
Ajanta & Ellora caves #india #travel l

@seekersofinfinite3191 #ytshortsindia #history

Seekers Of Infinite

3 hours ago

the agenta and allora caves located in the arabad district of Maharashtra India are two separate but closely located UNESCO world heritage sites renowned for their ancient Rock Cut architecture sculptures and frescos agenta caves consist of a series of 30 Rock Cut Buddhist cave monuments dating back to the 2th century BC and extending to the 5ifth century CE the caves are renowned for their Exquisite wall paintings which depict stories from the life of Buddha jota tales and various mythological
narratives aor caves situated around 30 km from the aenta caves comprise a complex of 34 Rock Cut temples and monasteries dedicated to Hinduism Buddhism and gism these caves were excavated between the 6th and 10th Century CE the most notable structure at aora is the kyash temple an enormous monolithic Rock Cut Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva it is considered one of the largest single Rock Cut structures in the world and a remarkable feat of ancient engineering subscribe for more videos
