
Android vs iOS vs Windows Tablets 10 Years Later!

While the iPad dominates the tablet space today, Android and even (kinda) Windows tablets had much more of a presence, let's take a look at some 7 inch tablets from 2013 and see how they compare to one another. The iPad Mini 2, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, and the HP Stream 7. [Social Media] ● Twitter - ● Instagram - ● Discord Server -


8 months ago

What's up guys it's frokfrdk One Tablet rules them all. The iPad. This is without a shadow of a doubt  the most popular tablet in the world. While yes, it is true that Windows  and Android tablets exist... But it wasn't always like that because, about 10 years ago Android tablets and kinda Windows tablets had some actual  competition, compared to the iPad. So since the current year is 2023, we're gonna go back 10 years and see what  the tablet landscape was like back then. But we're not going to
be taking  a look at these large tablets, instead we're going to be taking  a look at some smaller models because that's what I have. Representing iOS we have the iPad mini 2. Representing Android we have  the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. And Representing Windows we have the HP stream 7. Which is from 2014 so is that technically cheating? No, because I'm not buying any more tablets. Each of these tablets released around  the same time, excluding this one, and are mostly the same size  being about you
know 7 inches. Every inch matters don't worry guys and also each one of them personally  has an interesting story to me. This iPad mini is the newest one I've acquired. You may notice if you're someone  who knows your Apple products, Um why is there a black bezel  on this silver iPad Mini? Shouldn't the bezel be  white? And you'd be correct. I got this iPad in a lot  of like 30 different iPads. When I first saw this iPad it was  basically just a battery, in a case. There was really nothing left
of this thing, so I got bored and I was like oh, what  happens if I just Chuck a screen on it. Not only does it work, but it's  also not even iCloud locked. What I ended up doing was taking  the screen off of an iPad Mini 2 and the touch digitizer (which is the glass  layer which goes on top) from an iPad Mini 1 and it some how manages to work. It does have this one little cracked bit so it means uh this section of the  screen doesn't have working touch. But other than that it's a custom  little
iPad Mini that I've made and I honestly really like how the  black and silver looks, it's great. Up next, we have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. This thing I've had since 2013 and it's pretty  much my main little tablet for doing stuff on. While I only had my tiny little  iPod Touch in before I had a phone. So this thing served me well. And then you have this thing,  this is the oddball here. The screen on it is cracked not of my fault, but because I left this somewhere and I believe one of my famil
y  members accidentally broke it, and I'm pretty sure there's a  photo that exists on my iPod Touch of me making a poor man's Surface  Pro, with a keyboard on the bottom, so that was kind of funny, but yeah this is really Nifty, a tiny  little seven inch Windows tablet. Gee I wonder how well it performs. Alright if we go to about- Oh god... DAN-TABLET, you can see how  old I was when I got this. Uh as you guys can see it's an Intel  Atom CPU with one Gigabyte of RAM Ah, it's 64-bit! So it's extr
aordinarily  anemic hardware even for 2014, and trying to run Windows on it, on this tiny  little tablet with a really crummy battery life, I'm just gonna spoil it for you  guys this thing does not go well. But there you go 64-bit processor, go  shove Windows 11 on here, I dare you. Someone will do it pretty easily I bet you. Let's take a look at these tablets. So here we have the iPad Mini, which  you press the home button, and you know, you would swipe to unlock,  but then they updated it, so
now you have to press the  home button, which is so stupid, and here we are, we're pretty much on the home  screen of iOS 12, and yeah it's an iOS product. It's pretty much exactly the same except  for the fact that you don't have widgets. Things are kind of similar on the Samsung  side of things, here we press the home button, and you can pretty much swipe  anywhere you want to unlock it, and here we've got widgets and for apps you  can pretty much place wherever you want. But also, one thing t
hat we gotta love or we actually hate is the TouchWiz interface, so this is running Android 4.4 with Samsung's  TouchWiz interface shoved on top of it, with these glorious system sounds and uh yeah this is the 2013  Android Tablet experience. And on the Windows side of  things, you press the power button and you wait, you swipe up, and then here  we are running Windows 10 in portrait. Let's find out how much storage these things have, first we're going to look at the  Samsung Tablet, let's press
