone knows knows that Jang manua as the heir of the Jang group has always been honing herself to smoothly take over the Jang group talking about work is a topic that Jang Manu rarely resists sorry I don't need a partner
at the moment we can talk about it in the future Jan manua suppressed her feelings of disgust she decisively and resolutely said things that are rarely spoken in the business world you see in business Harmony brings wealth even if they are competitors they will still be polite to each other rarely speaking harshly especially between big bosses with certain status they won't offend anyone for no reason upon hearing this Chen hoo was also stunned damn what's wrong with Jan Manu today did she eat g
unpowder she doesn't care about face at all I don't care about face he really doesn't care compared to getting close to a beauty what's the value of face what's more important is that if he can win over this cold and aloof female CEO he won't have to struggle for the rest of his life oh that's a shame we can collaborate in the future if there's a chance chanuo pretended to be casual and embarrassed then he keenly noticed that Jang manua was particularly cold towards him today is it related to th
e man next to her what is there relationship an employee of xua company they don't seem like it the people behind her look more like employees so by the way who is this gentleman a new executive hired bya Chen hicho shamelessly changed the topic while speaking his gaze fell on Luan scrutinizing him from head to toe the more he looked the more he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis this guy damn he's just a pretty boy he's so handsome even more handsome than me does it have anything to do with y
ou all right can you move aside now JN Manu couldn't bear it anymore she raised her voice directly and rudely this attracted the attention of many people in the hall in this kind of occasion how could there still be someone making a loud noise and when people saw that it was Manu and Shen huicho some of them looked at them with Amusement sheno is lacking Goods so he's going to kneel and lick someone else again this guy is also talented if I were his father I really couldn't afford to lose face d
on't say that he also has his ideals after all the other party is John Manu feeling the unfriendly gazes from the people around him Chen hoo's old face also felt a sting he reluctantly and unwillingly moved aside allowing Jang Manu and her group to walk past him but as they brushed past each other a faint fragrance emanated from Jang manu's body suddenly he lost himself again at the same time he looked at luan's back with a hint of envy and embarrassment who the hell is this guy although he real
ly wants to know he doesn't dare to approach anymore faced with Jang Manu he has to admit defeat Jang I didn't know you were so popular in this kind of place there are still brainless fans blocking the way after leaving chenoo Lan said teasingly he didn't think that Jang manua would reject some of her admirers so decisively even if they had some relationship should he be happy about it obviously he wasn't that happy what's the big deal those guys who covet my beauty the young masters of the enti
re city even if it's not a thousand it's still still 800 don't be so surprised hearing luan's words with a hint of sourness JN manu's lips curled up slightly and then she said disdainfully look at what you're capable of those young masters don't all have titanium Ally dog eyes blindness can't get any Blinder Lan regretted it why did he have to make things unpleasant this goddess is obviously crazy again don't try to match her wits behind them gu Yen xong and the others heard their conversation t
heir jaws almost dropped rubbing their chins are these two flirting in public please can you treat us like human beings even if we're insignificant we shouldn't be transparent to this extent they understood the sponsorship was fake but the affair was real in the future as long as L fan is present they probably won't see the once a female CEO again again it was just a moment ago when she disdained Shen huicho she was so nice just like Jan Manu how did things change so quickly love really changes
a person's temperament Shen what's going on with you the land auction hasn't even started yet why do you look so gloomy I just saw you with a smile on your face in a corner of the auction Hall Chen huo had a gloomy expression suddenly someone patted his shoulder the person who patted his shoulder was Wang siong the son of a real estate developer in n city they were equally powerful and had collaborated before so their relationship with Chen huicho was still okay as soon as he came in he noticed
that something was wrong with Chen huicho forget it it's annoying damn it I was ignored by that woman Jang manua again she's so good at pretending she didn't even give me any face in front of so many people clearly she's with a little white face why is she acting so high and mighty when Shen hoo saw that it was Wang siong who patted his shoulder he didn't have anything to hide invented his unhappiness after all the two of them knew each other well of course they were Whispering if they were over
heard by others coming and going it would be like being publicly humiliated again what do you mean does Jang Manu have a boyfriend this is big news let me see what little white face let me see if I know him Wang siong suddenly became interested he looked up and searched for Jong manu's figure in the hall you should know that among the wealthy children in Nan City there is not only Chen huichu who admires Jan manua it's just that no one is as Shameless as him however since Jang manua graduated fr
om University and started her own business so much much time has passed no matter how much effort these wealthy children put in Jang manua remains unmoved there are many outstanding pursuers who are intelligent talented and have good taste the result is no different of course there are also some brainless sand sculptures among the rich second generation who have had some crooked ideas however the outcome is hard to say think about it the only daughter of the real estate Tycoon John haton it's no
t something Ordinary People can touch John haton who knows his daughter's Beauty well has been protecting Jang manua since middle school to the extent of using real guns and bullets not to mention after she became an adult her beauty blossomed even more the protection had to be increased layer by layer anyone who doesn't know what's good for them and wants to act tough Jang hatan will teach them again how to write the word tough after a few times like that no one dared to play dirty tricks anymo
re such Jang Manu actually there is a little white face following her when Wang siong saw a handsome guy standing next to Jang Manu he squinted his eyes thoughtfully how should I put it that appearance indeed looks like a boyfriend and girlfriend but who is this person in their Circle they have never seen such a character do you know this person Wang siong withdrew his gaze and asked chenu wao I don't know it's the first time I've seen him damn it dressed like a groom it's hilarious Chen hicho r
eplied angrily Chen if he really is Jan mana's boyfriend what are you thinking don't give up yet in wayang sion's opinion his buddy Chen huicho had a screw loose in his head women like Jang Manu are clearly unattainable she has been rejected hundreds of times and he still goes to lick no that's not called rejection that's called being ignored if Jang Manu already has someone it would be a good thing for Chen huicho to give up this delusion just like himself find a girlfriend who listens to him o
bediently and then indulge himself outside without any worries isn't that great let's find someone to investigate before making any conclusions maybe they're not in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship even if they are I want to see what he's made of if he's someone we can't afford to offend then we can only give up if he's useless then don't blame me for being impolite Shen hoo said with a dark face his voice deep well Shen don't blame me for not reminding you no matter who that person is you be
tter not mess with John Manu last time that guy had his legs broken and he's still using crutches now seeing Chen ho determined attitude Wang siong quickly advised him don't worry I know my limits don't compare me to someone who has no self-awareness Cheno said somewhat displeased uh do you have self-awareness Wang siong had nothing to say he thought to himself maybe he should keep some distance from chanuo otherwise if this guy gets himself killed and ends up dragging him down too that's would
be messed up on the other side lufan followed Jean Manu and arrived at a slightly forward position in the hall shortly after finding a seat and sitting down Jung General you're here so early three people came over walking straight towards them they greeted them with smiles the leader of the group even shook hands with Jang manua who stood up at the same time good morning General Kai we just arrived too Jean manu's face also rarely showed a comfortable smile because these three people are represe
ntatives of junur group's jungan real estate company who came to participate in the land auction this time and the one who shook hands with her General Kai is also a woman this is General Lou right I've heard your name for a long time before the introduction could be made the impatient General Kai turned her head to look at LAN she had a face full of Interest seeing this Lan also stood up awkwardly and with a smile he looked at Jang manua let me introduce you this is General kyin the general man
ager of Jan Shan real estate this is the finance director of jun Shan real estate this is the director of the investment Department of jun Shan real estate Lon our partner for this land auction John Manu introduced while raising her eyebrows at kyin it was clear that the two had a good relationship general manager Kai hello hello hello luon greeted kylin and the others openly shaking hands with them one by one then his gaze returned to kylin she had a neat bob haircut and elegant sharp eyes alth
ough she appeared to be a bit older than Jang Manu she was still a Charming Beauty unexpectedly The General manager of Jang Shan real estate was a woman and obviously she had already heard about luon from Jang Manu kyin also met lon's gaze without any hesitation so he's the one who made 400 million with 6 million and he only took a morning to complete the land auction analysis report how can he be so handsome no wonder general manager Jang Lon I've read your land auction analysis report it is as
tonishingly aligns with some of my predictions we only have slightly different opinions on the two plots in guing district has your target for this time not changed kylin realized that her Focus had drifted off and quickly regained her composure to continue the conversation ha what land auction analysis report did I make something like that luon feeling a bit confused noticed Jang manu's evasive gaze he finally understood it must be something he said to Jung Manu before she had someone turn it i
nto a report and shared it with the Jan group luon didn't mind it at all with his funds he could only afford the cheapest piece of land as for the valuable information from the future he gave it away cheaply to others it was unavoidable well of course it hasn't changed luon replied with a smile the determination and an inexplicable confidence on his face made kylin Furrow her brows however it was a matter concerning Gua company so she couldn't say anything after the introductions both sides sat
down speaking of which gu yenan used to be kyin subordinate the three women chatted familiarly with each other John manua occasionally brought up luon to prevent him from feeling too awkward during the wait many real estate colleagues with good relationships came over to greet them they were Executives from major real estate companies there were also some small and medium-sized business owners who had given up John Manu introduced them to luon and exchanged WeChat contacts luon naturally underst
ood her intentions no matter what connections were important and as the heir of the Jang group Jang manua Circle was large enough and strong enough Jan Manu this goddess was truly Flawless in socializing in handling matters she was even stronger than luon by a lot luon thought to himself and couldn't help but steal a glance at the goddess who had been emitting a faint fragrance beside him unexpectedly he coincidentally met Jang manu's meaningful gaze luon quickly turned his head away that gaze f
rom the goddess was toxic Jang manua thought to herself she thought he wouldn't be accustomed to this kind of occasion she didn't expect this wooden man to handle it so effortlessly that damn composure and confidence he had how did he acquire it it couldn't be developed without being a big boss for over a decade soon it was 10:01 and the land auction began on time the first one to be auctioned was the h005 plot in guangming District which had the lowest starting price this was understandable the
more expensive ones would be auctioned later with the land King being the grand finale the housing prices in Guang Ming District were currently the lowest in the entire southern city 005 plot is small and the starting price is only 300 million which is quite low compared to the tens or even hundreds of billions in the southern city land auctions it can only be considered as a small appetizer a total of 26 real estate companies participated in this centralized land auction since each company is
limited to five people entering the scene did not appear crowded moreover the participants in the land auction are all key personnel from various companies so it is not noisy when the staff appeared the entire Hall became unusually quiet but beneath the surface calmness there was an undercurrent after all only 13 plots were released this time more than half of the real estate companies were destined to return empty-handed because there was one real estate company that acquired multiple plots jus
t like Jo UA there their goal this time was to acquire three plots therefore the competition was much more intense than imagined now let's start the bidding for the first plot h005 in guangning District the starting price is 300 million and each bid must not be less than 2 million all right now let's begin as the staff memb voice fell there was no rush of raising paddles and shouting bids because no one had confidence in Guang Ming District last time there was even a case of a failed auction in
guangning District and this time there were only three real estate companies that signed up for the h005 plot Chu Chen huicho's father's company and a local company called shinga real estate they were all small local companies bid number 19 raised the price by 2 million surprisingly Cheno who was hiding in the corner was the first to raise his paddle with the strength of his family company this was the only plot he could aim for the host counted down for a long time before someone from shinha Re
al Estate raised their paddle for the second time they also raised the price by 2 million kylin and the other two people from Jang Shan real estate shook their heads when they saw this indeed no one had confidence in guangming District Jang Manu with an indifferent expression looked at Luan Luan holding the paddle was secretly delighted although his future self hadn't told him the final transaction price of this plot it was always good to save some money 330 million after thinking for a moment L
uan decisively raised his paddle he directly increased the price by 26 million his strategy was simple and aggressive a leap and bidding to intimidate the other two opponents and disrupt their expectations instead of engaging in a back and forth competition it would lead to a price that exceeded their expectations by a lot damn is it so exciting from the beginning the bid increased by more than 10 times the 2 million and this is just a small unpopular plot bid number 10 is from joa Real Estate n
o wonder JN hatang really spoils his precious daughter bidding for land is like buying vegetables in a market shouting randomly whom I thought Jo was only interested in the plot in futian District why would they want this lousy plot who knows anyway their dad is wealthy spending over 300 million is like buying a new toy for his daughter as expected when this bid was announced it immediately attracted everyone's attention people started whispering to each other and when Chen hoo heard this bid he
was completely dumbfounded upon seeing it it turned out to be Lan this little white face what what does this little white face want is he crazy who bids like this is he jealous of me did he just talk to Jan manua earlier the bit of 330 million exceeded the estimated price by too much it was already uncertain if it would be profitable I can see it now if this bid wasn't Jang manu's idea then this person is just a complete idiot I doubt now that they are not even in a romantic relationship he rea
lly is John manu's little white face literally people just play just have fun otherwise I really can't understand this amazing operation by Wang siong said with a playful tone hearing this Chan hoo really wanted to bite his annoying friend is my goddess the kind of person who would play around with someone else don't think that everyone in the world is the same with nothing but lust in their minds 330 million once 330 million twice one minute passed and neither of the opponents raised the bid th
e host started the countdown when he shouted twice he paused for a moment he looked at chanuo and shinha real estate unfortunately both sides were still confused Mr Juan the price is too high we can't afford it let's give up yes Mr hang even if we add 2 million and bit again we still can't win that female CEO from joou is crazy listening to the suggestions of his subordinates Mr hang's expression was still conflicted he was different from others he actually had high hopes for the future of Guang
Ming District well ah fine after much consideration Mr Juan put down the bidding paddle in his hand now he can only shift his Focus to another plot of land in guangming District but the total price of that plot was much higher he had to borrow money from others he really didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary 330 million third time sold in the next moment on the LED display screen in the auction Hall a line of words appeared congratulations to xua real estate for successfully w
inning the h005 plot in guangming District looking at the bright red background text Lan breathed a sigh of relief he saved 20 million from his budgeted 350 million that's good immediately he happily Shrugged his shoulders at Jang manua it was so easy to win did we bid too much Jang Manu and the others looked at Lan with a helpless expression unable to laugh or cry he he as long long as you're happy boss besides it's your own money from now on if Guang Ming District doesn't turn out as Luan said
it will soon be approved as the National Science City then this hammer strike will result in a huge loss however they had no idea that this plot of land also had a subway station and prestigious schools soon the land prices would experience an epic surge they believed that by then Chen hicho and Mr Juan would be crying in the bathroom the opportunity was right in front of them it's a pity they were useless the next plot of land had nothing to do with Lan with the successful opening of the first
plot the real battle began it started early with the second plot because the second plot was a prime location in nanson District although it was not large the location was good enough every real estate company wanted to compete for it not only was it state table but it could also be developed into a highquality project which would enhance the company's brand the starting floor price was three times higher than the h005 plot in guangning District the starting total price immediately reached 2.8
billion KY Linn was eager to get started this piece of land was also entrusted by chairman Jan haton to be acquired at all costs begin as soon as the host's voice fell the alternating bidding situation quickly became intense in less than 10 minutes the bidding price skyrocketed to 3 billion fortunately after the premium reached 200 million the number of biders gradually decreased the speed of bidding also slowed down significantly many real estate companies that lacked economies of scale and a c
lear development plan had already withdrawn from the competition but for a big player like Jan Shan real estate the bottom price was still far from being reached 3.1 2 billion kylin decisively raised the paddle directly increasing the bid by 20 million and as observers who did not sign up for this plot Luan and Jang Manu also noticed that they were still actively participating in the bidding only the four major real estate companies in the southern city including junan real estate were left as w
ell as two national Central Enterprises and state-owned Enterprises from other places 3.2 billion just as kyin put her hand down someone crazily raised the price by 80 million this bold style I'm afraid it was learned from Lan 3.4 billion however kyin and the others hadn't reacted yet someone raised the price by 100 million directly reaching 3.4 billion the bidder is Chena real estate the Undisputed leader of national real estate companies in the southern city they are also the arch Rivals of Ja
n Shan real estate they have had many conflicts in the past John manua whispered to Lan after seeing who was bidding hm I know some of it in this case it seems that they are determined to win this plot Lan nodded yes the reason is similar to our determination to win that plot in futin district shanka has been expanding the most in nanshan in recent years they can afford to not make money or even lose money on this plot but when the price of flour goes up other bread becomes more attractive John
Manu continued at the same time she looked at kyin who seemed hesitant she knew that this price was already close to Jan Shan real estate's bottom line 3.42 billion kylin gritted her teeth and raised her sign again the directors of the investment and finance departments beside her all frowned if they could acquire it at this price although the profit would be thin they could reluctantly accept it however they also knew it seems that they won't get their wish this time 3.5 billion it was still ch
iena real estate raising the price by 80 million again scaring off all the opponents the ball was back in Kai Linn's Court president Kai there's no need to fight to the death with him yes the premium is too high the cost is too great both subor expressed their opinions and kylin hesitated president Jang president L what do you think kylin turned her head and looked at Jang Manu and Luan she wanted to hear their opinions especially luan's opinion because she remembered that in Lan's land auction
analysis report he didn't particularly favor this plot it's impossible to calculate the accounts for individual plots but I know that President Jang has always wanted to establish a foothold in nanson District and have a benchmark project from this perspective this plot may not meet the requirements Jang manues said without reservation this idea also coincided with KY Lins so the two of them turned their gaze to Luan do you really want to say it being stared at eagerly by the two beautiful women
Luan felt a little flustered hurry up and say it there's no time if it weren't for being in a public place Jang Manu really wanted to directly pinch Lan's thigh why keep teasing us we're all on the same side all right I suggest you give up on this plot just like I said before the plots in Bowen District in the west the competition is not so Fierce and the future is not much worse than nanson isn't it better to acquire them Lan didn't specifically mention this plot in nanson District in his anal
ysis but the the fact that he didn't mention it already speaks volumes that means it's not necessary after listening to Lan's opinion kylin pondered in fact deep down she had already agreed with this Viewpoint she was just afraid that it would be difficult to explain to president JN later 3.5 billion sold for the third time the host didn't give kyin time to consider it was a done deal not far away several representatives from ch real estate looked over at kylin with a smug and mocking expression
however next the three plots in Bowen District that were taken out in succession were all taken by kyin with a strong stance the premium was not small and it made the representatives of Chena real estate unable to retaliate are the people from Jan Shan real estate crazy there's no need to retaliate with a higher bid if they didn't win that plot women indeed are all brainless with big chests they scornfully said in Anger then they focused all their efforts on the several plots in the eastern par
t long gang and pingshan and this time kylin still followed the advice in Lan's report but if it exceeded the budget even slightly they would directly give up this made others a bit puzzled what's there to be puzzled about JN Shan real estate's budget is basically depleted putting all their eggs in one basket they really dare to take risks the representatives from Chena real estate explained in their opinion junan real estate made a bad move in this land auction regarding this Lan and the others
just smiled soon the 11 plots were all sold to different companies only the last two remaining plots were left it was time for joou to show their skills the first one to be auctioned was the h006 plot in guing District this was the largest plot in this auction the king of land area although the floor price was not high the starting price was as high as 3.5 billion because it was large enough and had future value there were quite a few real estate companies that signed up shinga shenka Juan jash
an and jangan real estate a total of six companies except fora and the CEO Juan from shinha Real Estate they were all well-known big real estate companies Luan you have quite good luck why don't you continue Jang manua handed the sign to Luan again wanting him to take over really me don't regret it Luan took the sign without understanding why gu Yen xong and the others wanted to stop him but couldn't say a word women in love have poor judgment understand understand that won't happen I chose my p
artner and even if I have to do it with with tears I have to believe that he is not Jan Manu smirked after being ready Luan raised the sign first 4 billion he directly increased the bid by 500 million reaching the sky the whole venue fell silent what is XU trying to do are they crazy Guang Ming District the area that often failed to sell before they started like this are they still playing even Jang manua was stunned she looked at Luan with a smile but not a smile well indeed worthy the man I fe
ll in love with his domineering appearance makes me want to kick him to death a little what should we do friends aren't you going to bid anymore don't be intimidated by our paper Tiger Come on bid quickly as expected no one bid because no one is a fool even hang the CEO of shinha real estate who was determined to win this plot trembled and ultimately gave up the premium was too high the risk was too great not worth it so in the astonished eyes of the crowd joat acquired the king of land area in
this land auction why are you looking at me like that you asked me for help don't worry this plot has nothing to do with me when we make money I won't ask you for a share Lans said to Jan manua with a serious face Jan manu's eyelid twitched she smiled and said nothing she tried her best to maintain her ladylike image in public otherwise she would really thank kylin and gu yenon were also speechless and couldn't say a word at this moment they could only pray guangming District it must be approved
as the National Science City just as Luan predicted kyin knows this even better if buying this piece of land turns out to be a mistake not only will the outstanding benefits be affected but it will also directly impact the Chairman's reputation in the group that GA Mouse Yen will definitely make a big deal out of it however they can't think too much about it the final highlight of the land the land King in the fuan central district has been unveiled under the command of the host despite the sta
rting price of 4.5 billion it couldn't stop everyone from bidding enthusiastically the this time Jang manua personally took action she fought fiercely with all the big shots who coveted this piece of land for dozens of rounds carefully and steadily step by step in the end it was successfully acquired for a total price of 5.8 billion outstanding is not the most financially powerful but it is the only company in the futan Central District that has properties for sale with the land King the benefit
s are endless congratul ations outstanding congratulations General Jang with this the land auction is over many real estate companies that have a good relationship with the Jang group came forward to congratulate the most eye-catching performance in this land auction is undoubtedly Jong group's own son outstanding real estate not only did they successfully acquire the Lan King but they also unexpectedly acquired two unpopular plots in the guangming district at a high price coupled with the outst
anding times project outstanding now has four projects in the southern city enough to rank among the upper middle real estate companies in the southern city this kind of news not only excites people in the real estate industry but also arouses great interest from the outside world because of Jang Manu who also carries the title of the most beautiful woman in the southern city thank you thank you let's cooperate if there's a chance John Manu greeted everyone with a smile and shook hands with with
those who came to congratulate of course where there are people who come to congratulate there will naturally be people who are unhappy and want to make their presence known General Jang congratulations if there's anything you need for the development of the plots in guangming District feel free to ask I will definitely not refuse Cheno who returned empty-handed came over with a thick skinned face and said with hidden intentions because in his opinion those two plots are definitely going to los
e money the more development funds invested the more losses even if financing is involved there are costs maybe in the end outstanding will reluctantly sell these two plots then he can reappear in front of Jang manway as a savior just ask if you're tempted or not it has to be said that the inner drama of a boot leaker is simply too much no need Mr Chan Jang Manu replied coldly this is Mr Lan right the action you just made with the paddle was really cool I was totally impressed by you however whe
n Chen huicho heard xang manu's heartless words he didn't get angry instead he turned and smiled at Lan next to him and sarcastically praised him because he had already successfully found out luan's identity originally he thought Luan would be a rich and Powerful Heir but he never expected that this turned out to be the marketing manager of outstanding just an ordinary employee from an ordinary family he was taken care of by boss JN manua just because he was handsome this news was obtained by hi
m from someone he had already bribed with an outstanding the evidence was solid and he couldn't help but believe it thinking of this Chen hicho felt extremely frustrated after all he was a genuine rich and handsome guy but now he lost to a poor loser moreover Jang manua even brought this loser to the land auction and she let him hold up the paddle and shot the price who else could be blamed for the chaos caused by the paddle he he do we know each other don't flatter me for no reason Lan was also
taken aback he didn't expect this boot licker to find out his full name so quickly and he was digging a pit for himself in front of people from Jang Shan real estate and outstanding why would he show him a good face without any fear he directly retorted ah this practice makes perfect Chen hoo's face twitched feeling embarrassed if it weren't for the inappropriate occasion he really wanted to give this pretty boy a big slap there's no need for that luan's eyes turned cold sensing Chen huicho's h
ostility towards him at this moment Jung manua the instigator also stepped forward coldly she said Shen hoo my partner says he doesn't know you leave after all he is no longer part of excellent as long as it has nothing to do with the h005 plot after we finish discussing the opening we'll talk about your land what will you do while waiting you're the boss now you don't have to go to work you can just do nothing you haven't forgotten have you once the opening plan is finalized the price of excell
ent era will be determined you can go pay and sign the contract for the house you bought don't you want to know what price we set for that house in the back seat of the car Jang manua heard that Lan was leaving and said it's only right and proper Lan thought about it too after all he didn't have anywhere he wanted to go just continue being excellent boss dad for another day there's no other way before getting off the car Luan sincerely congratulated the ant who replaced him as the driver happy n
ewlywed after all he had thought it was strange for someone in their 40s to get married it was a rude thought and he felt guilty the ants suddenly turned her head her face darkened Mr Lou I just got divorced don't joke about it okay it's not funny at all ah this the air in the car suddenly became awkward almost most suffocating Jang aren't you going to explain anything in the elevator Luan stared at Jang Manu resentfully this woman was still pretending to be dead I made a mistake I made a mistak
e she's on vacation after her divorce not in a good mood she needs rest Jang Manu said awkwardly do you think I would believe that why wouldn't you believe it otherwise do you think I'm because John manua didn't finish her sentence of liking you both of them felt a suffocating atmosphere liking you she had said it before but the result was not ideal both of them swallowed their saliva and tacitly stopped talking the result was that Luan inexplicably followed them to the conference room and parti
cipated in the special meeting for the opening of excellent era it was shocking to participate not participating was fine due to the new plot in fuan Center that excellent just one the land price reached a new high in the southern City's history the floor price reached an astonishing 60,000 renman B per square meter with various design costs construction costs and taxes and fees the normal calculation was that the house price needed to be sold at 150,000 renman per square meter to make a profit
but in reality when it actually went on sale it could possibly be sold for over 180,000 renman be there is a market for it and for the the excellent era project which was originally sold at around 110,000 renman Excellence profit was already considerable after all Jon's group had obtained this land a long time ago and now Jang Manu and the others estimated that the opening price for excellent era would be set at around 150,000 rund and they had no worries about selling it they could sell it for
40,000 rund be more per square meter the sales revenue of the entire project could increase by 2 3 billion overnight reaching an astonishing 7.8 billion if Excellence is not achieved by just buying three plots of land and spending nearly 10 billion funds are a bit tight authors note of course the land price does not need to be paid in full at once and it can also be mortgaged with the land to obtain a bank loan the price can be sold for even higher selling for 150,000 170,000 if you don't want t
o liquidate all at once you can sell slowly 180,000 200,000 are completely possible Lan was shocked he knew that real estate was profitable but he didn't expect it to be this profitable his own over 300 million in the eyes of real estate tycoons was really nothing in front of Jang Manu it was just a small amount they don't care about your small plot they promised to cooperate with you maybe it's really about personal relationships that relationship it's a Pity that he previously vowed to take ca
re of Jang manua now it seems that there is still a big gap between the two Lan have you made up your mind the h005 plot in guing District cooperate with Excellence for development or just sell it to us after the meeting Luan went to Jang manu's office as expected Jang manua discussed work matters with him oh l fan was a bit absent-minded and said I haven't decided yet if he really wants to sell he should wait for those three super good news to come out before selling okay it's not urgent anyway
we already have the land Jung Manu also understood that Lan wanted to wait she raised her red lips and smiled again then let's go sign the contract for the house moveing early be neighbors sooner how about it looking at this impatient female CEO Lan wanted to refuse but for some reason the words that came out were okay living in a hotel all the time is not a solution so the two of them drove again and went to the sales office of Excellence times and without surprise they took Jang manues kinin
the one who received them was still the property consultant hang shating from last time it was close to the opening and hang xating was very busy but when the CEO and the CE O's wife came to sign the contract how could she dare to neglect them Mr Lou you are purchasing unit 3601 in building AF Excellence times the construction area is 388 square m unit price is 158,000 per square me total price is 61.3 million since you had a housing loan record in the southern city before the down payment is at
least 50% 30.75 million the loan is also 30.75 million 30-year mortgage monthly payment is 163,164 Yuan of course you can also choose to pay in full full payment has a 1% discount which is more than 600,000 cheaper hang xating held the internal price list that had just been received she explained the situation of Lan's house to him Lan was speechless the house that could have cost over 40 million suddenly jumped to over 60 million and what surprised him even more was that he found out that he c
ouldn't afford to pay in full originally there were over 389 million on his bank card he transferred 350 million to Excellence his corporate account he also lent jangu 4 million so he only had over 45 million left although buying the land ultimately only cost 330 million according to the agreement that 20 million cannot be returned to him so quickly even if it can be returned Jang manua Maserati will arrive next week he still needs to pay nearly 4.8 million for the car it's still not enough Lan
who became Rich overnight realized that in the end he was still living beyond his means he still couldn't escape the fate of being a mortgage slave well he had never seen himself so poor I Lan thought for a moment and said I'll go with the mortgage mortgages are so Troublesome is it because you don't have enough money if you don't have enough I can lend you some Jang manua quickly calculated luan's balance in her mind and generously said no need Luan insisted we're already at this stage in our r
elationship why are you still being polite with me Jang Manu pouted Luan didn't want to pay attention to her and said to hang shouting Miss hang I'll make the down payment okay okay then Mr Lou please come with me to the finance department to make the payment hang shouting was confused what's going on are the Newly Weds having a disagreement and arguing please stop pretending whether it's a mortgage or full payment it's all Mr Jon's money you're so proud even when you're living off someone else
later Lan made the down payment following the procedure they applied for a mortgage and provided bank statements when hang shouting saw L Fan's bank statement half a month ago there was a deposit of over 300 million she was completely dumbfounded this so much money why does it feel like something is not right director Lou have you seen Lou fans's bank statement over 300 million what's going on in the finance office taking advantage of the break when Luan and Jan manua were signing the sales cont
ract juang shouting approached the finance director and asked in confusion because the project hasn't been launched yet Luan and Jang Manu are considered internal buyers the finance director lingi personally collected the payment and hang shouting happened to have a little relationship with luminii the finance director I know what you're thinking let me tell you stop being nosy and do more work the relationship between Mr Jang and Mr L is not what you think Lan is now our outstanding partner and
that money is his own L Mii said impatiently what isn't L fan bankrupt where did he get so much money and you're saying they're not in that kind of relationship they're practically flirting with each other especially Jang manua she's practically drooling do you think I'm blind juang shoutings pupils suddenly widened as if struck by lightning the whole company knows that Lan is being kept by Mr Jang and now you're telling me that he's a hidden big shot it's that kind of relationship but not that
kind of relationship oh I can't explain it clearly get out you're a property consultant why aren't you guiding customers to sign contracts instead of gossiping here do you still want to work or not luminii impatient patiently pushed hang shouting out after sitting back in front of Luan and Jang manua again hang shouting sensed an inexplicable meaning in their expressions fortunately she didn't say anything strange like this Luan completed the mortgage process and Jang manua paid the full amount
they also took possession of the house holding the keys they entered the elevator again and arrived on the 36th floor the elevator doors opened on the left side was Lan's unit 3601 on the right side was Jong Manu unit 3602 neighbors please take care of us in the future xang manua brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled then Luan opened his own door with the key and she followed him why are you following me instead of opening your own door Lan knew he couldn't shake her off and struggled symb
olically LAN are you stupid right now the rooms only have basic furnishings and simple Furniture you used to sell Smart Homes why not help outstanding increase in order I came to listen to your expert opinion anyway the layout of our rooms is the same we can buy the same furniture and appliances it's more convenient isn't it Jang Manu confidently said I've never seen a boss as good at doing business as you louan didn't come comment after taking a tour of the house he had one feeling it's big too
big living alone it feels a bit empty Lan do you like watching movies how about installing a highdef projector in the living room and also here JN Manu lay comfortably on the sofa speaking to Luan after a while Luan didn't respond she got up and found Luan in a bedroom knocking on a wall that was the only place connected to unit 02 Jiang Manu suddenly thought of something Lan do you really think I'm a pervert how could I ask someone to tamper with this place that's what he said in fact she had
actually considered that idea oh really Jean manua saw through his intentions Lan turned his head awkwardly and pretended to scoff saying that's a shame I thought we could really breakthrough hearing this Jang manu's face inexplicably turned red she felt a bit ashamed of her perverted thoughts in an instant she was caught off guard chairman Jang this morning's land auction process was like this at the same time in the headquarters of the Jang group in the Chairman's office kylin reported the lan
d auction to Chairman J haton hm it's a bit of a Pity that we didn't get the land in Nan District but perhaps it would be better to acquire the three plots of land in Bowen District you've worked hard John haton nodded thoughtfully then his brows suddenly furrowed and he said that Lan is really crazy he casually used the name of excellence and shouted out billions and Yu youu why did she let him do as he pleases although he complained JN hatan couldn't really get angry because he made a phone ca
ll to his father-in-law last night his father-in-law who is also Jang manu's grandfather is a highly influential retired Cadre Luan confidently claimed that the bright District would successfully be approved as the National Science City and his daughter Jang manua believed in him so much so he specifically studied the clues provided by Lan and found them to be quite terrifying and traceable unable to resist he consulted his father-in-law his father-in-law's exact words were h hatang why are you
particularly concerned about this matter the application for the bright District requires approval at the national level as you know we have been applying for six consecutive years and our provincial government has been actively promoting it although I don't know if it will be approved this year but this is definitely the greatest opportunity if things go well we should have the results by next week after carefully considering his father-in-law's words John huton became even more convinced of th
e high possibility therefore he didn't think it was a big problem for excellence to acquire the h006 plot in the bright district for 3.5 billion instead he felt a bit fortunate now he was pondering another question since such a huge opportunity was right in front of them how could they settle for just one plot of land the entire bright District was full of opportunities if they missed it they might not have such a good chance next time although the Jan group was known as one of the four major re
al estate companies in the southern city they had always been at the bottom this was because Jan Shan real estate's business scope was only competitive in the sanan South China region while the other three companies had a nationwide presence of course the sanan region was also the most vibrant and profitable region in the country especially in the southern city housing prices had skyrocketed over the past few decades it had become the city with the highest housing prices in the country and the C
ornerstone of profits for major Southern faction real estate companies so seizing this centuries great opportunity in the bright District was crucial isn't it possible to become the leader of the real estate industry in nanon thereby taking Jan Shan group to a higher level of course in case this good news falls through then entering hastily at this time will inevitably bring endless hidden dangers to Jan Shan real estate originally this land auction coupled with outstanding performance has alrea
dy invested a lot of funds what should we do should we take a gamble John hatang is very conflicted General Kai you also saw that person Lan today it's clear that Yuan yuan's thoughts about her you don't need to say what do you think of this person Jong hatang took a deep breath changed his thinking and asked kylin Lan is a very confident person a kind of confidence that is inexplicable but doesn't make people think he is blind or arrogant it's a kind of confident planning and winning as if he h
as the confidence although it sounds vague it's just my personal feeling of course it can be seen from the analysis report of that land auction he has great insight and unique Vision also he looks handsome and his character kyin hadn't finished speaking John hatang ENT interrupted her all right don't ask those things he didn't want to be misunderstood it seemed like he was inspecting a future son-in-law there's no way he would become his son-in-law not a chance Lan is too radical very dangerous
kylin knew she had misunderstood and quickly smiled awkwardly John haton fell into contemplation again he had never heard kylin speak so highly of a young person before especially after only meeting once this evaluation was already very high could it be that Lan has some kind of magic it's really strange General Kai I have a task for you within 5 days buy all the land available in guangning District do whatever it takes to buy them for me if you can't buy them consider cooperating and taking a s
take after a long silence Jong haang's eyes narrowed and he made up his mind damn it I'm goinging all in Lan a poor young man dares to sell his car and house risking everything after finally earning a few billion he puts it all on the line what am I afraid of if I make the wrong bet I won't lose everything when did I Jang haton become so timid and hesitant ah kyin was suddenly stunned obviously she didn't expect the chairman to make such a shocking decision for a moment she couldn't react what's
wrong go and buy all the land in guangming District for me time is running out hurry and don't let any rumors leak out Jan haton confirmed again at this moment his ambitious Spirit as a leader was fully revealed okay chairman I understand kyin resolutely responded she naturally understood the Chairman's intentions this was choosing to believe in Lan and planning a big move but she still expressed her concerns this will probably require a lot of funds and the board of directors JN hatang immedia
