
Algonquin College Convocation School of Advanced Technology

Dr Chris Jensen, Dean, school of Advanced Technology. Jeb Darwin, member board of governors. Jim Spence, chief instruct ...

Algonquin College Live

Streamed 4 years ago

hello friends and family of the class of 2019 we're here to celebrate the graduation ceremony of all these wonderful grads today we're gonna give a little thanks to some special support services that I'll go on from college maybe some special teachers and loved ones at home here today so here we go I'd like to give a shout out to my parents for putting up with me for three years of doing school it wasn't easy but thanks my Lily I like to give a special thanks from the two most important people i
n my life my parents thank you so much thank you for supporting me it's been it's been a ride but up here the journey has only begun thank you like to give a huge shout out to all the teachers and friends over the past few years at Algonquin College from the CST program in my family that came all the way from Vancouver let's go I'd like to thank the clubs and communities at the SA so Patrick kibriya and Ciara thanks for letting my student clubs have such a great time for two years thank you so m
uch congratulations special shout-out to my parents my brother for helping me out thank you to my friends for supporting me and I'm graduating congratulations so that but closes our first round of shout outs today we'll see you soon [Music] hello friends and family thank you for waiting so patiently for your graduates special moment we have a few more graduates here class of 2019 ready to give some shoutouts to those who have supported them along their journey to reach graduation so here we go w
ould you like to give thanks to someone special at Algonquin College or someone at home that helped you along the way to get to this moment yes I'd like to thank my family and friends my uncle Mark who from young age has fulfilled being a diesel mechanic my two cousins my employer and everyone else who has helped me along my journey thank you so much congratulations hi there would you like to give thanks to someone special College or someone at home who's helped you along the way yes I would lik
e to thank all my professors that are gone from college all my family and friends and of course God thank you so much congratulations so let's do a special moment who would you like to give thanks to someone who has have really helped you get through the trials and tribulations of graduation very special thanks to my wife and two daughters they're really the inspiration for why I went back to school and thank you for everybody else my employer my teachers who made this day possible and a big sho
ut-out to all my friends that I've made here that have made the last two years incredible great congratulations you so do you have someone special that you'd like to thank today yes I'd like to thank my parents and grandparents for being so supportive and helping me through the program and especially my sister Emily congratulations hi there would you like to give a special shout out thank you today Oh most certainly I'd like to thank my colleagues my friends that I made along the way my professo
rs and most importantly my parents Paul and Pauline you have been there for me through so much and your bomb --less love and support for me it really brings a tear to my eye to think about you two today thank you so much mom and dad I wouldn't be here without you congratulations all right friends and family that wraps up our shoutouts for today congratulations on supporting your family along the way I hope you enjoy today it is a very special moment to celebrate have a great day and see you late
r with stage ously we were having a microphone problem there for a moment so I said good morning about seven times already say goo goo a goo had taken a discerning guess what I said was good morning everybody in greetings my traditional name is taken and dasa my english name is Ranma clustered I'm the vice president of truth reconciliation and indigenisation at Algonquin College it is my honor to welcome all of you to this year's 2019 Algonquin College convocation ceremonies as guests on this te
rritory Algonquin College is proud to acknowledge that today's convocation is taking place on the unseeded unser entered territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people in recognition of this the graduate procession will be accompanied by members of the ottawa river singers as indigenous people we believe that the drum represents the heartbeat of our Mother Earth in that she connects all things guests family and friends may I please ask you to rise as you are able and remain standing for the proces
sion of the graduates yawen go young lady [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning please be seated before we begin I would just like to say thank you and me Gretch to the Ottawa River singers for leading us in and for the performance
