
ALL You can Eat INDIAN BUFFET Feast (Seattle Washington) 🇺🇸 🇮🇳

I found an unlimited all you can eat Indian food buffet in Seattle Washington. There's a huge Indian community in Seattle Washington due to so many tech companies having their base and headquarter there which means high competition among Indian restaurants so they make the best food possible. Join me and my family as we try some biryani, butter chicken, and many other Indian specialties. 🎥 UNLIMITED INDIAN FOOD with MOM and BROTHER | 20+ Food Items 🤤🇮🇳 🚩IMPORTANT!! TURN ON "CC" IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH FOR HAND 🚩 WRITTEN TRANSLATED SUBTITLES IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH 🌎 It's cringe to say it but if you like the video, comment, and subscribe it will help the video get a further reach to new viewers and helps us grow. If you really enjoyed it and felt someone else might to then give it a share and lets make it go viral. Thanks for all your support fam. ✅ TikTok (Random short videos I only post there) ✅ Main Travel Channel - ✅ FaceBook (Short Form Videos) - ✅ Instagram (Live Updates) - ✅ If you wanna help out extra and help me be more generous with those I meet along my travel with tips then you can do so here. This all goes to the people.

Volpe Drunk and Hungry

1 month ago

Check it out, guys. All the way here in Seattle, Washington. Home of the Seahawks. I have found an Indian restaurant. Let's go check it out. I heard it's a buffet. Oh, by the way these two are back, mom and brother. - Hello! Hello, YouTube. - All right all right. Guys, check out the welcome here. Indian gods everywhere. Oh, biryani. That's what I'm here for. All right all right. How are you doing, brother? What's up what's up? All righty, guys, so... Hey, guys, how are you doing? Hello Hi. - H
ey bro Table for three, please? - Table for three? Come, please. All right. Yes, guys! We have an Indian buffet. All right, time to begin. Check out the buffet, guys. This is what it's looking like. All the chutney over here. What's up, mom? - Hello! How are you? I think you're going to find the stuff over there. This? - The best stuff, yeah. Mutton paneer check it out, guys. Channa saag. All sorts of food here. Guys, so there's a big Indian community here in Seattle Washington? - Sorry? There
's a big Indian community here in Washington? - Yeah. I didn't know that. All the way in the most northern State. In the US, guys, we have Indian food. Myself, the biryani hunter. I found my way here. Let's see what do we have. Biryani! - Oh, you found biryani? Chicken leg quarter biryani. Oh, my goodness... Big chicken. - yeah. I'm going to go for that piece. All right, we have shrimp curry, mutton curry. Chicken... lababdar? What's that say? Yeah. Wow, all right, so many... Oh, tandoori chic
ken too. Tikka Masala. And some masala chai, guys. All right. All righty. And pretty nice reviews all around, guys. So I see nothing but Indian employees over here. So that's a good sign. And when you turn on Google Maps here, you just see nothing but Indian restaurants. So I picked the one of the best reviews and I jumped in there. And I think I'm in a good place, guys. So I'm going to fill up my plate and then, we're going to try all this Indian food. Wow, all right, they're not wasting any
time. What you got? Biryani? - Yes! Cheers. - Cheers! - Cheers, YouTube! All right, guys, mango lassi Oh, it's perfect. Oh my God, delicious. - Yogurt and mango. Mixed together never tasted so good. So mom went ahead and got some samosas, some biryani. Some random curries. How's the biryani here? Tasty? - Excellent, delicious. All right. Mom's approving. My brother got... What do you got? Butter chicken? - Butter chicken, samosas. How is it so far? - Good. Good stuff? All right all right, guys.
What can I say... I only got biryani on my plate. This is all I needed. I'll try some other things to give you, guys, some more suggestions. But I see biryani, my eyes light up like there's no tomorrow. If you try eating like this, it's going to taste so much... I can't imagine eating a burger or a pizza with silverware. The same goes for biryani. How is your biryani? - It's delicious. It tastes like Hyderabadi biryani. Excellent spice level. Chicken with the bone. You definitely want that b
ecause it just gives it so much more flavor. Wow, incredible... Piece of onion there. You have to try the biryani, bro. Before we leave you gotta try the biryani. Is this! I remember! The paneer? - Yeah, the cheese. Paneer cheese? Wow. I could eat this all day, every day. It's like a quarter dum biryani. Like Fast chicken. We fried it like Indian style. After that, we made it with the chicken like dum Like Hyderabadi professional. The way that it supposed to be. - Yeah. All right all right. - I
t's like a quarter chicken dum biryani. Excellent stuff excellent stuff. Thank you, brother. - Thank you. Guys, this is the real biryani. You can taste the difference when it's made traditional with all the layers. Volpe, biryani, last name, biryani. I can't lie, guys. I don't know what is, but biryani is so good. But I'm going to try some other Indian foods, guys, over there. To give you, guys, some other suggestions. You definitely have to try some tandoori chicken. Definitely, mutton currie
