
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib: Growing up in Gaza

Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib is an American writer and analyst who grew up in Gaza City which he left in 2005 as a teenage exchange student. He writes extensively on Gaza’s political and humanitarian affairs and has been an outspoken critic of Hamas and a promoter of coexistence and peace as the only path forward between Palestinians and Israelis. Alkhatib has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a Master’s in intelligence and national security studies. His writing has been published in U.S. and Israeli outlets, and his opinions and comments have been featured in international press. 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗬𝗮𝘀𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱 If you would like to find out more about Yasmine's story, click here: If you would like to support Yasmine's organization, click here: 𝗝𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗬𝗮𝘀𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱 Go to www. to join Yasmine Mohammed in conversation with inspirational people from all over the world. Most often, she invites women who have survived insurmountable odds, overcoming the most vicious of obstacles, and whose names you will not recognize. They are the unsung heroes. The warriors hidden in the shadows. — Listen to Yasmine Mohammed Podcast: Spotify: Apple Podcast: 💌 𝗟𝗘𝗧'𝗦 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗢𝗨𝗖𝗛 ➟Website : 🔗 ➟ Email : 🔗 #forgotten #feminist #yasmine #forgottenfeminists #Islamotrauma #Islamophobia #genderequality #GenderJustice #Feminism #FreeHeartsFreeMinds #ExMuslim #cultsurvivor #yasminemohammed #Islam #Religion #Freethinkers #Humanity #Hijab #Islam #Muslim #Islamist #Cult #cultsurvivor

Yasmine Mohammed

5 days ago

welcome to the Asam Muhammad podcast today we  have with us Ahmed Al Ahmed was born and raised in Gazza and I'm very excited to be talking  with him today um my brother from another father actually because it's my dad who's also  from RZA um so we will talk all about obviously you growing up um and then what's happening in  Israel today and just wanted to thank you so much for your time Ahmed thank you so much for joining  us here today thanks for the opportunity pleased to be here so let's star
t off um by what was it  like growing up in hza we're all hearing all of these conflicting stories all the time media  wants to give one image you know everybody's giving whatever image they want to give now you  told us that you left in 2005 so that's I guess just as Hamas were moving in so just tell us a bit  about your childhood um and any maybe interactions that you had with Hamas and if they were part of  the reason why you left or you know just just tell us about young Ahmed certainly well
thanks again  yes mean and um thanks all for joining so I grew up going back back and forth for a small part of  my childhood in um between Gaza and Saudi Arabia actually my dad was a physician in Saudi Arabia as  is common with a lot of Palestinians professionals Engineers doctors nurses teachers and so I left  in 2005 I was 15 um it was part of a US exchange program it was a post 911 initiative to improve  the cultural ties between the United States and the Arab and Muslim world so was uh the
idea was  you come here as a a high school uh teenager you go you go to a local high school you live with a  US host family and then you know you experience the life in the United States um yes lots of  Palestinians in Saudi and then you return to your native land and hopefully build cultural  Bridges upon attempting to return in 2006 Hamas had already won the infamous parli parliamentary  elections in the spring of 20 six I was in Egypt you know for gazin before or after the second  inapa the
airport the shortlived airport was destroyed and so the only way that you could  actually enter AA for the majority of gazin is you had to land in Egypt and then take a taxi or a  cab all the way from Cairo across the Sinai desert or Sinai Peninsula Northern Sinai to the rafat  border crossing I was in Egypt trying to cross in but Hamas had um uh done a military operation  that abducted the Israeli so Soldier gilad Shalit in in June of 2006 and this was followed up by the  2006 33-day war betwee
n Lebanon between Hezbollah and Lebanon and Israel so I was in Egypt unable  to return and there were also threats against the program that I participated in it was an even  though cultural exchange programs have been around for years it was somewhat of a novel idea in a  Gaza Palestinian context to send young kids to the West if you will and so kind of generalized  uh uh uh dangers coupled with specific threats that I I thought were were going to potentially  materialize led to me returning to
the US thanks to the help of a lot of friends in um my us mom  I call her she's neither Palestinian nor Arab or Muslim and even a a holocaust Survivor actually  Who helped finance my return um to the United States and I came here settled in the Bay Area  applied for political Asylum status while I was finishing High School it was actually a height  of irony that the very day that I had my Asylum interview was June 14 2007 which is the day that  Hamas took over um kind of bolstering my case I was
one of the first wave of pal iians to receive  asylum in the United States um due to hamas's control so stepping back a little bit going back  to what your your question was about you know growing up in Wasa which obviously you know I've  I've I left what coming up on 18 19 years ago so uh in 19 years I should say in in July 2nd of this  year nevertheless I've kept close contact with my immediate and extended family most of whom are in  God I as that to me was not an onoff button just because I
lived in the United States and um you  know the funny thing is because I don't have much of an accent people think that I'm so Americanized  and so out of touch and it's like it's so there's no winning it's like if I if I had an accent  then people wouldn't anyway we we'll talk about the accent stuff in a second um but so no I've  absolutely kept in contact with I've um you know I've my my my siblings I have two brothers and two  sisters um and they're all married I'm the black Chief I'm the yo
ungest I'm the only one who's  not married the only one who's not doesn't have kids the only one who doesn't have children uh  so sorry the only one who's not in the medical field I meant to say um I went into uh business  and international relations and politics I'm I'm an abject failure by Palestinian standards and  so multiple things were and are true or I should say were true through up to let's talk about like  October 7th of course Reza has always kind of been somewhat isolated um surround
ed by Israel on all  sides and it was not as open as different parts of the West Bank were and then by Egypt on the other  zda Society is is is a little bit different than um the Palestinian folks in the West Bank um and  I'm talking about subcultures nevertheless even with the inata even with the violence even with  the hardships and misery there was a lot of beauty there were a lot of beautiful places and moments  and people adapt and people persevere and people make beautiful memories I mean
you even look at  images of Gaza before October 7th and there were beautiful restaurants and beautiful areas and  beautiful parks and and the beaches were all was full of life and and and it was an escape  as people were all also experiencing hardships became Aid dependent lived in crowded unsanitary  conditions so like multiple things can be true at once it is also true that a large number of Goins  have never actually left the coastal Enclave the trip so so um the idea is a lot of Gins are and
  though social media and online connectivity has has changed quite a bit of that um for a lot of  people so for me growing up in in in and again I I so I was actually born in Saudi even though  our family kept moving back and forth I lived a few years of my life in Saudi but every year we  would go in twice and then in 96 and 97 we moved back to GZA and then we moved back to Saudi and  finally in 2000 my dad was like kalas we're we're moving for back permanently so the 90s was an  incredible ti
me of optimism due to the Oslo uh process and and there was also so azda was a lot  more open um with Israel than it is now or than after the second andar for example a couple of  times we access GDA through Jordan so we would travel through Israel and then access through the  ARs Crossing and I remember that in my experience being far more pleasant than having to go through  the Rafa border crossing so um I'll stop there but uh here but but I I I'll just share one last  thing which is that um G
DA I mean I in a weird way even during the blockade even during hamas's  control the contradiction is that it also actually evolved and developed in different way like like  resa's first Mall came online in 201 um10 and a lot of you know businesses I mean Hamas ironically  invested in Leisure and and and and like retail businesses as both a way to bring about like  different sources of revenue but there were also just economic Evolution and economic growth  while the blockade was happening yeah
I mean it is amazing how people can persevere despite you  know everything that is going on around them you know life prevails Beauty prevails Joy prevails  um my dad would go back and forth to hza all the time constantly you know he tried to get us to  go um always telling us about how beautiful it is there sharing with us images of he loved the  dubka and he really loved to um get involved and and uh you know watch people um dance and sing and  um there's a lot of art going on there's a lot of
um um like theater um in music and things like  that so he he was always very involved in those kinds of things and and trying he really wished  and hoped that Aza would one day be what it was when he was growing up um and as I you know I've  said so many times since October 7th I'm kind of glad that he never got to see what has become of  his homeland today because he really did hold out hope that that one day um you know RZA could  be free and and independent and you know he would see men and
women living freely and you know  civil liberties and everything well and and that's actually part of like what I've been pushing  for is that um people there is very much so this pervasive narrative which so again multiple  things can be true at once while it is true that there have been numerous Israeli policies that  I think have hindered rda's prospects I think the failure to acknowledge the role of people  like Hamas in in destroying any prospects Forda becoming a hub of Palestinian art cu
lture Economic  Development it overlooks the Mediterranean it can have an amazing Seaport for trade it can have an  airport like it once did it can have inner kind of Commerce with both Egypt and Israel so what  I have been pushing for is you know to to to go beyond just this incessant insistence that only  because Israel or because of Israel Reza hasn't reached its full potential I strongly believe  based on detailed information and Analysis and understanding of the history and having lived  th
ere and having family who are not just on the periphery of events having extended family who  are actually involved in all sectors ofda society different decisions could have been made that  would have allowed GDA to be free prosperous and and and developed and I will also say just about  the point of of uh it's not just economic or uh political Liberties it's also about social and and  and and like societal Liberties and I mean so so I come from a Muslim family um a very religious  Muslim famil
y my family is still religious even though I am not um religious or um so and I I have  all sorts of I mean I grew up in in Saudi Arabia I'll tell you a little bit about the I went to  like I went to like religious instruction schools and and it was a deeply traumatic experience and  even nowadays Saudi has has evolved but GZA in the 60s and 70s and even early 80s was incredibly  open I mean yeah my my there are pictures of like my family members and my mom and and my aunts and  and skirts and a
nd like dresses and and and there were bars there was like there was social Liberty  not in just the shallow like let me dress up as I but there was an actual like multifaceted way  in which people conducted themselves in which there was political diversity like you know  and it was truly during the mid 80s with the islami the Islamic complex where the the Muslim  Brotherhood started islamized the society where there were the infamous asset attacked where there  was this idea that somehow our pr
oblem isn't you hear this probably and and you know this this is  the cliche in that in the Arab and Muslim world is well our problem is because we departed away  from our religion so by going back to the religion Islam Islam is the solution and and again I say  this with all due respect to people who practice the Muslim faith who practice their beliefs in a  the way that they see fit but the political Islam islamism as expressed by the early founders of  the Muslim Brotherhood and then as kind
of lived and and iterated by these islamist groups um had  a deeply detrimental impact on Palestinian Society in Gaza in Gaza in particular and so that's that's  where Hamas you know start had its Origins is is in and and and yes they did a lot of Charities  obviously like that's how that's what built that they exactly same in in in Egypt and so that kind  of that time was the foundation I would say for a lot of the mess that we find ourselves in in terms  of and narrowing in political and relig
ious and societal freedoms that has led to the violent  extremism as expressed by Hamas contemporarily yeah you know it's so that story is so common  you know that same story could be told like you said about Egypt it could be told about Tunisia it  could be told about Algeria it could be told about Yemen like it's just all it was like this ripple  effect it started with the um Iranian Revolution started with the Islamic regime taking over there  and then it just spread like wildfire throughout
the Muslim majority World these islamists feeling  empowered like that like you said Islam you know but it's it's not that they really care about  Islam or religion or anything like that these are political opportunists that want to hijack  the they they just use religion as the the tool for them to get into political power and so what  they did yeah and somebody in the comment said Syria absolutely Syria as well um and so what they  did in Gazza is the same thing that has happened happened in s
o many countries around the world  but when people look at hza today and they look at the the conflict with Israel um it's exactly  what you were just saying like there's more than one thing can be true at the same time right but  they just want to blame everything on Israel even when I talk about the fact that you know RZA was  independent you know what I mean like they were they were like you said better decisions could  have been made you know what I mean it's it's easier for us maybe um to s
elf- criticize you know  I think that when you're from there and these are your you you feel angry like you feel resentful  I feel I'm just like frustrated you know like like you were mentioning the beautiful beaches  like there's so much opportunity this could have been this could have gone so well you know and  we really messed this up step by step and then consistently like kept on going with messing it  up it's not like we just messed it up and then stopped you know and it's it's very frustr
ating  to and I and I don't I although I do believe there are many things that are true and there are  many reasons and lots of things are true at the same time but I'm pissed off at our people I mean  absolutely it's spoton I understand I mean again Israel made decisions as well that contributed  to this I get that that's indisputable that's a fact but yeah the unwillingness to take any  responsibility and accountability and I hate to say it you you had a beautiful book about it  some of this I
think was enabled by supposed allies and and and and Advocates and and and  even analysts who consistently absolved Hamas of any responsibility and made made them out  to be this organic expression of resistance to injustices when in fact Hamas is a nefarious  political actor that uses religion that has held its people effectively hostages people got  mad when I wrote that article for Newsweek about how Hamas effectively used like like there  might be Israeli propaganda about the hostage be you
