
Are Russian Colleges ACTUALLY Good? My Russian College Experience

Hi! My name's Alena and in today's video I will tell you about my russian community college. What do professors say about current events? Should I leave Russia asap? What is it like to study in russian college? Is this knowledge useful? Spoiler: it's not. šŸ’œ Support me: BTC: bc1qs22sgxq4g0nd2ehu3hys92aulgap7d2ejn3vat ETH: 0x12439b71762440B9E5b536CF39d8A765395Ccd94 šŸ’œ Info: Name: Alena Age: 19, birthday is on March 5th Country: was born and unfortunately still live in the Far East of Russia Job: work as a barista for a year Education: studied English and Chinese translation for 1 year, now studying economics and building a career of full time youtube meme Gear: shoot and edit on my phone šŸ’œ Insta: depressed.russian Gmail: šŸ’œ Thanks for watching, subscribe, and leave a comment #lifeinrussia #college #educationinrussia

Depressed Russian

1 year ago

Hi and welcome to my channel! In today'sĀ  video I will tell you about russian community college where I study, also there would beĀ  some interesting footage of my professors. I study in the russian presidential academy. IĀ  know it's a bit ironic that i don't like russian president but I study in presidentialĀ  academy. I don't study in university, I study in community college which isĀ  a part of this chain of universities. I study economics and accounting. And whatĀ  is interesting is that I study
part-time, which means that I only study during examĀ  sessions for like two or three weeks in a term and the rest of the time is completelyĀ  free. The disadvantage of that program is that usually community college programs take like twoĀ  years out of your life but part-time programs take three years. In general I pretty muchĀ  enjoy it, because I have so much free time. I like economics, it's interesting to learn aboutĀ  that. I'm not planning to work as an accountant but still. So I have exam se
ssions in decemberĀ  and may. In december we had online exam session but covid don't exist in russia anymoreĀ  so we had in-person classes in may. Firstly when I entered the buildingĀ  what was kinda surprising to me is that when you're trying to enter theĀ  building you need to ring the bell and security guard opens the door for youĀ  and the first time when it came there, she even asked me like where are you going thatĀ  feels scary that feels like presidential academy. Also when you exit the buildi
ng you need toĀ  press the button as well to open the door. So extra level of security is always good. I filmedĀ  a couple of classrooms and a couple of teachers, we have this like old computers but they stillĀ  work. I filmed a couple of teachers as well now we will hear a little bitĀ  about propaganda and cancel culture Let me know in the comments what you think aboutĀ  the stuff that he discussed. Hopefully I wouldn't be expelled out of my community college but if IĀ  would it's kind of not that bi
g of a deal because it would stimulate me to leave russia sooner.Ā  So it's a win-win situation. And when he said the stuff about lgbt propaganda I was like damn IĀ  kinda liked you before and now you're saying this. Another weird thing there is that we didn'tĀ  have PE classes where you have to like run and jump. Which is good because I hate sports.Ā  We had this PE lections and we just sat there for multiple hours and we were justĀ  listening stuff about healthy lifestyle That class was kind of que
stionable. InĀ  russia you can't choose classes you just choose your major and that's it. So thenĀ  we had this class about environment and ecological problems. I quite enjoyed it,Ā  it was interesting to listen about that. I have no idea why this class was in economics andĀ  accounting program, it kind of doesn't make much sense to me why they put this class in there butĀ  that was interesting. I don't regret that class, the next class I'm gonna discuss was...wellĀ  originally it was supposed to be s
omething interesting it's one of the main of our classesĀ  about finances. We saw the teacher and we realized that we're gonna learn nothing there becauseĀ  there was an old lady who barely realized who she is. Her speech wasn't connected like there was noĀ  logic in what she was telling us. I hope that she wouldn't get fired for me saying that but she saidĀ  you can cheat on the exam. So I got a four which is like a B and there were people who got an A andĀ  the rest of the people got a c so everybo
dy passed this class. We all cheated and majority of peopleĀ  know nothing about the class. Sometimes she was telling us about the soviet times and telling usĀ  how great it was and how shitty it is right now. I have a lot of things that I've recorded becauseĀ  this person is just like a walking meme. One time she was telling us all of this sht that youĀ  will hear on russian tv like propaganda stuff... She's in her 80s and the only sourceĀ  of information that she has is tv so all of that stuff that
they tell peopleĀ  on tv she literally just spread into society So after my classes I decided to go to theĀ  Khabarovsk cinema and it took me like five minutes walking to it from my college andĀ  I went there not only to annoy my co-worker but also to drink coffee. We had likeĀ  amazing talk with the guy who worked there we discussed sanctions, cryptocurrency, leavingĀ  russia you know typical topics to talk about. These exam sessions they're draining and they'reĀ  exhausting, I studied from 12 p.m t
o 9 p.m which is a long long day. That was really hardĀ  but now when it's over I'll be like I have half a year of some spare time to do whatever the hell IĀ  want so yeah and I already went back to work after my exam session and I was just thriving on aĀ  math class because I just you know graduated high school two years ago and I still rememberĀ  everything clearly and people who study with me in this college they're like 30 year olds whoĀ  decided to get second education. It will take me two more
years to graduate or better to sayĀ  if I'll graduate because I really want to leave russia and I feel like maybe after twoĀ  years it would be too late to do that I kind of can't imagine me living in Khabarovsk forĀ  two more years. Probably I can leave to like Georgia. Life just got so much more complicated. IĀ  don't know maybe I'm just being dramatic and I can leave whenever I will be ready. But I willĀ  never be ready so maybe I should just rip the band-aid off and just leave russia right now.Ā 
I have no fcking idea what to do with my life. I think I will end this video here thankĀ  you so much for watching till the end and huge thank you for your donations on buyĀ  me a coffee, see you in the next video, bye



