
Alignable for Nonprofit Fundraising and Marketing

In this video, we're discussing alignable for nonprofit fundraising and marketing. Alignable is a powerful social networking platform that can help your charity raise money online. With alignable, you can easily create fundraising events, run campaigns as promotions, get advice from professionals and connect with potential donors. This video will provide you with information about how to use alignable for nonprofit fundraising and marketing. 👩‍🏫Struggling with your nonprofit's fundraising and marketing? We're here to help. Check out our FUNDRAISING COACHING Program! 🔘We also have a special FACEBOOK GROUP where we post our best resources: ✅SIGN UP for our Newsletter: 📽️ Other videos you might like: QR Codes: TikTok Fundraising: Facebook Tutorial: Instagram Growth: LinkedIn for Nonprofits: 📇 GET IN TOUCH Email: Web: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #digitalfundraising #fundraising #nonprofitmarketing

Cause Specialist - Fundraising Coach

1 year ago

I hate to break it to you but there is one  more social platform to put on your radar as a fundraising and marketing opportunity  for your non-profit and I'll be honest I'm still in the lurking phase but I see some  powerful opportunities for Charities on alignable especially non-profits looking to  expand their reach with small to mid-sized businesses so in today's video I'm going  to take you on a tour of alignable and the different opportunities for non-profit marketing  and fundraising so le
t's get to it [Music] so a Alignableis similar to LinkedIn but  it's designed for small business networking and according to alignable they have been  steadily growing since their Inception in 2014. they have over 7 million members with  millions of connections across more than 35 000 local communities and members use  alignable to get answers to questions connect with other businesses attend events  run promotions and increase Buzz just to name a few and the platform is free but there are  prem
ium features so how can Charities take advantage of alignable well non-profits can  use alignable to connect with individuals and businesses in the community who may be interested  in volunteering or supporting your organization but creating a profile and connecting  with people on alignable non-profits can increase their visibility and reach potential  supporters who might not yet be aware of them and some of the features alignable promotions are  a great way to share upcoming events fundraisin
g campaigns or announcements with your alignable  community and extended alignable Network simply go to your profile and click services and promotions  and create when a promotion is posted it is automatically listed to your lineable calendar  your alignable connections will also be notified allowing them to refer to their respective  networks helping you reach even more people and promotions are also added to your connections  referral activity feed which members visit daily the alignable group
s feature is a great way to  connect with others who are passionate about similar issues or causes you can join a group  or start a group and joining your hosting and alignable group can allow you to gain valuable  connections and knowledge in your respective fields to find a group just go to your home page  and click on browse groups you can sort by popular or any of the other filters and when you find  one you like just click maybe read the rules and guidelines and then accept make sure to eng
age in  groups groups are casual and conversational just listen in on some of the discussions maybe like a  comment maybe add a comment of your own and when posting you can submit a post request a referral  or even post a job opportunity to the group Now to create a group select request a new group  at the top of the browse groups page fill out your details and the rules and guidelines and Away you  go the alignable events feature is a great way to host a live or virtual event such as discussion
s  fundraisers meet the clients expert panels and so much more the possibilities are endless just  log into your lineable account access your group by going to my groups start creating your event  by clicking write a post then click add an event and start creating by filling out all of your  information and your details once you publish the event your event will appear in your group's  feed and your group members will receive a special email with an announcement of the new event and an  opportun
ity to register ask advice is a fantastic feature to find advice or give advice if you've  got a question say about how to make your website more SEO friendly ask an expert alignable is a  community of professionals that are always happy to share their Knowledge and Skills from your home  page you go into the business directory search for a business search for answers to your question  or post your own question now here are some extra tips based on my mistakes with your profile  I suggest fillin
g this all out before you connect with other people or invite them to join your  alignable network and ensure that everything is filled out completely and when adding connections  I didn't see the deselect all button before I accidentally spammed thousands of people so  learn the platform take some time to learn how the system works there are tons of helpful  videos and articles some of which I will link in the description and then for recommendations  look at your connections and identify peopl
e that you know that you'd happily recommend or that  would recommend you and your recommendations don't need to be more than a couple of sentences  as with all social media and networking platforms engage engage engage scroll through the feed  see what questions you could answer like or comment other posts or refer other members to  other organizations that might be helpful post your own questions updates promotions events and  more and finally commit to it make a plan and use it consistently I
always give a new platform a  few months before I decide to bring it on board or ditch it and I think I'm actually going to be  onboarding a lineable alignable has the potential to be a powerful tool for non-profits to use to  breach their fundraising and marketing goals by creating a profile connecting with businesses in  your community and using the features like events promotions and groups non-profits can easily  promote their work and find potential donors and if you get unalignable make s
ure to come and  say hi the cause specialist us now we also did a video on LinkedIn which you might find helpful and  it should pop up here and I just want to say thank you so much for staying to the end watch time is  the best thing that you can do to keep our Channel going and to support us that and liking commenting  and sharing but we'll see you next week [Music]