in celebration of our students it was a very meaningful and a fitting way to begin our ceremony ladies and gentlemen welcome to convocation 2019 my name is claude lily and i'm the senior vice president academic at the college it's my pleasure to be your master of ceremony this morning and to help us with today's festivities it's also my honor to extend a sincere welcome to our graduates their families and friends convocation is a very important event a time to celebrate our graduates achievemen
ts you our graduates came to the college with a dream you have successfully completed your studies and today you will receive your degree your diploma or certificate recognizing that accomplishment you are now ready to meet the challenges that lay ahead we wish you well and we're delighted to be here this morning to salute you we also welcome all of your friends and families who are watching via our live web streaming we're so thrilled that you could be able to join us today for this wonderful c
elebration at this point I would ask all who are able to to please stand and join with our vocalist Alicia Dugan graduate of the performing arts program in the singing of our national anthem please rise Oh Canada our home and native land true patriot [Music] love in all of us coming and with glowing hearts we see thee rise the true my strong and free from far and wide okay Nanta we stand on guard for thee God keep ours glorious and free Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee o Canada we stand on g
uard for thee [Music] Thank You Alicia please be seated I will now introduce the members of the stage party beginning on my far left I would ask that he remain standing until all have been introduced and for the audience to please with all applause until all have been introduced Laura stanbro vice president student services Deschanel Simon president students association may Gabon vice president Students Association Barbara Dumont ill Algonquin Elder Rhonda garrison McCluster vice president truth
reconciliation and indigenisation dynamic action vice president human resources dr. Chris Johnson Dean School of Advanced Technology Cheryl Johnson president Peter Nadeau chair Board of Governors jeff darwin member board of governors massarone officer jim spence chief instructor canadian school forces school of military mapping mapping and charting establishment major Andrew Colpitts Commandant Canadian Forces school of military mapping mapping and charting establishment and dr. Krista Pearson
registrar your stage party please be seated and now may I ask the faculty to please rise ladies and gentlemen everyone may I ask that you please join me in recognizing the faculty balcon Qin College and the contributions they make to the success of our graduates thank you please be seated I will now call upon Sheryl Janssen president of Algonquin College to give the president's address president Jensen thanks very much cloade well good morning graduates of 2019 I'm so honored to have the opportu
nity to be with you here today this is your day and on behalf of the Board of Governors of Algonquin College I want to welcome you our graduates your families and your friends now speaking of friends some of you may have friends and family who couldn't be with us here today but we know there are many people who are thinking about you with love and pride so let me add my welcome to all who are watching this event online I know that many of you are also joined here today by people who support you
and who have likely helped you in some way as you have taken this journey helped you with encouraging words late-night pep talks picking up the slack at home with children and housework or maybe even providing an emergency loan or better yet a grant or two so let's thank them and tell them we love them if you're a family member or a friend of a graduate please stand as you're able or give a wave so that our graduates and the entire Algonquin community can show their gratitude please stand thank
you it's also a long ceremony so it helps to get up and stretch a little bit I think that's your seventh inning stretch a bit early so graduates of 2019 I want to thank each and every one of you for choosing Algonquin we know that you had many choices and we're very grateful that you chose us now I may be a little biased and I know our employees feel that same bias but I will say with confidence that you chose well Algonquin reputation for quality and innovation is well recognized and you should
display your certificate your diploma or your degree with a great deal of pride and speaking of this pride I also want to personally thank all of our employees our faculty staff and administration here at Algonquin this group works so hard to support our students and it shows you consistently give Algonquin high marks for students satisfaction now graduates I want to say something that I have only just learned how to say so please bear with me it won't be perfect Oh Jay Coquina canoeing condom
otter young ishka Wong Meg hua apartment oh pardon me Meg yo Parvati Madison Peter Tagawa television on - I know Mom Lancome what I just said not well in the Algonquian language was for all of us who worked behind the scenes as you've taken this journey it's an honor to be with you and it was important for me to deliver part of my address to you in Algonquin not only is our college named for the Algonquin people but the United Nations has declared 2019 the International Year of indigenous langua
