
AJ & Crew - The Walking Dead: Destinies - PART 2 - EIGHT HOUR FINALE

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AngryJoeShow Live

2 months ago

m [Music] aache ell what's up man  we muted this time no we're good I think we're good okay let me see  you know yeah buddy it sucks that I can't press the button anymore  for twitch so now if I could just get I don't know what to do about that you've  been waiting to see us play this well this is our second video of this one that's right  go back check out the the first one part one found some interesting bugs we did  I forgot I erased it from my memory Joe what what bugs were there I was crouc
hed the  guys like oh yeah they can't attack literally they can't sieg you if you crouch stealth is  Amazing Joe's really good at stealth that's when you know the game is broken I think  this oh you got it [ __ ] it ja what's up Tony bitman medic angry mecky Josh the  yeti sad this wasn't nominated for the most Innovative gamep playay yeah what's  wrong with them why didn't they nominate this is it twitch launch maybe  they don't know what Innovative means those bashes 27 months enjoy the  holid
ays fellas and thank you another great month dedicated to great content well you  are too kind too kind oh boy here we go so here we go Zeno have fun um I think we're playing as  the only one having fun is you guys watching us play this [ __ ] you know what Joe [ __ ] you  God damn it oh I failed because remember we had to go to the movies I had to pick up like five  medical supplies or some [ __ ] like that yeah I remember I don't remember you you remember  I don't remember remember I'm going g
et some food no I did not you're about what oh yes oh  is that I I don't know that [ __ ] looks fake it's all like it's all like Wolverine Wolverine 2  X-Men X-Men 3 or X-Men squared that [ __ ] looks fake I literally just saw it what is X and be  wantest see I don't see [ __ ] all right you want to see [ __ ] what did I I literally just had  it Jesse where was it here yeah I think it was on the IGN one hold on I'm worried about [ __ ] only  fans f porn and stupid thoughts that's the only way st
upid [ __ ] Z nasty why you so mean [ __ ]  Twitter is a terrible [ __ ] place now it is here it is it's not Twitter it's X it's [ __ ] piece of  [ __ ] [ __ ] Elon Musk is whatever anyway so here you know Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 2  online [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Wolverine in 2025 and then Wolverine online and then X-Men online before  X-Men this is [ __ ] [ __ ] nobody believes that and then look at how Jesus Christ look at how  poorly done this fake image is placeholders so we go fro
m X-Men to X-Men 3 shut the [ __ ] up  get the [ __ ] out of here you dumbass and if it's real then you got a dumbass company  filled with dumbass ideas whatever sticks right all right that's that that's this and  was it that one and is it the heavy okay what what what's the other road map post it you  can't post it cuz we you don't have a AJ Shield sub you're welcome buddy oh great a wonderful stealth section here  for Joe he's going to turn around [ __ ] this time stay don't turn around don't
turn around  girl wow baby hello hello hey Anthony dinardo magic Joe 64 months he's still supporting us  all these years later after we met that that magician and we still haven't learned any  magic tricks from him that is correct but one of these days we biscuit thank you  for resubscribing Zach gazi gifting subs and chat and OJ has now ruined everything  so he's got the whole wh they were being loud really Joe out of here get me out of here God damn it you final 17 that's what  it takes [ __ ]
it just get them all you're crouching with a hord ah come on  and then you put us in this mode where we can't see [ __ ] we've already said this get  off of me what a [ __ ] swipe put you into the oh he's on top of me animation well see  what happened was he was looking for the ref he was like I got him pinned guys he hit you  from behind and you fell from the top [ __ ] stupid they that's how feel animations they  had there's no animation for when you get hit in the back okay for real Z all ri
ght [ __ ]  nur's office find the nurse's office hang in there girl hang in there girl oh he just popped  buy one item get a second one from particular buy one get one free popy is doing buy one  get one free love that chicken and Popeyes Jo you hungry you want to well look hold  on before you make your decision see what else what's that movie is it little Nikki  what movie Pap by chicken this she what no you don't remember that what are you  talking about it's from Little Nick yeah all right we
ll I guess I'll get two chicken  sandwiches one of them will be free I'll eat them both this time stay there oh it's only  for their six piece crispy wings from Popeyes oh what how that's no that's  not how it works choose your first wing flavor I'm exhausted sweet and  spice what you barely did anything darn it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] qu is why are you not letting me pick the stupid buy one give one free you can't change the flavors I need a bre brether get away from me Joe you  know I can see you
right nope hey hey to gay on thank you man Brando the Mando is  this messing with you am I moving you yes I am was running Hammer 77 20 months thanks  for jumping on this particular grenade happy Christmas Merry Christmas Happy  Christmas Zach with some more thank you Zach now that they're over there I can just  take off two to the right to the right to the left stop following me I'm in the building  which way well we're getting 12 wings for the price of one he stuck Alex you hungry  I've got le
ftovers I've got for today okay [ __ ] the other one's coming Chad are  you hungry what should I do what should I do stay put what should I uh hold on what what  are you telling me to do cuz I think that's what it was last time I don't want to fail uh  Daryl my horse got spooked by a snake threw me into a river bank I landed on my crossbow  bolts and I'm bleeding pretty bad not sure if I can make it on my own stay where you are  we'll have the cavalary get you out of there we can't lose Daryl he
's too strong a Jo  are you Moon walking what are you doing I'm trying to push it Forward are you  really yeah well I guess I just leave it there oh zombie is way stronger than  you so apparently popey's has wings now I guess I'm we going to order another Wing oh can I do another buy one get one free  break their [ __ ] system [ __ ] they saw me [ __ ] they saw me ah God damn it sweet  and went right through her get off of me the sweet and spicy wings have gotten really  soggy really suck the gh
ost pepper ones are better what what are you talking about how can one be  one's a dry rub and one's a soggy breading duck the outside of the wing you've had a Popeye's Wing  uhhuh how are they they're small but they're fine Garb get closer so what are you saying for me to  switch it to so it's sweet and spicy ghost pepper Wing or honey barbecue garlic parmesan signature  hot you're saying if you want sweet and spicy get Ghost Pepper instead I just I when I ordered them  they were really soggy w
hen they showed up yeah so you ordered an U oh what the no I would got it  [ __ ] you come from were they bad no they're fine but they were just soggy yeah yeah I'm going  to get soggy no matter what only because you know it's Uber Eats and yeah good thing they don't  know how to go around the trash can I would have done y he's going to St I got you [ __ ] I say  I got you what you say to me [ __ ] [ __ ] you Joe How You Like Me Now oh why' you damn it I  wanted him to kill you wanted you to eat
your [ __ ] words you can't you can't find a way  around help me dick now I'm going to block it off you saw that chat ha I  could use some meds shut up some meds be nugget Ste good [ __ ] soggy ass fries or do I even bother with that  I don't think I should bother with that get some strawberry biscuits man instead of fries oh [ __ ] view cart you got  dings [ __ ] aim and honeybee sweet and spicy go to check out stealth let's go now buy one get one free I do it oh great more points tells all th
is [ __ ] made it looking  for the name of science uhoh right between Admiral bro code I thought I'd start off with a  joke about the Titanic jokes just to break the ice t two baby thank you so much extra thank  you what it didn't what you stood right next to him did they update this game did they put  an update I don't know cuz this the zombies are seeing Joe when he's doing it didn't let  me [ __ ] execute or do stealth they better not have patched this game they better not  have get out of he
re I want to see all the silliness but one get one one  free can I go through yes I can I one get one fore I need some drugs Derek Queen and buy one get  one free hunger buster with Chi hunger buster with Chi God damn it get off you Pricks got a second win I don't have the strength for big swing anymore well now you  do yes Jimmy it is how did you know Tiff treats got buy one give one free  they have like sales going on something yeah buy one dozen cookies give one dozen free  that's a good one
I'll have to remember that one this will distract them [ __ ] no it  didn't distract them he's still looking at me I guess we'll just go with pom Pine T in the Box buy one get one  free large girly fry and a Sourdough Jack what thought this one was dead already between CH what do you feel like eating P jangs by one get free  this guy stuck spicy chicken never going to catch me oh missed oh wow you missed you're like perfectly covering the  zombie you better not miss when you covering the zombie
oh missed you missed through the table just got a  bunch of wings I know I'm going to be disappointed got I miss [ __ ] it let's  go I'll take that thanks I need to take the edge off totally get on totally  what did toon do take that thanks says that um I should eat some sushi  CU gross OJ looks like he wants some sushi yeah Zach gazi I played that there's  a video I think did I not put a video up on the angry Jo show Zach can you do me a  favor can you go to my channel and see if I put that vid
eo up terminator dark fate  video if not I got to put it up you do me a favor this guys are going to get  Joe I know it they're clipping through the ground no they're  technically not but it looks like it actually they are clipping  through the ground their hands there God damn it failed I don't  get it you failed the Expedition but you went to go rescue him didn't you did I miss  something I thought you went to go rescue him collect medical supplies there it is oh man is this worse than the fir
st person  one [ __ ] I don't know we're going to have to play a little longer they're yeah what is  this let's go through the doors God you got a shotgun everywhere this baby packs a Punch Yeah  find her Keepers [ __ ] not up on the channel what the hell did I do wrong got it thank you  let me look let me look around see if I ever made uhoh Terminator what what was the game Terminator [ __ ] get through here  dark fate defying not what I wanted can't believe I didn't put that video what I got r
eaction videos I got showcases  but not the actual stupid reload [ __ ] all right thank you for the reminder on that it might  be too late maybe we just wait for it to come out [ __ ] up away from me it it wasn't that  it wasn't good it was that it was a little bit different style RTS than I thought  and I was planning on doing it but like I said I got busy there was a lot I wanted  to do and I didn't get a chance to do this year get it that guy with the drum get it all right I survived now what
oh okay oh you  just went to the cut scene go to the west side of school there's another all you got to do is  just wait for the timer and then we get black screen and then we just then we win just go  to the next thing okay what they weren't there earlier this time take don't mind if I do this time I I hate guns but it's the only way to get sh  that te what what the [ __ ] flavor is this kers Herer K what is K Cherry bler I can't even read the other one right between the eyes bers keepers don'
t mind if I do these [ __ ]  voice clips are so stupid yes nice and easy oh [ __ ] let me go oh no let me go there's a Coca colola flavored one in  this gross this is a Coke flavored sour strip it's actually not bad this time de right through the score right through the score the  same [ __ ] three sound Clips over and over maybe I should have shot that one Jack Lock and Load prote Shan lock and lo move  your ass thank God this isn't my first time firing a gun lock and low it is my first  time s
aid move your ass whoa the aiming if we didn't have the auto aim you wouldn't  be able to aim that's not auto aim yeah that's got you I need healing eggegg you  got the Egg book you got Eggers Keepers do that do that my blood boiling mobster 83 thank you for making it  more entertaining alisar thank you for the Bitties this aim sucks stop it Joe what do you  want me to do aim I would love to see you do it I'd love to see you do it you just did no I  didn't you didn't do it Joe try thank God this
isn't my first time firing a gun bers keeper  move your ass what do you think that was the worst game of the year I ain't telling you  you see that you got to watch our top 10 list you know do it on that one doing aim on this one get him Joe get him do it slower slower what the sensitivity is broken in the [ __ ] game okay you walk right into  it you're going to duck yeah a come oners Shane's in trouble Shane's in trouble wow baby hello would you like to purchase a sexual  encounter would you l
ike to purchase a sexual encounter or hold dendon if this doesn't  make top 10 best we know that the list is s this doooo baby adjust the sensitivity then  to what it's going to [ __ ] it up again oh my gosh this orange one is  so disgusting it tastes like the smell a sweaty armpit oh my God Jo yeah  I have to try this what the [ __ ] noil yeah oh what' you do it's so gross  Joe but try these other ones first and I know you don't need a lot of candy so just  you know take one bite I'll eat the o
ne that went on the floor give it to me I got it so  that one's a normal one that one is supposed to be Cher did you put the whole thing in  your mouth MH oh you better not do that for the pit one see that pretty good right it's  it's all right you know it's not okay hold on put the whole thing see 10 you're supposed to buy a little  bit of it suck on it and then chew it I'm supposed to do did I win I guess I won Joe  stop playing on the camera we're on candy time fell out of frame y God damn it
Joe this is candy trying time  now okay St defeat the Walker you done with that one yeah I'm done all right do you want to  try the cola one sure I think it's prettyy good good and I don't normally like the color ones I  wouldn't recommend eating the whole [ __ ] thing all right Joe do do however you want to do it but  if you suck on it you can get more flavor from it that's just a that's too much in one bite  yo I know how to do it half too much take the little Coke bottles little Coke gummies
okay  so now after you finish that one this is [ __ ] nasty well that is your problem these are  vegan this [ __ ] this [ __ ] nasty Jo Jo suck on this one no what no you you bite a piece  and then get the flavor you don't just stick the whole thing in your mouth and [ __ ] swallow  how do you bite that's how you bite no I was trying to that was the sucking part the bite  you said bite I was like that's not how you bite no they're not live first these are some uh  these are these are from Europ
e mhm pasta Basta saver all right I'll do it with you here I'll show you what you're supposed to  do they H right and now suck on that is nasty that [ __ ] nasty yeah I'm  not going to eat that I throw that one away and you suck on it more oh my God it  gets worse it's a [ __ ] pit Alex you had to try this it's underarm pit so it's Cola  Cherry raspberry and tropical yeah that is that is supposed to be the tropical passion  yeah it's like really doesn't have his camera on yeah it's really bad yo
u see what I'm saying  about the pit taste Joe yeah yeah they try to do never I wasn't lying Chad ly it's like underarm  pits that's gross whoa I only have two more of those that I can throw at my enemies they're  like poisonous all right thank you Joe for doing the candy cam Chad we love it when Joe does  candy cam right bad bad that was bad it's still on my tongue look at you see the orange yeah I  wouldn't buy that pack again though I mean the other ones are all right yeah but I don't not  en
ough to no not enough to buy it defeat the Walkers Finders Keepers oh [ __ ]  he wasn't walking how is he faster than the other ones does this  game ever do anything right no waste your shotgun shots on that from me [ __ ] [ __ ] was there a boss battle  in the show I don't remember [Music] no oh he's coming let me go what the [ __ ] oh no go reload the table has defeated him a these [ __ ]  more of these [ __ ] they're just going to SP men right there shotgun are you supposed to defeat  a set n
umber I guess cuz it just says I just got to get the big guy no it  says defeat the Walker Oh God you pricks I'm not done just yet the [ __ ]  music only one lung so poorly done Joe oh my God I thought that zombie  was dead it just clipping into the ground did you see the shotgun  [ __ ] pellet thing Chad do you Joe go look oh the shot fell what the  [ __ ] they just disappeared son of a [ __ ] that shirt man look that guy's shirt is clubing shoot him in the booty ho I think he missed what what
the table was in the way you're going to die hit box all this  stupid J the [ __ ] hit it's so Jank what are you doing you Pricks well  you had no choice I mean my blood's boiling I'm not done just yet  shut up Shane [ __ ] annoying eat this eat [ __ ] oh he got you oh he didn't get you  reload reload Like It's Time Crisis wait is it Time Crisis what's the light gun game  time cop Time Crisis I think it's time Time Crisis so I got it right said the wrong one oh  no house of the dead but Time Cri
sis did it too right get away from me right between the oh no now we get to pick up  the revolver on the table Lock and Load that now that's okay I was about to  say that's a bull get out of [Music] here this is a ter I see a crawler  this is a terrible boss battle huh yeah is that what you're going to say yep  is that health over there I'm about to go check it out yeah no can't do that we  better use it right now this helps all right when the [ __ ] has it  just like infinitely spawning or what
get off of me a [ __ ] oh combat roll oh my God at this 30 second music Loop  too Jo last bullet what let me go is this for real unfortunately this is never ending this is  your life now Joe don't say that no yeah like I think you might have died and gone to hell this is  just it the hell is that wait for you don't have a satisfying life no joy no happiness no jokes  no women no no nothing nothing oh come on just zombies this is the worst don't  die cuz you're going to have to do this all over
again no no I need  to get one of them then fast one come on you prick rful you should have taken advantage  of rful but it's back off back off it's too late now whoa that's better whoa feel like breathing  with only one combo me go okay you're on the final you're on the final wrong yeah that's that that's  just that guy and that's it no he's too fast oh no you panic that Sledgehammer is way too slow Joe  it is you will lose got a second win Joe we we did it it's just one more maybe grab the axe
okay  the two crawlers are coming don't don't even look at them that's it's not happening don't worry  about it they're just crawlers okay okay nope too far cool yeah cool cool cool cool wait me  cool cool is that a shotgun with more more ammo they're all out of ammo all I'm ex the combat  roll he's exhausted combat room this baby pass [Music] punch D how do you like okay bug time  to show you what I really [Music] do I L Chad what the [ __ ] then  Joe has to be right it has to be the there was
a light attack it's  got to be the big guy it is but just [ __ ] Health back table I never want to  hear The Walking Dead theme ever again I I am getting so [ __ ] getting angry  [ __ ] done with this game made Joe angry wow cuz I can't even get my swing off it's like  too early too [ __ ] late let's pick up that machete Joe you're putting yourself in a corner  it's got to be a machete somewhere let me oh that you looking for it I where that need some [ __ ]  help are you crazy oh my God you PR
I you're wrathful go oh okay all right we're good what what  the [ __ ] was that holy [ __ ] you hit him with a grenade about half the health I used to I'm half  the man I used to be oh what the [ __ ] this is hell [ __ ] this is literally hell what do you  mean defeat the Walkers chat are you seeing this yeah raffle raffle out [ __ ] okay you got it  you got it it was him he only had to oh I was I was [ __ ] stuck in the animation oh but did  we get it cuz we got it and then we didn't get it so
the game registered we got know the game  is broken you lucked out you di but he got it but then he didn't get it Jesus Christ does not  look like sh how can I help you okay you know oh it just gave you the cut scene but then but  then it gave you the [ __ ] game over screen so this game is [ __ ] trash I think it might be worse than the first  person shooter one damn when what video did I have that out oh my God he's got to do it again  so let me say thank you to death row 49 Londo malari my B
abylon 5 brother uh whose idea was  it to play another zombie game seriously though keep with the good work guys John diaper I  like John diaper who would have thought a game based on Seasons from a TV show nobody  watches that aired over a decade ago was see such a masterpiece dead is still airing it has  lots of spinoffs I don't know who watches it he should have fell down is the demographic that  watches all the watching dead spin-offs is it like what what are the demographic like uh old  peo
ple young people people that have no taste people rich people poor people trailer park  people rednecks get out of here Georgians so you're saying that this Walking Dead spinoffs are  is solely supported by people from Georgia off me is that what you're saying oh my God how do they make a machete so  slow it doesn't matter what weapon Joe's using he goes D you shoot him in the booty hole  I'm not sure how much damage booty hole shots oh but see now that we know that  it's the big guy even though
the game didn't [ __ ] tell us the game says defeat  the Walkers that's not a walker it literally just told us what it was what was  the name of this big fat guy turd turd the auto aim is the only way that we can  actually aim in this game cuz if you don't know the aiming is bro this is what the aiming is  if you barely move it it's completely broken and we've already adjusted the sensitivity yep  now if you adjust it back and forth eventually it'll reset and work but we just [ __ ] shut  up ju
st shut up [ __ ] load you Dev shut up oh yeah the game the game just doesn't get  rid of the mouse cursor for whatever reason so if I alt tab like this maybe I  can get rid of it got it I got rid of it for you Joy this helps almost killed you though great great job nope  NOP cool no auto aim for you don't do it Jo don't do it get off of me just take shots solely at Big Boy I knew it since he's on the ground I think my blood's  boiling you're about to have boiling blood get out of here you got h
im defeat the Walkers  plural defeat the Walkers did it say defeat the Walker or did it say defeat the Walker  Walkers so the first time we were trying to defeat all the Walkers cuz this game is  garbage I was trying to go for the big guy but he just it they kept coming yeah  and so so oh my God what's wrong with his face Carl dies without that equipment so I guess  Beth died in the mo in the thing so we saved Beth I you can't get rid of Carl you  won't ever be able to say Carl again Coral I cou
ld say it anytime I  want just for you car I know you're looking down on all right well you do  what you want to do here Joe [Music] okay did you just kill Carl I got you  we're doing it different from the show chat otherwise there's no [ __ ]  point in playing this game Rock DJ SP not po we're doing it different from the  show because there's no [ __ ] reason to play this game otherwise true and there goes  call so just a cut scene you would never got to see Carl I'm so sorry it's my fault  y b
