
Antelopes: the Icons of Africa | Full Wildlife Documentary

To most, Antelopes are icons of Africa. While this vast continent is home to more than 70 species, a total of 91 are found globally. Today we take you into their world for some close encounters with these graceful, agile creatures. Be amazed by their vast range of eye-catching horns, plus the multitude of rich fur colours and intricate patterns displayed on these elegant, striking animals. Watch our most popular documentaries ⬇️ --- Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍 We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds distant, forgotten, and unknown; from the depths of ocean trenches to the far reaches of the cosmos. New uploads of full-length documentaries and docu-series every week! Subscribe here:


19 hours ago

[Applause] [Music] the animal kingdom a remarkable array of living breathing natural wonders Majestic compelling [Music] ingenious and extraordinary fascinating physical visceral and ferocious discover their past present and future just [Music] stunning just glorious Just Amazing Just [Music] Animals antelopes icons of Africa this vast continent is home to over 70 species of the total of 91 found [Music] globally graceful agile elegant they are actually part of the same family as the Buffalo goa
t and MUSC the bines one eye-catching feature all Antelope species share are horns each has their own distinct size and shape equally mesmerizing are the multitude of fur colors and patterns displayed by [Music] Antelope grazers and browsers a wide variety of habitats can support Antelope herds anything from grasslands harsh desert regions through to Lush Wetlands antelopes are known for their effortless bounding equally known for their stamina exemplified by the annual Great Migration of [Music
] wilderbeast this natural spectacular is an international tourist draw [Music] card standing Solo or as part of a herd antelopes are strong elegant striking [Music] creatures from a Zoological standpoint there are numerous ways to describe what an antelope is [Music] firstly they are classed as mammals an antelope's fur and the fact their young suckle on mother's milk are two obvious [Music] indicators next down the taxonomic ladder antelopes belong to the artiodactyls better known as even Toad
ulet the fifth largest order of mammals ulates are herbivores animals that eat plant material they are a diverse group made up of 10 families one is the bow Vines animals that have been around for 20 million years within this large family anything not in the cattle sheep or goat category is put into the antelope collection this interesting assortment is sometimes referred to as a taxonomic waste basket despite the varied range within this cluster Antelope share some common attributes long limbs
slim necks big ears and to top off the list their horns these permanent structures have a bone core wrapped in Keratin the same fibrous structural protein that Hooves hair and claws are made from horn size shape and texture is as varied as the animals they Adorn every male Antelope grows horns but only some females do usually on larger species these attractive yet functional head pieces grow continuously throughout the antelope's life what each gender is called depends on the antelope's size wi
th larger species males are bulls and females cows smaller Antelope are referred to as Rams and 's respectively like their relatives in the Bine family all antelopes are ruminants simply put they are ulet that chew their cud instead of upper in sizes they have a hard gum pad that works with the lower in sizes to tear off mouthfuls of vegetation coat wise the majority of antelope have short dense fur in various earthy shades with pale bellies wherever they roam Antelope herds are a stunning addit
ion to the Natural [Music] landscape antelopes are a wide and varied mix of animals with species found in Africa the Middle East and Asia Africa is where Antelope dominate with 72 native species the United States is not included in the list despite the common belief that antelope roam its Plains the prong horn is Antelope like but they are in fact a unique animal the last of their kind pronghorns are the fastest land animals in North America capable about running a cheetah Asia hosts 14 species
of antelope the biggest being the cowlik nilgai endemic to the Indian subcontinent they are sometimes called Blue Bulls due to the bluish gray coats of the males the harsh steps of Central Asia are where these unusual creatures roam they are saiger antelope in the summer their bulba's noses filter out dust and in the winter they warm the chilly air before it hits their lungs the largest antelope in the world is the aptly named giant Eland found in Africa the biggest males or bulls can stand 1.8
m taller than the shoulders and weigh a ton the cows are half their size their smallest cousin is the Royal Antelope living amongst rainforest undergrowth its petite rabbit-like Dimensions suit their dense habitat perfectly one subf family are spiral horned Antelope which includes elens these pale striped cowlike creatures are slow moving males are larger than females and the flaps of skin under their necks called daps are bigger Kudos are another Spiral horn species they have eye-catching faces
striped bodies and a long man of hair lining their spines massive Twisted head pieces are only seen on na males neas are another midsized example of this type of antelope males and females have different appearances bulls have dark Shaggy coats and manes plus horns while the females are roughly half their size with Rich Chestnut fur due to this size difference between the Sexes female niala are called 's instead of cows both genders have stripes but they're brighter on the use one spiral horned
