
Andor | Luthen Rael’s Monologue | Disney+

Rewatch some of the best moments of Season 1 of #Andor, starting with Luthen Rael’s monologue in episode 10. All episodes are now streaming only on @DisneyPlus The “Andor” series will explore a new perspective from the Star Wars galaxy, focusing on Cassian Andor’s journey to discover the difference he can make. The series brings forward the tale of the burgeoning rebellion against the Empire and how people and planets became involved. It’s an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue where Cassian will embark on the path that is destined to turn him into a rebel hero. Diego Luna returns as Cassian Andor and is joined by cast members Genevieve O’Reilly, Stellan Skarsgård, Adria Arjona, Denise Gough and Kyle Soller. The executive producers are Kathleen Kennedy, Sanne Wohlenberg, Diego Luna and Michelle Rejwan. Tony Gilroy is the creator and showrunner.

Star Wars

1 year ago

and what do you sacrifice calm kindness kinship love I've given up all chance at inner peace I made my mind a sunless space I share my dreams with ghosts I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago for which there's only one conclusion I'm damned for what I do my anger my ego my unwillingness to yield my my eagerness to fight they set me on a path for which there's no Escape I yearn to be a savior against Injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down I was no
longer any ground beneath my feet what is my what is my sacrifice I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them I burned my decency for someone else's future I burned my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll Never See the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude so what do I sacrifice everything



I think this is by far the best writing that's ever been in Star Wars. Absolutely incredible. Andor is very deserving of all the numerous "show of the year" recognitions it's been receiving. Congratulations to the entire Lucasfilm team! Much deserved.


"I burn my life, to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see" I got chills from that line.


“I burn my decency for someone else’s future.” Amazing line. Really makes you feel for Luthen.


Wish they included the ending. “You’ll stay with me, Lonni. I need all the heroes I can get.” Is such a raw line.


"I share my dreams with ghosts" resonated in the final episode when he listened to Marva's message at her funeral... He was quite literally sharing his dreams with a ghost...


One of the greatest scenes in the history of Star Wars.


It AMAZES me people will watch this and still have the balls to say Andor "wasn't good" or was "too boring". This monologue ALONE makes me want to stand up and fight. the writing on this show was the most grounded take on Star Wars I think we've ever seen. This show wasn't full of cameos, it wasn't full of things just to please fans, it told a STORY. A story we had never seen before. Not Jedi or Sith, Not some crazy cool bounty hunter. These were your average, everyday working class people of the Star Wars universe. People who DIRECTLY suffered from the events our heroes were involved in. Absolutely pumped for season 2.


Just let Tony Gilroy write every single Star Wars thing from now on please.


The moment Luthen instantly became one of my favorite Star Wars characters


One of my favorite things about this scene is how Stellan makes you feel he's completely making this up, on the spot, his rage and hurt bubbling up like lava. So powerful.


By far the greatest writing in Star Wars history. The naked truth. Heroes are not always good. I bet there are many stories like his in our real history. Men who gave it all and did unspeakable things for the sake of humanity and others.


I really enjoy that the first things he lists are human emotions and needs. He isn’t sacrificing stuff but rather the fundamental things that makes us human


Absolutely phenomenal monologue


Such a long long career for Stellan Skarsgård, then trips down on a Star Wars show so few ever knew to asked for, then delivers the best acting in the 40 years of Star Wars storytelling. Outstanding! Such a bringer of hope of what you can really do with and within Star Wars.


Someone finally remembered that Star Wars is a space OPERA and began writing Shakespeare level dialogue.


Luethen Rael is without a doubt the best character that Disney has created themselves for StarWars. What a phenomenal character, and what a phenomenal actor. This show was amazing!


The writing and acting in Andor is leagues above the other Star Wars shows.


This scene will never not give me chills


This show’s monologues are unparalleled.


One of the things that makes this monologue so effective in my opinion is that it doesn't challenge cliché. In fact it's embracing a very old cliché, "I'm sacrificing everything". There's an understanding in the writing of Andor, that to use a cliché like this simply needs character weight behind it - which isn't just conveyed through the rest of this excellent monologue, but also in the nearly full season of character work to show us who Luthen is. Cliché becomes so, because it is a common depiction of the human experience. It becomes hard to swallow only when done poorly. You don't need subversion to make great drama, just solid characters with compelling motivations.