apps and then we're going to go to settings. So we're going to go into storage, and  you can see that this thing has 8 GB but then also you can see 2 GB of  that is taken up by the system itself so you're left with pretty much  about 5 to 6 GB to work with. Needless to say, me in 2013 constantly running into storage problems  which made this thing go slow. On the iOS side of things  we press the settings app, and then I just remembered the fact  that my screen repair kind of failed, and I have
to turn it this way. And now, we can use that half of the screen, and as you can see this thing rocks 16 GB. I don't know if that's the base model, I'll put  the storage up on the screen, that's the options. I'll do it for the Samsung one too,  and the HP one as well, why not, And finally, the Windows tablet  we press the start menu... ...we wait for the Start menu to load, and then, we press settings.... ...and we wait for the settings to load. Actually you know what, since this is Windows  the
re is a much better way of doing this so for Windows we're just  going to go to File Explorer... ...we're going to wait for File Explorer to load, and as you can see, we pretty much have 32 GB, and then you have the weird Windows conversion  thing, which makes it show up as 23.5 GB. Now, because windows is so large, you only  get about 8 GB to use, or something like that. While this has the most storage, 32 Gigabytes on Windows is kind of  pathetic and borderline unusable. To go back home we pre
ss the home button, The home button, and close. So let's take a look at some of the apps. Now it took 4 years for this  iPad to get a file browser. Hold on one second. So it took this iPad about four years in iOS 11  to get a file browser, and yeah it's fairly basic. There's not much you can really do with it. You can look at your iCloud Drive uh,  you've got some locations on your iPad, and that's about it. Pretty sure it was lacking external  drive support at this time. It was really nasty in
the iOS 11/12 days. On the Android side of things if we  press apps, and then we go to my Files, as you can see you get a File Explorer,  and it's actually fairly in-depth. You can really go into the system directory  and change and break all the things in here, but by far the best one, of  course has got to be Windows, because you get the full  fat desktop file explorer, and yeah, pretty much anything you  can do on Windows, you can do on here, and it just works. No it doesn't because it's woef
ully underpowered. So yeah, it's a very interesting  philosophy, with these three. These two are complete opposites, while Android to me, kinda strikes the  perfect balance between iOS and Windows. But not at this time, because  Android sucked at this time. We're gonna test out the cameras now,  and well we need something to photograph. here we have a Piranha plant plushie, very colorful very nice! On iOS it's fairly simple you  just got your camera app here, Three two one. All right, so that's
what the photo looks like, uh we've got night light on,  so it's a little bit orangey, but you'll be able to see the photo  properly once I pop it up on the screen. But I can say, the dynamic range  (and yes I did turn HDR on) is well, not that good compared  to my main phone, the Pixel 7 Pro, which is what I'm filming with right now. I mean there's kinda no  competition between the two On the Android side of things, it's  a similar affair you just go here, and then you go into the camera  app a
nd uh, let me just tell you, the camera on this thing is a little bit shocking. I used to film Nintendo plush videos on this  thing, so I'm very familiar with this camera. Oh wanna know something really funny? Where's your tap to focus? Huh? Oh what's that? You can't tap to focus? Yeah that's right, you pretty  much can't tap to focus which is kind of crappy, and also the volume button is  pretty much just used for zoom, and that's how you get a  better Zoom slider on here. Three two one, Alrigh
t let's look at this photo, oh that is extraordinarily washed out. You know what this reminds me of? the Samsung Galaxy Camera 2, which I  made a video about. Click here to view it And finally, probably the worst camera  taking experience, the HP Stream 7. Okay, let's close this off  so it has extra performance, and here's the camera. Oh wow look at that! It's got tap to focus! SAMSUNG!!! Ooo and it has a HDR button!  Maybe it won't look so bad... Oh that's a pathetic camera sound, listen to thi
s! Yeah actually never mind,  there's way too much contrast, and there's like almost no detail preserved. That's a pretty nasty camera But what could be worse than the rear camera? Oh God it's the front camera, I can already tell this thing looks pretty nasty, Three Two One I hate that camera sound Holy crap this thing looks  like a watercolor painting. There is absolutely no detail in there whatsoever. Next up we got the SMASNUG, Three Two One. That genuinely looks really decent,  it's got quit
e a bit of detail on there, sure the saturation and color depth is kind of  pathetic, but hey that's quite a bit of detail. I like that. And next up we have the iPad, Three Two One It looks a little bright, but hey,  it's obviously by far the best one. Also it's very wide, it's a very wide front-facing  camera, which can't be said about the other ones. Yeah it's pretty much just a much better  camera overall. So if you're doing FaceTiming, Yeah, it's not zooming in, but if you're  FaceTiming som