tely said domineeringly you don't need to worry about the board of directors he knew very well that this land auction had already used a lot of the group's funds there would definitely be people making a fuss about it but so what knowing that there are tigers in the mountains I still prefer to go to the mountains John haton has always been unconventional in his approach otherwise he wouldn't have gone from being a poor boy to a real estate Tycoon and a billionaire of course this is also related
to him marrying a good wife at this moment Jang man is completely unaware of her father's bold decision Luan is even more unaware of his own actions accidentally influenced a real estate Tycoon who has a deep connection with him the two of them came out of the sales office and got into the car back to the Excellence company Lan what do you want to eat tonight you are now a distinguished owner of Excellence era shouldn't we celebrate Jang Manu casually said to Lan H let's go to Tang Palace number
one last time this time I'll treat you Lan didn't refuse this time whether it was about acquiring land or buying a house Jang manua had helped him a lot needless to say about acquiring land without Excellence company he wouldn't even have the qualification to participate in the land auction the same goes for buying a house don't be fooled by the current price of over 150,000 these core area scarce luxury homes have plenty of wealthy people lining up to buy and they might not even be able to sna
tch one it won't be long before the price Rises to 200,000 per square meter it's definitely worth celebrating and last time it was Jang manua who treated him it's only right to return the favor okay then I'll order a few more dishes only pick the most expensive ones after all you still have over 10 million in cash in your account no I also have 20 million in my company's account it seems like you're not going broke anytime soon J manu's face lit up then she realized her miscalculation and shook
her her head repeatedly with your small frame how much can you eat Lan disdainfully said he turned his head and glanced at Jang Manu unexpectedly oops I just contradicted myself in some aspects it's not small at all it has a strong presence in the cramped space of the back seat of the car there was a strong sense of Oppression the imagination was even stronger Lu fan quickly turned his head and looked out the window forcibly shifting his attention to other things why is this crazy goddess calcul
ating my financial situation so accurately what's the point of grasping my financial situation stop thinking about it what am I thinking about sensing luan's strange gaze Jang manu's face slightly flushed she owed her body and looked out the other side of the car window without saying a word half an hour later they arrived at Tang Palace number one again they were still in the same private room as last time changal John Manu ordered a table full of dishes and a bottle of red wine saying that the
y should celebrate and have a drink Lan casually said do as you please I can't get drunk anyway both of them were in a good mood and enjoyed a Sumptuous dinner they even finished the whole bottle of wine luan's alcohol tolerance was needless to say even if he drank a whole bottle alone it was nothing and Jang Manu didn't drink any less either they took turns drinking sharing the wine equally from her Cal demeanor it could be seen that it was nothing to her as a CEO she couldn't avoid socializing
and she had developed her alcohol tolerance let me take you back consider it my debt for being your driver for over half a month after being full and satisfied Jung Manu proposed naturally okay thanks Luan nodded after all she had a driver thinking of the driver Luan called the waiter and packed the dishes on the table there were quite a few dishes that hadn't been touched do you want to take it away I was thinking of giving it to Mia Jang manua was slightly surprised mayia was the driver I'm p
aying so naturally it belongs to me Lan was not polite at all he took the takeaway box and went to pay the bill when Lan handed the takeaway box to Aunt May Jang manua suddenly realized Aunt May these dishes haven't been touched much it's a waste to throw them away I live alone you see can you help me Lan smiled apologetically he heard from Jang manua that Mia has a brother who has difficulty moving her job as a driver has irregular hours she usually doesn't have time to cook so she orders takeo
ut to be delivered to her home home she just happened to need these packed meals otherwise Lan wouldn't have taken the initiative L zong is thoughtful thank you magia took the packed box and casually placed it on the passenger seat accepting Lan's apology Jang Manu glanced at Luan and couldn't help but smile remember to come to the company tomorrow to finalize the soft Furnishings plan get it done early and move in early you don't know I'm such a grown person still living with my parents it's ve
ry inconvenient the car arrived at the Marriott Hotel J manua like an old mother reminded Luan I know Luan couldn't be bothered to complain about her as an adult who can stop you from moving out are you homeless your family has thousands of houses in the southern city tens of thousands of houses watching Lan disappear into the hotel's entrance John manua regretted not drinking more in that case she could have used the excuse of being drunk to follow him and spend some time together yeah just spe
nd some time Jang Manu who was in a state of Low Spirits didn't go home instead she went to her best friend's house her best friend had been on a business trip for over a month and just returned today they hadn't seen each other in a long time and her best friend had originally invited Jang Manu to have dinner together but how could Jang manua miss the opportunity to take advantage of Luan so she made an excuse and said she had a social engagement in the evening and would come to see her afterwa
rds Lan is now considered a half excellent partner saying it's a social engagement seems reasonable Jang manua felt that she shouldn't have any psychological burden hey drinking whato Yen opened the door and smelled the alcohol on Jang manua she welcomed her in annoyed she said I specially prepared a bottle of your favorite Glen shall we drink it or not let's drink why not it's a waste if we don't drink Johan manua quickly took off her high heels and black stockings with bare feet she stepped on
the White marble floor like a light cat she threw her handbag and collapsed directly onto the sofa she stretched lazily without saying a word what show Yen went to get the red wine she took out a hangover bottle a cork screw and two Tall Glasses Jean manua closed her eyes and rested for a while before getting up and going to the bar at this time the two glasses of Glenn were already on the bar as usual have you been busy lately you look so tired wo Yen handed the glass to Jang manua and the two
lightly touched glasses after taking a sip they put them down and casually asked quite busy there have been big changes in the company recently the land auction just ended today and there will be more to do next XU times is also preparing for the opening Jang Manu Shrugged and then asked what about you I'm just like that this time the station sent me as a special reporter to the Magic City I hope this business trip experience can help me become a financial anchor and accumulate some quality ifi
cations but it seems too early for now whato Yen shook her head lightly the two clinked glasses again talking about what had happened to each other in the past month wait the name Lan why does it sound familiar to me when wo Yen heard that Jang manua company had undergone a major reorganization with luan's help and they had also cooperated in acquiring land together the name Lan kept lingering in her mind she timely interrupted and said oh Jang manu's eyes dodged for a moment then quickly turned
back with a relaxed expression she said isn't he just from the finance department the same year as us that Lan what I mean the Lan you've had a crush on for four years since freshman year him has he been working at Joi after graduation I I she was too shocked to even utter the word damn that whato Yen had mentioned yes at my company didn't I tell you about this Jan Manuel looked puzzled she wasn't sure if she had told her best friend or not the person she had a crush on actually applied to her
company after graduation after all it had been 5 years since she started working there what did you tell me it's been so many years I thought you had moved on so you've been single all this time because you still have feelings for LAN I thought there wasn't a man in the world who could catch your eye turns out you've been waiting for him all these years what Cho Yen took a deep breath she absentmindedly drank half a glass of wine in one gulp she stared at Jang manua with wide eyes and asked and
then you've been working with Luan for 5 years is your old flame rekindled Jang Manu frowned slightly are you obsessed with writing online novels what do you mean by rekindled no it's not like that it's just after a few glasses of wine plus everything that had happened with Lan recently she felt like she was in a different world it felt unreal John manua didn't hold back and told her best friend everything after finishing she emptied her glass alone there was a hint of sweetness on her face mixe
d with a touch of melancholy although she could clearly feel that Luan also had that unspoken understanding the two of them never took that step was she not proactive enough or was she too proactive whato Yen who had listened to everything couldn't calm down for a long time after a while she suddenly said what's Lan's phone number give it to me what are you going to do Jang Manu instinctively moved back she knew that her best friend was known for being Fierce she loved taking the initiative what
else can I do call him and give him a good scolding he obviously likes you too so why is he acting so wishy-washy a grown man being pursued by a beauty like you why is he playing hard to get instead of enjoying it what Sho Yen couldn't stand it anymore Jang manua her childhood best friend was actually a reserved person she was not someone who would take the initiative like this she had boldly gone this far and Lan was still pretending to be innocent if she saw him she would definitely give him
a few big slaps damn it he probably didn't know how many people a hundred times better than him were pursuing Jang manua did he still think he was just an ordinary person who didn't deserve her that's why he was so hesitant anyway just thinking about it made her angry thank you Jang Manu gave h choen a disdainful look of course she wouldn't let her make that call she shook her head helplessly and poured her another glass of wine next time I'll introduce you to each other when there's a chance I
remember you two seem to have met a few times in freshman year I wonder if he still remembers you how about this weekend are you free John manua was already content to be able to chat with her best friend she thought that with her best friend's Rich experience she might be able to help a little so she suggested going with the flow besides if she didn't let her best friend meet Luan knowing her temperament she would probably go and demand answers herself at that time something bad will definitely
happen I will definitely meet you but this weekend I have to attend my brother's graduation ceremony whato Yen has a younger brother just like the two of them like Lan they are both from Jong Shan University it happened s to be graduation season oh I see let's find another time then Jang Manu noded then she couldn't help but sigh your brother is graduating time flies we have all graduated for 5 years thinking back to our time in school Jang Manu said and the image of Luan appeared in her mind a
gain she suddenly stopped and stared into space What show Yen Sil ly shook her head as she watched this the two of them chatted and reminisced about their wonderful time in University that night Jang manua stayed over at Wan's house Luan returned to the hotel he lay on the bed alone still savoring the dinner he had with John manua just now he chuckled secretly feeling a mix of emotions thinking back to the first time he had dinner with Jang manua there she was the boss and he was an employee now
they are already business partners always together unclear uncertain at that time he also ran into Shin Chang and ly Yan at the restaurant but now in his mind Shin Chang has long disappeared after today's land auction and house purchase Luan realized clearly the gap between him and Jang manua there is still a huge divide between him a small nvo re and the true wealthy families a sense of anxiety and urgency for no reason enveloped him after much contemplation Luan decisively contacted his futur
e self dear future me are you there you are very poor at this time don't you know after a while I know I know you were stimulated by those real estate tycoons no need who are we we are badass who are we afraid of Lan really wanted to say I'm proud of myself I was actually thinking of contacting you in a week or two it seems that your progress with Jang Manu is faster than me in the past no choice I can only tell you in advance otherwise you won't be able to sleep looking at the message sent by h
is future self Lan's heart tightens suddenly in fact he had thought about it his future wife is actually JN Manuel it should be difficult for it to be someone else after all the relationship between him and Jan manua now is somewhat ambiguous he has never taken that step it's not that he is doubtful about anything it's just that he feels there is a bit of a gap between them and he instinctively hesitates and his personality is like that at this moment he almost can be certain that Jang Manu is h
is wife so Jang Manu and I are together Lan asked is it necessary to give you that answer his future your replied indeed all right I'm ready to receive the news of getting rich overnight Bring It On Lou fans said eagerly after an okay expression a long message was sent one after another within the next two months there are three opportunities to get rich overnight only one of them doesn't require any cost and it has a short cycle easily obtainable although I don't know how much money you have le
ft in your account but most likely you can only seize this opportunity in order to have the capital to leverage the other two opportunities in the lahu Antique Market there is a famous painting from the Song Dynasty called Autumn scene in the Han Palace dot because it was painted by an unknown artist from the southern s Dynasty many people do not have the ability to authenticate it however it is a genuine and rare Masterpiece it was auctioned off for a high price of6 68 million at this moment th
is painting should be in the hands of a seller at the Antique Market selling it on a stall that's right it was bought by a collector for 500 Yuan it should have been within the past 2 months if you don't find it in 2 months you will miss this opportunity this is a photo of the painting in high definition that's all the information take a careful look immediately after a photo of an ink painting was sent it was a whopping 108 megabytes in size Lan decisively clicked to download and saved it he qu
ickly backed it up to his own cloud storage afraid that he might accidentally delete it this is a treasure worth over a 100 million it only takes a few hundred youan to pick up Lan was amazed and his confidence soared others may need luck for a lifetime to come across such a good opportunity he only needs to wait patiently and be focused he can easily obtain it being the one who has future information he is indeed the strongest without a doubt received are there two more opportunities if it were
n't late at night Luan really wanted to rush to the leahu Antique Market immediately although the information was already comprehensive enough some luck and patience were still needed after all no one knows about that stall owner when do they set up the stall where do they set it up do they bring that painting every time fortunately Lan has 2 months so he is certain that no one else will snatch it away the second opportunity is similar to this painting it's about picking up a bargain it's also i
n the lahu Antique Market but this time it's a huge piece of jite Ruff that's right it's a real opportunity to get rich through gambling that piece of jadeite Ruff is in a jade shop called puu Workshop dot it's very large and placed in the most prominent position in the store the boss is asking for 40 million due to its poor appearance and high cost the risk is too high although many people are interested in it no one dares to easily make a move it's said to have been lying in the store for half
a year without anyone showing interest and the boss is also very distressed here's the key Point guess how much it will be worth after cutting this rough own as he spoke the future Lan actually started to build suspense Lan didn't know much about the gambling Stone industry he only knew that if it turned out to be genuine jadeite it would at least increase by seven or eight times for top quality jadeite increasing by 10 or 20 times is also an easy task whom 500 million Lan whose curiosity was p
eaked casually guessed a number he he the foolish me from the past still had a closed mind it will be valued at over 10 billion if you want to sell it quickly selling it for seven or 8 billion is a matter of minutes I only know that this rough Stone definitely won't be bought within a month because the buyer only came out with the news last week which is over a year later on your side if I had known this news earlier I would have let you use the money for foreign exchange speculation to make tha
t 10 billion easily haha so it all depends on your luck seeing the figure of 10 billion Luan couldn't help but take a deep breath the profit of over 20 times it's like striking gold it's too astonishing of course in the gambling Stone industry it's all about taking risks many people have lost everything understood what about the last opportunity so far these two opportunities have made Lo fan eager he suppressed his excitement and asked for more details the last opportunity is a longer term one
it belongs to normal business investment you can treat it as your own career and manage it in the long term however I missed the first two opportunities so it was all in vain so I'll tell you next time Lan suddenly felt emo this is so teasing hey hey you'll die if you say that now Lan angrily retorted to himself the stupid me in the past had some character otherwise what can I say I hate my past self the most such an idiot all right I'm going to sleep comfortably my wife is going to take a bath
don't send me any more messages disturbing my happiness dot goodbye if there was a video lan really wanted to send a video over sleep sleep sleep I'll let you sleep who likes character after all clearly it's the beauty that's currently present floating away and forgetting oneself it's only a little over a year how did I become an LSP but when I think about who my future wife is Lan becomes a little unsettled again taking a bath sleeping entering certain fantasy scenes Jang mana's WeChat profile
picture suddenly appeared in l line of sight I don't know when Lan pinned the chat conversation with Jang Manu to the top it can be seen as soon as I open WeChat I can't even hide from it are you asleep Lan couldn't resist and sent a message I'm just about to sleep I'm staying at my best friend's house tonight she's lying next to me Jan Manu replied instantly seeing this message an image immediately appeared in luan's mind Jang manua wearing black pajamas lying on her side facing away from anoth
er woman holding her phone in her hand sending messages to herself why is it black pajamas could it be that I saw Jang manu's black stockings and naturally Associated it with black damn it stop thinking I won't be able to sleep Lan shook his head vigorously he replied to the message hm good night then good night feeling sleepy dot only then did Luan peacefully turn off his phone closing his eyes preparing to sleep but he realized that he was still too excited he couldn't sleep at all his mind wa
s filled with famous paintings in Jade these two things are luxury Collectibles with his current connections even if he gets his hands on them it seems like there's no way to sell them moreover the huge amount of several billion how can he Ensure its safety There are rules in every industry it's hard for someone who is not part of the circle to understand the ins and outs there's also a saying the innocent man carries the guilt of possessing a treasure Lan completely doesn't understand the ancie
nt calligraphy in painting in gambling Stone Industries he feels it's very necessary to find a few knowledgeable and well-connected people to accompany him in Scavenging the Antique Market especially in the transaction process to ensure that he can safely receive the money however at his level he has never had contact with such people before perhaps Jang manua might have a way after all she is undoubtedly a trillionaire arys her connections and resources are probably Beyond L Fan's reach at this
moment ha why am I thinking of that woman again sleep sleep after thinking back and forth until 4 or 5 5: in the morning lufan finally couldn't resist the invasion of sleepiness he fell into a deep sleep did you go out stealing last night clearly it wasn't that late yet you have dark circles under your eyes the next morning when Jang Manu came to pick up Lan in her car she noticed that he not only yawned repeatedly but also had Panda eyes obviously not having slept well she couldn't help but sa
rcastically comment oh I had a bit of insomnia did you have breakfast here take this it's bread Lan fastened his seat belt and replied listlessly after confirming that Jang Manu is indeed his future wife he realized that this goddess's words were a bit crazy but they seemed quite ordinary quite sweet isn't it obvious that this is caring for oneself I haven't eaten thank you Jong Manu took the bread and was also slightly stunned in the past Luan would definitely toward her today why is he so hone
st so obedient Jung Manu drove while chatting with Lan about her ideas on the interior design of the house Lan nodded in agreement and occasionally responded this made Jang manua even more surprised there's definitely something wrong with this guy this Behavior makes me a little uncomfortable why don't you take a nap we're still far from the company and it's Rush Hour Jang Manu said softly unable to Bear seeing how tired Luan was whom unexpectedly This Woman's gentle voice sounded like a dream a
fter a while Luan fell asleep Jang manua occasionally turned her head to steal glances at him black hair long eyelashes a strong nose Sexy Lips This handsome face is still the same in Jean Manu heart last night her best friend huo Yen suggested that she keep a distance from Luan because distance sometimes creates Beauty but the moment J manua saw Lan she gave up on this idea she couldn't help but tease Luan this should be her most authentic self in front of Luan so let everything happened natura
lly a crazy goddess isn't it great are we there when she felt the car stop Luan leisurely opened his eyes can't you sleep more soundly let's go we still have a lot of things to do today JN Manu raised her eyebrows and said with resentment uh how did I get the feeling that the crazy goddess has become gentle forget it since you're my wife I won't argue with you Luan pursed his lips and got out of the car he walked side by side with Jang Manu and arrived at the Excellence company they spent an hou
r selecting the interior design it must be said that their tastes were surpris surprisingly similar Jan Manu couldn't find an opportunity to despise Lan afterwards Jang Manu went to attend to her own matters while Lan sat alone in her office he looked at the personal items casually placed on the desk even including Cosmetics Lan couldn't help but sigh ah now it really looks like a Boss's Daughter this woman Jang manua doesn't even tidy up her desk she looks elegant but is she actually a messy wo
man if you like me shouldn't you pay attention to your image in front of me look this drawer isn't closed properly Luan lay on the CEO chair and reached out to close the drawer but because he didn't adjust his posture properly with a swoosh he accidentally pulled the drawer open and then a pair of black stockings suddenly they caught Lan's eye the way they were casually placed indicated that they had been worn the image of a pair of beautiful legs in black stockings lightly swing entered luan's
mind this Luan shook his head vigorously in a Flash he pushed the drawer back in ah what is this I really want to escape from this place of trouble it's just an office why is it so dangerous Lan took a deep breath and took out his phone he began to focus on learning about ancient calligraphy and jadeite fortunately these two things now have a Fatal Attraction to him soon he became engrossed just as Luan was considering how to ask Jong Manu to accompany him to the lahu Antique Market later his ph
one suddenly rang he looked and saw that it was his mother calling what's up miss your son coincidentally your son misses you too Lan slid open the answer button and spoke to the old lady with a smooth tongue I don't know if you miss your mother but I can be sure that you definitely haven't thought about your only sister you don't even ask about her I feel sorry for my sister the old lady didn't buy it and immediately scolded how could I not miss my little chushi at home last time I wanted to go
to school to see her but she was on an internship what's going on here Lan defended himself without much confidence it's true that he hasn't actively contact Ed his sister chushi for a while mainly because this little girl 6 years younger than him didn't stick to him as much when she grew up clearly before Junior High School she used to follow him like a shadow calling him brother endlessly you really are a cheap brother you don't even remember your sister's graduation ceremony and you dare to
say that this Saturday your father and I will both go remember to buy a nice gift although choose she doesn't say it who knows how much she's looking forward to it all right that's it the old lady hung up the phone in a bad mood this Saturday which is the day after tomorrow it seems like he has to make a trip to Guang Chung but before that he needs to buy a gift when he thought of the gift Lan suddenly had a great idea president Jang I have something to ask of you after Jang manua finished her b
usy work and returned to the office Lan immediately spoke up I've told you don't call me president Jang call me by my name otherwise we won't discuss anything JN Manu threw her bag onto the table and looked at Luan arrogantly damn this woman really knows how to control people she started talking about conditions before anything else Jang manua can I ask you for a favor for those tens of billions and also for my sister Lan could only compromise um tell me what is it although she didn't directly c
all her manua at least there was some progress Jang manua showed a somewhat dissatisfied expression indicating that she reluctantly listened well it's like this I have a sister who was about to graduate from college the day after tomorrow I have to attend her graduation ceremony so I need to buy a gift my sister's preferences are different from those of ordinary girls she has a fascination with old objects since she was young especially old-fashioned jewelry she really likes them so I want to go
to the lahu Antique Market but I don't really understand girls things I just want to ask if you have time in the afternoon shushi really does like old objects but Luan is not sure about old-fashioned jewelry he had to semi- truthfully trick Jang manua first take her to the Antique Market then ask if she knows anyone who understands ancient calligraphy in painting or gambling on Stones it would naturally follow you have a sister why have I never heard you mention her before but you told me that
you don't understand girls jewelry do you think I would believe that in the past 6 months haven't you been giving someone these kinds of gifts Jan manua narrowed her eyes slightly and serious ly question luan's words Luan was dumbfounded he had thought that she might have doubts but he didn't expect her Focus to be on this strange matter it's been a while since all that happened why is she still bringing up my breakup is she mocking me or is she jealous thinking that it might be the latter I can
't indulge her all right forget what I said Lan stood up nonchalantly ready to leave Lan why are you so easily swayed is this the extent of your concern for your own sister I didn't say I don't have time it's such a coincidence my dad is a collector of antiques and has been to many antique markets under his influence I also know a little bit about it you can go but you have to treat me to lunch before Luan even reached the door Jang manua started lecturing him he picked up his bag from the table
as if he was ready to go for a free meal Lan turned his back to her a smug smile on his face John hatang is an antique Enthusiast this information was an unexpected surprise whether it's about knowledge or sales it's all there this step was indeed the right one however the tone of this female CEO scolding him for not caring about his sister was just like the old lady it's only natural for my own mother to say that about my family what's your relationship with me you really don't consider yourse
lf an outsider he muttered a few words in his heart Luan LED Jang Manu and went to Tang Palace number one to have a meal again luu Antique Market three whole streets filled with various antique and Jade shops of course there were also many small stalls they were not only concentrated in a designated area for stalls on both sides of the Road wherever there was an empty space people would set up stalls porcelain ancient Pottery Jade calligraphy and painting bronze wear bamboo and wood carvings str
ange Stones jewelry and Jade Collectibles everything was being sold and it was exceptionally Lively although Lan had found a lot of information about the Antique Market online this was his first time visiting in person as soon as he got off the car he was amazed by the scene in front of him this place is too big how long will it take to explore it all should we go directly to the place where they sell jewelry or should we just wander around John Manu asked after getting out of Lans X7 let's just
wander around first it doesn't have to be jewelry Lan's main purpose for this trip was twofold first to scan through all the Stalls second to go to the shop of the Jade workshop and confirm if the piece of jadeite Ruff was still there he also wanted to see if there were any potential buyers for that piece of jite Ruff of course if he happened to come across something that chushi might like he would buy it does your dad often come here as they walked Luan casually asked Jang manua for informatio
n not often he's so busy he comes to visit once or twice a year mainly because he's familiar with several senior sellers here if there's anything worth buying they will contact him proactively after all he's a big spender who else would they extort if not him John Manu changed into a white dress with both hands lightly folded behind her she walked enthusiastically beside Lan occasionally she would tilt her head and sneak a glance at Lan's profile but this guy it seemed like his gaze never stayed
on her for long he kept looking left and right as if afraid of missing something this could be considered their first time SHO in together although the place they were shopping at was a bit strange there were hardly any young people they were all middle-aged or older and there were some strange artists as well this place had nothing to do with romance damn it it didn't match at all oh well it's still the first time after all oh what kind of antiques does your dad usually buy Lan continued to di
g for information he used to be the richest man in nshan so he probably doesn't care about anything worth less than a few million or even a billion he wouldn't even look at things like that Lan continued his investigation he he you think too highly of him as long as he likes it he won't let go of things worth a few hundred bucks but he especially likes collecting calligraphy and paintings that's true in my house there's a copy of Emperor Hon's calligraphy he traveled all the way from England to
the southern 's auction and spent 400 million to buy it what a treasure it is John Manu talked about her father's purchase with a disdainful expression it's still considered an artwork most people don't have this kind of appreciation ability besides having this kind of hobby is a way to cultivate one's sentiment Lan saw that Jang manua seemed uninterested in it he chimed in to support his future father-in-law as he spoke he C casually glanced at a booth nearby the next second Lan couldn't help b
ut widen his eyes an incredibly familiar ancient painting suddenly appeared before him without any warning last night Lan had already studied that painting Autumn scene in the Han Palace very carefully the color The Contours the positions of the buildings and trees it couldn't be anyone else but it damn did I find it so easily 68 million right in front of me let's go let's buy a painting we'll have your dad take a look and see if it's an antique art treasure who knows it might be worth billions
haha Lan couldn't contain his excitement joking with Jang Manu he squatted down and carefully examined the painting that painting Autumn scene in the Han Palace was spread out among many other paintings Lan didn't specifically stare at it it instead his eyes flickered around what would you handsome gentlemen and beautiful ladies like to buy I have many good things here things that young people like an old man warmly greeted them he hadn't open for business for several days so even though Luan an
d Jang manua didn't look like potential buyers they didn't want to miss any opportunity oh just looking around is this Jade bracelet real Lan catch picked up a green bracelet and asked the shopkeeper but his gaze kept glancing at the painting yes it's the Real Deal No Escape young man you have a good eye this Jade bracelet was worn by Emperor yangong Jing's beloved concubine shigu you know shigu right the one played by sunley and the drama empresses in the palace not only is it genuine but it's
also quite romantic giving it to your girlfriend would be amazing amazing she would be a modern day shigu however when this Jade bracelet was Unearthed it had some impurities mixed in it's not worth as much as it originally was being able to buy it is also fate the old man used the prepared sales pitch bombarding them with flowery words if Lan's mind wasn't elsewhere he would have been completely fooled really how much are you selling it for unexpectedly upon hearing the shopkeeper persuasive wo
rds Jang manua snatched the bracelet from luan's hand she showed an unusually high level of Interest as she held it in her hand and looked at it she saw some black impurities inside the green bracelet this guy is so good at making up stories just based on his storytelling marketing skills she felt it was worth buying miss this item it suits you perfectly just like shigu it seems like you also have the destiny to become a noble concubine and Empress all right I'll give you a discount 2000 Yuan co
nsider it a gift as expected the shopkeeper turned his attention to Jang manua he asked if this Empress was tempted or not Jang manu's Cherry lips couldn't help but twitch with all this hype she thought it would cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands it's only selling for 2,000 are you looking down on me or what this thing definitely isn't she goaz it must be a fake gu I didn't bring any money can you pay for me however Jung Manu also had her own plan she said to Luan who still loo
ked confused in a righteous manner it doesn't matter what the thing is what matters is that she can use it as an excuse to not pay in this way isn't it like Lan gave it to her I'm truly a genius and Luan seeing the obvious malicious looking Jang manu's eyes suddenly had a clever idea Jiang manette are you stupid this bracelet is nothing special it's not worth 2,000 Yuan he pointed to several paintings including the Autumn scene in the Han Palace and said casually even if you add these few painti
ngs they might not be worth 2,000 Yan the old man was displeased upon hearing this because the price he received for the bracelet along with those paintings was exactly 2000 Yuan how could he say it's not worth 2000 Yuan when it clearly is young man I don't like what you're saying let's talk about this painting I went through a lot of trouble to get it from an old mansion they say it's from a famous painter from the Song Dynasty just this painting alone is worth more than 2,000 Yuan not to menti
on the others you really don't want to buy it do you the old man pointed at the a scene in the Han Palace with indignation it's not even a genuine painting from the son Dynasty there's not even a seal on it do you think I know nothing Luan confidently picked up the Autumn scene in the Han Palace and confronted the shop owner because the authentic Autumn scene in the Han Palace indeed had no seal the old man mentioned the Song Dynasty painting because he had heard a bit about its origin when he a
cquired it but everyone could clearly see that it lacked a seal otherwise he wouldn't have only spent 100 Yuan to buy it back it was just the paper and condition of the painting that had a somewhat antique appearance perhaps there were others who had the same idea and could sell it for a higher price all right boss this bracelet along with this painting 2,000 yuan in total sell it if you want if not forget it at this moment the clever Jang manua knew that Luan was interested in the painting alth
ough she didn't know how much he wanted to buy it for but she wanted that bracelet so unknowingly she gave Lan a helping hand oh well fine take it only your girlfriend speaks nicely otherwise I definitely wouldn't sell it this young man's words are too rude he's insulting our intelligence in this business the old man helplessly waved his hand taking advantage of the fact that the beauty hadn't realized it yet he decisively took out the QR codee hanging on his chest signaling Lan to scan it all r
ight all right I really admire you all for a simple bracelet you want it that badly Lan seeing how well Jang manua acted played along with her he gave her a disdainful look he took out his phone scanned the code and made the payment then reluctantly he carefully put away the Autumn scene in the Han Palace shamelessly he asked the shop owner for a tube to protect the painting without paying the old man's eyelid twitched he could have earned over 1,500 Yuan but now he had to give away a tube for t
he painting he directly earned 30 Yuan less he had never seen such a stingy man how did this kind of man find such a beautiful girlfriend it's simply unfair John Manu raised an eyebrow and happily put the bracelet on her wrist no one could take it off I said Luan also gave Jang Manu a rare strange smile from this moment on a painting worth over a 100 million Yuan was finally in their hands letun go let's go letun go somewhere else Luan urged Jang manua with a displeased expression let's leave qu
ickly what if this old man regrets it or tries to cheat them here here why are you in such a hurry I've never seen you so impatient Jang Manu pursed her lips and quickly caught up with Lan who said that strolling through the antique Street doesn't feel like a date pretending to be a couple feels so wonderful whom Lan who was walking ahead heard the phrase impatient he clearly felt that something was off this female CEO is acting up again she's addicted to acting is isn't she and she's teasing he
rself forget it considering that she helped me secure a deal worth over a billion I won't argue with her maybe I'm just lucky today and have encountered the goddess of luck besides there's the matter of selling the painting I still have to rely on this goddess her father after obtaining the famous painting Luan no longer aimlessly wandered around instead he headed directly towards the Jade Workshop store he had already located the approximate position of the store through his phone fortunately J
ang mana's interest in Strolling had been replaced by the Jade bracelet in her hand she couldn't take her eyes off it a fake Jade bracelet that cost less than 500 youan but gave her a sense of treasured possession worth several billion after wandering for about 10 minutes a signboard with the words Jade Workshop carved in ancient style finally appeared in Lan site what's the matter are you here to by jade jewelry or are you here to gamble on Stones John Manuel looked at the signboard and the lin
e of small characters below it puzzled let's go in and take a look buying a jade jewelry for my sister might not be a bad idea Luan continued to use his pitiful sister as an excuse he turned around and walked into the store once inside he immediately saw the huge Jade RW Stone it was placed in the center of the store on a wooden base against the wall the base was surrounded by potted flowers the light from four or five Spotlight Shone on the rawstone giving it a noble and mysterious feeling it w
as clearly treated as the store's treasure Luan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the item was still there the information he had sent himself in the future had indeed not gone wrong at this moment there were only two or three people scattered around the store casually browsing and observing because this store only sold genuine jade jewelry at a high price it was not as crowded and Lively as the street vendors which was normal welcome what would you like to buy please feel free to look
around a male shop assistant approached Lan and Jang Manu handsome and extraordinary with good taste in clothing and outstanding temperament it was clear that they were the Target customers with money so he immediately came up to greet them warmly what are the high qu quality popular jewelry items that young girls like can you introduce them to us Lan asked like an ordinary customer not in a hurry to gather information of course we have necklaces Rings pendants earrings and ear studs the most cl
assic item is the Jade bracelet it's also our store's signature product young girls nowadays also love it the shop assistant LED Luan and Jang Manu to the counter and began enthusiastically introducing each item Lan was dazzled and couldn't see anything special in the past he had bought jewelry for shin Chang many times but she only liked trendy Gold Silver and platinum Jade in her opinion was something that only mothers and grandmothers would like but for someone like Jang manua a true rich gir
l she didn't have such preconceived notions that's why Jang manua who rarely wore jewelry was now listening more attentively than Luan can you show me these earrings she pointed to a pair of earrings and said to the shop assistant with great interest you have a good ey miss this pair was designed by a famous domestic master and is a limited edition the shop assistant who was well aware of the prices saw that the customer was interested in this model naturally she took out the earrings and handed
them to Jang Manu with enthusiasm how do they look do you like them Jang manua Twisted the earrings with one hand and brushed her hair aside with the other she revealed her Fair neck and well-shaped ears then she placed the earrings on her left ear and gently swayed them twice she smiled and asked Lan are they nice luan's heart inexplicably skipped a beat it was his first time seeing Jang manua slightly hidden body parts like her neck and ears which were different from the impression brought by
her black stockings and beautiful legs but it made him feel unusually intimate it was as if it could break some natural barrier between men and women and create some inexplicable connection you didn't even look carefully how can you say they're nice Jang Manu glanced at Luan briefly and quickly averted her gaze expressing her strong dissatisfaction everything looks good on you all right Lan nervously avoided making I contact with Jang manua and turned to the shop assistant saying how much is it
I'll buy it 188,189 youan sir would you like to pay by card or mobile transfer the shop assistant was delighted he liked customers who were straightforward and decisive however Jang Manu couldn't help but intervene hey is this appropriate just buy it like that you don't even know if your sister has pierced ears do you you must have picked her up that's why it's it's so cheap she put the earrings down with a confused expression and questioned Luan just as Luan turned his head he saw a faint Earl
piercing mark on Jang manua indeed he really didn't know if chushi that girl had pierced her ears if she doesn't have one she can get it pierced I think she'll like it so I'll buy this please wrap it up for me Lan waved his hand he followed the shop assistant to the front desk as if escaping TCH I clearly saw it first Jang manua muttered from behind but it wasn't for her so she couldn't say anything but speaking of which Lan only had a little over 10 million Yuan in cash on him now he didn't he
sitate to buy jewelry worth nearly 200,000 Yuan it was just a graduation gift for his sister should it be said that he was generous or especially generous to his family anyway she was satisfied with his generosity little did she know that money was not even a consideration for Lan because in the future the thing he would probably have the least shortage of was money moreover it was a gift for his own sister and this pair of earrings Luan was certain that Chui would most likely like them it seeme
d that from childhood to adulthood there was nothing that chushi didn't like if it was given by Luan and the reason why Luan didn't think much in thought it was also because he wanted to ask about the jite later at least the other party would take it seriously and not be vague after all someone who decided to buy a precious earring worth over 180,000 Yuan without even blinking and I might not be the potential buyer of that piece of jadeite as expected after holding the earrings in his hand Luan
walked over to the jadeite and carefully examined it after showing some interest a middle-aged man wearing a white practice suit and a small beard walked out of the store and quickly approach Lan hello sir I'm shint Tang the owner of this store how should I address you Mr Shin introduced himself warmly now he doesn't care about white cats or cats anyone who can possibly get this Raw Stone he has to personally take action and deceive them he has invested over 20 million in this broken Stone since
a year ago if it were exchanged for other Goods who knows how much profit it would have made by now if no one else wants it he might have to cut his losses or maybe blindfold himself and cut it but not until the last moment these sellers of raw stones will not reveal the true value of their Stones hello my last name is Lou louan smiled politely and didn't say much Mr Lou you seem to be a fresh face is this your first time in the Antique Market interested in gambling on stones bosan wasn't in a
hurry either he first got acquainted with Luan and confirmed some of luan's circumstances H it's my first time gambling on Stones taking a risk to get rich quick although I don't know much I seen plenty of news about getting rich overnight as soon as I entered your store it was hard not to be attracted to this Stone bosin what is the origin of this Stone Luan also didn't hide his interest in directly expressed it bosan immediately became excited upon hearing this this clearly was a rookie with a
gambling Spirit there's a chance he he Mr Lou is joking but indeed you have spoken the truth about our Stone gambling industry this piece of jadeite it comes from the state in Myanmar with the highest jite production and quality I obtained it by chance to be honest with you several experts have said that its appearance is not good it's ridiculous are there not enough examples of something that looks good but turns out to be a piece of no matter how experienced you are sometimes it's those Outsi
ders who are blessed by Heaven these people are the ones who have no fate with this precious stone such a large Raw Stone let alone the best quality all green but as long as you can see a little bit of green it's stable if you're lucky you'll have a worry-free life for the rest of your life there are a few buyers who have been longing for it but the only flaw of this Raw Stone of mine is that it's expensive if you can't afford it you're out of luck bosan passionately explained there was no sign
of worry about not being able to sell it clearly it was in high demand and he was reluctant to sell it he had to find someone with fate if it weren't for Luan knowing the true situation he would have been deceived this line of work was several levels above the old man Selling paintings on the street Stall oh really then how much are you selling it for Lan pretended to widen his eyes and asked eagerly there's not much profit in raw Stones I'm just making a decent living and also if you find a goo
