
An Honest Review of Mass of the Ages Ep. 3...and so much more...

The Traditional Thomist joins us while we give an honest review of the final part of the Mass of the Ages trilogy. This episode promises a rich tapestry of Catholic life, blending humor with the solemnity of spiritual practice. We navigate through the tumultuous seas of the Trad Recovery Conference, offering apologies and explanations for our satirical take that ruffled some feathers. We then embark on an engaging critique of Mass of the Ages Ep 3: Guardians of Tradition, pondering its impact on youth and the Latin Mass movement. The episode isn't all serious critique, though; we're also weaving in light-hearted moments and community feedback through listener voicemails, adding a personal touch that reminds us all of the close-knit fabric of our audience. As we look to the horizon, the future of traditional Catholicism takes center stage. We debate the potential of age-old practices to captivate young men looking for a deeper spiritual challenge, and we tease the idea of a round table discussion among Catholics of various persuasions. It's an exploration of how Catholic media and differing opinions can coexist, culminating in a reflection on navigating disagreements within the Church. Whether you're a Trad or not, join us for an episode that promises to uplift, challenge, and inspire. ******************************************************** Locals Community: RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: SpiritusTV: Odysee:

Avoiding Babylon

Streamed 4 days ago

[Music] we're oh no video well I did I didn't know if you wanted me to play that video I did well I figured I thought you'd either play the the twins one or you would open with the SP I'll play the I'll play the twins one real quick hold on I I didn't watch that whole video through I had no service today so I have no idea what you're giving us okay it's funny I cut out the one part that had swear words okay and there's one line there's one line where everyone will understand why I chose this oka
y Rob chose this one I had nothing to do with it guys what do you have a twin no what's your name I'm Katie were you adopted and Bernardino California uh yeah babe I literally think that you guys are twins we could be you guys are literally spitting image we should do a trip we're going I book the flight they're ready do she like wear SPF 3000 does she hate flowers y does your girlfriend know how to drive all right there we go oh man sorry guys got spit my Zin out um I had I had a I got a strang
e text from my from my from my Parish that said uh your child's $75 Sacrament fee uh your child $75 confirmation Sacrament fee is due so I tweeted that out asking is this simony now I will say it was probably just poorly worded right it's a reg rtion fee and stuff like that registration fee for what though like they provide anything uh the books and stuff but I paid for all that at the be like they they charge you for the catechism class right like to right they Char so I you know I paid a coupl
e hundred at the beginning of the year they let me teach my kids at home and then but I guess they give them a robe um you know you do have to pay Staff and Stuff um but your daughter didn't go to he was catechized at home at home but we are going tomorrow for her to make her her confirmation so they give her a robe and there is staff that they have to pay and I mean I don't mind it's it just seemed a little poorly worded to me you guys have the best music as you're opening what that's funny doe
s your Parish have a menu for indulgences as well too no wa well I'm I'm a cradle Catholic of course cradle Catholics have get still can buy indulgences what talking about music yeah I was thinking we should do a new intro it's been a while like I was thinking it's time for a new intro but I I guess people still do enjoy that song um we have uh you want to should we wait for Nick I don't know it depends on how long he's gonna be he say they they say you you should play messages from your sponsor
s within the first five minutes right all right let's play the message from the SP so guys we have a new sponsor uh so we're going to play a message from our sponsor for this episode please uh please consider supporting hi have you were a loved one been exposed to traditional Catholicism I can't watch myself is hearing the hour father and Latin harmed your soul have you heard a sermon by father Isaac or father riper well we at Catholics and communion can help we're hosting a Trad recovery confer
ence this coming July where we will teach you to forget the St Michael's prayer free yourself from the brown scapular hanging like a millstone around your neck that's a good line was a good Min and taught play the tambourine to John Michael talbin johnel T call us now at 27973 avoid and we'll have a deaconness contact you back as soon as possible spots are going fast call now ticket start at 799 so that was supposed to be $799 to be like how like absurd they're ticketing this thing but everybody
pointed out it should have been 69666 I didn't miss that one you missed a chance there for sure so I got a phone call today I'm not gonna say from who but from somebody speaking at the conference and they were not happy about it I so it was meant because they're charging $400 per ticket and I was trying to say $799 like try to just pick an outlandish I mean anyone who's been at any of these conferences would know that it was $799 because they're all expensive for the yeah they are they are the
the cheapest one was the Catholic priest one but the so the voicemail number I gave is a legitimate voicemail it is the avoiding Babylon voicemail um and people did leave messages to the Trad recovery line because they wanted to to get some help with their their traditional exposure um wait so okay wait wait we gotta address this um he's saying I hope you didn't apologize no I didn't apologize well I apologized personally I said dude if I knew you were involved in this I would have never you kno
w I would never po hurt your feelings but I have to be honest like the messaging of this thing is just begging to be made fun of like how how can you call it Catholics and communion um Trad recovery if you've ever experienced anything like it was presented as if it's an alcoholic synonymous ad right with Michael Watson's face on the front of it like it was from the second I mean 90% of people thought it was parody right so the second I saw it I texted Rob and I go I am making a commercial about
this this was at like 12 in the afternoon I texted him I'm like dude I'm making a commercial and I usually I'm the guy that says no that's no don't do that and I was like yes genius yeah so so I send them like a rough draft I text Robert rup draft I'm like I'm thinking something like that so I texted Enoch first I'm like I'm like Enoch I want a little help with this and Enoch was thinking of going the opposite route uh he was let me see what en know going the opposite route what's the opposite r
out actually you know what I can't say that because he doesn't want to he doesn't want to be mixed up in this because he doesn't never mind I won't say what he said I was going to play his message so he was he was saying uh to come at it from from from from the addiction aspect right like Taylor Marshall did hello my name is Taylor I was first in where I was like no no no I want to come at it as if I'm making a commercial for the conference and I want to present it as that because everybody did
the tail around everybody Patrick coffin everybody went the tailor route where they were like hello my name is Anthony I have been Expos you know and I knew everybody was going to go that route so I'm like no no no I want to I want to come at it usually usually I have to tell Anthony you know with great power comes great responsibility no this time I was like go for it so now we do have an inside guy that managed to get inside the website and he got speaking of speaking of we're ready okay so th
at's the other thing um we're go look guys all right so we're I think we're gonna have to do this I don't want to do it through uh super chats though I think we're gonna maybe just do it through our either cash app or PayPal or something so that because YouTube will take 30% I I want to do the man on the street we still have the tip jar the tip jar right so we want I want to do the man on the street stuff and the setup we got to get is about 700 bucks right Rob yeah because I have I have one go
Pro setup but that's just for one of us so you texted me like the link for the whole thing the link for the whole set because I need a set up Gopro hero2 Black Creator Edition it's yeah it has everything like it'll have a microphone it'll have everything yeah same it has the little microphone the little flash you'll have a little carry stand that turns into it's everything okay everything you need I so I'm I wanna I want to do this but I have to also be respectful to the priests at the parish ri
ght so we're going to ask you guys for help on like what questions I should they can't it can't be trying to sandbag people right I I kind of think we should go the route of asking people what they think of the sinod what they think of uh Pope Francis and what they think of Catholic teaching so like what uh what do you think on birth control what do you think like like do a Pew research study essentially yeah with the average Catholic with the average Catholic and then and do it the differ in a
a a Latin Mass Community a novas sorto community and then an sspx Community like I'll go to the St Michael uh sspx and I'll ask I'll have to ask father first I can't I'm not I'm not gonna disrespect anybody's Parish I'm G you know like you said it's not to sandbag anyone no no no and I and I'll show the priest the questions beforehand so it can't be anything crazy I just really want to see I mean I'll make it funny right like like I'll be humorous through it I'll try to get laughs out of people
with things like that uh to be honest AB was the only locals I found where that is such a awesome thing Stephen thank you um I didn't apologize everybody saying stop apologizing and build your lights he wants to fix my studio oh yeah so Thursday text me goes Anthony when you're making a short you can't aim the camera up at your nose people don't want to see what's up your nose so the thing is I wrote this whole script and I took this camera and I put it on top of my iPad so I'm sitting right in
this chair and I put it on top of my iPad so that I could look at the camera while I'm reading it was like a teleprompter so it it I mean you could see my eyes are reading but it usually like I'm looking at the computer screen it doesn't look like I'm not looking at the camera because I'm looking at you it's it's an awkward thing to have just done it and stare at the camera like this without having the words in front of me so I had to figure something out it worked though uh yeah yeah that's all
I said just the angle it definitely wasn't a listen like for there's little wise ass dude it's awesome because I've been telling you these things for two years I know listen to me people appreciate the unprofessionalism that comes with our show I know we've been telling ourselves that but we can't prove it um okay so the other thing is when we go into critiquing the documentary there's something I do want to take into account um a couple of things actually one is that Cameron has snubbed us rig
ht like like we've been reaching out to Cameron for an interview since episode two and we've been getting snub all right i' like to say can keep unbiased but come on guys we know him better than that so Cameron I know we were only like 2,000 Subs back then but you always gota watch out for who's coming up in the ranks um well we had frat on already I'd have Thursday on though we have had Thursday on he's been on for trivia but we'll just get him on the you know shoot the breeze one night um so C
ameron blew us off so that's why I kind of feel okay giving the critique I'm gonna give tonight but at the same time this has been Cameron's life's work for five years right like this is legit been this guy's life for five years so I want to handle it with care I don't want to just trash it because he blew us off also don't forget our friend Jake Tate Jake Tate who I do love um I uh so the thing is I want to be very careful this has been his um his his life's work so I don't want to just trash h
im for the sake of trashing him I what I would what I do think is this is the best Catholic content coming out right so despite the critiques I'm going to give tonight which I do have many um despite that I don't think anybody is doing anything on the level of production and storytelling like Cameron is yeah and and his whole team Daniel and uh and Jake yep all of them so I I do have several issues with his approach in this I'm not quite sure what he there was some things I wish he would have do
ne instead uh um I'm gonna talk about why I don't think it's gonna have the same Mass Appeal as the first one um there's definitely some things in it but I do think this guy has put his life into this and I think he's also dealing with a Minefield right I mean it's called the Liturgy War for a reason it's a liturgy War it's you're dealing with a Minefield there's no way you're going to please everybody right there's just no way and I think he caught look you have the father Jackson situation loo
ming over episode one right like Father Jackson was a very big part of episode one I did rewatch episode one last night and they did a good job re-editing it re-editing it right because father Jackson despite the Despicable things he did was he was a great interview in that documentary it was wasn't an easy decision to cut him out until everything came out proven that it was true so you have that looming over then episode episode two comes out and I'm not apologizing I want to be delicate the th
ird time you've been told to stop apologizing tonight they just like Brash Italian Anthony telling it how it is don't worry you're gonna get it I'm just I'm just look when people criticize me it hurts like I don't care how tough you are and how much you pretend you don't care like all the messages about how you let anyone talk it's not easy to be piled on so I and and yes I do think mass of the ages has done a good job and I do think they are going to be our best hope for good content going forw
ard right there's just some things that um okay so so episode two comes out and you get you get you get the Catholic and communion crowd is this how Anthony X and his wife I never give my wife any excuses all right you guys just let me get to it you're pre now he's apologizing for apologizing guys where's Nicholas I need Nicholas here um all right so there's a Minnesota this is hilarious all right so let me talk so episode two comes out and he gets lambasted by the Catholic communion you might w
ant to apologize more dude now Daniel get out of our chat I can't do this with you in here I don't listen you too bro why aren't you doing interviews with us I don't understand you guys thought you were too good for us and now it's time to pay the piper so episode two comes out and they get lamb basted by the Catholics and communion crowd right by the Trad recovery crowd because it was too harsh and it was it was fermenting uh it was fermenting Schism and things like that so I think that Daniel