e if he hadn't stopped to save Me Oh Daddy then she kills herself you're like really look at the [ __ ] gamma  on this game like the gamma is off those [ __ ] Graphics are amazing  watch out excuse me call Rhymes excuse me I just um kill Joe oh everybody remember OJ killed Carl I just sped up  the process what's wrong with that corl OJ kill Carl you're  welcome he never made it to the Green Farm oh blooded I  learned it from watching YY Nessy what is wrong with his body this  what is wrong he's
got no ass the hugest package I've ever seen like he's wearing  a cup or something don't look back and he shaved his head and it looks he got the  sausage arms and the I I don't even know what I'm looking at who stands like that  who makes a model a character model like that did he [ __ ] his pants he [ __ ] his  pants the worst character models I have ever seen don't die got to do something oh no I did  what I could Dale is keeping watch on top of the RV when Daryl approaches evident angry hey
you've  seen a radiator hose around he ass accusingly just installed it in the RV Dale says innocently there  a problem yeah there's a problem I needed that for the bike you just take [ __ ] that don't  belong to you now I'm sorry son but I think keeping something that can accommodate more than  one Rider running would be a higher priority you thought wrong old man support Daryl support Daryl  give me a break you supported Daryl you got five skill points solved you solved it okay what point  we
have 100 points God damn we got 100 points so Joe killed Carl so let's see what we lost out on  oh we're no longer even allowed to know what it was but if I remember right we  were I think it like Carl was the most helpful one Lori we remember Lori was the most I don't know oh there it is Carl you can't  unlock the skill anymore now I don't even know stat in stab stamina reduced we you killed the  most valuable character no way you did wow and who' you do it for hello Beth you did it for Beth  s
o let's see what Beth gives us would you like to purchase sexual encounter after that uh yes  walking standing makes 40% less noise well the stealth mechanics are completely broken detection  when crouched is delayed by that's stupid the [ __ ] [ __ ] is broken it's broken enables  machete tactical attack hold weak attack use it to knock down walkers and try stomping them that  seems helpful hey this will come in handy enables machete devastating attack that's going to be  great and finally incr
eases the machete damage 30% okay that's going to be great okay Beth okay see  there you go well we don't know what we lost with Carl somebody needs to look in our last stream  well maybe we did in the last stream if we did unlock it we still get keep Joe yeah but we didn't  unlock it oh thought maybe we might have Joe let's see what we lost Chad you want to see what we lost  our minds our [ __ ] minds Man by playing this [ __ ] when do we [ __ ] play this game  Thursday when was Thursday there
it is Inception watching us watch us tired of my  cough I need to shake it shake the [ __ ] cough okay you did my family always my life  is full of regrets my life are higher what about me month before she started banging  his friend one month yeah I don't think we unlocked it 25 that's not bad nope 75 that  seems like yeah we checked everybody he all racist and Merl so let's do Merl wow baby hello  the mimic 92 would you like to purchase a sexual encounter welcome yes what do you mean we  don't
know yet you hit zombies in the head all the time Oh I thought you meant like the  grenade and I was like I don't know how big the grenade is going to be I [ __ ] theen the so  so far that's the most powerful let's see what else holy [ __ ] Lori thought Rick was dead for  one month before she started banging his friend one month yeah [ __ ] Lori she and she got a 12  year-old kid and she's like you know what wow my the my inner inner thigh were cold right now  and it's like in the middle of the
most dramatic mentally traumatic [ __ ] event ever and she  has times and she's like so [ __ ] horny his shirt's open what like you you'd have enough  respect even during not a zombie apocalypse to be like all right I'm going to take a moment I am  I am very truma this game all right everybody ha sucks uh I don't want to hear The Walking Dead  meme song ever again it's going bring him back to this [ __ ] rol Carl Ru broken reduces incoming  damage though those are those are helpful do we get it
hopefully we got itam for dodging dodging  dodging mebo dreams res for 31 months Carl Lori Carl and Lori Alex and mer mer which SS do  you suggest for foreign candies and snacks probably Amazon Amon typically has on all I  mean there's specific ones for like Japanese Cy or european stuff that's it we are now Skull  Crushers the one get Carl come on get it get it get it right there do we do the Dodge do you how  much do you dodge I only got to uh the prison and then I said I'm out I'm out this [
 __ ] get ited  by 15 that's if we no it's unlocked for all part they're teasing at it it's like maybe we get Carl  maybe not who knows F now d right but you keep going and teasing but you don't do it I'm waiting  for it no it's unlocked for all party I went over for a second so I think dodging reduction it's  survival reduces broken status duration by 33 reduces all incoming damage by 10% I never get  hit decreases all incoming damage by 25% Carl was the best one look listen do you actually  be
lieve do you believe these numbers I think it's just false selections here I don't think the  best best one they did not program all these cool features in this game you actually think they did  yeah the game mail this is made by the game mail whose uh slogan is well we we'll make your game  but there that's it there is no that's the end of the sentence see well we'll make your game but  like it's just false choices it's like oh 25% are you sure about that can we actually test it out no  that's
stupid I don't think they put in the extra work to do each and every one of these yes you did  yes it's just a [ __ ] modifier Joe it's very easy to do reduced damage by 25% with the [ __ ] game  have you seen a lot of these uh hold on I get this back to I canot believe we'll never get those you  don't need it instead we got to stupid bth well we just got all the B bets hey this will come in  handy but why don't we just get everyone that way if they die we got them all well we don't have  enough
skill points to get everyone for the most part we got brick brick ryes T dog is dead and Shane now looks like  what what's her name Shan O Conor Health increases by 20% is the only thing we can get  now that's going to be great that's going to be great is it going to be great hey this will come  in handy okay how to call die because he got shot by a deer no he got shot by a deer go look at the  cut scene what you'll see he got shot by deer he's lying not lying I didn't see anybody else all  I s
aw was a Deery coral and a gun that's all I saw [ __ ] is this chicken nuggets Lori's pregnant [ __ ] see everything's going to be okay  what caral died Lorie's pregnant yeah she's going didn't they kill car off in the [ __ ] TV  series yeah I think like episode or season 50 52 why they do that they should have  lived a longer Shane's over there like you know that's my baby walks away  was it Shane's baby I don't [ __ ] remember I want off the show too uh oh we got his  hair back we got new Shan
e I don't think the actor want it off I think he  just got pushed out nice F yay more points who [Music] him with the right well can't do it use boxing skills weave oh got from me well [ __ ] how the hell did he damn it more ammo is always welcome a damn it try to take it  upstairs I have to find Rick please be alive I know Rick's room was somewhere on  this floor need to find it fast I'll take that thanks I need to take the edge off  I'll take that thanks Quick Draw quick kill need to piss him
more more  ammo is always welcome got more ammo oh [ __ ] are you kidding me oh you got to run so this game is supposed to be Jank  you're supposed to use that to Jank now Jank it oh Joe that guy  creeping on it you left them [ __ ] oh my God totally reaching him blood boiling Jank is literally a  feature it is a gameplay mechanic do the thing oh she went through oh she got you go it's one of these rooms  damn it I can't remember which that's actually pretty delicious chat  I ordered honey barbe
cue but for some reason they made it hot I think it was that that  selection they got confused cuz I put sweet heat it's like select the select the type  you want I put honey barbecue select your sauce sweet heat but there was no so then  they put both that was actually a good combo spicy but I didn't want them I  I thought that was going to come in a little bin or a little pouch and I  could hold on what the [ __ ] really really say hi to go take a picture with  them get get down low selfie sel
fie me AI this game man what's up we got to do a  review this is just ridiculous Oh No Lock and Load it's not going to fit the fit the secrets hey we got a secret ah come on redf is still $70 John diaper you're joking  I don't believe you are you [ __ ] serious Joe John so if this one's sweet and spicy  godamn how hot is that going to be Finders Keepers going put spice on spice trap him oh [ __ ] Joe now  [ __ ] Jank it [ __ ] clip clip clip [ __ ] game oh yeah baby next  I mean that's kind of [
Laughter] fun this is on purpose this has to be on purpose right oh my gosh Zach I don't cook do  you cook Zach what do you cook Alex Cooks I'm very jealous of Alex's ability  to cook I need to take some classes and stuff I'll take cook what he I'll teach  you you'll teach me Joe yes whatever you want man I'll [ __ ] die if I you can't  even make eggs right Joe I made some this morning all right you got better at  it use a whole whole carton of uh 24 what did you just cry was that you or him he
went damn is he dead oh it's pushing him down yep what Jesus and train those is pretty good if  those are popey wings I've heard the base is ghost pepper and then  they add the other sauces okay well that's I guess that's why oh no he's  going to come through damn yeah he is no I don't know they wouldn't put a base of ghost  but no how many people would complain how do you like Rick hang in there man please be okay box came out of nowhere see what's happening here is it  oh hold on nothing good
is it there's there's two sauces is what's happening  listen to me if you're going to wake up I need you to do it now okay now I can  really feel his emotion anything please Rick he's alive uhoh uhoh okay so you see there's the sauce on  the outside which you could tell is what I selected the barbecue and then there's the  sauce on the inside which is that yellow and orange which is the sweet heat so when you're  selecting it on Uber eeds you select what type do you want I guess I put sweet heat
and  then the next selection is what kind of sauce do you want and it's barbecue smash some  skulls but I didn't know that they were going to do double sauces on these wings I thought  there would be sauce on the side with that set what the [ __ ] what the hell was that those  are not zombies IES somebody just shot you yeah those aren't zombies what are they what  was that what was that noise [ __ ] they saw me what was that what was that how the [ __ ]  are we ever going to get P that then wha
t was that what was that just shooting I don't care damn it Earl what the  [ __ ] are you shooting at who was that going clip have to clip Joe what correct yourself no what did you just say  Coral no what did you just say damn it Earl no oh that's right  mag that's right it's a MAG godamn I keep I keep this just for this  occasion Joe this is a [ __ ] clip this is an M1 gon clip gon clip it's not a  [ __ ] magazine that is a magazine not a clip this is a [ __ ] clip the difference  is that it ho
lds the unit to small and it's dis disposable if you wanted to you can  reuse it on the battlefield if you need to what was that I got him what's the matter scar what do  you think he is right right here right here got him take that mother trucker yeah  I know you're here oh my God this game that's that's awesome did I get  did I get this the best game ever oh [ __ ] oh what was that what was that I  don't know I don't think you can shoot no stop he still doesn't know what that  was you still do
n't know what was that we got an intruder oh my God his head Joe  you'll never get him it won't Auto a he's going to kill you Joe auto aim is so it's  [ __ ] trash everything about this game is [ __ ] trash and the [ __ ] aim sensitivity it's  like okay well at least I got the auto it's like nope doesn't even do anything  this this game does nothing right nothing what was that got oh you're [ __ ] now what what what what just  happened we switch sides what happening We Roll he can combat roll  t
oo Joe [ __ ] you can do that come out of here I got something waiting for  you wait maybe I can got you this combat is the best combat all year bro what  are you talking about oh 10 out of 10 J [ __ ] Resident Evil you know  and then [ __ ] you're going to die joe oh [ __ ] that guys good Joe get your I need to take the edge off  oh come on you're getting shot through the wall Joe Joe I think he's going to hit you that's it man this is the best  game ever this is great you wish you played comba
t that engaging god of  War eat your [ __ ] heart out oh I like that [Laughter] bullet it's little  people and it disappeared oh oh man oh man oh this is bad this is bad  bad bad yeah but it's so bad it's good what was that come find  out [ __ ] Lock and Load Lock and Load honestly I like better now than before we got an intruder he rolled sh me the entire military  force yeah I'm going to die how many bullets have you  taken to the back of the head 100 maybe he'll run out come be ow stop shooti
ng me in the back of the head  use some Med you know what Shane a goddamn Hospital find some why would you run away like  that now we're dead why would you continue running cuz it he was in  panic mode in the side of the head why is there a zombie eating us  when that's not who we got attacked by because they have the assets when  I use them they support oh assets I they got acid I don't use it sounded like  there was acid what the [ __ ] is going on going and get you out of here bud listen to 
me if you're going to wake up I need you to do it now okay there's people there got it yeah  time to smash some skulls need to get out of here what was that oh what the in the  same [ __ ] situation we zbl got him got him got him matter to scared to face me  who said that got you [ __ ] I know you're here show yourself again there  you [Laughter] are again got him that time he's dead check on your  work oh [ __ ] the door shooting us we in train for a [ __ ] door I'm not sure it it says you're 
hitting but I don't think you're actually hitting you don't think so  they'd be dead by now right I took like 50 well now you're using 20 bullets  on two guys right I think they're dead finally first try baby Finders Keepers did they all just die in the same  pose they're all laying the same they ascended to a higher plane why are  there heads like back concave is this nothing but head that's baby from behind the door you  see 360 no scope this is behind the door through the door all I'm in shoc
k head shot I'm utter  disbelief at this game oh this at least cross his leg oh no oh yeah there slight variation you  did you going to shoot that guy in the dick or did he pee himself look at his pants I will I  need to get this I'll take that right there we go so that the metal guy here Pet's pants it's a shadow no he was scared of the door  shooting him Finders Keepers Finders Keepers man that's what he sound like Finders Keepers F gazzy thank you  and thank you mecho dream Alex which sites d
o you suggest for foreign candy and snacks I already got that one oh  you got it yep I didn't hear watch oh Dam no energy can't even bust through that that's damn it what what [ __ ] y would you quit [ __ ]  around I don't want to do this just [ __ ] rolling [ __ ] this take my pill no no taking 15 head shots  they're more powerful than the zombies what the [ __ ] Jo I cannot believe this game game this is  actually fun to watch though right so bad I hate this so fun to watch is he going to say
it I'll  take that thanks don't mind if I do next take the edge off Finder Keepers finders Finders Keepers  see he says Finders Keepers Finders Keepers Keepers he do sh death even I guess everyone  should have heard all those gunshots do that can't do that can't do that oh man not ready man you're  having fun this so stupid I just want how many episodes 10 Finders Keepers in the first season I  don't [ __ ] know did they did do these developers think they're going to get to do all the seasons  I
I would be a [ __ ] cold day in in hell Chad I'm so burnt out I don't know  what the [ __ ] to say we got an intruder I think you're getting  shot from behind oh no there's too many there is too many they're ninjas J  US military [Music] keep shoot him shoot them stop it I do not want you to die joe  you have no [ __ ] stamina help I can't do this [Music] anymore what the [ __ ] you  just got Health refund the in a panic but you weren't supposed to attack in the panic and it  allowed you to att
ack to the Panic Joe's literally breaking the mechanics of the game not my fault  the game doesn't even follow its own mechanics he was in a panic State he was still attacking  that is only supposed to happen in the raffle State probably cuz Joe hit the  button like 17 times and then it was just delivering a delay on  the move that you had pressed 17 times now how the [ __ ] are you  okay Joe don't do this shoot him shh stealth like what is happening what was that  that so that was the worst way
put have done that to worry my beds on  silence totally got this almost there how much longer do I have  to stay out here what was that oh hell what sees sees you through the the door you're shooting you're not shooting no you  can't do that you can't you're telling a guy with a gun you can't do that you can't  do that I didn't get hit nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh-uh Joe you're getting shot  through the wall by the other guy how if I can't shoot through the wall  they nuh I'm going to tell Mom no fair got
a second win got half the health  I used to I'm half the man I used to be [ __ ] what what was that what's the  matter you scared to face me yes that's exactly what I'm afraid of [Laughter]  what the bullet H one more pixel one more pixel I see the bullet hold no no no no no yes one  more that one hey we got an [Laughter] intruder what's the matter this game  that's what's the matter [ __ ] [Laughter] game look at the bullet holes  there's three bullet holes all head shot a whole foot over from
where it's supposed to  be the hit detection out of ammo what's the matter you scared to face me yo this guy's going  to take an entire magazine what's the matter you scared to face me honestly I like things better  now than before he likes that many bullet holes in his belly than before Joe honestly did he  give up I don't know he's baiting you Joe he's going to have a rocket launcher waiting hey  hey we got an intruder here he comes here he comes look at his head zoom  in on his head what God
damn it okay good Joe wait what I don't know what  we just spent an hour shooting that man in the belly a [ __ ] two magazines and the [ __ ]  comes from up another new [ __ ] comes up you nick him in the shoulder and he [ __ ] dies  instantly he's faking it I think he's faking it all right how much you want to  bet he's still going to be in this post after I destroy the Box he's going  to still be there no he's going to fall with the Box think so this game has  ragged all physics no Joe stay r
ight there the Box disappeared how  is he doing that this is the best game ever um kind wasted almost  there and with Joe playing can I get all my bullets back get all the bullet  get all the bullets from his belly C up oh my God God damn it that's the powers of we  man for sure there another we man godd damn man the [ __ ] guys  are [ __ ] game [ __ ] try to stab him he's going to see you this game  has no [ __ ] stealth mechanics thanks can you go in between there  no of course you can't crap
see what it's completely broken we're  going to do uh what is a Naked Gun yeah reload reload reload well he didn't like that well  he's not going to like this either reload gotcha Auto a the [ __ ] auto aim was that all what here think I got him yeah I got him it was  a raffle which is like one hit I'm not done just yet half the I used to not ready can't do that do that can't do [Laughter] that every [ __ ] corner  of the game is broken there's a new broken thing must cuz like there was  like no
detection and now it's like did you hear that Cricket fart  I heard the cricket fart let's go what the [ __ ] that was not like this before need healing sh they hear us Shan all right let's see no we got an intruder okay yeah I know you're here an aim though  I don't think it's it is hitting him look at this guy's face Joe this looks like  dble a golden eye bro this looks worse than golden eye oh my God maybe I  could sneak by him let's see damn it no I don't know how he saw me so quickly reloa
d  what's the matter dud scared to face me yes what is he doing he's now he's posing with a gun  he did a James Bond pause he lost sight of me too scared to face me and then yeah he's  done he gave up on his search hey we got an intruder what's the matter two must how much  longer do I got an intruder it's like four or five head shots yeah I don't know in the zombie  game they know people are going to go for head shot too scared to face me hey we got an intruder  the the auto a is broke everythi
ng's broke in this game and the aim sensitivity is broke if  you're wondering why we're not just simply moving over first try can't do that can't do that or now I'm  getting a headache I was having fun a minute ago can't do that Lock and Load that a medical bag with nothing in it  fers Keepers I want him to say it again fers Keepers that's the rare one that's the  legendary one it is Finder Keepers what what wow baby hello K yo love y boys like  to purchase a sexual encounter 9 months you defini
tely love us man appreciate  that hope you stick with us for the year wounded equals Max Health 30% oh no execute  enemies to heal scar so you're wounded you need to execute enemies to heal scar bottle I need like  a bottle there's just no other way to approach any level it's the same [ __ ] 50 months the big five  oh angry flash holy [ __ ] and he says he's going to go another 50 holy [ __ ] thank you man Angry  flash he supports the things that he loves what the [ __ ] am I looking at oh okay
I thought I  thought he had no face but he's just looking down okay you going to turn around no no don't no you're not going to turn just  go and attack everybody you know you want to I KN see chill's like I know this game  I know this game I can hit him through that [Laughter] wall nice oh no just  little more little more right there it keeps moving [ __ ] maybe I do that there  we go what happened must have [Music] beener no clip are you wall hacking take that piece of [ __ ] oh I  think the b
ody's in the way yep maybe I could have attack him from the side yep I can this time right through [ __ ] he  didn't see you it was too late too late we've been on this level for like an  hour there's no way this game is five hour done oh Jesus what would you would you break this  time did you skip the cut scene no yes you did this said Jesus then it stopped  all well I guess it skipped it for you game skits cutcenes for you right between  the eyes right between the I don't think Avatar is beata
ble let me I'm pretty sure people have  beat it and there would have been brought up by a bunch of other reviewers right well I  I would say that maybe not the majority but a lot don't finish the game The Last Mission  I'm getting leaving the quest area if I try to enter the and I've been screwing around  with this for like an hour I cannot get to the three things I need to do because any time I  try to move towards them it say leaving the quest area let me see the message leaving  the quest are
a yeah it gives me 15 seconds and i' I just tested it if I  last longer than that it just instant kills you 15 seconds is a long time  though no I haven't Googled it yet the whole well that game ain't  going to get reviewed well that much is that not I thought you  could explode that it looks like you can it can polish a turd but it's still a  turd it's like oh it's got good graphics who cares who [ __ ] cares time to explode baby  have you seen the graphics in this game no okay to get the hell
