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Wild Siberia

5 months ago

you don't want to be this guy you guys always ask me am I going to get  arrested if I go to Russia is FSB going to take me away at the border all these things  we're going to answer today because I'm gonna talk about the difference between Russian  cops and American cops and I'm going to let you know what you need to be straight in the  streets you have no problems hello my name is Daniel I'm an Afghanistan war veteran who's been  living in Russia for almost two years and look first of all you g
uys need to know you need the  right paperwork so that you are in no way no danger while you're walking the streets in Russia  so the first thing you obviously need to get into Russia is a Visa now if you're an American it's  really easy I've made a video on it you can go look at it but obviously the first thing you  need is a Russian visa the second thing you're going to need is this little paper that you fill  out when you come into Russia basically all the information that's in your Visa you
put it into  a little little piece of paper why because later you need to make sure that you get registered  in the address in the address that you decide to live in it could be a hotel a hostel or a  friend's house so these are the three pieces of paper you're going to need if you're going to  be in Russia now that you know what paperwork you need let's start talking about the differences  all right in Russia I've noticed that you don't really see police out in the street for some  reason in sm
all towns like the one I live in you never see them unless it's like in the evening  in the night when they're patrolling or if you call them yourself and in America well they're  always patrolling they're basically all over the place you can see a cop in my neighborhood  every five minutes just going around the same streets I want to show you some interactions  that some people have had with Russian police now keep in mind it all it's always going to vary  between situations right and not all c
ops are the same in Russia and not all cops are the same in  the United States so let's get into this clip foreign foreign or let me know if I'm wrong the cops in Russia  are basically the the law of the land if they tell you to do something you absolutely have  to listen in that moment please take my word of advice do not try to contradict a Russian  cop it's not going to end up being good for you their their word is the law now that's  might be contrary to some cops in America because in Ameri
ca you can always talk back  to the cops how do I know this well when I was growing up I used to do it like there's  absolutely very little respect for cops where I'm from so I'm going to show you a clip of  how some people talk to cops in my country I'm trying to protect myself but  how are you doing that windows down here you go you want to answer that question oh all right there you go it's  been waiting for you the whole time playing games for no reason yeah you are this  man has been asked
to put down his window many times but you know what the rule of the cop  is not actually law there's not a law that says that you have to listen to the cop when he  says put your window down so he continues to not listen and so in my country it's totally legal  to not obey a cop if he's giving you an order that makes no sense right but in Russia the  difference is whenever you're told something by the cop that basically becomes the law this  is what I'm starting to learn from these videos and my
interactions with the cops but usually  the Russian cops will not tell you something that's out of this world so guys let me know  in the comments section if you're American uh do you think that it's interesting uh to  see the the Russian cop kind of loses baring smashing through that window and if you're  rushing let me know do you think that it's interesting seeing an American not listening  to the cop the situations of course are not the same all the time so now I'm going to show  you an exa
mple where a Russian cop actually is very calm and he goes up to a protester now you  guys know that since the conflict started there was protests and there was people holding up signs  well in this video we're about to see it's a guy holding a blank piece of paper but that's not what  interests me let's get into the video now foreign promises now keep in mind this cop just asked them hey  could you stop doing these illegal things that I just told you that you're doing I think he asked  some lik
e two times and for me it's interesting because in America usually the cops don't tell  you what you're doing wrong most of the time they just try to handcuff you I know this from  experience being from Los Angeles if they do a traffic stop they just handcuff you right away  uh they'll they'll tell you after maybe what's happening but you know I don't care so much that  this guy's getting arrested for doing something that in my country means nothing like this is  nothing but what I find interest
ing is that the cop is actually calm and he tells them this is  what you're doing wrong stop and he gives them many chances to stop what he's doing but as you  see the guy gets taken away because he doesn't take the opportunity this might scare some of  you guys who are foreigners into Russia but just understand that if you're coming to Russia tone  Break The Rules don't break the laws as a tourist you shouldn't even be thinking about breaking the  the simple laws that are written everywhere in
Russia in Russia there's new laws all the time and  they pass them and then you hear about them take them serious no matter how ridiculous they are  this is not a country uh like my country right Russia is not America so I would expect them to  have different laws and I would respect them the same by the way guys if you don't want to get  sent to the gulag uh consider hitting like if you're finding this video informative and you  actually like it it does help the algorithm push our Channel out a
