
Animal World | Lots of fun facts for kids to learn about animals

#Kids #Animal_World Animal World | Lots of fun facts for kids to learn about animals. Facts about the giraffe, Facts about the African elephant. Go on a fun exploration to the jungle for a night safari or even a trip to the zoo. Taking children outdoors is an excellent non-academic way of teaching them about animals. Children learn about animal habitats, the need for animal conservation, and even about their basic lifestyles! Sources: sandiego zoo wildlife It’s been my experience, and the research certainly bears it out, that animals can help children develop sensitivity to others, they can offer comfort, and they can even provide a safe sounding board for secrets and feelings that children don’t share with adults. Animals provide opportunities for children to hone their social skills, practice care-giving and nurturing, and even to carefully explore issues of power and vulnerability. Clearly, animals are important, and most adults recognize this. Not only do animals ignite cognitive curiosity, but they also evoke emotional responses in chilren. Just think about the delight a child shows upon seeing a chipmunk or a family of ducklings paddling across a pond, or the sheer joy she expresses when a colorful butterfly flits past. A few wasps approaching a group of preschoolers having a picnic may elicit screams and panic. Present that same group of children with a fluffy white puppy, and the explosion of delight will be almost palpable.

Wego Mego

1 year ago

مرحبًا أيها الأصدقاء ، اسمي سام ، سأذهب اليوم في رحلة برية للتعرف على الحيوانات هناك هل تريد الذهاب معي واو ما هذا إنها زرافة الزرافات هي أطول الحيوانات البرية يمكن للزرافة النظر في نافذة الطابق الثاني دون الحاجة إلى الوقوف على أطراف أصابعها يبلغ طول رقبة الزرافة ستة أقدام وتزن حوالي 600 رطل ، كما يبلغ طول أرجل الزرافة ستة أقدام تبدو الأرجل الخلفية أقصر من الأرجل الأمامية لكنها بنفس الطول تقريبًا لا يوجد سوى نوع واحد من الزرافة ، وتشمل الأنواع الفرعية المعترف بها النوبي الشبكي أوغندا أو بارينغو
ماساي أنغولا والجنوب يمكن التعرف على الأنواع المختلفة من خلال مواقعهم وأيضًا من خلال المكان الذي يعيشون فيه في إفريقيا تحتوي زرافات الماساي من كينيا على بقع تشبه أوراق البلوط الأنواع الأخرى لها نمط مربع الشكل يشبه الزرافة مغطاة بشبكة يعتقد بعض علماء الحيوان أن نمط الزرافة مخصص للتمويه لكل من الزرافات الذكور والإناث قرنان مميزان مغطيان بالشعر يسمى ossicones يستخدم ذكور الزرافات قرونهم للقتال مع بعضهم البعض بشكل هزلي حجم أقدام الزرافة هو حجم طبق العشاء 12 بوصة هل تعلم ما هو الفيلة الأفريقية الفيلة
الإفريقية البالغة من الذكور ضخمة يمكن أن تزن بقدر حافلة المدرسة حتى أسنانهم كبيرة والضرس البالغ هو حجم الطوب تساعدهم أسنانهم الضخمة على طحن وتناول الكثير من المواد النباتية كل يوم مثل الأفيال في حديقة الحيوانات ويأكل كل منتزه أكثر من 100 رطل من الطعام كل يوم للوهلة الأولى تبدو الأفيال الأفريقية similar to Asian elephants but they are different  species that live in different parts of the world here are some helpful clues for telling the  two species apart African elephants have very large ears
that are shaped like the continent of  Africa while Asian elephants have smaller ears also an Asian elephant's back is rounded but an  African elephant's back has a dip or sway in it their trunks are a little different two African  elephants have two fingers at the end of their trunk but Asian elephants have only one when most  people think of elephants they picture the large tusks both male and female African elephants  have long tusks which are actually teeth elephants dig with their tusks and
use them to  lift and move objects and to protect themselves sadly people hunt elephants for these teeth one reason these Giants of the animal kingdom  are threatened is because people want to collect their tusks African elephants live in parts of  central eastern and southern Africa an African elephant calf weighs about 250 pounds at Birth and  will keep growing throughout its entire lifetime what is it do you know what is it it is in you  these Australian birds have tiny mostly useless wings
but their long legs are very powerful they  can travel at a fast Trot for quite a distance and can Sprint at 30 miles per hour their strong legs  also allow the bird to jump seven feet straight up add good eyesight and amazing agility  and emus can escape most any trouble most birds feathers have tiny hooks that keep  each piece together to make a smooth surface emu feathers don't have those barbs  and that makes them looser and fluffier they may not be good for flying but an emu's  feathers are
just right for keeping the bird warm when it comes to starting a family emus do  things a little differently from many other birds the male makes a nest of Twigs  leaves and grass on the ground the female lays 5 to 15 green  eggs in the nest and then leaves the male emu sits on the nest until the chicks  hatch the brown and cream striped chicks can walk and feed themselves from the moment they hatch  but they stay with their father for 18 months he protects them from danger and teaches  them ho
w to find food and stay safe good job daddy aim you Emu eggs are dark  green and the same size as an avocado a special pouch in an inused throat helps it  make deep booming drumming and grunting sounds these birds also hiss at things that frighten  them a special pouch in an inused throat helps it make deep booming en user good swimmers  they are sometimes seen in ponds or lakes in the end I would like to thank you for watching  this video wait for the next videos and goodbye
