
AI Video from SORA Has People Worried - Behind the News

Open AI, the company behind ChatGPT, had the world talking again last week when it released examples of AI generated video. While some are excited about it’s potential, others are scared of what it could mean for jobs and for news. We look at the issues around AI video and why it’s such a big deal. __________________________________________ Subscribe TikTok: Facebook: Instagram: For the past 55 years, Behind the News has been helping to break down current issues and events for young people all around the world. The program is a high-energy, fun way for people to learn about the stories we see in the news while providing background information that isn’t usually given by other news bulletins.

Behind the News

2 hours ago

[Music] oh Nat thank you for waking me up what what's going on you're a genie yes and this is your moment to make any dream of yours come true that's a lot of pressure um no you know what I've always wanted to visit a cathedral that is filled with cats like completely filled with cats and and in the corner could there be a giant cat King sitting on a throne can you do that [Music] sure yep to many people this Sora thing seems pretty magical only the real Sora looks a lot less like this and a lot
more like this it's the latest addition to the open AI family the company behind Dary which can create images from text and of course chat GPT which can write basically anything you ask it to well Sora is is their newest sibling and she creates videos yes any video your heart desires H I wanted to visit the real cat Cathedral according to open AI in just a few seconds Sora can create a 60-second clip that's scarily specific and detailed for example a litter of Golden Retriever puppies playing i
n the snow or a petri dish with a bamboo forest growing within it that has tiny red pandas running around [Music] Sora is even able to animate a still image and even alter an existing video now Sora isn't the first program to do this sort of thing but it is the most realistic and it's certainly caused a stir internet just changed forever hopefully it's not that catastrophic to the world experts say it could revolutionize the film and TV industry and it could be a great tool for young creative pe
ople kids now at home can become the next Steven Spielberg because they have an amazing imagination and now they don't need cameras and actors in the studio and tens and hundreds of millions of dollars to create a movie they just need their imagination but there are also worries it could take the jobs of a lot of people working in Creative Industries I could even do your job Nat his virtual n uh no um no I'm all right thanks but the major concern is a potential rise in Miss and D information I t
hink we should be excited about the technology but at the same time we are seeing harm from the technology we are seeing people use this for bad things we've already seen AI used to make fake videos and voice recordings of politicians and some are worried that as AI gets better we won't be able to sort fact from fiction hey hey Nat do you want to see a video of you presenting a really important speech in front of a whole bunch of people yeah sure with no clothes on no what no that's it I've had
enough of this how do I put you back in here there's no putting this Genie back in the bottle lamp it's a lamp yeah For Better or For Worse experts say this kind of tech is here to stay which is why governments and experts around the world are working on ways to make AI safer the good news is that technology is going to come in the next 10 or so years that's going to help protect us there is there going to be what's called digital watermarks little stamps of um authenticity that will be added to
All U media whether it be audio or video that we look at will vouch for the Integrity of that and it hasn't been edited in any suspicious way at the moment Sora is still in the testing stage and it will be a little while before it's available to the general public but in the meantime experts say we all need to think critically about what we see and read online you know there's a great adage if it sounds too good to be true it is that's not bad words of advice when you're um on the internet hey
can I see that cat video [Music] again who you made this it's really [Music] good