nd we are trying to get  to 20 000 subscribers by the end of the year and you can help now I'm going to give you an  example where the American cops lose their cool um here's the video of some random  guy jaywalking jaywalking my friends is when you cross not in a play  is designated for for crosswalks continues to ask what he did before  officers order him to the ground saying they'll tase him officer used a taser on  eford three times before he was handcuffed now did you notice the guy was ask
ing like what  did I do what did I do there's night and day in America just like there is night and day in Russia  um you know in America it's like I told you they don't tell you what you're doing and they'll just  tackle you this guy got tased unfortunately so in my opinion though the biggest difference is  uh the rules are very very clear in Russia and in America it seems like cops can sometimes bend  the rules and uh get away with tasing you and stuff like this something that's very popular 
in the west is saying like F the police this is like the typical American thing especially  in California you see a cop you say F you pig and stuff like this right well in Russia you're  not allowed to say bad things to cops because this is disrespectful and it's breaking the  law um so I'm Gonna Roll a clip of something that you'll never see in Russia and if you see  it you can be damn sure these people are going to jail [ __ ] you pigs okay do you need police  assistance sir uh could you get t
he [ __ ] away from me please I haven't broken the law now  I had to stop the video right there because already if you said one bad thing to a Russian  cop you'd be in handcuffs right but the video continues and just look at the attitude of the  American cops okay well we're standing on public property me too you know what I'm about to do I'm  about to start walking away because I say [ __ ] you guys and have a good day hey have a good  day have a good day enjoy your Donuts [ __ ] have a good da
y pigs get the [ __ ] back in  your car how about that get back in your car get back in your car sir get back in your  car let me see let me record you guys getting back in your car I have all day I'm sure you  pigs will get a car here soon how about that okay wow me too I don't have [ __ ] to do  I'm off today yeah I'm recording you [ __ ] [ __ ] the police what's your  name dude none of your business is that your first time last time yes sir [ __ ]  the police so your name is none of your busi
ness and your date of birth is [ __ ] the police you  shove it up your ass and travel across yes sir is that where you were born again guys let me  know down below if you think that the Russian way is better where they must respect cops or  if you think freedom of speech like being able to disrespect the cop is okay with you I believe  in freedom of speech of course but I also believe in the law I love when um there's respect for  people who are meant to protect you I know not all cops are good
right but if you're a bad person  to someone for no reason like we saw in the video then you should probably be taken into jail and  being taught like hey you need to be a good person there's too many bad people on the street that  start off by saying bad things and then end up doing bad things the only time I had a run-in with  the cops was when I went fishing at three or four in the morning they were doing the rounds securing  the the building and uh interestingly enough they told me to stop a
nd I didn't because I didn't  understand they wanted me but then they kind of encircled me and asked me for my documents and  I had everything in my bag and they left me alone now again if you carry your paperwork you should  have no problem in Russia if you follow the rules and follow the laws and don't disrespect the cop  you'll never have any problems in Russia now as a foreigner you sometimes will also see FSB these  are like border patrol agents these are agents that make sure that the Inte
grity of Russia  is being taken care of and honestly I can't tell you what they tell me or what kind of stuff  we talk about but just know this when you're in when you're being talked to by the FSB make sure  that you're not lying and make sure that you're not saying too much right obviously they're going  to ask you questions but nobody wants to hear your life story sometimes you can incriminate yourself  end up on a list somewhere just don't do it by the way I must also say do not get into any
problems  a lot of Russian guys like to fight they like to be aggressive last year I was assaulted by three  people and I just left that situation all right do not try to be the cool guy don't try to be a hero  the law is never going to take your side and it's just better for you not to get involved in any of  these things I'm gonna be sharing with you three like urban legend lies basically false information  about Russia number one the cops will not just stop you and take you away for no reaso
n guys  if you have your paperwork straight they won't do anything they just want to check up on you all  right A lot of people think that Russian cops just take foreigners away number two FSB is definitely  not going to be taking you to the gulag if you've been into the military like I have a lot of  military veterans want to come to Russia and visit you're not like uh gonna be taking prisoner of  war okay and number three you're not going to be sent to no Wars from Russia as a foreigner a lot 
of people have this idea that hey what if I visit and I'm military person no no no no this is not  going to happen to you in Russia this is all fake honestly guys I get asked these questions all the  time and I hope that if you're one of those people that have asked here's the video for you you are  not going to be taken into a dungeon somewhere in Moscow and fed bread nobody cares about you  in that way unless like you're secretly some crazy villain guys this place is free for tourists  the co
ps are not bad people we also create other different types of content so I'm gonna put up  two different videos here you can choose from them please do go check out our different content thank  you so much and we'll see you on the next one