you and I GNA have to have a conversation I think um so yeah so they you want uh you want to come on you want to have him on no no is that is that what he meant by say to my face yeah probably we could have him on right now all right Daniel you want to come on we'll see if you was come on okay so because then that'll be good because then I can maybe he'll give us a little back and forth I I want him to be able to defend some of these positions and stuff so yeah so he gets they get land basted by
the you know by the by the Normie crowd and they're fermenting Schism so this episode you don't see the Taylor Marshalls in it you don't see the father nix's in it you don't you but you see Tren horn in there you see more of the more of the Normie guys right and um so I think think they used um it's pretty clear that they used portions of those same interview with like I don't know if it was Trent but definitely Patrick Madrid and Scott Han in episode one to replace the items from James Jackson
oh see I haven't watched the reedit yet I haven't watched the reedit yet so so you see um a a change a shift in position right um yeah yeah so Tim Flanders is in there now you have uh and look these are old people like I love Trent I love Patrick Madrid I'm not this has nothing to do with criticism of these guys I love these guys the Tim Gordon jump scare it was surprising it was like whoa there's Tim um so it it's the the my issue with it would be which I wish Nicholas was here for this Nichol
as is coming on and I know Nick Nick is gonna come at this from a very sspx angle I'm sure that's where his criticisms are G to lie mine aren't mine are in the story they told because um I what what are we trying to do with this documentary my my criticism is that I'm not sure what story they were telling to be honest well that that's where I'm going with this so I what are we doing with the documentary what are we trying to do with lat the Latin Mass documentary I would think the best thing to
be doing is trying to draw the youth in right because I I think the the future of the Latin master movement lies in getting young people into it so that as this uh as this older speaking of young people here's our there he is thank goodness here um so as this older generation passes away we want the younger generation to be into this this culture shift anti-modernity movement because it's not just about the Liturgy Nick is spending way too much time with his alleged you need to address the same
thing so um all right all right so wait so all right before we jump in should we play our our voicemails because Nicholas made us wait for the voicemails okay yeah wait guys you tell us I mean we can continue with this but we do have voicemails from like I hate being all over the place but did you guys hate mail hate mail voicemail no in the in the commercial I made I left a voicemail number for people to call if they've been exposed to traditionalism bro I need that helpl line so bad all right
let's hear let's hear let's hear the calls from the helpl line okay let me pull them up here I didn't know you actually set up like a legit that's our that's our voicemail so guys you can listen 273 279 Rob 27973 avoid 279 yeah exactly 27973 avoid you can leave us a voicemail on anything and if it's funny we'll play it I know what I'm doing at 3:00 amm if you guys you guys could call up and CR criticize us you could call up and make show suggestions you could literally call this number for anyth
ing and if it's worth playing on the show we'll play it on the show it's similar to our go on Apple iTunes reviews and leave us a terrible review with five stars and we haven't read those in a while either we do have some of those so maybe we'll towards the end of the show we'll read some of our reviews so yeah let's play Let's play a voicemail okay hopefully it's loud enough and hope I haven't heard these by the way I'm gonna I'm gonna set it to the highest volume if it's too loud let me know R
ob Anthony this is uh proximus from New York uh just finished listening to your infomercial Anthony and I have a couple questions question number one how many uh takes did you have to do to to get that just right beautiful that is a good question that's a good question so will tell you there were three takes yep okay so so I set it up the first one I just I started reading and I just fumbled father Isaac father riper like I just I just fumbled it the second one when I got to the millstone line I
just started laughing like I just just started laugh like I couldn't and then the third one I'm like and meanwhile I deleted them immediately because I knew Rob would have them if I didn't so like I they're there no no no no it says they're there but I deleted the recordings oh darn it I deleted the recordings I didn't want you having a oh you're right that come on man I didn't want Rob to have a blooper reel on me so it was three takes the third time was a charm and I got through it without cr
acking a smile and that was it all right play the I don't know if I can question number two who's your deaconness hook fellas thanks for everything you do take care what a p right everything you do oh hold on a here's some advice on the music I okay I thought you guys are just want a little change up I I honestly thought so too maybe I'll make a different a different new one for like the off the rail ones yeah or the father Nicks videos yeah like the faith and film should have its own intro I th
ink I still like my La my latest trivia intro the best oh yeah that was good I haven't seen it in a while but that was good next week right yeah we have to set that up I forgot we have to reach out to everybody make sure they can make it so you're bringing you're bring trivia back for yeah you're coming on hey let's go you weren't asked but you're coming on I can win a third time let's go well we got Joshua Charles and Michael hitchborne coming on I don't know it's gonna be old schooling vers ne
w school finally some yeah all right they're they're gonna be on your team actually Nick hey let's go okay here's the next one hello this message is for Deaconess Laura van Luther my name is Frank and I'm a traditional holic I grew up in in the Nova sordo and you know only going on Easter and Christmas Eve like a normal person my my parents they were so proud when I graduated high school proc claiming Evolution and feminism and and that it's okay to be gay but years later I found out that the ma
ss changed in the 60s and 70s and Priests were driving their motorcycles up the up the aisle to The Altar and dressing like clowns and after that second vagin thingy you know it just tempted me to try the tlm I I told myself just once you know what could be the harm but when I when I went to my first one the Gregorian chant it just it hit my veins harder than fentanyl I cried and I laughed and I couldn't stop myself from going again and again and again chasing that dragon then I found annoying B
abylon with Tony and Bob and when his BN and Josh Charles were on I was giddy like a school girl then I started going to Byzantine Divine Liturgy just just to help me bring me off that high and I just I couldn't stop it was it was terrible and you know seeing all those men who had never been henpecked and and women happy with lots of children it just drove me to my rock bottom and then one day I saw St Michael not the Angel Michael Lofton wrapping in his grandma's house I knew I needed help Deon
is Laura please help me okay wait a minute wait a minute first I'm so glad I didn't listen to that ahead of time oh my gosh that was way better than I thought I'm so glad I went into that raw absolutely second off audience take notes that's how you leave a funny voicemail okay absolute King I don't even care what comes after this he can't top that I wish I wish we could give him credit I don't know who it was I do you do um I'm not going to say his name uh just in case he doesn't want that out
there but he is the one that actually helped set us up with the my Catholic will folks oh okay okay yeah all right so yeah now definitely don't now that you said why would you say that well actually that's worse isn't it that's way worse oh no you just blew his whole business up use code ab20 guys my Catholic they probably have have deactivated it by now oh bro I cannot believe you just did that Rob guys go to my Catholic and use code ab20 and you will get 20% discount um okay
I just I put a marker so I can actually edit that out for real later no he'll be happy with it don't worry it' be the best ad he'd probably ever get he at least I didn't show his phone number this time guyson Bob we did it to Daren I mean um okay so back to the documentary so um my my my thing is that I want to bring young people to the Latin mass and it's the reason why is because when all this other stuff collapses which it's going to collapse I want them to have a foundation a culture and I w
ant them to have a a cult to worship right like a like Creed code cult the the what you believe uh how you live it out and how you worship like the Creed is what you believe the code is how how you live and the cult is how you worship I want to have something solid for the younger generation to stand on after this after this generation that's in there Fades away because no matter how it may take time but there's no way the novas Ordo as it stands today survives just isn't so I I think instead of
featuring look I thought it was very endearing showing the the the mothers and grandmothers walk like I I thought that was a beautiful story but I would have loved to see more of the younger Trad movement in America too and maybe see what it looked like in because the highlights of the film to me were were definitely uh the Africa visit like that I I thought that was beautiful um so despite me saying I would have loved to see more of America I thought lead daro which I don't know Kennedy did th
e same thing he doesn't remember her new last name lead daro and her husband um I thought they were great Leah Dar who was a former model right and one of my favorite things was the book end of episode one where the Widow from episode one gets married at the end of episode seen more of that or heard more of that story well I think that went over a lot of people's head yeah I did not I'm like that she looks familiar then she looks familiar but you didn't you don't realize that that's a book end s
o the so the girl from episode one who was a widow which look okay so episode three is not as good as episode one but it's better than episode two and I think even Cameron uh would will say that right like I I'm pretty sure it's they set a very high bar with episode one it was and for me that's because episode one was what they did they do best it's showing the beauty the Transcendence and personal stories of those involved like the th the those those guys are amazing at that now for me the kind
of history and theology stuff Falls a little flat and maybe that's because I'm not the target audience right I am a tra I I have learned all of that so I understand I'm not the target audience but I don't know if it adds much to the beauty and personal stories that they have so I I want to pop in there so I now I watched this with my wife and daughters now me I'm a nerd with this stuff and I want to see it but I noticed after the scenes in Africa were over and they kind of went back to the the
teaching element like I I watched my kids get bored these are teenagers so I watched them start to get bored so I I I think they should have been a little stricter in The Cutting Room and I think they should have cut cut some time down on it uh just because I'm I'm look I I want this thing to get to a massive audience I don't think it's going to have the same appeal of the first one I also know that they chose a very different um uh uh media route to promote it like the promotion route they chos
e was very different the first film came out Cameron was on every single podcast that's dealing in this realm this one came out I didn't see him anywhere yeah the only thing I heard about this documentary was oh I'm going to the premiere from a guy like Eric Salmons and a guy like Tim like a couple of guys tweeted out hey I'm at the premiere that was it there was no media promotion of this documentary right like we're doing more promotion for it right now critiquing it than they did it for for t
hemselves which is a strange thing to do you want to talk about the other subject we're g to talk about oh yeah okay so now Mark has TR on Mark being from Tex cathra Tex cathra watch don't follow them go go subscribe go subscribe to Tex cathedra Mark has Trevor on and Trevor Trevor alorn from trientine Brewery trientine Brewery I'm sorry I'm terrible and I know Trevor is like coming on to praise the documentary and Mark is just in I hate the hierarchy mode I'm watching Trevor I'm watching Trevor
like oh my God what is Mark doing right now Mark's like I'm so tired of them beating us down oh it was pretty funny that is funny poor Trevor so all right so I will give you guys a little bit of time to say some of the things you think and I will I will try to play off some of the things you guys think yeah Mark Mark was just in like I need to vent about the hierarchy and Trevor was like oh um I love the documentary you just have those days sometimes you know all right Nick let's let's hear the
Bas gen Z sspx hater take let's hear it dude yeah honestly so I would say that my reviews was pretty mixed I watched it live aesthetically topnotch I don't really think that you can get much better than the finale especially was I don't think you could have improved it like that epic score really kicking in um Bishop Sheen yeah and then like the pr the bishop Sheen was was so good I actually I really appreciate Bishop Sheen because there are some days where I'll just be praying and when I get l
ike really raw with God I'll just sometimes be like I don't even know pull Mark Roberts in with God yeah sure exactly what I just will go like God you know some like why do you allow this to happen almost kind of like why do you allow evil to happen that kind of conversation you know it's more from like my heart than my head and it was it like that that scene was just so good in answering those questions so that was epic seeing the priest give his mother communion during that final scene was epi
c absolutely great so that was all good overall though and then when it came to the sspx I honestly thought that it was just postponing like Kennedy said the like the elephant in the room which is from 1970 till 1988 the Trad the Trad the traditionalist was Marcel Leb he is the founding father he's the OG he's the chat he's the king he is the traditionalist they spent more time on the aathy Christie indult than Archbishop Leb and so to me was a very small indult like yeah it was very small like