out of here I want explode that oh no that is no that  is uh what do you mean no it's a medic kit oh sweet Zig getting my gun Qui cuz I'm out of ammo you died Jo the game's over  you caught a bullet right in the face what are you doing what are you doing I I was  hoping they wouldn't see me what's the matter you scared to face me oh he's gone the other guy's  confused who what's going on bro I think this might be the worst AI we've we've ever played guys  in the back Joe is this the worst AI we'
ve ever played it it might be the  worst AI we've ever played wow oh what oh never mind hey we got in  the no no nothing I just got shot in the head should we go get him or should I turn  around and look at him again should I go get him or should I turn around and look  at him do both should I do both at same time what's the matter no the the AI in the  day before was way better the zombies would actually come after you he said what was  that as as he's watching his friend die what was that oh w
e got another one what  was that look his he's shaking his head no look what is he doing and oh everything  looks okay over here everything checks out I know you're here everything checks out plus  this this man has like seven bullets lodged in his brain right now he's like no has a  thick ass skull who did that who put that nice bullet in back of my B which one of y'all  did that give him a 10 give him 10 I feel like [ __ ] Robinhood shooting the same Target  just making it deeper it will get t
hrough oh this is great this is great what whoa oh hell don't worry he's going to forget  about me yeah yeah you're here do you oh J master of stealth yeah [Music] here yeah yeah I know you're here yeah yeah I know you're oh dud you didn't go behind the thing  well still repell it yeah yeah I know you're no how many [ __ ] Chad why didn't you count  the shots [ __ ] wait did he fall down later where is he oh he's just leaving oh no he's he's  mad not he he's not going to stop Joe there's no pall
et to stop him he's not confused you sure  about that just got to look for the little icon it doesn't see me yeah yeah I know you're here you got an intruder you Pricks what [ __ ] you I think I got him need healing I'm not done  just yet got half the health I used to more ammo is always welcome got it this helps more ammo is always welcome say the other  one they never do it I need to take the edge off more ammo is always welcome did  the boxes is there things hiding in them sometimes oh I did
it just curious [ __ ] you knew it was a cut  scene and not a real area of the game are you am I what I'm not even  touch the controller you saw me I saw I ain't touch [ __ ] now you have  to touch [ __ ] Finders [Laughter] Keepers they use the same thing every time  we go back no Shane was C chopping wood or something what how' I get a haircut already now  you get to see Shane's big dick and his flat ass and his rubber ass face are you kidding  me what we having another [ __ ] thing just spotte
d some Walkers nearby darl an now  say who wants to come with me to take them out Dale shakes his head now hold up  they're still ways off moving in the other direction he taking them out really worth a  risk what you talking about man we take them out before they pose a threat or you put lives  in danger needlessly in the meantime leave the rest of us here defenseless well Dale's  right this time but we'll see what Joe picks give me a break you got five  skill points for agreeing with Daryl aga
in oh my God the world was always like she got punched  from the from the right side mostly I miss the easy access to Pharmaceuticals I'm trying to  talk to you no Merl hey look on the bright side you still got me to kick around don't you hey  Earth to Psycho Merl stop it we're not talking to you you all right they got no time for  daydreaming what now I'm trying to talk to Merl that's D [ __ ] this circle stupid  triang talk to darl and you talk to her oh now won't even let me now nothing [Musi
c] happens  na thank you n Lord how much is this game should be paying $100 in Australia they should be  paying people to play this let's get our people out there exploring we always need stuff  wait a minute wait a minute what does this do you choose your Expedition Expedition success  is determined by the decision made during the main mission Zess you paid for this why would  you pay for this Z nasty you know better than that where's my daughter I've almost beaten it  why we should send some f
olks on a you almost beat it you start talking to the campfires  then won't even let me talk to that's cool a man's home is his Fortress didn't expect  that to be so literal in this case go [ __ ] Bill Clinton baby I don't know if Walkers go talk  to Bill Clint again maybe he's got something else to say presented me too I was a bit of  a goodie two shoes saying in the church choir never misbehaved daddy's pride and joy sort  of thing don't let yourself fall victim to Pride oh come on people will
always seek  a Shepherd I'm wanted to show them the way there's no Comfort to be had dwelling in the past  I did not have sexual relations with that woman you saved her you have to listen  her all right all right you're not wrong hey I figured it out would you do  what you have to do uh die and redo the whole thing for an hour comfortable here  oh okay so it just bugged then yeah it was just saying the place that I had to go was  outside of the mission parameters it's like well m Mission crew p
retty much dead  already our show has been keeping walkers in the barn lead a team to clear  it out and ensure the survivors continue Sav that's your turn to experience the wholesome fun already did yes yesterday  the day before the day before I need a g fuel man about to pass out so oh the part's full of [Music] walk  um look at chane you see him in the background he look like this that's it  we either take care of this right now or we just got to go now hold on Shane  you can't tell me you're
okay with this get your weapons yall time to grow up  Shane that's enough you damn what the [ __ ] that looks like the [ __ ] you know  Gmod [ __ ] videos that people make when the guy shakes his head go I'm trying to think  what's that game called where you have to put those thing the separators not our call what  is it what's that board game Choice it's choice that keeps us you know what I'm talking about  right you want those things next to where Lori sleeps it ain't hard Rick you can't just
I don't  think you can keep them safe if you all want to live if you want to survive you got to fight for  it I'm talking about fight right here right now yes fight fight fight you can't miss with that big ass forehead [Laughter] forehead  Gary's Mod what was it Gary's mod G which one it's like this anger I think I  know it's to sh fing oh you know what it was it was gmod Idiot Box idiot box oh yeah yeah this stuff yeah that what it look like freaking any meat and that's what  real women need ye
ah that's what it is you old if you if you know what this [ __ ] is  kid like [ __ ] kids we know years ago 14 years ago that's what it is cuz I  was thinking about [Laughter] uh KS yeah Got It Lock and Load the [ __ ] was that it makes no sense there would  be no zombies in the perimeter right now get off of me I don't know the button how do you smash him X then right bumper is light attack right  trigger heavy and you're exhausted SH now SH now find a path to the fire axe behind the bush what
should I do it's worth shot it's worth shot yeah [ __ ] girl Roger  that she dead find a path I don't want to find a path Jo where am I supposed to go uh  no clue what are we even looking for find a path to the fire axe you told me  to go to the [ __ ] shed and you walled everything off I don't want to do this no  more you won't even playing for less than a minute not ready not not ready not ready can you hit those other  boxes for what reason oh handprints gotta grab onto him cuz  you got to go
over there Puzzle Time that axe's got to be nearby no think you're about to get attack no oh yeah my blood spoiling this is so drink  get out of here get out of here Joe yes I don't want to do this don't do it hey you found some points get the points and LIF all right jackp all of a sudden is why to pick up I'll ban you Z nasty is that  what you want you want to ban you let's do this damn BS are coming out of the woodwork I'll take that thanks got  it need to take the edge off got it get away f
rom me get away from me no no no so three ax hits is not enough Tippy here  something there going be a lot more let me help I can't do this they broke through  those rickety ass fences like there was nothing so combat roll is left trigger uh B it I  did left trigger and it did a combat roll me no no why do Merl get so [ __ ] Panic so easy he's  scared of everything I got a second wi my let me go doing that [ __ ] on purpose can't get my head how do you reload hey dude like  the buttons change co
nstantly the buttons suck the buttons change  is like unint good about this game shooting the tractor I don't know how you Pricks go what is this [ __ ] it's  exactly what you said [ __ ] go to the shin get the X here's the deal rer I [ __ ] hate this game this [ __ ] game sucks you think any of the QA testers is like  I don't want to play this game I quit yeah do why so Jank here's a 2,000 page report of everything  that's wrong our script is only two pages that axe's got to be nearby let's do
this damn B is are coming out of the woodwork no you're right C cake orat  cake nope they did not get away from me get out of here they broke through those Ricky ass fences get out of here  it's not hard stupid ass fces get no no don't die I'm not done just yet I don't  have the strength for big swings oh now you got to kill 10 wasn't it  like six or something before yeah what what the [ __ ] are they punishing  us who the [ __ ] closed the [ __ ] gate you have to kill 10 that's better I  don't
have big swings anymore get out of here get your pills left Trigger or not  right bumper I need to take the edge off pills here pills here where's that bastard what surprised did you see her still get C you could easily have the fence just saying that's what went down I'm hurt got it I need to take the  edge off I'll take that thanks let's go H [Music] great John diaper thank you  so much for them Bitties this next part is delightful more ammo is always welcome what you ready got to get to the b
arn for it's too late  you mean that one right there break open the bar time to pick them off one by one why are there so many weapons uhoh can't believe Rick would just let  this be he don't have what it takes thr a flashbang this Farm ain't safe  till we deal with those how many of them were in there who said that  is that supposed to be Daryl blood bo how what the [ __ ] did you say voice acting is Top Notch baby what the [ __ ] just happened Jo did you  see that Joe didn't see it the explosi
on I don't know what you hit darl exploded walkers  in the barn have to be dealt with now got it a b but you lose your stamina big how you get your crossbows [Music] back nice I think we're best with the machete cuz  we [ __ ] increased the [ __ ] out of it it look so stupid stab them all won't stab that's dumb let me help I can't do this [Music] anymore me [Music] Shane I don't have the strength get out of here get that health kit in front of the spinning zombie over here I'mma block you  I'mma
block you I'm going get it you tell me right here what  year is it 2023 what the [ __ ] Oh that's oh no that [ __ ] well at least one  of them is preoccupied finish son [ __ ] off go don't touch him nice nice F keep shooting till  they're all down what the [ __ ] are y'all doing watching do something get  off of me said there one right behind you yall have guns you know he's going to charge and  then trip on himself and stab him [Music] get away from me I need [Music] healing a other zombies de
ad you think  it's open go in there you going you think the barn doors come on come on now not going  to fit through the Barn Door where's another [Music] gun Lock and Load careful yeah Keepers  he said the D he said Finders Keepers Finders Keepers is he stuck where is he is he stuck I don't know oh did he  fall through the level perfect snipe him need to reload of course what am I thinking  the tree is going to block all those shots better check the barn  make sure we got them all great job don
't laugh at him W sop got to do it Shane got to do it and he missed God damn he  firing a [ __ ] AR15 Miss automatic rifle okay fres wow baby hello master  Captain Butler thank you so much for your re subscription of five months yes  to what we made too much noise what check we made make sure all that gun too  much noise shh qu down let's do a sweep what else was he going to say this is where  you plan to do it as good a place as any what's one positive thing about this game Lori will get  over
you they done it before they just going to have to you're going to kill me In Cold Blood  yay this is the moment you can screw my wife have my children screw my wife my children call  you Daddy yeah that what you won't yeah I'm a l daddy better than you man me Daddy Daddy fight  raise your gun I won't you're going to have to shoot an unarmed man now listen to me Shane  there is still a way back from this nothing has happened here going let lay down our guns  we're going to walk back to the farm
together back to Lori it's all behind us [ __ ] this only  ends One Way only one of us is going back to that farm which one can we shoot can't  have the shadow hanging over the family anymore Shane should Le the  group rig's weak I'll keep his family safe from now on as [ __ ] his wife and  his kids call me Daddy Shane Shane shoot him sorry brother what I said chain we were doing just fine  without you then you come back and just destroy everything what what is a boss battle  oh [ __ ] you got t
o defeat Rick this is [ __ ] crazy out your mind what the [ __ ]  why are you kicking in can't let him hit me Finders Keepers get distracted oh finder keeper Jesus Christ how's he  [ __ ] fire I'm trying to get all the just run around the bush [ __ ] don't let him get you the the kicking animation is like is left  trigger and now it's not left trigger and now it is left trigger don't die it doesn't have to  be this way I need to take the Ed you think you can just take my family my family whoa I'
m sorry  Rick it has to be this way baby pack you're weak Rick why is all usernames taken 25 months just in time we're about to destroy Rick or  shall we call him brick see ain't no rck don't make me do this shame you made me do this can't go back man can't go back mon giving out 10 Subs got we must win this  for monum wounded Gravely wounded come over here that's the old and busted Joo we got the new  and approved now I kind of like the old and busted it's it was fully out was falling apart I 
want to hold it but look what you become look at yourself let's see this this is what a man does Rick getting shot  100 times locking love finder keep stop this now bad this is the [ __ ] worst  keepers heal you need to heal the weapons are so [ __ ] stupid  because the like the controls in order to to shoot you have to zoom in  with l l is also the kick button randomly to say you got to pick one good thing  one oh he did I think it's it I don't know I'm sorry Rick I'm glad it was a boss battle
at  least and not you know just a cut scene thing uhoh no it's hand in hand combat son of a  [ __ ] they knew this was the highlight of the game what the [ __ ] so what is happened  what how come they're not going for him wow baby wow Happ Gregory Lucas 82 new M would  you like to purchase a sexual encounter uh yes what the [ __ ] is happening Joe  [ __ ] he's controlling the zombies he allied with the zombies now oh now  they're attacking I was about to say at least can't do this and what is al
l these pictures  here it's like you're in the middle of combat he watch watch story moment supposed to pay attention  to it during the combat so you can get full content you don't have to kill him from  scratch yes you do cuz this is the gun oh no can't let him hit me where's the shotgun this baby look at that more ammo is always welcome of ammo we Brothers yeah  I like that too the objective kill your friend keep moving Shane don't let him get you reload reload stay sharp Soldier more ammo is
more ammo is always  welcome who doesn't have to be this way I think you can just take my family my family  help I can't do this I'm sorry Rick it has to be this way you're weak Rick got half  the health I used to don't make me do this shame what he give me like  [ __ ] punch you made me do this can't go back man  can't go back need to reload more ammo is always welcome look at yourself this is what a man does Rick reload the [ __ ] the [ __ ] aim sensitivity go back yeah  how do you think I was
with the [ __ ] sniper rifle reload I need to heal up help I can't do this  anymore I'll do what I have to do W that's bad I pressed this button here and  it was the combat roll this button turned into the combat roll I literally was pressing  nothing else I've never seen a game that does that that changes the um they said  it was a unique design keep on your toes not every button is going to be the same he's  [ __ ] dead on the ground I shot him 27 times has to be this way oh he alive shotgun
of the  face is not enough right this is on you not me you're my brother how you get a bunch of free  heads dude what the [ __ ] you are truly my brother Shan I'm so late what  we do now is that all you got you're going to wake I need a machete we need  you Shane you have to help us what do we do Call's dead but you've always been soft man you've always  been there for me shame I need to take the edge got please don't go Shane please me no choice  this [ __ ] song man it's just getting annoying
maete business the man I am I need to take  the edge I'll take that thanks you you're alive get out of here brother my brother turn to [ __ ] Shane he told us I can't believe you're  alive you can't beat me youve always been there for me sh away from me you no energy you Pricks  give it up Shane Shane you have to help us what you do how does it fail to lose game's not over  yet please Rick if you're going to wake up I need you to do it now you don't want any more of me  Rick you're not ready tha
nk you looking after him Shane Shane you told us I'm  sorry Shane I can't believe you you can't handle the ones that  are on the ground Rick you you're alive are he repeating ain't no one  coming for you man how' it all turn to [ __ ] the why even put put on there you're  my brother just stop it you don't need to repeat it please don't go Shane please what the [ __ ]  [ __ ] you car go you [ __ ] right off you're alive got him I got him going I got  him I got him I got him I got him you're my br
other I don't think get  the zombies are doing anything to him no you saved us Shane got him I'm so grateful  Auto Target can't do this anymore please don't go Shane please that was Bull was yeah  dead to rights I'm not done just yet thank you looking after him Shane got  him I got him I got him I got him I got him you always Finders Keepers bang him how it all turn damn  it stop running with Rick Shane he told us threw the [ __ ] box threw the  [ __ ] box he meled it back bang him now no what a
bout now looking after them  Shane I'm still here sa got him with rifle the ax just killed got his head off this was you no not me no it was Shane  he looks weird now looks like I'm Miss Potato [Music] Head you should know this sh but that's not how it happened the farm [ __ ] how many a is this God damn it  what did that say finished act two I guess it's three reacts on it's  usually what get to theu what it is well he's dead let's go old man  this train ain't stopping two more no yep move your
ass Dale it is jokes on whoever bought it spent the entire  win to house living on scraps Lori she's due any day now we need to find some place to hold up for  a few weeks you two still she can barely look at me you know what he said she blames me for without  looking at the sub you did what you had to do it's perfect and this is why I stop watching they G him Rick's look cuz  he's ricked now I'm ricked now [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] I wreck now James what's that other girl's name is it  Angela o
r something I don't remember did she like a samurai sword I can't profess  to this done is done let's move on got to resolve that conflict first oh way  off got to do something stop blaming me Merl's Careful Cleaning his gun Glen approaches  what's your problem Merl my problem pie boy looks like you're the one with the problem got  your panties in buns here the reason we went to [ __ ] back there you started shooting  like you always do brought all the Walkers what do you think I was shooting at
you rang  the goddamn Dinner Bell Merl give me a break give me break let get our people out there  exploring always need stuff p in the woods why would you ever choose triage if you succeed  you get five if you fail you lose two if you do this one if you succeed you get six one more  if you fail you get one that you lose one why would you ever choose five at the risk of  two when you can choose six at the risk of one why would you ever choose four at the risk  of three you go get Lori killed [ 
__ ] it I [ __ ] hate this game I'm choosing that one  good good [ __ ] them and now I'm going to make sure she dies we should send some folks  on Supply run well where do I where do I do the uh upgrades I don't remember where to do  the upgrades I did okay there's this button here okay we got plenty we get all the bricks I  don't even know if we can get when are we going to find a [ __ ] rifle cuz if so then I'll  upgrade the [ __ ] out of Dale heals 70% more healing some come in handy increase
crowbar  I don't care increase machete we already have that full Shane yeah it was an accident same  right a deer shot him sniper rifle crossbow stabby yeah but I don't know what  is an actual stab is our machete stabbing you know I don't understand what stabbing  is it might be only F I thought it was the execution I don't want to put it into this  cuz we haven't even seen a rifle don't kill you makes you stronger and I am godamn  bullet see what else need's doing we can delegate well you know
what  Conor this game is putting me to sleep I hate Walking Dead now after this game this is what should have happened [ __ ] Rick Carol Daryl y'all remember what you got  to do sure I go right Daryl goes left easy peasy man he's the only one that kind  of look like hit in the head too many times home sweet home I want a crowbar why you got to kill 13 Walkers this game  sucks it's the same [ __ ] that is correct the fire ax is the [ __ ] work Sledgehammer too get out of here get him before he s
creams get away from me get out of here get away from me get off of me you Pricks adrenaline is pumping got to second win  get off of me was going to dissipate no no no got a second win I don't have  the strength of big swings anymore wussy Lock and Load Finders Keepers we had to keep them  just for that cuz what does Rick say Rick Rick say stupid [ __ ] well Coral's gone so  nothing not going to say nothing about Carl [Music] Finders Keepers one more zombie man he's going to  grab you too I bet
be crawling [ __ ] is he all to the [ __ ] use your instinct oh there he is got it theive have to get under that helmet some  helmet Walkers can't be stabbed or take head shots right the helmet to get to the brain  kill the remaining Walkers chop her arms off the opportunity to do  that is so small it is really hard no no no whoa that's better I don't have the  strength Dante the gra swe man no no no got a second win I don't  have the strength to Big swings anymore get out of here don't cor you
rself you Pricks oh I want him got a second win I don't have the strength  for big swings anymore almost died right there this place is it only 12 more how I keep  Lord in the baby safe what but we just did what why didn't they just add all  together just put it there instead of wipe out five now 10 and now 12  just put 30 all right just put 30 wipe out 25ish Fu you mean 25ish maybe  more maybe less 25ish just going to put is 12ish 12ish is like what when will  it end are y'all [ __ ] with us ye