ges the aim of this awareness Kim campaign is to let people know that many of these languages are at risk of disappearing forever and to help us understand the link between language development peace and reconciliation at Algonquin College we have made Truth and Reconciliation a priority and I believe it will be your generation that will help us move closer to a world in which that is possible please take that spirit with you when you leave today now I will give you a few words I would hope of w
isdom before you are off and away if you've listened to other speeches at convocations you know that they often focus on the optimism of the future how shiny and bright everything is today and how many opportunities await you all of this is true but today I'm going to assume you notice and focus on something that you may not know and that has taken me years to discover for myself I want to give you some tools that you can use in the years to come to embrace whatever comes your way so rather than
focus exclusively on the good times I want to talk a little bit about the obstacles I have overcome and learned to embrace and perhaps perhaps share a little bit of advice with you it's always a little bit uncomfortable to talk about yourself and I don't want to do that today either as I said this is your day instead I'm going to tell you how you can be your own kind of superhero and I'll do that in a moment I just I think said this is gonna be a little bit different than other convocation addr
esses you may know me as president and CEO of Algonquin at least from the seemingly endless messages I send out to you it is with a doubt one of the proudest points in my career I am proud because of the work I get to do the people I get to work with and above all the hundreds of learners I interact with every day learners like you who will I'm sure go on to change the world and I expect nothing less and you should expect nothing less of yourselves at the very least you should try to change the
world around you the world of your family your workplace or the community by finding ways to take action small and large for the greater good one of the ways you can do this is by being a graduate of steel before Superman the original Man of Steel was faster than a speeding bullet the expression about him was that he was faster than a streak of lightning more powerful than the pounding surf and mightier than a roaring hurricane well I've tried to be all those things and I have no doubt that you
can be all of those things too I'm not going to tell you all the things that I've done though if that would be very boring and make our time together seem excruciatingly long I'm going to share my secret with you so you can make your own path no matter what curveball gets thrown at you my secret is this when I say you need to be a graduate of steel I mean that I want you to be like steel although I work as a college president now my background is in chemistry and metallurgy I worked as Delco at
the time a major manufacturing company in Canada as an analytical chemist so I know metal and I understand the properties of Steel and let me tell you as a woman in a male-dominated field I have had to take on those properties and they've served me well in everything that I have done and these properties can serve you well too even if you're not a chemist and when things get tough I want you to remember be a graduate of steel and the first property to remember is that steel is versatile you will
need to be versatile to always be open to learning new skills and always find ways to better yourself it will mean an extra investment of time and effort perhaps your company can't afford professional development opportunities right now and that's often the case these days or if you start your own company and many of our graduates do you don't have our professional development budget but don't let that stop you know graduates of Steel find their own professional development they find colleagues
and mentors who can show them new skills they go online and do their own research and they watch for opportunities for lifelong learning sometimes they save up and buy their own tools and equipment so they can be ready when opportunity knocks being versatile is the key to being a graduate of steel and being prepared for the changing work market the next property I'd like you to remember is that when you for steel to change its shape it does so without breaking if you've prepared it for the chan
ge remember that outside forces will come along and change your career path when you least expect it there will be jobs you will lose enterprises that don't quite catch on short lists you won't make and personal setbacks in your life that will push you to the limit and as a mother of three children I can tell you that if those things don't push you to the limit being a working parent will many of you here already know that you've been here with us at Algonquin while raising a remember though tha