know Hamas using people as hostages but  there's a lot of truth to that and how it's it people in Reza will tell you people in Reza  will tell you that we have had no say in how our future is determined and instead a narrow  group based in Qatar based in tahan based in in in Lebanon are deciding our future for us and  I'll go back to the different priorities and and decisions that could have been made I mean I was  intimately involved in numerous projects public and behind the scenes and effort
s and discussions  with people including with Israelis and including with people in senior political and Military  um uh establishments who genuinely wanted to see something different happen in GZA and all it  would have taken were some decisions by Hamas to commit to a longterm a 10 to 15E truce to commit  to releasing the bodies of the dead soldiers that were killed in res in 2014 or the two mentally  challeng individuals that walked into GZA one was as an African migrant Inu and then another 
one is an Arab beduin and Hamas wanted to trade them for thousands of prisoners when again there  was a willingness a genuine willingness and even money on standby by numerous Arab countries to  let Gazza become it might not have been the Paris or Singapore of the Mediterranean but it could  have been a different place the other thing too is that and I'm sorry like this these simplistic  reductionist views about the victimhood narrative about the colonized colon or colonizer the  oppressed or o
ppressors that's not to say Israel hasn't oppressed Palestinians it absolutely  has but there is this you know Western leftist Le simp oversimplification of the Dynamics and I  think unfortunately a lot of well-intentioned allies have have have worsened the situation  and have made you know I I I wrote yesterday on Twitter that diaspora politics are incredibly  toxic because there are so like more Palestinians in Palestine or in Gaza are much more willing to  criticize Hamas and to criticize the
failures of the Palestinian political leadership than there  than there's willingness in the West in the free and open Western Society I can understand to  a certain extent maybe why people in GZA might have a hard time criticizing Hamas after all it's  not safe it's difficult there's forced Conformity there's propaganda there is brainwashing there  is you're caught up in your daily survival but what really upsets me deeply are those either  Palestinians or their allies in the west who have hav
e the safety have the ability to express their  opinions perpetuating a lot of those simplistic reductionist slogans and Views about resistance  and about you know we are just this Perpetual victim that you know can do no wrong all means  necessary International and there's this belief that international law grants the occupied the  right to resistance but there's this inability to distinguish between what is legitimate versus  what is effective versus what is moral versus what is right so I I s
hare your frustration and that is  precisely why I decided to speak out after October 7th even though it's incredibly uncomfortable  and you you know firsthand what people do when you deviate from the established narrative yeah  absolutely um I want to go back to what you were talking about these Western allies and and how  they're not helping us you know what frustrates me the most right now is seeing them all pretending  that they care about resins all in the streets with their slogans and the
ir signs but when the  resin had that we want to live campaigns who gave a [ __ ] about them then who paid attention to  them then nobody they never cared they never cared about the lesins when the lesins were fighting  against Hamas right when they were saying like look at the look at our unemployment rates look  at our suicide rates look at all of the we we just want to live can you imagine like it it was so  that's their to have the slogan of their campaign to be we want to live you just know
how desperate  things were and nobody paid attention to them they got zero media coverage no one was interested but  now when it's against Israel suddenly everybody is really paying attention to them and that's  how you know that this is just so opportunistic it's not because you care about resin right it's  because you care about hating on Israel the same way that you just wanted to and this is a nice  opportunity so I want to talk about that because let me ask you this go go ahead now you go
ahead  cuz I want to I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to set the whole stage for you and then I want  you to to answer this whole thing for me so for decades I think Palestinians have been used as  ponds I just described how they're being used by ponds in the west and you described before how  they're being used ponds by The islamists Who are just trying to you know Islam trying to have their  Global caliphate you know what I mean so whether it's East or West they're being used you know  on f
or for different NE whatever their purpose is whatever their goal is not for what is best for  the people of razza ever right that's not the main that's not their their their their main goal here  um so I want to ask you now as an authentic voice as a man from Raza what are they getting wrong  what do you want the world to know and how are you seeing this so what I was going to say earlier  to your point is I mean the protests that that we want to live like there were they happened in 2019  main
ly but there were also ones in 2017 and they happened in July of 2023 just like three months  before October 7 so that's right but we don't even have to go that back that far during the war about  two months ago there were protests in RA andun in southern Gaza spontaneous at un Refugee centers um  where the displaced people just organically just marched with white flags and signs sayy stop the  War release the hostages we want to live end it I cannot tell you how disturbing it was to see one  of
three things either people were complete ZIP they said nothing they didn't acknowledge them in  the slightest or Worse people said oh these must be paid Israeli agents these must be how are they  protesting Under Fire I mean so that tells you everything you need to no like oh listen to the  gazis listen to the gazin represent their voice well the Gins are spe they're saying like please  see not just like peace fire in the like the empty slogan and believe me half of my family are dead  I want t
his war to stop right this second but these empty ceasefire slogans like it's like what  does that even mean like ceasefire and release the hostages ceasefire and return to the status quo  ceasefire and Hamas gets to be back in control of Gins for another 10 years and and you know waiting  for the next War so I've been pushing people like be specific pair calls for ceasefires for the  release of hostages actually provide a vision and most importantly acknowledge the people in Gaza  who want this
war to end right now and who are telling you we've had enough we're done with Hass  and yet people don't want to acknowledge that so that's what's so frustrating is is there's a lack  of unwillingness to condemn Hamas in an organic self-initiated way such that we have to wait for  Piers Morgan to go on his show and be like start his show with do you condemn Hamas or not and  people have a fit when he does that but so going back to your question to the Allies I mean I I I  mean I I'm not dismiss
ing the authenticity of many people's feelings and and thoughts and beliefs  so I mean people are horrified what's taking place is awful I I I genuinely don't dismiss the  humanity but behind what motivates a lot of um a lot of people who who who are protesting for GM  even though they're absolute opportunists and grifters I mean people you know look at someone  like Jackson Hinkle who had like half a million followers and now he has two and a half million  followers and has all these subscriber
s or that snake doctor from Sweden or all these other  creatures online or or the islamist in London who are ra largely irrelevant all of a sudden  there you know or a certain somebody who just converted to Islam and then the next day he  started a fundraiser like yeah it is so clear abundantly in face like this the people are riding  the Gaza wave to enrich themselves collect likes and shares whatever but that's one group I'm I  don't care about those people those people are irredeemable they m
ean nothing to me what I care  about addressing the well-intentioned folks who I genuinely believe are a large number of those who  are upset they might have limited information they might just be horrified by the constant scenery  and they're also walking in on a war without having understood a lot of the contextual history  and politics it's like to those well-intentioned folks I say please understand how Hamas the Li  Liber sabotaged an imperfect and fragile yet viable Oslo Peace process that
gave gazin IDs and  a promise of a sea port that was being built and an airport I flew can you imagine saying this just  what I'm just saying I flew into Gaza in 99 and in 2000 I flew into Gaza Gaza had an airport what it  gave Palestinians an industrial Zone near the Aras Zone um where thousands of people were were were  make it half of Gaza was was built by either money from day laborers or Pal the industrial zone  or the the the economic Prosperity that came about in the 90s please understan
d the leadership  failures of even aret I I I mean arett yeser arat was was was super corrupt and super detrimental he  was a disaster for the Palestinians in the 70s in Jordan and in the 80s with in Lebanon and and in  the 90s with Kuwait and standing up you know um with Saddam against the the the Kuwaiti people  who have hosted Palestinians and finance the Palestinian cause the only thing that I will say  about aat and he made a disastrous decision not to accept the 2000 cam David um peace pea
ce proposal  he nevertheless made a courageous decision that I think set a good precedent which is actually  recognizing Israel recognizing in its right to exist ultimately recognizing the futility of armed  resistance even though he then basically launched the second in tata after the aiel Chiron visit  to uh the the axam mosque in in 2000 in September 28th 2000 I remember I was in resda I remember  when we were let go of school and all hell broke loose and he tried to have a d game towards the
  end it was a dirty game and he failed he basically thought he could control Hamas and then he thought  he could use Hamas to pressure Israel and Hamas became a monster that grew out of control yeah  please understand those those Dynamics please understand that Hamas basically helped militarize  the ined didn't want that he thought he could use it to extract concessions from the Israelis Hamas  with their suicide bombings and their terrible uh violence against Israeli civilians and the further 
islamization of the society destroyed prospects for for for peace for for Palestinian State how  about the 2005 withdrawal of settlements and I know people are like well of course Israel  maintained control of the air and the nearby land it wasn't as if GDA all of a sudden became  this wholly independent country nevertheless it was a historic opportunity to try and develop GDA  turn it into a model for successful governance of a future and an incoming Palestinian state to  show that this is wha
t we're capable of that we are smart talented intelligent people if the  West Bank is vacated from from settlements this is what we're going to do this is what we're  going to build and instead Hamas was like Hamas literally all those open areas the the former  liberate they call them liberated settlements became training grounds for them to to increase  the range of their missiles for them to develop mottor shells for them to develop these IEDs  and and and and and and and and other militant ac
tivities how about the 200 2006 elections I  mean Hamas opposed the oso peace process it was treason it was cowardly it was awful they didn't  like it they called it all sorts of names they were treacherous blah blah blah but then it used  the PO basically it accessed elections that were built upon the Oslo Peace framework that brought  up brought about the Palestinian Authority and kind of created this this legislative and and  and and and other Palestinian governance bodies on the Palestinian
territories so Hamas used a  political process based upon the very framework peace framework and and negotiations with Israel  and acknowledging Israel using the very framework that it criticized thinking it's going to now  become a government while also being a resistance group so by doing so Hamas delegitimized  the elections they destroyed uh basically they brought about sanctions on the Palestinian  government and that led to all sorts of quality of life issues people's salaries couldn't be 
paid and then Hamas started basically wanting to entrench its control and that led to a Min civil  War effectively with the Palestinian Authority in fat leading to the 2007 takeover and then the  2008 War and the 2014 War which like I can go on and on but please to those good people who  love the Palestinian people fine like criticize Israel all you want but you cannot honestly  and sincerely support the Palestinian people without not only condemning Hamas and and even the  Palestinian Authorit
y with their own failures um which we can talk about later it is disingenuous  and dishonest to keep the focus on Israel and to absolve Hamas of its mass responsibility for  the death of gazin for the destruction I mean how many times is the International Community  going to keep pumping billions of dollars into GZA to rebuild it only for Hamas to take PE drag  people along suicidal Adventures like and and and turning Gins into a dependent people I mean  we're smart talented intelligent capable
people we do not need to live off of unra for the rest  of our lives we do not need the Western world or the Arab world to give us food handouts we can  survive on our own if given good leadership and an opportunity to not have War so like that's what  I encourage people to think about is criticizing Hamas isn't just the moral and right thing to do  exposing them and and and and helping like giving a hand up to the Palestinian people and voices  that want a different future that is actually how
you could be most effective and helpful for  the Palestinian people because let me tell you something Israel isn't going anywhere okay Israel  is not South Africa there is no dismantling I want to see the end of the occupation the military  occupation of the Westbank I want to see equal rights for the Palestinian people I want to  see peaceful coexistence even though that's going to happen in phases I want to see access  to Jerusalem and equal distribution of resources nevertheless Israel is her
e to stay you cannot  delegitimize Israel just by hoping that H you know which is hamas's strategy it's hoping that  Israel kills enough the more Israel Hass thinks kills Palestinians the more there's a chance  to delegitimize Israel and to Embark upon the South Africa model um and that's not going to  happen so please please recognize and I'll I'll conclude with this please recognize that you're  not betraying the Palestinian people by condemning Hamas and understanding just how destructive  th
ey are you are genuinely helping them you are sincerely empowering voices in RDA that don't  have the safety you have in the west to think freely to see things from a distance to openly you  know addressed the facts on the ground and that's what I'm hoping with by by speaking out I'm not  just building you know this is uncomfortable but I I I genuinely think we have a responsibility  in the western world and the Allies I think we have a a moral and a karmic duty to help those  Palestinian voices
beautiful 100% agree with you I find it so condescending how they always want to  paint husand people as these little victims that are that can't do anything on their own and what  you know Palestinians are throughout the world I mean you just talked about your own family and  how they're all in the medical field they're all doctors and you're not and so they're like they  oh how could you enter business or any other field other than medicine do you know what I mean  Palestinians are capable pe
ople everywhere on the planet why can't they be capable in their homeand  but they have this impression they have this idea of them now as these little victims that of course  they're going to start raping as Israeli women and killing Israeli babies what else are they  going to do they had no other options how dare you talk about people like that how dare you how  you know my my my father's biggest thing that he would always say I mean it's you he would swear at  Hamas you know and and then curs
e them and then be angry at the fact that they were the face of RZA  when you said RZA it was like son anous with Hamas that hurt him so much you know like your Homeland  that you love so much is synonymous with these terrorists and then they're being uplifted that  is like you said that's the subtitle of my book how Western liberals andow radical Islam they are  being uplifted by these people here in the west they are uplifting the people that you know they  have been terrorizing the people of