s yes see no no no no what please don't die trying  not to man I don't want to [ __ ] play this game you're going to have to kill 20ish all over  again I don't have the strength for big swings anymore of course away from me it gets me every time like go red you  press X nothing happens o almost died right there now I don't have the strength to Big swings anymore 50 for this game yeah You'  be crazy to buy this game right Z nasty only one left y'  until they [ __ ] tell me 27 more don't don't die
to her yeah don't die  she'll lunge at you there no oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ]  you this the third [ __ ] time in a [ __ ] row or or fourth this said the developers just threw  their hands up they're like pad the [ __ ] game pad game they should have just put 20ish no  man this is [ __ ] ridiculous get in there and Qui whatever it and they're all helmeted right  now and the B all I and they don't give me no machete this bad bad bad got four bullets line  them
up I hate that suction thing that one sucks too the axee is the worst weapon  and they give you the worst weapon for this section I think they did all this on purpose see I I press red just don't  ever do it don't ever press red on that period feeling a little better now I  don't have the strength for big swings anymore don't get temped I don't get  temped temped get you every time they're all caught good if only we had a grenade maybe I can sneak and hit him from behind  but I think they're all
alerted yeah well maybe Finders Keepers hey hey all right you got another gun look going to man to get up here I'm hurt or are they incapable of getting up here okay one without a helmet don't miss reload get out of the way one more then hopefully cutscene a random grenade just  blows them up why does the game even bother doing that we might be able  to stay a while maybe a long while I'm going [Applause] sh might rather be playing [ __ ] King Kong at this point it's wearing light armor I have
to hit harder me go how many are there one two 3 4 know there's four right through the SC how's it going let's go are we haven't fun yet Joe you want to play  this you shut the hell up I'm going to hand you the controller in one second if anyone's still  alive in here they could be dangerous 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so at least 12 to 13 you  got smoke you're invisible in there oh that's right invisible this time come closer to the smoke come closer you you idiot stab it that one will see  yo
u can stab him and come back not too late now that one will see me N I got some time okay well no not anymore you went too  far not detected you said I can just go back to smoke yeah I said earlier when  he was turning around I'm in to smoke Joe I'm still here got a second wind cuz we got to tr got to shush now shush now this looks like a safe place for Lor's baby I  need to be ready to help her deliver it in the in the smoke is the safe place to deliver Lor's  baby I got that's weird the baby d
eveloped asthma right between the eyes this whole  game is cringing right through the C go [Music] nice and I could use some meds oh my God you see more I over there Joe this right through the skull crap W move see if it pays off Lo got a second wind no more this game is sick you made this game didn't you de gfuel mhm damn it I need  this game was putting me to sleep I know [ __ ] tired shut up I got an  idea let's Wipe Out the Walkers every level how should we do our mechanics  kill every zombi
e in the world is that Daryl I've been doing this whole [ __ ]  thing by myself Daryl's got his back to me I I can't believe this Carl darl it's Carol Daryl  it's Carol need healing can you help that's room it's bad it's bad bad is there a reason why I can't attack with the machete right now uh maybe just light  try light just light what is light RB okay there just lights right now okay saw something here too he  speaks must find it whatever it is I'll take that thanks Granada let me I heard tha
t [ __ ] coming I can't do this anymore who that's better  you're tearing me apart more we attacks do there's a tempest in me I could use some meds Right Between the Eyes damn man I just threw a  grenade over there you need to can't blow those boxes up I'm have to go heavy I'll take that than thanks this will distract him I can't attack what the [ __ ] a he was a  [ __ ] Exploder zombie you do light yeah cuz cuz you got cramps why do I have cramps  what are you talking about say you got cramps n
o heavy attacks cramped execute  enemies to heal scar execute enemies I have been it's the Y button the red one  yep what do you mean uh whenever they glow red you have to hit Y it's a that's  it's the timing on it is so [ __ ] hard yeah all right there's an Exploder where  are they I can't see them there no more zombies I'm hurt great do that again Lower them over here see me don't you you see me I knew it [ __ ]  total [ __ ] tried to do the execute I couldn't get it's too many shows too many
nice where are they can't see anything it's just smoke get him in there more ammo is always welcome [ __ ] yeah heal cramps I'm in the smoke right between  the eyes this time take they can't see me yo they can't see me I can move but  can't see me so bad right through the scope got it don't throw it so high this will  distract them doesn't matter it just goes I'll take that thanks this will distract them right through the skull shush now what what tell me how whoa that was going to explode too I
don't  have the strength for big swings anymore I don't think the other one should have exploded though  no I punched him and the [ __ ] bomb exploded what sh we know what we got to do  to make this place work why is that number going up going why is he going up Miss think I've got a line  on whoever's here heading north I'll take that thanks can do a lot  worse than this place I can't believe we're playing this instead of Rogue  Traer CH this will distract them 420 never thought I'd be busting
into a prin  does not sound like Daryl at all yeah get him he like yeah whatever whatever I'll  take that thanks he said whatever this will distract them nope did not did not distract  the middle I'll take that thanks oh now the big boy spinning this will distract them this  will distract them come out [ __ ] well one Arrow one Arrow I don't know why you have to  upgrade Daryl before you start with more than one huh where did Jo go this is like the [ __ ] this year was  like the four horsemen w
hat were the four [Music] horsemen King Kong The Walking Dead and the day before red fall I want to put red fall in there  the five Horseman oh [ __ ] they found me don't mind if I do good point I'll take that thanks there's this one crossbow okay now I  got three did you know that bullets can be loaded into crossbows do now yeah you do did you know chat what why is my huh okay there it  goes this will distract them nope did not Don't Mind If I Do I need to  take the edge off get that wait for m
e [ __ ] let me go got it let me go oh prob use stairs I need to get a  [ __ ] gel this help Don't Mind If I Do where'd he go [ __ ] your [ __ ] go [Music] [Music] y so [ __ ] dumb so dumb quick drw  perfect silent quick drw quick more ammo more amm's always welcome I got  to get perfect no it's only two quick drw get off of me a oh he made it up no didn't think he was going to come [Music] up he disappeared get out of here lot of ammo still six to eight these are  the big boys and out perfect s
olid [Music] weapon go down reload shot with everything I got get those  arrows back after he dies I hope so [ __ ] ass got it this will distract them nope didn't any oh  what how did he catch me what you have to use wrathful it's too late that's darl get your butt  over here need help this electron blate this game got it I'll find a way to open it wow wow need  to reach the control room this baby packs a punch perfect silent [Music] weapon destroy everything locking low got it crowbar don't wan
t oh it's upstairs so they they don't do stairs  by the way I'm sorry what they don't climb stairs that work they are unable to  climb the stairs yep good adrenaline is pumping join Carl and darl here's the deal I found some people out there and man two  women she cute is she cute man looks like he's injured they've spotted me yep it's  exactly what I highlighted let's do this got it Jesus Carol took all these Walkers  down herself no woman's a force in nature still ain't alone here got to  go f
ind Carol check it out whoever's here best be packing a bag keep moving  keep fighting this place will be ours by Nightfall we have a problem meet me in  the cafeteria hurry damn it be right there you can just avoid the zombie woo  that was hard I should have played that mission who the hell are you P Andrew  who the hell are you just coming out of there slow and steady you don't  look like no Rescue Team today's your lucky day you've been pardon by  the state of Georgia you're free to go what a
re you people doing here none of your  concern don't tell me what's my concern you're free now looks like a wolf man why you still  here the lady has [ __ ] werewolf a group of civilians breaking into a prison you got  no not R thinking we got nowhere to go looks like werewolf this is my house my rules  I go where I damn well please Shane you can't just let some murderer stay here sleeping  right next door your unborn child you don't know me you don't know nothing about me  I'm going shoot him i
t's fate yeah shoot him let Andrew stay send Andrew away did we did they let Andrew  stay in the shower or something I don't even remember Andrew you send  him away this is how it's going to go oh okay um this ain't your house no  more while you were hiding in a closet we were clearing out all these Walkers this  prison is ours now this ain't over [ __ ] you better watch your back all of you kill shoot him  kill him I just shot him Simon the Saint James 87 thank y'all very much Gregory Lucas as
well  wow baby hello hello citizen would you like to purchase a sexual encounter uh yeah I want it  social comment Andrew left the group wow baby hello I guess one of these would be Andrew we  never got it would you like to purchase a sexual encounter wonderful uh yes stabbing Awards  extra adrenaline the machete stabs right or is it just a knife just the knife just a knife  yeah cuz that a machete one so I just do the knife let do a bullet hits  another hey this will come in handy it's going to
cost you SE or chocolate  hey this will come in handy give Daryl some more uh arrows that's going to be great  now we don't 90% chance we don't get a scar Tripes out of stamina attacks  damage what' you say give darl another arrow increases clip crossbow clip size  you could you can call a crossbow clip that's fine you sure yeah cuz it's  not a magazine that's not even a clip but isn't it already able to have three  the Magazine's already able to have three it's just he starts with one do it so
stupid  hey this will come in handy that's going to be great is it Shane or who's that's  going to be great this is stamina recharge speed I mean we're constantly using the F we're like  constantly forced to use the axe this will come in handy hey this will come in handy that's  going to be great sh sh that's going to be great what's done is done let's move  on what's up baby killed your hubby now let's have re okay she's not talking  to me that's right so there's I with guns I can hold my own
they still good in the  world you got to do something listen to me I'm not doing anything wrong defend  Marl for the sake of Harmony support Glenn if I have enough for your racist [ __ ]  man glinton shouts and Merill stand smirking before him hey chief I can't help it if you all  you people look alike sort Marill Glen turns this game is giving you a choice decide with the  racist or against the races is that what it's doing Glenn turns out to RAC what I meant pizza  delivery people Glenn balls
his hands into so no this is literally a choice in the game like  this nobody is there a recording of This does they like note on your computer and then on your  steam achievements it's like Joe picked to be a racist give me a break give me a break it looks  like I failed I wanted to see what would happen you got five skill points I'm so curious  if you side with glandon you get like four skill points you get for being a racist if the  game rewards you for being a racist I'm going to I I I must
know but I am not playing I am not  playing that section over again just to find out got lost in the woods once when I was a kid  you do not want to be downwind of a herd of biters look at this main mission there's  there's no Expedition this time and it's just herel retrieve weapons located in the Armory  that's it arm is cancer it was pretty far along figured we spend the rest of our remaining days  together seeing the country oh so I got this RV Wipe Out the Walkers you ready Wipe  Out the Wa
lkers kill six Walkers kill 12 Walkers you see the number like  K getting higher and higher like are you counting more why are you  do why does the game do that you son of a [ __ ] this game ends where I stopped watching the episodes like I didn't watch pass  the prison CU like I just got bored yeah this place gives me the willies yeah we get  to play as Bill Clinton Press y I did not have sexual relations with that woman why doesn't  do anything doesn't talk no you can't make me talk I have I h
ave a homem maker name Arie bunker  what does look like him Archie Bunker don't mind I know AR bunkers it's like the old school guy  uh that you were singing the piano in the intro what back to the skull nice  find All in the Family nice find was really hersel my KNE Hershel popping and locking sped oh they saw me oh no  they saw me that's good one day you're good he saw me you don't need to redo it oh man I wish there was a bit more  light down here nice find get off of me you having a great al
l time Jo this so stupid got it I want to see like the  behind the scenes making this game and all that mhm the voices I need to  get to the security room we don't have a lot of money but we're going  to do it one take that's all you get I need take the edge off I'll take that  thanks find your keeper he said it it be amazing we even need this so dark ghost they're hoing in the corner [ __ ]  ghost easy my ping they can't take it you need back up his start's going to explode he's got a  pacemake
r he got scared of two ones were on the ground jackpot G ambulance for you these empty cells make me uneasy these  empty Sals makes them uneasy Joe you weing them [Music] out jackpot Jo what purpose does this serve  here what is this Joe what did the developers say you cannot have a toilet you have toilet  privileges will be cancelled today unlock the toilet for shanking that man you must hold  it in they're just like throwing [ __ ] together take never my D's pumping I need to take the edge  of
f Don't Mind If I Do don't mind if I do that cholesterol cholesterol roll shush security faster I find the  weapons faster I can get back security [Music] room go Oh I thought I did it go go to AR's the best one I need to take the got it there they are hey there it is final time to  bring out the big guns but we don't have the It upgraded but we should have  known the first time we play as Z good there's a bag full of weapons in there  I have to find a way to open this door Bill glint I have to
find a way to open  this door press Don't Mind If I Do Don't Mind If I mind if I press  open the door unpress on unlock everything great okay so they should be trapped right  don't hit those if I can if he's is he going to break it no I stab him from  this distance uh I would just shoot for now trying to get the boxes no get off God what you say no it's only  because he did it overhead if you didn't do the overhead then it wouldn't have a  problem oh you got me tra you son of a [Music] [ __ ] Go
d damn old  [Music] guy God NAIT he's so [ __ ] slow let's see how it is [Music] no this helps I guess it does guess it does Lock and Load find Keepers hey but  he didn't do it as good he did it less old Finders Keepers Finders Keepers how much can  you get why Keepers why would they say this same lines should cost money to say more lines this will come in handy this will  come in handy that's going to be great D do you get more no I already got 96  is the most you can get so now we can just do
this the whole terrible  I know I went to one I went to 10 five is even crazier the 10 it's like back to one better enough which one do you want  you have two options better nothing a little bit crazy we're all the way  crazy all the way crazy wonder why this door open when there's nothing there  alert oh now it's getting worse yeah just wanted come on man puppet all the way crazy guys is getting  hard on reminds me of Primal Rage finish him oh you could have done it I did it  nope it didn't cou
nt it even though I did it then I did it press it's  y it's y not X but yeah you press the X on that one yeah keep pressing X Nope off jackpot there we go something exploded green sh sh shook just ammo just ammo what 53 get three ammo I'm going go get back I'm going to go get all the ammo back  reload that is reload okay Lock and Load he's the most badass in the whole game more ammo is always welcome welcome this one actually has zombies unlike  the day before okay okay true true that's one posi
tive thing I'm having a small amount of  fun with urel because he's I mean he's so op now like now I want to hunt the zombies hello almost got me more ammo is always welcome what what is seeing me right there  I don't think that's I guess it is supro gifting out good stuff man  adobo is my favorite Goya what is your favorite Goya me I don't know no  John you don't you don't eat that stuff no J eats hot dogs and  chicken nuggets true it's my staple what what weapons bag did you see  a weapons bag
it had to have been in the weapons room right I guess I missed it  do your instinct when you're in there okay or maybe it was at it it maybe it's one of  the things that opened up or is that the weapon that's the weapons bag I have to get out of  here oh God damn it better put this gun to good use what are you doing the buttons change  he only attacks like that when you do this I had this held down and I was firing and all of a  sudden that did just it's so wild to me they Chang it what but I'm
going break the game  if I you get stuck get I probably shouldn't went for me what did he  just disappear oh my God what is happening don't break it all right  I won't go in there [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] I think the levels are  falling apart do you see them seems that one upgrade with Shane that the bullet goes  through one and hits the other is pretty cool so basically the last 10 minutes of the game oh come  on God go it old man I love love the old man game play Bill Clinton more Walkers where a
re  they coming from they're spawn what the [ __ ] they spawned out of  nowhere exactly exactly exactly Bill Clinton all right well I guess maybe  they might just spawn infinitely now who knows all the poor souls who got locked down here got it I need to take the edge off like wait what what was I  doing oh yeah he chasing that old man look at this assole got it got it P  Keepers that the same not the same there's a wall there there's a wall there oh my man doing work best level of  the game oh
man Bill Clinton dude I want a game where I play all the [ __ ]  presidents I want Trump I want Obama I want Clinton I want Bush God damn it  don't [ __ ] after all that kill him oh what what's happened to Joe what's happening  Joe what is happening Joe just run they just SC all these [ __ ] zombies out of nowhere  because I said I want a game with the [ __ ] presidents you know what what  is happening I'm still here God damn bill Clint's going [ __ ] off Jo give a [ __ ] bro let me go what  Ise
n happening this [ __ ] is ridiculous I guess they're going to they're  going to spawn nonstop you think yeah there probably just get back and just leave all  right all right I'll [ __ ] leave I just wanted to you know [ __ ] use all these guns  here I'm going to go reload and then we'll leave just like a zombie side  has those presidents Lock and Load a got much health left um was there an identical zombie behind that first one is that what  that was it's too dark can't see why does it do that
no no don't die herel he going to  die this is [ __ ] [ __ ] what this is and what it's doing it's like making up  enemies and [ __ ] they're too many of them oh godam why would you now all of a sudden they're not dying in a one shot the [ __ ] a is amazing no run you to attack it I can't get out  to attack it you're [ __ ] around too much I was [ __ ] around too much  yes no the game was [ __ ] around too much like all of the buttons are just laid  out terribly yes it's been a while since there
's been a game that like everything's  terrible puts the buttons in bad layouts like the Crouch is the same button  that you need constantly hit it's just what uhoh luckily they're stuck on each other yep out of ammo I see you maybe you throw  a grenade okay no I'll throw a grenade that did nothing now that they're unstuck  well no cuz the crates is supposed to be there but I don't think they loaded up go stab the GRE put  this gun to good use maybe now oh there it goes oh now I don't know about
that it's cuz the range on  this gun is like um oh [ __ ] you can you not get in okay I need a zombie to kill me right yeah  the security room must be right ahead he thinks we're still doing the security room where are  they coming from where am I are the doors are open he's loost goddamn M time to show you  what I really do Dam still [Music] here I'm no Mar lucky man supporting us for 115 months  at tier two that [ __ ] executive producing the Andrew Joe show thank you marlock Chad  if you cou
ld thank marlock for being such a big supporter and keeping us going when  the going gets rough like right about now hopefully it loads the boxes this time I can't  believe like this is a the one good level good level the one slightly entertaining level and  it's only because we broke the game with the [ __ ] AR-15 the game decides to the box is BR  better put this gun to good use it's permanently broken it's it's it's literally broken okay you're good I'm good yep why say get  back and leave it
's always said that Joe nothing has changed oh just [ __ ] leave game  is [ __ ] broken just leave you okay you just think okay maybe I I have more ammo than I'm  allowed you remember I'm only allowed 96 I've got 104 like all the doors are not open  where are they com get back and leave the basement all the these empty Sals make me [Music]  uneasy you think that like all this [ __ ] reset interesting get off of me I there too many of them I wish there was a bit more light down here just run soon
as you turn the corner oh that's  right they're invulnerable zombies now soon as you turn the corner the loose side of you Al it  doesn't work elaps says Hey Joe I ran into Alex in Germany at linderhof Castle you ran into o look at  this away from me look at I look you did it see I broke the game and then we broke we broke a broke  game we re-broke it you're fine you got weapons good boy I didn't get to see you  lapser must been nice he walk right past you help me see how it is oh so  he dies n
o matter what you chop off his leg well not anymore now you chop off  his thigh [Music] ooh he at [ __ ] off wow baby hello please help me how am  I supposed to help you you're already dead would you like to purchase a sexual encounter  uh yes thank you Fidel thanks all three of you for the content over the years Futures now old  man Malcolm in the Middle all right what' you say Alex hm what' you say Alex there was a  a dude that I met at one of the castles in Germany and he was just saying hey
he saying  hi I was telling him he walked right past OJ he walked past me he shoulder checked me and  said hi to Alex and then pushed me down and then he started pee on me I was like hey man  man the Germans are C never coming back never [ __ ] coming back Germans are crazy man that's  what I said the Germans were mean to OJ but the uh the checks were mean to Keith did O tell  you Keith got punched in the face at a bar no I did not some random drunk girl walks  up to Keith's story I didn't want
to say it it was crazy say I started to wonder  if Rick love me anymore love Carl then I got shot and it felt like my world  ended and then the world really ended it's probably going to be a zombie baby  you got to do something oh Magie friendship got to go with Maggie defend Merl out of guil  over Hershel's death empathize with Maggie why would we go with Maggie it's cuz he's hot  oh you got to side with the races again we've always SED with Merl and everything so far but  now you a s y po sh d
