
An Earth Date With Your New Alien Girlfriend—Pt3 [F4A] [Reverse Comfort] [Alien Abductor] [Sci Fi]

[ASMR Roleplay Audio] [Romance] [Insecure Alien Girlfriend] [New Relationship] script "Humans Can't Be That Great! Part 3: One for the Road" by Waterway_Wordsmith You can't help but grin to yourself as your alien date glances around nervously. She doesn't look alien at the moment - she's in disguise. The disguise is necessary, because you're on Earth right now. After plenty of coaxing, you've managed to convince her to let you have one final Earth meal before heading for their home. Full series: 🛡 Become a Royal Knight! 👽 Thank you to Waterway the Wordsmith for the script! I'm so glad you decided to continue this series! *Nightshade's notes:* I am so excited to be able to bring you part 3 of our dear alien abductor! I absolutely love the new script Waterway came up with. Despite the fact that I've never, uh, been an alien or been abducted by aliens myself, the story feels so relatable. The anxious nervousness at the start of a new relationship, the fear of screwing up, of not being enough... I think everyone has those doubts, sometimes, especially when you've fallen for someone who's very different from you. When you're an alien, and your new partner is an irresistible human... it's got to be incredibly intense. Thank you all for listening and sticking with me, my lovely royal court, royal knights, and loyal listeners! I hope we get to see even more of this story! 🛡 Become a Royal Knight! Credits: Character and thumbnail design by me using Novel AI and Clip Studio Paint. Background by 3888592 on Pixabay: Script "Humans Can't Be That Great! Part 3: One for the Road" by u/Waterway_Wordsmith on reddit. additional tags: f4a, f4f, f4m, monster girl, anime girlfriend, girlfriend asmr rp, deep female voice, soft spoken

Nightshade Queen ASMR

2 weeks ago

[restaurant sounds, nervous breathing] This is a bad idea. It’s SUCH a terrible idea. It’s very easy for you to say. This is normal for you. It’s HOME for you. But  I’m not supposed to be here! I was already taking risks by abducting  you. But now I’m PLANETSIDE. Eating lunch in the middle of a human city! We were supposed to be going to my homeworld. How did you talk me into this? Just a quick visit before we leave. Yes, THAT’S how you talked me into  it. What a fool I was to listen. List
en to me. I’m normally so composed, so  logical. But I just can’t THINK right now. Why am I even here? (Sigh) It was a rhetorical question. I’m just starting to  wonder if seeing humans in their natural habitat is worth the risk of exposure. If this hologram  fails, I’ll have every law enforcement officer in the sector coming to send me home for trial. I… Granted. But the members of my species already living here? They’re risk-takers.  They’re… they’re brave. I’m not like them. I… Hm? No. Hone
stly, I’m just  not hungry. You can have it. No, really, I… Fine. This… Hm. No, no. It’s good, actually. But very odd. It’s  not at all like the food I’m used to. I suppose what I eat is much more heavily processed. No, I know that it’s safe. I thoroughly tested samples of human food to check for dangerous  substances. Our respective biochemistries aren’t terribly different from each other. Just  another bizarre coincidence that makes our species compatible against all odds. (Chuckle) I suppos
e chemical analysis was  all it took to calm me back down. You might find this TERRIBLY shocking, but  I’m much more comfortable in a lab than out in the field. If not for my obsession with learning  about humans, I probably would never have left the homeworld. Everything is so much more controlled  in a lab. Specifically, under MY control. Not that I’ve really felt much in  control lately, even in the lab. You’ve thrown everything into disarray. Oh, you know I don’t mean it that way. It’s my
fault for expecting humans to  be simple to understand. I should have known better. Anything that consistently  elicits such an illogical response in a race as scientifically advanced as mine must be  a nigh incomprehensible wonder. It was terribly naive of me to be so surprised to be surprised. I must say, though, seeing a human city close-up makes it slightly more understandable.  You all live in such CHAOS. I think you HAVE to be unpredictable to survive here. Just look around. That perso
n over there ordered long ago and hasn’t dared ask whether  they forgot their order. But THAT one has been asking for updates every few minutes. And  the one over there isn’t even ordering, they’re just complaining about the menu. Of course! Observation is my job. There wasn’t any point in coming here if I wasn’t going to  watch and see what the humans are actually like. I… Yes, yes of course. You’re right.  We’re also here for… for us. A… date, right? A real date, this time. But back to wha
t I was saying. My civilization is built on a comprehensive list of  best practices. We all try our best to follow the list, because it’s the most efficient and  precise way of doing things. It’s actually rather common among sapient species to find  the one best process for doing something. But you don’t tend to do that. You all do things  in whatever manner comes to mind. Whatever is familiar, or comfortable, or consistent with  your experience. It’s dizzyingly confusing, and yet you all treat
it like it’s simple. I… It makes me worry. What if I can’t HANDLE being with a  human? Even for a member of my race, I’m a slave to proper procedure. If I can’t even  eat a meal with you in your native environment without panicking, what will I do when things  actually get complicated? Because they will. It’s… No, of course not. I… I do want this.  Everything about you is alluring and exciting. You’re like some kind of supernatural being  out of mythology, too perfect for a mere mortal like me
. But maybe… I’m not worthy. Maybe it  wasn’t meant for me. Maybe I just need to- (Kiss) I… I, uh… Um… That was… that was sudden. I wasn’t prepared. (Nervous Laugh) Well if you wanted to calm me down, that was NOT  the way to go. I’m more worked up than ever. But… in a good way, this time. I… Thank you. I’m glad you don’t find me too… boring. I always suspected that was part of why my last  relationship ended. I wanted everything to be controlled, predictable, calm. How could that  compare
to the thrill and unpredictability of a human? (Chuckle) I appreciate the thought. Though you being so  kind just seems to make you and every other human even more stunning. You have every reason to  be annoyed with me for all I’ve put you through, and yet you keep saying such sweet things. I think that part of it might be you specifically, actually. Not all the humans here seem to be  quite so kind as you. But the physical attributes I discovered during my first examination of  you seem t
o be everywhere in your species. You all have different body proportions,  and yet they’re all so APPEALING. The heavy ones look soft and cuddle-able, the slender  ones look sleek and graceful. Tall, short, muscled, everyone looks breathtaking regardless. Oh, and the SMELL. I told you you smell pleasant, didn’t I? Well, when you’re all together it  makes me feel like I’m practically floating. I’m actually sending data back to the ship from  my brain implant because I’m worried it might be acti
ng like some kind of recreational drug. Ah. Yes, you’re right. I really shouldn’t be fawning over all the humans that I see when  YOU’RE the human I’m on the date with. And no matter how lovely the other ones are,  I wouldn’t choose any of them over you. It really has surprised me how attached I’ve  gotten to you. I think perhaps if I’d chosen a different human, they would have remained nothing  but a test subject, if an alluring one. But my fate was sealed because I chose to abduct you. I  co
uldn’t have prevented myself from falling for you if I’d tried. And really, I did, (Chuckle) Yes. I’ve rarely been able to speak as boldly as  this to you. I think that kiss of yours gave me the courage I needed to speak my feelings. It’s things like that that truly amaze me about your species. You have this odd ability to  change us. There’s no way for me to measure it, or even prove that it exists. But I can directly  observe its effects. My opinion of your species, and even my entire outl
ook on life is different  thanks to spending only a handful of days with you. And of course many others of my species  have changed after meeting one of you. It’s beautiful, but it actually worries me a  bit. For the time being, we’re mostly avoiding humans for fear of those changes. But what  happens if it catches on? If more of my kind start flooding to Earth en masse? The truth will certainly come out, that’s for certain. You’ll learn of our existence.  And then what? I’d hate it if humans
began to be treated as some kind of… possession, or  resource. You’re all just so desirable, so valuable. I don't know if we’ll  handle it the right way or not. But there’s not much point in worrying  about it right now, is there? At the moment, it’s just you and me here, enjoying lunch. I think I’ll be much calmer when we’re on the way to my homeworld. Everything  makes so much more sense there. Now, tell me… How exactly  do I eat this thing here? [laughing]