razza for all of these years and now they've just expanded their  terrorism into Israel and people are are wanting to say that they're Freedom Fighters and their  resistance and they're this and that it's like they have always been terrorists you know what I  mean don't try and paint them into something else that they that they never were and that they never  will be you know everything that you said is is absolutely true and I and I would add to that  too that it's not even just this conflict b
ut people need to take a step back too and see how  this is happening all over the world all over the Middle East North Africa this isn't just Israel  and Hamas this isn't you know a little you know this is just a microcosm of the larger problem  you know why is Iran funding Hamas right why what is the connection here because it's all related  because these are all these islamist groups that are all wanting to create this Global caliphate  and people don't want to see that like you said they jus
t want to simplify it into a really easy  oppressor oppressed you know victim and and um uh oppressor and and then that's it right and  it is dehumanizing honestly it's dehumanizing for the resident people to constantly be talking  about them like that and and it's condescending now I want to talk about something that you were  involved in and something that I was really glad to see that you were able to bring to fruition  um you were one of the first people to start talking about the humanitari
an drops this idea  of dropping the the humanitarian Aid directly to the people of razza basically circumventing  Hamas who were um you know in the beginning of course the aid was what do you do with the aid  you give it to the leaders and then it's the leaders responsibility to disseminate it amongst  the people but they weren't disseminating anything they were selling it uh they were selling things  that have big huge labels on them that say not for sale exactly and they're they're selling it
so  they're basically as they've always been doing they they're just opportunists taking advantage  of the lesen people they never cared about them um so these humanitarian drops would reach people  directly and of course there was you know some setbacks there were some uh devastating results  there were some parachutes that didn't um open and some some things like that but you know all in all  I think it's been a very positive thing um I want to talk about that though because there's so much  c
onflicting information and I I'm starting to get confused so number my first question is is Israel  blocking any humanitarian Aid to get to the resen people that's my first question um my second  question is why am I seeing videos of residence showing us their Sharma and saying we have all  this great food we don't need your dry ramen noodles that you're dropping from the sky you know  like what what what's what's going on here I'm seeing people that are supposedly eating grass and  then other p
eople are saying no it's m um I just you know I saw trucks of Egyptian truckers their  trucks being destroyed and the driv being attacked talk to me about this whole air drop thing and and  that that whole humanitarian Aid scenario what's going on there sure so there's there's a lot there  but I I'll try to be concise about every one of those points you raised um number one is multiple  things again are true at once there is Israeli red tape there are obstacles that have hindered the  free and u
ninterrupted flow of Aid there's also the fact that Israel is in fact allowing a lot  of like those protesters you see on the Israeli side they've worked in blocking some Aid trucks  but for the most part Aid continues to flow in there's also something that's uncomfortable that  people don't want to acknowledge which is that I mean Israel is effectively at war with Gaza  they say there were there were were with Hamas but really it's a war with this region and Israel  isn't during a war that it's
trying to basically pressure Hamas into releasing the hostages and  and and kind of stepping back from its stated goal of continued armed resistance and continued  attacks and we're going to rearm it like like I'm not saying it's right I'm not saying it's more but  like it's almost understandable like why Israel isn't going to be the main tap for Aid coming into  the Gaza STP the International Community had to scramble after October 7th when Israel shut off  all the aid that was coming in almos
t exclusively through the K Shalom Crossing to now funnel it  through Egypt but then having to do the inspection and by the way to be clear I am for inspecting  Aid I don't want a single piece of Weaponry or ammunition like I am Mr security I have a  degree in international in National Security and intelligence like I know how this stuff works like  I am absolutely not opposed to security measures but there's very much so a bureaucratic process  involved that does delay a lot of a lot of um Aid
going in there's also damaged infrastructure  there's also feeds there's also hamas's theft of Aid that was so chronic Hamas doesn't also just  steal Aid by grabbing it off of trucks coming in they have a whole set of schemes whereby some of  sometimes they'll hoard it in certain warehouses sometimes they'll go to warehouses at night and  siphon It Off sometimes they have some of their own people acting as civilians and then they go  in and loot the trucks sometimes they for those armed guys tha
t you see on top of trucks these are  on top of you know Vehicles bringing in Aid these are Hamas policemen who haven't been been paid  for months so they come up with these schemes with truck drivers or with humanitarian NOS to say  all right well we'll protect some of your trucks but you're going to give me some of this Aid and  then they'll take some of this Aid they'll sell it they'll bring it back to the Hamas Fighters  there's a whole whole network of schemes that you know tck people aren'
t going to understand  on Tik toks or 280 characters in in Twitter that said the airdrops Were Meant to bypass Hamas  bypass the damage infrastructure to avoid the concentration of people being in a singular  location we've seen these apocalyptic scenes of one or two trucks comes in and it's just swarmed  by thousands of people and the idea is when you do this firste air drops you reduce the likelihood of  these crazy you know stampedes or these you know these dehumanizing scenes that's what the
y are  there's these dehumanizing scenes of desperate civilians mainly and especially in the north  so there are absolutely hunger and famine like conditions and parts of the north which is cut off  you know by by a a a long call it belt if you will of Israeli ground troops um from the rest ofda  the south is where most of the aid that like 99% of the Aid comes in so again multiple things are  also true there are markets in GDA there are some places that have some shaera they have some food  in
the South but that doesn't mean that hunger and crises don't exist in the north there's also  food but who can afford it because everything now is 100x more expensive so what has been and and  and you know hundreds of people have been killed trying to access Aid trying to access some of the  food uh in in in in in the North in particular but five people lose their lives tragically through  a malfunctioning parachute and the whole world is like oh my God these airdrops are the worst thing  what h
as been incredibly frustrating are these and I I call them today and I'm I I've been holding  back holding back because NGS do important work we need their help but there is absolutely an  entrenched NGO Industrial complex that some of whom have actually worked with Hamas in the past  and almost normalized working with Hamas instead of exposing Hamas and and and just engaging  them the the bare minimum to get things done and instead now they had open meetings and working  relationships with Hama
s and and allowed Hamas to absolve itself from providing for its people and  allowed Hamas to turn gazin into Aid dependent subjects and Aid Reliant people when when Hamas  should have been making different choices so that there's no blockade so that there's no so there's  true Economic Development so the a drops are helpful they're a drop in the bucket I get that I  never said they're temp a permanent solution but they were meant to augment inadequate distribution  and delivery Hamas hates air
drops they despise it and I have numerous sources I like I'm not going  to point you to like a singular statement where Hamad said said we I mean Hamas has said oh these  are inadequate we we don't think they're enough whatever but behind the scenes on the ground Etc  Hamas not only hates them they've Unleashed their cyber Warriors to do the disgusting things of  throwing the aid in the garbage to say oh we don't need you to make it seem like gazans are  ungrateful because Hamas can't make money
off of aird dropped Aid it's not enough for them  to steal it and to control it so there's this bizarre unspoken Alliance it's not and I don't  mean they are literally an alliance but it's a def facto alliance between Hamas not wanting Aid  because they can't steal it they can't tax it they can't distribute it to their people Hamas can't  be everywhere at once they can't grab the food from everybody's hands when it lands and NOS who  some of whom are well-meaning whatever but some of whom they'
re like well we want to be part of  the distribution we want to be on that they don't also want the aid and they think it's political  stunt and blah blah blah it's been so frustrating because you know what tens of thousands of Goins  have benefited from these air drops so don't sit here in your Western capital and tell me well this  is not enough all right fine it's not enough but it's ceire it's something but but but they're  like well we want a ceasefire this goes back to the useless like all
right well you're just going  to call for a ceas like what does that even mean like I want a ceasefire but Hamas keeps rejecting  a ceasefire Hamas keeps rejecting any proposals to release the hostages I mean and we're talking  about releasing women and and elderly and and and and and injured Israelis but okay going back  to the again the main thing to keep in mind is we need to flood Gaza with Aid through land  through sea through the air the diversification of delivery not only helps more aid
from a quantity  point of view but it also ensures that you don't have this concentrated stream that is easy to  piler steal and loot by Hamas or criminal gangs the unfortunate thing with the Egyptian truck  drivers the tragedy and I have a brother who's involved in a lot of the humanitarian um delivery  networks and and I have many friends who are involved in that in that world in right now and  they suffer immensely from their convoys their trucks being pelted by Stones being attacked  being
looted and there's basically it's one of three things either there are cases of what  that's one of them there are genuine desperate people that genuinely are angry they hear about  Aid coming in but they see nothing and they are genuinely desperate so it's this instinctive  survival like I'm it's like a do or die that's one group definitely definitely Hamas members that are  dressed up as civilians and acting as civilians or Hamas networks of of of Thieves and spies that  are basically scouting
out the convoys they tend to not loot a lot of the medical supplies they  mainly focus on food because Hamas imposes they steal that stuff they sell it they impose taxes on  Aid or there are unfortunately criminal gangs as in any war zone there are criminal gangs that are  opportunistic and they want to get Aid because now it's currency because there's no cash there's very  limited cash that's C in circulation so people barter with it and it's tragic and it's horrible  and I've condemned it and
there are many gazin who are appalled by the attacks on these trucks they  think they're shame they think they're disgusting they think you know how could you attack the hand  that's feeding us the guy that's bringing it to us so I just unfortunately there is dehumanization  of the Palestinian people it's understandable why people will look at some of these images and be  like oh there's no famine they're eating Sharma or oh they're pelting stones at these trucks um  so so like multiple realiti
es are true just to conclude there is a serious serious hunger crisis  in the North there are those who would actually genuinely rather see Palestinians starve and  hungry so that they could keep attacking Israel and blaming Israel for everything and and they  don't want any solution and finally air drops I am absolutely proud of my work on air drops even  as some have tried to say I have blood on my hand for those five people that were killed how dare  you dude like what are you doing what have
you done for the people of Gaza in in in the Quran  okay I'm going to bring it from the Quran it says if if you if you basically help you know a life  if you save one life it's as if you saved the entirety of humanity that's my ethos is I would  much rather a few thousand Palestinians get some Aid than to sit back and say oh well Israel isn't  letting Aid so bad Israel bad Israel bad starve die Goin so that I can use you as props in my  protest or my social media posts and I'm sorry for going o
n and on but as you can tell this issue  for me I have been so frustrated like like how why is it controversial to get food to gazin through  a stupid plane or through a boat like why is that it's not Ahmed it's not the people that are that  are saying these kinds of things have a specific objective they have a they have a nefarious  narrative that they're sticking to you know of of course your aim was to help people but you  can't allow Perfection to be you know enemy of the good you have to mo
ve forward and do what you  can to help as many people as you possibly can and [ __ ] happens [ __ ] happens all the time but  your aim was to do good right that was your goal and that's the goal of you know all the countries  that are have been involved in this right there's France us Finland I can't remember all the names  where there's lots of countries all over the world that have been involved in this and it's obviously  because they wanted to do good as well not because they wanted to hurt
anybody you know but accidents  happen and you know you absolutely should not be feeling like you need to be responding to those  kinds of people because they are not speaking from a place of honesty at all um yeah so they're  not even worth your time so I absolutely commend your work in in the humanitarian airdrops I think  I was very impressed I think you did a great job I'm very grateful that you're doing that um  and I'm very grateful that so many countries are are getting involved and peop
le are being  helped um thank you so much for giving us so much insight for giving us so many there are so  many perspectives and all of the perspectives are true all at the same time and so it's really  helpful you know I just want to take a moment to acknowledge that I'm not just interviewing  anybody right now I'm interviewing a man who's born and raised in Gazza who's had family members  killed in Gazza because of this you know current War that's going on since October 7th you know  this is
very real for you this is very emotional this isn't just an intellectual exercise a lot  of people just like log into Twitter you know retweet their stupid little things and then they  go back to their lives you know what I mean you don't have the luxury of doing that this is  your life that you know when when people are just seeing numbers of people that have died for  you you're seeing my uncle my niece you know what I mean like this is it's it's I'm very grateful  that you are willing to have
these conversations publicly and that you're you know to be honest  I'm in awe I'm quite impressed that you're able to take a step back and to still still see things  with such a clear rational eye you know I've been whenever I read your tweets I'm always feeling  like I don't know where you get the you know where you get the strength to do that to take that you  know emotional distance you were sharing a picture between you and a man who also lost family on  October 7th um so both of you have
lost family on two opposite sides of this conflict and you're  coming together to work towards peace and my God if that isn't like the best of humanity the two of  you you know and so it I'm very grateful to know you I'm very grateful that you're here speaking  with us today and I really don't want you to pay any attention to all of those [ __ ] because  you're doing great work and and we're all very proud of you and all very grateful for you now  thank you for the kind words I appreciate it and