own than you so much for giting out sub to the guy who should checked  me not we should send some folks on a supply run killer yeah that two zero we on a supply run good night well we got everything now just carols Carol stabbing hey this will come in  handy that's going to be great that's going to be great that's going  to be great that's going to be great you think it's going to be great that's  going to be greaty this will come in handy what happened to Carl Carl got  shot by a [ __ ] deer Jo
e Joe killed Carl it was a deer it was not a deer  uh the cutscene clearly explained it how many episodes it's almost done [ __ ] Let's see we told that guy to get out of here but he's going to do it  anyway I'm going to do something 15 [Music] [Applause] episodes  so why we should have killed that guy I think this will 23 episodes what Walkers can't get in here 23 we  should be safe for now yeah I just looked it up you wrong zero 13 there's five a there's  five axe but somebody well then they l
ied on the [ __ ] game link website they never finished  the game they said it was 5 hours and 30 minutes long on the long side we've you know we've been  on it for 4 hours and we did Bo we did 3 hours 4 hours going crazy coming not Maggie I'm coming  with you this too much noise it's attracting Walkers you're the one yelling that's a terrible  Maggie voice where are you Lor Shane we must go quietly why are you screaming oh you made it  good job episode 14 Lori you okay baby I uh I don't know I
this all exclusive stuff never  seen I told you this would happen feel free to te me a new [ __ ] when this is over terrible  right now we got bigger fish gross I'm coming with you stay with Lori lock that door behind us  and don't move till we come back oh swear he a werewolf he's like Logan from wish unowned thank you so much for your res subscription that alarm is attracting  more Walkers shoot it I got to shoot out those speakers shut that alarm up  for good well at least you don't have to d
efeat the Walkers you just  got to shoot eight just eight uh alarms she's a distraction you don't need  to kill them she's distraction you're fine see no way impressive well that them climbs the  stairs you told me none of them climb the stairs well when when I was in the  fight they didn't they didn't chase me at all get off of me me you Pricks adrenaline is pumping see any others can you go inside I see one way up there somehow get off of me take some m still here looks like it's inside the bu
ilding well is this supposed to be open cuz  there's no other way to get in there we could ask our resident uh expert  Z NY where is it you're almost done with this game cuz you said he loved  it building just joking right no I am not the fence she said the fence what  go to the fence what fence okay to your left Lock and Load I almost died yeah back to the other side back to your right all the  way straight all right and then left look like there were some handprints or  something more Amo is a
lways welcome in that crate yeah whoa was that necessary  Shane wow Finders Keepers Finder Keepers Finder Keepers get away from me did that zombie  literally spawn on right there yes yes it did right don't break the crate remember this has range of two feet get real close think we are shooting him but get closer  I remember like he takes no damage unless the boxes are gone right is that how it works  I don't know I don't want to waste all my ammo yeah he's not getting shot oh [ __ ] what careful
  that one explodes from cool nice J right this one no the one in front  of me I'm in danger this one this one Auto sh the [ __ ] worst Finders Keepers he's going say that when Lori has  a baby it's find keeper no Shan you can't have my baby Finders Keepers Finders Keepers but  it's Finders Keepers oh that one had a cage on it did did you see the game  no careful he explosed too how did this how did the the gun  get worse the old guy it takes one shot the only fun you had with a gun is now G yea
h well get away from me need healing no no no so zenes when you were playing this  you're like this is totally worth my money what were you thinking when  you were playing this part let me go let me go is the best video game I've  ever played in my life I was laughing a lot I needed a lot he must been drinking  some wine with it too what your drinking choice I get it I watch my terrible movies Brandy careful he exploded crowbar sucks it's so close need healing careful cuz you only have 20  bulle
ts what are you going to do you run out too many of them there must be  another way to shut down the alarm oh yes are they love my blood's boiling TR him one shot CB4 Lock and Load got it skill points too  need take the edge off oh great what God damn it smoking there plenty of places to go so invisible I need to stop this noise this smoke Harding me this time for no reason yes  never mind what I think you have to go upstairs in there CU there's a  I remember there was a button in there stop sma
shing just go you're going  to die where to I'm not losing Health to the left and then go upstairs is  my guess I guess I am losing Health what the [ __ ] it said got it there you go lock it  why is it just working Chase Andrew what am I looking at Andrew should have known that son of a  [ __ ] move your ass Shane he's getting away eyes up Soldier we're playing on his home turf this  place is full of Walkers why would I need to Def what let me [ __ ] I'm locked in watch out for the armor I am no
t locked in what  are you talking about out of here get off of me Lock and Load Jack to go and then the door magically  opens because this game [ __ ] sucks more ammo is always [Music] welcome  this helps I'll take that doesn't help I got you now buddy those boxes no those cardboard boxes no it's impenetrable need to get to it I get talking like she's at a heavy  metal concert shut the [ __ ] up get out of [Music] here Carol you handle these Walkers I'm  going to lay the hurt on this guy go I've
got okay there's two recycling bins in front  of me jump over no I can't go any further you don't understand you don't understand  no these BS won't get picked up till Tuesday stuck here till next week you're [ __ ] up this is my house [Music] he's the final boss oh man you just final boss  we're like chapter 13 or episode 13 we need 23 have to remind me I'm going to I want to die we're  in act three we still need two more 10 more episodes I don't believe  it I game broken you got find in darkn
ess the epic battle oh no well that's the end the game maybe that's  what happened maybe that's what happened they thought that was the end of the  game and they're like oh it's only 5 hours that's exactly what happened I can't I there I can't even bring  up the menu with uh I can't it's it's complete darkness so there's no going back game's a [ __ ] one oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what I can't even  go back to the main [ __ ] menu I can't I'm not going to play the whole [ __ ] level over Joe [ __ ] you're
playing this [ __ ]  level I don't want to shoot arms so stupid Oh no well Unity crash Handler ain't doing [ __ ] you don't do [ __ ] kill that process she come out find Keepers well that's a good stopping point so I don't um don't want to shoot  alarms I hope it saved um Finders Keepers that's got to be a new thing for  us Finders Keepers I hope it's saved right before that there got to be some kind of clip  where he says fighter Keepers and then we say fighter Keepers flippy zero Dr E none of
  them are here for this they're not going to be able to clip it this game supports an  auto safe feature Joe says right there says Auto feature got it auto feature we're  good don't worry Buton auto save next continue I don't like that sound time  to go okay why you freaking us out with that alarm we shot the alarms I'll take that thanks to the right push I need to get to it  you say [ __ ] it yeah just take off oh who's that [ __ ] is breaking what the [ __ ] is that  it doesn't matter please
no please they killed Maggie go I think that was Maggie Maggie  just appeared then she she died no so so they again you can't what what just happened  let's do it again I got you now buddy the [ __ ] is Maggie doing in there she wasn't  there last time let me go I need to get to it there's Maggie need help over here  get out of there no it's Maggie dying there's no out of here Maggie shouldn't be spawned there do we the game developers found a way to  try to stop you from doing that by Auto spaw
ning Maggie for no reason to get her killed to end  the game state is this game going to be a0 five out of 10 no there are no FES we don't do FES on  the Angry Joe show cuz it's be a man do the right thing let me go no no no they killed Maggie  what so I have to run all the way there and then shoot that one and then try so Maggie  is just randomly spawned there for but she was not but that's not she's not supposed to be  spawned there you ain't where you're supposed to be I need to get to it now
protector get the [ __ ] out of here Maggie get off of me no no no  where are you attacking help over here he got me help get out of here man  run get off [ __ ] run I can't you you only got 11 bullets help get out of there no  I think this is so [ __ ] me that's noted to happen time to go I think the only way to  do it is to she was foll me a little bit so maybe get her to follow you to the other  hallway let me go I need to get to him mag mag mag mag magy Maggie look at  that Carol you handle
these Walkers I'm going to lay the hurt on this guy go  I've got this oh I saw all the zombies the zombies we couldn't trust him oh  this Maggie oh she's get out of there no let me so do I have to do the boss  battle with Maggie I don't think up it's so [ __ ] okay new plan new plan new  plan this what we going to do run as fast as you can go push that thing and then push  it back block them and just deal with the Crawlers yeah well too late yeah  she's yeah no that's fine to get get a little c
rack and then exit push  it look out of here you got one push it all right at least you got one going  to you got this you can take care of the what [ __ ] you get through they're  getting through we didn't push it hard enough my blood's boiling close it  make sure nobody else comes through no nobody else there all right all  right we got it what the [ __ ] is Maggie doing here she wasn't supposed  to spawn why does your character look so small that mean she's going to be  with us during the B b
le I have no idea Carol you handle these wers I'm  going to lay the HT on this guy go I've got this I knew we couldn't trust  him Pete what up Pete time to pay the piper I don't think I got to load  with Maggie 100 months for Pete P big one Z it loaded oh my God it  loaded wait well it did kind of but then it stopped you never seen this  yeah we did oh [ __ ] we did see this is my house and then it okay we saw that I  don't want to look child I don't want to look oh man you shoot him  he so shoo
t him right there stupid okay here we go Moment of Truth you did it I surviv the generator destroy  the generator we got to it wait we got to read what it says keep your head down the smoke is  toxic will hurt you if you are coughing you're hurting Crouch to breathe sa me turn off the  follow the blinking lights approach them and interact approach the generators this game is like  approach the generators it's made for you what the [ __ ] you got this they did this on purpose  trigger trigger got
get all the breakers and shut down the alarm I can't see is totally  overrun you're [ __ ] up what do we do do you know yeah go to the generators and turn them  off okay how do I turn them off should be off button where is it go to the blinking mon  where is it blinking you're dead you're all dead I'll take that thanks um can't see [ __ ] through this smoke  that was blinking wait was it blinking there it is huzzah you did it now kill Andrew that was  that was it that was that little segment it
was different was different kid wow  come out and play oh no maybe I got to do this while attacking while dealing  with him thatwhere I'm still you sitting I was not it was in front of me but I was  not in it you're giving this game too much credit think you should on the other side  everything is going to kill you here oh no's going to show dead six man you  stay out of the goddamn fire look at how lucky that is down the alarm prison is  totally overrun you're [ __ ] up this is my house you're
dead you're  all dead kids come out and play yeah that bastard somewhere nearby better be careful Show Yourself [ __ ] St you got this get out of here you  ain't sh you know that let me go what do you think 10 more times  yeah since four already then another four you see a blinking yep I could use some meds no I know where you are [ __ ] F get off of me you can't find me out of here let me hey stop stop  sneaking around get out of here am I supposed to deal with can't do that adrenaline is p ru
n no no you know Joe the fire made you break  here you go that's what you get Joe that's what you get your legs fall in like that go  ahead Joe let me see you break your legs God damn got to get to all the  breakers and shut down the alarms before the prison is totally  overrun you're [ __ ] up this is my house you're dead you're all dead kids come  out and play need healing I'm still good job good job I think that was going to carry over  I was should have crouched stupid toxic air yeah wait th
ere's more worst boss battle in all the alarms before the prison is totally overrun  you're [ __ ] up this is my house you're dead you're kids come out and play [ __ ] that bastard somewhere nearby I better be careful that's what we need to do we  need to stay undetected Show Yourself [ __ ] you back right got it you ain't [ __ ] you know that see  where's the is it the heart that shouldn't be filled up or which one I don't even know  what the meter wasen meter cuz that was fast damn it I know w
here you are [ __ ] I'll take that thank can't find me hey stop stop sneaking around let me go [Laughter] I need to take the edge off how are they not on fire go stamina right through the score not ready yes what's the matter you  afraid two more coming to my house try to kick me out I don't think  so [ __ ] [ __ ] give it up take this can't do that [ __ ] go What's happen heal this helps hope you die already [ __ ] they saw me this prison is mine after you I'm going to kill  everyone you love o
ne by one so tired burn baby burn that was so [ __ ] stupid that's the tagline for this game Walking  Dead destiny that was so [ __ ] stupid [Laughter] yes I'm so sorry no what what  happened no no no no [Music] no this Carl's Vault [ __ ] corl she dies either way car she leave a note slow left the group another one buy the dust you got to do something baggy stop blaming me that best do what she wants  [ __ ] you jaob I'm not a s give me a break this is real bad this is real bad get  our people
out there exploring we always need stuff why am I doing this man this is torture  we already got the [ __ ] point be playing World traitor later only nine more to go no I'm not doing that don't mind if I do find his Keepers ow [ __ ] is this Nan who are these [ __ ] oh great Negan isn't but the governor is I forgot  about the governor it's the governor first is it humans are even worse [ __ ] zombies  it makes no sense that the humans would have like so much more head health than  zombies I'm go
ing to die oh you kill them both nope you can't just all right you're  dead now they're not like zombies they roll well you can't just Spam the button cuz  you're just going to stand in one spot I didn't know they're going to be uh regular  people so I don't know regular people not zombies I'll take that thanks find  his Keepers got it who are these [ __ ] ni f [ __ ] I'll take that thanks right through the skull [ __ ] I was an aim for you didn't see nothing oh God take down got it it's to aimi
ng for her  Jer where he D me you didn't see me pump we totally got this St me too little ass kicker  need formula I ain't letting her down got it locking low ni F you found a new tactic Joe rolling  right when you're about to be discovered the [ __ ] guess there's just no way  is he supposed to be discovered I suppose oh he moved no that ain't the way I go that way oh there is this way no you lucky you oh [ __ ] that's what I [Music] thought auto aim you getting the arrows back  I don't think I
can which I what but that's how that was the whole point of a crossbow  in the show is you get your arrows back and you can't get your arrows back they they  not even watch the [ __ ] show did they no jackp baby got it gu it's all one of the show use your vision don't mind if I do got it I got to get that formula need your opinion easy peasy still plenty of  daylight go for it let's do this if you say so found it don't mind if I do he failed we're loser Don't Mind If I Do she's Corner over here
hell's going on down  there the boss wants her alive she needs help help the woman survive the ambush who the  hell are you like how many only friend you got quiet this is [ __ ] terrible Retreat  what is this we have to move who are these guys just something yeah we have to worry  about playing around that's supposed to be coming down one her I like how everybody  could take a magazine to the face take this I handle them he's got SE what you took my  kill my kill go just don't die I hold them
off go now dead the shooter Joe the shooter  that guy was also shooting me no he went shoot him behind you and you used all your ammo where the [ __ ] are they coming  from I did it oh I think you just needed to advance in that direction this  whole time let's see what the boss wants to do with him hey just that woman  left so now they they're done with cut scenes yeah they just right that one  was a black screen cuz they didn't care enough is this supposed to be the  cool character now I might
be able to save a baby I need to get  this oneula [Music] better so heavy got it damn at least we get a z  I guess and all is I can't imagine stop this game is long enough already yay two more a me my name is me so does that mean Shane and  Mech get together no you can just tell it to your new friends over there TI with the crossbow  he told me which direction it was in said it was a straight shot where is he un likee his  aiming the same son of a [ __ ] who's after me there's a town Woodbury go
t 75 survivors  your man was taken there a whole town what you know a way in he's not my  man place is secure from Walkers hey he could slip our way through listen  though nothing in Woodberry is how it looked is is The Walking Dead over like can somebody  tell me how it ends there spinoff it's never over well I don't want to know about the spinoff  it's never over I don't want spin [Music] off a few days ago 15 give me all the spoilers I guess it diverges from the comic  what is this place you'
ve been out there a long time while you were I was building this  how many you got here [ __ ] 73 I that's the guy we left I don't remember your kid  will make it 74 it's not are you sure this guy we left still a work in progress  but Rome wasn't built in to day that's a bold from parison well this is where I  live you need me this is where you can find me I don't remember none of this and I  watch call ahead if you catch my drift I'll keep that in mind don't listen to him  I'm a busy man and I
make time for my people the walls haven't been  breached in over a month there have been no casualties inside since  early winter that's not possible it is when we have a strict curfew nobody  out after dark this how you walk no in L arm guards on the fence anding theimer away it is suffering she's I was like what the  [ __ ] who said said that where's te dog are you military a few of our people are  former military by and large take the tour with the governor dumb some AR wow most  of the weapo
ns we've scavenged over time the other side of town the rest of the streets  they're all guarded like this they C and it is great got a biter coming in governor governor they call you that  some nicknames stick whether you want them to or not Buzz is a nickname  Buzz Governor is a title there's a difference maybe but I protect  the city and the people in it they can call me what they want peach I'd  still do it this way they can call you Peach what is a you [ __ ] better not  fall out of the wor
ld you'll see got to keep people entertained you call this  entertainment this is sick what's your real name anyway never tell animate their  mouths I'll never tell never drop it I mean it the only time they ever opened their mouths was to kiss that one time they did they like  forced the mouth open this this is really bad I'm not staying here or  you're not in a position to decide I am that's the way things work around here why would they force somebody to stay in  their Community doesn't make
any [ __ ] sense I guess you the person could tell and bring  back people and attack the community I guess all right I'm so angry with today I wasted  my time actually I edited three videos so we're good we didn't waste our time  yes that is michon this I think is the new which like replaces morl or something  cuz Mor's with us I don't know instead of leaving God these Graphics are the wor  worst hell with that I'm getting out of here now what about sword she didn't care oh well um H episode 15 
was so merciful I wish I got to play it but it was a little torture it was a little torture yeah  was I think that that was it episode 16 episode 16e a few weeks ago yes how many 23 so  there's only four plus three we're on our way we're on our way all right I guess  this ends with a battle with the governor I suppose was that the way into the man highlighted immediately or or not I think this way you did it oh find a way to open it it's  not even locked you just push it [ __ ] you mean just pu
sh it open what do you mean  it's locked to itself that is not how a Lock Works Push the door pull locked  can't progress but it's not locked you clearly see a huge ass Gap find a  way to open this side I could see it's closed find a way to open it God damn  I have to go inside over here don't I I don't know nope [ __ ] this let [ __ ] me go get off of me oh God help I can't do this anymore  there's a lot more than I P be get off of me I'm still here where are you I can't see away from me there'
s a lot of zombies a lot of goddamn zombies can you SC I do not have a  samurai sword I have to go pick it up this will distract him don't mind if I  do do they all have to say the same [ __ ] thing this will distract him I don't mind if I do I don't mind [ __ ] I Don't Mind If I Do [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] F get out bad word yep everyone's following me Yep this is  over this is over this is over can we Dodge everybody it is our only hope now  oh [ __ ] a minute what what no way I looked down for a
second and  you did it jeez all right I'm glad did they follow me they didn't follow  me I need something to distract that guard get to the workshop undetected  you're not going to catch up are you maybe maybe what hey you you're not allowed  here let's get you back to your room got to use the bushes she's got no weapon  damn it I just made it too she's got no weapon we forgot she had no weapon I was like I'm never going to  make it I made it never going to make it never going to make it never g
oing  to make it never going to make it never going to make it never going to make it  going make can't go that way it's over here [ __ ] don't turn around don't turn around uhoh well I can't go under this why I don't know I think you have  the Vault nope no Vault so so you just can't go in there hey you you're not  allowed here let's get you back to your room let's get you back to your room Joe never going to make it I need something to distract that guard something to distract the guard  guess
we'll just do bushes until we find a weapon wow soundtrack is amazing yeah it took too long are we supposed to go in or out I guess this Brave New  World huh um oh that's for real oh come on is this even the dire  ction I don't know scram get back to your room yeah I was lagging Big  Time a damn damn damn damn damn damn see cuz I couldn't go on that side though that's not no that's not a way in just the door no I can't go that way [ __ ] I need something to distract that guard how much longer d