s. I got a shrimp curry here. I got the lababdar chicken. Something aloo. Aloo is basically potato. So this is always going to be good stuff. Yeah, let's get that a go. Mom's on the butter chicken now but that's the way you do it. You get a little piece... - I love it! Let's try the shrimp curry. You get your protein there. You get this bread. This nann. All saucy. Delicious? - The shrimp is good. Yeah, it's tasty. - Give me one. It's tasty. It's tasty the shrimp curry. You got some naan - Yeah
. - It's so tasty this bread. Yeah, it's good alone. All right, guys, mutton curry. That's what they have here. Going to get this chunky piece right off the bone there. And get the bread saucy. Let's give the mutton curry a go. Oh, this meat is soft. All the fat there just gives it more flavor. - Delicious. The secret of the grandma! The super spiced up potato, guys. The aloo delicious. Delicious. Now, guys, I'm curious about this one, the chicken labrador Thumbs up on that one. That was a nic
e change up Has a little bit of a Asian taste to it. It tastes like... Like indo-chinese food a little bit. And spice up, guys. Has some chilies in there. You'll love the food of India. My little son love food of India. Me too. - How's the naan, bro? It's good. - But you more. It's good. - Yeah, it's good. You must love, right, Carlos? - Yeah, I love it a lot. That's why I spent like 6 months over there. I was just happy every day eating. What do you like more, Nicaraguan or Indian food? - In
dian. - Yeah. Fritanga or Indian food... I'll say Indian because there's a big variety. There's more things. If there's something after biryani that I like the most and I recommend, guys, is tandoori chicken. They cook this in the tandor oven. And it just has this unique smokey flavor . Usually, when you scrape the skin off it, you get this right there. And that right there tastes delicious. this chicken is very good. I like it. - This is very good too. Butter chicken, definitely, that's good.
naan refill. All right, my brother's just clearing out all the mango lassies. I'm just going to finish... - It's history It's history, right? Is that your favorite? - What? Indian drink. Lassie? - Yeah, the mango lassie. Is it good? - I love it, it's very very good. And easy to make, you can make it at home. Yogurt and mango. I don't know what I do Mango and milk? - Mango and yogurt. Oh, only yogurt and mango? I'm going to go get more biryani. Silverware, definitely not required for me. Mom and
bro are on dessert, ice cream. - Yeah. And I get one more plate of biryani. Hey, sitting down eating biryani with my bro! And the maker! Uh, always been a trouble maker! Uh, I'm hot, call me "spicy biryani"! Uh uh, getting all the fly mamis I got to say it for later, go out to the baby maker! Taste on the kitty that, taste that flavor. Though. Y'all already know pass to Carlos. Bro! Yo-yo. - With my ice cream, ta-ta-ta! Delicious Indian food here at the buffet, guys. And here's the mastermind
behind it. In charge of the kitchen. I just want to say thank you, brother. - You're welcome, my friend. The food was excellent, very good. - I hope you enjoyed it. That biryani was tasty and so was everything else. - You're welcome. Thank you. Where part of India are you from? - From darado Okay, I haven't been there. - You should go, it's nearby mysore chiwha - All right. When I go back, I'll check it out, brother. - Sure. You're welcome. Thank you thank you. - Thank you. So a huge Indian com
munity here, guys. They're playing cricket back there. And it makes sense. I just thought about it, of course. Microsoft is here, Google is here. There is a lot of IT help needed over here. And of course, there's a lot of that in India. So it makes sense that there's a very big community with delicious Indian food, authentic Indian food. All righty, guys, this is the spot. You can go, it's all good. No problem no problem. So this a spot, guys. At least 80 if not 90% of the clientele is Indian.
So that is always a good sign. Because, when there's Indian people eating at an Indian restaurant, you know the food is good. I think that goes for every restaurant. Anyways, the total is basically 25 bucks per person. I think the buffet is a weekend thing, I'm not sure. However, they hooked me up with the drinks and they said that for anybody that comes over here, you'll get 10% off if you mentioned this video Or this vlog or that this video entites you to come here. So if you're in Washin
gton State, one of the most northern states over here, then definitely, do come check it out. And, all right, guys. Any final words? - Beautiful. I like the food, everything is good. - Beautiful! All right. Shady, hotter than a set of twin babies In a Mercedes Benz with the windows up in the mind 80's All right, guys. Catch on the next one. I got to walk this off. I ate everything. I said "forget the dirt". "I'm going for one more plate of biryani" Oh, look at this tree. What the heck, is massi
ve... - Wow! It's bigger than Lisandro What is that, mom? It's big? my God yes That's what she said. Heey! This tree right here is a sequoia tree. It's a giant tree that goes massive. And it never ends. Telling you. Yeah? - Yeah. That's what she said. She said... dude...