Antelope that stands apart from the rest of their kind is the sitatunga these Antelope happily exist in both dry and Aquatic environments on dry land their long sped Hooves can make them clumsy but in soggy mud and swamps they are in their element this natural Affinity with so modern environments is the obvious reason why they're also known as Marsh bucks yet again Rams and 's are clearly different in size and looks only males develop horns which grow to a length of at least 60 cm the antillo p
ine are another sub family sometimes referred to as true antelopes South Africa's spring box are one of the best known members of this group they're a small mammal that weighs between 30 and 45 kilos both genders have horns they're longer on the [Music] Rams a springbox high-profile comes from their agility these graceful creatures are capable of fast speeds 80 to 90 kmph when needed and high leaps springing up to 4 [Music] M another true Antelope is the Thompson's gazelle nicknamed tomies they
are the most common gazelle in East Africa their rear ends have a distinctive white patch these gazel develop horns which are ringed [Music] ganoes stand out due to the way they stand up to grab a mouthful their long necks also help them access hard to reach Greenery a trait that has led them to be known as giraffe gazelle balancing on their hind legs they can strip leaves off thorny branches that are growing 2 and 1/2 M off the ground these Hardy ulates don't need to drink gaining plenty of moi
sture from their vegetarian [Music] diet at the other end of the true Antelope spectrum is the petite steam boach a mature adult stands about half a meter tall both genders are of similar size Rams developing thin sharp upright horns while the rest of their features are dainty their ears are not looks are not high on their priority list survival is and their excellent hearing gives steambox the edge they need to avoid hungry [Music] predators the stocky wilderbeast is in a sub family of its own
also called news the largest of the two species are blue wilderbeast they can stand up to 1.4 M tall at the shoulders and at a maximum tip the scales at 275 kilos crowning their long rectangular faces are a stocky set of horns both genders develop these in addition blue wilderbeast have Darkly striped bodies flowing beards and manes and long tails imp parlor are the sole members of their genus they are a midsized Antelope weighing about 60 kilos both genders look similar the males or Rams standi
ng out due to their horns that can be up to 75 cm long like spring box Impalas are Nimble on their feet their bounds can cover 10 m perfect for a fast Escape if required [Music] ORS are a Hardy type of large Antelope that managed to dwell in harsh arid Plains adults can weigh up to 175 kilos in medieval times the natural Spears sprouting from their heads were sold as unicorn horns in England while they are not magical their horns come in handy as Weapons of self-defense should Predators such as
lions or leopards [Music] attack with thick necks and rotund bodies Sable antelopes are horike creatures this similarity backed up by the presence of a m their ringed horns sweep back over their shoulders like simitar swords as they mature their Rusty brown coats darken fully grown adults can weigh up to a/4 [Music] ton members of the cobus genus are Wetland creatures flood Plains and marshlands are their preferred habitats water box are large Shaggy coated ulet with unusual ring markings on the
ir rumps the cows are smaller than the Bulls which have large forward curving horns as their name suggests they depend on permanent water sources and never stray far from one [Music] lewe are another member of the cobus group a mediumsized Antelope lewe are good swimmers and it's not unusual for them to graze in shoulder deep [Music] water when threatened they use the water as a [Music] refuge from Wetlands to the bush where these dainty creatures reside dick dicks are one of the smallest antelo
pe adults weighing between 3 and 6 kg similar to a house cat their name mimics the repetitive warning core females whistle out when threatened with such a diverse range of species inhabiting this one continent Africa is the antelope capital of the [Music] world surviving the Wilds of Africa is a daily challenge that antelope rise to a wide array of adaptations and special skills make their ongoing success possible as herbivores they are prey animals [Music] lions leopards cheaters hyenas and wil
d dogs are the biggest threats antelopes utilize various tactics to help them Escape danger speed is one some of the fastest animals in the world are Antelope the species that roam open Plains tend to be larger and size is a good deterrent but agility also comes in handy especially since there is nowhere to hide their bodies are built for Speed sturdy level backs with long muscular limbs at Full Tilt wilderbeast can manage 70 kmph [Music] in addition Antelope have endurance Predators like cheate
rs are sprinters but their speed only lasts for short [Music] bursts knowing their enemy also helps Antelope conserve energy a lion seen out in the open is not a threat as these big cats are [Music] stalkers the sight of a distant cheater is more caused to flee because of their sprinting abilities smaller antelopes can take cover in vegetation larger species rely on the herd for security a greater number of eyes and ears means better [Music] safety to protect their youngsters herding Antelope wi
