
AI for Nonprofits - PART 4

This practical guide explores how nonprofit organisations can use Artificial Intelligence for good. This video, part 4 of 4, looks at AI regulations, ethics and reputational risk. To purchase a copy of the full video guide or a quick-reference PDF for your organisation, please email (bespoke edits available, including branding). Links/further reading: - OECD Principles on AI - UNESCO Recommendations on the Ethics of AI - EU AI Act - Explore and compare the AI policy landscape across different countries and territories - Furniture Bank Case Study Useful tools/resources: - Charity Digital AI Hub - Charity Excellence AI Toolbox (including template AI risk assessment) AI contribution: - Voice generation : ElevenLabs - Image generation: Canva Magic Media (powered by Stable Diffusion); Microsoft Bing/Copilot (powered by DALL-E3) - Text generation (drafting, re-wording, re-styling): Microsoft Bing/Copilot (powered by GPT-4) --- Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction/Contents 00:20 AI Regulation - overview 01:42 AI Regulation - actions for nonprofits 02:39 AI Ethics - overview 03:06 AI Ethics - trustworthiness 03:22 AI Ethics - environment 03:52 AI Ethics - ethical storytelling 04:54 Mitigating reputational risk - policies and pilot 05:50 Mitigating reputational risk - human-centred approach 06:48 Thank you and contact details


2 days ago

welcome to Resource vs guide to AI for nonprofits part four in this part of the guide we'll explore how nonprofit organizations can use AI in a responsible way looking at AI regulations ethics and reputational risk regulation is necessary to ensure that AI is used in a beneficial ethical and responsible Manner and to mitigate the potential harms and risks that it may posee to individuals society and the environment however AI regulation is a complex and dynamic field as AI Technologies are const
antly evolving posing new challenges and opportunities the current state of AI regulation is largely inadequate and inconsistent some of the issues and impacts of AI are transnational and require Global coordination and cooperation there are some initiatives to develop and promote International standards for AI such as the oecd principles on artificial intelligence and the UNESCO recommendations on the ethics of AI but they are not legally binding or enforceable the European Union AI Act is a pr
oposal to establish the first comprehensive enforceable AI regulation in the world which is likely to have a significant influence on regions outside the EU as well well the approach is to classify AI systems according to the level of risk they pose to users in society and to impose corresponding proportionate obligations and requirements when using AI you should be aware of the rules that apply to you and your organization to ensure compliance and accountability you can do this by staying infor
med and updated on the latest developments in Ai and regulation joining networks and communities that share knowledge and best practices and seeking expert and legal advice when you encounter uncertainty or complexity you should also consider how AI regulations might affect your beneficiaries as regulations can have a positive or negative impact depending on how they're designed and implemented make sure to engage with your beneficiaries to better understand their perspectives and needs evaluate
and measure the outcomes and implications of AI regulation on your beneficiaries and advocate for AI regulations that serve your beneficiaries and respect their rights AI ethics is the study and practice of ensuring that AI is developed and used in a way that respects human values rights and interests AI ethics is particularly important for nonprofit organizations as they often work with vulnerable groups and have a duty to ensure that their use of AI does not harm or exclude the people they se
rve or violate their rights or dignity a good starting point for AI ethics is to consider the trustworthiness of the AI Source you should know who developed the AI system that your organization is using and how it was developed including what ethical principles or standards were followed another key aspect of AI ethics is the impact of AI on the environment regardless of your organization ation 's environmental stance you should be aware of the debate in this area and be ready to explain and def
end your decisions on using AI to your critics consider the views and expectations of your donors corporate Partners volunteers and beneficiaries who may all have strong opinions on this subject the way in which nonprofit organizations present and communicate their work and impact to their stakeholders and to the public is extremely important ethical storytelling is the practice of telling stories in a way that respects and empowers the people whose stories are being told and reflects the comple
xity and diversity of their experiences AI generated content can be very useful in this context as it helps to create diverse and inclusive representations whilst protecting the identity and privacy of beneficiaries and enhancing the visual appeal and engagement of their stories however AI generated content can also raise ethical issues and risks such as deception manipulation bias and accountability your nonprofit organization should be aware of this and take care when using AI to ensure that y
our storytelling remains ethical especially when working with vulnerable people reputational risk from the use of AI is something that will need to be independently assessed and carefully managed by your nonprofit organization one of the best ways to mitigate reputational risk is to have strong internal policies and monitoring mechanisms in place addressing key questions such as how the use of AI is aligned with your organization's Mission Vision aims and values how your organization ensures com
pliance with relevant laws and regulations and how AI use within your organization is monitored and evaluated before implementing AI at scale it's also advisable to carry out a pilot within your organization to test its performance accuracy and reliability this will help you to identify and address any potential issues or problems before they become serious or widespread another key strategy to mitigate reputational risk is to adopt a human-driven or human- centered approach to using AI this mea
ns making sure that humans are always in charge of the technology and make the final decisions on its use in ways that respect human dignity rights and interests it also means not allowing users to rely too much on AI to carry out their roles and responsibilities as this can lead to a decrease in quality of work learning and skill development be especially careful in situations where AI substitutes for human interaction and poses a risk to Human well-being such as in mental health evaluation or
Support Services finally ensure that anything generated using AI whether completely or partially is checked and verified by at least two human beings before being used for its intended purpose thank you for taking the time to watch this guide for bespoke resources and Consultation Services please email hello