they spent more time on 84 the 84 indult which I was like well why do you think that exists it was a political cut off of the SBA so like I mean to me again this is not bashing OS uh you know I almost said Mo what am I doing the math of the ages ready did that video Nick yeah I'll do that video later um Mass the ages I just felt like really I know that you know they they worked with them and so there's some behind the scenes stuff that we obviously don't know but overall I did think it was it fo
cused way more on the Ecclesia day side and this leads me into like my final thing which I would say about the show which would be um while I thought it was really good um aesthetically it really didn't I would say address some of the more bigger elephants in the room like say episode two did so for me episode 2 was my favorite but that's just because I'm a nerd and so it like you know answered all those types of questions I will say I will say the reason I wasn't super excited about episode 2 b
ecause I knew everything like that it was just going over stuff I had already like you gota realize when that comes out I'm I'm like I'm neck deep in the council and like learning all this stuff already I think episode two would have been great as like a standalone resource piece not as a part of series and I don't know if you need a Trilogy I think honestly and once again this is from my perspective of them doing great with beauty and and personal stories do a super super cut of all of those as
pects of the three and combine them in a one that just blows people yeah get rid of all the teaching stuff and just give us one super cut of the trilogy with just all of the beauty so look the one of one of the my favorite parts of this documentary was the beginning where like showing the devastation dude that minutes destroyed me I mean it was powerful when that lady it was it was so powerful he he ask like do you know what these stained glass images represent and she's like I don't know I'm no
t religious maybe a baptism I was just like yeah goodness but it's so true like France is in full atheist apostate mode so the other thing I'll say about leev there is no scenario where we have the traditional mass today without Archbishop LV or or the traditional like formation of priests Allah the traditional moral theology dogmatic theology devotions all of these things like if it wasn't for Leb people can say oh well you know it was at this Monastery or there's this small indult locally I'm
like okay you can find these minuscule examples Here There and Everywhere but the Le Feb I don't care what your opinion is on the society you cannot like I Tim Gordon doesn't agree with that and I'm like dude I don't I don't see how you can I I just you're 100% right it's the elephant in the room right now I will also say I think the society didn't really take part in this documentary and they're dealing with a Minefield there right so it's like well we have to address the lefv question so they
they tried to address it without starting a war because it's the Liturgy Wars and you address the leev situation and all of a sudden you have guys from Catholics and communion flipping out making life you know what I mean because I like I I mean I had the conversation I had today with the person that's that's speaking there I know that they had influence on the direction that was chosen with this episode and the episode was chose they chose to go it had nothing to do with any I think it it seeme
d like they were trying to make this documentary for Francis hoping to tug at francis's heartstrings I think that's what they were going for agreed yeah to me it was kind of just and it and it's respectable in one sense it's just like hey Holy Father like look at this great Beauty look at what it's doing to these family's lives that's all great right but again like there's it's like I said on one of my last episodes of my show I said the issue is it's not an issue of Aesthetics for most trads it
's like hey let's get this like the mass reflects the doctrine and there's all these doctrinal problems going on and so what are we going to do with that and so yeah I think you're right yeah so so I think I think that's what they were going for right they're going for we want to present this beautiful my only issue with that is Francis isn't watching your documentary and even if he even I can find I can find a way into the Vatican boys he also got he got he got 1500 letters given to him by Gran
dma and then still put out the rescript so is this going to work if that didn't work well regardless I understand the concept of hey let's put a let's present this movement because look the rescript comes out and what we learned in the rescript is that this isn't really about the Liturgy itself this is about the people that attend the Liturgy right so so you had this whole thing happens um this whole thing happens before they make episode three where Cameron comes out and he says hey does the tr
aditional movement need a Rebrand do you remember the controversy that caused no it caused a lot of controversy because it basically what it does is it's like calls into question all the work that we've done since and I think he I think he was misinterpreted in that I'm trying to be fair to him here right despite him blowing our show off I'm trying to be fair to the man here even though he doesn't deserve it from me Anthony doesn't mean what he means y'all please come on the show so the thing is
I I'm no he's not invited anymore I'll take Daniel on Daniel's in theat you kidding me those days are over so so no I do think he was misunderstood there I think I think he I think look there is an element in the Trad movement that is like holy cow man like if you say the wrong thing you you get jumped on right it's like 100% 100% like you have to understand that's unque that's a human issue that's the thing like that's a human problem every group who's tra and theology but attends the novas so
rdo out of necessity like I get Flack from both sides I see it from both sides I I get the criticism that TR can be mean sometimes I get it I see it but yeah I also see it as much from the because like Nick said it's a people issue well you feel like you're being robbed because you have to drive four hours to go to a traditional at it's insane right but yeah Francis literally owes me a lot of gas money Biden and Francis they but on top of that like it's almost like there's no empathy from the Tr
ad movement where they're saying dude there's some people that are just being introduced to this stuff do you know how much baggage you have left over from from first of some people are just converting right they're coming into the church and they find the traditional movement and it's like there's all these rules by the TR it's like you can't do look at leod daro's story right their first time going to mess they stumble in the guy's wearing shorts and they get shunned it's like dude you guys go
t to lighten up and understand this is where we are right now there are new people coming in show a little bit of Mercy to these people man like like would you rather have that guy in shorts still at the Nova sordo yeah would you rather have him at the tlm ex and and it's it's like dude I'm still new to this I mean how long have I've been going five years you think you're revamping your entire life in five years you're not you're talking about re redesigning the entire way you live it's a paradi
gm shift on how you live your life everything yeah it literally is everything this is n just about liturgy this is like okay wow there's so much to this it's not just even a devotional life it's about living a life of fasting and feasting and learning to live according to the lurgical calendar and all these different aspects that you have to give people time to come into so I understand where Cameron's coming from with that how does that apply to a guy who's been going for five years and still w
ears jeans to mask I don't wear jeans maybe I do I do I'm not ever not going to not blue jeans though getting called because black denim is so much better I'm just giving you crap to tell you guys so I've never worn a suit it's not happening um yeah it is it is um as you as the new guy at the tlm a year ago they thought I was a Fed yeah like like that's all I'm saying like I mean if that's if that's the standard I'll wear suits and ass I mean you you BR a good point up Anthony but it's like you
think about it's like if you have been basically told by your father like okay you're in the family but I'm just going to put you in timeout and like slap your wrist every five minutes and treat all everybody else fine including the kid who like publicly descents from what you teach and teaches the exact opposite you know on a on a human level like a psychological level it's at least understandable doesn't make it right but it's understandable that some people would be you know I'm gonna use a r
eference here that the TRS are gonna be pissed at but it's it's like how the dersley treated Harry Potter ter so true so true well okay so I yeah so like what but all all right now what back to the documentary so um I would have I I want to attract young people to this thing that's my point right so there's supposed to be this little bit of a punk rock element to the Latin man it's supposed to be like hey everything about this is isn't just about just Aesthetics everything about this is counterc
ultural the man hates it the pope hates it the FBI everybody yeah dude this is this like being a TRD is like the definition of the modern punk punk rock because you're just it is so countercultural it just it and I wish they would have showed a little bit more of that and not because look the going look I Trent is coming on our show soon right like I have I have Trent book to come back on with Joshua Charles I have uh I would I can't wait till I get an opportunity to speak to Dr Han these are al
l people I I I really respect and love and Anthony suit and but they're not known to be in the Trad movement at all like you you think Trent horn you do not think Trad movement like you just don't Dr quki you do right and uh maybe father fesio fesio is that he's not as well known but like yeah like Taylor Marshall Dr K Kennedy Hall they're all everyone thinks of them as trap but then like Scott Han you're like okay you know I'm thinking like 80s 90s jp2 guy and then Trent horn Catholic answers g
uy you know and so when you see them come on these documentaries you're like wait a minute what's going on here oh fesio is a reform of the reform guy so but that's exactly what they're going for right they're going for the the that's Hype Dream which it is I mean you have to really 100% it is I mean the the thing is it's difficult to even watch my watch my series that's the thing just like watch my just see how people could think that it's we're at that like it's just uh right okay so he's not
even tried yeah so that's all I'm saying right so it's you're doing this documentary on traditional cath it's is it just about the Liturgy and the Aesthetics of the Liturgy or is it about traditional Catholicism right because they are two they are two different they're related of course they're related different yeah like talk like like here like so Dan's in the chat right here's some just off the toop really cool ideas interview the Harrison for like lurgical living you know we all know who the
Harrison are because of you know the the the problems with the little boy but also of course they're great Apostle you know like the Liturgy of the home so it's like of home if you guys don't have the Liturgy of the home calendar it is actually a phenomenal way to to live the liturgical life like it tells you every every feast day every single thing it's it's pretty awesome it's like do that do do here's another good idea like interview a priest about like a traditional priest who's been formed
this way about like the the the confessional like because their whole world is vastly different in moral theology from the average way that a diois and priest learns you know talk about like the you know all kinds of stuff devotions and Dogma there's just so many Avenues you could go down Z yeah there's just so many ways you know and so they're they're really good yeah the Harrison I know I've worked with them and so that's that's really good yeah so but but so I want to know how we um how we'r
e going to bring more young people in like I I I just all I know is when just tell them the Flatout truth see that's the thing like I was so tempted today to just make a video called something like I'm done with like the mainstream Catholic syst system because all the influencers and I say this with all due respect to all of them so this is not me bashing them but like I just feel like it's 110% cop and Seed mode how can we just somehow pretend that this falling a ship bit of nonsense This Disas
ter he's talking about us too here though entire ship that's completely falling apart but we're pretending it's not falling apart or the few of us who acknowledge it's falling apart just going to blame the TRS who have no power no institutional influence but yet we're going to blame them let's just cope and see them pretend that this entire thing is working and then young people will like it well that's not the truth Islam is converting a lot of young men because they're challenging them when it
comes to fasting asceticism and giving them a purpose right if the purpose that you see in the new Mass world is how can we be a more ecumenical open place where we allow well only have discussions about how women can be in Greater spheres of authority instead of talking about all the young men who feel completely abandoned hyper depressed committing you know suicide on a large mass level problem in the church right now the the church keeps reaching out to these people on the margins they keep
reaching out to women what are you doing about the young men problem the church is doing the same thing the Democrat Party is doing they're not looking at young men they'll they'll they'll only focus on women look at look at the surveys right during the Senate they were only asking qu at least in my dasis they were only asking questions about and again I say this with all due respect but like minorities about women how can we be more inclusive to communities and things like that there's myriads
of young men at the traditional Mass why it's because it's calling them out it's calling them hired they want to be Saints but you're not going after them why are young men flocking the Republican Party okay so this is my issue with the documentary because who are you trying to attract are you trying to track attract your typical Novis Ordo person who you like the tribes ain't so bad guys we're not so bad no I want Young men I want young men that's who I like I'm so tired of us not looking out f
or young men like it's a lot of people get uh upset when I make our my misogynistic jok I'm doing that on purpose because I want young men to find it funny like I don't I'm sorry ladies if you're you're offended by my sarcasm with respect Thursday you guys have had a few on your show I'm just gonna say that wait what happened he says I can't think of a single influencer that's that's blaming trads I'm saying yeah I can think of a few influencers that have been on I can think of a few that just J