Love how she questions how a different species could be attracted to another, meanwhile on earth we got people that are into furries and monster girls with a variety of body types. I think sentient species are just weird about what their attracted to.


yay she has returned , as adorable as ever


I love this series, i keep coming back to hear it every so often. So i was happy to see it continued and can't wait for more.


I have no idea what series this is part of, but I love it regardless. It may be the third instalment of one specific storyline, but it also works perfectly fine as a standalone short story. That is good writing, and your acting captures that two-sided potential perfectly (which is honestly not a surprise anymore). Thank you for this lovely gift, your majesty.


She’s so sweet and caring. You do so well and playing a conflicted character. Great job Nightshade!


I love what you did here. You made it sound like she's not vulnerable, she's allowing herself to be vulnerable and I love it.


I love how she's getting the full human experience (well, almost) and she feels overwhelmed by it. I'm hoping Waterway continues this series and at some point they come across her ex.😮 Cool audio My Queen! LOVED IT!!!😊💚👍


I'm so glad to hear more of her. She's adorable! Wonderful audio


Holy hell... i didn't expect a part three of this but oh god... this is just so GOOD... Thank you for making an audio of it!


Hearing your voice again just makes me happy😊❤


glad to see the alien gf has returned Nightshade, excellent work with the series so far!


Yaaay i was hoping for a part 3, glad you did it, thanks a lot !


Yaayy, Alien lady is back.




I don't remember very well all the details of the previous parts of this series. But it was still interesting. I like that you continue the series when sequels from writers appear. This is one of the many nice things about your channel. You were very nice in this role. Everything seemed so real and sweet. Thank you.


Wow. I love waterway wordsmith scripts. And i love how you portray your characters. Definitively made my weekend.


I've been loving this series


Oh look, a new series I have to find to watch from the beginning :D


Well, there's the subgenre: Humans are Space Orcs. So now I guess we have: Humans are Space... 'Shrooms, Poppies (?).🙃 Wonderful video, thank you so much.👏👍👋


Another adorable audio