o I have to stay out here Brave New World huh Brave New World huh I can use those pliers to break them up I already  buy Sentinels I'll take that thanks Marvel crisis need to check on guess this is my life now huh this is my life now got it go give me a break finish you almost there I don't know where I'm going okay  that sounds good keep doing that okay I need to check on something Joe don't don't have too much fun I'm going try Nazi  man I'll save all the good stuff for you this game's trash b
y the way [ __ ] trash great skill points let's see what we can use we need some speed that's going to be great that's going to be great that's going to  be great this many guards man's hiding something it'll be safer if I go over Brave New hey you you're not allowed here what let's get you back to your  room come on what' you get oh this game doesn't look that bad well you  could buy it and try it then you want to refund I get my points yeah this many man's hiding something it'll be safer if I
go over can't you this might be the worst  level yet or no this this is the worst absolute worse because you have no weapons  so you have no choice of approaching this in any other [ __ ] way this will distract him I  think I saw really bad hey you damn it you're not allowed here and then you have instant fails  instant fail States like that [ __ ] man [ __ ] me okay so I need to see King Pin rhino this many guards man's hiding something be saf the man is hiding  something she believes I got see
I got this will distract him now I just have to get to  the window [ __ ] lag on that terrible wait did someone in chat just  say 57 blood in the sand is a bad game you trying to get banned bro are you  tryn first [ __ ] that game is an alltime drunk classic you play that  game drunk you will have an amazing time okay first try got it as the devil  found the katana oh God thank you thank you God didn't he feed his daughter  or something [ __ ] like that right he kept his daughter down here  rig
ht yeah I think so something like that yeah oh that her it's okay  it's okay I'm not going to hurt you Binger looking good I'm a kill her I'm going to kill her I'm a killer  please don't hurt my little girl Jesus you sick [ __ ] oh slay so what happened in  the show I don't remember me neither chat can you back us up what happened  in the show did he spare no she she killed in the show she killed K her she  kills her so spare spare the governor's daughter your destiny is chosen that's the only n
ovelty this  game has and it's not worth it it's to see what happens if the other thing  is chosen no definitely not I thought I thought I thought T do killed him now TG is  the Govern or what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] man man really no that's not a different  this is the last straw man you're out what run what why she saving him you chose wrong [Music] oh cuz that's what happens with the  mayor yeah I remember so he becomes the main villain now and the governor is maybe with us  guess so you're
dead you're all dead kill him finish him off because then the governor has the  I patch y oh my God what the [ __ ] man this is the dumbest thing that could have happened  so it's like okay let's see what happens and then they [ __ ] it up and make it the dumbest  thing ever after michon's altercation with the governor woodberry's on high alert an attempt  to assert Authority the town's leader they can't even say te dog it sets barricades or  maybe the governor still the leader I I don't know t
hat [ __ ] sound destroy five alarms hounded stealth okay Dr deception what  are five other games that are worse than this five list here go them now if you  don't you're banned I'm serious yeah you get to control the governor better  now than before get away from the Manion damn you're turning this  place upside down looking for me somebody Implement a band we  got company what I hit the button already well I like that he's what do  they call him Philip Blake Crime City think this one's worse t
han crime  city or Crime City crime city was really really bad you think this bad  forgot about that one yep he did five take that thanks he did five what did he  do Kong Golem redfall day before Crime City forgot about Crime City well you  got out of a man wow I didn't look I said it I said it to where he'd fell  he's real duck that's why all right man well done you get props here get props  here still a damn I think I saw something you're dead that's what you saw lock and low more  always welc
ome I can't all those games be tied for last place though [ __ ] up lock and so you can't  turn off the [ __ ] alarms no he got to run stupid Speed Run I need to take the edge on They're  Up on the Roof hey we got an intruder [Music] Crime City isn't good enough Hellboy and gargo I think crime [ __ ] is  probably better ready can't do that not ready now ready yeah just  stick with that one got more ammo trash Bas your weakness how they know my only  weakness and the trash doesn't come till Tuesd
ay oh [ __ ] easy face down  ass up that's the way we like to [ __ ] did you see that [ __ ] y' yes her teeth and just like this [ __ ]  face down ass up that's the way we lock the [ __ ] gu this beat sleeping in the  woods well then where are we going I'll take that thanks is there supposed to  be bags here really cuz that's that's the [ __ ] area we go down right well yeah  go down and go to the right oh what the [ __ ] then there you go but there's  no indication that this they put a barricad
e face down I was hoping they would just  like all just die like that face down yeah I know fun yet no make your way through the trucks got it I'll take that thanks I need to got it damn it what what like that guess it doesn't  kill BL you like that you like that hello what's up so when he's hitting me I I he's  in Invincible [Music] frames oh that hurt him huh okay [ __ ] roll bring it it I guess I got I guess it was Bren I'll take that bring it [ __ ] more ammo always oh my God shut the [ __ ]
  up it's part of your team now hey we got an intruder that's the auto aim More's always welcome true true  sh be very true lock and low let's get out of here you did am always  no they're going to stop me at some point I didn't [ __ ] know it I want  to be [ __ ] prepared for their stupid [ __ ] I'll take that thanks  this helps I need to go around bring it [ __ ] cuz I was [ __ ] loading guess I have to walk the  walk talk to talk Walk Hard Walk Hard we got company jeez [ __ ] [ __ ] we got to
finish it for science I'll take that thanks I would  not would not I need to take the edge off make your way to the Main  Street stairs up top no lock and loow we got an intruder you found  it escap through the barricade gate just have to reach that barricade did it will bring out the fs what don't move man end of the line for you time you learned what a real Governor can do yep what did he do oh is this the boss battle already they're organized they're heavily armed and  they've got your guy t
hat's what you're up against he's not our guy though I ain't scared  that makes no sense just need to get us some more guns as all I can help oh let's get to it they  got a darl oh they do have a darl forgot thought they were talking about [ __ ] t-bo I thought they  were talking aboutone steak now I'm hungry te dog yeah t dog from Fallout 4 yes now I want a t- ball who has the [ __ ] conflict you  kill Lori flipped over new day I guess we're making a laugh here all of us we need to  start build
ing a future for all sometimes I'm overprotective why is that a bad thing look  at this listen to me I'm not doing anything wrong no F we don't know how you well enough  took me in of course I got you back that may be true but the SE too high I on a chance give me  a break she she's the only one with a cool weapon [ __ ] off we should send some folks on a supply  run Carol sucks God damn it Carol sucks they forc me to play as Carol do best in preparation no  you can't choose preparation for the
attack on woodb Rescue Daryl Maron claims to know where  you can find more Fireball lead a mission to collect the weapons so does that mean michon  will come with me we literally just did this conflict right she's like you have to stay behind  turbo goon hey John really surprised you were meh with ready or not during the VGA Ready or Not  is a SWAT spiritual successor I'm sure you'll love it if you're into tactical Shooters has  been getting really great reviews since early access what up Titan
isn't ready or  not the edge Lord one that try to do like controversy advertising by having school shooting skull shooting a school  shooting mission is like one of the first Early Access missions don't  know CH zero said yes do you know well that's [ __ ] dumb yeah that's a  great way to make me not play your game yeah when when when was that Ready or Not trailer shown so let's see here Thrasher World  World of Goo Exodus that was kind of disappointing hellblade too was pretty  sweet how they d
id Avatar sparking was cool Jurassic Park survivor really showed  nothing black myth is [ __ ] awesome okay so it was after Warframe and then they showed  ready or not got it let's check after Warframe Warframe I love that's not ready wait is that ready or not  it is ready or not that's ready or not that can't be they're ready or not no that's definitely not  ready or not that's that couple Mage thing yeah they looked all right her too I guess somehow  she probably like an assist banish her ghos
t of that's at the beginning February game all  right let's see what I say here I'm curious looks you ready what is this the SWAT  SWAT I like SWAT games I like SWAT games it looks more military than the helmet can still make it out of this drop the  gun and let her go swap five I think it's swap five six I don't remember man it's been forever  since walk I don't I don't know so are you ready that dude's hand kind of chunky yeah ready or not  okay so that is a you know usually a top down I guess
it's going to be different perspective  ready or not interesting or wait version 1.0 I guess it's just coming out and that was  a cinematic trailer okay well all right mid change so so Jay said mid and people think I  think it's mid I guess this what's going on like I'm just so annoyed with the game award reaction  that I got everybody said that we were [ __ ] on every trailer we weren't there were plenty of  trailers that we [ __ ] liked and then the last comment was like uh when I put out the
finals  video they were like this is the game you were [ __ ] on and said was an l and I was like what  the game no I didn't and then I rewind rewind I found all the comments I said about it they were  all positive so I'm like what are people talking about it's like a narrative gets built there  a [ __ ] on every single thing that came out this is [ __ ] annoying um so I called Ready or  Not oh that looks like SWAT oh that's cool like like a first person SWAT or like SWAT four  SWAT five at thi
s point oh that's out now 1.0 okay cool well that's okay angry Mexican cuz  that one's doooo what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] Doo those are baby noises a few hours later what episode was that 18 17 I can't believe  I have my eyes closed what was your excuse I was looking at look at that chat this is the  store Michonne mentioned how are there we're almost there hey we got [ __ ] I'm going  need to get ammo and weapons here oh [ __ ] you lock and love tell me where all the  pistols are at here got
it I need what's the matter too scared to face me what  you lost side of you it's usually what happens on the loose side of you they walk  away and say stupid [ __ ] so I guess it's down here somewhere quick draw quick K  some of those crates I guess we got an [Music] intruder did you yeah you did  the desktop audio Yeah I know you're here need to get ammo and weapons  here bro what the the [ __ ] are y'all doing oh I didn't know you could Dodge  bullets that's pretty sweet I can't do this anymo
re yeah yeah I know you're here [Music] epic epic grenade got it apparently about 50 shots test out wasted a whole  mag okay that's a weapons right where's the other one to the accent need to get ammo and weapons here don't mind what the [ __ ] clicking your instinct that thing wait no that's it is that thing God damn  it go upstairs now somebody unlocked the door for you stab him need your opinion what you forc find  a way out fight your way out Beth stupid [ __ ] you got to fight for your righ
t  easy f one more weapon case there's one there must be more powerful you got  here right the music's pretty epic it is mus but after the 10th hour  you don't want it anymore music is epic n making a joke that's nice see 50 H shots need healing  51 that's a desert eagle by the way such BB gun 10 hour soundtrack baby I'm not ready bring it [ __ ] I'm still here bring it adrenaline is pumping I should check upstairs someone else found  what should I do here's what I think there must be more power
ful gun somewhere in  here what was that he has a helmet let's protected [Music] bring it [ __ ] said good day I said good day finds 37 Ms five head shot  the grand Old Duke thank you for 40 months you've been with us I  turned off notifications I think to I don't know why I think there was Capt  the Epic cut scenes the Epic cutcenes so time to pick them off one by one I'll take that thanks [Music] I need to take the Ed she doesn't even know kind she  can't even get up these things so stupid she
doesn't even know  what kind of pill she's taking that wasn't right do matter right  in the booty hole detected by who that guy by by a [ __ ] the people  that are just falling down that's who goddamn zombies let let zombies worry take  care of them start crushing boxes just want to go run and crush box yeah yeah this won't be enough  to take on Woodbury can't do that than I have anything use this won't be  enough to take on Woodbury got to keep looking do that not ready can't do that I need to
take the edge off this won't be enough to  take on Woodbury got to keep looking not ready got it  checkpoint now I just need to get out let me where do you get out can't  do that don't mind if I do away from me any ideas nope let's go back where we came from got it ready for this you think this is a uh restricted area  where you have to kill them all of course not oh you maybe have to pull that they don't go upstairs right  Joe turn the corner they won't see you see yeah yeah they don't go  ups
tairs oh then they go around that edge I had that grenade get through the wall okay he goes upstairs or or or not he wearing a helmet yes reload [Music] I'm out of here she will be mythal Phoenix 47 month [ __ ] did he get through I need that [ __ ] [Music]  grenade away from me guys are still here there a Grenade on the ground great more ammo is always welcome we're going to die Finders  Keepers we definitely going to die now's our chance out here what  I can't [ __ ] why can't I pull it do you
see the buttons punch I'm still got it I need to take the edge off got it I need to take the edge off I'm not alone here  how still weapons here this is the store Michonne mentioned it's a trap we're coming for you Shadow crisis why does it smell like cookies did  you make cookies Alex I don't do anything does it smell like cookies Joe nope I don't  smelling cookies is it this I smell that now what is it is that cookies chocolate  am I having a medical emergency is there any condition smelling
burning cookies  be burnt toast or popcorn no if you're inside of a vehicle yeah if you're  in a car with Will don't smell the popcorn a stroke no look at this stop blaming me so was Coral  Carol Coral's dead it's Coral it's Carol no it's Coral we're better off with all of them AG M give me a break [ __ ] you  Carol that's all they say give me break that's going to be great all right  so Philip and Michonne because we should have waited for that use Katana Katana  Katana Sledgehammer Sledgehamme
r hey this will come in handy hey this will come in  handy that's going to be great this will come in handy that's going be make it better  hey this will come in handy so now we have everything unlocked except for Maggie's crowbar  that's going to be great two slots on Maggie's crowbar assault rifle with Shane fists  with the Daryl rescue Daryl the suicide king that's going to be great Joe hopefully  you appreciate this Shadow crisis thank you mythal Phoenix thank you never L def  find where we
calling these on I'm I'm behind looking forward to watching The  Angry riew on rooc great Old Duke on a roof but payback's a [ __ ] ain't and who  better to give it than our former Governor folks so that's the one thing the game  does that I didn't expect T dog is a major V they give him a hook and a  p a scratch time show me what you got what am I doing fighting  got get I don't who I am you're Daryl you're just making things  harder on yourself watch out for those Walkers how you like that yea
h come get some [Music] going easy on you now I won't hold back really all  right well now don't hold back not all you got oh God I can use those wers wear them down you're going too easy on me that's more like cheap shop it hit him [ __ ] up grab I was going easy on you twice let's  go three times Mortal Kombat Mortal Combat throw some C pepper on his  one eye C pepp you're going to die gaming to say7 is it real those [ __ ]  just keep pushing him no they like you oh [ __ ] he's dead already I'
ve been going easy on  you three times going easy all right man you just suck at fight what the [ __ ] are you serious  I'm just going to oh [ __ ] I broke the level and then I did the I pressed Y in time five  times what you oning you five times I swear to God if you kick my ass one more time that's  when I'm really going to fight let's go we over here I swear to God if you kick my ass one  more time I'm not going to be your friend anymore didn't hear no Bell round six let's go [ __ ]  meanwhil
e in Woodberry an AB Brazen display of authority leader forces Daryl to face off  against a dangerous pH notice how they don't they even bother to write that because they  don't want to program in a different screen so destroy all the military vehicles as Shane seven I already have the assault rifle oh  great oh great Lock and Load Lock and Load those army trucks are a problem we got to  that's not an army truck stupid [ __ ] pained Army on it beat up beat the beat up little  pickup truck see th
at's not a problem at all this game this game this doesn't know what  to do anymore all right destroy the military vehicles guys going backwards we  already have a lot of the skill points what oh yeah we've done every single  skill point except for crowbar cuz crowbar sucks why don't you use the skill point  are you an idiot like you're catching me at a bad time are you an idiot or did you  just walk in the Stream this is one of two choices either you're an idiot or you just  walked into the Str
eam tell me which one now BR I'm notot love it correct answer  I like the emote too or the Emoji shoot the truck and you just shoot what  is this guy doing Joe he's going to scare you H yeah yeah I'm going get you he's doing  the [ __ ] Karate Kid he thinks I'm going to walk over there and he's going to do the  crane kick on me does he know that move is illegal bro that move is [ __ ] illegal what  a cheater just shoot the truck [ __ ] everyone else you fixed he said you fixed  him he levitates
see he's a magician love it I like how like he smiling like  a you knocked myot five times in the head Jesus where did you come  from where where your helmet so big what the [ __ ] are all  you people coming from waa wa the [ __ ] aiming you kidding me where did they all come from they're  like literally there was nobody there from just in but now you [ __ ] [ __ ] up because I  raffle but the sledgehammer sucks it's too slow yeah they're play from zero to 10 like  really fast yeah it's because
they just spawn in randomly it's [ __ ] stupid am lock am  always see maybe the [ __ ] fire ax baseball bat we didn't put any of that what we did is the  machete where the [ __ ] is it oh there it is let's go okay let's go where these [ __ ] at  they only spawn when you go what the [ __ ] really come H the [Music] nonstop bro [ __ ] [ __ ] got to trick that AI it come they already running a lot on ammo Su adrenaline is pumping there's ammo right there bers Keepers b b keeper all right how do you
destroy these [ __ ] things better make  sure these things can't reach the prison yeah how do you how do you destroy it  shoot it you think you shoot it holy [ __ ] stab it what the f the thing is going to explode isn't it  what the [ __ ] this level is ridiculous that's what I say you should just shot  it from up top I didn't know you can do that oh [Music] my look at this they know this is [ __ ] ridiculous  this might be the hardest level in the game they're just like stacking  Assets in a l
evel and just saying go they don't even bother lock finders  keep going do some serious damage with this let's [Music] go see it's super easy super easy yeah  but I only have a limited amount of ammo that's why I'm trying  to distributed amongst the the different trucks here so there's  one two three I only see three trucks scan there's another one this is going  to be hard as [ __ ] so I've made three there's four potentially five and then six is over there question is can I make  a crazy run t
o destroy them on Flames Flames Flames I got three  Flames let's see if I can get that one whoa whoa go back I think I saw another gun go straight keep going right there time  toing out gun to bring out the jackpot oh actually okay Lock and Load shame to waste such a good vehicle I why can't I roll you died no pressing wrong but no energy more ammos out of [Music] breath exhaust this helps oh it was a bad idea  to go back down out of breath out of breath wanted to fight they got I'm where where
is he where is the other  one where's the other one straight ahead to your left Fang in the serent got it no oh no that's right out of breath yeah this level would  have been [ __ ] [ __ ] where back where you came from okay see  if I can I'll take that thanks this helps they stop chasing me Lock  and Load cuz they stop chasing me oh [ __ ] they just stopped getting super aggressive I'm exhausted where you going where where is it to the  right I don't see it you looking left that yeah okay Finis
h four what a [ __ ] terrible level [ __ ] I'm actually like  two more this one and then five he looks like he has liis game is since the 80s hello man welcome to  the stream as you could tell we're playing the best game of the [Music] year now  explode 12 cars want to die oh no not back here please wait is it 23 episodes  yes all right that's that's enough for me that's I have to figure out where this  smell's coming from walk on the fence better clear them what maybe my food nice  and easy yea
h I my food this stupid what stupid my blood boiling they keep piling up  that fence will come down there a blue thing just doing maintenance work or here I guess yep kill 12 Walkers yep more that's  been the same [ __ ] mission [ __ ] 20 missions in a row but they did this  the the show so we got to do it here yeah but I I I understand it's like well  it's Walking Dead what do you expect you expect there to be something besides  uh killing I expect a better game play sure expect competent boss
battles I  expect competent combat none of these things exists good dialogue good voice  acting good graphics what is happening oh don't thank did it worthwhile cutcenes  hopefully that was uh the end of episode 20 supplies was that episode 20 for real I don't know if that was episode  20 I'm going to laugh like why do they give Joe the best levels  that better not be episode 20 I hope it is better not be what does that say  nothing okay why you screaming Glenn something's going on Jesus Glen sc
aming  like that why is Glenn screaming I don't know it's pretty cool trick  though he did with his mouth closed ey bleeding Walkers infected with  a new disease their grab does a bit more damage Finders Keepers locking  low every single character says the same thing get out of there came  over Joe I guess I can't look for ammo the game said no fers Keepers I'm dead  finest Keepers you are dead well [ __ ] they need a need help over here I helped you you okay on my way who is that oh [ __ ] let
me go they got me  help game over you took so much time escort the survivors to the booth  upstairs bro is this an escort Mission oh no hey T I'm coming he's stuck on the  stairs kill better not be don't mind if I do am's always is that the booth they're talking about got it got it what is he do oh [ __ ] there's more come on can't do that go get a crossbow what  are you doing get the [ __ ] out of here you get the [ __ ] out kill them all oh my eyes hurt I lost my crossbow  more amm's always we