t if the steel has been prepared for the challenge it doesn't break it just changes its shape you must always be prepared to change your shape it's how you will survive the disappointments and the storms of life sometimes these changes are not always easy to accept but often you will find that the new shape you create is just as rewarding as the old shape just in different ways so when the time comes to change your shape and become something new remember that you are a graduate of steel and you
will not break you will become something new you will learn from the changes and you will emerge better smarter and stronger than before another property that's important to remember about steel is its conductivity a very technical term I know you need to be a good conductor - you need to be able to bring people together to fight for the things that really matter climate change diversity and inclusion education truth and reconciliation you need to be the person in your workplace who can move the
electricity of an initiative forward and channel it towards completion you need to be the person that can broker the deal help people achieve and bring the skeptics on board whatever you do don't be the person who watches the action be the graduate of Steel who harnesses it and gets the job done finally one of the most important things to remember is that stainless steel resists corrosion you need to be ready to do that to stand up for what is right and never compromise your beliefs or ethics n
ever let the negativity that mace whirl around you prey on your goals or wear you down no matter where you work or how high you climb you must be able to look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day and know that what you did was right in your heart of hearts be a graduate of Steel and fight that corrosion at every level I want to give you a couple of examples of graduates of Steel alumni from your faculty who are wonderful illustrations of what I've tried to explain alumni like Anna I owed
cash gia the two-time graduate is a web analyst with agriculture and agri-food Canada she started her public service career with the Government of Canada after completing our internet application and mobile application design and development programs Algonquin gave Anna the foundation and expertise in building web and mobile applications that have made her invaluable to multiple federal government's true to our values and it takes pride in working on a number of web accessibility contracts and
then there's Jeremy wings the geographic information systems grad is one of Algonquin many coop success stories today he is a geomatics analyst for the Department of National Defense as an integral part of the mapping and charting establishment team he performs feature extraction from commercial satellite imagery but his career beyond began with a coop at Environment Canada as a geospatial product developer he credits his Algonquin program for helping him chart a course for career success and fi
nally Diego a bonza an aircraft maintenance technician graduate who came to Algonquin looking for a mid-career change after 10 years in the restaurant and Haskell hospitality industry decided to come to Algonquin to help his new career take flight today Diego is living his dream of working on aircrafts as an aircraft maintenance technician for Starling aviation and now we can add your names to this growing list of graduates of Steel you are now a proud member of the Algonquin College alumni and
Friends Network I encourage you to stay connected with your vibrant alumni community that stretches all the way around the world and we're always here to help through continuing education classes here or online in fact we'll be following you closely to celebrate your successes and offer assistance for your setbacks now I know your brains are probably an overdrive right now and it may be a bit unfair to expect you to remember all of those properties of steel that I mentioned earlier but that's ok
ay as long as you remember this steel is one of the most important engineering and construction materials known to humankind but you and the contributions you will make to the workforce are more important than steel you can be faster than a streak of lightning more powerful than the pounding surf and mightier than a roaring hurricane more than that with your courage you can believe in yourself with your compassion you can help and empower other people with your minds you can create and innovate
and with your heart of Steel you can truly change the world just make sure that your heart of Steel is wrapped in a cloak of kindness because in the end that's all that matters which leads me to my favorite quote one that I must end every convocation with from Margaret Mead never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world indeed it's the only thing that ever has now go on out there and change the world which their Sipapu thanks very much Thank You president Je
nsen for your thoughtful remarks and words of wisdom to our graduates of Steel and now I am pleased to call upon our school of advanced technology valedictorian Sarah the U is graduating today from the internet application and web development program in her time at Algonquin Sarah gained respect as a serious and dedicated student she was noted for willingness to help classmates often spending lab periods answering their questions or meeting them after class to explain the material she even provi