d piece you should consider selling the material back to me first our store mainly makes money from craftsmanship after BOS finished his introduction he held up four fingers 40 million non-negotiable Lan silently nodded he naturally knew this price a long time ago and when bosan saw that Luan wasn't surprised at all by this price he was even more convinced this guy can definitely afford it just as he was about to further entice him Lan took the initiative to bring up a point bosan if I mean if c
ut open and it's all the best jadeite for example Imperial green and how much would such a large piece be worth bosun's mouth suddenly opened wide showing an extremely exaggerated expression he exclaimed oh that would be something at least 10 billion should I say it or not this expression even he himself would be ruined wouldn't that be turning 40 million into 1 billion a direct increase of 25 times this this is too exaggerated Lan exclaimed in disbelief it was even more astonishing than when he
first heard the valuation of 1 billion it was simply incredible gambling on Stones it's just like that very ordinary at this moment bosin remained calm his face accustomed to seeing countless people get rich overnight immediately sparked endless imagination Lan stared at the rough Stone lost in tactical contemplation Lan you don't really want to buy this Stone do you turning 40 million into 1 billion this kind of Daydream I can't believe you would dare watching these two people go back and fort
h shouting and screaming here Jang manua was speechless to the extreme if she didn't speak up soon Lan this madman might actually do something like this can't buy it Luan frowned and asked Jan manua of course not how could something like a pie falling from the sky happen to you Jean manua denied with no confidence because she thought of Luan turning 6 million into 400 million but trading foreign exchange and gambling on Stones were completely different things one required professional technical
expertise while the other relied purely on luck I think the boss makes sense Lan said in confusion what sense let's go quickly John manua was about to go crazy she quickly grabbed Lan's arm and tried to leave as they walked she said um bosan we have something else to do we'll come back next time next time Lan's entire arm was pressed against Jang manu's arm due to the sudden pull there was a moment when they accidentally brushed against something soft but Lan didn't have time to savor it at all
he quickly took out his phone he showed his WeChat QR code bosan add me on WeChat add me on WeChat bosan was a bit confused he quickly took out his phone and chased after them to the door beeped and scanned it it was the first time he had seen someone so eager to take the bait unfortunately it was a fish afraid of his wife but fortunately with WeChat added he didn't have to worry about them running away bosan knew very well that someone with a strong gambling nature would come even if they had t
o hide it from their wife and Lan was secretly relieved fortunately we chat was added in this way if anyone really wanted to buy this piece of jite Ruff bosan would definitely contct him after all with his foolishness and wealth he would definitely be willing to offer a higher price than others and this was also one of Lan's purposes for coming today after selling the painting Autumn scene in the Han Palace for over a 100 million he would come back John manua directly pulled Luan into the car sh
e closed the car door stepped on the gas pedal and quickly left the Antique Market she was really afraid that if they stayed any longer Luan would turn around and have another in-depth conversation with the boss if he didn't have enough money he would probably sell the house again this guy he's not generous at all clearly he has no concept of money and his gambling nature is too strong ah what kind of heart am I having I'm so annoyed when they left the antique Market it was already late Jang Man
u drove directly home if you dare to sell the house and buy that piece of junk Stone let's letun break up Jang Manu threatened Luan with the money from their partnership no I haven't even lived in that house it would be a shame to sell it Lan assured her then go back come pick me up tomorrow after Jang manua finished speaking she opened the C Door and tried to get out oh Luan obediently responded he was worried about how to get in touch with JN hatang unexpectedly the face of the wealthy man who
often appeared in financial news suddenly appeared from the entrance of the villa and slowly walked towards the car Dad you're home John manua obviously didn't expect her father to come back so early she approached with a slight surprise John hatang habitually smiled at his daughter and maintained his usual dignity he looked at Luan getting off the car with a burning gaze and stopped about five or six steps away from him Mr dejan hello I'm Luan Lan took the initiative to speak out of respect fo
r his Elders his attitude was neither arrogant nor humble just right this made Jang manu's slightly anxious heart relax a bit her father didn't have a good impression of Luan but he naturally harbored an inexplicable hostility towards any man who approached him so you're Lan you do have a talent for looking good not bad at all even though Jang hatang had already seen Lan's photo he unabashedly scrutinized him he wanted to assert his dominance over Lan in a rude manner Mr Jang you flatter me it's
just a superficial appearance even though Lan's future father-in-law he had no intention of spoiling him he Shrugged nonchalantly and replied with a smile John haton couldn't help but Twitch in his heart this guy is indeed dangerous and highly aggressive but he does fit his daughter Jan Manu as aesthetic nowadays it's the era of popularity economy and having a good appearance is also a competitive Advantage there's no need for prejudice since we're already at the door come in and have a seat Jo
hn hatang maintained a calm expression on his face he made a gesture of invitation and said to Luan he had already made up his mind instead of worrying and being afraid it was better to take the initiative and keep a close eye on Lan even if his daughter was unhappy as parents they had a responsibility all right sorry for the disturbance Lan walked forward confidently as he passed by John manua she gave him a puzzled look she was a bit caught off guard are we needing the parents already so soon
we haven't even confirmed our relationship yet but why do I feel like neither of them can hold back oh well who cares it's fine like this too San is here please have a seat we'll start dinner soon suyuin who came out of the kitchen greeted Luan warmly as always she was very happy that after inviting him so many times Luan finally agreed to come to their house maybe it was because his relationship with her daughter had progressed further or maybe it was because old Jung's intervention was more ef
fective hello Auntie sorry for the trouble Luan greeted his future mother-in-law with the most sincere smile indeed mothers-in-law naturally have a good impression of their son-in-law after exchanging greetings Jang hatang sat on the sofa ready and waiting the spacious living room was open plan Luan and Jang Manu and naturally sat opposite each other even though there was tea at home Jang hatang insisted on not Brewing it and instead had a bottle of mineral water brought over by the servant San
right I heard that you made a lot of money from Trading foreign exchange recently and you also cooperated with excellence and bought a piece of land in guing District that's quite a big leap what are your plans for the future JN hatang had long known about luan's background so he didn't engage in much small talk and went straight to the key topic after all a man cannot be without his own career and his daughter's future career would be significant this had to be said it would be a problem I don'
t have any specific plans just to become the richest man in Nung first then the richest man in the country and then the richest man in the world like that seeing his future father-in-law trying to block him from John Manu Lan felt a bit annoyed he and Jang manua hadn't even started yet so he retorted without a good tone he he it's good for young people to have dreams so I just want to ask how long do you plan to become the richest person in nanchung 5 years 10 years or 20 years no other meaning
just giving you a reference first ha I Jang hatang graduated from Stanford NBA at the age of 26 and returned to ning to start my own business I'm not afraid to tell you that with the support of my wife's grandfather it took me a whole 20 years to become the richest person in Nanchang and only after half a year someone surpassed me now at the age of 50 the assets of the Jang group have soared to hundreds of billions but the gap between me and the richest person keeps widening it's not that I'm no
t working hard enough but there are people who work harder and are more excellent than me and you just two months ago you were just a manager in the excellent marketing department right with a salary of over 400,000 a year do you think you have extraordinary Talent or did you suddenly awaken the qualities of a rich person John hatang was hit hard by Lan's words he couldn't control his emotions and couldn't help but bombard Luan if Luan was just unhappy and used words to provoke him it would be f
ine and understandable but if he really had this idea he really wanted to slap him awake he had seen arrogant people but he had never seen someone is arrogant as Lan Lan was a little dumbfounded he didn't expect that the mighty real estate Tycoon would react so strongly wasn't he exaggerating too much and stimulating the other party's heart then look at Jang Manu from the look in his eyes it was almost as if he wanted to kill him other people are cautious and restrained when they meet their pare
nts damn it but you Lan are different you don't hold back with your words and directly confront the parents if you don't like me just say it there's no need to make meeting the parents so difficult like going to hell right uh I can't say for sure how long exactly it could be 3 years at most or one year at least I'm average in both hard work and Excellence but I can't deny that I've been lucky haaha Luan thought for a moment and smiled in response get out get the hell out of here stay away from m
y precious daughter from now on John Honk's heart was collapsing at this moment even though he was used to storms and had a stable mindset like an old dog at this moment he was completely shattered damn it what kind of weirdo did my daughter fall in love with this is a disaster let's go let's eat Jan Manu had a dark face and pulled Luan up with a forced smile she directly dragged him to the dining table she was afraid that luan's Shameless face would continue to show off in front of her father h
er father couldn't help but flip the coffee table what are you talking about why are you so excited suyuin who heard the passionate conversation in the living room from the kitchen came out with the last dish she asked Luan and Jan manua with a board expression oh chairman Jang was giving me advice on becoming the richest person after listening I gained a lot Lan awkwardly replied at this moment he had completely forgotten about Selling paintings he didn't know if he would have a chance to come
in through this door in the future he he don't listen to Old Jang bragging there suyuin who was unaware just thought that Lu Lan was a humorous and nice child after pressing Luan onto the dining table Jang manua looked at Jang haton who was still sitting in the living room with a confused expression with pleading eyes in consideration of her daughter's face Jan hatang reluctantly joined them at the table he didn't say a word the task of chatting and probing military information with Lan fell to
suyuin surprisingly it was exceptionally harmonious Lan answered every question question from suyuin he was enthusiastic patient respectful and polite Auntie I'm quite interested in real estate I think real estate will still have a glorious 10 years at least in the future I will also start my own company and Venture into a specific industry soon apart from running my own business I will focus my main energy on investments investing in various assets potential Industries and companies and so on J
ohn J hatang heard all the answers he wanted at the dining table the atmosphere at the table was relatively Pleasant Jang Manu gradually relaxed and joined the group chat mom don't listen to Lan's nonsense he is the most unreliable investor I have ever met I'm starting to regret cooperating with him now believing his nonsense and buying those two plots of land in guangming District Jang manua shook her head and criticized Luan but to mother's ears this sounded like a flirtatious boast only when
the relationship is close enough can one speak such words of obvious criticism and hidden praise and from Lan's expression at this moment it could be seen that he actually accepted this intimacy between the two no wonder he agreed to come in for dinner today but when Jan hatang heard this his heart skipped a beat he secretly muttered to himself daughter what did you mean by that just now was lan just talking talking nonsense about the Guang Ming District matter no I have also done research mysel
f I even consulted your grandfather on the phone don't scare your old man your old man has spent billions buying a lot of scattered land in Guang Ming District I was even planning to invest several tens of billions more fortunately Jang manua changed the subject even if those two plots of land are reliable mom guess what stupid thing Luan did today we were supposed to go to the Antique Market today to buy a graduation gift for his sister who knew he set his eyes on a jite rough Stone worth 40 mi
llion he knows nothing about gambling on stones but he was fooled by that Mr Shin the boss said it could produce an Exquisite Green Jade worth 10 billion when he heard the 10 billion figure he couldn't even move his legs if I hadn't dragged him out he would have immediately asked the boss to sell it to him I'm asking you is that outrageous or not after saying that Jang Manu couldn't help but pouted Lan it was as if she was saying don't blame me for spreading your own business everywhere besides
my parents are not just anyone they won't lose face I don't know if that Mr Shin was fooling him but I really think that jite Ru Stone can produce something good it's just that I don't have enough money as long as I have enough money I will definitely buy it unexpectedly Luan not only didn't feel embarrassed but he earnestly reiterated his unique vision and decision Jang manu's mouth instantly closed and she didn't feel like talking anymore she understood the pain her father Jang haton felt when
he was criticized just now at the same time she secretly decided that the 20 million in the account of the Excellence company should never be returned to Lan it must be turned into the cost of Cooperative development is it Mr shinung from Jade Workshop I know about that jadeite Ruff Stone he approached me before the appearance is indeed not very good but it doesn't mean it can't produce Green Jade gambling on Stones is a very mystical thing unfortunately I'm not too interested at this moment JN
haton who had been silent suddenly spoke up although he didn't show any disdain on the surface for what Luan said he sneered in his heart this Lan is truly a Madman such a person will eventually fall flat on his face when that time comes it won't be too late to separate him from his daughter for now let's just endure it all right even if there is a tiny bit of luck in gambling on stones but this guy did something even more outrageous today he bought a pair from a street stall and the owner said
it was an ancient painting from the Song Dynasty it probably cost around 500 Yuan he even said he wanted to bring it over and show it to you Dad as an antique Enthusiast who knows it might be a Priceless treasure worth billions ha the stall owner also said that the bracelet I have is the one worn by the concubine of Emperor Ki Janan it should be worth several billion John manua said showing her wrist with the bracelet the clearly fake Jade was immediately seen through by Jung haton and his wife
the couple frowned deeply oh daughter daughter we have so many real jade bracelets worth millions at home but you don't care about them you're so enthusiastic about wearing a fake bracelet worth a few hundred Yuan and hearing this Lan's eyes lit up I was just saying I think that painting the paper and the craftsmanship are excellent extraordinary it might really be a Priceless genuine piece that I stumbled upon these things do exist in the Antique Market Lan weakly defended after being scolded
by JN Manu for so long he couldn't be bothered to argue with her anymore is that so is the painting still in the car bring it over and let me have a look it might really be something good Lan has always had a sharp eye I believe he has his reasons JN hatang seized this opportunity instantly although he couldn't break them up he could still undermine Lan prestige a bit he was truly delighted by this Dad do you really want to see it Jang manua hesitated it was clear that her father wanted to see L
an's embarrassment it was my fault for being a bit too harsh I didn't handle it well it's nothing to take a look I'll go get it Lan stood up first and ran out directly not giving Jan manua a chance to help him less than 3 minutes later Lan played the painting Autumn scene in the Han Palace in front of John hatan look look can't you tell it's genuine you the expert in ancient calligraphy and painting are just a fake Jan Manu and her daughter realized that there was nothing they could do at this p
oint suyuin thought to herself that Luan was a good kid but he was a bit too arrogant it wouldn't hurt to let old Jong teach him a lesson Jang manua on the other hand held a glimmer of if the painting turned out to be genuine that would be great she didn't want to see her father personally suppress Lan John hatang pretended to look very seriously at the painting but as he looked his expression became unsettled this paper it's indeed Shin paper from the Song Dynasty around the southern song perio
d the craftsmanship is exquisite reminisent of the style of the Imperial Painting Academy most importantly the poems on the painting have a refined Elegance the brush work is powerful and elegant John hatang vaguely realized that it seemed to be the work of Emperor chanlong judging from the content of these poems the theme of the painting is Emperor Wu of Han meeting the queen mother of the West it's just missing a seal so it's unclear who the artist is but it's most likely not a fake nor is it
a copy JN hang's face completely lost its previous relaxed and playful expression replaced by Deep size this this could possibly be a genuine piece how is that possible what's wrong old JN seeing Jan Hon's expression change suyuin asked in confusion uh JN hatang hesitated and replied I'm not sure either tomorrow I'll ask director hang to take a look he knows more about traditional Chinese painting than I do I only have a bit of an eye for graphy hearing this Su yunin and Jang Manu were both shoc
ked it is very telling that Jan hatang was able to bring Out director hang if it were just ordinary counterfeit Goods there would be no need to seek the appraisal of experts from the Nanchang Academy of calligraphy and painting right the mother and daughter both looked at Luan with a puzzled expression see I told you it might be something good Lan Shrugged his shoulders and confidently said at this moment JN Hon's face couldn't hide his unease and his eyelids twitched twice but due to his love f
or calligraphy and painting and his eagerness to know the truth he immediately took several photos of the Autumn scene in the Han Palace and sent them to his friend hang yud da less than 10 minutes later Jang hatang saw hang udo's reply he was completely shocked La Jang where did you get this painting This is highly likely to be an authentic work by hang Ting Jin if it's authentic it's an invaluable Masterpiece do you still have the painting I'm in guangan I'll find you when I return to nanang t
omorrow John hatang took a deep breath he silently replied I still have it then he said to Luan with a blank expression shaan can I keep this painting for now no problem I'm not interested in collecting calligraphy and painting if your friend here likes it I'll sell it to him Lan readily agreed he knew that as long as the price was reasonable collectors would find it hard to resist if he could sell it for 100 million Yuan he would be satisfied after all he was in a hurry to get the money to buy
that piece of jite there was no time to go through the auction process it would be more trouble than it's worth the jite was the main attraction as for whether his future father-in-law would deceive him that was obviously impossible JN hatang nodded silently and didn't say anything more after adding Luan on WeChat he left the table he returned to his room alone lost in thought about life it's frustrating when your plans fail it seems that Lan has outsmarted him this time Jean Manu and her daught
er were also dumbfounded they had never seen the esteemed Jean hatan suffer such a big loss and he brought it upon himself after having a few meals and fruits at the Jung family Villa Luan happily drove away in his BMW X7 the next morning as usual Luan came to pick up Jang manua suyuin asked Luan to come in and have breakfast before leaving and he didn't make a fuss about it once is enough there will be a second time besides he didn't have time to have breakfast at the hotel today fortunately he
didn't run into director Jang otherwise it would have been awkward LAN man you're amazing you made my old man miserable all night John manua raised her eyebrows from the passenger seat although it was different from what she had expected when meeting her parents the result was still good the two of them had breakfast together at home which was a big breakthrough I didn't mean to who would have thought that the broken painting could actually be authentic Luan Shrugged his shoulders feeling proud
this is just the beginning wait until everything with the jite is settled you'll be even more surprised if that painting sells for 40 million you on are you really going to buy that piece of junk Stone Jang Manu immediately thought of a question and asked Luan seriously of course I've already bragged to your dad how can I back down now I only promised you not to sell the house are you going to interfere with that too Lan firmly replied and he used the word inter interfere in response to Jang ma
nu's question this made Jang manua Ponder interfere what is my identity why should I interfere with you do whatever you want I don't care it's not like it's my money Jang manua arrogantly said at the same time she kept shaking her head in her mind let him squander if he wants to I'm not broke I can afford anything as long as the house next door is still there then the two of them happily went to the house in the outstanding era they received the soft furnishings and some selected home appliances
one by one because there were a lot of things and the house was big there were two sets it took a whole morning to finish everything finally done now we just need some daily necessities and we can move in what do you think should we have a housewarming party looking at the full house there was suddenly a homely atmosphere John Manu took off her socks and lay comfortably on the sofa looking at the ceiling she smiled at Luan Luan looked at the goddess who was completely Carefree on the sofa and c
ouldn't help but smile a housewarming party it's not impossible but all of their family members are in guing it's not that they can't come it's just that inviting relatives and friends over and being neighbors with this goddess it's like making it public their family members don't even know that theyve become successful this weekend is definitely not possible I'm going to Guang Ching tomorrow to attend my sister's graduation ceremony my parents will also go I'll ask them if they want to come if
they come we can have one if not forget it Lan thought for a moment he would eventually have to tell his family about his situation let it happen naturally it's not like it has to be this weekend the outstanding era is opening this weekend and I'm busy too when Lan agreed to have a housewarming party Jang manua was already secretly happy she also thought about Luan family they might come over so she casually asked by the way which school did your sister graduate from the same as us Jung Shan Uni
versity Lan replied ha Jung Shan University to graduation ceremony too why does it sound familiar ah I remember now it's what Cho Yen's younger brother Jang Manu exclaimed sitting up from the sofa ha whato Yen why does this name sound familiar this time it was Luan who fell into contemplation and during this Gap Jang manua brain was spinning rapidly suddenly she made a shocking decision I decided tomorrow I'm also going to guing to attend the graduation ceremony originally she was thinking that
she couldn't go to guanin with Luan which was a Pity but now the opportunity has come uh why do you want to join in the fun at my sister's graduation ceremony Luan felt that Jang manua this goddess had some wires crossed in her head and was acting strange again she wouldn't want to meet my parents would she meeting your parents is for my own needs not to meet your parents don't misunderstand okay who said I want to attend your sister's graduation ceremony I'm going to attend my best friend wo Ye
n's younger brother's graduation ceremony it just happens to be from Jung xan University too Jang Manu I said confidently he he what a coincidence you just said that the the outstanding era is opening tomorrow right as the boss is it really okay for you not to show up Lan couldn't help but twitch his mouth and asked three questions in a row it's just a coincidence why would I lie to you whato Yen oh don't you remember you met her before after the Freshman welcome party we went to have supper tog
ether Jung manua neither confirmed nor denied oh I have some impression but you're still going to join in the fun at someone else's brother's graduation ceremony Jang manua said Lan suddenly remembered that there was a female classmate who was always with Jung Manu you guys don't understand the bond between us sisters besides it's been 5 years since I graduated and haven't returned to my alma moer you can go back why can't I besides you can say that I'm the boss and the opening ceremony can be b
e handled by guong and the others otherwise why did I hire so many employees Jan manu's Flawless argumentation left Luan speechless and unable to retort next Jang Manu came up with another reason that made him think yeah that's true and difficult to refuse oh and you haven't forgotten we still have to talk about your Maserati this afternoon right you drive your BMW X7 and I'll drive the Maserati there for you leave the X7 in ganing for your dad and we'll take the Maserati back isn't that perfect
it has to be said that Jang Manu really knows how to consider lfan the arrangements were clearly understood it's hard to believe that she just thought of it on the spot if it weren't for accidentally mentioning the opening ceremony Lan would definitely think this was planned ah what else could he say during lunchtime Lan unexpectedly received a WeChat message from John hatang saan director hang wants to buy that painting with his own money the price is fair 120 million do you have any objection
s what objections could Lan have this price is already higher than what he expected it seems that director hang not only knows how to appreciate art but is also very generous however he doesn't know what kind of expression his future father-in-law will have when he hears that his good friend wants to by the painting for 120 million Lan smiled and replied no objections then send me your bank account number the funds are a bit large director Juan can only transfer it to you tomorrow soon Jang hata
ng replied succinctly at this moment he was also feeling a bit annoyed Not only was he slapped in the face but he also became a middleman who didn't make a profit Lan wondered what kind kind of expression he would have when he saw this number fortunately hang yud da who had a shocked and excited expression didn't notice Luan thank you director Jang I'll treat you to a meal another day Lan quickly sent his bank account number he remembered that his future father-in-law said he knew the boss of th
e Jade Workshop chintang when he brings his future father-in-law this big shot over there won't be any unexpected problems as for slapping him in the face again that's a bit excessive I have to think about how to handle it Lan why are you smiling you look so silly like you found money Jang manua saw Luan happily playing with his phone and thought there was no reason for him to be chatting with other girls she put down her Chopsticks and pouted H I did find money that painting sold for 120 millio
n your dad just told me Lan grinned at Jang Manu what it's worth that much Jan Manu was instantly stunned she thought it would be worth some money but she didn't expect it to be worth that much otherwise would your dad lie to me of course not well there you have it seeing Lan's smug expression Jang manua became angry is money so easy to make in Lan's hands she worked hard to start her own company and only made one or two billion in a year but Luan he made 4 billion in half a month by trading for
an exchange he can make 1.2 billion in a day by buying some junk at the Antique Market people compare themselves to others and it's infuriating now his money won't be wasted even if he buys a worthless Stone clearly in the eyes of others she is a rich woman who is supporting Lan will she be laughed at as a sugar mama that painting was obviously bought with my help so I deserve a share too Jan Manu came up with a good idea and confidently said to Lan what you also have a share we haven't even se
ttled things yet and you want to divide the assets even if I give you half so what can it stop me from buying that piece of jadeite Lan also had his own plan and disdainfully replied all right then you owe me 60 million let's settle it like this J way took the first move and felt quite proud fine let's make it clear you brought me to the store to see that piece of jite don't say later that you also have a share Lan finally understood that even Brothers need to keep accounts it doesn't matter if
it's about future wives it still needs to be clarified all right all right it's not my business Lan why do you always think with a small mind I am that kind of unreasonable person yes you are you are a neurotic don't you know after finishing their meal they went to pick up the car Lan had already provided his identification information to the car dealership early on so the car was registered under his name when Lan saw the Maserati president his eyes almost popped out what the hell why is it red
isn't this a car for women at that time in Tang Palace number one Jang Manu clearly showed him a photo of a white one she even said that both men and women can drive it which man would drive such a flashy car Jang Manu you neurotic at that time you were plotting against me is this the car you said both men and women can drive Jang Manu do you have some misunderstanding about gender preferences Luan stood in front of the red enchantress and said speechlessly the car was indeed a good car it look
ed high and in classy but it was impossible for him to drive it not in this lifetime if I were to drive this car on the street it would attract countless gay in why can't you drive it anyway the car is registered under your name don't think about avoiding the bill and not paying if you don't like it then you drive it I can just drive my white Porsche Cayenne John manua proposed a solution that she had already thought of the matter had come to this point no matter what Lan said it would be useles
s after quickly completing the procedures and transferring the 4.8 million car payment to Jang manua Luan drove the X7 back to the hotel alone he thought to himself that when he returned from guangchen he would have to buy a car as for Jang manua she naturally drove her beloved red enchantress back home when she arrived home Jang Manu couldn't wait to tell her best friend wo Yen that she also wanted to attend the graduation ceremony so does that mean I can see Lan tomorrow whato Yen was naturall
y happy to return to campus with her best friend most importantly she could see a certain alumnus hodan's main job was a reporter and practicing anchor at the television station she was also a part-time female oriented online novel author she had published several pure love novels and gained some popularity recently she started a new book The protagonists were based on her best friend Jang Manu and a certain alumnus a wealthy era secretly loved her University classmate for 4 years after graduati
on the classmate joined the company of the female CEO they treated each other with respect for 5 years but eventually discovered that they still had feelings for each other the female CEO relentlessly pursued the male classmate even willing to Bear the bad reputation of keeping him however with the huge difference in their social status could they end up together this plot didn't require much imagination it was already Sweet in reality next it was finally time for the plot of meeting her best fr
iend and meeting the male protagonist's parents just thinking about it made her a little excited after all she was also an important character in this novel yes if you want to help me keep an eye on things don't drive there yourself tomorrow you'll ride in my new car and we'll go to guing together um to be precise it should be Lan's car then the three of you will come back in one car John manette also wanted huo yen to meet Luan after all these two people were the most important to her besides h
er parents no problem by the way even though my younger brother W Dong Song is just a tool but at least pretend and bring him a gift otherwise the poor tool will be too pitiful and Lan's sister's gift you wouldn't forget to bring it right huo Yen reminded I know I've already thought of a gift on the way home Jang Manu thought about this she called gu yenon and explained some work matters she eagerly looked forward to tomorrow before going to sleep as usual she sent a message to Lan see you tomor
row good night good night LAN also reliably replied to her message angry that was impossible after all this neurotic girl was his future wife right Guang Ching xang xan University at this moment on campus you could occasionally see University students wearing graduation gowns and holding flowers they walked around with a smile on their faces the atmosphere of graduation season permeated everywhere finally the day of graduation has come after 4 years in school It's Time to Say Goodbye it's a bit
reluctant on the lawn below the girls dormatory building three girls wearing graduation gowns gathered together to look at the photos they had just taken they wanted to take a group photo in every corner of the campus they often frequented Juan Juan is so lucky she's going back to her hometown in inner Mongolia to inherit thousands of sheep and cows I can't do that I'm interning at a law firm and I have to pass the exam I don't know when I'll be able to pass by the way CC are you going to work a
t the law firm where you're interning the girl with red hair who had just expressed her emotions asked the girl with a ponytail on her left hand um I haven't decided yet that law firm is pretty good and they're willing to keep me as an intern but I want to go to nanson they don't have a branch there the girl with the ponytail is luan's Sister Lui she smoothed her bangs and said with some hesitation the girl with red hair is her roommate Luchi on the right side is another slightly chubby roommate
emo juanan Shi isn't your family from Guan why do you want to go to nansun are you also like me wanting to break free from your family's constraints unfortunately it's so difficult to find a job now otherwise I wouldn't want to go back to Inner Mongolia I just want to stay in guing and live freely emo juanan took over the conversation shaking her head helplessly I know your brother Luan is in Nanchang right we've heard of sister complex but have you ever heard of brother complex Luchi suddenly
slapped her leg incredulous yeah it's been so long since we've seen senior Lan Shi is is your brother in love he hasn't come to see you in over a month you're still thinking about leaving home and going with him after graduation he's a typical case of forgetting his sister after getting a sister-in-law em Mo juanan thought about L fans returned today and felt excited at the same time she also sympathized with Lui every time Luan came home before he would come to the school to see his sister he w
as quite familiar with luci's roommates ah I I didn't know Lu she was a bit confused her roommates had wild imaginations and she couldn't keep up but her thoughts were hit on the mark she bit her lip feeling a bit at a loss let's go let's go somewhere else to take pictures Luchi sat up from the grassy Hill and suggested there's a tall girl coming this way holding a bouquet of flowers but she casually threw them into the RO roadside trash can you guys are really rude we all live in the same dormi
tory but you didn't invite me for the photo even if our relationship is just average we're graduating so at least put on a show there were four people in the dormatory this obvious Outsider was called jeanlin she didn't like to hang out with lucii and the others she thought they were low class poor and childish shushi and the others were also annoyed by her she came from a wealthy family had a seductive appearance and had a terrible personality she loved showing off her wealthy and numerous boyf
riends it's over that person found us again look at her arrogant face she's probably here to show off again Shi let's just ignore her don't let anything she says get to you after today we might not even see each other again so let's just endure it Luchi instinct ly stood in front of Lui and emo Juan's face showed determination they all knew that Jan Lin's main target for showing off was Lui because she believed that she was better than Lui in every way but the campus heartrob pursued Lui not her
what made it even harder for her to accept was that Luc she rejected the campus heartthrob she said that his wealth and abilities had nothing to do with her she even said that the campus heartthrob wasn't necessarily handsome not even as good as her silly brother Lan what did that make Shan Lynn who had always admired the campus heartthrob was she unwanted I have to say Shan Lynn you haven't spent many nights in the dormatory throughout the year we actually wanted to consider you as a roommate
but we have to ask the roommate who actually sleeps with you I'm afraid they wouldn't agree right Luchi as the leader of the dormatory sisters took the initiative to mock Shon Lin Joan Lynn the woman who changes boyfriends at the speed of light probably can't keep up with the speed at which she changes her cohabitation houses he he I'll take it as you're jealous Jon Linn directly ignored Luchi 's childish mockery instead she walked directly to lui's side and raised her wrist showing off a high-e
nd watch she waved it in front of luci's eyes and said do you know what this is it's an Omega watch bought for over 990,000 Yuan of course I couldn't afford to buy such an expensive watch myself it's a graduation gift from my boyfriend my current boyfriend whom you should also know is honu by the way honu and the previous guy who pursued you Chen are good friends it's just that Hon's family is even wealthier it seems like you're also interested in Honua right it's a Pity that even though your lo
oks are impressive your family background is lacking I'm not afraid to tell you even though chin pursued you he won't actually marry a girl from an ordinary family given his situation this is the reality Jean Lynn had used all her tricks recently she finally conquered Honua the good friend of the campus heartthrob and redeemed herself thinking about the rumors that Lui also liked Honua she couldn't contain her joy throughout their four years of University she had always been overshadowed by Lui
in terms of beauty she felt like she had become the ultimate winner graduation was approaching and she couldn't help but vent her frustrations Sometimes women live in a world of comparison oh good luck to you and I I don't like honu lucii casually replied not caring at all she understood everything but her personality was not as vengeful as her brother Luan most of the time she was quiet and peaceful not seeking conflict with the world he he if it were me I would say the same thing after all adm
itting failure is a very embarrassing thing anyway from now on we are people from two different worlds let's forget about the past grievances we won't see each other again anyway let's take a photo together at least we were roommates Jan Lyn sneered she was most annoyed by lui's Carefree attitude but there's really no need to dwell on anything anymore we should look forward lucii had no objections to this but Luchi and EM Mo juanan refused who wants to take a photo with you it's ridiculous how y
ou showed off your 90,000 y on watch lucii doesn't care but it still irritates us just as the two were about to refuse janlin a BMW X7 stopped not far from the dormatory building a handsome guy got out of the car holding four bouquets of flowers and a paper bag he walked slowly towards them after lucii saw who it was she turned her head slightly pretending not to see but her heart was already filled with joy senior Lou you finally came we've been waiting for you senior long time no see thank you
senior Luchi and EM Mo Juan Juan happily accepted the flowers and greeted Luan warmly Jang Lin accepted the flowers but only glanced at them with disdain without saying thank you Lan didn't mind he had met all three of his sisters roommates before especially Luchi and emo juanan they were very familiar as for their relationship he wasn't too sure lucii this little girl doesn't talk to her brother about her feelings anymore oh who bullied my little cutie shii brother brought flowers but you're i
gnoring me brother is sad l Lan poked the flowers at Lui jokingly oh lucii calmly accepted the flowers and gave Luan a faint smile although it was faint the joy in luci's eyes couldn't escape luan's gaze this little girl why does she become more Awkward as she grows up come come come senior prepared a small gift for each of you congratulations to the four beautiful ladies on graduating successfully also thank you for taking care of my little shishi for the past four years Lan took out four boxes
from the paper bag he handed one to each of them wow it's the latest model of the top-of-the line Apple phone these cost over 10,000 you on each senior did you strike it rich you're so generous I was just about to get a new phone thank you Rich senior Luchi and emo Juan Juan hesitated for a moment but still happily accepted the gifts they also noticed that Lan had changed his car to a BMW xx7 he used to drive a pat every time he came the four phones added up to over 50,000 Yuan which was quite
a sum Lan as a manager of a company in Nan city was suddenly so well off he he senior Lan have you become a Novo re or are you pretending to be rich we're just ordinary classmates there's no need to give such expensive gifts right at this moment Joan Lyn didn't accept the phone but instead looked disdainful she didn't refuse the flowers that was basic etiquette but accepting this slightly expensive phone made her feel insulted my boyfriend casually wears a watch worth over 990,000 Yuan and my fa
mily is not short of money a phone worth just over 10,000 Yuan trying to show off in front of me who do you think you are looking down on it's just a small gift Luan was also taken a back and felt a bit embarrassed then he noticed the expensive watch on Joan Lynn's hand along with her Exquisite appearance there are three girls including my younger sister who have a disgusted expression towards jeanlin I quickly understood something brother if she doesn't want it then Don't Force It Lui who had a
lways remained indifferent saw Luan being bitten by a dog he couldn't stay silent anymore and sympathized with his brother in an instant oh so she doesn't like it and finds it embarrassing well there's nothing I can do I'll just keep it for myself Luan furrowed his brows slightly and retorted impatiently he could tell that this girl named Jean Linn was full of hostility towards his sister Lui they had only met once before he was not aware of the relationship between the two girls now he was bein
g dragged into this mess he wanted to give himself some face lucii must have endured a lot from this woman during her four years at school as an older brother he realized it a bit late but he had to fight back and regain his dignity at the last moment senior Let It Go some people don't appreciate kindness there's no need to stoop to her level Luchi came to luan's defense when she saw Jong Lin seizing the opportunity to attack Lui she even wanted to attack her own brother Lan that's right no need
we don't have to bother with someone we won't even see in the future em Mo Juan Hanan also voiced her support Jean Lin sneered disdainfully at this she was ready to leave after all she had already shown off everything she wanted to staying here any longer would be boring pretending to be close with a few poor classmates was meaningless all right the small gifts are done it's time to give my little cutie a real graduation gift Luan smiled and took out a delicate little box from his pocket luci's
previous displeasure vanished instantly upon hearing that there was another gift she didn't care if her brother was rich or not as long as he still cherished her it was enough in the moment she opened the box a small note accidentally flew out it happened to land at L's Luchi picked it up and read it wow Shi the senior bought you a pair of Jade earrings didn't you just get your ears pierced recently I'm so jealous of you Luchi exclaimed when she saw the gift name on the receipt but froze when s
he accidentally glanced at the amount on the receipt Juan Juan come and take a look am I seeing this right tens hundreds thousands millions oh my God 188,00 Yuan senior you're so generous senior do you need another sister I don't have an older brother upon hearing Luchi exclamation em Mo Juan Hanan also hurriedly approached in Surprise tens hundreds thousands millions that's right it's 188,00 Yuan senior if you're so generous to your sister what about your girlfriend senior what do you think of
a slightly chubby girl like me em Mo Juan Hanan also joined in the excitement the two deliberately raised their voices obviously they were saying it for Jean Lin to hear Let Her show off her arrogance we'll take this opportunity to Make Some Noise too so what if it's a 990,000 you on watch 188,00 Yuan earrings isn't that more extravagant than you and these were gifts from their own Brothers it seems like your boyfriend isn't that generous thank you with the atmosphere created by their two roomma
tes Luc she happily took the open box from luan's hand she took out the earrings with joy and examined them carefully the Jade was crystal clear and exquisitly crafted it was also in an old-fashioned Style just to her liking however the price did exceed her expectations lucii couldn't help but worry could brother really be pretending to be rich it was completely unnecessary this pair of earrings could it be originally intended for his girlfriend in order to save face in front of Jean Lin did you
only give it to me on a whim it's very possible big brother has always been a fool who cares about his reputation thinking of this L she frowned slightly brother is this earring really for me of course otherwise wise I don't have a girlfriend I especially went to the Antique Market in Nan city to pick it out for you your brother is now a newvo I can spend this little money however I want Lan said firmly he knew that Lu she was worried about money but he didn't know that the little girl had so m
any thoughts in her mind this earring a certain goddess CEO even said that she saw it first look did I give it to her your brother's love for you is genuine lans's words of spend it however I want indeed irritated jongin who is standing by the luxury BMW and the goldplated mobile phone couldn't catch her eye but a pair of earrings worth over 180,000 yuan is not something an ordinary rich person would buy unless they have assets of several tens of millions or even billions they wouldn't give such
a high-priced item as a graduation gift to their sister her own family's assets are worth several billion her parents only gave her a bag worth over 20,000 Yuan just as a gesture could it be that lucii this idiotic brother really struck at Rich assets of over a billion and spending it however he wants uh I'm overthinking it it's not easy to earn several billion in assets Lan at such a young age used to be a laborer and his family had no money or power impossible at most he has several tens of m