ll often circle around them natural camouflage is another way Antelope avoid unwanted attention each species has a coat to suit their environment earthy tones that allow them to blend [Music] in fur patterns improve their stealth many Antelope have bright vertical stripes decorating their [Music] bodies while attractive they have a sneakier purpose they are thought to distort the animals outline confusing Predators a similar visual trick is achieved by the fur colors on their backs and bellies t
heir dark backs absorb sunlight streaming down while pale belly fur reflects it reducing the contrast between the top and bottom halves making it easier for the antelope to meld with its surroundings [Music] Keen senses allow Antelope to monitor their habitat for any lurking [Music] danger horizontal pupils and having Eyes located on the side of their head gives these animals a broad range of vision both in front and [Music] behind in addition their sensitive noses and ears are always on the ale
rt picking up evidence of any potential [Music] threats apart from excellent evasion skills the majority of antelope come equipped with a pair of effective self-defense [Music] weapons the horns on large herding species are usually more substantial as the males use them to battle for breeding [Music] rights to protect their skulls the horns are often fused in the Middle with what's known as a boss a solid plate of horn when males Clash horns these duels appear dangerous but this ritualistic beha
vior is actually about showing dominance this pair of rival cobs are creating a dust cloud as they try to overpower each [Music] other it's an even [Music] match [Music] water Bucks have an unusual form of self-defense bad body odor their stench effectively repels Lions it's a clear strong signal to stay [Music] away Antelope use smells to communicate with each other as [Music] well they spread their messages using the secretions from a pit in front of their eyes a pre-orbital gland other scent
glands exist on their knees and between the split in their Hooves smells can Mark out territory or simply inform herd members of their presence as they wander through their range Antelope wipe their scent marking tools on vegetation Tree Trunks and rocks different environments require adaptations to Natural Footwear while all Antelope have clo or split hooves some have specialized modifications to make the going easier in their local terrain tiny clip Springers have small round Hooves with rubbe
ry pads for extra grip in their Rocky [Music] habitats to keep them steady in the mud lewe have elongated Spade Hooves the legs of these Wetland Antelope have another special adaptation they're coated in a water repellent substance reducing drag when running through the [Music] shallows using adaptations and skills like these generations of antelope have carved out niches for themselves and flourished Antelope belong to the Bine family a group of mammals that began to appear in Africa and Eurasi
a 20 million years ago the first bids were small woodland animals similar in size to Modern gazel as a group Antelope have found great success in Africa but there thought to be relatively new arrivals to the continent 15 million years ago when land masses were in motion Eurasia collided with Africa Antelope disembarked and began to diversify local vegetation reacted to their arrival researchers have discovered that Thorns began to evolve on African plants like acacia trees in the same time perio
d to defend themselves against medium to large browsers like kudu and impire [Music] ancient cousins of the wilderbeast roamed Kenya savanas up until 55,000 years ago Antelope have numerous close relatives with roughly 140 bovid species all even towed ulet they range from large mammals such as bison Buffalo and musk o through to goats and sheep like their Antelope cousins these horned creatures favor grasslands they're ruminating stomachs helping them digest The Greenery amongst bines the family
resemblance is strong as are the members of this ancient group of resilient beasts Antelope are fascinating to observe each species having their own own individual Behavior patterns in general they are not the most intelligent creatures their diet is thought to explain this as herbivores Antelope have no need to chase their food quick wits and cunning are not required being vegetarians they are low on the food chain making them vulnerable to carnivores to compensate the majority of antelope Gat
her in herds one thing they instinctively understand is the concept of safety in numbers how social they are usually depends on size smaller Forest Antelope such as ders tend to be shy solitary creatures these dainty mammals are named for their habit of darting into dense vegetation when startled the word daa means dive in Africans in comparison Impalas will herd together in large numbers up to 200 animals these midsized Antelope divide themselves up into breeding groups territorial males and Ba
chelor herds made up of juvenile subadult and mature males the older they are the higher their social status the Rams are highly Territorial and when threatening postures don't work fights break out to settle dominance issues Impala are active during daylight hours spending their time foraging for food resting especially when the sun is at its peak and [Music] grooming Impalas have an unusual habit of mutual grooming they are the only ulet that display this kind of behavior known as all groming
imp paraa use their teeth to search through each other's fur to remove parasites like [Music] ticks communication between Impalas can be through sounds smells and Body Language one particular way they talk to each other is via tongue [Music] flashing by sticking their tongues out they can attract a female or tell a rival to back [Music] away another sizable Antelope is the niala they're active during the cooler parts of the day early morning and late afternoon despite their size Nala are shy cau