eone, great camera, works well. Thank you Piranha Plant,  your purpose has been served. While on the topic of the iPad, let's talk  about general usability and multitasking. iOS 11 pretty much changed the lock screen  and the control center, and how it works. iOS 12 is the one that brought it  up to here, so if we swipe down... ...right, forgot about that, that  part of the screen doesn't work, So if we swipe down, you pretty much  just get your generic lock screen. I just remember how absurd of
a change  this was when they first added it. So then you can swipe back up, which I don't know  why you can't just do that from the home screen, like from the lock screen why  can't you just swipe up like that. Well of course you can do it  on devices with no home button. if you pull down from this corner  you get the control centre, I think this is Apple's worst  designed element of iOS. Like what this tiny little section here is the  only thing that can pull down control center. They really g
ot to come up with a new  solution for this this is absolutely terrible. Trying to teach anyone above the age of  35 how to do this is just, it's a task, but since this thing is running iOS 12, this is kind of the update where  multitasking on iPad became kind of good. So you can use the home button to do  everything like if you double click, but pretty much you can just treat  it like an iPad without a home button and pretty much just use gestures for  everything and it works well I like it. Be
cause you know I'm used to my iPad  Pro which doesn't have a home button. So in terms of multitasking  you've got a few options, you can open up an app and  then open up the dock here and then pull out an app and then drag it on. as you can see it's dropping frames here, so it's not actually as smooth as I remember. But uh yeah here is files trying to load. I don't think it wants to load um, I  can't also get multi tasking to work. But yeah you can pretty much swipe that away  and then swipe tha
t back out whenever you want. Can you grab that? Okay for whatever reason it won't let me like  split screen them, which is kind of dumb. I don't know if it's because this is  an iPad mini but you know come on man. Hey guys, so I quickly  looked it up and apparently, the iPad Mini 4 is the lowest iPad  Mini that supports split screen. Probably due to Specs, but what's strange is that  this iPad supports slide over instead of split screen, which is weird. I don't know, Apple's weird, but you can
actually enable it through  a jailbreak tweak, so there you go. Um if I try and go into mail and then uh, let's just do something like messages. Okay for some reason it won't let me do that, yeah the multitasking is extremely  limited compared to what we have now, but you can swap that out and use it I guess Now in the world of Samsung, I never actually  really experimented with it back in the day, and if we swipe down from here turn it off for them we turn that back on, multi-window, ah here we
  go now we got that back on. So I think if we tap gallery. Okay there we go, so now we can split screen that. It's not very responsive, but at least you  can control it, actually to a fair amount. Uh does it have drag and drop support? Not supported yep, there you  go thanks for letting me know. So I found out how to open up  the menu, strangely you hold the back button, which by the way menu button, back button, home button, and uh let's see can we open up  another app if I drag this out? Okay
that only does that. I don't think you can do floating windows, some other Samsung devices uh did actually support  the floating window thing, so that's interesting. This one doesn't so this one goes in the traaaash, But of course the tablet with the best  multitasking has got to be the HP one. Why? Because it runs Windows,  which is built for multitasking. Now let's see the power of this Intel atom, which  as its name suggests has the power of an atom. All right, so we're going to open those a
pps  up, and we're gonna also go into the start menu, and we're going to open up a bunch of other apps. Let's see how much of this one  Gigabyte of RAM I can take up, mind you the chromium version of Edge itself  loves to take up 4 Gigabytes of RAM on my desktop. Yep and this thing's already at a standstill. To be fair, I've opened up  about six or seven apps. Let's open up another one, why not. So you can actually do  quite a bit of multitasking, and get quite a bit of work done on here. You ca
n move an app around on a floating window, and you can stack an infinite amount of  floating windows on top of each other. You can tap this to make multiple desktops, and see all of your open apps,  and you can start drawing. There we go took a little bit but we got there, and then we've opened up  Edge, which is taking a bit, but then you can also right click, which  you do by holding, and then a square appears and you can tap Task Manager and you can wait. This tablet teaches you  the importan