illions which is already impressive and this kind of sudden nvo re with several tens of millions loves to flaunt their wealth it's similar to a small person gaining power that's right it must be like this damn it I almost let these poor ghosts disturb my state of mind don't pay attention to them let them indulge in their own satisfaction I'll just pretend to be an idiot you guys have fun I won't accompany you Jan Lyne sneered with her long legs she left gracefully when she passed by the trash ca
n just now she threw the flowers that Luan gave her into it looking at the Arrogant figure of this woman Luan couldn't help but think of shing shing that gold digger this kind of woman needs to be taught a lesson I don't care about her but bullying my sister is unacceptable I've never scolded this cute little one since she was young how can I let you bully her he already had another plan hey shei Chi Shi let's take a big group photo after taking the group photo let's check in at this moment emo
Juan Hanan looked at the notification in the class group and shouted they hurried to the square for the group photo Lan where are you we finished taking H Cho Yen's group photo we're coming to find you Lan looked at the message sent by JN Manu and thought that he couldn't avoid it anyway he replied I'm going to the place where the law school takes the group photo if you're bored just wait there who said we're bored wait for me there John Manu retorted after a while she asked again have your pare
nts arrived not yet my dad's car broke down they took the subway so they should be a few stops away Lan knew what this neurotic woman was thinking but he didn't expose her let's just meet the parents but he didn't even take any precautions and just now he told lucii that he didn't have a girlfriend well no girlfriend but a wife no problem however what he didn't expect was that before they arrived at the photo location they bumped into Jang manua this is a bit awkward with so many people around s
hould they pretend not to know each other louan it's really you just as J manua was also stunned and about to speak next to her wo Yen exclaimed and quickly walked up H what yo Yen Lan looked at this short-haired incapable woman feeling a bit familiar and there were no other girls around Jang manua it's me we haven't seen each other in seven or 8 years right wow why are you even more handsome than before running into Lan made huto Yen very excited childhood Friends Meeting best friends and girlf
riends on campus this plot should definitely be written into a novel uh you're not bad either you're still as beautiful as before Lan didn't remember this news Department's Campus Bell who turned out to have such a bold personality after a long separation even profanity burst out could she be another goddess definitely goddesses are also attracted to each other Lan is this your sister wow this appearance is simply at the level of a Campus Bell I really don't know what your parents look like how
did they give birth to such a pair of extraordinary siblings whato Yan immediately noticed Lui who looked like Luan next to him she couldn't help but praise the campus Bell's words really hit the mark l she with a height of nearly 1.7 m like a model had a figure in proportions that surpassed even models especially the degree of fullness perhaps only Jong manua could compare with her in addition to her delicate and exquisite facial features like an elf she was enough to Captivate all otaku and lu
ci's gentle and gentle personality as well as her slightly sweet voice when she spoke made countless male Gods unable to extricate themselves this was also the reason why Shan Lynn a woman who was confident in her figure and appearance was completely overshadowed because there was really no comparison although Aesthetics May differ some people can still have a unified aesthetic can't deny the truth John Manu was hailed as the number one Beauty in Nan City's upper class circles in terms of appear
ance alone it was difficult to distinguish between her and Lui the difference was that Jang manua had an added intellectual maturity and her innate Noble temperament even the slightly cold and proud Aura on her was the reason why she was unique compared to her luci's Advantage was her natural approachability these analyses were made subconsciously by what jooen a senior female writer in her mind she herself was also a genuine Beauty but she knew how to appreciate beautiful women hearing huo Yan'
s praise lucii felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head slightly compliments about her beauty she had heard them since she was young and had become numb to them but this slightly familiar Beauty who seemed a bit too friendly was praising her and her brother Luan together she felt very happy in luci's eyes anyone who sincerely praised her older brother was a good person don't look at my sister like that Lan regardless of whether hen was Jang manu's best friend or not bluntly expressed his d
ispleasure his sister was such a shy person she shouldn't be tainted by this second goddess sorry I'm in the same year as your brother Lan he's in the finance department and I'm in the news Department we're alumni what shogan was slightly annoyed but she ignored Luan and instead extended a hand to lucii senior hello I'm lucii lucii smiled and shook hands with whato Yen senior there's more than just me this is my best friend J Manu also your brothers your brother's good friend hodan pulled the st
ill confused Jang Manu to her side and introduced her it made it seem like she was very familiar with lucii clearly Jang Manu was luci's future sister-in-law and thinking about how Jang Manu and Luan hadn't broken through that barrier yet she quickly swallowed the words girlfriend hello my name is Jang Manu I am an old old classmate of your brother lfan and now we are also business partners John Manu took the opportunity to introduce herself seriously she was also Amazed by luci's appearance jus
t now oh suddenly there is such a fairy-like sister she looks so beautiful hello senior sister my name is lucii Lucy took the initiative to shake hands with John manua she had noticed earlier that there was this beautiful senior sister next to hoo yen and she also keenly noticed that the way this sister Jen looked at her brother lfan was a bit different her brother's eyes seemed a bit evasive could it be that she is her brother's girlfriend her brother is amazing where did he find such a beautif
ul girlfriend what does it mean to be business partners are they working together with her brother lucii stared at Luan with her big watery eyes looking at him with confusion senior sister senior sister sister all senior sisters Luan who was unprepared was a bit caught off guard he casually made up an excuse fortunately Luchi and emo Juan Juan said they were running out of time they quickly pulled lucii and ran towards Jang Manu and the others Luan followed them Jang Manu and huo Yen looked at e
ach other they then glanced at huo Yen's younger brother Hong song the protagonist who seemed to to be invisible they immediately made a decision and followed them so the group of seven people arrived at the square downstairs of the law school one after another Lui and her two dormatory sisters quickly joined the crowd for a group photo Luan and the others watched from the side Lan you are really something it's fine if I am a senior sister everyone is a senior sister what Yen snapped back to rea
lity and bluntly questioned LAN Jung Manu had told her about her and Luan that night and she couldn't help but want to call Luan and ask him about it now that everyone was present she had to ask Luan for an explanation your story may be sweet but my best friend must not be wronged besides why should she be whato Yen there's so much tension between us from the moment we meet what's with this attitude of wanting to tear apart a scumbag why don't you go write women's online novels with the this abi
lity Luan felt slightly annoyed by Jang manu's direct questioning in theory he and Jang Manu understood each other's situation they hadn't crossed that line yet they just felt that the timing wasn't right you're my best friend you're amazing but you can't force it even if it's a good thing it gets ruined by friends like you well that's how it's written in women's novels he he you a grown man really have some backbone whato Yen sneered Jang Manu was present so she couldn't be too explicit to avoi
d making everyone uncomfortable and Lan's last sentence almost made her explode but writing women's online novels ha sorry sh Yen I couldn't help it Jung Manu was suddenly covered her face and burst into laughter her laughter echoing within a 30 m radius this skyl fan is really something whato Yen really is someone who writes women's online novels uh what's so funny about that the number one drama queen really lives up to her reputation suddenly erupting like this Lan furrowed his brows and look
ed at Jang manua who was laughing so brightly her laughter made her chest rise and fall he almost got caught up in it again Lan shook his head vigorously seriously he said Jang Manu I want to tell you something about my car although the car is his Lan plans to give it to his sister he didn't know why but he felt like he should tell Jang manua I just experienced it for a day Luan be honest are you trying to get back at me as expected after listening to Lan's plan Jang Manu immediately became unha
ppy she really wanted to cry after success sucessfully selling the red Maserati Quattro port to Lan Jang Manu immediately ordered another black one of the same model originally she thought that if Lan didn't want to drive his own red one she could drive her black one they could take turns driving and there would be no problem in this way wouldn't they also have a couple's car it's just that the names on the car registration got mixed up now it's been ruined by her sister what am I retaliating ag
ainst you for I only have one sister what's wrong with treating her well you don't have any siblings so you can't understand my feelings Lan argued then he had a sudden inspiration and looked at whato Yen next to him saying right don't believe me ask your best friend whato Yen she has a brother she definitely understands how I feel unexpectedly hoo Yen who was inexplicably dragged into the conversation immediately got angry angry am I crazy even if I have money I wouldn't buy a car worth million
s for my brother if he wants to drive a good car he should find a way to earn money himself damn that's right siblings and brothers and sisters are two different dimensions of biological relationships they can't empathize with each other at all Lan pursed his lips inside at his own mistake and today's protagonist his younger brother W donon innocently Shrugged his shoulders indicating that his sister was just like that the graduation gift hasn't even been given by Jung zong yet what can I say wh
o made her my sister anyway I'll give my car to whoever I want Lan made up his mind and said stubbornly yes yes who can control you you have a sister you're amazing Jan Manu said sarcastically just now she said that Lan had no concept of money but now he wants to give away a million dooll luxury car that bracelet was originally something I had my eye on I really lost out this time fortunately Jung manua came up with a good idea and didn't argue with Lan anymore ah forget it I don't care about yo
u guys anymore do whatever you want so that people won't say that I'm the kind of toxic best friend who only causes trouble I have a clear conscience seeing Luan and Jiang Manu teasing each other and having funo Yen shook her head helplessly and gave up on the idea of standing up for her best friend from now on she would focus on being a supporting character just as Luan and Jang manua reluctantly reached an agreement suddenly Lan a familiar voice came from behind Lan turned his head and saw tha
t it was his parents finally they arrived Jang Manu and huo Yen saw the couple who came in a hurry and immediately confirmed in their hearts these are Luan and lui's parents this temperament this charm they really are a family with outstanding looks Jang manu's heart inexplicably tightened finally the moment has come Dad Mom Lan called out and greeted his parents after Lan's parents approached they glanced at the large group of people taking a group photo there were too many people and they coul
dn't find their daughter lucii so they locked their Gaze on the two beautiful women next to their son especially the one who was almost clinging to their son's arm they couldn't help but notice her she was too dazzling this is my college classmate Jang Manu and also my current business partner and this is my college classmate whato Yen we haven't seen each other for many years and we met today they are best friends this is what Joo Yen's younger brother just like lucii recently graduated after a
brief introduction lufan intentionally didn't look at Johan manua it wasn't time yet for the daughter-in-law to meet her in-laws Uncle Auntie hello Jang Manu and the other two greeted their Elders politely luu the father just chuckled and said hello hello what a coincidence classmates siblings are also classmates ha and Mrs woo the old lady keenly caught two pieces of information first this Beauty's last name is Jong the person her son Lan was chatting with late at night under the covers during
his last visit home was the heir of the Jung group also known as the president and boss mentioned by Lan her name turned out to be Jang manua quite a girlish name second this beauty is now luan's business partner Lan mentioned last time that he invested in a big project and would find someone to cooperate with in the future the two pieces of information combined looking at this Miss Jang manua again she exuded an air of nobility and remarkable temperament there was no escape this was the sun Lu
an an unattainable object from a different social class also there was another classmate named whato Yen who came to attend her brother's graduation ceremony John manua was the only daughter of the Jung family did she come with her best friend or did she come with Lan what is their relationship now hello hello after Mrs woo we finished her greetings she immediately stared at Jang manua smiling she asked Miss Jang you should be luan's former boss right John Manu and Luan were both stunned for a m
oment yes we used to be colleagues Auntie Lan must have said a lot of of bad things about his boss right Jang Manu admitted with a smile then casually made a joke and this sentence also suddenly indicated her special relationship with Lan now a former boss wouldn't make this kind of joke not really I just remember one time he was reporting work to his boss in the middle of the night they were chatting happily Mrs woo we understood immediately and also made a joke the meaning couldn't be more obv
ious if you two have that kind of relationship I already know and I approve although she only had some suspicions at that time and deep down she didn't believe that her son Luan could really get involved with the heir of the Jong group however now that she saw Jang Manu at first glance she liked this intelligent and beautiful girl she didn't have the Airs of a child from a wealthy family the love in her eyes for Luan was genuine intense and hard to hide as for whether her son was worthy of the o
ther person that's another matter he doesn't need to report work to me now he is his own boss earning more than me Jang manua was very happy and understood Mrs wuh hui's intentions she also emphasized with a smile not to underestimate their son Lan his ability to make money now is truly stronger than mine is that so he said last time that he invested in a guaranteed profitable project I don't know how it's going now he's almost 30 not reporting to his parents we can't do anything about it Mrs wo
l we knew that Lan didn't lie last time but she really didn't know how much money he made he must have made a lot of money so you can't say I'm a stingy older brother I'm planning to buy a luxury car for lucii now Luan knew it was time to be honest pointing to the red Maserati parked not far away the car's color was eye-catching and Luan also noticed the license plate number earlier it was exactly the one Jang Manu at Park there that's the red Maserati bought specifically for lucii I think there
aren't many students in this graduating class who can compare to your daughter she must have received such a generous gift lucii doesn't know yet let's surprise her later Lou dad and Lou mom followed Lou Fan's Direction and looked over when they saw the Maserati their brows furrowed their sun was becoming more and more extravagant just randomly pointing at a luxury car and claiming it was a gift for his sister although we don't know much about cars we can tell that car is definitely worth more
than a million especially for Mrs woo she felt even more guilty is her son just bragging in front of his girlfriend could he have deceived the beautiful CEO with sweet words this can't be good he he Lou dad and Lou mom awkwardly laughed it was clear that they didn't really believe it but when they looked at luan's serious expression they glanced at Jang Manu huo Yen who seemed nonchalant and calm they couldn't help but feel a bit shocked is that really your car Mrs woo asked in Surprise yes it's
mine dad I also bought you an X7 parked at near luc's dormatory building today is a good day to drive it back home Lan nodded confidently ah I have one too Lan this must be worth several million is it okay Luan you still looked astonished as a father and a retired codre he was naturally happy that his son had become successful but amidst his happiness he couldn't help but wonder if Lan's succcess was legitimate of course it's okay you can rest assured General Jong knows what project I invested
in if there were any issues would General Jang still cooperate with me Lan said casually looking towards Jang Manu beside him uncle and Aunt you can rest assured luan's money is definitely earned legally and in compliance with regulations Jang Manu cooperatively added that's right Lou dad and Lou mom nodded in unison all although they were curious about how much money their son had actually earned enough to buy a luxury car worth several million with their son's steady demeanor he must have earn
ed at least tens of millions but since their son didn't tell them directly and it wouldn't be appropriate to ask in front of others they didn't inquire further all right stop showing off just because you have some money I don't mind if you get your dad a better car he's been driving that car for over 10 years it's about time to replace it but Luci she just graduated from University she's a girl and you're giving her such an expensive luxury car is that appropriate even if you really love your si
ster buying her a car worth a couple hundred thousand as a means of transportation would be enough there's no need to act like a Nuvo re and attract hatred although Mrs wo had accepted the fact that Luan had suddenly become rich she couldn't understand his behavior as a newvo as a gardener who had always lived a simple life she straightforwardly criticized Luan ah well Luan was speechless after being criticized he couldn't say that several million for a car would become a regular expense for him
in the future however he didn't originally planned to give the car to lucii he just couldn't stand her roommate Jong Lin he just wanted to support lucii now that he thought about it it was indeed a bit thoughtless Dad Mom what are you you talking about who is giving a car to whom at this moment lucii still wearing her graduation gown with her outstanding figure impossible to hide came over with small steps she ran over blending in with the crowd after taking photos she hadn't been noticed but s
he happened to hear Mrs woo pointing at Lan's words it was just too noisy I couldn't hear clearly oh my our CC looks so good in this bachelor's gown the old lady turned around with a smile and gave lucii a big hug she didn't want to answer luc's doubts from earlier lucii held her mother wuh hui's hand her little face filled with joy she no longer cared about what she had heard earlier but Lui and M Mo juanan found it suspicious CeCe didn't your senior brother give you a pair of earrings worth ov
er 180,000 Yuan and a new iPhone that's two gifts already why would he also give you a car this is too much pampering Luchi pondered for a moment and voiced her doubts without hesitation yeah I heard Auntie mention a luxury car she even said that Lan is a newvo em Mo Juan Hanan also chimed in curiously on the side Luan and Jang Manu and the others didn't know how to respond after the old lady's declaration Lan had an innocent look on his face what did I say what can I dare to say oh your brother
is Rich now I asked him to buy you a car for commuting since you already have a driver's license and you've been talking about finding a job in the southern city with a car it's also convenient for you to come back and visit me and your dad the old lady quickly came up with a perfect explanation in fact she was also amazed when she heard that Lan had given away jewelry worth over 180,000 Yuan but since the gifts had already been given there was no need to mention it oh lucii felt joy in her hea
rt once again her older brother had already been so good to her and her mother loved her older brother so much it was great huh is that so did I really miss here Luchi and emo Juan Juan on the other hand were full of question marks yes yes that's right your brother will buy you a car for commuting he's not short of money Lan could only go along with the old lady's explanation he thought he would let go of that matter with xan Linn as long as his sister was happy little did he know just as he fin
ished speaking the radiant Jan Lin approached behind her was a tall and handsome young man the two of them held hands with a proud look that made others envious Luchi and emo Juan Juan looked at them with dis stain Luc instinctively lowered her head especially when she saw that man her face clearly showed some discomfort are they here to show off are they not done yet that male classmate should be that he guy seeing lucii like this could it be that there's something between them Luan furrowed hi
s brows and stared at Jan Lynn and the other guy who had approached lucii your brother is really good to you it's really enviable planning to buy you a car sh we also plans to buy me a car my family doesn't lack good cars either but he insists on buying one and he insists on buying a convertible Mercedes-Benz AMG worth over a million I just think it's not necessary but you know him he's a bit stubborn Joan Lynn said in front of so many people pretending to be koi after hearing Lan's words earlie
r she had made up her mind she had to change the necklace worth over 400,000 Yuan with great effort even if shiai didn't want to spend so much money she would buy it herself although the necklace worth over 400,000 Yuan had some advantage over the earrings worth over 180,000 Yuan it wasn't a significant Advantage after enduring for more than 4 years she had to deliver the final Blow from now on she would make Lui this poor ghost forever live in her Shadow upon hearing this everyone was dumbfound
ed is this woman crazy even sha he was dumbfounded I have to find a way to deceive my family for a necklace worth over 400,000 you on a million dooll luxury car even if you kill me I still can't afford it my family is wealthy but that's not my money Jean ly I think you've misunderstood something I really never liked classmate he it's classmate he he faced with Jean Lin's aggressive attitude lucii felt it necessary to secretly confess that it was classmate he who confessed his feelings to her it
would be better to let Joan Lynn know the truth instead of keeping her in the dark and constantly bringing it up but after hesitating for a moment Luc she still couldn't bring herself to say it it would be embarrassing for everyone if it was revealed you don't think that maybe classmate he also likes you Lui you really think highly of yourself the school heartthrob likes you and his good friend classmate he also likes you so every good man in the world has to like you right don't you find that f
unny seeing luci's hesitant expression Jong Linn couldn't contain her anger her previously arrogant demeanor almost crumbled lucii this woman really had a high position and no I didn't say that lucii denied in a low voice Jean ly letun go we're not in the same Circle and we won't have a chance to meet again in the future there's no need to show off in front of these poor people let's go see the car at this moment he who was feeling a mix of emotions quickly stepped forward to persuade jongin if
they stayed any longer it would be hard to hide the fact that he confessed to lucii while dating Jong Lin if Jong Linn found out she would go crazy if only he had known that Joan Lynn was a lunatic he wouldn't have provoked her he was only attracted to Jean Lin's Beauty and tried to flirt with her he never expected that this woman would be so easy to flirt with he didn't have time to play the game of showing off a boyfriend with her besides he was still burning with anger from being rejected by
lushi it would be a disaster if this turned into a public humiliation his words slapped everyone's face in the room Luan was about to take out the key to his Maserati and unlock it in front of this couple the car could sense it from this distance plus Jang manua had given him the key he had already taken out the key and at that moment hean how are you the third son of the emperor group hijan John manua stared at he with confusion and suddenly spoke she had felt that this disgusting looking perso
n seemed familiar just now hearing the surname he she suddenly remembered Jang president Jen president Jang why are you here hejan House's mouth hung open wide shocked Jang Manu didn't remember hejan how very well but how could he janow not recognize her it was just that Jang manua had been standing by Lan's side and hadn't noticed him although he had only seen Jang manua once at a certain banquet in Guang Ching she was the heir of the Jang family their Emperor group was not on the same level as
his family's Emperor group a 100 billion was barely enough to match their Loose Change moreover he was just the third son in his family with two older brothers above him the difference in status within the family was far apart plus Jung Manu was also the number one Beauty in Nan City he Jew andow didn't even have a chance to flatter Jang Manu H it's really you Jang manu's lips curled slightly and she chuckled lightly she couldn't bear to watch the situation unfold in front of her not to mention
Luan and as for Lui she was determined to fight for her and make others call her sister-in-law how could she let you bully her Jang manua had made up her mind Luan was hesitant to make a move due to his parents Authority but she had no such concerns hey gongzi what a coincidence of course I'm here to attend the graduation ceremony too well lucii my sister of course I haven't registered with her brother Lan yet her brother thinks I don't make as much money as him so he gave his sister a graduati
on gift a luxury car worth 4.8 million John manua helplessly took the keys from luan's hand in front of everyone she raised them slightly and pressed down beep beep not far away a red Maserati responded it even flashed it lights twice everyone followed the sound and looked over their expressions instantly became extremely exciting ah I knew senior would give a luxury car to CCE I thought there was something wrong with my ears Luchi the big mouth one was the first to exclaim she wanted to defend
her organs wow what a beautiful car senior let me ask you again do you still need a sister it doesn't have to be blood related being a sister-in-law is fine too em Mo Juan Juan almost jumped up in excitement she didn't really want to be a gold digging dog asking Lan to recognize her as a sister she just felt satisfied this way meanwhile Jong Lin and hijan House's faces turned green impossible I know the environment of luci's family very well how could her brother Lan afford a luxury car worth ne
arly 5 million and to give it to lucii as a graduation gift with such extravagance even for my sister I can't afford such a valuable gift this is absolutely impossible this card definitely belongs to Jang Manu considering Jang mana's background buying a car like this is reasonable this woman Jang manua did it on purpose for luc's brother but why would Jang Manuel like luci's brother that seems even more more impossible he janow who was confused was even more confused at this moment on the other
hand Jon Linn having witnessed the Jade earrings Luan gave had a slight belief but if Luan was really that rich that would be even harder to accept at this moment even lucii herself was a little confused is my brother really that rich ah no is this beautiful senior really that bold saying in in front of my parents that they're going to register am I really going to have another sister-in-law she's so brave Lu dad Lu mom and huo Yen who knew about the car situation were also shocked by Jang mana'
s bold statement only Luan remained foolishly expressionless Jang Manu who had pressed the car keys twice in a row finally turned her head with a helpless expression she said to lucii lucii my sister there's nothing I can do I really don't make as much money as your brother so my gift might be a bit lacking saying that Jung manua walked up to lucii she took out a box from her bag and handed it to lucii this one is a birthday gift my dad gave me last year it's a ladyes watch from Jer louter I hav
en't used it the packaging is still intact and here's the receipt let me see how much it cost oh 680,000 I remember now sorry I don't have the money to buy a new one please don't dislike it actually I also thought that your brother might think I'm not sincere if I give you a watch I don't use without any sincerity but there's another gift that I think should be fine even if it's been used Auntie just said that you're coming to the southern city to find a job you definitely don't have a place to
stay I happen to have a small apartment in the southern city 48 square meters one bedroom and one living room it's enough for one person to live in I'll give it to you after Jung manua finished speaking she asked lucii for her identification information she said it was needed to transfer the house ah this luci's mind was completely blank she couldn't process it at all a watch worth hundreds of thousands a house worth millions is she just giving them to me like this what's going on she looked at
Jang Manu in confusion silently taking out her phone she followed Jang manu's Rhythm first add we chat as for Jean Lin after seeing the familiar style of the Vashon Constantine watch her eyes widened that was the true luxury item she wanted to buy but didn't dare to something she longed for but couldn't have at the moment this woman Sur named Jang didn't even blink her eyes before giving them away that's not all a 48 squer apartment in Nung worth at least 3 to 4 million and she's giving it away
like this and with such a condescending attitude giving it to lucii a poor person she looked down upon it's as if lucii accepting them is This Woman's honor and all of this is because of lui's brother Lan anyone with eyes can see that this woman is trying to please Lan and his family standing up for lucii slapping her own face but she can only swallow this bitter fruit herself the discomfort in her heart is Indescribable and her face burns with pain why on what grounds what is happening janin lo
oked at her boyfriend hiju andow with a dark face feeling a bit lost but hiuen how's face at this moment it looks even worse than hers the person she doesn't even have a chance to Curry favor with is actually helping lucii in such a humble manner in his impression hiju andow had never seen Jang manua like this but it's precisely because of this JN Mana that she can casually give away millions of dollars it's impossible to feel sorry for this amount of money but for luci's ordinary brother Luan h
e he Jan how's worldview feels like it's collapsing he secretly tugged at Jan ly's sleeve wanting to escape quickly but Joan Lynn was already stunned unable to move behind lucii even Luba Luba was a bit shocked and couldn't recover knowing that Jon's only daughter from a wealthy family is not short of money but I didn't expect her to be so extravagant and to do this for her own son the unpleasantness of her daughter being humiliated just now disappeared instantly Luchi and emo Juan Juan the two
of them not to mention their mouths were wide open in astonishment so this Miss Jang is the real hidden boss Jong Lin oh Jong Lin it serves you right for being so arrogant and getting slapped in the face right someone's brother gave a 5 million luxury car the potential future sister-in-law is giving away houses and watches in comparison you from a wealthy family and your boyfriend who is even wealthier are both weak even H Cho Yen and her brother after seeing manu's impressive actions couldn't h
elp but be amazed what xoan thought to herself this plot must be written into her new book although it's a bit exaggerated readers love to read it at this moment Luan noticed the pleading look Lu she gave him although Jang manu's idiotic Behavior surprised him it somehow aligned with his own desires as for her words about being bold and unrestrained and related to him let it be there's no need for further explan ation so he decided to accept her kindness for now and give her the money later if n
ecessary with that in mind Lan gave lucii a reassuring look and nodded slightly thank you thank you Jang shuet with the approval of her older brother lucii nervously accepted the watch and sincerely expressed her gratitude you're welcome I'm working with your brother and he's helping me earn much more than just this money congratulations on graduating and also welcome to come to ning to find a job I've added you on WeChat if there's anything I can help with be sure to let me know Jang Manu smile
d brightly and said openly Lu she also smiled and nodded at Jang Manu this future sister-in-law she's really nice all right we've taken the group photo let's not linger here let's go don't you still have places to visit since our parents are here let's take some family photos too it's time to put an end to this mess Luan walked up to lucii and smiled and so the group left the place without even looking at Jang Lin and heow the two stood by the bustling Square their frustrated thoughts scattered
In The Wind in the shade by the football field Lucy and her dormatory sisters struck various poses and took crazy photos Lan stood by with his parents smiling happily taking advantage of this opportunity Lan also shared his experiences during this period with his parents of course he didn't go into too much detail about Jang manua when Lou dad and L mom heard that Luan had earned four to 5 billion although they were mentally prepared after what happened earlier they were still shocked being able
to earn money and have a successful career is certainly a good thing as parents we are naturally happy for you but the two wordss starting a family should also be taken seriously by you although mom said last time that you were reaching for someone above your status but we can see that they genuinely care about you you are our son how could we not see through your thoughts so your dad and I both agree Although our families are still a bit different in social class as long as you work harder the
problem won't be that big the most important thing is if it's your own choice why hesitate surprised Grandma wool we clearly couldn't accept Lan's vague words she happened to have met Jang Manu and was particularly satisfied with her performance she had to get some answers today oh I see listening to Grandma's Earnest words luan's gaze involuntarily turned to the figure not far away the one taking photos with woan and her brother that smile he had already accepted it in his heart but emotionall
y he still felt something was missing he he hadn't had a serious relationship before so he wasn't sure if this counted as true love although he knew that he and Jan manua would eventually enter into marriage but before that couldn't he experience a real love oh what do you mean I know I know no what grandma persistently pressed on well in my house in nanang I was considering whether or not to have a housewarming party if everything is settled by then I'll invite you all to come and celebrate it'
ll only be for about 10 days or half a month is that okay Lan withdrew his gaze and promised his parents it was also his last deadline for himself all right as long as you remember this in your heart always making the girl take the initiative what's the meaning of that on this point you're not even as good as old Lou Grandma reluctantly accepted why are you bringing me up back then wasn't it because you thought I looked handsome and actively pursued me I was also tricked by you and willingly fel
l into your gentle trap Lou dad Lu jinu inexplicably threw out some old dog food it really choked Lou fan old Lou don't you have any shame who was shamelessly coming to my school gate every night Grandma complained with a mix of resentment and joy uh you guys can chat treat this place as your living room Dad Mom older brother come take a photo at this moment lucii waved her little hand not far away calling them over Luan walked to luci's side holding his parents arms come come stand closer let m
e take a photo of your family Luchi the dormatory leader took on the role of photographer and directed luan's family of four use my phone to take the photos take a few more Lan handed his phone to l she Luchi took it and raised it with both hands good good she you can hold the senior's hand right right like this look here she's click click after taking several photos in a row Luchi naturally wanted to open the album and see the results suddenly a text message popped up Luchi who was focused on h
er phone subconsciously glanced at the content of the message your bank account has received 120 million Yuan seeing the long string of numbers Luchi heart skipped a beat naturally she counted in her mind units tens hundreds thousands 10,000 100,000 units tens hundreds thousands 10,000 100,000 million units tens hundreds thousands 10,000 100,000 million billion oh my God senior your bank account has received 120 million Yan after confirming that she didn't count wrong Luchi exclaimed loudly asto
nishing volume astonishing amount instantly it attracted the disdainful gazes of the people around who were also taking photos is this woman crazy bank account received 120 million Yuan Happy Beans Luchi saw that everyone was staring at her she quickly flipped her phone over with the screen facing down afraid that others would also see the message content the 12 120 million Yuan might disappear oh are the photos taken Lan walked over as if nothing had happened it should be president hang UD da w
ho transferred the money from selling the painting The Action was quite fast here here Luchi quickly handed the phone back to Luan her face still had a lingering fear as if she had seen something she shouldn't have it was the first time she had seen so many zeros so what Jang Shu said about luu chin earning more money than her might be true I thought she was just saying that on purpose I thought that Maserati might belong to Jang Shu turns out it was really bought by Lu shuang Jan ly and her boy
friend might think the same way right after all who can easily earn hundreds of millions of Yuan he he poor Jang Lin if she saw this string of numbers she would probably be even more depressed thank you chi chi Lan took the phone and glanced at the text message then he opened we chat and sent a message to his future father-in-law Jang hatang director Jang I have received the money from president hang please thank him for me let's have a meal together another day after sending the message Luan th
ought that Jang haton wouldn't reply unexpectedly he replied instantly no need it's just a mutually beneficial transaction uh are these two father and daughter so similar in their ways luufan smiled and shook his head on the other side Jang hatang frowned slightly if Lan found out that old man hang UD da would definitely have to treat Luan to a meal he said he wanted to thank Luan for bringing him a Divine painting Luan would definitely be overjoyed next luan's family took many more photos of ea
ch other Luan temporarily Bid Farewell to his parents and headed towards where Jang manu's figure was he walked through the familiar football field after a long absence and arrived at the railing on the other side Jang Manu and hen were leaning against the railing chatting happily Wong song was not there he probably finished taking photos and went to find his classmates what are you talking about you're laughing so happily Lan leaned against the railing next to Jang Manu and smiled asking what e
lse can we talk about let's talk about the good times we had in school Jang Manu replied those were truly nostalgic she added tilting her head and giving Luan a playful glance today she was wearing a particularly casual floral dress with the breeze gently lifting the Hem of her skirt her hair swayed With The Wind that overflowing smile seemed to transport them back to their youthful days yes it's been 5 years since we graduated in the blink of an eye who would have thought that I would come back
to our Alma moer with you Manu and to think it would be with you Lan air acquaintance the three of us it seems we only had a few more conversations during the Freshman dance and the late night snacks afterwards after that we would just pass each other by on campus but now whato Yen shook her head with emotion Jang manua half tilted her head looking at the sky and the grass her thoughts drifted back to the scene of the Freshman dance where she and Lan held hands that's right who said it would be
easy for a journalism major a law major and me an economics major to meet we weren't even in the same building besides both of you were campus Beauties and you came from wealthy family it wasn't easy for me to hang out with you as she spoke Lan's thoughts also drifted back to the dance he and Jang Manu hand in hand at that time he did have that kind of mindset H you may not be a campus heartthrob but you were always surrounded by girls weren't you whato Yen retorted dismissively after the Fresh
man dance she had heard Jang manua mentioned that guy named Luan more than once now she realized that it was probably fate Lan remains silent JN manua also remains silent in the silence the two of them almost simultaneously turned their heads to look at each other but they quickly averted their gaze ha Dong Song seems to be looking for me I'll go check it out you guys chat whato Yan waved her phone and tactfully left she gave l and Jang Manu some alone time the two of them watched whato Yen's de
parting figure and smiled at each other after a moment of silence Lan took out a box from his pocket I accidentally bought an extra pair of earrings at the Jade Workshop that day I can't possibly give my sister two identical pairs so if you like them they're yours Jung manua looked at the box that Luan opened inside were the emerald earrings she had wanted Jan Manu felt a surge of joy in her heart she pretended to be calm as she picked up the earrings then she turned her head and right in front
of Luan directly put them on after a moment Jang Manu turned her head again the two simple earrings swayed gently on her earlobes shining like stars do they look good H they look beautiful this time Luan looked at them for a good two or 3 minutes he sincerely prayed Ed her Jang manua smiled sweetly lightly playing with a strand of hair and lowering her head slightly on her hand she still wore the cheap Jade bracelet she had found at a stall it complimented the emerald earrings on her ears perfec
tly In This Moment silence spoke louder than words the two of them leaned quietly against the railing occasionally reminiscing about their respective campus memories their faces were filled with smiles their eyes filled with nostalgia yet their hearts couldn't hide a hint of regret If Only They had been a little braver back then perhaps now things would be a bit different they wouldn't have been so close yet so far passing each other by for a whole 9 years but fortunately there was still time fo
r everything around noon when most of the photos had been taken Lan suggested treating Luchi and emo juu on to a meal it would be a celebration of their successful graduation both of their parents were in another Province and couldn't come looking at the happy family of Lui it's inevitable to feel a bit lost that's great thank you senior senior just achieved a small goal so we won't hesitate to let you treat us Luchi and emo Juan Juan happily agreed hearing this Jang Manu immediately guessed tha
t it must be the money from Lan's painting sales she turned her head and quietly explained to the somewhat puzzled CH Yen you're included in the listeners my younger brother also graduated and he's also an alumni it's not excessive to join for a meal right upon hearing that Luan had almost picked up over a billion wo Yen immediately expressed her desire to join the team of eating Lan out of house and home she could also gather material with the protagonist why not take advantage of it yes it's n
ot excessive we also alumni Luan shook his head helplessly and laughed John Manu remains silent about having a meal together the others didn't feel the need to mention it either because everyone assumed that she and Luan were undoubtedly in a romantic relationship going out to eat together was only natural both Luan and Jan manua also assumed this assumption following the principle of convenience the group of nine people arrived at a relatively high-end restaurant on campus the main customers of
this restaurant were not students of the University but rather High income teachers and various groups of people who came to the campus for exchange and investigation after all xong xan University was considered one of the top universities in the country it was normal to have high-end reception demands therefore the decoration of the restaurant was quite upscale and refined private rooms were also available as the only pair of Elders present Mrs wooi took on the role of the host and discreetly
arranged the seating positions although this wasn't a formal dinner there was still a small personal motive besides this was not something old Lou could be expected to do old Lou had worked diligently in a public Institution for over 20 years and was only a small section chief there was a reason for that he was too straightforward and couldn't learn to be smooth at all but that was also what Mrs woo appreciated about him General Jang if you don't mind please sit here Mrs Wu smiled and gestured t
o Jang manua pointing to the seat next to her before her son Luan spoke she still referred to Jang Manu as general Jang Jang Manu and the siblings woen and Hood Dong Song were the last to enter the private room seeing Lou dad and L mom sitting together they sat in the seat slightly closer to the inside Lou dad was on one side followed by Luan Lui Luchi and imemo Juan one if she sat next to Lam then what choan and H donon would be next to her H donon sat next to emo Juan Juan fortunately the four
graduates had a topic to talk about so although they didn't know each other it wasn't awkward the three groups of people were arranged properly by Lam of course Jan Manu also understood Lam's intentions Auntie you can just call me Manu J Manu gladly accepted and immediately expressed her attitude by sitting down the siblings hodan and Hong song naturally sat next to John Manu in order okay then Auntie will just call you Manu directly Mrs woo smiled with satisfaction staring at Jang Manu they we
re sitting so close this time Mrs woo was once again Amazed by Jang manua stunning beauty that could withstand close scrutiny thinking back to when she was young and was also known as the Campus Bell she was the student Bell during her student days and the faculty Bell after she started working but if they were to be compared she felt that she would lose with such extraordinary looks an astonishing family background and a personality that was like a breath of fresh air there would surely be no s
hortage of people pursuing John Manu sunlan this is a difficult and challenging path you have embarked on I don't know if it's good or bad Manu are you in the same class as LAN you too the old lady realized that she was being overly worried and thinking too far ahead she redirected her thoughts and quietly chatted with Jang Manu Lan who was watching didn't say much he picked up the menu and started ordering signature dishes Specialties all of them were arranged he also ordered a few bottles of g