tious animals that hang around in thickets in instead of out in the open herds are relatively small with up to 10 animals they can be mixed or same gender [Music] groupings to warn others of danger Nala make a doglike bark to sound the alarm use make this call the most one kind of antelope known for its Advanced social behavior is the topi herds can have 15 to 20 animals or number in the hundreds when conditions allow in some regions a male topi and a group of females can make up a herd other pl
aces see large groups of females wander together which pass through new numerous small territories held by males called stomping grounds these glossy coated Antelope have a habit of standing on termite Mounds like centries from these high points topi can scan the Horizon looking out for potential mates and any trouble if they don't like what they see they snort out warnings when breeding season comes around male lewe gather on what's called a lecking ground and put on a show female lewe watch th
e audition and choose a partner based on their abilities another fantastic Talent performed by various Antelope is proning this incredible leaping is also known as stotting a behavior thought to be a defiant signal to predators that an animal capable of this action would be difficult to catch [Music] [Music] when it comes to awesome performances one of the biggest shows on Earth is put on by wilderbeast their annual migration is known as one of the seven New Wonders of the World [Music] more tha
n 1 and A2 million wilderbeast take part in this epic circular Journey which Loops in a clockwise direction from the Serengeti in the South up to the Masai Mara Reserve to the north joining the massive crowds of wilderbeast are hundreds of thousands of gazelle zebra and countless other animals of the [Music] Plains the reason for this natural phenomenon is simple the ongoing search for good grazing this huge procession might seem chaotic but research has shown there is method to it a wilderbeast
herd moves and explores their environment as one possessing what's known as swarm intelligence collectively overcoming any obstacles in their [Music] [Applause] path The Carving season happens during the journey with half a million baby wilderbeast joining the [Music] ranks the majority of newborns arrive within a 2 we period of each other minutes after their birth carves can stand then run a necessary skill in order to keep up with the rest of the massive herd Predators follow the hordes and t
ake advantage of easy [Music] pickings River Crossings are especially dangerous over the course of their annual Marathon the meah herds of wilderbeast have to negotiate [Music] Two theti River then the mara further north hungry carnivores are one threat being trampled is another as the masses funnel down steep river banks into the current by this stage the CES are a few months old and must take the plunge with the rest of their Clan or be left behind it's a frantic aquatic scramble survival alwa
ys the incentive for those that make it the reward is simple Lush grasslands out of the massive crowds that set out an estimated quarter of a million wilderbeast perish during the annual trek loss to exhaustion sickness predators and drowning all up the great wi Beast migration is approximately a 2,900 km round trip the longest Overland migration taken by any group of animals on the planet when Antelope come into the world their parents have two general approaches to rearing their [Music] young
if the calf belongs to a migratory species like a wilderbeast the newborn is able to travel within minutes of their arrival the youngsters stay close to their mothers and enjoy the protection of the herd while they grow and mature wilderbeast can live for up to 20 years in the wild non-migratory Antelope such as Impala raise their carves by an alternative method after a 6 to 7 month gestation period expectant mothers leave the herd to find a safe isolated place to deliver their Cal then hide it
births tend to occur during the middle of the day a time when most predator species are resting Impalas have a birth weight of about 5 kg Studies have shown that twice as many females are born every season a mother imp parlor spends her time foraging and nursing the concealed calf when the baby is a few days old it has the strength to Join the Herd female groups can have up to 100 [Music] members before long the carves join a crash or Nursery Group which feed play and move around together the fi
rst few weeks are when young in paror are vulnerable to attack half are lost to Predators during this time sticking close to the herd offers them some security imp parlor carves are weaned off their mother's milk by the time they're 4 to 6 months old at this age young males are forced out of their mother's group instead they hang around the edge of the herd until they're allowed to join a bachelor group up to 60 males can congregate together young in paraa reach maturity by their first birthday
the two genders are easy to distinguish as only Rams develop pairs of s-shaped horns which can grow up to 90 cm in length in addition Rams are slightly larger in size and build when compared to in paror use females can begin to breed from the 18-month Mark while males have to wait until they're capable of holding their own territory to start mating this can take five or 6 [Music] years locking horns is how Impala Rams battle it out for breeding [Music] rights the prize seeing their jeans passed