lcome [ __ ] loves to grind thank you not ready oh I know  this is going to be on the worst games list pumping you blowing all right everyone here  kill them all got to check inside all the cells Glenn what happened how' they get in they didn't sorry people clear the cells  12 you're not clearing the cells get out of here so more more zombies keep ticking up did you get wrathful take advantage of this two  okay think you get three I think you get four you get yeah yeah yeah hit him with wine I w
as trying  to to I think it was too far no cuz you was spamming door is too far locking low locking low man six more zombies the one zombies you left behind there's like five in there you're  going to get overwhelmed let me go [ __ ] what are you going to do wait a minute was that it didn't  clear any well cuz I guess it wasn't in the cell made me waste it well  this one the these are the sea cells that's some [ __ ] she shells  she shells so we just leave those zombies got it this helps got  it
darl Dixon so all you need to do is kill six more zombies  keep I understand that they're upstairs oh somebody let them all out but since  they can't go up and down the stairs we're all right I'm so tired got holy [ __ ] thank you for saving  me money on Napoleon boys I watch Godzilla minus one instead that's my [ __ ] movie of  right year check out how it go downstairs it is Magic it is the movie of the year and  Jo is trying to make a funny joke here so let me oh my God what' you say Joe said
  that's how I go walking down nice that's that was a better choice God damn it the  [ __ ] did that I don't like you right now I guess that's only it  triggers 690 bitties thank you Mike Z 690 690 bites it goes OJ B cardi cardi OJ great you guys are Faking It are you I need two  more are you serious yeah did we [ __ ] up nah no there there's time to bring  out the big guns more ammo is always welcome maybe those two those two  will count for some reason right between the eyes oh what out of her
e they didn't count she went to go back what  she tricked me she tricked me how turning around and grabbing you well you  didn't see that like it says like I could execute but then she turns around when I press the button  maybe it's don't don't do it Joe no no she has she hasn't coming now no Joe got you oh my God so one  of those zombies counted but those two didn't so maybe there's one more zombie in this area that'll  count upstairs there he is just now yeah how the hell did this happen some
kind of disease [ __ ]  this thing might just be not mind more ammo always guess we'll never know what it was you're  picking up ammo you invested in the story I mean my blood's boiling this is literally the worst  kind of zombie game it's clear zombies clear zombies clear zombies clear zombies clear zombies  bad combat clear zombies bad combat clear zombies bad combat clear clear zombies clear the  room of zombies followed by clear the room of zombies followed by clear clear the room  of zombi
es followed by bad combat followed by clear the room of zombies and the game ends got  it who wants to play that nobody wants to play that I'm s behind the door apparently in the  spinoff the virus was an experiment gone wrong in France 69 zero why is there nothing but  sniper Rivals inside narrow hallways cuz they made a sniper rifle for the  game so they have to do [Music] it we added bonus bits oh thank you twitch got it got it a it's 3:00 a.m. God damn it you  almost made it I mean we're lik
e What two levels away two levels away Monte 10 gifted  lightly wounded and Gravely wounded come over here I appreciate you fallowing Direction apprciate You fallowing Direction wow  baby hell love the content say catat thank you man thank you for supporting the content Sho  booty hole what what how are you not dead let me what don't do it don't use it he's a little confused I don't know man reload that's horrible oh no yeah do it from here I don't feel so good  guys see that kill that was cool
but there were other walkers there doesn't matter just  the big ones the hell is it some sort of flu must have picked it up from those Walkers  Walkers is a generic term for there's no stopping it you get it you have to go through  it we need antibiotics this doesn't sound like Maggie well ain't that just perfect that fight  with Woodberry wiped out our weapon Supply and now this we got to do something yeah we're  weak unarmed we're sitting ducks here need to walk voice actress only have one mod
e darling  you think you can check the nearby phes for antibiotics I'll go find us some weapons  didn't we just get like 30,000 weapons I was just thinking there's no place like home  the fight with Woodberry wiped out all of our weapons use the baby infantry use the baby I'm so tired West  Georgia Correctional Facility I I didn't know that we were here we only knew that for five  games in a row hey there's no conflict to resolve oh I got that wrong so failure still gives  you skill points I let
it subtract skill points cuz it was in red but failure on those stupid side  mission or not side missions those stupid button presses still give you skill points not like we  need them no we we've already unlocked everything I guess we could just get I already drank G  fuel you want me to drink three two more G fuels [ __ ] what did that say chat what did that what what did that say wait what  did that say What episode chat oh what happened here D [ __ ] so either the game completely lost  trac
k of its own numbered episodes or we're doing a prequel which no cuz we have FAL  and we've got Rick's Jagged so it's just so incompetent that whoever was typing out  the episodes just [ __ ] stopped better still be weapons here I don't even remember  what episode we were supposed to be on war you nope didn't think so explore the area to find supplies I think maybe we're at no  we were at 20 so it was 21 it's it's supposed to be 21 so they couldn't put the  they couldn't put the two in front of
the one do Eddie probably what they're doing oh my God are you serious we have to  deal with this [ __ ] I need to take the edge off can't do that move up the street towards the sniper how how told me about some guy who saved you Morgan maybe that be  him all this noise is bringing Walkers can they grab you while you're  moving that thing no I don't care think so l suers Joe uh heal and then use that other one  get off of me oh didn't work I can't do this anymore now we're [ __ ] we so [ __ ] oh
no yeah we'll go that side  to redo episode one oh God God he's on the rooftops I'm exhaust I need to take the told me about some guy who saved Morgan maybe  that be him all this noise is bringing walkers stop stop smart he shot through the B oh get off of me why is  he shooting you and other zombies oh [ __ ] help what get the health pack got it no why you destroying your cover cuz I  thought I had to go over that but it's on that side I'm ex these Walkers are in  my way take them out oh [ __ 
] no oh my God a sniper is so annoying I don't think the  levels could get any more annoying get out of here [ __ ] adrenaline is I'm exha how do you like that Axel is Joe going to survive 14 months thank  you so much Axel if he goes any further and gets sniped is that sniper still shooting through the  bus he better not be that ain't fair that ain't right can Joe do it he's got one more zombie on this side two more zombies on  this side he misses sh don't tell him all right wait a minute oh wha
t okay let's move this where you going no we need that oh  there's another one you can't see me yeah you can it says right there cover uh-huh  and then when you move cover yeah the game doesn't care Joe the game literally does not  care you're going to die am I amm oh okay I don't know how you're doing it but I think  I think we need to take a box with us you think shoot to the side shoot to the side right there no  what are you doing what you try to get that zombie out of there it doesn't matte
r you  can kill him get a on that you just trying to die did that what should have done I can see you keep out us no that's not  the way we going to go around that corner I think nope he's going to be able to it  is that way you they wouldn't set up all this for nothing you just  have to do a bunch of rolling [ __ ] do it [ __ ] him this will distract  I a even get to see it oh we getting shot you [Music] shot get it Jo the parmesan Don did 690 Bitties  for the sexy OJ notification he says oh he
didn't say anything he just said so  something about wet ass cushy or [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] know oh that's and he's about  to die right here there's where Joe goes down so many oh this is it wow Jo see [ __ ] hey man you  better put that gun down don't do it Joe don't do it heavy attex no no  D roll trying to roll said only heavy attacks you did it on purose there again you got  a little risky right you did get a little risky you I was like stuck in there I couldn't roll  out please don't tell
me it goes all the way back to the building it does see Joe that like  I'm so hurt right now like I I'm so frustrated I didn't even playing in Jo what me some warning  on that one to go to bed I want to go to bad chat do a speedrun just just  dodge roll through everything try it this going to take an hour this helps I can't believe there are so many zombies over there there is you're going to do it slow and methodical all right well at least it'll get done blood boiling this is so bad I'm beyond
  frustrated I just Jo and already turned off the stream and ripped the controller out time to pick them off one by [ __ ] I'm exhausted no Walkers  are in my way take them out get off of me get off for me how do you like let me go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no ammo I'll take that thanks I need to  take the edge off Lock and Load got it shoot nope the top harn hurry up OJ stop looting well get o OJ  has played this and if he wants to do the slow on matano instead of speedrun trust him  h
e got Reckless at the end he knows what he did it'll get it done if he speedruns it and dies  he's the dud it over again and then he has to do it over again and then he has to do it over again  so I bet you it's about the same amount of time him doing it methodically and carefully and slowly  and clearing the zombies using every bullet he has every tactic in the  book I can see you keep out of I know it's rough chat whip out  your phones like I have and fart around I need to take the edge off gu
  got to do is fart around come closer closer what why can't I grab this  now I can't grab it that's [ __ ] got to find cover behind them houses I've had it with this  guy I've had it with this guy he said much noise he's on that rooftop get over there slap damn it more Walkers see can you do the No No that's so much [ __ ] oh I hate this game so much thank you Joe this helps hey man you better put  that gun down before I put you down that's not something you  screaming at somebody they shooting
you you don't want me as an enemy friend I think he's still shooting Jo I don't know  about going in here is that an Exploder this orange yeah all right maybe no maybe if we make  some noise going try to do see he's he's shooting at that point but there's no way can we bring  this in there actually nope no it won't go past that oh it's gonna get stuck on a wall all right well okay better nothing I think we could take  eight bullets and kill the rest of these from here from here kill them kill t
hem wait  wait there's there's another Exploder never mind okay grab the ammo this game this  [ __ ] game we didn't even get it always welcome oh y what oh my God I was about to say oh big boy big boy doing doing R  tons we just shoot the big boy from here big boy doing rotisserie oh okay um I think  we have a problem [ __ ] get off of me I think big boy  is incoming nah he too dumb okay Jesus Christ I know don't waste a single [ __ ] should we maybe kill the other thing don't clear oops maybe n
ot the best idea oh thank God wait oh oh there is so much tension because you  do not want to play again you know what I mean that happens in really bad games  that has more tension sometimes than good games cuz you know that good games that  are just too easy and it's more like a video story I guess that's the best that I could say  for this that we're trying our best should go behind that car I'm I'm I don't know at this  point cuz there's a there's no o o o oh my God no no mhm no okay so I'm
thinking we cut the  Box roll back no yeah I think you could do itut no he's got he's got me there got to be a way  to cut the box and roll back you're not going to shoot him that's for sure another thing we  can try is we can go all the way the way around now that we've cleared the zombies but I don't  think there's a way through there right that's got gate might be I think it it's gate gated I  think it's gated I think these boxes you have to shoot try what can we bring no no no chck can you t
ake care  of the guy was asking about sensitivity he's he's shooting  it through the floor yeah I'm likey I was trying to see maybe  I could shoot at him but no no you're that's not a mechanic so we get to  the building's door is basically what's happening Jo oh my okay come on  that's [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we took two damage okay so this is an  idea this might work go go that way can't go that way yeah just let us see it stopping it's not stopping J there's  a curb you can go that way no I can't oh
grab that grab that grab that grab  the health and you're right you can't go any further than this and this is not  good so that's [ __ ] so then the other thing I'm thinking okay let's do we go  all the way around just to make sure just to make sure and then once we know that  then we hug the wall as as closely as we can I think we're going to take a few  shots doing this I don't think we should do it this automatic targeting is just it's just [ __ ] can we look can we see from here [ __ ] one
yeah that was not worth it because zoom in with the sniper rifle this that use that you're trash yeah I don't think we can is it not attaching into the trash okay it's  no longer available for us there's another one there's another yeah but it won't let us get  to that one yeah so you have to hug the wall but how that that's but there's no there's  none the only thing I can think of is this box got [ __ ] try to run that doesn't make  sense he's got like the top oh you can see him that's not goi
ng to work don't do it  don't do it it's it's not how you do it's [ __ ] [ __ ] oo yeah almost got you he does  all right well we want we know what to do we just have to [ __ ] hug that goddamn wall so  so tight once we get to it and these games are so [ __ ] linear and simplistic that that's  what you do you they wouldn't have created this path just for you to backtrack the whole way  back but I wouldn't put it past him but still oh now J an expert it's all that what that's  so much [ __ ] see
this game is so frustrating these levels are so [ __ ] garbage okay so the original idea was to  walk over try we're not going to uh okay you see these yes could you hide behind  that I was going to try to hide angle is [ __ ] though that's what I was  worried about all right after this shot Rick GRS that name ring oh yeah you got  it right there I just want to talk Li okay perfect what what what no okay he's he's got an angle on you so at this point  I think you just hit the door yeah which he
shouldn't have an angle  on you because he's shooting through the roof is he shoot yeah he's going to  shoot going to continue to shoot through the RO you're crazy take I don't  even need skill points there it goes um oh it's is it you what  [ __ ] [ __ ] all right wait for it didn't get it let's Bullit do we Crouch I  think we can Crouch the whole time no Joe oh you shot no not enough no no go back all I'm  going to wait yeah or is it I'm push it of course cancel oh Jesus Christ he shouldn't  h
ave even been able to see you no your gun youres all of it 10 seconds and then he gets  you you Morgan yeah you're Morgan Morgan Rick told me about you Rick I know Rick damn it  he gave me the gun and I was supposed I was supposed to my Jenny but I was weak where is  he he's down here we I show you sorry Morgan who his ass now I'm going to need to take those  guns off your hands see we found this prison and and if you got something good that just means  there's someone who wants to take it and t
hat is what is happening right oh we're going to  win friend just need what you got unlimited bullets unlimited all of the United States  Army sniper rounds me back at a building I have to clear and Aimbot and that eraser gun  from AR sports movie that could shoot through buildings episode two he didn't we didn't tell him that we  killed Rick we just said Rick didn't make it just go to the next mission there's  no conflict [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] all these people see what else  needs doing what
we can delegate the virus is spreading alarming rate okay what is it going to say Chad episode  two or episode 22 taking bets go the next day episode 22 yeah they  just they just typed it wrong I don't think I've ever seen that  we have to find that medicine it's a rookie mistake episode 20 episode one episode 22 this is it J just two more levels here look for the medicine right through this oh what yeah and it's supposed to be like a Slowdown mechanic but it's  really just a bunch of frame dro
p ni is this Glenn are we Glenn  this yeah we're going oh roll expertly done we are we are walking dead Destiny's  experts this level nice and easy going to need to roll that's a face for don't do it and he's got you let's just do it oh what didn't see me [ __ ] ninja  maybe you can roll across there oh turn around [ __ ] you roll  that way oh there he goes blood is boiling are we going to do a perfect stealth  run more that's it what lock okay look for the minut jackpot was that there oh keep a
way from those Walkers do your vision cuz something was on the table [ __ ] got helmets they're special well how do you stealth kill  helmets you just don't nope okay well we're just starting to get loud I don't  think this is it you're an idiot got it this will distract [Music] them saw me he's still inspecting  [ __ ] takes forever to inspect Glen re don't we got this what are you going to do stop  your [ __ ] face lock and low got it Ninja right between the eyes oh leave small ones God please
it's got to be here nah more ammo always welcome great more ammo is always welcome darl and the others are counting on me find anything nothing keep looking this will them steal even with the glitch you see  that that [ __ ] didn't even notice it was an explosive he's thinking about  noticing she got against it lock can't see [ __ ] where the medicine at right right here are you win nice so my sister  and I have been watching the original modern warfare games at cutscene  moves and might I say
you haven't lived until you watched marov light up in  airport while eating a chur board 10 out of 10 girls night those are my kind of  girls I wish I was hanging out with you do not this one either Jesus Christ chury board  I want a chury board right now I need G Fuel and a chutter board you did it Joe wow perfect run  Joe got one perfect run in on the shittiest game of all time one of the worst one of the games of  year oh okay no cool don't know what happened cut scene oh [ __ ] every time it
goes to Black we think  something's about to break better go check on CL not a big boy God damn it maon big boy though I just don't want to do Stu more Let's do let's do a fast run Joe let's just go get off  of me I got you he got you let's just no don't go up there that's a dead in Don't Mind If I Do  thankfully not dead time to bring out the big guns wait a minute is this a [ __ ] what what the  [ __ ] is this this a goddamn circle is it do we pull that should be just up ahead okay so  we did
n't need to do none of that thank God it's Glenn they got him I'm at the back of  the St did did you see him he's right there yeah he's right there Lock and Load some  dirt on the floor it's Glenn a little too Glenn Hallmark Channel ain't got [ __ ]  on the emotional meder when compared to watching ghosts get murdered by Shepherd  there were tears and there was wine got it yeah where the [ __ ] is in medicine  I wish I had somebody that do watch that with me that be awesome chery and  wine and v
ideo games what drink come true get the dropped medicine  so when did Glenn [ __ ] up I don't know I thought I had it but  I didn't see it over there in back corner where where is the drop  medicine you know use your vision let will follow the same  path Glenn did right so just keep going where where did Glenn last finish back over here here and then we died yes and then they  then they zoomed in zoomed in oh there it is so stupid was that were they supposed to be  zooming in on the medicine can
't I said that was just a [ __ ] floor look for Michonne who  are we what is this this is just garbage who is this oh Maggie didn't look like Maggie at  all M please repeat I think you broke up m got it this is torture where this will  distract them is they going make this last level like five hours is full of  walkers i' got to be careful my God but careful just shut up shut up please no more no more so The Walking Dead ended and nothing really  happened they took out another Tyrant there's a g
irl this time as a leader as the governor kind  of thing Maggie and Negan are now reluctant allies even though Negan killed Glenn but now  they're going to have a spin-off show where they do stupid [ __ ] and then you're going to have a  stupid Rick and Michonne show spinoff where they do stupid [ __ ] and then you got other spin-offs  nobody cares about how is this so [ __ ] popular nothing is ever going to happen in the shows it's  going to go nowhere there's so many spin-off shows Bard from W
oodberry could it God damn it I knew  we shouldn't have left him alive you say so now all of a sudden mag charge Quick Draw quick quick  draw quick quick draw quick heal Quick Draw quick heal you should be just ahead quick kill oh she's saying kill  Quick Draw quick kill oh yeah that's worth it oh there's more coming okay  come on then come on with it come on then oh okay stop that's enough no more  come on with it no more zom please nice te posing what's happening that's too many  yeah it is I'
m just going but we do have a bomber right no yeah the guys it oh why  you waiting around Joe up the whole [ __ ] day I tricked Joe Ain't No Way Joe  should be doing this right now okay cool never mind we're all right  made it so here's what happened got it wow yes damn Joe you good did you train  you there for that low yes I've been playing this game for 52 hours he's got in well [ __ ] how the  hell do you the medicine I'm going after Glenn now hold your horses there mag you need to get your 
ass back here with that medicine for more people die Shane we'll get him back but first things  first get back here over and out first things first 23 it's a blessing and a curse you want the last  or this is the last one is the last blessing and a curse according to you Joe according to you  let's yeah should bewear to God see in episode 24 I'm going to throw the controller across the  room and I'm going to go sleep it said they used to say you had to be ready for anything slap  him see if he w
as ready just easier to see now he's W he's keeping ain't got nothing to  say that's it there's no Expedition star main mission too far gone Michelle Michonne  and Glenn have been captured prepare for the rescue maon Carol's going to so rival darel's  got a crossbow and Shane's got a baseball bat that's that so we're going to jump between these  stupid three it's going to be a three-part level and then probably a boss battle Glen and Sh  captured a showdown with former Woodberry leader is inevit
able since losing his town he has  formed a new community of followers to execute his retaliation where's T dog he is the governor  that's the new governor they don't want to use character names because they'd have to  write a script based on who you chose tell did not so here are the ones that survive  our choices we've got bat we made it all the way to the end we knock off with the w  cuz we was we was [ __ ] Rick's wife and we didn't want to you know be with let a loser  like that live and th