I am also in awe of your courage and all that  you have done over the years and you know I do feel it like you said you you said it best just  real quickly that this is not an intellectual exercise this is not a Twitter exercise this is  life and death this is a karmic responsibility to share desperately needed and and sorely lacking  voices and perspectives um from Gaza I speak for myself I've never claimed to speak on behalf of  anyone else of course but what is an indisputable fact is that a
lot of what I express are different  pieces of what I express are absolutely sentiments that are held by people in Reza people in the  United States I was talking to a Muslim hijabi woman the other day she's a doctor in Southern  California and she was saying thank you so much for speaking out I love what you're saying every  time I try to say anything against Hamas I'm a 39-year-old in independent woman making a ton of  money in the United States my family go crazy and I feel like it's genuine
ly no longer okay or  safe for me to speak out so like this this is absolutely horrible what's happening and someone  has to you know it's like the the three words that I use is I I engage I attempt to convince or I  confront sometimes you have to confront people's beliefs and misperceptions and those awful you  know ideologies and thoughts so thank you yes me yeah no absolutely now I'm going to ask you a  very big question um do you still believe that any kind of peaceful two-state solution is
possible  or how can we move forward from where we are now with both Hans and Israelis feeling safe first and  foremost um and recognizing each other's Humanity how how do you in a perfect world how would you  see things play out from this point forward well I mean I very much so believe in a two-state  solution I believe that both people should have the right to exist on the land I think the fact  that the two-state solution now is exceptionally difficult not just because of what's happening  i
n resda but also the settlements in the West Bank which many Israelis are against and and and  like that is a whole set of of Injustice but I absolutely think that peace is ultim Ely going  to be inevitable because unlike what a lot of these crazy islamists think which is actually  ironically similar to some of the Messianic um voices on on the right in in Christianity and and  even in Judaism like like there are many Muslim voices that believe in Armageddon and believe  in the end of times is g
oing to happen on the land and I I don't believe that people in Reza  are willing to be Pawns in that despicable game and anymore I genuinely think this is going to be  gaza's last war I think this is the worst thing that has ever happened Gaza in modern times some  would even argue worse than the battles that took place between the Ottoman Empire and the United  Kingdom during World War I in 1917 when GZA was taken over I see a fundamental shift that's not  to say it has I mean Godin are trauma
tized they're they're hopeless they're hungry like they're  they're in survival mode right now so like it's going to take some time but I see a genuine seed  for the potential long-term stability in which even if people don't explicitly condemn Hamas or  speak out against Hamas like people don't want war people don't want to be part of the Iranian Le  access of resistance people don't want Iranians and and and Iraqi militias and Hezbollah and  Lebanon making decisions on their behalf they don't
want negotiating on their behalf long term  and so so that's Step One is I I genuinely feel it I see it I hear it and it's one of those like  difficult to capture it's not always tangible it's sentiments it's how it's nuanced language and  Arabic like there's just a lot of sentiments that that's what I'm B basing this before mentioned  on so that's number one number two is I do think unfortunately as is the case in a lot of things  in the world like like this horrible violence is bringing about
renewed attention to this issue  not I'm not talking about the college campuses and the protest and whatever that's its own  I'm talking about like political interests um including the regional um uh political interest  the United States the Europeans like there is renewed interests that could I don't know how as  of this moment um I am involved in some behind the scenes talks but it's not entirely clear how  it's going to do but but there's there are talks about all right like let's actually do
something  to stabilize GDA to maybe launch a road map that could address what's happening in the west bang  through land swaps through a fiveyear ceasefire or just let's just pause violence in the West Bank  let's reain in the settlers I agree with sanctions against the settlers some of them are incredibly  violent and and and and and detrimental to peace so there's that front and then and there are  some behind the scenes efforts that I'm also involved in we're not yet ready to come out fully
  publicly but there are efforts to bolster bottomup peace efforts Grassroots Levels by investing in  already existing organizations that are fragmented and and and and kind of poorly resource to help  Elevate their voices but to also create a loose Coalition of Palestinian and Israeli groups that  are engaged in the longterm kind of propagation of of Peace values and and and demonstra of of  the need for reconciliation but also saying yes there are injustices that need to be addressed but  neit
her people is are going anywhere so short term I think the picture is very bleak very bleak I'm  gonna be very honest with you because the biggest problem right now is it's not clear what could  take hamas's place Gaza and worse I and several analysts and experts think that there's a good  chance Hamas will survive this War I mean they'll survive as an ideology they'll survive as a group  they may not survive as a full administrative body in charge of Gaza but they will nevertheless  survive so
can Hamas and I've written a piece for the Atlantic Council about this like I'm a  pragmatist as well can what remains of Hamas be politically or administratively rehabilitated  we've seen that with the IRA we've seen that with the farc rebels we've seen that even with  the elements of the PLO after they were violent and then they renounced violence and they agreed  to the Oslo Peace process it was imperfect but there are examples in different parts of the world  where once violent groups um evo
lved and changed nevertheless I genuinely believe that this is very  likely going to be gaza's last war at least the last one in a long time even though there's the  risk and this is where the Israeli government has made a horrible Mistake by not having serious  day after plans including even bringing some elements of the Palestinian Authority to fill  the vacuum created by getting rid of Hamas in Gaza because that vacuum is so dangerous we've  seen in Syria and Iraq we've seen in Libya what hap
pen with we've seen in Mali we've seen in the  Sahel region with Burkina Faso and all these other countries and Niger when you have a vacuum sadly  in our part of the world it is usually filled by nefarious players and sadly it they tend to be  Islamic extremists or islamists or outright like terrorists like Isis and like Al-Qaeda so that's  what concerns me in the short term medium-term and long term I actually am far more optimistic and  let's finally just address the other obstacle I think to
the true potential for the Palestinian  people and that is Abbas and the like old guard senior leadership in the Palestinian Authority  in the West Bank I mean they are just as much of an obstacle to new Palestinian blood coming  into the picture that want to govern effectively that want to develop their people that and and  and and and that want to try something else that hasn't been tried I mean Abbas walked away from  an incredibly viable proposal in 2008 by Olmert whether or not that propos
al could have been fully  implemented remains to be seen but at least there was a viable basically two-state solution  that would have entailed most of the West Bank settlements being vacated some territorial  swaps symbolic Return of the right of of of the refugees which I actually want to say something  about like people attack me viciously when I say I'm sorry but there's millions of Palestinian  refugees are not going back there's no right of return as we've been lied to for decades the righ
t  of return as I believe it absolutely should take place in the West Bank and Gaza let's develop  the Palestinian territories let's make them viable places that people who are living in  actual apartheid in Lebanon actual apartheid the Palestinian refugees they want to come back  exactly and or given an option to to to settle in their countries so but Abbas and the old guard in  the Palestinian Authority are just as as much of an obstacle to to to to true peace and coexistence  as Hamas is abso
lutely you you mentioned a little bit about actual aparte in Lebanon and that was  one of the questions one of the many questions on my list here of questions for you that I've  had to forego unfortunately because of because of our time and I want to give everyone a chance  who's um joined us here today to be able to ask their questions or to pose their comments to you  um I'm sure it's been very difficult for you to keep track of everything that's going on in the  chat as well as speaking with
us um but I'm going to open it up to the group I'm I asked you all  to turn off your videos because the connection was bad but you can turn on your videos now and  uh go ahead and click on the little hand IC and you can start asking Ahmed your questions elz  I noticed you had your hand up so why don't you start us off hello thanks Yasmin for organizing  this thank you Ahmed for sharing everything for all you have done for speaking out and for bring  our attention to the larger rout brother um Tr
end that's going on in terms of like what islamist  have done to the Middle East um I'm Iranian so I'm very familiar to this issue it's really dear  to my heart and I uh lived in Iran for 20 years first hand experienced this and what I wanted to  ask you is uh related to Hamas as an um Iranian we know that the Iranian government's not letting go  of Iranian people they are hostage at their hands a recent polling shows that 80% of Iranians  are against this government and yet there's you know the
protests are um heavily oppressed  IR people kill because they don't kill about Iranian people they kill about Islam and um from  what you've have gathered that's true for Hamas as well so my question is like is Hamas going  to let go of Palestinian people and the other question which is I think this is a propaganda um  issue is like how popular Hamas actually is with Palestinian people um I remember there was a I'm  not sure how true it is there's a video of Israeli husted saying I was actuall
y in Palestinian  people is kind of implying that Palestinians work closely with Hamas so for me I want someone  with an inside view to kind of open up that how popular Hamas actually is with Palestinians and  um thank you so much certainly um and yes mean I should answer now or yeah yeah go ahead Yep this  is the table's yours yeah okay so so I mean I've spoken out against a lot of those polls that show  um overwhelming support for Hamas and and and and and my intention isn't to manufacture des
cent  where none exists and I'm not trying to kind of obscure the fact that absolutely Hamas has support  in I mean for and it's a multi-tiered uh uh there are multiple reasons multiple layers kind of think  of it as an onion with a core and then layers up to there are ideological supporters of Hamas and  then there are kind of hamas's created a network of patrons and Affiliates and beneficiaries  who either get access to jobs or to money or to Social Services or to Aid then there are people  th
at just need to get business done or need to get things done whether they business people  or organizations or whatever so they have to kind of kiss up to Hamas and work with Hamas and  and one thing to remember is for example the bath party in Iraq when when you have a system a place  where basically you have one party or government in place to survive in such an environment you  really have to kiss up to the existing regime and I'm again I'm not justif I am simply trans  like delivering what i
s happening you know like people have to kiss up to Hamas in order to either  win favors or to be left alone and then there are others that are apathetic that think this is never  going to be solved it doesn't make a difference so I might as well haha like go along with the  program and then there are others and this is actually a key point the concept of resistance M  uh kind of capital r resistance enjoys widespread support among Palestinians including those who  may actually not support armed
resistance but the idea is that it is a common belief among  most Palestinians that we've been subjected to occupation and injustices and Etc and that like  we have the right to resist uh the occupation now what what Hamas has nefariously done is it not  only hides behind the resistance narrative it has made itself linguistically politically and and  de facto synonymous with resistance so it turned itself from this islamist Brotherhood inspired  organization to we are the resistance and then th
ey positioned themselves they said oh those you  know stinky fet guys or PLO guys oh no no they're cowardly peace oh no no no pieces treacherous  and treason us but we are the resistance so people support Hamas not as Hamas the oppressive  violent disgusting islamist group but believing that this is the form of resistance or that this  is an expression of resistance and again due to people's lived experience due to brainwashing  due to propaganda due to isolation some people are able to both hat
e Hamas while also supporting  it resistance um a lot of people in GZA right now are I mean I promise you with all my heart if  you're if you've lost family members if you're standing in line for a disgusting public bathroom  with 200 people and you have to wait an hour to to to take a lead you're or or if you're in a  crowded you know a tent city in a wet muddy cold space um you're not sitting there and saying like  gee October 7th was so brilliant gee Hamas did us right gee like we've liberate
d I mean Hamas in  its ceasefire proposal to Israel and its counter ceasefire proposal wants Israel to pull back from  sh Rashid Rashid Street on the on the coast and Salah street from uh the center of Gaza basically  instead of liberating Jerusalem or liberating the AA or liberating territories Hamas is literally  now and guys are mocking them Hamas is literally now just wanting to liberate two small streets  in Gaza okay you're not sitting there saying like wow Hames is so like people are not
stupid okay  people espe they see them as billionaires in plad with their private jets too and and and you know  like they go to negotiate in Cairo on behalf of gazin and then they go back to Lebanon and Qatar  and and Iran and whatever so is that sent but but that sentiment nevertheless particularly in times  of war and it's difficult to capture and we in the western world and I'm I'm not saying Western to  be like hipster like I consider myself a Westerner but like there is this Western obsess
ion with  like capturing public sentiments through polls and and and quantifying the information we live  in a Democratic Society here in the United States and yet we got the 2016 election wrong all the  pollsters were wrong so imagine doing that in an undemocratic Society with a tiny sample size  with all sorts of societal challenges and then finally I mean when you know a lot of people when  when when you do face-to-face polling people and you ask people like what do you think of Hamas a  lot
of people in the back of their head they're thinking wow like I wonder if this is an  Israeli informant or Hamas spy person so again just take those polls with a grain of salt  yes Hamas has and will always have ideological supporters that I call the irredeemables but  when we're talking about people at large even people who historically have supported Hamas I'm  telling you they're turning against the group in droves sadly at the same time that Hamas and its  violence is being normalized in Wes
tern audiences and being celebrated as legitimate resistance  it's the height of irony that actual gazin are turning against Hamas but these Western allies are  refusing to condemn it and and celebrating them as resistance beautiful sorry do you mind answering  the first fight to do do you think Hamas will let go of his isi uh Palestinian people I  mean I I I honestly don't even know fully what that means I mean I I I think Hamas is not  gonna let go of power I mean power never gives itself up s