eremiah is saying this is a fake narrative I don't I don't know what's a fake narrative I'm I um I I'm saying I don't whatever is happening in the church right now there is no one trying to go for young men they're just not every single conversation we're having is about women deacons and we're having conversations about how women need to have a greater voice in the church we don't need more women's voices in the church I'm sorry we mean do we really think Young masculine men are going to want t
o come to a church that uh you know has blessings of gay couples every Saturday afternoon or something because that's gay because it's gay they they you just I know what attracts me right and I think I'm a pretty average person like I just uh I need to go to You're a person I'll grant you that I'm a person I'm not average you are a person [Laughter] Bishop Williamson era I I I'm not a resistance guy but I appreciate the the compliment return to the queen podcast women deacons is only the tip of
the giant Iceberg yeah but if that's the conversation they're having that's all I'm saying like what conversations are we even having in the CH we we're dealing with a with men who are in positions of authority who really are just oblivious to what's happening in the culture they're totally to what's happening in the culture we're dealing with the the manosphere and the red pill movement and these guys are trying to rope men into no don't get married just go and sleep with every single woman you
could get your hands on throw them to the curb get 50 women under your belt then maybe you get married make sure you sign a prenup and make sure that what like this is what we're dealing with this is what we're up against and you think you're gonna attract them with we're going to just we're gonna it's not it's not guessing a blade we're not we're not blessing gay Union it's just the couple nobody nobody is attracted by that except leftists and leftists aren't coming to church they just want yo
u to change your teaching and they're not interested in the church itself because they know it will destroy the church exactly it all the just think about it it's like all the traines at the St Patrick's funeral that we talked about a few weeks ago it's like none of those guys are actually going to go to mass they showed up there to troll they showed up there to blaspheme they're not actually showing up there to him in their Liv didn't even care that it was the mass part was they stopped that pa
rt they didn't care they got to say they got to say what they wanted to say exactly like there be some there could be like a cool film opportunity here and again I'm not like bashing Mass ages all I'm giving I'm giving advice cool cool tips and stuff yeah I mean most of what we're saying is not not about mass of the ages at right this minute no no no no yeah interview some like Aesthetics some like Hermits and stuff who can like even if you don't show their face and stuff but where they're reall
y calling out like the good in men to rise up and fight against fleshly Temptations against gluttony against lust and stuff like that make some really cool films like that put it out there and it helps like deflect some of this cringe red pill nonsense we have to unwind what he's saying here blessing a gay Union sounds like something Kim Naples would do kid we're gonna start I didn't know why he's doing that I would say it must just be Canadian spelling um so so my my my all right so all right I
feel like there should have I feel like there was a shunning of trads in the Trad documentary well once again because it's not for us yeah yeah and and I get that and like that's why I give 110% like benefit of the doubt like overall excellent three films like especially whoever did the music absolute G you just did a fantastic job and I honestly like Dan you're in the chat if you ever want to if you ever want to collab where I get to like learn for free some like filming techniques under you g
uys guys would love to do it because I'm just a filming nerd and want to actually learn how to do that stuff but um yeah overall like it makes sense for a mainstream audience so no no one's going to be happy but I do think in the future you know some of these issues will have to be realistically addressed in order for there to be a further dialogue which I think you guys are poised to do you landed in a good spot right where everyone's tuned in everyone's focused in on you all the different grou
ps so now let's have like some you know conversation you need to be shun tomorrow Anthony Dan's tell Cam to double down in the sh it's it's the sink Dan don't worry about it here's the thing it's not tonight if anything it make them stronger you would fit in well on this on this panel I'll just um yeah dude I I'm like I just want who dialog I wanna help I want to help young men uh just come in and find something solid to stand on and not I don't want them to find mushy theology I want them to fi
nd something that challenges them I and I I think that uh so look I'm I'm I think that they're still planning future projects right and I think they are future projects where they're going to do like these short Punchy things like 10 minutes long 20 minutes long like I think there's so much potential in something like that to go viral and be like holy cow look at this thing like there's potential for them to do little little catechetical things on the Eucharist or Eucharistic Miracles or just ju
st different like Cameron has an eye for this genre like the the guy he's very good at Daniel too I don't know how much I don't know how much each one of you does in this whole thing it just seems like whatever you guys are doing you have an amazing ability to bring the technical aspect of it the beauty the Aesthetics of it uh and I think that there's so much potential I just want to see more focus on challenging young men bringing them to this and more on traditional Catholicism and less solely
focused on the Aesthetics and they have the connections to do it I mean Harrison buter Michael nolles um they you know they they can get the people in and do good interviews and get good content where they will reach young men especially exactly practicality would be really good because that was one of the things I did feel like was lacking like you get to the end of this three part film and this is the whole film that's talking about the crackdowns and stuff and I'm like okay what do we practi
cally do now about it you know and to me the answer was kind of left a little bit flat maybe it was just the answer of kind of just you know let's kind of see what happens Watch and Pray if you will maybe that's the answer but I think for especially a lot of guys we're just thinking what do we do you know like it doesn't make sense to just be like okay let's just hope and pray that our Mass doesn't get like mind did you know nuked off the face of the planet while in tandem now in the building th
ere are Interfaith so he does anon's giving his pitch right now to be in the to be the future narrator of all of the next films um I would say um man no but I would have liked to I would have liked to see the team out still talking to the Kennedy going about in the rounds talking to people right like I I I it's like Nick saying it's hard to play in this world where you're trying to appease everybody yeah what what I think I don't know what what all their plans for the future are but what I think
would be cool um would be some sort of monthly like Subscription Service where you get access to these almost like howto high quality how-to videos that they put out like how do you read the notation for Gregorian chant you know because because I have no idea you dude do you know how Niche that is though well no I know but I'm saying it could be anything to do with traditional Catholicism yeah like a monthly thing so it's always it's always changing it's always going along that' actually be goo
d I think like right before Advent they come out with a a video of you know the traditional Advent Traditions but it's something produced high quality because I mean there's lots of places online you know that yes that will have shows that talk about this but like I mean we've we've done interview or we've done shows on aen practices but we don't have the means to make a high quality video showing it we don't have the means to do what we're doing now we some by the way we've had over $250 donate
d for the camera setup since we started get out of here really since we started this video I think man that's awesome hey Daniel I could use some advice on that because I want to do uh man on the street interviews so we could talk maybe you give me some tips I think like a good like round table because he's asking like who want yeah that's what I want to know what what do you think would be a good Round Table I think that like somebody from generally every kind of angle so as an example like the
Harrison for like daily lurgical living Matthew pleasy for fasting stuff um have I'm not for masculinity stuff Kennedy for masculinity Tim Flanders for uh honestly when it comes to like genuine charity and discussions and like how to how to act like practical living and action not to not to like I guess plug myself but like the necessity of like tomis and Rich Theology and academics you know if you will in into the discussion or someone better than me there's plenty of people better than me but
just the point of like the academic angle being brought into it because that's what I focusing on humor with you guys like how to live just like a blue collar average Catholic life but enjoy these types of stuff Taylor Marshall when it comes to a dad with the webcam you know and all kinds of stuff so I think um man but like a mix of people you know well and a mix of people think you got have a mix of people that disagree you gotta have a mix of people who disagree too that's called that's calle
d well because like I think I think you can have like people who like people who disagree but that like are still somewhat under the same general umbrella if you will so like like an Institute priest a society priest and a fraternity priest all being on like a three person Round Table would actually be pretty epic just to see um like but not someone where it's just like like you couldn't have m sspx is the the literal devil next to an SSP X3 like that would just be a snoozefest SL blowup you kno
w why Thursday have you done that I have I haven't seen that okay so Daniel here's here's what I would say um I would say uh you gotta get a guy like Nicholas up against who would you think opposes your position pinap nah I don't like him no I'm kidding I like him he's a bit Mish for uh all right regardless what what I would say is whoever you get to to go up against each other because I spoke to somebody earlier about this but I don't want to blow their spot what we what we said was Mike Le you
get these people that oppose opposed sides and you go to mass together first like you get on your knees you go to mass together first you you commune together yeah exactly commune together as brothers then go have a beer and record the conversation of them disagreeing after they just sat with Jesus right like you to really cor for confessions just in case but you but but it has to be in a in a spirit of love and not just hey I want to win this argument but it has to be a way to try to see each
other's position but also stand your ground on it things like that right so I think uh I think Paul's correct I we could do uh something chill like myself versus brother Peter Diamond uh you would you debate him honestly I feel like he's too much of a like not um like he doesn't come I think at it with the best intentions like when you look at every debate he does he's the type of person that spits out like 50 different points yeah he just rattles off things look at this look look what changed a
fter this I don't I'm not crazy about it my ears are burning Mike you should come to the round table that would actually be really funny we get Mike at the round table oh what's funny is we're pointing out how Normie the people actually you know what Nick Nick and Christian that would probably be good that' be we're both toas and as long as like the as long as you keep like whether it's Mass the ages or wherever as long as you keep the format just like simple like one simple question that doesn'
t lead off into just L La Land like you can't do something like is the sspx good like that's so broad you know what I'm saying have to make specific I do want to point this out so Mike Lewis is in here and I watched some of Mike Lewis's critiques and the funniest thing is like all the people were saying are like normies he's like he's like like he posts Scott Hans like I'm putting this up without without comment he's uh there was like a couple of people in it where he was just like like in in Mi
ke's world like the people we consider Normie are too far right it's it dude it is a difficult thing to try to to try to have these conversations and not make people upset so uh Mike says I heard qua fights dirty what does he say I heard fights dirty Scrat queski um right but Jeremiah I was trying not to tell everybody you and I talked okay is this thing called I was trying not to blow your spot I didn't want to reveal blow someone spot once or twice in episode not three times but Jeremiah blew
his own he blew his own spot so um all right now yes so Jeremiah and I spoke about this earlier right so we Jeremiah and I had about an hour to an hour and a half conversation today and a lot of it was about the fact that uh talking about like getting caught in bubbles and things like that and you know because of certain guests we've had on our show he thinks we're attracting a very specific audience and um like my uh yeah I I clearly disagree with Jeremiah but with Jeremiah but I also think the
re's a place where him and I should be able to go go to mass put beer together and Hammer out those disagreements right and and leave as Brothers still it's like okay we we come from a very different point of view so he's like well you know you keep having these trads on I'm like well Jeremiah I'm I lean Trad like of course I'm going to have those people on you you know where I I think it's it's he he his idea is look let's get away from even debating each other let's collaborate together like l
et's let's pick something that is going to be good for the church and maybe work towards a common goal of doing something positive for the church together instead of having you know have this guest on so I interview him about this topic kind of thing is what he was said which I think is a really good idea it's commendable it is one of those things where it's just like until we get like you know I would just say a like a more serer time it un unfortunately it's just not going to happen I would sa
y at least in like a good concrete way maybe in the future but I am wondering about this question where was saying who uh how did you Anthony and Jeremiah get like one to two hours to talk like how how's that possible with your guys' schedule forget schedule it was on my ride home but me and him talking over each other is the issue Jeremiah was hiding from the uh on the dashboard camera Jeremiah chat boy you think I'm talkative that guy it's like to get get a word I'm like wait wait let me jump
