
All German Political Parties in 4 Minutes

It's voting year. This video will save you 100 hours of reading the parties manifestos. You're welcome. Alternative title: How to Offend Everyone in 4 Minutes #germany #politics #voting

Radical Living

2 years ago

Change is bad, everything stays as it is. What has worked before will work in the future. Family, religion and friendship, those are the three demons you must slay if you want to succeed in business. You pray to god, you go to work, you pay taxes, and you don't dare die before the next election! Yeah yeah what he said. Europe sucks! Poor people suck! Brown people suck! You suck! Carbon dioxide is bad, atomic energy is bad, genes are bad, oh genes are so very bad, meat is bad. We need to give mor
e power to the companies. Companies run this country, not the people. There are three things we need to legalize, weed, memes and torrenting. Islam is bad, cancel culture is bad, thinking is bad, hate is good. We need more police, young people these days are crazy. They want an uncensored internet. What was the internet again? We need free knowledge, free bitcoin, and freedom of speech. What do you think is more important, the economy or human lives? Sorry, can you repeat that one more time? Imm
igrants suck, the Euro sucks, my wife sucks, my life sucks. We don't need planes, or cars, or trains, we got two feet to walk don't we. This country has been run long enough by old people, they don't know anything about the digital age. We, the young people need to take over. Alright i'm bored, let's play some boardgames. Feminism! Genderism! Humanism! Vandalism! I can only agree. What you want me to say again? Every German needs to buy more cars. Everybody needs at least two cars. Audi, Volkswa
gen, Mercedes, but not Tesla. Tesla is bad, it's from the devil! Are you scared of getting old and sick? So are we. And did you know that the government isn't spending any money on ageing research? They want you to get old and die. This toenail belonged to the Führer. If we can raise 2 million Euro, we can clone him from the DNA inside and the glorious times may return! Totally, yeah what he said. Wait, what did he say? For anyone wanting to send donations, here's my card, my address. Everything
's welcome, watches, cars, houses, boats, i take everything. Black lives matter, brown lives matter, yellow lives matter white lives matter You don't matter! Ageing is a disease that kills more people on this planet than anything else. You wanna live forever? Healthy? We'll make sure of it. What I'm doing tonight? Same thing I'm always doing. Fighting capitalism.



Who would you vote for? PS. Did you know that if you don't go voting, your vote is still counted and added (percentage-wise) to the participating parties? So if you don't want your vote to count, go vote for some small insignificant party, otherwise chances are 30%+ that CDU gets your vote.


Poor SPD is so irrelevant they don't even get mocked in the comments :/




The funny thing is that this actually nearly 100% true. I love that U are making fun of every party no Matter which political direction


Fun fact: The S.P.D. is actually older than Germany, it was founded in the Kingdom of Prussia.


I am glad you do this in English. I can’t speak German. Your humor is on point!


If there is one thing I’ve learned about Germany, as an American, since I have begun learning German, it is that America’s two party system is worse, but Germans aren’t satisfied with their political system either. Actually, I’ve come to the mindset that barely anyone is satisfied with their political system since politicians are, for the most part, just narcissists that are convinced they know what to do.


Me: laughs Also me: remembers I am from Russia and starts crying


His accent is always satisfying to the ears


This is exactly what I expect from a German comic. Straight to the point.


seems like there is no party that makes sense to elect in Germany. Well, we have the same problem in Austria lol


The description Alternative title: how to offend everyone in 4 minutes. 😂😂


The duck has the most agreeable policies. I vote for the duck. 🇺🇸🇩🇪🍻🍻🍻🍻


I swear this is the most unbiased and objective political comedy channel I have seen on YouTube!


Partei für Gesundheitsforschung has my vote for sure.


Best thing about living in Germany: All these people inevitably unified by getting a Döner at the end of the night and peeing against the same tree.


“Tesla is bad, is from the devil” HAHAHAHAHAHAAH i love it😂😂😂


Junge mach einfach weiter so du bist ne Legende xD


I've never even been in Europe and this is hilarious


As an expat living in Germany i have been a bit confused about the political parties but you have managed to explain perfectly in just 4 minutes, thank you!