o like I I don't see a scenario  in which Hamas just Retreats and says okay Kal we're done like here's I don't think that's  going to happen but I I I I I also think that it's not just what Hamas wants to do I mean  and that's where I mean unfort Ely Iran and Qatar have been incredibly detrimental Iran  with financial support and Military Support but also Qatar in enabling Hamas to continue its  its its you know grip on on power so until those two backers are are fundamentally challenged or  und
ermined Hamas will wield some type of power or control over the political scene whether or  not that translates to administrative control of Raza that remains to be seen I I don't think  Hamas is capable of going back to governance in a pre-october manner even though they may exert  some control after the war the Somalia scenario Wars me tremendously that Gazza is going to  become fragmented with Hamas and some parts and Clans and others and the Israeli military and  others and and I think that
could be incredibly disastrous but thank you  thank you Ahmed toi you're next hey as me thanks for setting this up this is  fantastic Ahmed what's up man I love what you're saying and um uh to your point about the polls I  really appreciate you bringing this up because um I looked at those um I think it was the Arab  world research and development polls um when they came out and it really um kind of put things  in perspective where was like oh like clearly the Palestinians are the problem here u
m but I think  you rightly pointed out that um you know polling in itself as we all know is an imperfect science  and um especially in a situation like that that is so dire you can't exactly take those results  um at face value and just assume that everything is correct about them so I do have two questions  my first question I would love to ask is when it comes to the radicalization issue um how much of  Palestinian Society do you consider to be let's say radicalized um super quick comment abou
t your  first point uh regards with regards to the polling I mean there was the poll that came out in in  November it had 260 something Gins that responded to the to the to the I mean for goodness sake like  I don't care how much of a statistical significant like I'm sorry I I dispute wholeheartedly the  relevance of a sample that was also at the time there was no war in the South they asked people  in the South not people in the north so like I wholeheartedly refuse the the the premise of of  o
f of those fols but uh um from a statistical sample size I don't care you know so to your point  I mean yes Hamas ruling Gazza for 17 18 years that is g and and and and all not just their rule but  their Ascent to power and I was there when that was happening I mean I remember their influence  in mosques the mosqu close to my H family's house I remember vividly the the the how for example  the Friday prayer sermons they would you know it started injecting their people into the ministry  of relig
ious Affairs and then the Friday sermons you could tell who was the preacher that was like  a regular dude versus who is the dude that was like a Hamas dude the way they would do um use  Ramadan for example and and and to like do to do these like you know and to do these meals and  they bring food and then they get people together and and then they put pictures of operations  operations that Hamas would do against the Israeli targets so there's been a gradual kind of the  glorification of arm re
sistance the rejection of Peace the idea that arm resistance is the only way  to liberate all of Palestine and that any attempt to accept ccept Jewish or Israeli or Zionist as  they say presence on on Palestinian on historic Palestine is anathema to what Islam wants us to  do like that has been a trend even before hamas's electoral victory in 2006 and hamas's Takeover in  2007 and then they took over and then that Trend was just accelerated I mean when the resistance  group became a government t
hey had free Reign they had all the institutions under their control  they had all the territories they had all the Liberties there is no challenge they ruled with an  iron grip nobody could criticize nobody could say anything so yes a lot of people are you can say  radicalized a lot of people are but even within the radicalization realm that is teered it is not  entirely like all quote unquote radicalized people aren't you know a singular monolithic group like  I said some are genuinely motivat
ed by ideology some think that they're being Pious good Muslims  some think they're being Patriots Hamas has also learned over the years before do you know that  Hamas leaders mahm zahar explicitly said like almost 20 years ago that the flag of Palestine  means nothing to us this is a relic of the of the now we have the islamist flag this is the relic  of the British it means nothing and then Hamas to further entrench itself in the Palestinian  narrative and further spread its it radicalization
I should say further normalized its radicalization  injected nationalistic elements into its messaging so look it up Goog Google it you see a lot  of the Kasam Brigade Fighters now they wear patches well when they actually were went on  these parades and stuff now they fight like cowards they fight in civilian clothes but when  they wore their military uniforms all the elite Hamas soldiers started wearing flags of Palestine  patches on their chests because Hamas is saying we are the Palestinian
Army Hamas moved from only  using the Hamas flag and official government post and whatever to always having the Hamas flag and  the Palestinian flag so there is radicalization but it's multi-tiered it's religious it's  ideologically based it's nationalism based and there are also people that are genuinely feeling  powerless they feel that they see what happens in the West Bank with the settlers running them  up with full protection of the Israeli military they think that you know nonviolence in
the West  Bank has gotten this occupation and they F they feel that well then yeah of course like we have  to believe in armed resistance that Hamas is the only POS alternative what a lot of people  Overlook is the fact that the Palestinian Authority and the West bank is largely nonviolent  but they're not engaged in organized systematic nonviolent resistance that is entirely different  the Palestinian Authority is largely invested in kind of preserving their power preserving their  control main
taining their seats a lot of them have fancy Audi's and BMWs paid for by European Aid  thank you very much and some Palestinian taxes but so that's the problem with the PA is that they  have not successfully like Abu ma abas famously said to his people please go out and do nonviolent  resistance it was one of the most pathetic things he ever said because he instead of actually  leading people or directing them to specifics of here's how we're going to do nonviolent resistance  he's like Allah li
ke for the love of God please go and do nonviolent resistance so in the absence  of a viable alternative to Hamas in the West Bank unfortunately the radicalization is going to take  some time to reverse and undo yeah can I just add to that I grew up in Saudi um my best friend  in high school was Palestinian actually so and I remember he said something to me because I I I  heard I would say the Palestinian perspective very much more so obviously growing up in Saudi um and  um I remember at one po
int he s he basically said to me um he was talking about how like he he  would kill Jews like because Jews are evil all this stuff and so I saidwell what if I was Jewish  and the reason I I even said this was because now I'm EO I'm I'm a particular tribe in Nigeria and  we have a the EOS essentially some of them think that they may in fact be a lost tribe of Jews and  things that so there's a possibility I may in fact be Jewish um I don't necessarily claim it but the  point is I asked them you k
now we've been friends now for years and he was like well I'd kill you  too and this is before Hamas um this is 200 I think this is around the second intifa maybe 2001  or something like that and so this is you know my boy we're very close I know his family he knows my  family and so he says something like that and I'm thinking to myself especially as time is going on  like um just how much of this Society can't is is actually deeply believes that that Jews Israelis  should not even be there tha
t kind of thing and and I guess um is it a large percentage is it  like 70% is it 90% um because I understand the polls are not accurate and I'm willing to um give  you the your point on that and it's very fair your criticisms but from The Outsider looking in it  just seems like the vast majority of Palestinians um have a cultural problem where they just want  to essentially destroy and kill all Jews and obviously if they do feel that way then there's  nothing the Israelis can do really in the g
rand scheme of things nothing will plate them um and I  just want to understand how you know from someone on the ground who knows more than I do like is it  fair to say that the vast majority have this issue or is it just like a couple of people have this  issue and the rest are silent and kind of could go either way depending on who's in power like  I'm just really curious about this certainly and absolutely like I said I my intention has never  been to either manufacture descent where not exis
ts or to obscure uncomfortable real like  unpleasant uh dynamics that said I will tell you that definitely not the case that the vast  majority of Palestinians believe this way and I'll tell you why I mean before October 7th a lot of  Gins like I would say half of Gaz top aspirations ultimately were to get a work permit to go work  in Israel or to get treatment permits uh for their grandparents sick parents and whatever and  that included my dad who received treatment in in Israel when he before
he passed away um from  cancer so what I will say is that a lot of the Arab I mean the problem is that so many people who  are genuinely anti-semitic and hate Jews and want to kill Jews they've never met aw Jewish person  themselves in the Arab world most of the Arab world like you know because during the the the  pan arabism of of Nasser in the 50s and 60s uh not only inflamed anti-Semitism and resulted in the  expulsion of many Jews from from Arab countries to Israel or elsewhere but it also
created this  cultural barrier to understanding that Jews have been an integral part of the Middle East for  centuries and that this idea of this simplistic like Jews bad Jews kill Palestinians Jews are  worthy targets that unfortunately has been an attitude among many Arabs because they've never  interacted with Jews but Palestinians ironically have actually had far more interactions with uh  Jews and Israelis not all of them are positive to many gazin for example the only way they think  of li
ke 70% of gazin have never left the Gaza Strip just take that number I mean when someone  is living under Hamas they've never left they have experienced Israeli bombardment they see the  images of the West bang I'm not justifying it I'm not saying it's correct but like it's hard to kind  of try to push them to get rid of that image and and and get rid of that kind of simplistic you  can say violent thinking that said I will say that when I went to school here here in the United  States in in San
Francisco I mean there was a huge there was an agreement uh between our University  and Saudi Arabia there were tons and tons of Saudi students like I think between the modern  generation I think with the Abraham Accords I think with the social media age I think with the  travel I mean Saudi is a very different Society right now than it was just five years ago than  it was 20 years ago than it was when I was there I mean I grew up with the teachers like beating  me up for having long finger nai
ls or or having not covering my mouth when I yawn or eating with  my left hand saying I'm feeding Satan or Satan is taking a leak or taking a dump in my mouth or  my fingernails I mean it was it was traumatizing I was beat up for the silliest of things and I  actually was essentially forced to memorize I memorized five chapters of the Quran okay I when  it was a religious instruction school so to answer your question with regards to Palestinians I don't  think it's the vast majority I I now are
the vast majority of Palestinians going to just hug every  Jew and Israeli they see absolutely not do I think there's a lot of potential for moving the  huge group that's in the middle so let's say you know forget the irredeemables that like let's just  say 25% who are ideologically aligned with either the islamism of Hamas or just the beliefs that  you know like Jews there's no coexistence with whatever and then you have maybe 5 to 10% that  are like overtly let's say probably closer to 10% tha
t are overtly and openly pro peace calling  or or or or or or or willing to engage like I'm talking about the Palestinians engaged in the uh  groups in the West Bank and inside Israel and and even a few very few in Gaza the I'm thinking about  the the the ma the the mass in between those two uh groups I genuinely believe that should there  be sustainable stability sustainable ceasefire Economic Development political development  economic rights alone will not bring about lasting peace there has
to be Justice in terms  of stop the settlements stop the violence in the West Bank access to Jerusalem and and kind of  a long-term a pathway to a a Palestinian state that actually has control and sovereignty I am  willing to go out on a limp and bet my life that a larger number a l a larger number I'm trying  to say this oh my God I can't a bigger group of Palestinians than not will absolutely Embrace Jews  and embrace the idea that we will be neighbors and embrace coexistence and I'll tell you
something  they'll embrace it before many Arabs or Muslims in the nearby Arab countries do because that's  a lot of those people and and I'm sorry with due respect to a lot of the good people in the  Arab and Muslim world and especially in the Middle East they don't really matter because  they've been fed a steady diet of propaganda resistance and even though the regimes in a lot  of these Arab countries have tried to you know like they have their own political orientation  that's more aligned
with peaceful coexistence and diplomatic relationships with Israel a lot of  the people on the street I mean people in Amman, in Jordan are like attacking me and attacking any  Gins that want peace and coexistence I mean give me a break dude so anyway I I hope that wasn't a  rambling answer I hope that was actually useful no that that was perfect uh very briefly you know  man when I grew up in Saudi my boy was Palestinian and the reason why is because I was really the  only black kid in my high
school I was an outcast and he was an outcast so I'm very familiar with  how other Arabs look down on Palestinians it's it's a very real thing that I think it's very  interesting how the Western world is usually not very familiar with that I do have another question  but I want to let other people speak so I I like hopefully if there's time you can come back to me  thank you so much okay um yeah I did want to say that I was surprised that your friend responded  that way because it is weird and a
nd ironic but Palestinians actually are the least anti-semitic  of the Arabs and I think it's because of what Ahmed said because they've actually met Jewish  people they've worked with Jewish people a lot of them were working in Israel ET Etc um whereas  you know I talked about just like my own personal experience my mom is Egyptian my dad's Palestinian  my mom's side of my family like viciously like obsessively hateful of Jewish people and my dad's  side of the family is like we got to work tog
ether but it's because the Egyptians to them it doesn't  really matter it's like what you were saying Ahmed about jordanians it doesn't matter to them they  can just hate because it won't cost them it's just like a it's almost like a it's like a boogeyman  you know what I mean it's irrelevant to them absolutely but when you're Palestinian or when  you're living in Gazza it matters you know what I mean this is your life so you have to you know  your your your health your family's peace security a
ll of those kinds of things they're going to  come first you know what I mean and you're GNA be willing to um engage with Israelis and look  towards a peace process because you just want peace people just want to live Palestinians  are not religious people they're not they're not like pakistanis and they're not like zealots  they're not they're they're political sure they're politically aware of course and there's a lot of  disagreement they hate Netanyahu you know what I mean like you'll you'll