in here let me jump in here it's pretty fun Jeremiah once spent 45 minutes telling me how to set up my lights I didn't know lights could be that complex but Jeremiah people have said I have one of the better lighting setups so thank you yeah your lighting sets pretty epic it's it's a weird place to be for oh my goodness hey what's up Cameron you're full of it first off and I don't even know this is really you this is th I bet I bet I bet Dan texted him was like yo get over here I don't believe i
t's C wait wa hold on hold on Anthony's got to go back to apologizing now don't listen to the beginning of the review Cameron it's where I rant about how you've been blowing us off for a year um anyway yeah you know funny though it it hasn't been him Jake's been blowing us off on behalf of Cameron so maybe it's all Jake T maybe Cameron was never asked you're saying he's saying Jake never even told the whole time I think it could I think this might fall to Jake Caron I'll message you later I'd lo
ve to have you like back on the show to finish our our mini Trilogy of interviews Jake full oh man so okay so um so we're in a weird weird position right because so Jeremiah what what I was talking about like I'm friends with Jeremiah I'm friends with Tim Flanders I'm friends with Nicholas kavos I'm friends with Kennedy Hall I'm friends with Tim Gordon I'm friends with Taylor Marshall it's a weird spot to be in because there's tension between some of these guys yes so this thank you for the spon
sorship tonight Jeremiah thank you so much so Jeremiah called me tonight because he was like dude you made that commercial and this this thing he's like I'm the MC at the conference so I was I said look if I honest to God if I knew Jemiah was speaking there out of my friendship with him I wouldn't have made the commercial you know but you would have thought about not doing thought about it but I out of my but that after after that voicemail that we got are you really sorry that voicemail was hil
arious people if you're just tuning in Cameron when this episode is done just go back to the beginning of this episode like 20 minutes in and listen to this voicemail how about we get a round table Cameron Daniel Jeremiah because they're all coming from a similar perspective then get Nicholas uh uh who would you want on your on your side of the squad Nick we should address this because this is actually pretty cool I jump the gun too hard I explained more when I was coming from and you're yeah no
Pine up you're cool dude I was just kidding when I you could be at the round table all right we'll we'll let you in on the round table we'll let you in come in we'll let you we'll let you join the club don't worry about it what I what I would like to see and this is just like for the future have uh father Albert he's a traditional Dominican that works with the society on he is a scholar Scholastic and absolutely hilarious downto earth guy he would be a phenomenal person to have an engagement wh
o's that wait who's that father father Albert killo he's been on the Fatima CER for forever um everyone just type in like Father Albert into YouTube search engine you'll find him but he is a dog you think he would sit at a round table like this that's what that's curious about 100% he's been writing articles on these issues since before literally everybody we just listed was born I honestly I I will tell you what would be a good conversation uh Cameron Daniel and Jeremiah with Tim Flanders you a
nd me and Rob like like to sit down with us and I'm the after that thought I do think I do think Christian our Chanel I I knew I had to say your name but I meant our channel right yeah I know what you meant like to for because I think you need to have you need to have um good faith where you know everybody's coming at it from a place of love and charity and things like that but there could be serious disagreement where we could say hey look this is like this is this is because look Nick you and
I would say like guys there's like we could we could play the hermeneutic of continuity game but like come on man like this is pin the tail on the horse it's just it's just hard to play that game when no like because it was great when Benedict Was going for it it was like okay let's try to make sense of this but clearly they don't want that conversation anymore so I don't know where we go from here because like Father James Martin works as the communications head for the Vatican you can't be lik
e oh yeah he just does like the the system doesn't have the internet they just don't know who he is like games like that are just not helpful I just don't know what to do because look I'm in a position where I want to be a faithful Catholic like I just I don't want to I want to be a faithful Catholic and I'm trying to figure out how to do that I think a lot of we're trying to figure out what that even really means yeah like a lot of us are trying to figure out what that means so what the heck do
es that mean nowadays because it's like so many things that are coming from our fathers are contradicting things that came from before and I think there's a place to have a conversation about it where it's just like okay well what do we do here around your Round Table would be worth organizing in ticket price and cost for pay-per-view it it would have to be in person that's the thing so we'd have to figure out how to do it in person I don't think we should do it online and on somebody's Channel
like that I think it should be an in-person conversation yeah I agree something where you could like have a bunch of people who disagree actually like come and sit the audience and so they talk they chat that would be pretty cool and have a a Q&A segment maybe exactly could even be done on a an entirely separate brand new channel that's never monetized so there yeah so it's not so it's not one person getting the you know and then each Channel or each each that channel that channel can actually b
e called Catholics in communion because it will make more sense that would actually be dude this is not a bad idea that's a good idea that that's the real Catholics in Catholics in communion that disagree because look I don't I think every single person we're talking about right now considers thems Catholic right um what's the topic for the round table you guys we don't know yet that's we're trying to figure that out where it's people that I'd suggest long straight table um what we're talking ma
ybe the hermeneutic of continuity would be a good conversation like sleepy I can't believe back as those Co sleeping we're going inside jokes inside inside avoiding Babylon here oh man but yeah it's worth it's worth it's worth exploring if somebody could put it together I mean I can't I'm a construction worker from New York but if anybody's down for it you have all the time to get on the phone wait I have time on the phone but I don't have time to go places uh opposing ideas bringing up concerns
about each other's position the first topic could actually be a conversation about how do we properly communicate with each other when we do have disagreements like specifically between that group because if there's going to be more videos or you know more conversations then the first conversation might be might should be how do we actually Converse respectfully and charitably and that would be epic because what you could because like we're going to go away disagreeing on a myriad of issues mos
t likely but at least if we can come away with it with at least two things one understanding each other better but then two actually being able to like set some type of ground rule especially as content creators where we're not just making exposed videos about each other talking past each other something where it's like hey look we were all in this debate we were all in this round table I know the guy personally I disagree with them I can like on my show the other day like charitably critique Ti
m but I like put it out there hey this is a good guy I've met him I've talk to him I have a relationship with him he's a good guy especially because doing this now for almost two years like actually it is two years now um hey you you realize that what other people think are attack videos like it's easy to just say something that's on on your mind and then it comes off as an attack and you really never meant it that way 100% it's like that's why with my video it's kind of sad like I'm making this
academic critique of the new mask going like page by Page through a book but then my video on Tim Flanders where it's it's like a beef but a non-beef video where I'm not attacking him at all gets way more views than an academic thing that I'm passionate about and that's the sad [Laughter] thing it's so strange because like it's funny when we have different people it's it's so strange when you have different when we have different people on because I uh when we talked to Trent horn I caught crap
from people telling me that I was kissing his ass that's just not what this channel does right we don't come in and argue with people like I don't have so it comes off as like me just being friendly with somebody people are like oh dude you're kissing is is not what I was doing with Tran horn I was trying to develop a friendship when I have mat brat on I'm trying to develop a friendship I'm trying to have people on to develop a friendship then when I have Taylor Marshall on same thing like it d
oesn't matter who I'm talking to I'm trying to build communion and friendships with everybody I have on and it's it's like if you talk to person you're out of our club if you talk to this person you're out of our club and that's what I want to get away from what I know that bothers you Nick because but I don't want to make light of our differences either I just want to have because they they are important they are important but I so I know that I know that Nick you're like dude you can't just pr
etend everything's okay I don't want to just pretend everything's okay but I do want to have conversations with all these people and still Mike you got nered this is too much no I agree with you though Anthony it's like I we don't get rid of issues There's real issues where we're actually debating but the thing is like if we can just see each other's humanity and see each other as dudes like if we're all actually coming at it with good faith then we should all be able to just at least on a human
level get along to where if we do critique each other in their videos we're like hey look we debated back in this round table it's all good no issues with them love to chat come on the show let's let's hash it out and stuff like that that's cool you know I don't want us to like fall into either extreme where it's like on the one hand let's never talk it's only you know through academic writing back and forth and then on the other end it's just like hey let's just do you know uh everything's fin
e dialog for the sake of dialogue yeah exactly and so you don't you don't want to do dialogue for the sake of di right so all right so even when we had redeem Zumer on right never at any point I I I tried very hard never to just make it like you're totally cool as redeem Zoomer like we were discussing issues of Theology and it's like okay dude you're a Protestant but do you like I was trying to explain the Catholic position from a place maybe he didn't hear it and things like that like just tryi
ng to have a conversation explain it in a way that hadn't been like explain it in a conversation where that conversation was done in a way that had he had not he had before yeah so like conversation there's a conversation because I hate debates I think debates are tedious they're very hard to sit through a lot of people just go in trying to hear their side tell the better side so so that they can hear arue yeah it's just oneing one just one uping each other exactly so but conversations and disag
reements I think are and especially for men like men are supposed to it can even get tense at times like it could get tense and it doesn't mean anything it's it doesn't mean you you're not friends with each other you know so I mean look it's got to be done by a bigger platform than ours we're still like the the the New Kids on the Block and we're still the children on the on the you know out of the group but well one of you guys is a child but I would love to be part of any conversation that hap
pens if I'm welcome I mean if you guys want to do it without us I'm totally fine with that too but welcome welome um Jeremiah we'll talk again soon hopefully it's it's less than two hours next time because that boy I think it's a good idea overall yeah like something because like one thing I actually learned from Anthony along time ago I used to be this absolute timid snowflake back in the day I just did not like confrontation at all and I was in my own bubble but then like when I first Tim Flan
ders exactly but then one thing actually Anthony said like a year and a half ago when I first met him you were saying this in like some group chat and you just said something like look guys just need to sometimes just have fist fights with each other and then shake hands and be done with it just something like that just have and have a beer after dude that actually happened to and that honestly changed my life it really did I can't believe it it's funny like when you say like some off-handed com
ment it actually like somebody takes it into like I I did that with my sister my my little sister I was like like offhandedly was just like have you ever considered religious life and all of a sudden she goes on this deep I'm supposed to remind you about the conversation you had with your sister by the way oh yeah that's my older sister that maybe that's for locals um okay so um yeah so it sends her on this whole journey of you know Discerning religious life and stuff so but um when I was growin
g up there were guys that I had conflict with and we were crap talking each other behind each other's back and it eventually came to a fist fight and this happened to me a few times in I mean I was I I had a big mouth in school I don't know what happened I mean contr Som shooting my mouth off got me in trouble quite a few times but what would happen is it would eventually come to a fist fight we duke it out and after the fight we would shake hands and we'd be friends it was a weird thing like af
ter the fight was over it was like all right we got our adrenaline off on each other you know it's not weird that's just guys yeah yeah um so yeah I mean I yeah it'd be interesting to to see differ mediate them trying Tyler which is exactly what he did today on this show and prior to this show trying to insert myself into every convers I'm pretty good at it though I'm learning I I I do think a uh Trad vers Normie Locker boxing show would do numbers I I want to see this I want to see this I want
to see Anthony's pilgrimage to the Vatican I want to see Anthony talk to Pope Francis that I would pay you know what would be funny those grandmas on uh a mess of the ages Would Walk Way further than he would no but let me tell you something though but but but it might be better for um um like a a man to confront Francis be like stop it like what are you doing stop you know just like knock it off is that what you would do knock it off what are you doing to us give us back our liturgy he doesn't