ood wine so anyone who wanted to drink could enjoy themselves then he handed the menu to Luchi and the other grad uat to see if they had any dishes they wanted to eat in my four years of University this is the first time I've eaten here I didn't expect the food here to be quite expensive after this meal I have to prepare for the judicial exam Luchi glanced at the menu and couldn't help but mutter among the four people in the dormatory her family had the worst financial situation luci's family wa
s a local workingclass family in guanin so they didn't have to worry about food and drink emo Juan Juan's family had cows and sheep and they were relatively well off in the local area as for jeanlin she was even more well off being the daughter of a wealthy family only Luchi came from the countryside and had to pay for her tuition with student loans getting a government job was her only way out now you guys in the Law Department shouldn't have a hard time finding a job right unlike me studying E
nglish in the foreign language Department nowadays it's probably the most difficult major to find a job in wongon who had been silent all along complained to himself after getting acquainted with em Mo Juan Juan and the others hehe it's not difficult to find a job these days what's difficult is finding a good job I graduated from Jung Shan University but I still have to go home and her sheep em Mo Juan Hanan also SED alone graduation season the inevitable topic was was always about finding a job
by the way Lui you said you want to come to the southern city to find a job do you have any plans seeing them talking about this topic Lan asked his sister with concern his own company hadn't started yet so it wasn't easy to arrange not yet Lui replied Softly She just wanted to be closer to her older brother she hadn't thought about anything else lucii my sister is also in the Law Department come to my company we are currently in need of people your brother knows this best our company has been
expanding its business recently we just went through another round of personnel adjustments and many positions are vacant the legal department in particular has been underst staffed for a long time Jang Manu spoke without hesitation the people that Excellence had fired last time still hadn't been replaced the real estate company had just acquired three new plots of land and its scale was rapidly expanding this was all true it could be said that the personel department at Excellence was under the
most pressure right now they were going crazy trying to recruit and poach people and L she was a legitimate law student with outstanding Talent she was not only professionally qualified but also met Excellence as recruitment standards starting as a legal assistant would be no problem at all young man you didn't think she had any ulterior motives she just didn't know what luc's job preferences were after all even if it was a profession related to law in the future whether it was a government age
ncy a law firm or a company there would still be significant differences in future career development lucii what do you think Luan glanced at Jung Manu and asked he had considered this option before it's just that he had been working in excellence for 5 years and his relationship with the CEO was unclear he felt a bit strange about sending his younger sister there but he couldn't deny that it was indeed a good choice in the end it still depended on luci's own opinion I can give it a try lucii ha
d already agreed in her heart a long time ago if she worked with her future sister-in-law would her brother be able to escape okay then send me your resume May later I'll arrange for the Personnel Department to schedule an interview with you but on the other hand although your brother Lan is to some extent also considered half of the boss of our real estate company the process to follow and the standards for hiring are still the same additionally fresh graduates can only apply for the position o
f a basic Legal Assistant Jang manua said she then looked at Luan and asked lone do you have any objections Jang Manu had already said what she wanted to say what else could Lan say he could only smile awkwardly and think to himself you're the CEO you have the final say no problem Luc she firmly nodded she was very confident that she could pass the interview throughout her four years of University she had always been at the top of her class during her internship she had also gained recognition f
rom the leaders of the law firm although she didn't study corporate law she could learn Shi congratulations you found a job Luchi and M juanan her good friends sincerely congratulated lucii finally she could follow her brother and in the future she wouldn't be afraid of being bullied anymore brother Luan might not be of much help but sister-in-law Jan manua would definitely be supportive just look at what happened to Jong Lin it's easy when you have connections especially when you have such a go
od brother and sister-in-law it's a bit envy-inducing lucii if you go to work in the southern city remember L parents naturally also welcom this however they still gave a few reminders as they spoke the dishes they ordered were gradually brought to the table the three groups of people had a lively and enjoyable lunch except for Lan and his son who had to drive everyone else had quite a bit to drink JN manua had been chatting endlessly with the old lady who we the four graduates were also having
a great time Luan could only have awkward conversations with the old man only huo Yen felt ignored no one paid attention to her and it was precisely because of this that she noticed her younger brother H Dong Song occasionally stealing glances at Lucy sitting across from him that innocent look it reminded her of when she had a crush on the captain of the basketball team in high school but lui's gaze never lingered on him instead she foolishly stole glances at her brother and sister-in-law ah thi
s poor child maybe she shouldn't have brought him to this meal in the slim chance of something happening woen took the initiative to add lucii on We Chat it felt like something out of her own novel leaving a foreshadowing digging a pit well it's best not to worry about it after a satisfying meal Lan drove the BMW X7 in front of his father Lu jinu after taking a glance the old man liked it after raising his son for 27 years he could finally enjoy the feeling of being filial truly not bad brother
once I finished dealing with my school matters I'll come to the southern city to find you it'll take about a week Lui Bid Farewell reluctantly to to her brother and sister-in-law then she got into her wealthy father's new car as for the Maserati of course it wasn't really given to her it couldn't be helped Luan had to drive his own old car he took Jung Manu and hen back to the southern city the two women had been drinking and were slightly Tipsy they reminisced about their Unforgettable campus y
outh all the way Lou louan let me tell you if you ever dare to treat myuu badly I I won't spare you you don't know she has always always without warning woan suddenly leaned over from the back seat she warned Luan into his ear but before she could finish her muddled words Jang manua who was semi- sober covered her mouth don't say it don't say it it would be too embarrassing haoen Pride open Jang manu's hand that was covering her mouth and pondered for a moment Ah that's right Lan let me tell you
I am indeed a web novel author I recently started a new book called a river full of moon he he you know hurry up and give me a golden Alliance reward you can afford this little money did you hear Meo Yen said the unsaid words in a roundabout way as for whether Lan could hear it it would depend on fate got it got it I'll give you 10 golden Alliance rewards you're also a famous TV anchor why are you so greedy for fame hen's alcohol breath almost reached luan's nose he quickly responded he did ind
eed enjoy reading web novels but romantic novels for women who would read those after reading hundreds of brainless novels about heroes he was still poor reading women's novels could ad make him a love expert that's nonsense the only skill he could learn was quarreling 2 hours later Luan dropped wo Yen off at her home which happened to be on the way then he drove to Jang manu's house it was better to let her rest at home after drinking when he thought of Jang manu's house Lan thought of his futu
re father-in-law Jang hatang because at this moment luan's mind was filled with a jadeite worth 10 billion you on he had enough money now it was time to find an opportunity to invite his future father-in-law to dinner he would take him to cut the jadeite however Luan was also very clear in his heart this opportunity was not easy to find he still didn't have enough weight in John Hon's eyes whether it was earning nearly 300 million Yuan from foreign exchange trading or earning over 100 million Yu
an from buying discounted ancient paintings there was was still an element of luck involved and it couldn't truly reflect his abilities moreover this amount of money was still not enough John hatan might agree to Lan's dinner invitation because of his daughter JN manua but it was impossible for him to endorse him and cut the jadeite Lan still lacked a real opportunity to make Jung haton take him seriously and this opportunity might have to wait a few more days although Luan was a little impatien
t he wasn't that anxious because the owner of Jade Workshop chintang sent him a message the jadeite was still there it was better to let chintang wait a little longer so he wouldn't raise the price later when the car stopped in front of the shangi Lake Villa Garden Jang manua who was sitting in the back seat had already fallen asleep with her head tilted a ray of sunlight Shone through the window perfectly Illuminating her beautiful chin her slightly messy hair was stuck to her cheek like a drun
k Sleeping Beauty after quietly looking at her for a few moments Lan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated then he slapped his own face a few times what was he thinking when he woke up he realized that the air conditioning in the car was a bit too cold and there were no blankets or anything in the car wouldn't she catch a cold thinking of this Luan quickly got out of the car and opened the back door he gently pushed Jang manu's shoulder and said we're home go inside and sleep Jan Manuel leisurely ope
ned her eyes when she saw Lan's calm face she smiled brightly then she stretched lazily and slowly got out of the car at the moment her feet touched the ground she inexplicably felt dizzy her whole body involuntarily leaned backward Luan quickly reacted and his big hand naturally wrapped around her it perfectly held Jan mana's slender waist and she leaned against luan's chest they avoided the fate of falling be careful why did you drink so much Lan softly complained he felt a tingling sensation
in his waist and back Jang manu's face instantly turned red due to the heat from drinking her body which had been cooled by the air conditioning all the way was gradually returning to normal the alcohol was making her feel warm again but when she heard luan's complaint she instantly sobered up ah such a rare scene if you don't speak you'll die ruining the atmosphere but Jang manua didn't want to respond to him she put her hand on her forehead and stayed still she really felt a little dizzy she b
linked her slightly confused eyes coincidentally she suddenly caught sight of her mother suing with a shocked expression on her face with her eyes slightly widened she stared at the scene of her leaning against Luan when she made I contact with her daughter suing immediately turned and went back inside I didn't see anything I didn't see anything John Manu was shocked and bounced out of Lan's Embrace then she quickly followed her mother's footsteps Lan's face also turned red the pressure on his c
hest and arms disappeared in an instant there was an Indescribable sense of emptiness however he felt embarrassed to chase after her and say goodbye or anything after a moment of days he got in the car and left by the time the future mother-in-law came out again she didn't see his figure ha little fan why are you still so shy you've already hugged why don't you come in and sit back at the hotel Luan who had been tired all day went to bed early although it was Sunday the next day Jang manua still
had to go to the company because the outstanding era had just finished its opening according to the unwritten agreement Luan went to pick her up as usual after exchanging greetings the two didn't say much almost at the same moment the scene of their intimate contact from yesterday appeared in both of their minds it felt like saying one more word would break this beautiful memory as soon as they arrived at the company they could clearly feel that the employees of outstanding real estate who were
working overtime today were tired but still excited John manua went directly to the conference room to listen to gu Yen Chang's report on the opening work of course she already knew the final result sold out on the same day this was also an expected result as the president's wife Luan was also arranged to sit in the conference room right next to Jang manua there was no room for error everyone understood this without saying it thank you all for your hard work busy all day yesterday and still hav
e to continue working overtime today let's not waste time and get started after Jang manu's brief opening gu yenon took out a pen and faced the projection screen he opened the prepared PPT and began the report general manager Jang president Lou all 188 units of our outstanding era have been released in this opening due to a large number of registered customers we adopted the method of offline lottery for selecting houses within 2 hours all units were sold out the final average selling price was
158,000 renman B per square meter with a total sales amount of 8.26 billion Rundy onethird of the customers chose to pay in full and the rest must come to sign the contract within 7 days we have already communicated with the banks we expect that more than 95% of the funds will be returned within half a month for customers who couldn't sign the contract on time or had mortgage issues according to the subscription agreement we will ask them to cancel their reservation then we will prioritize selli
ng to those customers who couldn't buy with full payment ensuring timely payment gu Yan xun's report was concise and clear in its objectives she knew that Jang manua was most concerned about the payment only when this money was returned could outstanding era have the funds to pay the remaining land transfer fees for the three plots They just won and only then can funds be formally invested in the construction of the new site nowadays in real estate emphasis is placed on high turnover and efficie
ncy the sooner construction starts the faster sales can be made reducing Financial risks and increasing profits of course this is under normal circumstances if there are significant Market fluctuations in housing prices then it's a different story great you still need to oversee the collection of remaining payments Also let's implement the team incentive plan we previously established everyone has worked hard for almost 2 years for this project now is the time to reap the rewards and no one can
slack off Jang manua affirmed the team's work with a wave of her hand she immediately approved a team incentive amounting to over 8 million upon hearing this good news the 20 or so key members of the excellent real estate team attending the meeting couldn't help but smile with happiness when the boss is willing to give money it's always the best motivation everything else is just nonsense Jang Manu is strict in her work but she never compromises when it comes to money this is something that Luan
who is no longer an employe of excellent deeply understands his future wife Jang Manu has always been a good boss and he himself is about to enter the ranks of bosses in fact he really needs to learn now let's discuss the work plan for the new site one topic concluded and Jang manua quickly moved on to the next important topic and this topic is related to Lan Lan has already decided to cooperate with excellent in developing his bright District h005 site today is also the day to sign the coopera
tion and development agreement according to the agreement Lan provides the land and excellent provides the development funds they have agreed on a fixed estimated selling price which of course includes a certain profit margin if the Project's profit increases due to land appreciation or other Market factors Lan and excellent will split the additional profit in a 70 to3 ratio Lan gets 70% and excellent gets 30% if the predetermined profit Target is not met then the investment funds will be shared
according to the Project's investment ratio this plan is relatively Market oriented John Manu doesn't want to take advantage of Luan and Luan doesn't want to take advantage of John manua either before their relationship is confirmed whoever takes advantage of the other would be acting like a rogue of course even if they establish a relationship Lan cannnot simply take advantage of Jang manua after all excellent is a company and it doesn't belong to Jang manua alone the Jang group still holds 40
% of the shares but Jang Manu can take advant of Lan as she pleases which is quite frustrating back to the point after carefully listening to their discussion lufan calculated in his mind once all the favorable conditions for the bright District h005 site are in place he can probably earn 800 million in a year after all this time excellent will not sell finished houses but will pre-sell according to market conditions this significantly shortens the payment cycle spending 350 million on the land
in earning 800 million in a year is already quite terrifying in the context of the real estate industry's average profit margin being less than 30% Lan's land is undoubtedly enough to make his peers drop their jaws in astonishment oh why does Real Estate not seem as profitable as imagined it's better to dabble in Futures stocks Forex or Lottery to make quick money although he teased himself in his mind Luan knew that industry was the way to go even if he had insight information about the future
opportunities for sudden wealth are not always present one should not aim too high the entire day was spent with Jang Manu at the company when they were almost done with their busy schedule Jang Manu slumped in her chair in the CEO's office ah so tired neck pain she exclaimed while Jung manua Shrugged her fragrant shoulders and twisted her jade-like neck the meaning was unclear l fan was busy on his phone and didn't understand when he finally realized Jang Manu suddenly jumped up from her chair
let's go let's go to the supermarket I'm not going home tonight hauh you're not going home then where do you want to stay Lan was taken a back and looked at Jang Manu suspiciously Luan what are you thinking I mean let's go to the supermarket to buy daily necessities and stay in the new house tonight you don't want to continue staying in the hotel do you Marriot Hotel the minimum charge is 800 per night staying every day it's free Lan why don't you try to save some money JN Manu reprimanded witho
ut hesitation receiving Lan's trusting gaze it's really hard to find someone who can't live frally like Jan manua the daughter of a wealthy family but what Jan manua said made sense it was time to move to the new house but all his belongings were still in the hotel like this John Manu took Lan to a nearby Sam's Club supermarket at the same time there was a couple who had been feeling very depressed recently they were Shin Chang and Lin Yun this pair of lovers after Lin Yun was fired by Z he also
sent out resumes to find a job but it was quite difficult to find a job with such good benefits as joou originally joou was well regarded in the industry and with this resume he was quite popular in job interviews however because of his unprofessional behavior he was fired by zou although xuou did not make a public announcement about Personnel matters other companies discovered the problem during background checks everything was fine during the interviews but once they returned home there was n
o news at all small companies might not conduct background checks but Lin Yun didn't even consider them so he placed all his hopes on the former general manager hion as a Lackey he had no other way out and could only cling to the powerful but e Coen kept telling him to be patient that chairman GA would soon take action what action he and shin Chang had already given all the information they had On LAN to that so-called chairman goal they even added fuel to the fire and fabricated a lot of negati
ve information about Luan and Jang manua they even found out about Luan and Jang Manu going to guing together to attend luan's sister's Graduation Ceremony this was powerful evidence of their Affair why was chairman GA so calm did he still want to strike at Johan haton or not Shin xang was even more frustrated about this matter than ly Yan she had hinted to Ean many times that she could provide evidence directly to Chairman GA in order to hinder Jang manua all for the chance to meet chairman GAO
but she underestimated the class difference between them even if others knew about Jang manu's weaknesses they wouldn't easily believe her if things continued like this she would have nothing ly ye Fun's savings were barely enough for himself did the two of them have to starve together however today finally brought a turning point gaon the second largest shareholder of the Jung group finally agreed to meet with them Shin Chang and Lin Yun arrived at the agreed location early it was a high-end p
rivate club they waited downstairs for more than 2 hours before he Kuan LED them into the elevator answer whatever chairman gaw asks don't talk too much don't try to be clever understood he Coen reminded them understood General he the two of them nodded vigorously after getting off the elevator and going through several twists and turns in a corridor heon knocked on the door of a private room come in a slightly sharp male voice came from inside after entering the room Shin Chang and Lin Yun sat
down cautiously I saw a middle-aged man with a big head in ears around 50 years old he held a cup of tea and looked at the two of them with a gloomy face I already know all the information you provided if there's anything else you can only say it in front of me now speak GAO maian used his soft voice which was completely inconsistent with his appearance he got straight to the point he had no choice but to resort to this plan because he didn't want to miss this opportunity Jang haton not only sup
ported the purchase of land with billions of dollars but also acquired land through various channels regardless of whether this Behavior was good or bad for the joh family group it was extremely risky and he had to take advantage of this opportunity to confront Jan hatang at the board meeting it would be best if he could remove Jang hatang from the position of chairman even if he couldn't he hoped to strike a blow to Jong Hon's influence and the best breakthrough point was Jang Manu and her outs
tanding company John Manu embezzled company funds she bought a luxury car worth millions for Lan she also manipulated the outstanding era housing resources and gave Lan a luxury Mansion worth 40 million this has caused serious loss of company assets and directly harmed the interests of the group ly Yun couldn't wait to speak as if he had caught a life-saving straw in his opinion financial problems were usually the most fatal although these pieces of information were a bit unfounded because he ha
d already left the outstanding management team he couldn't care about that anymore upon hearing this gan's Gloomy face trembled slightly it was obvious that he was a little angry these two pieces of information had already been mentioned before if there were any financial problems with the outstanding company they would have been audited long ago he had already taken action so why would he wait until now could it be that ly Yun came to amuse him and what about Heen why did he always attract such
useless people seeing that GA maian didn't speak both hian and shin Shing felt an inexplicable pressure they knew that ly fun had wasted his opportunity this big shot was probably going to kick him away GA chairman gaw Shin shang's mind quickly turned and she also took a risk she said with some trepidation Luan is a morally corrupt scum who deliberately wants to seduce rich women he and Jang manua were College classmates and Luan had this idea from the beginning he just started working at outst
anding perhaps he and Jiang manua have been colluding for a long time my girlfriend is just a cover up for them a while ago Lan went bankrupt and outstanding era is about to launch they decided to stop pretending Lan immediately broke up with me and he got the car in the house and one Fell Swoop he even flaunts his presence in the company John manua wants to turn Lan into a highlevel member of outstanding ask yourself is indulging such a scum without any bottom line beneficial to the company's d
evelopment won't the investors of the Jun family group worry and as an heir can shareholders and investors trust him Shin Chang accused indignantly her passionate chest couldn't help but tremble after speaking her eyes revealed a sense of unwillingness and hatred Shin Shing told a story that could barely pass she gave C maen Direction which was to tarnish and deny Jang manu's Personal Image and abilities as a bargaining chip gan's eyes lit up slightly and he fell into deep thought this idea coin
cided with the purpose of his visit to Ling Yan and shin Shing it was a coincidence he didn't expect the two of them to provide any major Revelations if there were any they would have already said it he just came to investigate and see if these two people are suitable as informants for exposing Secrets now it seems that Shen Chang is a bit unexpected to him this woman might unexpectedly be useful I understand Shin Shang stays gasan took a sip of tea and said in a deep voice upon hearing this he
Coen immediately pulled Lin Yun and left the private room ly Yun was confused but he didn't dare to ask anything Mr he I still have a lot of black material On LAN leave me behind I will be useful in the elevator ly Yun was still struggling desperately expressing his value to hian don't talk nonsense about black material or anything like that if you want to live longer it's best to learn to keep your mouth shut he Coen warned sternly but that was all he could say in the private room gasan stood u
p and twisted his huge body slowly he approached Shen Chang he circled around Shen Chang and finally his fat hand touched her chin do you hate that Lan so much you know how outrageous what you just said was right in this world everything comes with a price if I'm willing to help you what price can you pay gan's small eyes emitted a faint greedy light as he stared at Shin Chang he had already made up his mind he would take advantage of this opportunity against Jan hatang and since something was d
elivered to his doorstep why not accept it and no as long as I can help Mr GA I'm willing to do anything Shin Chang lowered her head trembling but Resolute hearing this GA Maan grinned his face was filled with a smile made of Flesh almost engulfing his small eyes he couldn't help but sneer inwardly this woman really had a way with words and a lot of cunning but playing these tricks in front of him was ridiculous all right let's cooperate and win together after saying that galoian slowly walked t
oward a room inside the private room Shin Shang hesitated for a few seconds then got up and followed 1 hour later when he K received a message and pushed open the door to the private room again gasan was no longer there and the door to the room inside was open Shin Shang wrapped in a white towel walked out there was no expression on her face as she calmly sat in front of hiun as if nothing had happened Heen was slightly surprised by her composure Mr he letun begin Shin xang said calmly oh Heen r
esponded with a nod collecting his thoughts there were still many things to do next and they had to be completed before Dawn what they had to do was simple they had to fabricate a piece of black material on Jang manua starting with Shin Shing the former outstanding employee and luan's ex-girlfriend they would expose Jang manu's malicious behavior after finishing shining hion would have it Polished by a professional finally he would send the final draft to gaan after finalizing the draft he would
contact various media outlets and influencers to buy various hot searches because tomorrow was Monday GA maian wanted the article to be released early in the morning if Jong group's stock price was successfully affected and fell as a result then the first step would be completed at the same time that Shin Chang and Lin Yun were on their way to the club lufan and Jang Manu also arrived at the supermarket Luan pushed a shopping cart and followed behind Jang Manu if it weren't for her attractive f
igure Lan wouldn't be doing this let me take a look we need to buy towels toothpaste toothbrushes shampoo shower gel hair conditioner tissues mops did we miss anything John manu's excited appearance didn't seem like she was just shopping at a supermarket it was as if a girl had entered a luxury store before entering her boyfriend said three words by Whatever by whatever you see and also by two of everything Luan who had been living alone for a long time was extremely experienced when it came to
buying daily Necessities previously when he lived with Shen Shang for half a year he was responsible for these things as well Shen Shang was too lazy to do it herself now it seems that without comparison there is no harm Luan felt a different kind of satisfaction from Jung manu's excitement this made Luan have some inexplicable expectations for moving into the new house although they weren't living together and the house wasn't connected at least they would be face to face however the two of the
m arrived at the Excellence Times building apartment 3601 carrying a large pile of things Jung Mana was so tired that she shook her hand and sat down on the sofa she watched as Lan took out each item one by one and place them in their designated spaces Lan why don't we just live in the same apartment Jan manues suddenly said Luan who was about to put a box of tissues on the coffee table stopped in midair and froze he knew that Jang Manu might say such provocative words Jang Manu also knew that L
uan knew she would say this Luan also knew that Jang Manu knew he knew she would say this however she still said it oh I didn't mean anything else living alone in such a big house is so empty it's also Troublesome to clean it would be easier if we take turns and we can save some electricity with so many rooms we won't disturb each other John Manu argued without changing her expression I I didn't bring any spare clothes I have to go to a hotel Lan quickly put down the tissues and grabbed the car
keys on the coffee table he rushed out of the door as if escaping only after he left did he realize that it was his own apartment JN manu's apartment was apartment 3602 across the hall damn it am I going to be forced to live together like this no no we haven't even confessed how can it happen so quickly I have to stay in a hotel tonight and think it through it's like someone brought spare cloes clothes what an idiot Jung manua looked at luan's embarrassed escape with a mischievous smile her cher
ry lips curled up as she covered her face and laughed she didn't say no so it's possible huh however immediately after her eyebrows furrowed at this point I don't even know when this fool Will confess to me giving someone a pair of earrings without saying anything how can I handle this do I have to confess to you as a girl it's real distressing I can say something more explicit than a confession but for a True Confession I still hope you will speak up first Jang Manu touched the Jade earrings on
her earlobe and looked at the fake Jade bracelet on her hand after being stunned for a while she thought that Luan would definitely not come back she picked up her phone and called magat after returning to the shangi Lake Villa Jang Manu couldn't help but want to tease lanh are you coming back I've already taken a shower after waiting for a long time lfan finally replied I've already paid for the hotel tonight it would be a waste not to stay I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning looking at thi
s message Jang Manu was also extremely impressed he really found such a reason but unfortunately it was also the truth all right come pick me up at shangi Lake Villa John Manu replied with without any guilt on the other side Lan didn't want to reply to the message anymore feeling frustrated Jan group headquarters Chairman's office chairman Jang we finalized the last piece of land yesterday we signed a Cooperative development agreement with the other party with each side holding a 50% stake so fa
r we have raised a total of 8.9 billion in funds through various subsidiaries and Banks we acquired five undeveloped projects in Guang Ming District we have three projects under Cooperative development we acquired a total of 358 scattered properties we used a total of 6.8 billion in funds and there are still 2.1 billion remaining some other potential land and properties may not be able to be negotiated in the short term should we relax the conditions and continue negotiating or should we stop he
re general manager Kyle sat on the sofa holding a notebook she reported to John haton these days she has been busy day and night fortunately she successfully acquired all the possible land and properties in guangming District in less than a week of course it is also because the developers in guangning District are not doing well the housing prices are not going up and the S speed is slow developers who cannot control development costs when the land acquisition costs are slightly higher will face
financial difficulties at this time junan real estate offered very generous conditions how could they not accept it happily let's stop here the news of our massive land acquisition in guangming district has been widely discussed by many peers if we relax the conditions for acquisition they may suspect something besides the remaining properties are not of low quality there's no need JN hatang nodded in satisf action with this matter successfully completed he could finally breathe a sigh of relie
f next besides waiting for good news from Lan's golden mouth he also needed to deal with internal questioning within the company especially from the shareholders and the board of directors a few small shareholders who were his close friends told him that someone was persuading them to convene a board meeting to discuss the company strategic Direction what nonsense strategic issues it's just a few people people led by GA maian they are just stirring up trouble based on Jang Hon's understanding of
gausian this fat guy will definitely make some moves but JN hutang is not worried at all not to mention that he is the largest shareholder of the Jang group holding 35% of the shares GA maian is only the second largest shareholder moreover there is a significant Gap in their shareholding with GA maian only holding 14% what's more important is that Jang Hon's control over the Jang group is something that GA maian cannot shake at all after all he is the founder of the Jong group every brick and t
ile of the company was built by his hard work if it weren't for the need to accelerate the listing process and raise funds he wouldn't have let someone like gal maian into the company clearly after the company went public the market value continued to soar all shareholders made a fortune but this fat guy guy still wants to cause trouble especially after he clearly stated that he would pass on the Jang group to his daughter Jang manua this guy is harboring evil Intentions by the way excelent era
just finished their project and they have funds now we need to speed up the progress of the new plots we acquired in Bowen District don't let excellent era catch up John haton put aside his worries and proudly talked about his daughter excellent era is quite fast Guan sha the CEO told me that they finished their project last Saturday and already started planning the next day Sunday but our Jan Shan real estate won't fall behind we started construction on two plots on the same day we acquired the
m you can rest assured director Jang kylin also replied with a smile Jan hatang nodded with satisfaction in his mind he could see Jung manu's smiling face from last night but his thoughts were interrupted by an urgent knock on the door from his secretary director Jang something has happened the secretary pushed the door open and looked a bit flustered what happened you seem flustered Jong hatang rarely saw gusang knock on the door and enter without waiting for his response he scolded him lightly
with a hint of dissatisfaction sorry chairman Jang check your phone I sent you something Gus the secretary to the chairman couldn't care less and urged him directly if it weren't for the urgency in knowing that kyin the general manager was inside he wouldn't have been so reckless most importantly he knew exactly what the chairman cared about seeing this Jong hatang was slightly taken aback he picked up his phone and opened the message gusang had sent five tweet links and when he saw the title o
f the first tweet Jong Honk's calm expression suddenly changed the entertainment industry is in chaos Jang Manu the heir of the Jang group is far more unruly than you can imagine the following titles were even more shocking one after another entertainment Jang group's wealthy daughter spends money like water just to make a male companion smile Society is being financially supported also a way out for a young men nowadays Finance can a trillion dooll groups air treat business as a joke does the c
ompany have a future trending Jang Manu the heir of the Jang group keeps a male subordinate Jong hatan suppressed his immense anger he clicked on the titles and started reading half an hour later his face had turned as red as a pig's lung pale as iron this was clearly a Shameless and premeditated operation early in the morning various media Outlets exploded at the same time Society entertainment and finance sections were all buzzing it even instantly became the number one local trending topic in
the city what shocked Jang haton even more was that the content inside was well organized with pictures and evidence and it claimed to be leaked by insiders the shamelessness of distorting the truth and stirring up trouble was simply outrageous even thinking with his toes Jong hatang knew who did it snap in a fit of anger Jong hatang slammed his phone hard on the table his eyes were almost spewing fire kylin who had just finished reading was also shocked and her face turned pale she and gon loo
ked at each other feeling anxious they had followed chairman Jean for so many years and had never seen him so Furious chairman Jang the internet department is rapidly handling the situation the public relations department is already discussing countermeasures the legal department is drafting a lawyer's letter we must prevent the spread of rumors in the shortest possible time minimize the impact gong reported tremblingly he knew he had to pull chairman Jang back from his rage upon hearing this Ja
ng hatang focused for a moment and looked at his watch it was 9:55 a.m. the stock market had been open for 25 minutes after taking a deep breath John hatan glanced at the stock software on the computer in front of him behind the Jan Group stock code there was a bright green number it made his eyebrows Furrow deeply a 10% drop directly hitting the limit the market value of 138.5 billion evaporated by 13.8 billion fortunately they hadn't gone public in Hong Kong if they had without the limit on pr
ice fluctuations the consequences would have been even more severe however the stock market's intense reaction still surprised Johan Hut tongue a bit although his daughter Jang Manu as the heir of the Jang group had a growing connection with him due to his deliberate actions investors and shareholders naturally reacted to this but J Manu neither held shares nor held a significant position in the Jan group in theory a tabloid news shouldn't have caused a direct limit down Jan hatang had a ridicul
ous premonition could it be that GA Maan that crazy fat man used funds to attack their own stocks this couldn't be so insane right the stock market has now become a settled matter it won't be long G maian should urge the board members to convene a board meeting the next step is to hold a shareholders meeting and remove himself from the position of chairman just because of a smear campaign Dream On In John haton Sharp eyes a hint of fierceness suddenly shot out it is already his bottom line to da
re to touch his daughter covet spting his daughter's future position as chairman is even more unforgivable John haton made a decisive decision picked up his phone again and prepared to call a few close shareholder friends first stabilize the situation then consider countermeasures fortunately the Huawei phone is of good quality and was not broken by him after making a few calls the overall Outlook was optimistic the close shareholder friends trust Jang hatan very much and also approve of Jang ma
nua they can naturally see that someone is deliberately smearing and causing trouble but they also vaguely expressed their concern that the stock may still hit the limit down tomorrow measures must be taken to control the situation otherwise it will lead to a chain reaction you should know that the mentality of ordinary investors is not so stable after taking this reassurance pill Jan hatan was just about to call Gong and gu Yen xang back in unexpectedly Jang manu's call came in Dad I just check
ed the stock is everything okay with the group as soon as the call was connected Jang Manu asked her voice sounded no different from usual obviously she already knew about her own hot search and quickly understood the ins and outs as the protagonist of the smear campaign Not only was her emotions not affected but she also immediately showed concern for her father this calmness this determination it made jeang haton very sad isfied she is indeed my daughter truly capable of being a chairman what
could be the matter don't worry about the group's Affairs and you are you with Lan at the company Jong hatang pretended to be relaxed this incident undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to his daughter's reputation she was fine but her old father still worried no there are a bunch of reporters down downstairs at the company so we went home okay Lan is also here and mom made him your favorite poor tea you wouldn't mind would you Jang Manu teased with a smile go ahead drink drink drink the damn kid to dea
th this matter is also related to him he really found a good ex-girlfriend Jan hatang habitually belittled louan but his mood undoubtedly became much lighter dad I won't be happy if you say that in the end this is all my fault when there were rumors within the company not only did I not stop it in time I let it spread I regret it so much now anyway I made this mess myself and I will take my own measures I can't help much with the external Affairs of the group Jang manues said assertively then sh
e added dad zoi times just finished trading there is still over 6 billion in cash flow in the account do you need me to transfer it immediately because she just heard it from kylin JN Shan real estate spent 6.8 billion going crazy acquiring land in guangning District the group's funds are bound to be very tight and thinking that Jan group stocks may be targeted by someone dad needs this money that's why she said that no not for now John haton understood his daughter's intention but still refused
okay call me if there's any situation Jang Manu said and hung up the phone after hanging up the phone Jang Manu found that Luan was still in the bathroom hey is this Shen Shang it's l fan since breaking up with Shen Shang this was the first time Lan had a conversation with her at this time Shin Chang was lying on LY Yan's bed in the rental house seeing Lan's call she quickly got up she hurriedly put on her shoes and locked the door in case ly and Yan who lived in another room suddenly ran in ye
s they lived together but it seemed like they weren't living together just like before she and Luan slept in separate rooms in Shin Chang's eyes her body was her greatest asset she couldn't just give it to anyone she should make the most of it those who weren't worth it only deserved to be backup plans it was impossible to have a frequent intimate life with a boyfriend if one day her body was needed but the other person found her not tight enough wouldn't it be a loss just like yesterday at that
high-end Club she could clearly feel chairman GA was very satisfied plus the trending news she had just created herself with these two achievements combined she felt confident finally she had caught a truly significant fish so she had been scrolling through her phone since early morning reading all the exciting comments she had been waiting for Luan to call her she had endured for so long not sending him a single message or making a phone call she just wanted him to think that she had climbed u
p to Jan manua and could look down on him open your eyes wide and see clearly she Shin Shing not only could climb up the tree but she could also destroy him with her own hands once this matter came out she couldn't think of any reason why Jan manua would keep Lan she would definitely kick him out out living off someone else whom you're not capable of that so Luan must be anxious now he must be angry and desperate coming to confront her let's see if I'll sympathize with you what's the matter Shin
Shang listened to Lans pretending to be calm voice and responded coldly the trending news you and hi helped GA maian create it right luan's voice remained calm I don't know what you're talking about chairman gal who's chairman gal I don't know him I wanted to ask you too is it true what the news said about you and J Manu Lan why do you have such wild imagination it's not too late to wake up now really don't Daydream it's harmful to your health faced with Lan's questioning Shin Shang naturally w
ouldn't be foolish enough to admit it what if she was recorded how would it benefit chairman GA she clearly understood these little tricks from watching TV that's it then you're living in the house rented by ly Yun right after confirming something almost 100% Luan asked coldly again so what if I am don't tell me you still want to come and hit me Lan it's not that I look down on you do you have the guts the image of Lan getting angry and embarrassed didn't didn't appear as she had imagined it une
xpectedly ignited Shin chenk anger she even provocatively challenged him whom after a muffled sound Luan hung up the phone this disgusting woman shining had really crossed his bottom line this time not only did she fabricate a bunch of scandals but she also turned his and Jang manu's photos into hot pictures early in the morning he had received countless calls including s from his parents and his sister Lui those hurtful words undoubtedly made him angry but what made him even angrier was that al
l the malicious comments were directed at Jang manua and Jang manua was his future wife no one could tolerate their own wife being hurt like this after calmly analyzing the situation with Jang Manu he understood gash's ultimate goal John hatang and John manua were more experienced in dealing with this crisis than than him but to completely resolve this crisis Luan realized that he could also help a little he just had to wait for a message to arrive as planned so what he could do and wanted to do
now was to seek revenge he wanted to completely Makin Ching disappear from his world ever since he had money Luan found that things he couldn't do before things he didn't dare to do all became simple money is the most powerful weapon in this world I'm going out for a it Luan came out of the bathroom and calmly greeted Jang manua then he drove away from shangi Lake Villa Jang manua didn't stop him because she had her own things to do a rental house in a certain Urban Village in luu District Luan
knocked on the iron door he had been here once 2 years ago so you really came come in a scruffy young man opened the door with sleepy eyes when he received Lan's call 20 minutes ago he was quite surprised his cousin didn't usually come to him after Luan went in he sat directly on the messy bed after looking around the chaotic environment of the rental house he looked into the young man's eyes and said in a deep voice danan Kai I need you to do something the young man's name was danan Kai he was
the son of wuh hui's older sister wuan and he was luan's cousin he was a little over a year older than Lan they used to play together when they were young but after dwan Kai dropped out of high school and entered Society early he had less contact with L Luan when Luan graduated from University and came from guing to Nanchang he knew that Duan Kai had always been in nanang he was everywhere just one step away from going to jail is something really happening you have to think carefully I'm not in