hear those those kinds  of sentiments but when it comes down to just like straight up anti-Semitism hating Jews for existing  you're going to hear that more in the all of the surrounding Arab countries um so yeah and just  briefly to your point yes mean like I mean and you I think this was one of the questions you had on  um on the original list but like the amount of BS that like like two things are true Arab countries  in general have supported the Palestinians in a variety of ways I'm not in
the slightest  denying that and like financially politically and otherwise also true many Arab countries  have treated the Palestinians like utter garbage putting them in isolated ghettos and Jordan and  Syria and Lebanon and saying oh we're treating you like garbage second class citizens for your  own good so that you can one day have the right of return I mean utter nonsense do you know that the  pal Palestinian Authority passport which I used to have um for I became a citizen like was one  o
f the few like most Arabs didn't need visas to enter other Arab countries but Palestinians always  needed a Visa they were always isolated they were always prevented from free access because oh no no  no we don't want you to come into our country you have to have a valid reason for being here or else  you're going to give up on your cause and you're going to give up on the right of return and it's  like give me a break dude like I am just so sick of that attitude that I still think sadly you  kn
ow is is very prevalent today in in terms of like like like I'll never forget this I will never  forget this lady in San Francisco in 2007 when I was a 17y old I'm 33 right now feel like I'm 63  in a 33y old body but I was applying for political Asylum and I was about to you know like have my  interview and this lady was like oh my God Ahmed this is terrible you shouldn't be in San Francisco  you should be in resda because that's the vinest plan is to empty the land from its people and I  and an
d she was a Christian by the way she was not Muslim she was a Christian lady in her tank tops  and I was like well why don't you I'd let I mean I I was trying to be diplomatic I was like I'd  love to see you in your tank tops living under Hamas you know like resisting like and I by the  way like no shaming like wear whatever you want I'm I'm Pro free I'm just saying Point yeah it's  just mm she's she's being such a hypocrite about it but she's in the United States and she's  expressing this sent
iment this is what the Arab and Muslim world have been doing for decades for  the Palestinians it's like go be in your [ __ ] hole go be in your ghettos for your own good  because we're doing this for you you know I'm just sick of that it's for their own good is what  it's for absolutely great thank you so much Ahmed you're right that was one of the questions um but  I'm glad you responded to it uh Julia you're next hi um I'm so pleased to be here before I ask my  question I just um want to tell
Ahmed that I want to thank him personally for helping me get out  of my fog of War you know as an Israeli after we living after living October 7th and and feeling  like everything I believed was upended and just hearing your empathetic and rational um threads on  Twitter really help me get back to what I believe and who I am so thank you for that um I wanted to  um continue talking about the pa um you mentioned of course the corruption and the issues with a bus  and there's always this idea tha
t you know barouti um should come back and I wanted to know what you  think of him you know the polls say that he's a very popular leader do you believe them I think  most of them are in the West Bank the polls but what do you have to say about that and what do we  do with the pay for slay Martyrs fund that is such a huge barrier um for me believing that we can get  to a a two-state solution so several things there um big picture just my ethos um and I criticize  the PA and like people are like
oh now you're just criticizing all the Palestinian leaders um  I actually genuinely think like I want the PA I think if the PA collapses that would be a disaster  I want I actually want the PA to be reformed I want them as a kind of a provisional uh body if  you will that'll help get us to a Palestinian state so my overall interest is in seeing the PA  survive govern effectively and evolve to kind of rise up to the occasion Mr baruti is a lovely man  I was just talking to an Israeli lady in the
90s um she was from sorry an Israeli lady who in  the 90s was working with merits and she was like barouti was one of the first voices that  was a prominent kind of promoter of Engagement and dialogue it's difficult to see how he would  be released I know Hamas is trying to get him released in the in the hostage negotiations we'll  see if that ever happens I'm sure he's a lovely wonderful human being on a lot of fronts and what  I will tell you and I like hear this like chatter behind this is no
t again chatter that's captured  on in in in in in um in some Palestinians are a little bit traumatized by the sinir syndrome so  senoir yah sinir he actually said some pretty reasonable things in the past um again I'm not  saying but like I'm just okay senoir said some like things he even had an interview in 2006 with  an Israeli TV um station that went into prison and interviewed him and he actually like sounded  reasonable um senoir has made some Palestinians worried about somebody in prison
for years and  years coming out and all of a sudden assuming all of this power having all this baggage and  untreated trauma and psychological challenges so that's what I'm hearing from a lot of pales um  regardless of these um you know uh I love the I'm sorry sorry uh just to go stay with your question  so the pay for SLE is a complicated thing for a I mean complicated in the sense that there's an  oversimplification of how it is carried out and conducted I don't think I don't I believe that  t
he PA withh holding like basically they they caused the financial crisis for themselves because  they were they had an All or Nothing approach they said we're going to keep doing this even if it  means our financing is is is is compromised is because you know the Israeli government won't  release the tax money or like International Community I think that's terrible I think that's  not pragmatic I think that's moral morally wrong Etc the one scenario where I'll mention to you  this so-called pay
for slay fund if you will being something that has helped like two samples  of how it has been helpful to some Palestinians is for example somebody does a terror attack  okay it is a matter of policy which has been condemned by the International Community called  Collective punishment BL the Israeli military so let God forbid I go out and I kill Israelis or I  attack Israelis the Israeli military will come to my family's home and they will demolish it even  though my family had nothing to do wit
h it they knew nothing so the so-called pay for slate would  give money to my family to basically give them an altern cuz this policy has been around for a long  time this house demolishment home demolishing uh policy and they're like home demolition I'm  sorry and there are Israeli Peace activists that do nothing but try to combat that so that's  one example and then there are other examples where the same fund the paid for slave fund will  actually also support people that are captured by or o
r are held prisoner by the Israeli military  for reasons other than violent attacks there are some arbitrary arrests there is Administrative  detention there are some injustice so so I'm just again in this for the sake of intellectual honesty  trying to present a way in which the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian public has viewed  this apparatus if you will um that started with the PLO by the way the PLO back in the day used to  pay the Martyr families um money so do I think it should b
e reformed do I think it should be changed  do I think there should be some sacrifices to stop paying like like if if somebody randomly goes and  starts stabbing Israeli like let's put aside the home demolition to pay for their families like  stabbing Israelis or ramming Israelis at a random bus stop like I think that's a messed up use of of  of of the people's funds and I I don't support it but I'm saying there has to be a way in which we  acknowledge that people who are unjustly targeted by as
pects of the Israeli military occupation have  benefited from this fund so can that be separated from then people who you know from this overt what  it's and I'll tell you something by the way I am willing to bet that almost no Palestinian who's  sitting there thinking I'm going to go and conduct a military operation against Israel is personally  directly Feeling incentivized by this fund so I don't have all the answers but I encourage us  to think of how this has actually helped some people and
whether or not that can be separated  um or from from um the rest of the problematic aspects of this fund um but the problem is I mean  I I see the Palestinian Authority prise as far exceeding this I mean this is one and I know for  the Israelis like emotionally charged and and and terrible aspect of the Palestinian Authority and  I absolutely agree and I understand and I give you that wholeheartedly my thing goes beyond  that in terms of the Palestinian Authority in terms of them not providing
a a a a transparent  governance and the true separation of powers AB best basically being fiveyear a 20s something year  a 19-year president on a an expired five-year term um the corruption the theft I mean my goodness  the amount of money that from Arafat days to the nowadays between the PA and Hamas billions of  dollars in AIDS were completely wasted they could have built three Palestinian States not one so  like that to me and and and and and the fat cats in the pal an authority that genuine
ly don't  want a change in the status quo that genuinely don't want to give the younger generation at  chance at governance is appalling like so I think that is a far greater hindrance um that  needs to be addressed and I I wish the United States and I wish the European Union would push  for tangible and concrete revitalization steps instead of just waiting for the Palestinian  Authority to self initiate those performs um so yeah I I I share your frustration  about various aspects of of the Pa t
hank you okay uh so ASF you're next yeah thank you hello nice to meet you uh  I really liked the reading all the stuff that you do really appreciate it um so I have I have  like uh question about like scenarios that will happen after this war or how how could this  war even end like cuz it's very hard for me to actually see what will happen and I have like  a more specific kind of question um if I try to think on the history like my first thought  is like will it be like after World War I it wil
l be like um we had a huge War but it's it  isn't enough or something like that or will it be like uh post World War I where you well you  know something has to change That's my kind of worry so like do we actually see like any um  optimism IC uh scenarios for the end of the war like I don't understood um yeah so I mean  there's something to be said about I mean Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan are often invoked  as the examples of of der radicalization and like post postwar development Etc and a
nd people  Overlook an important yet potentially incredibly uncom fact I mean we didn't we may have defeated  the Nazis and the Japanese militarily but huge parts of Japan were Imperial Japan were left  intact the the emperor stayed around a lot of Japanese troops stuck around with their guns and  weapon even though they surrendered ultimately to the Allies a lot of Nazis were rehabilitated in  Western Germany in the United States Operation Paperclip bringing them to you know look at like  Von B
rown and our Rockets program so like the thing that is chronically missing from the picture  is and that's not because I love H I want H if I could just wave that magic wand just make him  disappear but there aren't any real ideas out there for how do you actually rehabilitate some  or all or parts or a few of Hamas politically and administratively and so I have been like I  said I wrote that paper and and and trying to push for maybe like to retrieve some of the guns  and weaponry that some of
the Hamas Fighters will have to do very lucrative BuyBacks um for for for  for a buyback program for all the guns that Hamas members hold to basically offer some of the  Hamas members an offr to basically in undergo all sorts of training and and engagement that can  allow them to be part of a future uh police force or administrative body Etc that to some people  it sounds awful because after the horror of of October 7th I understand it's very difficult and  and there are some parts of Hamas that
are like I said are irredeemable and are criminal Beyond  any hope um and I do hope there's the equivalent of the nberg trials for some of those folks that  said again Japan's and and Germany's pacification did not entail the 100% of every Nazi or every  Imperial Soldier the two biggest things that I have so so this leads into to to directly answer  your question I think the two biggest missing ideas or tangible proposals or or or forthcoming  plans right now are a security a provisional securi
ty apparatus and I have called for uh a  a provisional peacekeeping force from the Arab world from Jordan and and and and Egypt and others  with economic both of these countries are debt written both of them uh with the right economic  and and and financial incentives would and both of them already contribute to peacekeeping in  different parts of the world especially Jordan would absolutely be VI viable participants who  could play a role in filling that security vacuum so that we don't have an
Isis or a or a mutation  of Hamas taking that over so that's number one and then number two is to actually engage like  basically try to Splinter Hamas try to keep like find out who in Hamas is willing to be part of  a future government based on the understanding that this isn't going to be built upon you know  uh from the river to the Sea armed resistance like all that garbage that ham hamas's religious  political program and I genuinely think that you would be surprised by how many could with
the  right incentives and the right Framing and the right call it protection or the right context  would absolutely jump ship because Hamas is a sinking ship there's no doubt about it so that's  what I've been like behind the scenes desperately trying to say like yella like let's talk guys like  like we didn't fully annihilate all of Japan or Germany we talked to them we we co-opted some of  them so can you co-opt some of the Hamas folks and then the third one um is actually going back to  the
humanitarian Aid I mean I genuinely think that by stabilizing Gaza from a humanitarian point of  view um that prevents the deter even if you want to carry out the military operation I mean Israel  in the past carried out military operations and Wars against Hamas while also having hundreds of  trucks daily Crossing in at a rate that's greater than what we're seeing right now I understand  this is the far greater more destructive more encompassing War but I think stabilizing  GZA from a humanitar
ian point of view is a fundamental component of actually increasing the  likelihood of a better outcome because when you have a population that's not hungry or that's not  desperate you can do a lot more in engaging that population and orienting them towards a different  future and then finally and I would say most importantly deradicalization isn't going  to come from on the top of an Israeli tank the deradicalization is going to be a p gradual  process that is built upon Just Stop The Killing
stop the war feed people prevent famine and then a  gradual Improvement in quality of life rebuilding reconstruction in parallel with a serious  political program to establish a Palestinian State and you know it's like people are like well  we don't want to reward hamas's like crimes no one said reward it but I mean the peace with  between Egypt and Israel came after the 73 War like Wars are often even if they're started by hor  horrific and horrible circumstances or acts it is not uncommon for
Wars to be followed up by lasting  peace or by peace agreements or by a new reality so it's not enough to just rebuild Gaza there has  to be a program to recognize a Palestinian State even if that state doesn't have full sovereignty  immediately but give the Palestinians something to feel like we have this to protect we have  this to work towards we have this to work on and they will absolutely engage in nation building  even if it takes a while to undo knew the trends of of of violence or the b