on the longevity of Impalas is similar to other medium-sized antelopes if conditions are kind and they successfully avoid Predators they can survive for 12 to 15 years in the [Music] [Music] wild the word antelope might conjure a vision of mammals roaming the plains but grasslands are only one type of habitat that support this diverse group in general species that inhabit open Plains are migratory by following the rains they have a constant Lush Food [Music] Supply Antelope living in closed envi
ronments such as niala are likely to stay in forage within a home range Nala are native to Southern Africa these Antelope favor lowland woodlands and thickets that grow along permanent sources of water niala are browsers leaves and fruit are their [Music] Staples during the rainy season grasses are also on the [Music] menu topy lives in more open environments in subsaharan [Music] Africa savanas flood Plaines and semi- desert regions can all host topi these selective feeders are fussy they only
eat the freshest grass and avoid both young CHS and mature leaves if vegetation is green they have no need for additional moisture however when dry grass is their only option topi will [Music] drink tropical rainforests of Central and western Africa are where Dyers reside the dense vegetation giving them plenty of cover these small Antelope enjoy a varied diet browsing on leaves Buds and chots plus seeds and bark dker are known to follow monkeys and birds that share their habitat dining on any f
ruit they drop marshlands can also be welcoming to Antelope being semi- aquatic lechwe are right at home in the flood Plains of southern Africa the water offers them safety and sustenance aquatic plants their favorite lewe unknown to Wade in up to their shoulders to grab a bite to [Music] eat Southern and Eastern Africa is where Impala herds can be seen grazing and browsing in the wet season they gravitate to Woodlands during the dry season Impala perverse Savannah tall grasses and Impala do not
mix these weary creatures avoid vegetation that can conceal the Predators that stalk them Antelope play a range of vital roles in their environment as herbivores they are prey for higher consumers in the food chain without Antelope the carnivores of Africa would certainly struggle scavengers and decomposers also make use of their nutritious remains as primary consumers the con nibbling of antelope promotes new plant growth as they wander through their environment they act as mobile fertilizers
and Seed disperses a habitat is only as healthy as the animals within it a robust Antelope population is a good indication of a well balanced ecosystem culturally antelope have been making an impact for centuries in West Africa the dugon people perform traditional mask dances those depicting Antelope are popular these animals are admired for their beauty and strength the cedarberg Wilderness Area in South Africa has thousands of rock art sites the s or Bushmen are responsible for these ancient i
mages the oldest thought to be 6,000 years old Antelope are featured in many the Eland in particular having great spiritual significance for centuries kudu horns have been made into a traditional Jewish musical instrument called a chofar a natural trumpet chaar have particular importance during Jewish holidays for example they are blown to Mark the end of the fast at yam kipur in the past Antelope were common symbols in heraldry Curious versions of them adorning many coats of arms some species h
ave come to represent proud Nations the Springbok is an icon of South Africa while the gemsbok is the national animal of Namibia Antelope can also be seen on currency and postage stamps their natural beauty is also a major draw card for tourists eager for the chance to see them in the wild aside from Local Economic advantages firsthand encounters boost the public profile of antelopes these memorable experiences hopefully raising awareness about these animals and the need to protect them and thei
r environment for generations to come herds of majestic Antelope decorating the landscape should not be taken for [Music] granted out of the vast number of antelope species researchers believe that only 33% have stable populations on a positive note Springbok and black wilderbeast numbers are on the [Music] rise years of civil unrest over hunting habitat loss plus human encroachment into what remains of their habitat these are some of the threats causing declines in many Antelope populations cur
rently 25 species are classed as endangered that means they are at serious risk of Extinction another five are named as critically endangered even worse combined that's a third of all Antelope species in [Music] Peril the Simer horned or became extinct in the wild in the 1990s Global captive breeding programs involving more than 200 zoos have ensured their survival recently a small group was released into a Special Reserve in Chad the first wild birth in more than 20 years was the reward hopeful
ly there will be many more to come Antelope are natural wonders star players in one of the biggest spectacular scen on Earth creatures that play a vital role in the health and well-being of their environment [Music] icons of Africa but famous throughout the world conservation and education will hopefully see Antelope Prevail long into the [Music] future [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]



Superb wildlife documentaryUCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/m8MfY4jbFsWJhL0PyouA2Ak


Just amazing.


Thanks a lot for this documentary.


Excellent video 😊


Amazing 👏 beautiful but they are also our food 😃.


Programme makers we don't need the music!