terested in helping you with trivial matters as soon as Lan came came in danan Kai noticed that there was something off about his gaze he was completely different from the gentle and refined Lou fan he remembered well I wouldn't come to you for ordinary matters I want to make sure someone never appears in manang again of course not killing or anything like that Lan nodded oh I see there are many methods and the results vary greatly also the cost can be high or low danan Kai suddenly became inter
ested and asked Lan briefly explained Shen shang's situation to danan Kai that's about it the job must be done well and money is not a problem just give me a number Lan looking like a big boss made Duan Kai Furrow his brow is my cousin starting to get involved in Shady business to make money and it seems like he's making quite a lot this matter it's difficult to say if it's difficult and it's easy to say if it's easy to achieve seamless Perfection at least danan Kai paused and boldly named his p
rice at least 500,000 no problem I'll transfer 200,000 as a deposit first I'll give you the remaining 300,000 after it's done with that Lan took out his phone and made a transfer in a second as soon as Duan Kai heard the sound of the bank message notification he couldn't believe it and read it several times he even opened the app to check his balance after confirming it was correct honestly Lan did some rich woman adopt you you're so generous and then you're afraid the rich woman will find out a
bout your ex-girlfriend so you're going all out danan Kai made a malicious guess originally he thought Luan would be generous enough to give him two or 3,000 considering they were cousins he wouldn't lose out by helping him with this matter asking for 500,000 was actually a way to test if Lan would back down after all these Dirty Deeds would burden an ordinary person if his aunt found out she would blame him for corrupting Lan he might even get beaten up danan Kai wasn't afraid of his own parent
s but he was afraid of his aunt wo we she had been his Junior High School Home Room teacher for 3 years and left a psychological Shadow who would have thought that Luan casually threw 200 ,000 at him it left him a little dumbfounded can you do it if you can't then give me the money back why so much nonsense Lan was slightly shocked by danan Kai's Keen Insight this guy must not have read the news otherwise he would probably take advantage of him Luan was willing to give so much money firstly beca
use he wasn't short of money himself secondly his cousin was also a pitiful person back then it was all for a girl you can do it you can do it very capable within a week I guarantee to get it done for you danan Kai confidently declared you can't let the opportunity slip away he immediately asked Luan for his phone number address and photos then he made a call to his subordinate instructing him to keep an eye on the person right away he even generously gave his subordinate a 1,000 Yuan Red Envelo
pe money makes things easier the subordinate who was still in bed quickly got up and headed to LY Yan's Place Lan for this to be secure we need your cooperation do you know the situation of shining's family I might as well explain the plan to you it's simple it's about threatening her making her scared scared enough to not dare to come back and the most effective threat is her family after hanging up the phone danan Kai said to Luan again she is from Sichuan her parents are alive and they are fa
rmers if you need the address of her hometown I'll send it to you later Lan thought for a moment and decided to speak up this is not the time to be merciful very good it's best to threaten someone from this kind of family background today I will send someone to sit you on by plane and directly approach her family if if you're not confident I can go personally and take a trip for leisure as well danan Kai who seemed to have done this kind of thing many times casually said you handle it yourself L
an said also when threatening her personally it's best to find a suitable scapegoat can you think of anyone she wouldn't dare to offend danan Kai pulled out a notebook and a pen from the bedside table acting like a detective he actually wanted to jot down the key points upon hearing this the first person that came to Lan's mind was GA maian he absolutely didn't believe that Shin Shing could climb up to someone like gaw maian others were just using her there is so Luan also told danan Kai about t
his situation next danan Kai went through the entire plan in detail with Luan after confirming that there were no issues Duan Kai smiled and said how about it it must cost quite a bit of money right I haven't earned a single scent from you Lan chuckled knowing he was talking nonsense danan Kai this cheap cousin had this kind of greedy Behavior truly not good in other aspects he was fine especially rare was this guy was very loyal he had never betrayed Luan always taking the blame for him since c
hildhood you've been mixing in society for so many years why are you still living in a place like this Lan touched the slightly dirty blanket expressing his disgust according to reason this guy also made quite a bit of money but he probably spent money like water you used to earn so little salary in a month do you think you're better than me now that you're successful you look down on us poor relatives look at what you've become danan Kai patted his but wanting to drive Lan away but he couldn't
help asking the main point seriously Lan how did you make your fortune did you quit that excellent company you used to work for I seem to remember my mom telling me recently that you went bankrupt my mom even said if you came to borrow money from me she would help you out did that really happen Lan thought to himself this guy can support his whole family without any problems the information is indeed a bit outdated the old man was at his house just a few days ago look looking at his BMW X7 he di
dn't even know over a month ago I invested in a big project I made quite a bit of money and now I'm doing business with my former boss it's not bad I have a few billion in Assets Now thinking that there was no need to hide it from him Luan replied truthfully although dwan Kai was greedy for small advantages he would never accept handouts he had too much pride to the point where he didn't even want to touch the business in his own home he wanted to rely on his own abilities that's great kid The S
alted fish has turned over huh you'll have to take care of your cousin from now on no from now on I'll call you brother fangu danan Kai lightly laughed and patted luan's shoulder what he was thinking was he would have to take advantage of luan's success after all he was a big fat sheep activities like today should happen happen at least once a month every month after leaving Duan Kai Luan called his family one by one he told them not to worry it was just some baseless rumors aunt woi was particu
larly concerned about Jang Manu saying that the news portrayed her in a certain way she was Furious if she found out who started the rumors she would tear that person's mouth apart Lan forced a bitter smile the person spreading the rumors was none other than was least favorite Shen xang after hanging up the phone and before returning to the shangi Lake Villa Luan looked at the slowly declining popularity of the hot search it should be the result of future father-in-law Jan haton actions but base
d on the current situation when the Stock Market opens tomorrow JN Group stock will plummet my dear future self when will the good news from the guangning district come out Lan anxiously sent a message message June 12th that's tomorrow don't worry once this news is out JN Group stock price will rise just wait and see JN Dawn's performance after seeing this reply Lan finally felt relieved now all he had to do was stay by Jang manu's side when Luan entered the Villa he noticed that what XO Yen had
also come over it seemed like the two of them were waiting for him is your business finished John manua asked yes Luan nodded to hoo Yen he sat down next to Jang manua haoen was not only Jang manu's best friend but also a journalist she was a professional when it came to hot searches and debunking rumors it made sense for her to be here Lan I discussed it with Shen the best solution for now is to announce the truth and clarify the situation your normal investment as an outstanding partner goes
without saying and also our personal relationship Jean Manu paused for a moment lowering her head slightly then she raised it again looking directly into luan's eyes and said I wanted to hear your opinion after all I also have a responsibility for the rumors within the company and the best way to stop rumors is through an announcement announcing that we are in a romantic relationship a originally Jung manua didn't plan on telling Luan she wanted to publicly declare that Luan was her boyfriend an
d that their relationship wasn't based on any Financial Arrangements but After experiencing the consequences of indulging in rumors and acting stubbornly she felt that even though they hadn't crossed that line yet they had to be honest with each other they had to discuss everything otherwise they might unintentionally hurt each other yes I think the same let's announce it like that we are in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship Lan also looked into Jan manu's eyes and said calmly wow I didn't exp
ect you two to confess like this I can't even imagine such a plot whato Yen who was on the side couldn't help but comment all right since there are no objections let me explain the next plan first all clarifications will be made through mana's personal weebo account the announcement about our partnership will be made by xua company as for the media and influencers who have received money besides cooperating with Jan group to send them lawyers letters I will also use my connections in the media i
ndustry to privately communicate with them let them stop chasing after this kind of unproductive traffic so as not to harm ourselves as for some small media outlets and unethical marketing accounts we will directly sue them and drag them down manual has already drafted the clarification article and I helped her polish it take a look and if there are no issues we will release it this afternoon huo Yen put away her strange expression and said seriously Luan and Jang Manu nodded there is one thing
that is a Pity we don't know who the so-called Insider spreading rumors is otherwise we could definitely sue them for defamation and make them taste the consequences these kind of people are truly despicable Hao Yen said indignantly she also knew that even if Jang Manu could find out who was spreading false information about her if the person didn't come forward with their real name the law couldn't do anything to them after all there were no reports no interviews and no recordings the whole thi
ng was purely a smear campaign Luan and Jiang Manu exchanged a glance remaining silent after further discussion what XO Yen was about to leave to attend to her tasks after seeing huo Yen off Luan suddenly remembered something and said to Jan Manu has the matter in Guan Ming District been implemented Jang manua immediately thought of this possibility she was also looking forward to luan's prediction coming true as soon as possible in this way Jang group's crisis would be resolved moreover even if
her father Jang haton didn't want to use xu's funds she planned to invest around 5 billion to save the market if she could also buy at a low price and make a profit that would be even better h i estimate it will come out in the next day or two even if it's a little late it won't matter after this incident Jang group's stock price will stabilize a lot Lan didn't want to reveal too much about the future information he also planned to invest a few hundred million to make a small profit all right l
et's see after the Market opens tomorrow after going through some things Jan manua had almost complete trust in Lan now people online were accusing her criticizing her and even insulting her and as the other protagonist at the center of the storm Luan chose to stand silently by her side without hesitation he even cooperated with her and acted as her official boyfriend in the announcement although it was only in the announcement she was very happy at 3:00 in the afternoon after fully communicatin
g with Jong group's public relations department a series of measures were taken launching a thunderous attack the heat of the incident was ignited once again 25 lawyers letters 18 lawsuits Jan group's announcement across all platforms joou company's announcement across all platforms Jang manu's personal weebo announcement accompanied by countless media platforms marketing accounts various articles and opinions with completely different directions have been published the one-sided public opinion
is slowly starting to change ha the reversal came so quickly what reversal it's just a game for the rich let me take a look damn what's so good about the melon of the CEO keeping a subordinate other show affection based on their abilities I knew it how could a fairy like female CEO keep an ordinary subordinate it's strange if there's no catch if this is true I'm even more frustrated I was counting on this dream to support my life as a working person do you believe it anyway I don't would the Jon
g group do such a thing just for stocks to be honest regardless of the facts this L fan and CEO Jong do make a good match love it love it I want to become a fan of these two it's rarer for a poor boy to marry into a wealthy family than for a female star to marry into one I believe in this Lan he's not just an ordinary worker he's definitely a hidden big shot please don't insult us working people okay who did we provoke for a while it was difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood and t
he gossip continued it has to be said that having money makes things easier once the Jong group spends money on this the matter will cool down in a few days and GA maian who is watching all this doesn't care either after all he has already achieved his goal tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 the long awaited board meeting will finally be held the next day at 9:30 in the morning when the stock market opened the JN Group stock once again hit the limit down this result is also within reason the public opin
ion environment of the hot search event has improved somewhat after many efforts however the strong expectations of panic and distrust have already formed and on the day of the board meeting some people are still doing their best to short sell Jan group's stocks through stock index Futures investing a considerable amount of money behind the scenes yesterday's wave of Short Selling has already earned him a limit down taking advantage of the situation why not Harvest another wave in this regard Lu
an and GA maian surprisingly have the same mindset seeing that the limit down has become a trend Luan decisively bought 130 million Yuan worth of Jang group stocks to bottom out After experiencing two limit Downs the stock price has fallen from 28.6 5 Yuan last week to 23.2 Yuan Lan bought a total of about 6.5 million shares even if the stock price returns to its previous level Luan can still make over 30 million Yuan from this wave at the same time Jang Manu also almost at the same time investe
d all of the 5 billion you won in the outstanding account outstanding is not a listed company so basically she has the final say she didn't inform JN haton about this move if JN hatan knew he definitely wouldn't agree she almost put the lifeline about standing at stake it's fake to say that Jang manua has no worries at all but at this moment she inexplicably believes in Lan just the next moment after Lan and John Manu completed their actions another 2 billion yuan joined the market rescue natura
lly it came from Jang hatang himself although he firmly believes that this storm will soon pass in Jan group will not suffer any damage this capital is also very safe but in order to slightly increase his chips at the afternoon board meeting he still needs the stock price to stabilize his soon as possible in the next few days John Manu and her father made the same Choice without communicating ating with each other together with Lan's 130 million Yuan the total amount of funds for the market resc
ue reached 7.13 billion yuan it is already a considerable amount of money much larger than ghian short selling funds of less than 1 billion yuan soon the stock price of the Jang group showed a small upward Trend it quickly Rose to around 25 Yuan this made the market smell something different some bold institutions and individual investors also started buying in after all the fundamentals of the Jang group have always been good and many investors were waiting to buy at a low price however they di
dn't expect that on the second day there were signs of a rebound it seems that the public opinion is changing and fermenting slowly however most people are still pessimistic after a morning of ups and downs when the market closed at noon the the stock price of the JN group stopped at a 4.2% decline John haton was very satisfied with this result it seems that the market still has confidence in my Jong group I originally thought that with two billion in funds it would be good enough to raise it by
three or four points JN haton was not the only one who thought so Lan and Jang Manu had the same idea in the office of the outstanding president why didn't you wait for me yesterday and went to the new house alone Jean Manu whose mood had improved leaned back in her chair and questioned Lan don't be silly could you not stay at home last night come on I'll treat you to a meal what do you want to eat Luan said indifferently from Jang mana's slightly tired face it could be seen that she had probab
ly discussed with Jong hutong until late last night however Jang manua was also quite arrogant and had dark circles under her eyes she almost came to work without makeup just applied a little powder however even so she was still beautiful enough to make people feel inferior seeing his future wife working so hard how could Luan not reward her well in fact he didn't sleep well last night either before going to bed he kept thinking about the announcement Jang manua posted on weebo Lan is my college
classmate we have known each other for 9 years and have always had feelings for each other after 5 years of being together day and night after graduation we finally took that step he is my true boyfriend although the whole announcement had a taste of official denial the phrase always had feelings for each other kept lingering in his mind however Jang manua said that this sentence was written by huo Yen huo Yen completely changed her initial draft the description of their relationship and it was
all written by her this made Lan suddenly think of something on the way back from Guang Chung huo Yen seemed to mention a web novel she was writing the title was a river full of moon and she reminded lfan to remember to reward her as a golden Alliance leader moreover from rone at that time the female protagonist seemed to be based on Jang manua Luan immediately found that novel and saw that it was already 3 in the morning at this moment he finally understood it turns out that Jang manua had fee
l ings for him since their freshman Year it turns out that throughout their four years of college she had been carrying a nervous longing for him but didn't dare to approach him it turns out that when he joined the outstanding company she had been silently paying attention it turns out that when he was dating Shen Shing she got drunk he still remembers that there was originally a meeting that day Jean Manu canceled it because she couldn't attend it turns out his feelings were not wrong when the
bankruptcy rumors came out Jang manua didn't come to the president's office for no reason she took a brave step it turns out that during this period of time Jang mana's crazy words and actions were a true reflection of her anxious and excited feelings and Luan himself wasn't he the same in one night the last bit of uneasiness in Lan's heart disappeared instantly this woman in front of him was destined to be the woman who would become his future wife she had liked him in the past now and always a
nd he has irreversibly fallen in love with her well that's true all right I'll give you some credit I'm going to have a feast Jang mana's Cherry lips curled up filled with joy she noticed that Lan's gaze towards her was slightly different from usual it seemed more gentle did she misjudge him whatever 2: p.m. John Corporation headquarters conference room 18 board members gathered together it had been a long time since they were all present like this the last time was three years ago during a majo
r strategic transformation meeting there were a few shareholders who never attended the annual management meetings for them as long as they received their fixed dividends it was enough they didn't want to get involved in the company's operations John hatang had never disappointed them but someone said that Jang hatang had problems and the company would face major issues in the future it concerned their personal interests so they had to come hey everyone is here as the chairman Jang hatang entere
d the room with a big stride he sat firmly in his Chairman's seat chairman GA you called for this emergency board meeting if there's something just say it directly we're all busy so let's not waste time John time spread his hands and got straight to the point he glanced around the conference room Jong Corporation shareholders were divided into three categories the first category was represented by the founding team led by John hatang there were a total of four people holding a combined 45% of th
e shares the other three not only held important positions in the company but also stood firmly by John hatang side this was the foundation of John On's control over Jung Corporation the second category consisted of investment institutions and individuals who provided financing before the company went public there were three major investment institutions in total with gaw Masins gawang investment holding the majority of shares at 35% these investment institutions had some connection with GA maen
to varying degrees most of the time their interests aligned but they were also competitors in the market the third category included post IPO investors financial institutions and Retail investors these people were not board members and could be ignored in terms of individuals Jan haton was the largest shareholder followed by GA maian however GA maian had always wanted to influence JN corporation's decision-making power while enjoying the dividends he sought personal gain and those investment in
stitutions were in cahoots with him the entire conference room naturally divided into two factions subtly confronting each other chairman Xiang although I called for this emergency board meeting I also responded to everyone's demands and had no choice GA maian smiled insincerely and immediately denied Jang hatang words then he put on a deeply worried expression and continued ah the situation has already occurred and the impact is continuously expanding the interests of all shareholders have been
severely Dam damaged of course we also know that you chairman Jang have been making great efforts to salvage the situation and have done a lot of work but through this incident we have reason to suspect that you have made inappropriate decisions in the company's operations especially in the matter of selecting a successor you may not have fully considered the interests of all shareholders we are very concerned about the future of the company today we want to hear the opinions of the board membe
rs let's gather everyone's thoughts and discuss the current crisis and the future of the company GA maian spoke earnestly he glanced at a skinny man beside him signaling with his eyes yes chairman GA is right we don't mean to deny chairman Jon's contributions to the shareholders but some of chairman Jon's recent decisions are truly hard to believe supporting excellent company spending billions to acquire two financially troubled plots in guangning District John Sean real estate also invested 6.8
billion yuan participating in the acquisition and cooperation of a large number of plots and properties in guangning District such risky behavior is likely to expose the company to significant financial risks and we haven't seen the performance of excellent company in the future everyone has experienced it firsthand these past few days president Jang manu's personal reasons have dragged down the group the company's stock has evaporated nearly 20 billion yuan in Just 2 days it's still uncertain
how it will end even if we can survive this crisis who can guarantee that we won't encounter an even bigger crisis in the future the market is treacherous a slight mistake can lead to complete failure we are a large corporation not a family business we can't take it lightly it has become a Hot Topic in entertainment news making it seem like Wang the CEO of chanka Real Estate it's disgraceful don't you all agree the skinny guy didn't hesitate to speak out he was here today to provide the main Fir
epower as chairman gaw had made him an irresistible promise even though he knew he was being used as a pawn he was willing after all as a small shareholder John hatan couldn't do anything to him o all right all right does anyone else have any brilliant ideas I'm all ears JN hatang nodded although he was cursing in his heart on the surface he remained calm and steady at this moment one of the founders who followed Jang hatang wanted to speak up and support him but Jang hatang stopped him with his
eyes the other two people saw this and remained silent the meeting room suddenly fell into an eerie silence chairman Jean we are all thinking for the good of the company so you should give us a reasonable explanation shouldn't you otherwise at the next shareholders meeting we will have reasons to propose some unpleasant resolutions the fat on gaan face trembled slightly he decided to make his intentions clear Paving the way for the next shareholders meeting if today's board meeting ended with t
his result it would be fine he didn't believe that some neutral shareholders would distrust Jung haton or waiver however unexpectedly explanation what is there to explain what is there to explain at all if anyone doubts me Jan hatang they can sell their shares withdraw there Investments and leave I welcome it with open arms JN group has come this far thanks to Capital but for those greedy capitalists who go too far it would be a great thing for the company if they withdraw and dare to bring up m
y daughter Jang manua what a joke why don't you mention the fact that excellent era sold out within minutes earning over 3 billion yuan the decisions I make don't need your questioning by noon the stock price has already risen you all saw it can a small incident like this really affect the future operation of the company what a joke I will be responsible to some shareholders to all shareholders and to all employees and I will be responsible to myself although Jan group is not a family business i
t still carries the name j just wait and see that's it I finished speaking who is in favor who is against it doesn't matter after speaking janghang slammed the table heavily this startled gausian and the skinny guy causing them to instinctively shrink back before the meeting started Jang hatang had already made up his mind his strategy was simple directly and forcefully rebuke all doubts and accountability overwhelm all skepticism and dissatisfaction with his Aura there was no need for a bunch o
f nonsense this way it would make the wavering people believe that he had confidence sure enough a few shareholders who were frowning just now heard Jang Hon's domineering speech after a moment of stunned silence it seemed like they understood something chairman Jang don't be angry don't be angry yes we never doubted chairman jun's intentions those few people actually turned around and comforted Jan hatan this completely confused gaan this this it's different from what I imagined the whole confe
rence room suddenly became noisy and the atmosphere changed abruptly chairman Jang good news great news at this time one of the founders suddenly stood up looking at the content on his phone he exclaimed faced with the gazes of everyone looking over without saying a word the founder forwarded a piece of information to the board of directors group quick take a look I've sent it to the group it's amazing news upon hearing this everyone present took out their phones unconsciously they opened WeChat
and clicked on the group chat it was an official announcement forwarded by the local today's headlines the title was simple dust settles guangming National Science City approved the content was also simple Hing District in the southern city was approved as one of the two national International science cities it will be built with the goal of open and Innovative City livable City with humanistic qualities green and intelligent City it will gather high-end scientific research higher education ins
titutions high-end communities high-tech Industries and high-end talents it will become a globally influential Hub of technological innovation eventually it will become a world-class science City with outstanding competitiveness and influence everyone present was a senior professional in the real estate industry what did This heavyweight news mean they understood better than anyone else guangming district has always been limited by a shortage of land resources the central area has long been satu
rated with no land available for development the authorities have long been seeking to develop new areas to alleviate the shortage of land resources the plan to promote the construction of guangning District was proposed 6 years ago the concept of a national science city was also proposed long ago and has been submitted for National level approval for six consecutive years because after National approval there will be policies to provide strong support in terms of Taxation and other aspects the
local authorities in the southern city also took the opportunity to launch various supporting preferential measures to accelerate the development of the entire region the originally underdeveloped and low priced suburban area wanging district will become a Hotpot people money and industries will flock in and the real estate industry will be the most direct and heavily impacted in other words from today onwards every piece of land in guangning District will undergo a phoenix rebirth and its value
will soar how did this happen why did this news comes so suddenly after reading this announcement GA maian was dumbfounded one second ago he was criticizing Jang haton for making a wrong decision and taking a high-risk position in guangning District the next second he was directly slapped in the face it can be said that the announcement of this news including all Industries in the real estate sector the biggest winner is the Jung group not only did they successfully acquire the only two pieces
of land in guangming District through the land auction but Jang Shan real estate also invested 6.8 billion yuan to lay out in Advance the skyrocketing land prices are visible to the naked eye the JN group will make a fortune not only that in such a major positive situation the impact of the Jang manua Scandal on the Jang group will be completely eliminated the Jan Group stock will also usher in a new round of gains GA maian who realized this serious problem trembled as he quickly opened the stoc
k trading app he looked at the time it was already 3:10 in the afternoon the market had already opened when he opened the list of his favorite stocks his head buzzed Limit Up it directly hit the limit up the part that fell in the morning Not only was completely wiped out but also directly hit the limit down the moment he saw that announcement he knew this action against Jan hatan can be considered a complete failure however now not only did he lose his wife but he also lost his soldiers yesterda
y out of caution he only used 200 million in funds to short one limit down and he made a profit of 20 million and today seeing that the trend has already emerged he directly invested 1 billion to short after the limit up he immediately lost 100 million in this back and forth he also lost 80 million GA maian trembled and sent a message out asking people to close their positions and withdraw immediately because he knew that barring any surprises JN group's stock will welcome a limit up tomorrow at
this moment he like Jang haton was grateful that it wasn't Hong Kong stocks he could stop the loss in time otherwise it would have been a complete disaster after sending out the information cian took a deep breath and slumped down haaha haahaha in contrast John hatang also saw the page where the stock was soaring and hitting the Limit Up unable to hold back any longer he burst into laughter truly Heaven is helping me heaven is helping me although he had just suppressed G maian and his gang with
his own strength his mood was extremely depressed he clearly knew that it was this fat guy who was messing with him but he couldn't do anything to him but now seeing gausian looking like he had eaten satisfying truly satisfying although he didn't know how much money gausian lost but with this fat guy's cowardice and greed as well as his stingy nature there must be quite a lot several houses a dozen luxury cars he should have them in the conference room a burst of Cheers followed the company not
only survived the crisis but also received such great news which shareholder wouldn't be happy only that skinny guy just now seemed a little depressed after all his face was swollen on the spot but thinking about making money he also let it go there's no need to continue this meeting ajour it's satisfying but thinking about how gasan this fat guy also benefited and he's the second largest shareholder Jong hatang felt a bit annoyed with a wave of his hand he left the conference room the remainin
g shareholders also looked at each other and left one after another looking at the empty conference room gashi and fat face immediately turned black after today's incident it will be even harder to deal with John huton in the future why couldn't I control my temper and had to take action when I wasn't sure it's all that bastard hiin always instigating me and that dead woman Shin Shing she looks like a troublemaker this shot was really expensive 80 million even if it's a diamond studded shot I co
uld have fired doz of them GA maian immediately directed his anger towards hiun and shin Ching he vented in his mind however there was one thing he couldn't figure out did Jan hatan get this news in advance did he lay out the plan in advance and deliberately lure me into a trap impossible John Hon's father-in-law Wu Yong may be a high-ranking official in the state capital but he couldn't possibly know about matters at the national level moreover seeing Jang haan's unexpected Joy just now and the
slight relief on his face it didn't seem like he was pretending it should be that he was just bold and lucky Jang haton came out of the conference room the entire headquarters office was filled with a burst of surprise and cheers all the employees looked at Jan haton with passionate and admiring eyes chairman Jang is mighty chairman Jang is my idol my God in the silence resolve the company crisis turn the tide and reach New Heights double the year-end bonus if it weren't for the Chairman's Auth
ority that must not be violated the employees would have stood up and applauded all the way Jang hatang also smiled in response to everyone's enthusiasm chairman Jang your move is truly brilliant absolutely amazing to be honest I was secretly sweating back in the Chairman's office guson in a great mood sincerely offered his flat y Jang hatang smiled faintly but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart what kind of God is he I only listen to Lan's advice chairman Jang congratulations during th
e meeting I received several calls they all want to cooperate with us to build a bright future these people who knows if they were laughing at us behind our backs before now they're seeking cooperation in the blink of an eye seeing that we have a lot on our hands but little funding they want a piece of the pie I politely declined however Wan shii from Chena real estate also called and expressed sincere intentions to cooperate they have a lot of scattered land in the southern city except for the
guing district after all shenka real estate is a leading company in the industry and it may not be a bad idea to cooperate with them chairman Jang what do you think KY who had been waiting outside the door reported the latest situation to Jung huton with a joyful face General Kai we need to think long term cooperating with chanka can indeed provide us with funding and accelerate development in the short term but this is an excellent opportunity for us to regain our position as the top real estat
e company in the southern city even if it's difficult we should develop on our own if our headquarters in the southern city is stable the company has a chance to break into the top 10 real estate companies this year reject them all John haton shook his head without hesitation he knew the intentions of chiena real estate too well the guangming district is now a hot spot and it will continue to be a key area in the next 10 years early deployment means early profits absence not only means missing o
ut on the opportunity but also losing market share and instability in the rear although these large real estate companies have a nationwide layout the property Market in domestic third and fourth tier cities is already saturated with little profit some places even experience losses the focus of real estate companies is returning to key cities in the first and second tier a first tier City like the southern city is a Battleground for all not to mention several representative private real estate G
iants have emerged from the southern city Wanger the chairman of chanka real estate is still Jan haton Arch Enemy their Feud is not only in business but also personal in the past Wanger almost ruined the relationship between JN haton and suyuin kylin didn't know about these things so JN haton didn't blame her okay chairman xang kylin immediately understood and responded firmly then she thought of Lan This heavyweight news came just in time this time we really a lot to Mr Lou I carefully read the
announcement and some expert analysis I found that it was exactly the same as Mr Lou's analysis it's as if he can predict the future in advance kylin generously praised Luan after all lufan and Jang manua have already made their relationship public it doesn't seem inappropriate to praise her son-in-law in front of her father-in-law yes that kid has a sharp eye John hatang also muttered with some emotion Luan not only has a unique Vision in business but also extraordinary foresight he's so audac
ious yet he has a Keen Eye for Treasures where can I reason with him perhaps this kid Lan is actually a good candidate for a son-in-law no no capability is one thing but emotions are another anyone who treats you you poorly is off limits thinking of this Jang hatang asked kylin and gong to leave for a while so he could make a phone call to his precious daughter Jang manua let's share some good news at this moment in the outstanding office there was also a jubilant atmosphere you see outstanding
has acquired both the guangning plots and put them all in their pocket especially the h006 plot that was the area King from the last land auction with a construction area of a whopping 300,000 square m not not to mention waiting for the land value to appreciate they could still earn several billion just from that if they develop it themselves and wait for the housing prices to slowly rise they could earn at least another several billion Jang manua had worked hard for outstanding for 5 years but
all the efforts combined didn't earn her half of what she earned from this wave all right I got it Dad then let's leave it at that John haton hung up the phone JN manua leaned back on the sofa chair and quietly watched Lan The Joy on her face which seemed like a smile yet not was evident why are you looking at me like that do you want to eat me Lan felt his heart race under Jang manu's ambiguous gaze facing luan's teasing tone Jang Manu pursed her lips and tilted her head although I firmly belie
ve that all of this will come true but when it really happens it still feels a bit unreal Lan I really want to peel open your head and see what's inside are you an alien disguised as a human or maybe a time traveler a reincarnated person otherwise how could you predict things so accurately saying that Jung manua leaned closer to Luan looking directly into his eyes she even pinched his cheeks with her hands all right all right why are you touching me if someone sees this you're Shameless and I'll
lose face what nonsense have you read too many online novels Lan angrily pushed away Jang manu's hand so what if someone sees the whole world knows that we're in a romantic relationship they don't take pictures of us but I take pictures of this jeang Manu grinned at Lan with a nonchalant attitude it made Lan Furrow his brows ug how did I end up liking such a person besides being good-looking and having a great figure she's useless in every other aspect look there's another pair of black stockin
gs in the drawer and it's open if you look inside you can vaguely see the patterned edge of a red bra all right let's stop talking nonsense my dad said to have a meal with you sometime Juan director invited us and he can't refuse those were his exact words Jang manua sat back on the sofa chair and conveyed the message upon hearing this Lan couldn't help but smile he knew that after today's events he had officially caught Jang Hon's attention he had the qualifications to make this real estate Tyc
oon take him seriously it's just that this future father-in-law is so awkward just agree to have a meal with me why mention that it's hang director's invitation it seems like I have to shock him again to make his jaw drop when it was time to get off work Luan and Jang manua left the president's office together before today there were inevitably a few employees who would gossip privately has manager Lou completely turned janun CEO's office into his own te- room what manager Lou it's general manag
er Lou he's now half of our boss you know it's the president's wife can't you see you guys are so blind the longtime employees reluctantly accepted Lan's special identity change after all the rumors of Lan's bankruptcy have long been debunked the rumors of being kept have also started to crumble they already know that the money for buying land and buying houses was all paid by Lan himself but most of them are still somewhat dissatisfied they feel that Luan was just lucky made a little money and
happened to be favored by General Jong let us respect you like we respect General Jang we don't even have a door we can only lower our our heads because of General Jon's face especially those old employees who know Lan they all have a bit of a sour attitude on the other hand the employees of Excellence real estate have long recognized Lan as half of a boss after all they had little contact with Lan before in different branches and they have had several meetings with Lan so they are already used
to it however at this moment as Lan Walks from the office he can clearly feel that the way some familiar faces look at him has changed it has become warm with a hint of admiration especially some female colleagues the admiration in their eyes also carries a hint of infatuation I heard from my colleagues at Excellence real estate that this time we won two plots in The guangning District in the land auction all thanks to Mr Lou's attention Mr L is amazing he has made great contributions to the com
pany yes now Excellence real estate is the main Force with this momentum we will catch up with the big four in no time with the company's real estate development we can also benefit from it in any case it's a good thing don't call Mr Lou Madam president in private anymore it's impolite Mr Lou is so handsome he has been openly admired by our general JN the number one Beauty in the city he's so Charming when I saw General John's weebo yesterday I was stunned it was so sweet yes yes my friend even
said that he wants to visit our company someday saying that he wants to encounter a love story like the ones in novels enough enough General Jang and Mr Lu are coming out Lan didn't show any particular difference he just smiled lightly and left gracefully naturally Lan acted as the driver and drove Jang manues kinin they arrived at the new house in the Excellence era Luan was still carrying a big bag in his hand inside were Jang manu's change of clothes cosmetics and so on what surprised Jang Ma
nu a little was that Luan Twisted the dornob and went straight into his room 3602 Jang Manu from today on let's live together at the moment the door opened Luan turned his head and looked directly into John manu's eyes John manua was directly stunned by this sudden Boldt statement W what do you mean live together it's more lively and saves electricity at this moment Jung manua found herself unable to meet Lans passionate gaze she stammered a few words she wanted to go in but Lan blocked the door
way unconsciously she lowered her head slightly feeling a little flustered what's wrong with Lan he has been acting strange since noon seeing Jung manu's rare shy appearance Luan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction oh really you wanted to live together didn't you I thought Luan shook his head regretfully and stepped into the room John mana's mouth moved slightly wanting to say something but she didn't have time to say it after closing the door Lan took the things to the master bedroom
on the right side because the bedroom on the left side was where he slept last night so I'll leave the master bedroom to you isn't that considerate enough I'll sleep in the room on the other side with a living room in between as long as you don't make any strange noises we shouldn't disturb each other I won't help you tidy up your things Luan put the suitcase in the master bedroom and walked up to Jang manua it's not Luan is this what you meant by cohabitation do you have any misunderstandings
about the concept of cohabit vitation isn't it just as I thought Jang manua looked confused she had been anxious and conflicted Luan smiled and suddenly grabbed Jang manu's hand Jang Manu I read H Joo Yen's novel now I understand what I want to tell you is that I feel the same way ever since the Freshman dance party in our first year I've had feelings for you and now I've completely fallen in love with you yes starting from today you are my girlfriend a real girlfriend as for living together in
the true sense if you're ready I'm ready anytime the question is do you want to be my girlfriend Jang Manu Lan's gaze gradually became affectionate he remembered that night N9 years ago he remembered the countless days and nights in the past 5 years he also remembered every little thing that happened recently he didn't want to let go of this woman's hand anymore I I want to then do you want to be my boyfriend Lan feeling the warmth from Lan's hand and the emotions in his voice Jang Manu couldn't
help but be moved at this moment her heart started beating faster after waiting for so long for a confession it suddenly came like this it was a bit unexpected as if she wasn't fully prepared but it was also the kind of relief that happiness had arrived as expected um I want to Luan could clearly feel that Jang manu's hand was getting warmer her face was blushing and his heartbeat was also fervently responding the faint fragrance on Jang manu's body became even stronger it felt like she was abo
ut to devour him Lan's Adams Apple involuntarily moved twice then he embraced Jang manu's delicate body with both hands and lowered his head sealing her peach-like lips after a long time their lips parted Lan why did you make me wait for so long you're really bad so bad John manua snuggled in Lan's arms choking up a bit I'm sorry I had a hard time finding you even though you were right there but I turned a blind eye but no matter what I'm destined to marry you Lan gently stroked Jang manu's hair
and smiled haha I agreed to be your girlfriend but I didn't say I would definitely marry you do you think I'm so easy to marry there are plenty of people who want to marry me why should I John manua came out of Lan's Embrace tears on her nose but then she started laughing her eyebrows dancing um however Lan didn't give her a chance to continue continue pushing her luck he kissed her passionately sealing her fragrant lips the disease of being a goddess hasn't been cured yet she talks nonsense a
lot the next day Jang Corporation stocks hit the limit up again as expected it continued to hit the limit up for three consecutive days it wasn't until the fourth day that there were signs of it not being able to rise further Lan sold at a high position as usual after earning for consecutive limit UPS he made nearly 130 million comfortable Jan Manu and John hatam also exited on the same day the outstanding 5 billion turned into 7.8 billion earning 2.8 billion the company's cash flow suddenly rea