ded lecture note lecture notes to her peers and her professors Sarah gained the admiration of her co-op employer the Canada School of Public Service her supervisors were impressed with her ability to learn quickly and adapt to different project requirements her dedication to her job and the quality of her work led them to regard her more as a colleague than a student no wonder the employer nominated Sarah for a co-op award which she received in March or that Sarah is a constant presence on the D
ean's List please join me in welcoming Sarah Lou [Applause] hello class of 2019 first and foremost I like to sincerely congratulate all of you for making it here today I know the amount of effort dedication and often times sacrifice that were required for this momentous occasion and I believe each and every one of you should be tremendously proud of yourselves that being said this is actually my second convocation the first being for my bachelor's science at the University of Waterloo I did not
attend but had I known that I'll be standing in front of you today I probably would have gone to get some pointers at the time I thought that I had things all figured out I successfully completed all my co-op terms I graduated with honors and I had my career set doing nuclear energy consulting as a radio chemist that quickly changed however when my company switched management and I was quote-unquote let go so I moved around for a year with absolutely no job prospects then eventually decided to c
ome tell Don Qin because I needed to do something right I remember at the time I was super anxious and thought about how I'm so old and what if I can't make any friends and what if I don't like it or do well because it was so different from what I was doing before clearly all my worries were for naught I met so many wonderful like-minded people who were at various stages of their lives and careers and the most wonderful patient and considerate faculty staff especially my professors who are not o
nly incredible gifted but also humble compassionate and accommodating about all the different challenges each scene faces what I'm trying to say is for some of you this may be it you did everything right and you'll be smooth sailing from now on but for others you may have some stormy times ahead you also did everything right but sometimes things just don't work out and one day like me you might have to swallow your pride and start over and that's okay because you'll have the support you need and
meet some amazing people on the way so once again I want to congratulate you for your incredible achievement and wish you all the best in the world for your next steps ahead thank you [Applause] Thank You Sara wonderful words this morning we now move to the part of the ceremony where we recognize you our graduates I invite family and friends to take pictures from your seats our photographer will also be taking a picture as each graduate is recognized by the president I will now call upon dr. Ch
ris Jensen to come forward to the podium and introduce the graduates of his school of advanced technology Thank You Claude I am honoured to be here on behalf the faculty and staff of the school of advanced technology who are very proud of our graduates and feel privileged to have taken apart in their successful learning journeys at this time on behalf of Algonquin College I would like to acknowledge the commitment and successes of the school of advanced technology graduates and would ask them to
please rise as able to be presented for graduation so that's that's you folks please rise Madam President each of these graduates has dedicated themselves to successfully completing the requirements of their program these individuals are ready to make their mark in their chosen career it is with great pleasure and honor that I recommend them to you for graduation thank you graduates please be seated Thank You Dean Jensen I will now ask president Jensen to step forward to receive the graduates y
es families and friends may I ask that you please hold your applause until all the credentials have been presented so that we may hear the name as each graduates is announced however a well-placed hoot or how has never heard anyone I would now ask Professor Charles Naismith to come forward and begin the presentation of the graduates Charles Carrie bream Oh honors [Applause] we are now going to deal with the biotechnology Advanced Diploma ghena arid Amy Danny luck [Applause] Olivia green Hasina H
abib Maryann saline lebra de Dorothy Patricia Quinn Nicholas low Daphne McElroy David Paul Murphy Jamie Allison Abbott honors Alicia Nilka cornelio honors page Chris DeRose dally Nathan Geoffroy honors Courtney amber and not Chuck Candace Leslie killin Sabina Hashimi honors jin-sung mang Melissa McKay jihad Molson honors Sean Jeffrey Melanson O'Reilly honors Jason Timothy role wagon honors Marcus Robert James Ruppel Valenti Nanuk wotty sefa lucema key [Applause] honors jinsoon one at this time I