elief that somehow we  can get rid of all the Jews on the land and I'll tell you right now most Palestinians know that  there's no from The River To The Sea they know that's not going to happen they know Israel is a  nuclear State that's not going anywhere but more importantly Israel isn't just any state Israel is  a state that we have a lot to learn from medically economically uh and otherwise so I I I think and  and one one other point actually just to mention I worry tremendously about the fr
agmentation of  Gaza like the Somalia scenario I think that will be disastrous not just for Palestinians but it  will be disastrous for Israel I worry about the right-wing nut jobs not just smotrich and benir  but there are a lot of organizations backing them trying to resettle Gaza I think that if you want  to save Hamas if you want to ensure Hamas lives on and I mean the wholeheartedly this is not  a talking point you go and try to settle guys that will inject so much life into the resistance 
narrative into like oh you see we told you this is this is all about them wanting to kick us out  and push us out and one last keep saying one last one more important thing to to note is that's  unfortunately part of the failed strategy and how this war was conducted and I mean there was  absolutely a plan to push gazin into the s and when Egypt stood its ground and said absolutely  not that's why this sector specific when they said to a million and a half people in Gaza like  all the military
strategists were like the hell are you doing like there were I've talked to some  of the mil the military folks on the US who were advising the Israeli military I mean the thought  was to do a simultaneous multi- sector offensive um but instead because of a political decision  inspired by some of the crazy right when nut jobs that thought oh this is our opportunity to do  that transfer of Goins finally let's push him to SI they did this like okay we're going to start in  the north we're going to
push people to the South and by the time we get to the South most of them  would have gone into Egypt and that has backfired horribly Egypt doesn't want them Eric is sure so that was asking I'll get you to  translate that please Ahmed because most of my listeners still just just thank you Eric  thank you great question no just my my dream and vision and aspiration for um the G's strip you  know after this um Eric so I I mean I wrote a little bit about this in in my last piece with  hitz in term
s of um I mean I'm absolutely 100% dreaming big and I don't mean that in like a very  like oh I'm Dreaming oh like this is going to be great I know it's Grim I said honestly short term  it's very Grim I'm still mourning the loss of my family members I'm still super concerned about the  operation in raah and its implications I there is so much and and and wondering about What Becomes  of Hamas after the war however I am absolutely dreaming big I think I believe that this is going  to be gaza's la
st war I believe that GZA has an a unique opportunity to turn into the kind of  Beating Heart of an incoming Palestinian State and that will be done by Economic Development  by healing by allot giving people the space to kind of get back on their feet what I love about  the uh airdrops and the Sea The Maritime Corridor even though obviously they're done in Co in  full coordination with Israel as they should be is they've symbolically shown that RDA like by  using the air and by using the sea GDA
has so much potential we can deliver Aid and commerce and  we can move people in and out I ran a nonprofit organization in the United States to build a  humanitarian airport an IDF uh uh un International run airport in RDA um made a lot of progress  um and including with Israelis and talking with Israelis so my dream is to see RDA as a role model  for Effective Palestinian government for Effective stability as a tool towards State Building  and most importantly to prove that when the occupation
military occupation of the West Bank  ends and those settlements at one way or another are addressed either through territorial swaps  vacating uh most of them and other Solutions the Palestinians are incredibly capable of governing  the West Bank and and and which I actually think that is the True Heart of the Palestinian State  because it's geographically bigger there are a lot more resources the Topography is diverse  a lot of those refugees I mean uh in in Jordan and in Syria and in Lebanon
um could totally  come back to the West Bank um I also dream of doing artificial islands off the coast of GDA and  having those become um Economic Development zones and and and and even living environments I'm not  talking about Dubai style ones but I'm talking about expanding rda's kind of territorial reach  to again absorb more people like I'm dreaming big with Hamas however there's nothing good  with Hamas in its current shape and form in control of nothing good is going to happen to to  to
the Palestinian people and that's why I think yes I understand like you you can't you know drop  roses on Hamas I understand that there are violent terrorist group that has to be confronted but a  military solution alone will never address this issue got it thank you sh I see good for you man very impressive Adrien  you're next hi thank you so much Jasmine for hosting and thank you ahed this has been really  uh really helpful I had two main questions uh the first is maybe what's your analysis of
the  US government's current approach with Israel like do you do you think that you know all is  well or they could be doing a little bit more um actions versus inactions and second question  um we often hear two mainstream discourses which is why this is so helpful um either okay Israel  is committing genocide or Hamas is responsible for everything bad happening to Palestinians  and Israel's Justified so it's almost like we have to situate ourselves in one of either of  those two camps um and
so we hear okay Hamas is shooting at its own people and no it's the IDF  that's doing so it's all very confusing so second question I guess is how do we make sense of all  this what news do we look at with regard to the term genocide you have family there what do they  feel is like is there Nuance um I mean you've been speaking about the Nuance the whole time but I'm  still kind of stuck on you know those two camps like it almost feels like you have to choose  one or the other or you're just um
you're sort of accused as walking the line so yeah I guess um  what can you can you speak to that and maybe your family's perspective as well and uh yeah thank you  certainly thank you Adrian um so I mean the United States government is very frustrated with what's  happening right now for a variety of reasons the US feels like it gave Israel unwavering support uh  in terms of uh right after October 7th political backing at the UN vetoing all those ceasefire  resolutions providing tons of Munitio
ns and and Firearms to the Israeli military but a lot  of military advisers believe that the Israeli approach has not been particularly effective  the deteriorating humanitarian conditions have put the United States in a tough position and the  US has kind of lost a lot of its Goodwill Capital if you will by standing firmly behind Israel's  mil military offensive in Gaza and so there's a kind of and we've seen the implications of that  from a kind of the Electoral politics side of it here so the
re's immense frustration there's  immense worry that the United States could be politically directly morally and otherwise be  held responsible partly responsible for having stood behind this um now five month long military  operation so that's why I think the United States pushing the Israeli uh military and Leadership  uh to conduct the the to to allow for greater flow of humanitarian Aid even if some of that has  materialized some of it has not materialized some of it will maybe happen won't
happen um we've  seen also that I think the United States is concerned both politically but even a lot of like  this mainstream Jewish um Community leadership is worried about the the longer this goes on the  way this has been conducted is potentially you know is bringing Global support for Israel to  Historic lows and the United States government feels like it's going to be you know a a a part  of that so do I think more can and should be done absolutely um do I think however there is a  slight
oversimplification sometimes and I catch a lot of crap for saying this but I don't care  people think that the United States can turn on a switch just because yes yes the US support for  Israel is steadfast the US gives a lot of Aid to Israel and Aid generally means you should be able  to exercise leverage over the recipients that is true while it is also true that the United States  cannot just turn on and off a switch that stops the war or forces Israel into certain actions  the United States
criticized Saudi Arabia for its conduct in Yemen and during that war and  yet us support for Saudi didn't translates to translate to a US ability to completely stop that  War influence fully influenced Saudi Behavior Egypt after the 2013 uh uh uh uh situation with  the military taking over and un seeding morsy from Power the United States cut off aid but Egypt  nevertheless stayed on its own course and what it perceived that its own interests and then the US  is eventually resumed Aid so like l
ike there are numerous examples where like turkey for example  like the US cut off turkey from the F-35 fighter jet program uh because the Turks purchased the  S400 uh air defense system from Russia but the Turks went ahead and like persevered so so believe  it or not even with billions of dollars in annual Aid and like even with all the military support  that the United States has presented uh provided the Israelis with the Biden Administration and the  state department and the president the Wh
ite House cannot single-handedly stop Israel's actions or  or or or guide them in one way or another they can exert tremendous pressure and how that pressure  uh uh translates to action is something separate but support for Israel is largely I mean it it  comes from Congress uh some of the ammunitions were approved by the state department so there's a  lot of nuance in how the US can exert pressure on Israel some commentators and analysts out there  they're like President Biden can stop this war
like that he could overnight stop it and that's  just not true even with the billions of dollars that the US provides moving on to um the second  part of your question and I think that like yes I mean when I say multiple things are true  at once I will say I mean there is absolute Israeli propaganda and they'll tell you as much  like there is a desire to say that Israel is not responsible for the suffering arm we let in all  the humanitarian needs as if Israel has nothing to do with what's happ
ening and I've condemned  that and I think that's hogwash and I think Israel absolutely Bears a tremendous amount of  responsibility regardless of the fact that yes of course Israel was attacked and they have like  any Nation attack are going to respond to that attack militarily I'm not disputing that I'm not  saying Israel should just like say okay like we've done we're not going to do anything but to deny  that the Israeli military has committed horrible actions whether they were mistakes whet
her they  were deliberate whether they were bad intelligence whether the weapons went astray like I still don't  know why 31 family members of mine were killed even though I their children as young as three and  four months old shredded like I'm never going to sit here and I don't care what any pro Israel  person come at me dude I don't care what you say that was a war crime that was horrible that  was atrocious and I will forever have grievances with the state of Israel even though I am willing
  to reconcile and push forward and I think this is far bigger than me or my pain or my family this  is about two peoples millions of people finding away amidst the horrible Bloodshed on the other  side there's absolutely Crimes by Hamas I mean Hamas wants hunger Hamas wants dead Palestinians  Hamas and the way they conduct their own they think they're a people's militia they think they  have every right to operate how they see fit so that they can Target the Israelis so and for  years I mean I
helped the dude get his out of bhon in Northern GDA because Hamas in 2014 were  launching missiles and Rockets from his from his home near his areas and when he confronted them  they um threatened him and and and they thought that they like and they told him like what's the  worst that could happen you know you're going to die we're all going to die one day why not go out  as Martyrs you know and he was like screw you I don't want to be a martyr I want to live I want to  protect my family so Ham
as for example absolutely hindered and told people not to evacuate when the  Israeli military people told people to leave the north um Hamas not only hid that information  from people and people ironically had to go on Facebook those who had some internet to listen to  the Israeli spokesperson in Arabi Thea the Kat guy to actually hear the evacuation orders there are  reports that I have heard from multiple people and I've tried so hard to document and some of them  like many have told me that H
amas fired at some civilians who were trying to evacuate because  they want to keep the civilians around so that they could use them as as human Shields does that  mean that Israel didn't attack the civilians that were evacuating no Israel absolutely hit again  you can say it's faulty intelligence maybe there was a Hamas guy nearby whatever so then Gins  were like well we're terrified we don't want to evacuate because we're afraid so they were  caught up between the two parties and that's just t
he tragedy of the situation so who who do you  believe I don't believe any of it I do believe both in a way like like it's both are true like  there's a kernel of Truth to both but both are also propagandists both are lying and both are  full of [ __ ] and Israel's propaganda I will say sometimes I'm like dude like you really  could use a better communication spokesperson and hassis propaganda is so disgusting because  I've Liv through it I know that like they don't want the air drops because th
ey not only want to  control and tax the aid coming in but they also actually like they love scenes of starving like  like these apocalyptic scenes of skinny people like hung dying you know like or or scenes of  gin swarming at TRS my God that injects life into Hamas so I'm saying let's disarm Hamas by actually  feeding people by actually preventing large scale atrocities and Israel has effectively destroyed  most of Gaza right now like the big scale operations are done there's nowhere else to g
o  except Raa essentially right now so use Precision use those drones the same drones that effectively  got that aruri guy in Lebanon the Hamas military dude in Lebanon I think all eyes are on Rafa  right now and how that military operation is conducted could absolutely make or break Hamas not  from the point of view of oh well you're going to decimate their battalions who cares about Hami  battalions they can stand up new battalions in a year in a month they can probably get 500 guys  with some
AKs and a couple of RPGs and call that a battalion a kativa um Hamas will live long term  if civilian casualties and Rafa are atrocious and horrendous and if we see more apocalyptic scenes  of hunger I hope that answered your question it's complicated it's nuanced there are no easy answers  but both things can be true at once um yes me I know we're running out of time I think I can  do one more question okay uh Sarah last but not least hi yes hi ahed thank you for the opportunity  thank you for
speaking about this I really enjoyed the whole Nuance conversation and how you talk  about everything being true all at once and it's really interesting that you don't get affected  by the propaganda and you see the truth behind it I come from Iran similar to elnas so we've  had very similar experiences and when you talk about the two-state solution about how these two  peoples can live together that's very beautiful that's I'm not sure how realistic that is still  because you have a very optim
istic view of things despite everything that's happened to you I don't  know how you manage that I have a very Bleak view of everything and for me it's not just Israel or  just Palestine or just Israel and Palestine in a vacuum I see and I'm not taking away the agency  of Israelis or IDF for Hamas and Palestinians I I want to say that I understand that how this is  just a disaster on all levels happening but I see also how Palestinians and Hamas itself can be used  as upon by the Islamic regime