need some soft grandma going over there he needs some listen he's Italian by ancestry so he should get it right Mike says gotta run you can speak freely now I do think Mike is pretty Bonkers in a lot of his takes but I still oh him and I have always just not any Adam Adam andum attacks on one another so um yeah let's get some Joe Biden and Nancy n Pelosi Catholics on so okay so the documentary let's get back to that 45 minutes later any final critique on the documentary because I I I do still wo
uld uh think that future projects for them should be geared more towards bringing young men in yeah fully agree I would say you no you go it's your show I would say I would definitely recommend the whole trilogy to anyone there's nothing in in any of it that would prevent me from recommending it highly I I just did not enjoy this one as much as I maybe would have if it was done differently but I'm not the target audience so you know big whip it doesn't matter overall great job and I hope they co
ntinue doing what they're doing yeah we know who runs this show y'all um Rob is Rob is the the one pulling all the strings over here I so yeah I would say yeah like so um yeah no so I'd say like to Cameron oh Enoch is the third one was the was the was the weakest in the youo thinks the THD see I think I I generally agree with that personally I would I would actually I would agree with it I would say that I would probably put for me I would arrange two then one then three two better than one yeah
but because I'm a nerd it's I'm a nerd that's why like I that that scene where they just like show how the mass was gutted is just so powerful not just that the dude my favorite part of part two is going through novas H and showing how their nursery rhymes and you know pop song that was and I saw they caught a lot of flack for that but that was my that was the highlight of it that's literally what's going on don't shoot the messenger I was gonna say I have not um none of the novice Ordo parishe
s I have regularly attended throughout my life have not at some point used the My Little Pony Gloria that's I'm really I'm really glad everybody's saying this because I think the reason two was maybe the maybe my order goes 132 is because I knew all that stuff from two already I think that's why I think it just kind of like it was like all right I know I did love the visual of it it did like it it red pills more people I think that's the thing like if this is a a like for a broader audience two
red pills people like One wakes people up to like hey this is actually really pretty like I've never seen anything like this I thought that this was just the mass I go to on Sunday but in Latin and then two red pills people whereas three is more of a concluding here are all these cool stories and testimonies but that's a fair point Daniel like I I get that's what you were going for right so one was really um uh to so I my my my thing is that I I don't know if you're marketing it like how do you
Market this like I don't know how you Market this it's not the the marketing strategy shouldn't be going on tailor Marshall and Tim Gordon in our show like I don't I don't know who you're marketing it to is the thing yeah I think you're gonna get the the stratosphere is going to watch it no matter what right and but how do you bring it to the Mass where episode one just kind of like took off Man episode one was the well the kickstarter the year Kickstarter leading up to it drove a lot of interes
t it was hype it it made a lot of people feel um feel somewhat like the whole point of a Kickstarter is to kind of make you feel like you were partly responsible for it which was really cool but yeah this is oh wait no no no I imitate this um I personally know novas sordo folks that watched two and were absolutely shocked three guys I know started going to the traditional Mass after documentary exactly I know I know many as well that's the thing I I I would be talking to people at like Nova sort
of Faith formation so I I I'll I'll be asked sometimes to go and teach catechism and stuff and I'll bring up something about the Latin mass and they're like oh that's cool like you go to the ltin mass tell me about it and then I'll recommend the whole series I'll say like check out episode two especially because of like you'll learn a lot from it but um that's a really good idea uh Daniel you should look into that oh yeah that'd be cool because I use formed all the time yeah we don't know if it
works but he does use it so I've been no I've been going to sleep to an audio book that Pope Benedict wrote about the church fathers every night they're audio books yeah because they have audio books that you can't find on Audible or anywhere they're not on Audible and theye as part of the subscription get oh sorry God I go to sleep with the Suma playing because that's all you need not surprised memorize it already what's wrong with you what are you slacking I memorized it about two days after
becoming Catholic what can I say there's uh there's a so you can get um uh Michael D O'Brien's books on audio book on forms but I've been going to bed every night listening to Pope Benedict's audio book on the church fathers it's really interesting what's the book called oh man I'd have to dig it up and find it it's on my iPad my iPad's upstairs I'll text it to you though okay yeah it just sounds interesting yeah you got to dig through the audio books and just flip through their audiobooks they
got a list of like 100 150 of them that you can't get them on Audible but they're in the formed app so that might be a a an interesting ploy to see if but I don't know would would novas sorto parishes promote the destruction of their own energy I know some that would matics oh man I would say for my like advice and final like critique if you will first and foremost like yeah I think I think all trads regardless of like whether they you know loved this last film or not should just like give a rou
nd of applause to both like you know Cameron and Daniel because it was like all three of them are phenomenal oh yeah in their own way like they're all phenomenal and I remember I was I think a Catholic for maybe a year when the trailer or maybe like this kickstar or something started and I remember just being so excited because it was the tlm that converted me brought me in and the tlm that sustains me today that would be good um I think all these pieces of advice for like formed shorts for lurg
ical Seasons round tables those are all good I do think that what my big advice would be is that as you guys continue to grow you know always remember I would just say like the base if that makes sense like yeah like at at the end of the day like you can try like Market it sure to like the Normie crowd but never do it at the cost of like alienating the base like you'll never please everybody of course but if you ever get to the point where it's just like you know hey we've made again like so muc
h stuff but we've not even talked about open letter to confuse Catholics Archbishop LEF you know if we've not actually talked about like the History ofis Society it's just like if you don't even bring if you don't even bring it like because I mean again like if if you just like on an objective level tra or not TRD there's just no way that you do the history of the traditional movement any justice if you don't mention hey like by the way the guy carrying the the load for the majority of the time
and his Society is still doing it today is AR I'll tell you what I would love to see is the the edits of like like the bonus footage of the destruction of the churches because even in in the talk I gave at the cancel priest conference there's so much of the like as you're seeing Christianity spread you're seeing the Pagan temples being transformed into Christian Cathedrals right and what we're seeing is a reverse of that now you're seeing Christian Cathedrals being turn turned into Pagan temples
essentially they're turning turned into bars and you know they had that one thing at no beef Danel it's no beef I was it's it's no beef I'm just passionate about the subject it's no beef at all we didn't canonize him and [Laughter] that's kind of right there no I would say that's that's a that's look that's a that's a hard topic to make everybody happy if he they would have went I think if they would have went too hard on leev like focus on them too much you would have gotten so much crap from
this crowd and if you don't focus on them enough you're gonna get crap from the society crowd I don't yeah I don't think they villainized him in any way I think they tried to I think they villainized him at all my my point is not to to trash them for anything my point is just like I think it's good to address it if you will in the sense of like a a longer discussion more than just kind of a blip on the radar that's my only point if um I think if they really want to reach uh people in the novas s
ordo and kind of convince them that tlm is the way forward I think they need to do a project on specifically on like Eucharistic reverence and piety I think that's how you reach so many people in the in the nov Vero that'd be good do like a a high quality video version of Bishop Schneider's uh do EST yeah yeah yeah because I I think like even my nor norvis hoto priest loves that book by Schneider he wants to get that book for everyone in our Parish but he he's a novoto priest he he I don't know
if he ever would say the TM but I think that that's one inroad you can make in the NOA s Nick's been coming around remember when remember when Nick was like wouldn't even listen to us because he thought we were too tra is this Nick Twitter that's yeah yeah it is isn't he him and I actually text almost every day yeah me too I talk to him too he's off Twitter for Lent so he's like what's going on I'm missing out what's yeah he sends me hot take of the day I'm like dude just post it to Twitter he'l
l text me something that was like like a conversation from two days ago on turn I'm like yeah you're way behind he the new dude you're way behind in the conversation bro get back on Twitter L's almost over um yeah I I think um yeah I think overall good job I think uh they should have been a little stricter in The Cutting Room especially after after the scenes in Africa the scenes in Africa were very emotional very beautiful and just seeing how um even this community in Africa was like their one
of some of them it was their first exposure to the Latin Mist they didn't even understand what was happening they didn't have a you know the guy they were like we didn't we don't even know what they're saying but we love just seeing it shows that this isn't about language it's about the beauty of the Liturgy that is drawing people in that you can go to a liturgy not understand every single thing that's happening and still have your heart moved and I think they do a really good job of that but th
en after after that scene that was almost like the Pinnacle and then it kind of dips off and in this the pace of the film for a while and then it picks right back up at the end with the whole Archbishop Sheen uh Fon Sheen clip and the the the book end of the wedding of the girl who got you know who was a widow and episode one yeah want to know something funny well you know anti- texted you but so my 5-year-old watched it with with me and uh it was during the second half which as I've said I foun
d not as entertaining but I I knew most of that he he halfway through he goes I like this part better I'm like really why he goes well they're speaking English so I can understand them 5ye [Laughter] old they're speaking English but he when um when that that young African Child was on he did ask me what he was saying and I told him that he wanted to be a priest and he got a very contemplative look about him which I wonder what's going on in his head what's going on in that Noggin that's the othe
r thing though so like like we've talked about this before right your kids have a vocation like where do they go to get formed right I mean I know what nickel say but um like you know if you're like especially with all this with tradicion custo I the thing is I really think after Francis is is gone you know I'm not wishing that happens fast or anything but I think after Francis goes I think a lot of these these tensions are going to be resolved I just I just have fa it might be like in two years
we're going on a stream and there's just literally nothing to talk about because everything's just so chill and back to normal well I I'm not saying that that's true yeah I just think a lot of the things we're struggling with are going to be solved definitely within our lifetimes like people think like oh no it's hundred years before the church was rebuilt N I think things are so bad that God has to intervene somehow like it's it's just just has to like he won't leave us orphans forever another
concern I have about this episode in particular is once Francis is gone will this episode have as much meaning as as it does now because so much of it was about about the the pilgrimage to Rome to talk with Francis about francis's actions like OB well yeah maybe it will if you get a faithful I don't want I don't mean to say that I know if you get a if you get a Trad Pope after and they do get it returned it might right it might actually have more meaning than it does because it it kind of left
off in a way where it's like um it's like oh we did this pilgrimage we gave the lce to Francis and so when they go give the letters to Francis Francis is like we we we we he didn't understand a word that woman said to him no there was no translator there he doesn't speak French so it just you know she was talking but I don't know if he even understood what she said then she hands a bag of letters to him I don't know you know I look maybe by some miracle Francis will see the documentary and it'll
appear to him as a love letter and it'll strike his heart but judging from past Behavior I don't see it but could be wrong yeah you literally never know you never know Thursday making me do Zen yeah Margot said something about Zen that I had to hide from the comments um when you say he spoke French to her I mean it sounded like he was just I I don't know if he I don't know if she did though like it sounded like he like he might know like a phrase in French but I don't know Francis to speak Fren
ch I mean maybe I'm wrong but I don't know you to speak English so yeah that's all right so all right we're gonna wrap it up this is a this is a good one um [Laughter] so our our chat is like where all the outcasts of all the other chats come it's pretty funny who pops in our chat sometimes right yeah it it I I enjoy it a lot it's pretty funny it's like all the influencers that everybody likes pop in our chat from time to time we're like um we're like the dive like the the dive Diner that all th
e lion Cooks from all the other restaurants go to when they get off I think that I I think that um somehow I think that we have managed to situate ourselves in the middle of conversations we probably don't have any business being in you don't have any business being on this at all like I don't I think because you two are like honestly like some of the most just real dudes like both are dads bluecollar workers and so it's just like you can just sit down laugh have a beer chat about this stuff whe