would like to call upon my colleague liane see were to continue announcing the names of our graduates vacant uh huronian Armando le arenas Sousa [Applause] Felix s Esalen [Music] Daniel Alexander Bruno [Music] Celso jr. pelorus Cercado honors matura cortes de souza honors nicholas de go Philippe de Paulo Sousa still hope honors Merton Jerrod Paciello Domingo honors nowas sad L may Muhammad Abduh golly Oh Mickey Brandon Elena Fournier Vallely been God Vertica Gupta [Applause] ahem SETI spell Jan
e Jacob blaze jewel Ahmad copy hi render jetkor Victor W lamb a man Altaf mutiny [Music] [Applause] Frank Lionel Nana Gaza as sheesh Amir padania Philippe Paris Oh [Music] honors Yamini Surendra presen honors of a render Singh honors tiago rest Ghazi [Music] Andrew Joseph Simon JAGMAN Deep Singh Hasan's keiki jean-philippe fellow belvoir sorry [Applause] honors faiied mercy Gionta whoa honors Alejandra acoustic [Applause] [Music] Mohammed Amin al dahari honors Ganesh Quran but honors David Malco
lm Brooke [Music] can a Brunei Halla check out Nathan read visto so [Applause] honors Richard Scott Thomas Kean honors Sebastian Dean [Music] [Applause] honors who daddy honors Michael Harris honors Jordan Edmund Hoskins honors a mad at Jamal jammy honors Joshua Paul mucin Jeffrey Marcus Norris [Music] honors John Joseph Daniel P lung Gilbert wrong honors Billy st. for it [Music] honors wen Jing Wang honors Sarah Jackie honors Annie Haru TN certainly an biotechnology I am now calling for biotech
nology advanced Val Mira be Becca I am now calling for computer systems technology security honors Jason Nicholas banks Corey Bell of you honors Jericho nestorius Garcias Alexander Robert Mathias [Applause] honors chime Indra Retton yaki I am now calling for mechanical engineering technology Abdulla Riyad Arab Graham Billings honors Miguel Boucher [Music] Jack Cavallo Toto Matthew eggs and Chen Andrew Cotter Brenden divine david silva del canto Joe David Ferguson Jaden Arles truck honors Jake He
nderson [Applause] honors Christopher William Jackson Muhsin King you just want - okay Ashley Jean Kiva mccurdy new yen quietly [Music] Michael Anthony McDonald I met Basim Musa Chloe violet Pearson [Applause] McKenzie Creighton perks honors Matthew Christopher Rose Jaime Christopher sheer down Connor Russell Stephens honors Brendan Reilly Valente honors Samantha may Vulcan Borg [Music] Jonathan Zira Villa floor I am now calling for aircraft maintenance technician Martin boy there Joshua hit occ
urs fade therapist Ali deidara Akbari honors shoddy al-khalil [Music] I met a man hurry Ilia bod [Music] honors John Brown Ridge honors tea neuquén beauty [Music] Oscar Pavan Kumar Joanne Tarek Ashok Kumar Joanne John Jen Chad girag Chirag vo Deora Jeff Jen kamesh Rohan WPIAL Kumar goes Illya honors fan you how they have Jan harsh Mahendra be Cabiria I am now calling for a computer programmer Irish leisure Bell Caddick dia I'm now going to have my colleague Linda crane coming announce the names
for computer programmer hi how are you Gurinder car Gurpreet car karma jet car Rajat Kumar honours Tran be Tomas Francisco Lozano luego harsh Vivendi a mistress vet Lana niche Ava honors [Music] honors and to nougat Wayne Justin Norman [Music] cure Patel Carina dipper Kumar Patel Patel Nishat Sanjay Kumar Patel shreya Jarmusch Kumar Patel urvich Raja by kept Patel honours Harvey Patterson Zachary Thomas Roberts Jerome Raj Samuel Spencer shedding and even sing good job balbirr sing charm Deep Sin
gh curse walk sing Coosh breach sing student Sony honors Bedell Sonia at Malcolm no acai Jeffrey Vance [Music] sure as dar Chanel Vance nanny [Applause] ok so we're now announcing computer programmer with co-op Vijay Kumar option Danny kod a Oh Minnie add you to knee [Applause] [Music] rehab Alma NER Doha elder era [Music] honors Andrew James Archibald Shen bana beg honors Carlos Fernando Barroso honors Natalie Helen Vaudreuil Dennis Michael Bowen honors Mila Stannah both of X Drake Connor Cassi
dy honor ji hyung Chen honors in Zhang show [Music] honors Dean como honors Nicholas James Crawford a second Shivan Kumar to say missiny san'dera Diaz honors Liang Liang do honors Daniel Anthony Frank honors Harleen Kaur gack Kumar honors Nandita Ghosh honors beyond who coup honors chen who aimed Geeta James honors Joel Alexander Janssen honors Cavell Jelinski sorry Nikhil Kalra honors navdeep car Alexandra Olek Kovalenko honors Katharina Jane craftsman pang Lee honors yang Luo region honors Jin
Ling MA Komachi maha do Hannah Jennifer macadam honors Kyle milker honors Keith Ashton Alexander Morris honors Stacy Lynn Mulder [Music] Jason choke honors Joanne Ning berry sang [Applause] [Music] Sharon oh dongha [Music] Carleen car Panama maeín Kumar Patel Priyanka Patel honours die pen Vitalik a Perico honours Anthony Joseph Quinton honors resna Rahman honors Melissa rajala honors Luis Rennels Shane Xavier Herbert d Robicheaux devah Shah honors refat shams honors chauhan chen Robin Shrestha
a man Preet Singh revant pre to sing tez beer sing honors Filipe Cesare video vato Hercule no honors Maxwell Arthur James Warwick Robert Dana White right sorry honors Jin de su honors many yang honors Fatima zoom Saroja Saroja just stay here a second okay at this time I would like to call upon my colleague Eva Paul maker to continue announcing the names of our graduates Oksana Zhirkov al honors honors Galina women abdel Majid Abdul Majid Farrah's Abdul Ghaffar II Elias Ammar simon barton abhish