in Iran because they want this they need this kind of disastrous War  to go on for as long as it does and even if you dismantle Hamas I think that mentality cannot be  dismantled that easily like even if you take away all their guns I'm not sure how realistically you  can get to that TW State solution that looks so beautiful and peaceful and a dream for a lot of  people because I think the Islamic the islamist Allies all around the world especially in Mena  they don't want that they I for whatev
er reason and we know the nefarious reasons behind it I  think they're having a field day at this point and they are feel they're feeding into this volatile  situation by the propaganda every time there is a a protest happening downtown Toronto I can see the  Islamic regime's flags and Taliban Flags I'm like what's the point then I'm not going to go join  this protest because they have the the country's flag that has traumatized me Beyond Health Beyond  uh being safe anymore Beyond being sane an
ymore so I'm not sure how you can reach to that point  and how you can cut off the influence that the islamists have on Palestine and on Israel on the  other side of this whole thing so I mean that's the million-dollar question right I mean that's  definitely a valid concern uh I will tell you this I mean I would never underestimate people's  will and desire to live and and and I I genuinely think this war in Gaza has for so many people  who are now like saying you know what actually maybe maybe
hamas's martyrdom is [ __ ] and most  people want to live even though who support the resistance so I again I genuinely think that  the solution isn't just going to be a matter of deradicalization in people like it's going  to be a pragmatic realization that we need to live we have to make this work and we have to  navigate this incredibly messy environment and situation so I would never underestimate the  power of that just on its own in shaping and and and forging a in shaping a different fut
ure  and motivating people to forge a different path forward what I will say is that I mean yes the  control and influence of the islamist will take some time to undermine but and and and that's  the problem is sometimes like looking at Egypt I mean I wonder like Egypt used the kind of iron  grip approach um and I don't know if for example the current government is no longer owering Egypt  would they islamists then easily walk back in or not so like like there's a thing to be said about  the eff
icacy the short and medium-term efficacy of an iron grip to just like push them out and  and exclude them and I at this point genuinely believe that's the only way forward but I also  worry about an inorganic deradicalization not having the beneficial long-term desired outcomes  um I think a lot of people in Palestine have given a true option to have long-term stability to have  rights to have rights and and and I think there has to be a recognition with all the four mention  I am the first to t
ell you there's an asymmetry of power I I I mean yes they're both sides it's funny  to again two things are true at once both sides honestly do some things that I swear to God are  just like M image of each other with some of the propaganda with some of the dehumanization people  are like oh look at like Israeli kids being taken to a tank Museum and guns and whatever and then  you look at pictures in Gaza of like kindergarten graduations with like guns and weapons it's like  like on and on and o
n so there is a I hate to say it this way because this word is demonized a  bism component to this conf but there's also a tremendous asymmetry of power I mean Israel is a  nuclear Superior Nation with a standing army and Air Force and and an economy and the Palestinians  are kind of disperate groups of fragmented territories and and fragmented political entities  that said I think both people even like clearly Israel's military superiority has not achieved  lasting security for the Jewish peopl
e and clearly hamas's terroris and the Palestinian unwillingness  to fundamentally try something different has not achieved Liberation and freedom so like I do think  in a weird way both people are forced despite you know the discrepancy both people are being forced  now through a horrendous set of circumstances to face the reality through pragmatic a pragmatic  lens and realize that there has to be a different path forward so that's what makes me optimistic  on the Palestinian side but I will a
lso tell you that with a Netanyahu government and bangir and  smotrich nothing Good's going to happen on the Israeli side I don't care how many how much you  want to say Hamas is responsible for it like both feed off of each other like the rightwing in  Israel absolutely and this is actually to I'll conclude on this yes mean this was actually a  point that you uh a question that you had in your original sheet I talk about Hamas being  useful idiots to the anti- Palestinian anti- peace establishm
ents in Israel and this isn't a  conspiracy this isn't like this is like an openly discussed like in Israeli media and Reuters  and Times of Israel and and the Jerusalem Post Netanyahu saying do you want me to prevent the  establishment of a Palestinian State well let me let Qatar send billions or millions of dollars of  cash to keep Hamas power the Hamas morons thought that they were we are persevering and we are here  in spite of Israel what they didn't know is that they were a godsent gift to
Israel they were an  absolute gift from Heaven to the anti- Palestinian forces that said oh look we don't have a viable  negotiating partner Abbas only controls the West Bank Hamas is like Hamas stand and it's a citadel  for terrorism we can't give the Palestinians a state we can't NE negotiate so that's one of  the things that I say to a lot of these stupid leftists that don't know their top from bottom is  like please think of how Hamas has undermined by undermining Palestinian Unity they've
not only  weakened the kind of the the united front for a Palestinian state if you will but they've enabled  the right-wing in Israel to point to hamas's terrorism and say look we gota these people only  know military occupation when I got to keep them under the boot they've enabled Israel to say oh  we don't have a negotiating partner even though I dispute that narrative because I think even though  he abass for all his faults was desperate to get some kind of a deal uh in the West Bank which i
s  ironic it's like well why did you reject the 2008 deal and after that you were like oh please come  back and negotiate another deal nevertheless Hamas has been a useful idiot and and and and and I  mean Israel I mean I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry Israel basically let this mini mini Hamas stand by like  like take shape like Israel had the intelligence they saw the tunnels they saw the armaments they  saw the open training for leading up to October 7th and they thought they could manage them they  th
ought they could bribe them with Qatari funds to keep them in power so that they keep the pal is  divided and so just to conclude and I I insist on concluding on a on a positive note not I of course  it's Bleak of course there's no shortterm I don't have all the answers I see I log in every day man  I swear to God every day I want to walk away from this I work in International Development that's my  like that's how I make my living like every day I I mean yes me I was sharing with you just the 
other day this disgusting threat I get threats and harassment all the time and I don't care  I'm a tough guy I'm I have male privilege like I have the means to defend myself like my stuff  is scrubbed off the internet fine but imagine how many more Palestinians or how many women more  women Palestinian women not just Palestinian men um unfortunately women's voices are often  marginalized in the Israel and Palestine I mean it is both a patriarchal society but also a lot  of women feel incredibly
unsafe to speak their mind and a lot of women if given a chance they  would absolutely be peacemakers so I genuinely despite the like this I mean every day is Hell  at a personal level getting on Twitter both sides the pro Palestine people and the pro-israel  people I would say now it's genuinely like a 50/50 before it was like maybe like a 7030  but like and I'm not out there to antagonize both I'm trying to establish Common Ground across  our differences and that in Tales sharing a lot of unco
mfortable facts and I'm not going to be a  tool for pro-israel people that think oh we just need him to you know criticize Hamas criticize  the Palestinian leadership but keep his mouth shut and say Israel is perfect there's no problems  everything is fine and the minute I open my mouth about Israel they're like oh you piece of trash  you're a snake and you're you're not authentic and you're horrible and like screw those people  and screw those people there's a lot in the middle there are a lot
of people like yourself like like  so many people who are following exactly who who genuinely want something different and I feel  like I have done more to humanize the people of Gaza and to inject that Nuance than a thousand  protests in any Western Capital could have and so many I talk to so many Israelis who tell me  man I was into peace and then I gave up after October 7th and then you help me kind of calm down  a little bit or come back to my senses from that or people who are like you know
what dude I'm all  behind Israel I'm all behind the if I'm all behind the operation but you force me in an uncomfortable  way to actually think that there are civilians who are being killed by our military operation and  thinking about your family and thinking about you and like you have nothing to do with Hamas your  family's not Hamas and yet they're being killed and like that ability to humanize the people of  Gaza is valuable even in a short term even in an intangible way so there's that th
ere is what I  said about I think dazin are done once and for all with war there's I think you know I mean sorry  to end on this also like this this somewhat uh but there's a great book out there and you know  like this is the title of the book it's called Everything Is [ __ ] I encourage you all to read  it it was a bestseller and it was talking about this gentleman who um was a bestseller his other  book was the art something the art of not giving a [ __ ] but his book was talking about how ho
pe  emerges out out of Despair and misery like if life is perfect and everything is fine like what's  why develop hope why want something better so like it is precisely the misery and the war and  the death and the destruction that's taking place in Gaza that gives me hope for a different path  forward for a different future yes that future is uncertain yes we don't know What Becomes of  the vacuum What Becomes of Hamas is Netanyahu going to go is Trump going to come back into  office there's a
ESS array of uncertainties but what I have control and agency over is offering  humaniz well first of all humanizing both sides talking to Israelis talking to hostages talking to  families of hostages and kind of sharing a missing Narrative of Palestinians that is lost in the  polarized World offering humanitarian solutions that save a few lives or a few thousand lives or  feed people and supporting pragmatic path forward offering uncomfortable assessments uh about the  Israeli role in the war a
nd the Israeli atrocities but also about Hamas and about the failures of the  Palestinian uh leadership and the the the the the the just the delusions I mean we need leaders that  don't take Palestinian sentiments and and and and and and just like repeat them we need leaders  that also challenge the dominant narratives and challenge people to not only get out of their  comfort zone but to say hey there's no alternative but peace and coexistence there's no full right  of return those like stories
about I have my kece from hia I'm sorry my my grandparents on both  sides were pushed out of historic Palestine but I know that they're we're not going back to reav  and rla or we're not going back to yaffa okay I know that so we need leaders that challenge that  entrench narratives and I'm certainly no leader I view myself as just one of many Palestinians  who are fed up but I intend to use my Western privilege my male privilege my sense of well-being  and ability to to defend myself and contr
ol myself my my my environment to speak out and to to to to  offer a voice um that's different not like those who come to the Western World who go to Europe and  are PhD holders and yet they are even more radical than than people in GZA it's like I understand  people in the West Bank or in GZA maybe being hesitant or having a hard time seeing things  differently but when you get out and you start promoting the garbage resistance narrative you are  truly the enemy of the Palestinian people so I I
see a shift it's going to happen it's not going to  be Kumbaya we're not going to all hug each other out um well I'm happy to hug whoever wants to hug  but I'm saying the people it's going to be a while it's going to take some time but I genuinely see  a shift um emerging out of this misery and this horror thank you ahed I really appreciate it and I  I really do hope so that you are right about this because we need something good to happen at this  point in this world we need hope and I appreci
ate your positive attitude and the explanation and  the answer thank you thank you yasine we need to get rid of the Iranian regime Sarah just like  they started they started this whole mess and once they're toppled it will help end this whole mess  as well I hate to Center everything around like I'm not a narcist they are I see the evil that  they are and it hurts that so many people are dying because of this evil regime so I need that  hope I need what Ahmed is talking about to be real for my o
wn sake for my own sanity so I appreciate  it absolutely I mean they're not only in they're in Syria they're in Yemen they're everywhere  right yes their tentacles are everywhere and people yeah it's it's a a lot more exactly it's  a Hydra you cutas there will be something else coming so way beond Hamas versus Israel exactly  so this hope it it's really is helpful so thank you thank you yes thank you thank you very much  Sarah for your question as always so thoughtful um and thank you Ahmed for
giving us so much of  your time you still got quite a few people that want to ask you questions but um you did say  that you wanted to head out so I urge you to take a look at the comments that are happening in  the chat here and so you can see all the people that are sending you their love and thanking  you so much for your rational voice in such an irrational time um Adrian commented on it and  so did you about how there's these two camps both extremists both only willing to see black and  whi
te simplistic childish uninformed you know um extremes and it's really it's really good for  all of our hearts to hear your voice and um to know that there are rational people and that we  belong to this community here in the middle and that we don't have to choose one of those two  sides and I promise you with all my heart and wholeheartedly and sincerely that they might  not be out spoken they might not be on Twitter with thousands of followers they not might not  be writing articles online bu
t thousands upon thousands of Gins um genuinely think and believe  various pieces of what I've been sharing for the last couple of hours even if they're unable  to express it um and and and I encourage you to always resist the temptation to think of  any people gazans Palestinians Muslim Muslims Christians Jews Z as a monolithic singular group  and there is a silent majority that absolutely rejects the garbage of islamism and Hamas and  genuinely wants peaceful coexistence even if they it takes
a while like they absolutely would  welcome that over martyr them and being used as ponds by the mulas in tan yeah absolutely and we  need to support them and we need to empower them thank you and we need to feed them too we got  to feed them first so go air drop we got to go up move up the Maslow's hierarchy of needs here  but yeah absolutely you're absolutely correct thank you so much everyone and thank you so much  Ahmed take care bye bye bye y'all thank you after hearing all that you might b
e left wondering what  can I do how can I help well this is why I created a nonprofit called free Hearts free Minds we are  the only organization dedicated exclusively to helping these free thinkers we Empower them with  our programs and supportive Community lifting them up so they can heal speak out and begin to make  positive changes not just in their own lives but within the broader Community around them if this  is a cause that resonates with you and you want to make a difference one way to
do that is by  donating to free Hearts free Minds because not enough people care about this cause we need people  like you to help fuel this change you can donate via our website free Hearts free  thank you every dollar you donate makes a difference