Previous Video Siberian Autumn Best video:


Calling american policemen pigs reminded me an old soviet joke. American met Russian and said: we have freedom in America, I can stay next to the White House and shout that american president is fool. Russian goes: yes, I can do it likewise, being on the Red Square I can shout that american president is fool!


-My friend was walking home down the street in the dark and for some reason decided to open his mouth as wide as possible. At that moment, he wanted to yawn. Something clicked in the jaw and the mouth no longer closed. He was walking with his mouth as open as possible . Before crossing the road, my friend stopped in thought, covering his mouth with his hand. Where should he go, home or to the hospital? And to calm down, he began to stagger from heel to toe. At that time , the police arrived . They see a strange staggering guy at a lamppost, who covers his mouth with his hand in fright. Of course they asked him why he was out here alone at night. And the friend can't answer anything, just mumbles. He was asked to remove his hand from his face and the police saw this face with a huge open mouth. The guy was invited to get into the car and taken to the police station. When they arrived, something clicked in the jaw again and the mouth closed. Then the friend was able to explain how it happened, everyone laughed and of course he was immediately released. It was in Russia, in the city of Irkutsk.


В России много блогеров, которые специализируются на спорах с полицией. И их ролики популярны. Иногда они настолько грубо общаются, что ты даже начинаешь сочувствовать полицейскому)


I am German, spending 4-6 month of the year in Russia. For my foreign number plates I get checked frequently. My last penalty was 2008 for driving fast. Two years ago I run over a red light in the city and got stopped by the police that made a routine check on the other side. Became a big show with serious faces . As my russian is not so good, they finally asked me, whether I know why they pulled me over. When I answered "for the red light" they all started laughing. "We stopped you for the dog on the passenger seat not wearing the safety belt". So the guys just wanted to have some fun with a foreigner. Another time, a drunk guy started a fight in a bar. Police fixed him with handcuffs and called his family to come and pick him up. I was really surprised when watching this.


When I was pregnant I felt bad at one monent. We were walking in the street with my husband and his friend. So, my husband saw a police and asked to get us home from that place. And the police took all us and brought to home. Like taxi. They just asked us if they have to call an emergency, but we refused. And I always can ask the police men the way or any question and they are always polite and ready to help. You know while the war is going on we all must be very watchful. And I think that checkup on airports/metro entrances, is ok now and I always try to be good to police or security personnel.


In Europe and Russia are very rare situations when the police handcuff you. Usually they ask you to come to the police station with them and you go. There they will decide if they can arrest you , give you a fine or will let you go. Only at the police station you can contest or file a complaint. Arguing or fighting a cop in the street is the stupidest thing you can do when you interact with them.