ek baton Andre Alexander do mama Jason gan bei Liang just freak our hari Amita Amita Joseph Peter Hulk Owen Michael Hewitt Liam Michael Jarvis [Applause] J a Schwinn bike Acadia Youssef Ibrahim mullet Mohammed Mahfouz Alejandro marine honors Perry Martin [Music] Nicholas McAllen Jarrett McGinnis Ana's G Shenmue saga Nala P Roma are a cheat Alex Ferrell honours mayanna's nematic as Vinnie Muhammad Mustafa Norman okay she rocked Patel meat but by Patel Ravan Kumar Patel honours type Joshua Powell
Daniel Lorenz Joseph Ram - Musa Fuu Mugen Gangaram ference AED vishal sahal Joshua Samson honors Thomas should are steep singing pop c'mon sing honors pushpin nursing honors Andrew smiling Gabrielle tan joon-young Albert Tran pretty Yash Kumar Obadiah Rajiv Rushdie by gasps shing Shang Shu Hadees ahead honors Clark Archer Sunil Chopra honors Matthew Sean Clemence Prague and Joseph Darrington honors Hussain Musa Hussain Diaw meet Bharat by Honda [Applause] honest they're in Finlayson Rajan Preet
Singh Ganga's honors al Frank granny Nettie court gossip grace Mary Valley appeal in the highest honors Stephen Joseph grub honors Phil Harold honors they mean old Laxman attorney site Kasia tell Google it's our mantra our Vedic YCJA Kumar Patel Jared's John MacLean Sean Mannion honors Kelsey MIDI McCorkle [Music] honors a dinar for Miller honors Julia Catherine Miller Ryan Alexander mum bucket honors revenue c'mon to Kunal by Patel Alistair Ian Rainey sahaja hub [Music] k'vin invitin at this ti
me i would like to call upon my colleague James to continue announcing the names of our graduates these graduates are from the electromechanical engineering technician program Ashton bassinet with honors pious Coomer Babs our Manthan Chowdhury bunt a Coomer decide Glendon foster Jonathan Goodman Ronnie khadiyah mitchell coomer kakuni double kumar Makwana Arpit meter mauricio mendoza with honors bansuri Nayak Kalin Nicola with honors hit Earth pan ciao yes Pancho Deepak Pandey Chintan Kumar Pandy
a with honors parsh aunt Parmar chintan Patel k2 Patel kin Kumar Patel with honors Mahesh Kumar Patel new Poorman Patel Bonnie Prajapati Devesh Prajapati Akash Romani seven Kumar revolve [Music] Sarab Jeet Seany [Music] manthan Savannah Arman Preet Singh ha jab sing man Preet Singh Sahab Jeet Singh bhaumik sued Harshal sahajiya bhavan physio [Applause] Arjun Kumar physio [Applause] Richard Vander blue [Music] Akshay Verma Jamel Virani with honors Alexander Alex Alexander Robert Charles Grant Hem
a Kumar Patel [Applause] crew now Patel [Applause] Paul Levin ski Bridget Teague the following graduates are from the general Arts and Science program with a concentration in aviation management Lidia Bastas Anthony badarian Jonathon Benedetti [Applause] Philip Bourne now ski Adam Boyden [Music] Shawn Carter with honors Patrick chambers with honors yun jin chen evan a two Jane pre L Patrick glutton e with honors Sonia hildesheim with honors [Applause] circulant with honors mark Andre laliberté J
ustin LaPlante Christopher McKenney with honors Dimitri now file with honors Elizabeth pelts with honors and Guerra Rena singer Ram sook sapota Ella Starsky [Music] Stephanie Tyler the following students are from graduates of the geomatics technician program Patrick Bell Shaw Casey Kevin Casey with honors Kevin Lee Daniel with honors Cole Jeske with honors so woo Jun with honors James kitchen [Music] kevin lee with honors Chris lever Minh with honors William MacIsaac Ryan Merrill ease with honor
s su boy and go with honors Derek Pickering with honors mr. mark Wolfson home with honors the next students are graduates of the electromechanical engineering technician program Tushar yogini Hettich Kumar Patel Dixit Kumar Patel [Applause] siobhan Patel nickens Kumar Polara and I would now like to call upon my colleague Angela McAlister to continue reading the role of graduates graduates of the internet applications and web development program so har so ham em in Michelle Canton with honors too
fast see Zi Shan MD Chaudhary Amanda Desa with honors Chen Chen Jung - shower Kunz Yanni Lee Sandra maderos de Lima with honors ACTA Romeo Patel Bharat Singh Rajput [Music] nema Ali with co-op education option Uttam van teri with co-op education office in Andrea de Boer with honors and co-op education option Connor Fitzgerald with co-op education option Patrick Gingras with honors and remark is Terry Godfrey with honors [Music] Abraham JAMA with honors when she when G shown with honors aleena :
Sava with honors jean-denis and the points with honors Sara field Lou with honors okay the chip in Moodle a year with honors okay juhi ban Patel with honors Tao Peng Jody potaraju graduate of the manufacturing engineering technician program Peter Ralph like a sandal a below Sharia rap I am al Aunt Eller [Applause] Brandon show trends Himanshu Chaudhary the pooka Mariani [Applause] me to decide Christopher Hoffman [Music] Cameron Hammond's Deepak shut house [Music] kiss can tomorrow Kiran Kumar