reas all the other ones myself included it's like you know mine I'm like okay this is a lecture you know whatever that even means but it's just like here's a lecture and then you look at all the other influencers and they come in from their angles whereas you guys are just chill I think that that was what people like wait so I want to unblock him Meathead red Meathead here's the thing though so far everyone that has asked you to unblock them usually proves within about five minutes why you were
right to block them in the first place yeah it happen look I'll give you a second chance I'll give anybody a second chance Anthony's gonna give Cameron a second chance to to come on we'll see I don't know I'm still a little better I am still a little better I'll I'll have yeah so I've when we first started I really wanted to try to THB out incorporate that song into the theme but I figured we'd be copyrighted all heck I didn't know if uh mistress B watched our content I mean I sent her the um Da
nel Mystery episode but she didn't respond so I don't know if she I don't know if she watch is mistress be a uh an influencer uh she's a new convert she's a new convert uh turned away from former life that was pretty hectic um and she's pretty she's trying to bring people into the church right now so give Anthony is sensitive about the wife rightfully so oh okay yeah yeah yeah I remember that yeah yeah yeah I I posted the thing about my wife peeing on me I like some people say things that like I
'm very sensitive about my wife that's one thing so um all right you're unblocked not only that I followed you back okay so yeah if anybody ever if I block you just tell me in the chat I'll un block you I don't care it's usually not that deep it's usually just I'm having a mood or something um all right it's it's his time of the month guys I'm just in a mood um all right so no no local show tonight we're gonna um we're gonna do something tomorrow night though we said right yeah do we know what w
e'll figure it out to be determined okay we'll figure and we'll figure out trivia the 10,000 subscriber Trivia episode Daniel so sangin it's 100% it's annoying what's worse is my oldest child seems so much like Anthony dude you are cursed with a son like me dude I think it's amazing um I does anyone know when this is this is uh I think it's around April 11th but yeah early early April is it is it in uh Dallas again it's in Dallas yeah it's in Dallas I'm pretty sure every year so probably Dallas
because it's owned by it's hosted by a a gentleman who lives in that's large a mass of a city well that and isn't um oh April 13th okay one of uh the is it Grand nieces or something doesn't she live there that I don't know actually Devon's in the chat Devin like what's the gentleman's name who runs it it's public knowledge but that's your friend Devon yeah yeah by the way everyone Devon he's converted back to the Roman Catholic church and is actually D he does a great Trump impression no he does
he he left us a voicemail during this show oh did he I didn't want to play it without reviewing it not that I don't trust you Dev but I usually just like to review him before I put him on air for everyone to listen to um are you g up Anthony does go mean something other than Game of Thrones guardians of tradition duh quite frankly what they're doing to me in the media is terrible and Nicholas cavaso he's such a great guy I mean quite frankly I again that's not bad that's not bad yeah de Devon's
a good guy he can just be a little little hectic sometimes but he's he's all good it's all good now that's okay so can Anthony they're both Italians that's the issue oh that is the issue you can't look we never came on to trash guardians of tradition we came on to critique it it was never don't give her honest thoughts we all love the film and Dan and and Cameron I love it I love to have you guys on and just chitchat about it it'd be fun yeah it was just an honest an honest critique of it that
look you're never going to please everybody and I don't and and like I said in early in the episode like this has been Cameron's and Daniel's life for five years now exactly and they risked a lot they rised their Liv yeah like so for me to just come on and be like this thing suck like I would never do that I'll make some jokes and I'll and you know about me being bitter that they just finally popped in our chat for the first time since we've been doing this oh cool now we're cool enough to talk
to but you had to get 10K then they you hit 10,000 Subs CA got 10,000 Subs we'll pop in their chat it's okay but um yeah no it was really just um maybe gearing for future projects like I think that it's I think that the the the need to attract young men is the most important thing in the church right now like a a a lot of people don't understand what Tim Gordon's doing right now Tim Gordon is going on Tim pool's show Friday oh he's going on the culture war and he is about to debate rolot tomasi
from the red pill manosphere I don't care what you people say about Tim Gordon he is the only guy going up against these guys and saying no you're wrong patriarchy Christian patriarchy is the answer to all of the things that are going on here because he makes a point that okay so we bring people into the church what are we bringing them into like if you're not bringing them into a solid traditional marriage where these young men come in and they get married if they don't have a a a solid traditi
onal home life it doesn't matter what they convert to they're they're it's gonna fall apart on them yeah it' be that'd be interesting show that'd be an interesting show on find find somebody that find me somebody that can that can debate better than Tim find me somebody that actually knows this topic better than Tim I I I know I know people don't like him I don't care I'm telling he's the only one stepping up and actually having these conversations with these guys he's the only one that they not
ice nobody else has even gotten on their radar yeah the whole idea of of Catholic saying Michael nll shouldn't uh platform Pearl are you people crazy do you know how many people listen to Pearl exactly no Catholics should be debating in these context because we have the faith we have the true faith it doesn't make any sense to just walk away from it like how could you not bring Pearl on the show and and and and chop at her ideas yeah it's look he is like you could say whatever you want but he is
our that is kind of the person you need to to fight these people to be to be honest to G did I say I me thought I thought you said nolles but you said you said n you said nolles oh okay so yeah so like for Michael nolles to not bring Pearl on because I saw a I saw a bunch of people saying like why are you platform forming Pearl why you what do you mean this girl is influencing millions of young men like bring her on chop it her like break down how absurd her ideas are of course you do that and
and Michael NES made a few missteps because I think Michael nolles is still trying to appeal to a certain demographic on The Daily wire where Tim Gordon doesn't have those Tim Gordon is just going to say no no no like I don't like Tim will actually concede certain things to uh Pearl like Pearl was like Michael how many women are even marriageable like what percentage of women are even marriageable in this period of time and the thing is is really not that many like Michael should have given that
to her because so many women are influenced by feminism and Michael was kind of trying to make it like it's not their fault and what regardless of if it's their fault so many women are so highly influenced by feminism that they don't think in terms of C marriage where marriage is permanent right so there's things that you do need to concede to that side where Pearl gets a lot of things right when she's critiquing feminism and how toxic it is but her Solutions are garbage they're just so bad and
Tim is very good at showing where those faults lie so it because basically like Pearl attacks it it's like Hedonism fighting Hedonism that's basically the solution it's firefighting fire it doesn't actually do anything I think I've heard people call it men M like instead of feminism it's meninism it's fighting communism with libertarianism like they're both errors yeah they're both rooted in liberalism in some form so Kennedy that that that's that's true but you're not fighting the manosphere r
ight like you're not even in that in that realm like where Tim Gordon is having conversations with with pearl and with uh with Rolo tomasi that's what we need we need somebody from the Catholic side because the only other gu guy doing it from a Christian perspective is an Eastern Orthodox guy the guy from The Crucible um Andrew Wilson I do remember I guess to be fair yeah I do remember Kennedy making a video really early on to like the big rise of Andrew Tate warning against a lot of his excesse
s um dude there every one be great to have every one of their ends are natural ends it's go to the gym get yourself toughed so that you could sleep with women I know like that's their end their end is just bag bag women that's your whole thing what Gordon's good at is is kicking them out like rocking their their worldview right but then Kennedy's there to pick him back up with what actual masculinity is like they both serve purposes tag team each other yeah exactly they could be a great I don't
I don't like the idea that they're that're they're opposed in any way like that that's not that's not at all it it's I'm just saying that Tim is in that fear Tim is yeah he's one approaching that conversation and no nobody else in our realm is like Tim's going on he's going on Tim P show he's about to get into mainstream conversation where none of us dude we're all fighting for the same audience like like Jeremiah said that to me goes dude we're all we're all fighting to get patreon supporters f
rom each other it's like it's like Tim's stepping into a realm that none of us have I I I would love to have that's why Rob and I will try to do more top iCal conversations on occasion talk about a Joe Rogan conversation things like that because you're hoping politics politics too like you're hoping to get people that don't normally check out Catholic content to come and check it out we had 60,000 people see how uh Kevin James fasted 40 Days for his daughter yeah exact you know what I mean or or
the Russell Brand clip that you know did 30,000 I think it's a 4040 something now right so we're talking about uh yeah Andrew Andrew Wilson is on the whatever podcasts all the time and stuff like that yeah he's very good but he's coming from an Eastern Orthodox perspective I want Catholics in this conversation I want Catholics in this conversation that's all I'm saying and I don't I'm not the guy to do it I don't want I'm not the patriarchy guy I'm the I'm I'm trying to do comedy like that's ho
nestly what we're trying we're trying to be funny and build friendships and stuff SC trivia now go back to your roots yeah so all right man we'll wrap this up um almost two hours wow that flew by it was a fun show it did we talked about a lot yeah it wasn't just the documentary but there 607 people watching right now too 600 people watching people are really checking us out on Twitter now it's funny over more than half of the people are on Twitter right now yeah that's awesome so all right so we
'll do we'll do a show tomorrow night um so everybody just uh my daughter makes her confirmation tomorrow um I'm gonna talk to my Bishop tomorrow hey oh have you check out our Channel I'm gonna ask him if he saw the mass of the ages documentary dude dude because he's confirming my daughter at a tradition at a at a Latin Mass Parish hey that's cool so we'll see I I'll ask him if you saw the documentary I'm going to ask him for not following tradition Onis and uh thank him you mean yeah I'm gonna
thank him for not enforcing tradici onus you didn't have that camera now because like I know it's a little gets a little bit more complicated with with miners but asking uh confirmation candidates about what they know about the faith would be a a good show too yeah um it is not Cardinal Dolan but Cardinal Dolan did traditional confirmations in my dases last year which is weird what what did you say Cardinal Dolan came to my parish and confirmed my daughter in the traditional right last year I've
heard it all I've heard that Rapture is that not weird is that not honestly is that not strange that is pretty bizarre I'm not gonna lie but uh yeah I do go to mass at Holy Innocence on occasion that's not my dicese um so so Holy Innocence is I I will go for special occasions because it's a far ride it's an hour hour and 10 minute ride so we're going for Easter Vigil I'll be there for Easter Vigil I always go for midnight mass at Christmas and then if we're doing something in the city we'll alw
ays make a point to go I probably go to Holy Innocence about five times a year but for the most part I'm on Long Island so I'm I'm typically on Long Island uh I went to an sspx Chapel last week which made Nicholas very happy B Anthony moment so my friend Joe bokeh um all right Miss Joe yeah I miss Joe I talk to him a lot now I see I say where I saw him he'll be mad but I oh no I saw him in a diois mass oh still tlm it's still traditional yeah traditional I worked until 4 a. I couldn't wake up at
the 9:00 am this morning oh brother he's so dude he's he's one of my favorite people to see it m he's just he's just he's just I I get so excited when I see him it's like um I'm not gonna I'm not going to divulge where Joe what Joe's up to other than that that I see him on occasion that's all we talk like we talk regularly so he's still one of my favorite people so all right guys we are gonna wrap this up we will uh shut up Thursday Rob's replying to Twitter DMS man Nick you are the best man th
ank you for coming on with us every single time we ask uh you're gonna come with us tomorrow yeah let's do it all right we don't know what we're talking about yet tomorrow we'll figure something out we'll announce it later hopefully we have more uh voicemails to play Hey 27973 avoid everyone 27973 avoid so that's what we'll do we maybe we'll catch up on some of the things that are hanging out there still um so 27973 avoid if you want to leave a voicemail uh go leave a review on uh Apple uh podca
st and trash us make make fun of us say whatever you want about us just make sure you leave five s and we'll read your review on air we have a few that we haven't read yet we'll catch up on some old ones if you do it tonight we won't Apple won't approve it by tomorrow so it'll be later but yeah we'll catch up on the ones that are already posted if you haven't left one yet um and we got some other stuff that we gotta clean up to we got we'll we'll do a cleanup show tomorrow we'll pick a few news
stories and our news stories with Nick always do well so we'll make those some clips so all right guys happy Wednesday we'll see you [Music]



