
Apex Legends Evolution Collection Event

Learn what a Legend can become in the Apex Legends Evolution Collection Event. Rampart shows what she’s made of in her Town Takeover, launching her pop-up shop “Big Maude” and taking over the Arenas store in “Rampart’s Arenas Extravaganza”. Unlock event-limited cosmetics for Wraith, Octane, Pathfinder, Fuse, Bangalore, Rampart and Lifeline that give a glimpse into the next stage of a Legend’s evolution. Collect all 24 cosmetics to unlock Rampart’s new Heirloom! Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam. Learn more about Apex Legends: Emergence: Check out our YouTube channel: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: #ApexLegendsEmergence #ApexLegendsEvolution #ApexLegends

Apex Legends

2 years ago

لقد قلت إنني بحاجة إلى متجر أكبر. Big Maude سيفي بالغرض في الوقت الحالي. أعتقد أنه بإمكان المرأة أن تتفوّق على نفسها إلى مرحلة يمكنها فيها إنجاز أشياء أكبر مما تعتقد. سريعة. وقوية. وبسيطة. إنه لا ينسحب أبدًا من المعركة. إنه لا يبالي بالظروف. ويكون عنيفًا أحيانًا، ولكنه يحاول أن يكون شخصًا لطيفًا طوال الوقت. هذه هي الطريقة التي يعيش بها دائمًا. آمل أن تكون قد استمتعت! سينتهي الأمر قريبًا. هواة لعينون! ألا تعلم أنني أحترف القتل. هل حضرت للحصول على الأسلحة، امكث لأن شخصًا ما أطلق عليك النار بأسلحتي
. Big Maude سيلبي طلباتكم. لنمرح يا صديقي! حان وقت تحضير الأسلحة يا رفاق. القليل من الخصومات لجميع العملاء الأوفياء. حان الوقت للقليل من المرح في ساحة القتال. بأسلوب رامبارت! من الممتع أن نقول رامبارت! الكثير من الدماء. هذا المتسكع مصاب.





Rampart: Gets buffed in her Town Takeover Caustic: Gets nerfed to the ground in his Town Takeover


I am HERE for the Bloodhound lore! I love having everything going on in the foreground with the small touches on Bloodhounds background, but I’d love to see even more!


Respawn: "With EXLCUSIVE, LIMITED TIME skins!!!" Also Respawn: * re-releases them 2 months later *


Alright wraith has enough legendary skins now, we need some love for other legends 😂


Does anyone know how to complete the new task added with this event?? "Successfully connect and stay in a match without getting kick out of server in any mode 0/1" Appreciate any tips


The voice actor for rampart looks like she has a lot of fun being rampart


Everyone wanting Wattsons or Cryptos heirloom Apex: How about Rampart


I’m just saying if I was that pathfinder, that peacekeeper shot would hit for 9


Imagine being able to play this event


It seems they are trying to make up for how underwhelming Season 6 was when Rampart was first released. I mean just look at S10 so far: 1) Rampart designs a new weapon and it’s used in the game, 2) She gets a TTO, 3) She gets an heirloom, 4) She gets a major buff. I’m gonna need the devs to give Wattson the same energy next season.


Apex trailer checklist: Every squad fighting in the same small area✅ Shooting someone flying through the air✅ 100% accuracy in the air✅ Ultimates being used in ways that would never work in game✅ Insanely accurate hipfire knockdown✅ Execution in the middle of a fight ✅ Everyone is a terrible shot✅


anyone else notice they are bringing back the season 4 crypto skin?? 1:11


Rampart Heirloom, Town Takeover, and Sheila buff? What a good season to be Rampart main.


So excited for this town takeover


Yo, your profile pic is missing


"This Tank is like a living thing. She breathes, she moves... and she will spit out your bones."


A conquest like gamemode would be perfect for Apex, there's alot of good movement abilities that would make crossing the map from point to point relatively painless. Not to mention good aoe abilities to attack points and defensive abilities to maintain control of points. It would be interesting to see what Respawn could do with a gamemode like this.


Wattson: “Still no heirloom? Guess I’ll die”


Feels like we're back in season 6 with this theme. I like it.