ce of patience. If you swipe up from this side, you  uh can get a view of all your apps. There we go finally did that,  Task Manager finally launched. Ah here it is and then if you swipe this one open,  you can get Action Center opened. It's figuring it out, there we go it's got it. This brightness slider, do you know how many  years it took them to add this to Windows 10? You had to manually tap the brightness  button, and you only had four options. Uh, we're currently using 100%  of the CPU an
d 92% of the memory. This seems really, just it's cycling  hard It's an absolute Workhorse and it's not going to stop  until it gets the job done. Unless the blue screens... do you know how many photos I  have of this thing Blue Screening? [Vine Boom] It's great, I love it, it just blue screens and it's  portrait and it's all formatted wrong. So apparently this has been up for 416 days,  I'm fairly certain I shut this thing down. Apparently not, but yeah kind of just goes to show you if you're o
pening up  more than one app on this thing, it becomes basically unusable. I tried to run Minecraft  on here several years ago, just I could not get it working. There's really not much you can do on this thing. So yeah, what do we learn in this video? Well there's kind of a reason  why the iPad dominates, simply due to the fact that you  know, it's got a better screen, made out of better materials, it's thinner, like just objectively the iPad is just  the better tablet out of all of these. They
can be used for different tasks, you can mod these ones to run newer  versions of their operating systems, but I bet one of you guys who are watching this video is absolutely just dying  to shove Linux on this thing, and seeing what you can do with it. So go do that, but yeah pretty much these kind  of iPads, they run all right, uh if you can get a bunch of old apps on here. They still work pretty well to this day, and pretty smoothly, but yeah pretty much, if you know how to kind of make these 
tablets run for your own purpose and do stuff you can pretty much still get  a use out of these things still. But yeah, pretty much compare the absolutely terrible plastic design and the  fake metal Samsung kept using compared to the real metal Apple actually  used on their products at the time, you can pretty much just see why iPads  pretty much dominate the landscape today. Uh one more thing I should say about the  hardware, this has a Micro SD card slot. The back looks like it should come of
f  but you can't actually take that off. Well you're not intended to,  and of course the iPad's got nothing besides its lightning  port and it's headphone jack, which is up here. Headphone jack for this is on the top, and this has got a headphone jack  and an upside down Micro B connector, but truly the most interesting thing  about this is that it's a Windows tablet, with a back that you can take off. As you can see, the battery is only  3,000 MAh and is strangely scratched, that is very concer
ning. This is where you put in your micro SD card  slot, and this is how you tear it apart. You can actually just take out these screws, take off this panel and then you're  pretty much into the internals, and no you cannot upgrade the storage  or RAM on here they are soldered on. Well I mean you can Chuck  an SD card slot in but you get what I mean. In terms of modern Alternatives, Samsung's new tablets seem to pretty much just be  iPad Pro knockoffs, but they're decent knockoffs, they're const
ructed well, they've got OLED screens and they might genuinely be a  viable option for some people. And also the pixel tablet just  released which is actually really cool. I do like the idea of it converting into a stand, in it not trying to focus on  trying to be a computer as well, it's just strictly a tablet with no keyboard. Kind of nice. On the Windows side of things,  you have the Surface Pro, these things are actually really nice, they popularized probably the best  design for a kickstand
ever created, which means you can prop it  up and pretty much tilt it down onto any angle you want  for drawing, or watching stuff. And if you hate using Windows with a  touchscreen, boom now it's a laptop. I'm really a fan of the surface line, and  quite frankly this keyboard feels amazing. This trackpad is really good for you  know, this kind of thing and yeah, these things are great if  you want a real computer. Because tablets are not computers, I'm  telling you that much, tablets are table
ts, you can do "computery" things on them, but they're in their element when  they're being used as a tablet. But if that's too big for you, then why  don't you use the itty bitty Surface Go, which is an absolutely tiny adorable little  Microsoft tablet, with the same kickstand, and it's just a little mini  version of it, I love it. Too bad it's like really underpowered though, and then of course you got the iPad, which if  you're going to get a tablet, just get an iPad, unless it's something yo
u very specifically need, you know you got the pencil,  everything just runs great. Just dropped it... And yeah, best all-around tablet. So that's pretty much it, my name is frokfrdk, you can say that however you  want I really don't care, new videos whenever I want, That's the end of the video, thanks for watching! © 2023 frokfrdk Subtitles by Mia2_