en what else Joe killed Carl Coral yeah [ __ ] that guy it wasn't  me it was a deer go to the VOD it wasn't a deer yep we had a chance to save Carl and  use his item not to oh cuz the deer shot him and I went to go get some medicine I  said [ __ ] the medicine said [ __ ] the medicine to show how serious I am very serious man [Laughter] list I'm super serious damn and I'm letting you walk  away from here more than you did for me I'll even let you keep both  hands you don't want me to start shoot
ing so we're going to have to choose who  we want to kill or Glenn so I suggest Glenn die should we let Michonne die sure it's going to be  a choice dides she die in the we barely even got to use her sword no she has a spin off with Rick  oh man I forgot they get together they're like a couple now what stupid you didn't know that no  stop watching whenever it's starting and I bet you maybe maybe Negan and and uh Maggie you're  probably going to be a couple too shut the hell up right now this is
between between who I didn't  press the thing I knew it have Michonne make the case for everyone living together Michonne can  convince him to stop the psycle of violence have Glenn make the case for everybody living  together Glenn can appeal to a sense of community oh well this doesn't let us know which  one's dying and we know which one we know the one of them's going to die yes don't be so sub chat  look this up which one we choose is the one that dies I don't look this up this is [ __ ] stu
pid Glen option is Rick tried and it  didn't work who said that dark what do you mean is what RI the one you choose lives  the one you choose lives I don't believe you so in the show Glenn lives no  Glenn does not live in this Glenn does not live that's right but he but he  lives in this splatter got splatter with a bat I forgot what season this  was cuz I stopped watching who do you want to see die Chad Hershel's dead in our play through  he died in the prison oh my God I can't believe this gam
e is boasting this The Walking  Dead Destiny features over 150 endings none of them which you want to play three possible  Final Bosses in a game ran interview Pao s lisis Santos deal details50 plus I don't  believe it I don't believe it I don't believe you so there's really only six choices  this is the sixth choice I don't know what happens did anybody knows what  happens if the one you choose lives are you trying are you trying to  troll troll us don't be trolling us all right so you want mic
hon to die or Glenn to die Micha die Hershel is supposed  to die here with the zombie attack for what Don who has better skills it doesn't matter we all  share the same skills but she does have a katana you [ __ ] lie chat you piece of [ __ ]  whoever you choose is the one that dies trying to [ __ ] pick michon you want to see  michon die or you want to see Glenn die Glen dies in the [ __ ] show Michonne lives so  we should watch Michonne die right chat chat vote just type it in you want Mitchel
l  mellin mellin m is hot no michon dies killer michon michon woman Glenn there's like three  votes for Glenn and 20 for michon momes I don't I don't think I can get to momes  Patrick Mahomes all right we'll choose michon do they show it probably not the only  person who's going to convince you of anything is you so think about it we've been here  before how many people have died since then we should scream liar and then  kill the person that is making the choice where does it end this is a mome
nt where  everything can change or can all just stay the same I ain't hearing this [ __ ] W okay wait was  that Michonne or Glen michon with the body was that a male or female body who who just died  I guess it was michon michon died didn't look this game doesn't look good was that supposed  what's happening wow baby I didn't even show where the dead body what's happening hello  citizen would you like to purchase a sexual encounter you versus a tank come on Carol  charge the tank really charge i
t I believe in you what defeat the tank I'll G later  right now give a nice B driver to the face uhoh I got going its rear it's going  to take forever to turn around take these guys out if you could  destroy the tank with the [ __ ] crowbar it going Sho hit it with the  Crowbar finish it off with the Crowbar at least Joe didn't you see I got I got bigger  problems here they wussies number wussies of course need to get rid of them stupid crowbar zombie got to have help who  knew that you just nee
ded to shoot Small Arms fire an M60 tank and you're  good to go well they use aluminum foil oh that's right maybe I could shoot it  from way back over that's what I was thinking Lor where that well you killed the Carol oh we got more ammo careful what how did one swing [ __ ]  tires lady out so what wait what the [ __ ] is she doing here who is Lori she's  dead Lori is dead she died in our story people the game is having an anur she died  a birth or child birth all how can you do this this is a
secret mission Wow Let's  beat it with Lori why is you so tired oh sh going to die she's going to die there  I'm you know how it's doing the Crowbar I'm doing the exact same process for zooming in  zooming in does not work anymore now it is a crowbar that was really cool what  a [ __ ] cool bug like how is it possible Lori doesn't there's no way  to make Lori survive is there is there a way to make Lor well there is 150  plus so I'm so confused why is this happening why is this happening to [Mus
ic]  me yeah no car dead why do this happen to me get the ammo behind and [Music] run am am let's run to the the corner that  bast's going to pay for what he [Music] done Lock and Load Lock and Load waste all these I could use can't go that way almost down ran out of ammo wrathful wrathful  I can't do anything in wrathful oh if I was close to the tank I could hit the tank and raffle yeah  yeah don't go behind it cuz that's where you got stuck just move from corner  to corner get this [ __ ] corl
is that you too so just grab the ammo  first am more am more am's always welcome done yo get out of the way of Amo worth buy no tell you that right now no oh I got blown up on that one people we need to get rid of them hey you got  to be careful around that tank all these man get hit the T no I can't I can't it  auto targets almost got it with a crowbar yeah got it with a machete okay now it's now it's Daryl  this is [ __ ] need to destroy that tank or was that a crowbar or machete  I don't rem
ember how many tanks do they have Daryl just said I need to destroy the tank what eliminate all enemies but you heard  that right I need destroy that tank and we saw the tank driving again didn't we yeah  I guess this is all supposed to be happening simultaneous Joe I'm I'm hoping cuz I'm  not I'm not fighting the tank [Music] again that's f [ __ ] stupid that was only his first phase better to stay long honestly I better now than before remember this  thing's got a weak spot protect it remember
this Tank's got a weak spot is it  where I hit it with the machete oh this guy ruined it I guess he died from natural causes stab him  down step together right there left then go to the bushes who's there who's there who's there who's there get that crowbar up what  gave this a two you got everything ah come on you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I I just straight up missed got  you mhm go the bush bro this time stay dead [Music] right between the eyes that's in the back of the head right between  the ass I t
hink you need to blow it up from inside somehow I'm not going to blow it up from the  inside we already did this I just I I don't don't listen did I destroy the tank originally with the  first character who who were we playing as Carol so maybe I actually did defeat the tank and then  it went to Lori next and you have to like defeat it with every character in the game [ __ ] that if  that's the case I'm starting to think that that is thec we were Carol first and then we  were Lori he died with C
arol look it up close look it up and then apologize [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] how how yeah cuz we started with Carol and then we  we switched over to Lori which is weird cuz she's dead she secretly was alive the whole time Joe  she just left it was me she left and came back down SH now my blood's boiling hell out of bre got to blow that tank up so you got to go blow the tank  off no that's what darl said got it Jack we don't need skill points  no more though I don't get why it takes so much steal
th kill someone I  want you to go up and down your street doing duck walks you let me know  how that works duck walks are no joke Rand the pooper toss a grenade  into the tank is the game just broken it's been broken it the whole game has  been broken yeah is this like the move end of the movie clue it's like  but maybe it happened like this here's how it really happened what but it  already exploded what that's the dumbest [ __ ] now you got to face me H who said that  it was you who said that
this is hilarious I'll take that thanks now you did you did a [ __ ]  Troy maneuver on give you back massage off stop making me laugh during the final boss battle  Joe he's in your corner come back I'm going get you back why they give me the worst  weapon in the game [ __ ] this baseball B I don't even get a choice there's never  Choice the one thing we didn't upgrade this game did that on purpose no because the  person who upgrades a baseball bat is dead oh God massage massage massage massage B
hold B  [ __ ] this [ __ ] tired of it go home and get some food was turn around start fighting oh  get the katana where right down the left see it what's happening he gra you  balls picked the OV and through yous ability frame no fair  he jumped across and sprinted what that doesn't make any goddamn  sense is he Fireproof might why am I epic fight I want that trying to  get the hell did you pick up the [ __ ] Sledgehammer he I cannot damn it  Shane the godamn there it goes I'm finish once and
for all that thre everything  i f for think I'm going to give it to you massage massage no I don't want to  massage you can't touch me it's the small ass ring yes I can I when I raged them oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's an Exploder y do  I have a gun I'm no trying to get the oh oh no oh [ __ ] he's going to explode it it is over it  is over I have The High Ground I have the flame ground so do we have to just avoid the explod  the whole time [ __ ] heal I got him I got him with raffle game mechanics ar
e completely broke  that was the boss b wait a minute I'm dead you're dead but I was running I was alive I guess it  exploded and got you afterwards before the cut scene loaded nope NOP he didn't wait a minute  he's dead wait a minute it said I won his health was gone you died before I died and I was before  the cut scene was that my spirit still walking around Lor's with us L's been dead for 15 months  what Isen Where Have You Been woman has I'm have to do this all over your child has been fed
in  15 months he's just there crying fast forward Joe's fav cut say no it's stupid he should have  died it was an explosion inside the tank who did that secondary explosion it looks  like like a [ __ ] cartoon I was just expecting like the [ __ ] tank Barrel to be like a flower put a cork in it you learn some humility  friend hey not so tough without your tank are you get out of here I can use what stay away from that fire what that makes it worse is a [ __ ] fire help I can't kissed his knap he
kissed  his knap I can't help me help me please I couldn't control him he panicked stupid this is so  stupid Oh my God now you got [Laughter] me [ __ ] Troy tank I don't want to backr up come on te dog seven time what seven  time let's do it eight I'm say eight oh I love it when he's heing and  running backwards wait a minute oh God that's [ __ ] why aren't you going after him  what why are you allying with the zombies thank you I'm going to finish this once  and for all I'll take that thanks e
verything I F you think I'm going give  it to you running in circles having a little mon after everything you want for  I ain't going to give you [ __ ] he run out of stamina I guess [ __ ] yeah just  pushes you in the [ __ ] fire was there another oh I hate it when he does that  oh I'm out of stamina oh God damn it go yeah it's right there it's close to the  fire where right right there o what why are you oh that's it there what I could kill  him get out of there get out of there what just happ
ened you're dead it exploded this  is so stupid yes Walking Dead ding this is so stupid CR the line have you played this  game have you played this game everything about this is bad did you not see him jump  across turn around mid a and get stabed you are so stupid that deserves a ban so you're  getting a ban go to timeout for 8 hours to think about the stupid [ __ ] you just  said away from that get away from that fire so you have a ballerina with zombies  exploding zombies and you got tea dog
chasing you hey maybe maybe we can lock on as if  these are coherent mechanics with perfect eye frames and great hit the shooting he  just showed up at the last minute okay obviously see we've been playing seven  hours so he didn't went there for that part where's the uh right there don't crush TG yeah he's evil so we can stop  him if we quick slash him so that's whoa Joe's really good at the [ __ ] game you see him wow  he's stopping his eye up but now the boss becomes invulnerable so there's a
total  of three Health packs seems like so we got to do this in three Health  packs oh perfect right there I cut him what SL [ __ ] out of here targeting [ __ ]  sucks it's you get sucked into everything oh going give it to you that's good that's a good one get him zombie get him give him back rub you got it he gets eye frames during  that he's going to do the [Music] running there you go come on there he  is oh [ __ ] what's he doing there's the invulner that's a lot I'll take that  can we tri
ck him can we trick him into hitting the guy oh what but I'm picking  up the [ __ ] first aid kit be in the fire yeah they really stack the odds against if there is there a machete  we've got the machete fully upgraded war zone so close this  is the last of it got to got to okay painkillers maybe the  sledgehammer will do a lot more damage but it's just so slow that's not the sled care okay so that was you see how much damage  that did let's compare it that's [ __ ] though cuz like he was in the
fire that did a lot  right there what kind of a [ __ ] swing was that you're tired no I was not tired it's it's  this random swing that'll sometimes go we just traded I need to take the edge off  I'll take that thanks try to hit him hard everything I got the only way yeah  the cross you look you see the crowbar did nothing to him watch this this is the  Crowbar damage so we can't use the Crowbar no I'm just experimenting I'm trying  things out in this one let's try the sledgehammer good H so th
at's a good  amount of damage but oh you got to get close but uh I think the the sword did just as much oh that might work best you can't touch  me oh [ __ ] I think sled Hammer is pretty good yeah I think for close I'll take that so  as long as where's there he is no oh that's it all right well we know what to do now let's hit  him let's hit run what it didn't explode now it explodes [ __ ] B [ __ ]  he just janked it we [ __ ] janked what is that oh the machete [Music] that the sound effects w
ere before  happened way before sque what happened kill him what what is happening we won the game find a  path through the fire and reach the tower why no I don't need to and I don't want to oh I know  what's going on what this is all 150 endings you have to play 150 plus endings so what are  we at we're at three what is this [ __ ] are you serious look at this design I suppos to  what why is the fire like this we need 10050 more reload just run [ __ ] this ammo okay so bad find Keepers they go
t me help holy crap find your Keepers all right maybe we'll go this  direction and say [ __ ] that to help them dead in you have to go to  the big [Music] guy that Tower Glenn help I guess maybe cuz I was shooting through the  edge and once I trigger him like can I can I hit him now need help over here just go around him  yeah [ __ ] him [ __ ] him let's go run um are we broken doesn't matter keep going is everything  broken now slash it wait no probably not that way Flash no just go behind it b
ehind this guy he  got me I think that's right way kill [Music] this am ammo I think the game is like  straight broken got it just like broken now cuz he's not going to attack me perfect  that's fine yeah hey what's up bro all right later nice of them put the  sign Joe why you so bad at this game I can't you kill anybody so good at  stealth though that's pretty good these guys are going to work hey is that somebody I  it is oh I'll take that thanks well [ __ ] all right all maybe it I don't want
it to engage  oh they gave him all the health oh good thank thank God that would have been so annoying  perfect 100 more they had an armored big guy now my perfect run uh seems pointless yeah  that was the perfect run I have to help them Glen is a part of the zombies Rick Rick's  dead we killed Rick the game just gave up me now it's Shane and Daryl but they just  showed that's what somebody just said they just said that like like other people will  show up because it's like yeah Rick had an acc
ident he they didn't bother with that that is  down there who's that I think it that looks like Shane so in that cut scene they just [ __ ]  didn't program it Provide support to your friends all right start shooting no for  a clean shot no oh you can only hold 10 ammo it's [ __ ] [ __ ] sniper rifle  oh this is the sniper rifle why why do I keep pulling out the [Music] [ __ ]  why can't I have now my sniper okay so that okay oh yeah this is is wonderful  good thing wonderful aim sensitivity here
good thing they don't  seem to be getting hurt at all the game sensitivity is [ __ ]  1,000 cuz it constantly breaks our people just shoot in the middle [ __ ]  everyone else you shoot Shane [ __ ] he'll be I'm not trying to be careful  Joe I'm actually just trying to get the [ __ ] pixels going right so he'll  be the next cut scene if you kill him anyways D what the [ __ ] are you doing help go get some more ammo sh is so now now he's dying I can't with his aim sensitivity and I think  that gu
y is [ __ ] inv vulnerable use your mouse maybe how do you zoom in with  the mouse right C I don't know cool better reload he's invulnerable not ready can't do that you know  he's invulnerable right game is broken oh there he goes what now what they can't get over there and I can't shoot them oh tell oh 150 endings right too many of them get out of here go help I can't do this anymore of breath wait for me it's true 140 to go which ending do you want yes the answer is yes which  ending do you wa
nt yes they can't complain about not playing this for like 50 hours out of here why why am I stuck on that did you see that because they just suck you  off get Too Close Place gone it's all gone can't believe this happened oh God come on this is it right no  more oh the baby the baby gets the fight baby fight oh okay um and then he  goes into a now you got to play building Carol I love you did they forget  to program in like some lines or no you hear it and then and then and then Dale  leaves an
d the bus are these are the 150 endings and then Daryl and Beth and let's  go Maggie look at each other is anybody seeing like don't look back just keep walking you [ __ ] de but Carl Dead  Carl we killed Carl like the game doesn't even bother you killed Carl  it was another accident what we the end of the game is completely broken none  of the decisions that we made mattered at all the the fruitlessness  the futility of it all they just threw everything in there  it's like one of those is urine
didn't it's like a magician no one's going to  finish is this your card no oh uh is this your card no okay is this your card is this  your card is this your card is this your and dedicated and loving memory to somebody  this no none of these makes sense it doesn't make sense that ain't the one that guy's  going to come back what's the point like don't dedicate this to me what's the so they  just like ran out of time and money because there's there's not even they don't even put  The Walking Dea
d song on a loop during the credits all these people should be ashamed  of themselves you should be ashamed of yourselves you should be ashamed of yourself  eigor cut scenes these cutcenes eigor Carlos and Pablo you know  you all guys are not my friend no more all right I guess we should just continue wow that was something we [ __ ] did  it though 8 hour [ __ ] stream we blew through Walking Dead I think we spent maybe 4 hours on  the last Stream So 8 9 10 11 12 so all the no I know nobody un g
ame length actually finished  this game and just you said it was 5 hours no way it's 5 hours that ending hours the last  chapter was 3 hours itself it's longer than Modern Warfare 3 yeah [ __ ] game Mill  so is this the game Scarlet flippy play Destiny yeah yall play all the time well yeah  we'll make your game but game Mill yeah we can make your game but but yeah not very good  not a good track record sure we can make a game not a very good track but ain't going to  be very good speedrun that's
to me a speedrun no it wasn't a speedrun they said this is the  length on this and this and this so I'll show you 5 hours all play Styles 5 hours and  10 minutes rushed you can get it done in 5 hours 2 minutes leure 5 hours 20 minutes  that's probably when when people [ __ ] quit no [ __ ] way that's 5 hours all right guys that  was really really bad and I want to thank all of you who you know put up with that say thank  you iron iron rro so we had a few while we turn that on iron rro for 18 mo
nths Luffy King  parmesan Dawn with the bitties terrible Terrors twitch beat comedy I really love your game great [Music] comedy you be 10 hours of friendship we  didn't play we didn't play we didn't play 12 hours we played 10 that's acceptable  so thank you to fire the guy fire the guy gifting two subs um as awsm Panda P  pom and SSD Productions what the what in the habitation is going on with this man  we don't know at the end they just threw everything so went crazy like wait L's dead  how mu
ch how long did we spend beating Kong what was the name of that game Kong  the rise of Kong uh yes what's the [ __ ] name of the Kong game wasn't  it the rise of Kong or something no Skull Island Skull Island rise of Kong  seven hours merciful cuz we got lost hours we got lost we would have finished and we  were also speed running that we realized the levels you could just blow through  and just run past so we spent more time in Walking Dead three more hours in Walking  Dead than Skull Island wh
at a waste what a waste guys don't yeah we that was that was for uh  do not buy this game for your sake don't buy the game uh but at least we got it done um you only  so I would to try to get my finalist done I was hoping to get at some point total war Pharaoh  Dr Evil how is that how do you like it Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and then Warhammer 40K  Rogue trador that's what I'm trying to focus on on Thursday me and the boys are going to Aquaman  in the lost kingdom for a movie review uh we'll
we'll decide what we want to if we want to stick  in game review here real quick a Walking Dead King Kong or the last or the day before I don't  know no no game of the year we don't do those uh let's see Total War pharoh is discounted heavy  yeah they we saw the apology went from 60 to 40 so Dr Evil just got 20 bucks back uh zero  did you poetic burrito did you play pharaoh all right well anyways uh come back on  Wednesday um uh what are we going to do on Wednesday what we'll do I think we me a
nd the  boys will stream on Wednesday you know early um and we'll get maybe four hours in on Rogue  Trader or 4 hours in on uh Modern Warfare 3 and then uh Patrick and and uh Jay will come  over we'll do uh a game and so that's what's happening tomorrow and then Thursday probably an  additional stream on whatever game we're we're focusing on and then the movie um yeah and  then Friday just just wrapping up or making a decision on what what we're going to try to  do a review on or sneak in a revi
ew but then we running up against Christmas here [ __ ]  I don't know um and I guess that final week maybe we can jam in something okay so just  giving you a heads on what's up all right so we will see you we will see you tomorrow guys  thank y'all so much for staying with us and bye