That was great show, you guys really are a realization of unite the clans! I love the idea of a roundtable, but I think there is still an issue which needs to be addressed when trying to unite the clans: Do those that are critical of the traditional position actually really think that you even can be a catholic while taking a recognize and resist position? My impression is that many critics of the trad movement base their critic on this assumption, namely that the R&R position is not catholic (a view which is also shared by most of the Sedivacantists) and cannot be catholic. This position can take various forms, but the SSPX is the most popular proponent of this position and is consequently seen as not catholic. I think a discussion among faithful Catholics in some sort of a roundtable (which would be a great idea), can only fruitfully take place, if either side is of the opinion that the other proponents basic arguments/position is (or at least can be) Catholic.


Stuck in N.O. life here. I think we're missing the mark. It's not about us. THE mass for you lucky ones is the BEST one to give glory to God.


What?! Episode 2 was the best, 3 was the worst. 3 has no cohesion. 2 is why I now go to Latin Mass.


First half of Ep 3 was so good & beautiful. Very moving. It was weird when the narrative switched to a reform of the reform. It seems like then what's the point of the other 3 hours I watched leading up to that point in the trilogy, and sacrifices to stay TLM to if that's the goal. Also, I'm pretty sure Trent has said he doesn't go to TLM so every time he's on, it's odd.


MOTA cinematography, message & inspiration, reminds me of the two videos on The Discalced Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel's YouTube channel especially, "What Are You Willing To Die For?" Laying the foundation to reach, teach & inspire the coming generations. I'm grateful.


Do you think the Trad recovery conference will assign sponsors just in case someone relapses and attends a Latin Mass or accidentally puts a Gregorian Chant CD in their car player something devastating like that???


I loved the trilogy. Cameron and his team did a great job incorporating so many different people of different ages, cultures and walks of life. Putting the nets out into the deep. Anthony, best way to attract young Catholic men is showing the masculine nature of tradition and by showing pretty young women attending the TLM. I think they did that!


Loved all of the episodes. Episode 2 was my favorite as it demonstrated the difference between both liturgies. Episode 3 was great…especially loved the mothers on pilgrimage. 😢❤ I currently don’t attend a TLM as one is not available near me. I pray Pope Francis can see the fruit of the TLM.


Thanks for the show guys! I don’t catch every show because, well, need to step away for my own sanity 😅. Walking away again feeling balanced ~ needed it! Nick is great and Tony’s laugh is contagious and funny! +JMJ+ We march onward and upward. Thankful for the men folk including mine.


New catholic getting confirmed on Easter here. Just wanna let yall know I love yalls show and am glad I found it


The AM is Auspice Maria, not Ave Maria.


Great show gentleman! Love the shows with Nick. The MOTA docs are an excellent vehicle for sharing the beauty of Traditional Catholicism and getting people interested in the TLM movement. For those who are inspired by what they see in MOTA, there are plenty of resources available for people to do a deep dive on to fill in the gaps.


Episode 2 was the best and had the best ending. Episode 3 had the best beginning.


A conversation much needed!


Intro is great. G'day from Australia!


Loved the commercial! For your next guest for conversation and laughs, invite The Babylon Bee! 🐝


Anthony, my Church is full of young men. We need young women for those young men. My 17 year old will have no one to marry. It’s crazy! I have so much to say about this and as the day goes on and I am thinking about this conversation I will be posting my. Also, if we can get the boomers out of the NO church (BEFORE THEY DIE and loose their souls because we don’t want anyone to go to hell) the faster things will turn around and go trade.


Fight the liturgy war. Win the battle. For Christ crucified, Christ the King


There is one scene in MOA where at the end the priest was saying mass with his mom. Well, when he was looking at Jesus it was at that perfect angle that we almost never see at mass. You can see and feel how much he loves Christ. I just started crying unexpectedly. I think everyone got something out of it.


i loved the series. My critique is that they seemed to be afraid of controversy in the film. Trads are at war with modernists. Let's just admit it and act like it