[Applause] Gurpreet loti sure Eggman para o me Kumar naka hardik nashit Santos Nathanael then newer [Music] cigar Palmer Akshay Kumar Patel nikunj Kumar Patel [Music] pronoun from our Patel Vinay Patel J Harish Manisha Papa aphid each commercial big grant thing Sri Hammond Sri Kumar meet Kumar sir any with honors Mudd have Takhar cool deep valor graduates of the mobile application design and development program Marcus Andrew bleh Joshua booth with honors Tyler Nathan Crossman with honors Gervin
jethro Francisco with honors say sir Garcia with honors Amina use of Musa with honors sister-sister Juarez with honors Prashant Plataea Ola wakame Mafi with honors Suba my guy with honors [Music] David Mike wreath with honors Jordan Morrison with honors direct Siraj with honors Keano James Reeves [Music] Protima wa with honors tentative tan video [Applause] Danny low Mirta with honors jenis Bharani graduates of the motive power technician Philip a saloon [Applause] just what graduates of the wat
er and wastewater technician program Faustina's 40 graduates of the business intelligence system infrastructure programs Samantha proven with honors graduates of the enviromental management and assessment program to vendor de la Isla Monica Mary black with honors Kelsey faunal with honors Laura Cummings with honors Sumeet Dahiya Maria Paula Gabor as Piazza with honors Delma guard Simran Giller Kavon Hayat a with honors Amman preach on do interpret car Gurpreet car Gurpreet car J Preet Kaur with
honors ramen deep car [Music] Sandeep car subject car suit Preet Kaur Chinmay kenny boot cachaça Siri Eunice Murali [Music] Emmanuel or Joe Park Kumar Patel Pruthvi Patel Anju krishna raja familiar Tandi Rathod [Music] am repulsing Parminder Singh our steep sing partied sing Ranade cicadas with honors omit shade franca Sharma okay I tell subbu Stephanie Souza with honors Vignesh MEP Oh Nelson to move a with honors Krishna baru Tannen Walia graduates of the geographic information systems with coo
perative education auction program Peter Fairbank with honors Mara Delmar Puentes with honors Sian Hani Tobias Farah with honors no Ella home see with honors maria ines parisa our Celia with honors graduates of the regulatory affairs in sciences program Abdul Salam Mohammed Ahmed Somalia and Lani [Music] Meghan Shannon elena dawn given with honors alia abraham Navdeep car Simran shot car a DJ Kulkarni pricks are cocconi Lillet Kumar just in Mantes with honors Krishna Patel [Music] rrah - gia Pat
el with honors so hi Patel payal sitar Musa sharper Stefan Oh Padre [Applause] cara abu el soda graduates of the business intelligence system infrastructure program hung new jian with honors graduates of the automotive service technician program Danielle brewski with honors Eric de Boer with [Music] ty Rath 'tony benn Lindh with honors chansik an NIMH with honors Joshua Tebow graduates of the truck and coach technician program Rodell DOMA Leone with honors graduates of the energy management prog
ram Jai Bharat [Applause] Illya Illya Boyko Raju bhai gundalia Mohammed hock em Roenick Joshi Menton Mita liket Mendon with honors Priyanka hi with honors Krishna Pangea Bhavya Lucas - e-j sahajiya Vivek thankee with honors Shivan Dinesh Patel for those who are able may I please ask the graduates of the School of Advanced Technology to rise guests families and friends the Algonquin College school of advanced technology class of 2019 [Applause] thank you please be seated let's show our appreciati
on for the professors who announced the name of the graduates well done thank you we have come to the end of this morning's program there are many within the college who work hard behind the scene to plan and coordinate such a ceremony and although there are too numerous to mention I think it's apropos that we give thanks for their efforts it's been a pleasure to celebrate with you this morning and it's a pleasure for me to welcome you our newest graduates as our newest members of the Algonquin
Alumni Association now how about you stand one more time so we can recognize you as alumni yes thank you please be seated as our president said during our address please be sure to send us your success stories and stay connected with the college through the Algonquin Alumni website now as we come to the end of our program we invite all of our graduates and their families and friends to gather and continue celebrating in FYE there you'll find several areas where you can take pictures we do ask th
at you please leave your academic gowns with our teams before you leave this level but you'll find gowns and regalia available in the tent outside for those wanting to take pictures many thanks to you our graduates and to your families and friends for joining us today and for making this ceremony a happy occasion for us all congratulations and best wishes our families and friends may I please ask that you stand for those who are able to and remain standing until the end of the recession of the s
tage party the faculty and their graduates thank you and have a wonderful day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]



Wow we did it congratulations everyone including me ☺👏👏


Another thing I will never experience. #stopvirtualgraduation