ched over 10 billion after repaying the 5 billion borrowed from the group they had over 5 billion in funds remaining developing three plots at the same time is more than enough and Jan hang's 2 billion Yuan also made a small profit of 1 billion yuan turning into 3 billion yuan together with the 5 billion yuan brought over by xou a total of 7 billion yuan in funds it is also enough to support Jang Shan real estate to simultaneously launch new plots in Bowen district and multiple plots in guangmin
g District moreover previously Jang haton not only bought land in guangming District but also acquired 358 sets of housing resources the price at that time was less than 20,000 renman B per square meter and now the housing prices have doubled it has reached nearly 40,000 renman per square meter some high-end properties are directly sold for 50,000 or 60,000 renman B per square meter JN Shan real estate can cash in these housing resources at any time generating an additional 1 billion yuan becaus
e the number of housing resources for sale in the entire guing district is not large they will be quickly absorbed it will become a situation where there are no houses to sell and it's difficult to find one it's so easy to sell those developers who had projects in guangming District before are now laughing in their dreams of course except for those who sold land and houses to Jun on real estate those in need of money can easily sell some housing resources to recover funds the rest can be sold sl
owly gradually increasing prices and enjoying the process those who don't need money can directly hold on to their properties and sell them at a higher price in less than a week a real estate frenzy has swept through nanang it has had a profound impact on the overall real estate landscape in Nanchang some people are happy While others are worried for some this is a nightmare star River real estate which had intentions for those two plots in guangming District and also chenu the second generation
Rich they are now regretting it especially Chen huio who has suffered a double blow in a short period of time Jang manua even announced her relationship with Luan it's fake it must be fake how could she really be in a relationship with that pretty boy it's all for the sake of Jan group's stock price just a show Chen hoo's dream of pursuing his goddess has been completely shattered and when he saw that plot h005 which was actually acquired solely by Lan he became even more bitter originally this
plot should have belonged to him he is left with nothing both financially and personally how miserable and now that he knows Lan is not just a poor pretty boy he doesn't dare to have any private thoughts anymore not to mention the possibility of offending Jang group and getting into trouble just dealing with Lan himself he can't afford it now these days Jang Manu is very busy there are endless meetings and partners to meet every day the workload of developing three plots simultaneously is not a
small task Lan also participated in all the important preparations but basically he rarely expresses his opinions just learning he doesn't need to make decisions or Implement them so relatively speaking it's much easier for him every day he would go home early prepare meals at home and wait for JN Manu to finish work the relationship between the two is also heating up when there is no one around they hug kiss and cuddle there was one time when they didn't close the office door and were directly
caught by gu Yen Shan the general manager luan's hand was on Jiang manu's black stockings touching it was immediately awkward enough to fill a three-bedroom apartment I didn't see anything you guys continue continue then Jang manua still panting heavily really continued without any shyness at the same time two other pieces of good news about Lan's h005 plot were also released subway stations in prestigious school districts it's like winning the lottery but it actually happened either of these t
wo pieces of news could cause a big surge in housing prices combined together Lan's plot instantly became a hot property in high demand it also caused quite a stir in the industry now just the land price alone has risen to over 700 million Yuan more than doubling if only I had bought that plot of land earlier now if you want to buy it you'll have to spend at least another hundred million Jung Manu had never heard Luan mention this before but judging from Lan's calm demeanor it seemed that he had
already anticipated it she grumbled discontentedly if you want it just say so if you want it how can I not give it to you it won't be long before for I'm completely yours why do I need that piece of land I'm not a farmer even if I want a farm I won't farm that piece of land I want to cultivate this more beautiful land of yours it hasn't been developed yet it's time to loosen the soil Lan said with a mischievous smile ah Lan you're asking for trouble driving in broad daylight be careful of drunk
driving checks JN manua was truly teased by Lan this fool was really reserved before but now he's become so bold he must have been holding back for too long otherwise should she find an opportunity to give in him thinking of this Jang manua blushed and ignored him night fell after dinner Luan and Jang manua snuggled on the sofa watching TV suddenly the phone on the sofa rang both of them looked in the direction of the ringtone at the same time danan Kai this person's name is interesting cutting
off his own path to wealth quite ruthless looking at the incoming call display on Lan's phone Jang Manu couldn't help but comment this person is my cousin Luan picked up the phone and thought for a moment still in front of Jang Manu he slid to answer the call Lan my brother has returned from Sichuan and everything is settled the preparations in nanang are also ready we can start just confirming with you one last time is there any problem whom Lan nodded are you done talking seeing Lan hang up t
he phone with a jang Manu was surprised I'm done Luan didn't want to tell Jang Manu about shining's matter for now after it was all over he would find a suitable time to confess to her no matter what smearing his own wife and causing trouble for his father-in-law Shin Chang may not be the Mastermind but she was the instigator and she was his ex-girlfriend Lan didn't want to hide anything Jang manua didn't say much either she picked up her wine glass and clinked it with Lou fans their gaze contin
ued to be fixed on the TV screen tomorrow is the weekend and they are ready to relax at home nestling in and watching an ancient puppet drama seems like a good choice Jean manua never used to watch this kind of drama she thought it was childish embarrassing boring and a waste of time but now she enjoys it she laughs foolishly with the silly female lead in the drama and constantly ridicules the male lead for his appearance where does he get the confidence to think he's a handsome guy who can shak
e the world he's not even half as handsome as my boyfriend Lan needless to say thinks this kind of drama is brainless but after watching it with Jung Manu for a while oh my goodness it's so addictive it's a bit too sweet just as the two of them were getting all tangled up in sweetness Lan's phone rang again it was John hatan calling saan are you free tomorrow noon director Juan wants to have a meal with us John hatan got straight to the point without the need for pleasantries and he knew that hi
s daughter Jang manua was most likely by Lan's sight at this moment his precious daughter who had lived with him for 27 years she was taken away by Lan leaving him feeling uneasy fortunately he has been in a good mood these days otherwise he would be really depressed and the reason for his good mood is all thanks to Lan I'm free director Jang but let me treat you can I arrange the details Lan readily agreed readed however he is about to ask for help from someone so how can he let others invite h
im whatever you say after speaking Jang hatang hung up the phone he must not lose his momentum he still needs to maintain his seniority he he my dad is quite funny although he is grateful to you he still acts tough but Lon don't take it too seriously he is just like that pretending to be tough outside but a coward when he meets my mom and I can understand him you haven't seen it there was someone who didn't know what's good for him and wanted to pursue me he stayed at my doorstep my dad directly
cursed at him and wanted to beat him up he scared the guy so much that his legs went weak from this point of view my dad actually has a good impression of you since the first time he saw you not to mention my mom she's all about looks she can't wait for us to get married tomorrow have a wedding the day after tomorrow and have a grandchild the day after that these days she has been wanting to come and see I didn't agree so she couldn't come Lon listened to the short conversation between the two
on speaker phone Jang Manu couldn't help but sigh actually she doesn't have anything to do tomorrow and she also wants to join for a free meal but considering that this is a private conversation between two men she didn't mention it but it's still necessary to encourage Lon no one can bully my boyfriend not even my dad I know if we have a daughter in the future All fathers in the world will feel the same probably luon smiled without saying a word he kissed Jan manu's lips when his girlfriend pro
tects him like this he must reward her hey what are you doing the wine I just drank you drank it all Jang manua said angrily then she licked her own lips and took another sip of red wine do you want to taste it again that enchanting voice made Lon feel intoxicated the two of them stayed up late watching dramas taking advantage of being slightly Tipsy Lon sneaked into the master bedroom although Jang manua didn't explicitly or implicitly suggest it just hugging and doing nothing should be fine Lu
an and Jan manua slept soundly but Shin Chang and Lin Yan these days they have been restless and unable to sleep when John manu's clarification article came out public opinion shifted coupled with the reversal of John group's stock price they knew that GA dong had failed all their hopes turned into nothing especially Shin Shang she paid a certain price for this how could this happen this this isn't true it's not true these days Shin Ching has been like a Madwoman constantly muttering these two s
entences however she will not accept this fate without galan's phone number she frantically sent messages to huan making continuous calls Heen who was also greatly affected shouted at shining in annoyance you disgusting woman how dare you say these things to me I have been ruined by you this time too don't bother me anymore okay in fact he has almost become GA mian's abandoned Pawn after putting in so much effort only to fail he is even worse off than Shin Shang ien please give me gong's phone n
umber please I will directly tell gawong that everything Jang manua said is false it's all lies luon is just a poor guy he can't afford to buy land it's impossible let me talk to gong I beg you Shin Chang pleaded desperately on the on the phone he are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid whether Lan has money or not can't we find out do you still want to establish a relationship with GA dong just because you slept with gawong Once wake up stop daydreaming gong didn't make you disappear f
rom this world that's already showing Mercy this world is dirty very dark it's not something someone like you can handle take care of yourself if you bother me again I won't be polite to you over the phone a cold beep followed Shin Shang felt as if struck by lightning fell to the ground with a thud Shin Chang what did Yuan just say you you slept with that gal Mouse Yin you you ly Yun next to her didn't hear everything clearly but he heard that sentence very clearly his whole world turned upside
down in an instant feeling as if the sky had collapsed he had given his whole heart and sacrificed so much for shin Chang but in the end he ended up like this Shin Shing however had an indifferent expression as if she hadn't heard anything she didn't even lift her head Shin Chang tell me is this true is it look at me speak Lin Yan shook Shen Chang angrily and Shen Chang was like a puppet with broken strings her whole body falling apart ah ly Yun kicked the table in Anger the whole table was over
turned on the ground thud thud thud just at that moment the sound of knocking on the door rang out who is it ly Yan angrily shouted we are Community grid officers here to register residential information ly Yun sighed heavily he walked to the door and opened it danan Kai's somewhat handsome face appeared with a smile following Duan Kai there were three other men they were holding ropes and sacks not the standard folders and notebooks of grd officers Lin Yan and shin Shing just realized that some
thing was a little off and then they were tied up blindfolded with a bag over their heads they were put into a van they were jolted in the darkness for over 2 hours when the hood was removed Shin Chang found herself indeed brought to a deserted Forest she was instantly terrified her whole body trembling uncontrollably but her mouth was tightly sealed with tape unable to make a sound ly Yan on the other hand still had the hood on he was being beaten up by three men punched and kicked relentlessly
Lin Yun soon fell completely silent when they got tired one of them picked up two shovels the other two dragged ly Yeun and threw him into a prud pit Shin Shing who witnessed it all was already scared out of her wits she mumbled in her mouth seemingly wanting to say something be quiet why are you making noise danan Kai impatiently tore off the tape from Shin Chang's mouth be big brother spare me I can give you anything please let me go please I beg you as soon as the tape was removed Shin Chang
burst into tears and pleaded he coins words were still lingering in her mind but she didn't dare ask or say anything spare me why should I spare your life I do things for money sparing your life will benefit me because you're a woman I didn't let my brothers beat you up don't worry I'll knock you out before burying you it won't hurt danan Kai smoked a cigarette with an indifferent expression not caring at all big brother I have elderly parents in my hometown and a 12-year-old brother they depen
d on me they can't be without me big brother please have mercy I won't say anything I'll forget everything just let me go and I'll immediately go back to my hometown I'll never come back again in this lifetime please I'm begging you please in this moment shining's mind was filled with thoughts of her parents and younger brother all thoughts of climbing the social ladder and seeking wealth and Glory were thrown aside she only wanted to survive oh from what you're saying you know who sent me to do
this don't you then I definitely can't let you go danan Kai extinguished his cigarette without hesitation and prepared to put the hood back on I'll give you money 1 million I'll give it all to you just let me go and I'll transfer it to you immediately at this critical moment Shen Shing gritted her teeth she finally revealed her trump card and took a gamble over the years she had taken advantage of many people including Lan and ly Yun and had gained a lot of benefits this was almost like her cof
fin money something that she couldn't touch under any circumstances as soon as danan Kai heard this he indeed stopped what he was was doing it must be said that he was somewhat tempted but after hesitating for a while he gave up if he really took this money the situation would become even more serious there are rules to follow and I can't help you with this danan Kai shook his head Shin Chang was completely devastated she began to sob and cry uncontrollably big brother please let me go in the ne
xt life I will definitely repay you by being a cow or a horse I was wrong this is all my retribution Heaven I know I was wrong Shen Shang knows she was wrong father mother I have been unfilial I'm sorry little brother sister is not a good person sister is sorry she cried so intensely that it moved the heavens and the Earth and she also moved dwan Kai hey girl it seems like you're also a person with a miserable fate when Shin Chang heard these words it was as if she saw a glimmer of hope in her d
espair she continued to plead desperately playing the emotional card hey I'm a soft-hearted person I can let you go but you must agree to a few conditions danan Kai hesitated and troubled Big Brother you tell me I promise I swear I will definitely agree Shin Shing cried tears of joy leave Nan City forever never come back and you can't return to your hometown in Sichuan saying this Duan Kai opened the photo album on his phone he showed it to Shen Chang and said in a deep voice see your whole fami
ly is here if you go back everything will be exposed at that time no one can save you and even I will suffer when Shin Shing saw the photos of her parents and younger brother her whole body trembled the photos were taken just yesterday okay big brother I will leave Nan City forever never return to my hometown I swear Shin Ching swore tremblingly also you absolutely cannot mention anything about my boss to anyone not a word my boss's power is immense I don't need to emphasize it anymore even if t
hey want to crush us it will be a piece of cake danan Kai continued to threaten with kind words I know I've kept gong's secret buried in my heart for my whole life I Shen Shing hadn't finished speaking when Duan Kai violently interrupted her shut up didn't I tell you not to speak and you still did you can't mention a single word seeing Duan Kai's expression turned dark Shin Shing quickly slapped herself in a self-pitying manner slap slap slap she slapped herself more than 10 times almost swellin
g her face face all right all right hurry up and leave lastly never mention that you've seen me danan Kai reluctantly put the hood back on Shin Chang he pulled her back into the van then he greeted with two calls and the other three men pulled Lin Yan out of the pit they filled the hole with soil again they got into two different Vans and disappeared into the night this woman is really heartless she never met mentioned ly Yun from beginning to end she doesn't care at all about her boyfriend's li
fe or death after finishing the matter danan Kai side in his heart there is always a feeling of releasing a tiger back to the mountain Tang Palace number one supreme box Luan finally had a meal with his future father-in-law Jang hatang he booked the best private room and ordered the most expensive dishes he was ready to have a conversation between men with John hatang of course there was also an old man who was a third whe Dean hang UD da clearly he was the initiator of this meal knowing that hi
s future father-in-law likes to drink liquor Luan specially asked Jan manua for two bottles of the excellent vintage maai that had been aged for 50 years it was only brought out for special important clients director Jang Dean Juan let me fill your glasses Lan showed his true colors as the marketing department manager he respectfully treated the two Elders as if they were honored guests of course mainly because he was sincere after a few glasses of wine Jang hatang slowly let go of his facade he
began to talk to Luan he talked about the bitterness and Glory of his entrepreneurship he talked about the bottlenecks and pains of the industry's transformation he talked about his ideals and Ambitions actually he just wanted to retire and enjoy a leisurely fishing life otherwise he wouldn't have pushed Jang Manu up so early San just call you Luan Lan Manu is a very sensitive person not ruthless enough in the business world if you're not coldhearted how can you compete with other Fierce beasts
but I don't want to see her abandon her true nature this has always been a contradiction for me I hope you can support her a little in the future I know you seem gentle on the surface but deep down you're very combative you're brave and cunning I'm not belittling you when I say this I'm sincerely praising you although I've always been worried about you but today I can honestly tell you I know my daughter the best I have never seen manua treat a boy like this so manua believes in you and I belie
ve in Manu indirectly I can unconditionally trust you too but let me make it clear if I find any place where you have runed manua even if You Escape to Hell I will go to hell and cut you this is not a threat nor is it well-intentioned advice it's just my determination I'm just letting you know JN hatang said a lot in one breath and he was clearly sober for Lan that amount of alcohol was Child's Play not to mention Jean haton whom I understand director Jang Uncle Jang thank you for your trust in
me I won't say anything big just watch me Lan picked up his glass and drank it all he didn't expect his future father-in-law to be so open and honest with him he thought that although he would come with great sincerity this time he would definitely hold back and be reserved he didn't expect him to be so emotional it seems that no matter how strong a person is they have their own weaknesses for his daughter's sake JN hatan put down all his facades and chose to trust Lan it can be said that it was
a bold gamble this kind of Courage is quite similar to Luan JN hatang didn't say anything more he was toasted by Luan 1 hour later the two bottles of maai were emptied Uncle Jang do you have time this afternoon as it was nearing the end they took the opportunity to officially break the ice in their relationship Lan asked what's the matter tell me Jong hatang replied cleanly and neatly oh didn't we say last time that I was going to buy a piece of jadeite Ruff hang director's money just arrived a
nd I've made quite a bit from stocks recently I was thinking of asking you to help me take a look Lan smiled and said you really want to buy that piece of junk Stone JN hatang was stunned for a moment and said in Surprise yes we agreed to buy it I can't sleep if I don't buy it if we really make money how about we split the profits 50/50 Lan shamelessly joked he knew very well that his father-in-law wouldn't be moved by a 50-50 split he just wanted to Peak his curiosity or ignite his competitive
Spirit he he you're so confident all right it won't take much time anyway seeing Lan's insistence Jan hatang became genuinely curious Luan grinned and paid the bill then he got into Jang haang's car and headed straight to the leahu Antique Market Luan couldn't drive because he had been drinking and janghang naturally had a driver from beginning to end hang yud da who hadn't said a word asked where am I what am I here for to drink alone half an hour later shint Tang the owner of the puyu workshop
eagerly waited at the shop door half an hour ago he received a message from Lan saying that he was coming and he knew that his previous efforts had not been in vain this Rich second generation who knows where he came from still hasn't forgotten about his Stone oh isn't this director Jang director Jang it's an honor to have you here please come in shinten immediately noticed Jang hatang standing beside Luan astonished he began to speculate about the relationship between Lan and John haton he rea
lly didn't expect that LAN would come with the well-known Big Shot Jang haton from Nanchang long time no see Mr Shin I brought a younger generation from my family to visit your place Jang hatang said with a faint smile he actually knew why Luan called him here so he directly revealed the purpose of his and Lan's visit the implicit meaning was shantang don't try to deceive my younger generation welcome welcome director Jang I have a good reputation in the Antique Market you can definitely trust m
e saying that shint Tang turned to Lan and said Mr Lou how about it shall we get it today I can see that you're really interested so let's not beat around the bush I can give you a discount Lan's eyes lit up when he heard that saving money is always a good thing a discount how much are you willing to sell it to me for even if it's a 10% discount he can save 4 million so why not he he Mr Lou rest assured the discount I'll give you is absolutely favorable besides I'm an old acquaintance of directo
r Jang 35 million I'll give you the lowest price the owner of the puyu workshop said sincerely he knew that he shouldn't play any tricks in front of John haton and directly reduced the price by 5 million Mr Shin if you really want to sell it give me a fair price if I think it's feasible I'll buy it if the price is too high I'll go look at others although Luan knew that the profits from cutting open this rough Stone would far exceed its original price he could see that this wasn't Chang's bottom
line it's better to save some money isn't it great to use the saved money to buy gifts for his future wife or pocket money for his sister Lan do you want to buy this rough Stone I'm afraid you'll lose a lot before shantang could speak after Luan finished speaking Jang haton who was standing aside suddenly spoke up first he really felt that the chance of this jite RW Stone turning green was too low second in any case Lan was determined to buy it help him negotiate the price even if it means losin
g a little Uncle John don't you think highly of this Raw Stone Lan's heart moved planning to use a trick hm although I rarely gamble on Stones I have done quite a bit of research in this area the chance of this Stone turning green is almost non-existent so I don't recommend you buying it moreover the price of this stone is too high if it turns out to be a pile of waste then your 35 million will go down the drain JN haton kindly reminded is that so Lan heard this touched his chin and began to pon
der he was deliberately pretending for bosan to see deliberately pretending to have a bit of a giving up attitude in this way bosin would be the one in a hurry director Jang you can't say it like that this Raw Stone is expensive for a reason gambling on Stones it's all about that slight chance who knows this Stone might yield something amazing sure enough seeing the L fans seem to have no in ention of buying bosan became anxious he quickly started praising his Raw Stone in fact he also saw somet
hing fishy these two were putting on an act but out of respect for Jang hatang he couldn't expose it and his eagerness to sell this Raw Stone was genuine others had him in a tight spot then why don't you cut it yourself boss Lan chuckled and asked in return he he I'm in the business of gambling on stones of course course I won't cut my own raw Stones bosun's face stiffened then he quickly came up with an excuse seeing this Lan couldn't help but admire bosun's ability to react he really could tal
k nonsense when dealing with ghosts and speak the truth when facing people he he if you knew that there were Jade worth billions lying inside you would have cut it yourself a long time ago why would you wait for someone else all right I won't say much to you anymore give me a sincere price if the price satisfies me I'll buy it Lan didn't want to continue this open negotiation with bosan Mr Lou you seem like a person who does big things all right I won't beat around the bush 32 million any less w
on't do what do you think after much consideration bosan gave his final offer in fact someone had offered 35 million before but but at that time he felt the price was a bit low he wanted to wait a bit longer so he didn't sell as a result this way took nearly a year since then no one has offered a higher price on the contrary the prices offered have been getting lower and lower from a high of 30 million to a low of only 25 million if he could sell it for 32 million now he would be satisfied he al
so knew that Luan would definitely buy it it was his last bot line and stubbornness 32 million all right that's the decision let's swipe the card Luan thought for a moment and felt it was about right he agreed on the spot immediately he took out his bank card and let bosan swipe it Luan you're so casual with your gambling on Stones you didn't even look at the others just bought it directly JN hatang said helplessly on the side he could see that this was not bosun's bottom line but Luan didn't ca
re about the 2 million he wouldn't care about anything he just felt that Lan had a great deal of confidence that's why he did it this way he he maybe it's just like bosan said before I have a connection with this Stone and I believe in my intuition Lan smiled slightly explaining helplessly how else could he explain anyway he had mentioned before that his intuition was accurate in the past it was about Forex Trading ancient calligraphy and paintings and the changes in the guangming district he al
ways claimed that his intuition was accurate now he was using the same claim for stone gambling it could barely pass he he Mr Lou the card payment was successful from now on this Raw Stone belongs to you take a look I will start cutting it here or do you want to take it back and find someone else to cut it Mr Shin smiled and returned Lan's bank card to him selling this huge Raw Stone would completely resolve his worries moreover he would retrieve over 30 million in funds which would greatly ease
his burden letun cut it here it would be Troublesome to move such a big Raw Stone back without hesitation Lan chose to have it cut at the Jade Workshop all right I'll call the stone cutter to cut it for you at this moment the owner of the Jade Workshop was very enthusiastic towards Lan besides as long as Lan didn't expose himself no one would believe that he could obtain future information all right just enjoy yourself I hope this Raw Stone can yield a good Jade seeing Lan's words John hatang d
idn't say much anymore at this moment he was also very eager to see the results of the cut accurate once accurate twice accurate Thrice what about the fourth time it was unknown whether it would be accurate or not if the fourth time was also accurate JN hatang felt that he could consult with Luan this Sorcerer of the Marshall World about any future matters as a chaoshan person who had been in the business world for decades he knew that sometimes no matter how experienced one was they couldn't co
mpare to someone with sharp intuition moreover in life sometimes one had no choice but to believe in the supernatural someone who could spend 32 million on Stone gambling definitely had considerable assets Ordinary People didn't have such strong financial capabilities in the mind of the owner of the Jade Workshop Luan had become someone who couldn't be easily offended after all he was Jong Hong's Jr Uncle Jong let's witness together what kind of Jade can be cut from this 32 million worth Raw Sto
ne Lan said to Jang hatang beside him he he I'm really looking forward to it although Jan hatang was currently obsessed with ancient calligraphy and paintings he had also gambled on Stones before otherwise he wouldn't have known chintang however this was the first time he had seen something worth 32 million in the past the most expensive Raw Stone he bought for gambling was only 7 to 8 million regardless of one's net worth men would always feel excited about this kind of gambling thrill boss how
do you want it to be cut should we make a straight cut in the middle or looking at this huge Raw Stone which was as tall as an adult the stone cutter was ready to ask Luan for his opinion um let's start cutting it bit by bit from The Edge Lan knew that there was Jade inside this huge Raw Stone however he planned to cut it slowly from The Edge this way it would create a sense of anticipation right all right no problem I'll start cutting the stone then without hesitation the stone cutter agreed h
e had heard from Mr Shen that this customer had spent 32 million he had to perfectly fulfill all of this customer's requests Sizzle under the Stone Cutters operation the huge Raw Stone was quickly being cut bit by bit about half an hour had passed the huge rough Stone has been cut close to half unfortunately there hasn't been any green so far this made Jang haton who had been watching all along frown could it be that luan's intuition was wrong this time he glanced at Luan who still had a confide
nt expression John hatang put away his doubts and continued patiently with Lan to solve the stone it's turning green another 20 minutes passed just when everyone thought that this rough Stone couldn't possibly turn green the excited voice of the Stone Master made Luan Jang hatang and bosan all excited it turned green it really turned green they didn't know what variety of Jade it was immediately the three of them gathered around wow Emperor Emperor green as soon as they heard that it turned gree
n the people around gathered around then the next second bosun's voice of disbelief came at this moment bosan was truly dum Ed he never expected that this huge Jade rough Stone which everyone had given up on could actually produce Emperor green if he had known earlier why would he keep it he could have cut it himself right at this moment bosan suddenly felt a Pang Of Heartache it really turned green and it's Emperor green Lan you're amazing John hatan looked at the green oily Jade with a face fu
ll of joy Lan's terrifying intuition once again shocked him Emperor green huh Uncle Jan how much do you think this Emperor Green from the rough Stone can be sold for Lan was also surprised he didn't expect that the Jade that came out of this huge Jade rough Stone would actually be Emperor green although Lan didn't understand Jade he knew that Emperor green was the best and most valuable green color in Jade it's hard to say now after all it hasn't been fully solved yet but even if it's not fully
solved if you sell it now it can definitely sell for over a billion JN haton based on his experience told Lan Mr Lou how about this I'll buy this rough Stone at a high price are you willing to sell at this time bosin who still had some lingering fear directly said to Lan oh a high price then bosan how much can you offer Lan curiously asked I'll offer 150 million Jung hang's words were also heard by bosan so he knew that he couldn't deceive Jan hatang without saying a word he directly raised the
price by 50 million it can be considered as full of sincerity indeed very sincere but ah I'm not planning to sell this is my first time solving a no matter what I want to see the complete appearance of this Jade before making a decision as soon as Lan heard 15 million he immediately lost interest he didn't forget what he said in the future the price of this Jade Ruff Stone finding a good buyer could be sold for 1 billion if he sold it now for 150 million would he be an idiot ah well bosan was in
itially quite happy when he heard Lan's first sentence however Lan's following words directly dumbfounded him but if the other party doesn't sell he has no way to force them after all starting from paying 32 million the ownership of this huge Jade Ruff Stone belongs to Lan Master please continue to solve it I want to see how big this Jade can be Lan said to the stone Master okay boss Emperor green has been cut the stone Master also didn't dare to be careless and became more careful with his acti
ons afraid of damaging this piece of Emperor green as the rough Stone gradually unraveled the area of this Emperor green also became larger and larger wow the quality the quantity Mr Lou based on the current state of this rough Stone selling it for 3 to four billion is definitely not a problem Mr Shin said excitedly on the side although it's a Pity that this rough Stone no longer belongs to him but to have such a huge Emperor Green in their store is also a form of publicity with such a precious
gemstone in front of them they believe it will attract many gambling Stone customers to come and select rough stones in their store he he then I'll borrow your auspicious words Mr Shin said Luan with a smile he also started to feel excited several billion will soon be in his hands along with the news of Emperor green appearing at the Jade Workshop more and more people came from different places to see it among them there were even many jewelry store owners in addition the owners of rough stones
in the gambling Stone Market also came to join in the excitement sir do you have any intention to sell this Stone I'll offer 500 million half an hour later when the complete appearance of this Emperor green was about to be revealed to everyone a jewelry store owner directly made an offer to Lan he opened his mouth and offered 5 billion 5 billion Lan was stunned it seems that this owner is also a bold person the bidding started at 5 billion even before the final price was determined if Lan didn't
know the price of this Emperor green he might have actually sold it unfortunately Lan knew the value of this Emperor green is far more than 5 billion yes 5 billion as long as you agree I'll transfer the money to you immediately this person said impatiently Lan don't sell it the value of your Emperor green is far more than 5 billion the price is too low before Luan could speak Jang hatang reminded him first obviously he was afraid that Lan would suffer a loss okay Uncle Jang Lan actually had a c
lear idea of how much this Emperor green was worth but he wouldn't ignore Jun Hon's concern seeing that Luan had no intention of selling the owner of the jewelry store suddenly felt a little unhappy he glared fiercely at Jan haton he felt that if it weren't for Jan Hon's Interruption lufan might have agreed however while glaring at Jan haton the owner of the jewelry store suddenly felt that Jan haton looked familiar after thinking carefully his expression suddenly changed I I'm sorry Mr Jang I d
idn't recognize you just now please forgive me obviously this jewelry store owner also knew Jong hatang even if they didn't know each other they had at least met before otherwise he wouldn't have shown such respect to Jan haton you know me John haton was stunned as he didn't recognize the other person although he was a frequent customer in the Antique Market not every owner had the opportunity to do business with him moreover as the former richest man in the southern city he had been lowkey in r
ecent years he rarely appeared in the media and many people might know his name but not what he actually looked like if it weren't for seeing him in person many people probably wouldn't recognize him he he I had the honor of meeting Mr Jung twice at a banquet the jewelry store owner humbly replied this person is a true big shot in the southern city and he's also a billionaire on the Forbes list he can't afford to offend him whom John haton nodded knowingly then he ignored him and had no interest
in getting to know him at his level he didn't need to get to know anyone it's only others who want to get to know him the stone was being further processed soon another half hour passed at this point this rough Stone was finally completely opened his so perfect look looking at the Flawless Emperor green without any cracks everyone present couldn't help but gasp Lan the shape of this Emperor King Green is excellent and there are no cracks if it's sold to a single buyer it can fetch around 800 mi
llion if sold separately without rushing to sell it can still fetch another 1 or 200 million John haton walked to the site of this Emperor King green after carefully observing it he gave an estimate it seemed seems that the future father-in-law's vision is quite sharp louan was secretly delighted Mr Lou are you selling this Emperor King green if you are I can help you contact buyers the price will definitely be fair looking at this perfect Emperor King Green bosin couldn't help but be tempted un
fortunately with his Current financial situation he couldn't afford it at all but it didn't matter he knew many Jewelers and had business relationships with them as long as Lan was willing to sell he could contact those Jewelers one person couldn't handle it so he could find more people he didn't want to miss out on this rare and excellent raw material Lan knew that Jang hatan was helping him so he nodded without hesitation sorry bosan I have a sales Channel you don't need to trouble yourself af
terwards Lan said to bosan it's all right it's all right please take care of my business in the future as for Jan hattan's involvement in the sale of Emperor King Green he didn't dare to say much Luan was originally Jong hang's Jr so he was even more enthusiastic about hoping that Luan would take care of his business in the future he he I will the speaker had no intention but the listener had ideas when he heard bosan asking him to come often he knew that with such a large and perfectly shaped e
mperor King Green those Jewelers would probably fight over it Lan if you want to sell this Emperor King Green leave it to me I know many people in the jewelry industry in the Magic City I believe they will give you a satisfactory price however before Luan could respond John haton spoke first with such a large piece of Emperor King green if he handled it he could gain a significant favor this favor could be used for Luan himself there was no need to let chintang from the Jade Workshop are in this
favor all right Uncle Jang I'll listen to you Lan's mind sparked an interesting idea he could grasp future information if when purchasing rough Stones he contacted the future Luan would the future Luan be able to give him some useful information this idea came to mind and he became somewhat excited and he couldn't wait to implement it however he thought about the emperor King Green worth around 1 billion in his hands Luan temporarily suppressed this idea wealth moves people's hearts now he was
worth around 800 million if he stayed in the gambling Stone Market all the time there might be people with ulterior motives taking advantage of the fact that few people knew about it now he decided to leave the gambling Stone Market he would come back after some time anyway there was no rush Uncle John let's take the things away first what do you think Lan proposed to JN haton H I understand what you mean I'll call someone right away JN hatang also understood Lan's concerns he nodded without hes
itation less than 15 minutes after making the call a group of people arrived they loaded the jadeite rough Stones onto a black commercial vehicle these people were from the security company of the Jung family group and they were all armed and this black commercial vehicle was bulletproof seeing this situation and knowing that they were Jang hatang people even those who were a little envious couldn't help but have some second thoughts but the greedy thoughts quickly extinguished in the southern c
ity Jang hatang is one of the few people who absolutely cannot be touched even Lan was somewhat shocked when he saw this situation at this moment he absolutely believed if he didn't bring his future father-in-law here he might not be able to leave the Antique Market even if he could leave he wouldn't be able to keep that Jade worth nearly 1 billion perhaps there would even be concerns for his life old ma once said in capital Theory once there is appropriate profit Capital will become very bold a
s long as there is a 10% profit it will be used everywhere with 20% it will become Lively with 50% it will provoke positive risks with 100% it will make people disregard all laws with 300% it will make people unafraid of committing crimes even unafraid of the danger of being hanged if he can obtain nearly 1 billion without much risk it is enough to make many people lose their humanity is this Emperor King Green it's really Crystal Clear John Manu who received the news eagerly came to the securit
y company to meet Luan but when she saw this big guy in front of her worth nearly 1 billion she was a little incredulous didn't Lan just go to have a meal with my dad how did he end up taking him to the Antique Market and cutting that Jade stone moreover it turned into a whole building this is too easy to make money do you like it if you like it I'll make a bracelet for you later so that certain people won't say that I gave her a cheap item after hearing Jang Manu as words Lan smiled and said be
side her whom that's possible but don't make a bracelet make a pendant instead I haven't had an emperor King Green pendant yet John manu's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this although she now has a valuable necklace it is only a diamond necklace she doesn't have a jade necklace at all it's not that she can't afford it it's just that she hasn't found one she likes now that she sees the emperor King Green in front of her and hears luan's words she immediately wants a pendant like that and
she naturally still wants to wear that bracelet the meaning behind it cannot be replaced by any valuable jewelry okay I'll tell your dad then when selling the emperor King Green I'll also Reserve four pendants Lan decisively made the decision without hesitation since his girlfriend wants it LAN doesn't care about the money moreover it's just a pendant even if it's made of Emperor King Green Jade it would cost at most a few million lan can afford that amount of money four why do you need so many
Jang Manu asked curiously are you stupid since I'm preparing for you that I have to treat your mom my mom and lucii equally and prepare one for each of them Lan explained with a smile oh I didn't think of that for a moment who would have thought that you're such a master at balancing things John Manu playfully stuck out her tongue in fact even before Luan explained she had already thought of this meaning the reason she didn't think of it immediately was probably because the intelligence of women
in love tends to decrease 3 Days Later Jong hatang transferred a whopping 880 million into Lan's account this amount of money was the proceeds from selling the emperor King Green it has to be said that JN hattan's actions were very fast Lan couldn't help but sigh at the powerful connections of his future father-in-law Not only was the speed of action fast but the selling price was also slightly higher than the previous estimate this made L fansai having a powerful backer is really great actuall
y the original price of this Emperor King Green was 930 million however because four pendants were to be made five 00 million was deducted in the end this 500 million is actually the deduction of the cost price even the labor costs and other expenses were not charged if the labor costs were included it would probably cost around 10 million however who made the person who acquired the emperor King Green an old friend of John haton so they only took the cost and didn't charge any other fees moreov
er such a large piece of Emperor King Green is also extremely rare John haton can sell it to him and make a big profit after all top grade jadeite like Emperor King Green is not something you can come across anytime there are so many Jewelers in the country but they all flock to it now being able to obtain such a large piece of Emperor King Green is of great significance to Jan Hon's friend not to mention it can be very beneficial in terms of building relationships originally Luan was going to k
eep his promise and split it 50/50 with Jan hatang honestly Jong haton did contribute half of it but Jan hatang insisted on not taking it I'm not short of money and it's embarrassing Lan couldn't insist either thinking that there will be opportunities to make money in the future so he can bring him along and with this 880 million in income Lan's personal savings have reached 1 billion adding the h005 plot in guangming District the total value is about 10 billion Lan's total assets have exceeded
2 billion in the eyes of ordinary people he can be considered a tycoon but in Nanchang he doesn't even make it to the top 100 on the rich list let alone the whole country last year the asset threshold for the top 100 on the Nanchang rich list was 7 billion father-in-law Johan haton ranks nth with 70 billion in assets even girlfriend Jang Manu ranks 88th with 8.9 9 billion in assets currently the status seems a bit unequal but Luan is confident that he will be able to surpass them soon in any cas
e let's set a small goal first surpassing his girlfriend on the day the money was received Lan couldn't wait to contact his future self at that time his future self gave him three money-making pieces of information now the first two have been achieved and the conditions for the third one have been met dear future me are you there come out quickly I've received the money from the ancient painting in the Raw Stone what's the third money-making information Lan sent a message while huddled in his ro
om John manua was sleeping alone in the master bedroom because she worked late today she took a shower when she came back and went straight to bed Lan didn't disturb her it's going smoothly I used to be such an idiot all right the third information is related to the gaming industry in terms of the cycle it will be relatively long but it's better than a steady stream and has great potential a year later you can earn several times the capital okay let me tell you about this game briefly in 1 month