This video was shot in May, but I'm uploading it in August. Hope it's still interesting for you šŸ’œ


I thought it was hilarious when your teacher said that democracy led to serious historical problems in Russia. As if the 800 years of Russian history before that were just peachy.


love your honesty, it's raw, and from the heart, we all need more of that. and thanks for the behind the scenes look at Russia


I'm quickly becoming Alena's biggest fan. Love her content with people like her the truth will not be hidden. Keep up the good work!


Just found this video. Thank you for showing us a little bit of how it is in college in Russia. It's great to see that there are young people like you who are more conscious about things. This makes me to believe that there's a better future for everyone someday.


This surprisingly honest vlog was fascinating both from the insight it gives into young student life in Russia and for the bravery shown to express dissatisfaction. (protest is something all students are prone to do the world over as they should and without fear of repercussions). I hope your voice will grow and you find the life you want. I have a feeling with such linguistic skills and openness you will find a way to be happy whatever the circumstances. Good luck, and I will be following your vlog with interest.


As for having no idea what to do with your life, I know how that feels. I was there at that age, and now I'm a teacher, so when my students ask me for life advice, I always tell them that I had no idea what to do either, but I always said yes to every scary opportunity that came up, and I never regretted it. The more you say "yes" to scary opportunities, the more opportunities life gives you. But if you keep saying "no" to everything, eventually you get to an age, usually around thirty, where you won't get a chance to say "yes" to anything. You will have an awesome life. You have a good head on your shoulders.


I follow you from Turkey. Huge respect for both you and Natasha. Looking forward to seeing next videos ! Take care!


Hello from Arizona. You speak very good English, love your channel. Keep up the good work and stay safe!


Well, Iā€™m actually watching this video not in August but on the 4th of November, and I know your colleague and friend Natasha has drifted to Georgia and you two are an excellent mix of points of view and much more. And I never see you as a ā€œdepressed Russianā€ but someone who thinks clearly is very funny to. Iā€™m so lucky to have had the education I did many years ago and it depends on what you want to do if you have any ambitions. It was the nagging of girlfriends and mothers which got me to enter college and now I have a degree with honours in Graphic Design which I got from university in London and now I design my own interesting and somewhat surreal or psychedelic visual stuff online which I taught myself to do. Iā€™ve done some other work which was purely for money, but Alena I wish you every chance of of getting somewhere and achieving your goals and future life. Take care šŸŒˆšŸŒŗšŸ§æšŸ‘€šŸ¦‹āš”ļø


The end makes me a bit sad, I really hope you will find a place where you want to live and prosper. Best wishes from Sweden!


Hard times 'to be young' now. Especially in Russia, I guess. Time is doing the rolercoaster-thing. It's hard to grasp and feel what goes on. Alena, you nailed it! Stay safe and enjoy the things that are in reach.


Growing up is tough, trying to find your place in this world is something we all experience. Iā€™m twice your age and I still donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing. So donā€™t feel bad about not knowing. I wish you the best in all you do.


Is my first time watching your content. Iā€™m from evil America btw (run!)ā€” I appreciate your sarcasm and honesty. I have chronic depression, can relate in this regard. You should do what you genuinely want to ā€” what makes you happy. Life is too short to be miserable, and the chains that bind people, are fairly universal anywayā€¦ people are amazing, pretty much all governments sucks. Btw, that professor is scary .. paying for school to hear state tv opinion. Sucks :/


Hi, I have studied experimental physics in Czech republic, in the first year, 1/4 of my classmates were from ex-USSR (most from Russia, some from Ukraine, one girl from Belarus). It is sad that now such possibilities are very hard to find for young Russians. Love your videos.


Thank you for sharing your life experiences and your views. I hope that you and Natasha will be safe. You two ladies are an inspiration for a brighter future for Russia.


It is still very interesting. I love the pace of your videos and how you remain so calm while making them. I wish you nothing but the best and please continue with the videos.


Hope you get out soon and explore the world. Iā€™ve visited Russia before I thought it was fascinating, but canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like to grow up there. Best wishes from Australia


I worry about you and Natasha. Both you guys are such brave young women. I really hope that both of you join up together for fun travels and big adventures outside of Russia. There is safety in numbers, especially for young ladies! BEST OF LUCK and much love from the USA!


For what it's worth, this is how your situation looks to me. You have learned what your current place in this world is and it's depressing. You're not alone in that at all. You are smart enough to understand that better than most. The more you feed to strengths you have and starve the negatives in your life the better. The life you have ahead won't be easy but the sooner you take on the challenge and fight, the better. Maybe you and Natasha can lean on each other a bit for now.