a mobile game will be released out of nowhere in just three months it attracted countless players making the user activity reach 10 million and these players were attracted in just 3 months afterwards although the number of players in this game will not grow as dramatically as before it is still increasing I remember the highest record it seems to have exceeded 15 million the highest number globally even surpassed 70 million of course that's not the point the point is in just one year the amoun
t of money spent on inapp purchases in China reached 5 billion the amount spent on inapp purchases overseas reached $2 billion so all you have to do is invest in this game studio and become a shareholder before the game is released then you just sit back and wait for the money to roll in soon future Luan told Lan the final piece of money-making information what in one year the amount of money spent on in-game purchases in China reaches 5 billion Lan was truly shocked by this News 5 billion in on
e year here although not all of this 5 billion is profit and not all of it will go to lfan if he has a large share getting a few billion won't be a problem of course this is only the amount spent on in-game purchases in China if you add the amount spent on in-game purchases overseas the money that can be earned is far more than this tens of billions in profit in one year how could Luan not be tempted moreover this business only requires investment there is no need for him to personally get invol
ved later on just sit back and make money at that moment Lan made a decision he decided to invest in this game although earning tens of billions in one year is lower compared to earning nearly 1 billion in one go Lan understands the principle of accumulating small amounts to make a large sum earn a few billion here a few billion there together the money earned will be countless moreover lfan knows very well how profitable the gaming industry is if he becomes a shareholder in this game Studio he
can know in advance which games will become popular in the future through the future information then by relying on this future information he can seize those popular games in advance then those popular games will belong to him one game earning tens of billions or even 20 billion in Revenue in a year what about when there are more games the profits will definitely be more than just a little so investing in this game studio is just the first step what Lan really wants to do is enter the gaming in
dustry you should know that the gaming industry's annual cake is quite large with future information if LAN doesn't take a piece of it he would be letting himself down all right I believe you know what to do my wife bought a new set of lerie today and wants to show it to me so I won't waste time chatting with you I'm out soon future Luan ended the conversation Lan frowned will future Jang Manu spend so much money on games also will his future self become so decadent can his body handle it it mad
e him a little Restless wanting to take that step immediately but he resisted the urge he started collecting information about the game Studio the next morning Luan woke up at 10:00 he found that Jung Manu had already prepared breakfast for him and had gone to work Lan did you watch too much adult content last night that you couldn't get up take it easy I made two sunny side up eggs for you as a remedy eating the lovingly prepared breakfast by his girlfriend and reading the note she left Lan fel
t a bit excited what is this I clearly worked seriously until late dingdong dingdong Lan who was eating breakfast and scrolling through his phone suddenly received several messages from Jang we after reading them Luan furrowed his brows it turns out that Lea Fang and luu have been trying to find a way to contact Luan during this time especially after learning the truth that Luan didn't go bankrupt but became Rich overnight they have been pestering jenu for information about Luan naturally jangu
didn't reveal anything to them in the end these two came up with a ridiculous idea they want to organize a gathering of outstanding old friends it's a gathering for people who used to work it outstanding but have since left it will be held this weekend the purpose is to get Lou fan to show up there are actually quite a few people who have come out of Excellence some former Executives with strong abilities are now thriving in other companies everyone is grateful for the Excellence platform and ha
s formed a group they occasionally gather and communicate with each other originally lefang and luu the two people who were fired by Excellence did not have the influence to organize this group but the news of Luan and Jang Manu trending made several of them interested in Lan and since Lan has been with Excellence since its establishment those people naturally know him regardless of the purpose everyone wants to meet Luan so it was a perfect match jeangu also came out of Excellence so the task o
f contacting Lan fell on him and jangu said he would go his Forest news store is ready for opening soon participating in this kind of gathering is also a way to expand his Network after all they used to be colleagues it's always good to get to know a few successful people when those successful people left Excellence Lan had not yet become the marketing department manager so he didn't have much contact with them it's not that he didn't want to contact them but others felt that they were on differ
ent levels and naturally couldn't mix together Lan didn't care about this moreover he is now worth over 20 billion so he doesn't need to Curry favor with anyone others would be the ones trying to please him I'm not going I don't want to get entangled with those people after thinking about it Luan replied to Jang hui's message he knew that jangu sent him these messages because he wanted him to go originally out of respect for jangi Luan could have attended this Gathering once some former colleagu
es still had a decent relationship it's just that when he thought about meeting leang and luu Luan didn't want to go it's not that he was afraid of these two people he just purely didn't want to see them he didn't want to waste his breath with the dogged personalities of these two people they would definitely pester him endlessly that's also why Luan didn't want to go okay I'll just pass on the message jangu replied and went about his own business Lan didn't pay much attention to this matter eit
her today he planned to spend the day researching information about that gaming organization at home yuu isn't here and I always feel empty at home you come home late every day and I eat alone L Jang do you think I'm already living the life of an Neer shangi Lake Villa suyuin complained for no reason when Jang hatan unexpectedly came home on time today it's only a 15-minute walk from here to Excellence era if you want to see our daughter just take a walk after dinner John hatang sat at the dinin
g table and shook his head then you go ask your precious daughter if she doesn't want me to come suyuin glared at Jan haton then she was inspired by Jan hatan she had a sudden idea oh right after you finish eating let's take a walk there just take a walk there and take a look at the new development project by Excellence isn't that reasonable what's reasonable about that John hatang retorted if you want to go up to the Residential Building you have to inform the security over there this is just t
oo deliberate however I don't care anyway you have to go for a walk with me if YuYu blames me I can't bear it alone suyuin concluded Jang hatang pursed his lips he thought our daughter is already living with Lan some things should proceed according to normal procedures for example the parents of both sides meeting each other it's better to seize the opportunity and go darling are you off work I made your favorite sour fish for you wait for you to come back Jang manua looked at the cheesy message
sent by Lan she received a signal that something was going to happen this guy Lan did he really watch too much adult content last night what's wrong with him but such an obvious hint also made her feel itchy in her heart it's something she had been planning to do sooner or later so why not tonight she had no idea that Lan was stimulating his future self with a pleasant yet anxious mood Jang manua quickly returned home however when she opened the door instead of being patient Jang manua lightly
tiptoed and hugged luan's neck giving him a kiss seeing this Luan responded warmly to his girlfriend the two of them passionately kissed at the doorway as if only in this way could they leave a deep impression in each other's Hearts however what neither of them knew was that Jang manua entered the elevator with one foot and two unexpected guests followed closely behind with the other foot they just happened to miss each other ding the elevator bell rang leisurely the 36th floor only had Luan and
Jang manu's households and there shouldn't have been any other residents on this floor but the two of them engrossed in their kiss were unaware of this then this passionate scene janghang and Su yunin stared in shock unfortunately Luan was still in the process of undressing when they came up they were still saying that appearing like this might scare their daughter was this a surprise or a shock but they never expected that their daughter Jung manua would give them a shock or perhaps it could b
e considered a surprise their surprise hadn't been given to their daughter yet as a result their daughter gave them a surprise seeing their daughter in future son-in-law kissing Jang hatang and suus didn't know whether they should remind them or stay silent a hem however just when Jang hatang and Su yusin didn't know what to do Jang Manu and luan's Boulder actions made Jang hatang cough if they didn't stop them now it wouldn't just be an issue of embarrassment dad mom what are you doing here Lua
n and Jang Manu who were in the midst of kissing were completely caught off guard by the presence of someone in the elevator so when they heard the cough they were startled after seeing that it was their parents Jang Manu exclaimed in surprise at the same time she felt dumbfounded of course the most embarrassed one was lan just as he and Jean manua were about to take things to the next level he never expected his future father-in-law and mother-in-law to suddenly appear this was really awkward i
t was so awkward that one could draw two straight lines on the ground with their toes Uncle Auntie Hello nice to meet you however awkward it was l fans still greeted them seeing Lan's embarrassed expression Jang haton was also speechless how happy are you to see us he silently complained in his heart he he we were just taking a walk happened to pass by and wanted to see you suus smiled and said as for what just happened they would never mention it again bringing it up again would only make thing
s more Awkward um come in Jung Manu walked up to her mother with a resentful expression and welcomed them into the house she didn't mention what just happened it was as if it never happened oh eating sour fish it's one of manu's favorite dishes but she doesn't know how to make it Lan did you make this yourself as soon as they entered the house they smelled the aroma of sour fish on the dining table suyuin tone unexpectedly carried a hint of sourness well I can only cook a few home-cooked dishes
uncle and Aunt have you eaten there are still leftovers in the refrigerator so if they haven't eaten Luan plans to add more dishes we've already eaten you go ahead and eat thank you Su yunin smiled and sat on the sofa accepting the tea that Luan poured for her John hatang beside her glanced around the room and also took the tea from Luan Johan manua sat directly next to her mother and didn't eat she stared at these two unexpected guests why are you looking at us like that you live so close and y
ou don't even come to see me and your dad we just took a walk here what's the matter really you're not even married yet and you don't want your family anymore suyuin said jealously now she doesn't even have to eat the sauerkraut fish made by her mother you're amazing I'm just busy besides we also want more privacy get past the dating phase sooner get married sooner isn't that what you want J manua knew that her mother couldn't be easily appeased like her father so she played her trump card right
that's great Su yinin heard the words get married and momentarily felt unhappy but quickly dismissed it looks like we're on the same page on the way here with LA Jang we were discussing it since you two are sincerely together you should start considering your marriage suyuin said looking at Luan sitting across from her she was waiting for his answer Aunt you're right how about this I'll have my parents come over the day after tomorrow on the weekend coincidentally we were planning a housewarmin
g celebration let's just not invite anyone else just the two families having a simple meal sitting down and discussing mine and in manuous marriage since suyuin brought up the topic of marriage Luan couldn't pretend not to hear although it was a bit early to talk about marriage now but since the future mother-in-law brought it up he wouldn't refuse after all his wife can only be Jang manua getting married earlier doesn't matter moreover who said that you can enjoy the sweetness of Love after mar
riage well that works too leave the hotel arrangement to us actually I have a friend who recently opened a new hotel we can go there John haton was very satisfied with Lan's attitude immediately they made the decision okay Uncle Lan respectfully nodded since the future father-in-law had already made the decision he didn't need to say much he just needed to inform his own parents at this moment Jang manua was a bit confed confused uh what's going on I just said it casually earlier you three quick
ly settled my life's big event why do I feel like I have no say in this am I the one getting married or not what do you think Luan saw that Jang manua was a bit dumbfounded and gently asked holding her hand I how can I not agree J manua playfully glared at Lan the joy of getting married surged in her heart this was truly an unprecedented experience after chatting for a while John manu's parents used the excuse of not wanting to disturb their meal and took a walk outside actually after witnessing
the scene just now they also felt that it would be better not to disturb the young couple's normal life they could also live a little on their own John Manu and Luan were quite helpless about this you've disturbed us enough Gulu as soon as her parents left Jang manu's stomach started growling uncontrollably she had been feeling awkward and inexplicably excited jumping around and didn't feel hungry I'll heat up the food it might have gotten cold without saying a word Luan opened the microwave wo
w it smells so good J Manu disregarded Her Image and devoured a large bowl of sour fish contentedly patting her stomach she cleaned up the table and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes Luan followed her and helped out the two of them worked together washing the plates in the quiet kitchen the only sound was the gentle clinking of pots and pans she washed one and handed it to him to rinse she handed he received she handed he received after finishing the chores the two of them snuggled on the
couch and watch TV for a while JN Manu curled up in Lan's arms like a little kitten she even rubbed against him a couple of times the flame that had been extinguished by her future in-laws began to burn again accompanied by Jang Manu shid demeanor he looked up at the clock on the wall it was half 9 it's not early anymore with this thought luan's heart started racing immediately he went back to his room took a shower and put on his pajamas before coming to the living room he found that Jung manu
a was no longer there he he she's clever Lan went to the door of Jang manu's master bedroom he gently turned the doorknob obviously it wasn't locked after pushing the door open he heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom Lan thought for a moment then went back to bed and waited for Jang Manu to finish her shower Lan are you are you done showering about 20 minutes later Jang manua wrapped in a towel appeared somewhat surprised and shy this girl so fast she didn't even finish wash
ing husband come Lan patted the spot next to him teasingly you're asking for trouble who said I'm your wife come here your hair is all wet Jang Manu said annoyed let me blow dry it for you I've never blowdried a girl's hair before Luan immediately got up found a hairdyer on the dressing table and plugged it in his expression could be described in two words impatient whoooh hoo hoo Lan waved the haird dryer in his right hand while constantly playing with Jang manu's hair with his left hand along
with the Wind from the hair dryer a refreshing fragrance wafted past luan's nose it was this fragrance that made Luan fall for her in this lifetime now he knew this was the scent of Jang manu's body after bathing as well as the fragrance emanating from her hair all right it's dry after about 10 minutes lufan finally blowdried Jan mana's damp hair yawn I'm so sleepy Johan manua pretended to yawn and then crawled into bed by herself Lan put the hairdyer away and immediately pounced on her turn off
turn off the lights the next morning Lan's legs were a bit weak Jang Manu was the same unable to get up after the sun had risen for a well Jang manua finally kicked Luan out of bed because she needed to change the sheets looking at The Irregular blood red stain Jang manu's face suddenly felt hot good morning wife I'll go make breakfast Luan hugged Jean manu's slender waist from behind he kissed her on the back of her neck and spoke softly after tidying up and getting ready Jang Manu sat at the
dining table LAN who had prepared breakfast silently watched her with a silly smile wife you're so beautiful Jang Manu lowered her head and ate her fried eggs ignoring him wife it smells so good Jang Manu lowered her head and drank her porridge ignoring him wife you're so tender ah you're asking for it can't you let me eat in peace John Manu couldn't take it anymore and angrily shouted wife how about not going to work today I can still Lan said with a mouthful of roasted ham smiling seeing this
she also Jan manua fled in panic last night that night Luan originally wanted to show off his prowess again but thinking that tomorrow was the day when both parents will meet he had to suppress the burning flames if he caused any more trouble it would definitely affect his girlfriend's condition tomorrow ug he was the same so he could only hold Jung Manu and prepare to sleep can you fall asleep seeing that Luan really wanted to sleep Jang Manu asked strangely she could feel it from behind Jang M
anu don't challenge my patience tomorrow our parents will meet each other you don't want to appear in front of them limping do you upon hearing Jan mana's words the anger that Luan had just suppressed surged up again he immediately pressed Jang Manu down and said fiercely I don't want to he he go to sleep thinking about the scene described by Luan combined with her own exhausted state today Jang Manu immediately shook her head if it was really as Luan said it would be too embarrassing at that mo
ment Jung manua dared not tease Luan anymore instead she closed her eyes and prepared to sleep that night although they didn't do anything they slept soundly the next morning when Luan opened his eyes he found that Jang manua had disappeared Without a Trace he looked at the time and realized it was only 8:00 even on weekends I don't know how to sleep a little longer Lan guessed that Jang manua Was preparing breakfast for him immediately he stretched and slowly got up from the bed after washing u
p he saw Jang Manu busy in the dining room darling you're awake breakfast is almost ready seeing that Luan was already awake Jang Manu immediately said rare weekend I don't know how to sleep a little longer I'll make breakfast just wait for me Lan came up behind Jang Manu and hugged her resting his chin on her shoulder he said affectionately he he I made an extra fried egg for you to make up Jan Manu turned her head slightly she kissed Luan on the mouth makeup for what I didn't do anything feeli
ng the softness of his girlfriend's lips Lan said with a smile all right let's eat after eating let's go to the supermarket didn't you say your parents and lucii will come early in the morning we need to have some fruits at home Jang Manu turned around kissed luan's mouth again and urged him oh my daughter-in-law so capable LAN then sat down with John Manu to have breakfast wow such a beautiful house so big lucii who couldn't wait to see the new house exclaimed as soon as she entered luou dad an
d LU mom were also filled with joy they had never lived in a house worth over 40 million in their entire lives from Lan welcoming them at the door to entering the lobby and taking the elevator they fully experienced what a luxury Mansion was like uncle and auntie hello we finally meet again Jang Manu who had been waiting at the door warmly grabbed wuh hui's hand she welcomed them to the sofa serve tea and water Lou dad and L mom looked at Jang manua with satisfaction when they first met in guing
they knew that their son's girlfriend wouldn't run away it didn't take long for them to start living together and now they were already discussing marriage their son's moves were perfect after taking a short break Lan took his family to visit the entire house not bad not bad just a bit big it's spacious for two people brother can I live here lucii held luan's hand and asked cautiously although they originally planned to live in the apartment that Jang Manu gave her after seeing the environment
here lucii couldn't bring herself to leave even though she knew she was being a third wheel as long as she could be with her older brother she didn't mind being a bit willful well Luan naturally didn't want that having a third wheel would be inconvenient but before he could think of how to refuse Jang Manu spoke up of course you can with so many rooms in such a big house it'll be Lively with three people John manues smiled and agreed on behalf of Luan no lucii you can also live across the hall t
hat one is your sister in-laws it's exactly the same as this one so if you feel lonely you can come over and visit that's great Lan thought that this could still be salvaged he couldn't let their happy and fulfilling life be disrupted like this Lan are you still a brother you're letting a girl live alone if she's going to live here then I'll live with lucii with that John Manu dragged luci's luggage into one of the bedrooms it was the master bedroom at the other end she had considered it even th
ough it was separated by the living room it was still quite far the sound proofing in these rooms was good so who knows what strange sounds they might hear uh fine Lan glanced at Jang Manu resentfully that look seemed to say how loud are you going to be don't you know around noon luan's family and Jan manua went to the hotel dad Lu jimu drove the X7 with l fan and Mom woo we lucii wrote in Jang manu's red Maserati the cotton Hotel one of the best festar hotels in Nan City this hotel had recently
opened and was owned by a friend of John hatang it was located in the nanan district near nanang Bay Mom and Dad let's go in when they arrived at the hotel entrance Luan noticed that his dad was a little nervous so he put his hand on his shoulder Lan knew what his dad was thinking after all luu was just a small section chief in Guang City now he had to meet a wealthy businessman in Nan City the former richest man in Nan City not to mention Jang haan's father-in-law who was his boss's boss's bos
s's boss normally he didn't even have the chance to have a meeting with others in the same space to be honest when Lan first met Jang haton he was a bit nervous too after all he was a big shot who had been in the business world for decades his imposing presence was truly unmatched fortunately Luan had strong mental resilience plus he was also a billionaire himself facing John haton aside from the initial Panic he quickly became natural especially after the last dinner he could already chat and l
augh with Jang hatang on the other hand luan's mom wo was very calm in her eyes all students were treated equally no matter what social status or position someone had they were all the same sister-in-law do your parents get along well are they like what they show in TV dramas very strict always concerned about appearances and etiquette Luci she couldn't help but asked quietly when they met at the hotel entrance she was originally a reserved person being around important people made her inexplica
bly nervous don't worry they're fine my parents are very kind and they won't be as serious and old-fashioned as they are in TV dramas knowing what lucii was worried about Jang Manu quickly reassured her of course she wasn't just talking to Lucy she was also talking to legu and woo we your sister-in-law is right your uncle and Aunt are very easygoing on this point luon also has the right to speak really that's great he he hearing Jang Manu and Lao say this Lucy finally let go of her worries immed
iately she grabbed Jang manu's arm and walked towards the lobby luon and his parents followed closely behind Lou luon however what surprised luon was that when he walked into the hotel he unexpectedly found jangu here too a we why are you here too didn't you say you were coming to the Gathering could it be the Gathering is here today seeing jangi luon was also surprised but with a little thought he knew what was going on yes the Gathering is scheduled to be here what about you didn't you say you
're not coming why are you here could it be you're here to have dinner with your girlfriend jangu glanced at Jang manua then winked at Lon Jong manua used to be his boss it seems she's not as aloof as before and Jang Manu also had some impression of jangu so when she heard his teasing she just smiled faintly not entirely today is the day when both my girlfriends and my parents meet maybe soon you'll be toasting at my wedding luon didn't hide anything from jangi and told him the purpose of his vi
sit wow you're making big moves during this time not only did you win over our general manager Jang you even met the parents directly haha here my brother I wish you happiness remember when you have the Wedding Banquet you must invite me hearing lon's words jangu looked at him in Surprise it hasn't been long since luon and Jang manua made headlines they're already talking about marriage it's too fast however despite the surprise Jang hui's well wishes were sincere don't worry you won't be left l
eft out all right I'll go in with my parents first if I have time later I'll come find you for a drink luon looked at the time it was almost time so he decided not to say much to Jang anymore okay I won't delay your important matters jangu didn't hold on to luon anymore he let him leave like that he this situation is quite coincidental if Le Fang and luu knew that luon is here too I wonder what they would do forget it why do I care so much anyway I won't reveal lon's news after muttering to hims
elf for a while jangu left soon led by Jang manua lon's family of four entered the reserved private room however what surprised lfon when he entered the private room was that besides Jan hatang and suyuin there was also a middle-aged man he didn't know but luon soon guessed that this middle-aged man was if nothing unexpected happened his future father-in-law's friend the owner of this hotel uncle aunt this is my dad Lu jinu this is my mom W and my younger sister lucii after entering the private
room luon introduced his family to John haton Ha luf hello hello I've been wanting to meet you to see what kind of person can raise such an outstanding son like Lon today I finally got My Wish John hutong was very polite calling Lu jinu little brother is because he has already asked about their ages privately John hatang is three years older than Lu jinu so calling Lu jinu Lyn little brother is normal Jun Zone you're too kind my child has been raised freely his success is all thanks to his own e
fforts as a father I haven't done much faced with John haton compliments Lu jinyu naturally wouldn't just endure it instead he humbly replied come let me introduce you this is a longtime friend of mine Tang long General Tang is also the largest shareholder of this Magnolia Hotel in the future you can interact more with each other JN hatang pulled Lu jinu and introduced Tang long the owner of the Magnolia Hotel to him everyone present understood the importance of today's occasion and the fact tha
t Tang long was called Over by Jang hatan was enough to show that their relationship was definitely close otherwise even as the hotel owner he wouldn't have been invited he he Brother Lou nice to meet you it's an honor to meet you for the first time please guide me in the future Tang long is four years younger than John haton so according to age he is one year younger than Lu jinu no no I'm also honored please guide me as a seasoned veteran Lu jinu even if straightforward understands some conver
sational art the scene of mutual compliments came naturally old Tang you can have your Chef serve the dishes tonight the three of us Brothers won't return until we're drunk by the way I heard that you obtained some good wine recently on such an important occasion today you have to bring out a bottle Jang hatang said with a smile to Tang long I knew you were eyeing my wine old brother all right I'll bring out a bottle since I'm in a good mood today but let's make it clear just one bottle I can't
bring out more Tang long shook his head bitterly it seems he won't be able to keep the wine he hid dad what kind of wine is it that you can't stop thinking about JN Manu curiously asked from the side you know as a super rich person what wine hasn't her father drunk the wine that he can't stop thinking about must be extraordinary he he it's a bottle of romanti worth over a million wines of this level are rare on the market now drinking one bottle means one less bottle before Jang hatang could spe
ak Tang long explained first he had put in a lot of effort to obtain three bottles as a result one bottle was now being robbed by John hatan the pain in his heart Can Be Imagined wow that's really precious John manua didn't care about over a million what she valued was the Rarity of this level of Roman County gulp however the conversation between the two made the L family of three struggle to swallow their saliva a bottle of wine worth over a million this was something Lu jinu woo and L she neve
r expected it's too extravagant is this the life enjoyed by the wealthy fortunately compared to the reactions of Lu Jin's family Luan remained calm with money in his pocket he wasn't worried in his heart with 10 billion in savings let alone a bottle of wine worth a million even if 10 bottles came Luan wouldn't be afraid however Lan also knew that wines of this level couldn't be bought just with money being able to taste this level of wine today was also thanks to Jan Honk's influence all right w
ait for me I'll go get the wine Tang Long's wine was stored in the hotel in this hotel there was a wine seller specially built by Tang long it is just to collect the red wine that I like go ahead I can't wait to try your romanti Jang hatang said with a smile Dad don't worry about the price of the wine no matter how expensive it is it's just a bottle of wine so there's no need to feel any psychological burden besides your son is now a billionaire just a million dooll wine it's not worth mentionin
g after Tang long left Luan whispered to Lu jinu he could tell that Lu jinu was uncomfortable I know it's just that it's a bit nervous to encounter this level of stuff for the first time don't worry your dad won't embarrass you I have the mental strength for this Lu jinu whispered well that's good just remember your son me is no worse than anyone else Luan nodded with a smile it would be best if his father could be more open-minded after Tang long left the dishes in their private room were quick
ly served they were all very high-end ingredients including Chinese and Western Cuisine although the dishes were served no one touched their Chopsticks because Tang long hadn't arrived yet they had to wait for him to start eating the meal worth over a million fortunately Tang long didn't make them wait too long he came back in just over 10 minutes come let's eat the dishes first this red wine it's best to let it breathe before tasting after opening the red wine Tang long let it breathe then he i
nvited everyone to start eating dear former colleagues come let's have a toast we old colleagues rarely gather like this today so we should have a good drink come cheers while Luan and Jang manua were about to enjoy the Roman County worth over a million in another private room luan's former colleagues were just starting their Gathering as someone who had worked at joou for 5 years he was also the nominal organizer of the Gathering leang raised his glass and gave a nice opening speech at this mom
ent leang still looked a bit down it had been over a month since he was fired by Z and he still hadn't found a suitable job he was exhausted by Lan's matter Luan ultimately didn't come to the Gathering and since his goal wasn't achieved he naturally couldn't be happy manager Le what's wrong with you today you don't look good did that woman Shen Chang reject you again ha seeing Lea's appearance someone jokingly teased him that's right manager Le today s Xiang and jangu the two CEOs managed to fin
d time to attend the Gathering we can't let them be unhappy someone else chimed in If the previous people were just joking this person's words were a bit harsh obviously he was trying to flatter song jiong and jangu song jiong was a second generation Rich it was said that his family assets were worth over a billion he originally went to jooli to pursue Jang Manu but after being discovered by Jang Manu he was immediately fired and he only stayed for a little over 2 months without even passing the
probation period at that time he was the object of flattery by many people in the company and was considered the Prince Charming in the eyes of female employees as for Jang Yu he jumped to XU as the marketing director based on his abilities after less than a year he jumped to another big company now he's doing very well his annual income has also reached over a million this is the income that many people dream of look at the old colleagues present except for song jiung who is a jerk which one o
f them has an annual income that can reach a million don't even talk about a million not even 500,000 most people only earn around 1 to 200,000 a year those who are doing relatively well like Lea Fang used to make just over 300,000 in Chou he sorry I've been dealing with some annoying things lately so my mental state is not great Lea Fang smiled awkwardly he also knew that his complexion today was definitely not very good manager Le your complexion doesn't look good is it because of Luan and his
girlfriend oh no Shin Shing should be his ex-girlfriend Luan is doing really well now not only did he make a fortune but even Jung Zone aren't you Lan's best friend luu good friends go their separate ways why did you both leave zou at this time the person who had just flattered song jiong and jangu spoke again from this it can be seen that this person and Le Fang have some grievances otherwise ordinary people wouldn't repeatedly poke at someone's sore spots luu on the side kept his head down an
d didn't dare to speak he was just a small supervisor in the marketing department and now he couldn't even say anything is it true or false about Luan and Jan Zone I can't believe it why wouldn't it be true I heard that Lan is now called Madam president within Joy it's hilarious really so many things happened I just saw in Jang hui's circle of friends that Lan bought a BMW X7 and I was wondering how Lan suddenly became Rich turns out he's living off a woman that's nothing Jang zong not only gave
him a car but also a house worth over 40 million and shares in joyette this is outrageous yeah this is a highlevel sugar daddy who wouldn't want to have that I see I've been busy lately so I haven't been paying attention to the group but didn't Jung Zone clarify in writing afterwards saying that the money is all L fan own do you believe that too true right didn't L fan by the car himself just ask Jang and you'll know immediately the focus of the discussion shifted to Lan many people were sh sho
cked obviously because they were busy with work on weekdays many people didn't pay attention to the Hot Topic of Luan and Jang Manu and it dissipated right a we didn't Lan buy the car from you we're curious did he pay in full or in installments of course he paid in full how could he afford a 40 million house and still pay in installments then everyone looked at jangu hoping he would tell them about luan's situation however to their disappoint jangu didn't want to say much speaking of Lan why did
n't he come today did he not receive the notification or is it because he's become a phoenix and looks down on us old colleagues just as everyone was discussing Lan Jang Yu who was sitting in the main seat spoke up Jang Yu was still a little unhappy clearly he should have been the center of attention but instead the absent L fan became the main topic this made him a career Elite feel very insignificant so when he spoke his attitude towards Luan was not very friendly song xiong was even more unha
ppy but as a second generation Rich he didn't want to mix with the working class present if it weren't for wanting to get some information about Jang Manu he wouldn't have come at all when Jang Yu said this everyone in the room quieted down they could all hear the dissatisfaction in son ji hunk tone after all when s jiong was the director of the marketing department Luan was just a sales supervisor under him now he has been promoted directly leaving Lan caught off guard although Luan also left E
xcellence he is still considered an excellent partner so it may not be appropriate for him to come over besides he has something important today upon hearing song xiang's Words jangu stepped forward to explain of course he wasn't deliberate L trying to flatter s jiung he knew very well who he could befriend and who he couldn't he understood clearly that song jiong looked down on him from the bottom of his heart although Jang hui's Current financial situation is not worse than S ji Hong's and he
is even his own boss given his current relationship with Luan he couldn't just sit back and let s jiung badmouth Luan something important I doubt it after all I used to be his boss and we were colleagues some people become arrogant when they achieve Success Song jiong continued to speak anyway he felt that if Lan didn't come today it meant that Luan looked down on him as the regional director of a busy large company he managed to make time to come are you a freeloader busier than me isn't this a
sign of disrespect of course he was just venting his frustration he also knew that Lan had changed a lot whether Luan became successful on his own or relied on Jang manua support it was all real a 40 million house the status of a partner in the new Excellence project these were all real so no matter what Lan's reputation was or how he was criticized money is King in this world it doesn't matter how you acquire wealth and Status song jiong was very clear about this he wasn't like some poor loser
s who only knew how to resent the rich and spew hatred online so he just wanted to vent a little and belittle Lan a bit he wouldn't say anything more well said this guy Lan is too much he shouldn't forget where he came from even young Master Jiang and general manager son took time out of their busy schedules to come but he he's so arrogant at this moment Lea Fang who had been in a bad mood all along chimed in he and LU you were the nominal initiators of this Gathering the purpose was to get Lan
to come they wanted to say some kind words and ease their relationship with him but what happened Luan didn't even bother to show up Lea Fang couldn't help but feel annoyed fortunately this Gathering wasn't without any gains at the very least the rich second generation Leu came song jiung a former talented Excellence also came if they could flatter them a bit maybe they could fly high together um I have something to say but I'm not sure if I should while song jiong and Lea Fang were mocking Luan
someone cautiously spoke up go ahead we're all old colleagues and Friends there's nothing you can't say s xiong said he treated this Gathering as his own territory but that was also true after all he was the one paying for tonight's expenses it should be noted that Numa Hotel was one of the best hotels in nanang if it weren't for S ji Hong offering to foot the bill they wouldn't have suggested coming here after all except for jangu they were all workingclass people even if they split the bill n
o one would be willing to come here for a meal well I saw Lan at this hotel just now and he seemed to be having dinner with his family the person hesitated for a moment then slowly described what they had seen as soon as these words came out everyone present was stunned especially s jiong and Le Fang their faces turned even uglier s jiang's idea is that since we're all in the same Hotel you don't even come to toast are you not giving me face as for Lea Fang he thinks it's intentional he initiate
d the Gathering but the other party didn't come instead they brought their own family this is definitely intentional it has to be said that both of them have quite the imagination they always feel like they are right if Luan knew he would probably laugh to death whether it's Lea Fang or sonan jiun this Elite he really doesn't need to give face the reason for not coming is simply because he doesn't want to see some people he dislikes moreover on such an important occasion today how could he possi
bly attend some old colleagues gathering over thinking it did you see which private room Lan went into leang suddenly asked the person next to him yes I saw the person nodded slightly then can you take me and L you there later we'll go toast Lea Fang and luu exchanged a glance then they nodded in agreement it's truly unexpected they originally thought that they wouldn't have a chance to meet Luan at this Gathering but unexpectedly there was a pleasant surprise could this be considered as the hea
vens helping the two of them allowing Lan to reconcile with them um today Lan has important matters it's best not to disturb him seeing that Lea Fang and luu intended to go toast Jang we quickly spoke up he knew very well that today was the day Luan and Jan mana's families were meeting seeing two people they dislike Suddenly at such a happy moment how could their hearts be at ease it definitely wouldn't end well jangu what important matters does Lan have today this is the second time you've ment
ioned it tell us let everyone hear Jang hui's words made many people curious song xiong even directly asked is this the red wine worth over a million The Taste is truly extraordinary after taking a sip of Roman kti Lu jinu's eyes instantly lit up as a class leader he had attended many high-end wine Banquets he had also tasted many red wines he had even drunk red wines worth tens of thousands of Yuan per bottle however compared to this romanti worth over a million they were instantly thrown into
the clouds there was simply no comparison the taste of this romanti was just too good but it was also too expensive with just one sip at least tens of thousands of yan would be gone he he it's indeed very good finally I get to drink it again Jang hatang smiled and said is this the million dooll red wine it's really delicious old lady woo we had also drunk red wine before but at this moment she felt that the red wine she had drunk before was like a fighter jet in the garbage it's just a Pity that
such a delicious red wine would probably have few opportunities to be drunk in the future after all even if you have money you might not be able to buy it dingdong dingdong while everyone was tasting the romanti luan's phone suddenly rang several messages came in Luan the outstanding administrative Department saw you at the hotel and knows which private room you're in Le Fang and Lou you want to go toast I can't stop them and now everyone is asking me what important matters you have should I te
ll the truth or just come up with an excuse seeing the message from jangi Luan frowned he didn't expect that besides jangu there were others who saw him and they even knew which private room he was in to be honest on such a happy day today he really didn't want to Celia Fang and L you those two idiots what's wrong what happened Jang manua leaned over and asked in a low voice looking at luan's frowning expression it's nothing it's just that my current location has been discovered by someone Le Fa
ng and luu they might come to toast you know my relationship with these two so I'm a bit annoyed now Lan said helplessly it's simple I'll tell Uncle Tang arrange security outside the door if they come just let the security inform them that it's a private room please do not disturb Johan manua thought it was something else IM immediately she came up with an idea can it be done like this wouldn't it be too much trouble for Mr Tang Lan was taken a back he didn't expect Jang Manu to come up with suc
h a solution however he felt that it was unnecessary to trouble tangon because of this matter it seemed like making a big deal out of a small issue he he it's not a bother my dad and uncle Tang are close friends uncle Tang has also taken care of me a lot since I was young in these years of starting a business Uncle Tang has also looked after me it's just a small problem Jan Manu blinked calmly then she stood up and walked to Tang long side telling him about the situation here okay no problem I'l
l arrange it right away after hearing Jan manu's words Tang long smiled and nodded then without saying a word he took out his phone and dialed an internal number a few minutes later two security guards appeared outside their private room waiting with this Luan felt relieved it would be a downer to hear Lea Fang and luu's annoying chatter on such a happy day there's no need to stop them because they can't enter the private room I'm in Mr Tang the chairman of M Hotel and I are old friends we're ha
ving a meal together I asked Mr Tang to arrange security guards to guard the the entrance as for me and manua it's up to you whether you want to talk about it or not after settling everything Luan replied to Jang hui's message wow Jang Chairman's friends are really impressive Tang long is also a prominent figure in our city after receiving Lan's message Jang sent two amazed sentences well they are all well-known figures on the Forbes rich list in the top 30 in the country he's even stronger than
chairman Jang Lan also heard about it when he was having a meal with Jang manua after checking he found out that this Tang long had assets worth billions he started with real estate and had cooperated with his future father-in-law Jang haton in his early years now his business is quite extensive including culture and tourism hotels it's flourishing everywhere if jangu comes to attend his wedding he will definitely meet him so Luan didn't hide anything hauh I didn't know Tang long was so impress
ive are you having meals with people like him now Lan but thinking about it your future father-in-law chairman Jang is already so impressive jangu was truly shocked this time the people he usually only heard about in the news were actually having a meal with his good friend it made him want to witness it himself you're saying that but I'm not doing too bad either after all I'm already worth tens of billions give me a few more years maybe I can surpass chairman Jiang Lan boasted a little no in La
n's heart he wasn't bragging having control over future information was just one of his goals he estimated that he could achieve it in 3 or 4 years if he worked hard maybe he wouldn't even need that long uh when did you have several billion I thought you would be impressive with just one billion relying on that plot in guing District well that's great I've been worried about borrowing money from you when will you pay it back so can I take my time jangu said shamelessly originally he planned to r
epay the 4 million loan from Lan within 2 years now it seems that he shouldn't put so much pressure on himself LAN doesn't even care about this 4 million whenever you're comfortable you can repay me no rush Lan also doesn't mind jangu knew beforehand that he might not be able to repay the money yet he still borrowed a loan of 60,000 yanon this is enough to explain many things even if Shang doesn't repay he won't mind of course he can't say that while Luan and jangu were chatting Lea Fang and luu
holding their wine glasses followed their former colleague from the administrative department and went to the private room where Lan was sorry private room no entry for idle people however when the two arrived at the door of Lan's private room they were suddenly stopped by two security guards looking at the door of Lan's private room there were actually two security guards guarding it moreover they said that this private room is exclusive