Prior to living in Russia, I was a police officer in the US for 10 years. I was shocked that there is so little crime while also having so few police. My city is about 250k people, and I might see a police car one a week. Ive never seen a crime occur in over a year. Ive come to the conclusion that the citizens and the police have a much higher level of respect for each other than in the US. Its not based on fear, just mutual respect. Culture and your upbringing here have more impact on crime prevention than the fear of the police. Its a wonderful thing. Also, Customs might ask questions at the airport or land border, but they dont come looking for you. A new law allows the regular police to check registration of foreigners, but its not a problem unless you are working illegally. As far as the FSB, they are far more concerned about serious security matters. I doubt most people will encounter them, but obviously you should be honest if you do. And youre right on the money, if you follow the laws and respect everyone, you will never have problems in Russia.


Hola Hermano! In 20 years of visiting and living in Russia I have never been stopped by a police officer and asked for papers. When I drive I always have all legal documents in case of stop or accident. In third party dealing with police - if you smile and like they will do the same back 😊


I feel bad about a guy yelling at two cops in the US. I'm from Russia and I think that cops are the jobs that could save your life like firemen and doctors. So in my opinion this type of job should have respect from citizens.


Я не поняла, парень стоял и оскорблял полицейских просто так в США? В России нельзя оскорблять полицейских и никого нельзя оскорблять. Мало того, что можно получить штраф, это покажет, что ты плохо воспитан. Сейчас в России адекватные полицейские, т.к законы хорошо прописаны. В СССР тоже все было нормально. Плохо было только в 90-х, полиция и беспредел было синонимом. Однажды меня остановил полицейский и обнаружил, что мой 10-летний ребенок не пристегнут на заднем сидении. Полицейский провел ребенку короткую лекцию, что так делать нельзя. И если он будет отстегиваться, то он оштрафует маму и у мамы не будет денег, чтобы купить ему то, что он хочет. С тех пор ребенок всегда пристегнут. А я с благодарностью вспоминаю того полицейского.


In Russia, if you are too drunk and staggering, you can be taken to a police station. And if you are so drunk that you fell asleep on a park bench, or even under a bench, you will definitely not be left to sleep peacefully, but will be taken to the police station. In Russia you will not meet people who can sleep anywhere on the street. If you see this, it means the police haven't gotten to him yet. After the check, you will be released, it will take several hours. You definitely don't want to end up in a police station a second time. Perhaps they will also issue a fine for violating public order.


I'm from Orenburg. This is Russia. I've never had a problem with the police. On the contrary, they helped me several times. When I got lost in an area where there was no public transport and my phone ran out, the police took me home. Another time they helped when stupid kids stole my bike. I am grateful to the police for the fact that it is safe to walk alone in my city at any time.


In Russia, this works not only with police officers. You can't insult people in general. Russian laws interpret this as an "insult to the honor and dignity of a person", and this is a crime. I'll add to what I said above. In Russia, especially in the republics of the North Caucasus, it is better to avoid any form of insults, because with a high degree of probability, no one will contact the police about this, solving everything in the classical way. The peoples living in Russia have dignity and respect it in others.


Freedom of speech; is not disrespecting the Cops. Here in Denmark, you will be fined or go to jail for acting and calling chips pigs. Their job is to serve and protect; not to be disrespected. I know very well that this might sound strange to some; but I'm older than most of your audience; and I've been brought up to respect the police and the law. Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰


Мне 48 лет, и у меня НИ РАЗУ не было проблем с полицией. Ни как у гражданина, ни как у водителя. Были иногда недоразумения, когда привлекали к себе внимание. И объективно говоря, правильно: либо пили пиво в общественном месте, либо еще как. Замечу, что ни разу мы не делали ничего опасного для окружающих. Так вот. Нас не арестовывали, не забирали в участок, не грубили. Всегда проверяли документы и просто просили либо убрать пиво в пакет (и даже пакет предлагали), либо выкинуть его. Наверное, для того, чтобы полицейский был с тобой вежлив, надо самому быть вежливым и уважительным. Люблю российскую полицию и уважаю их труд


На самом деле, чтобы не иметь проблем с полицией, достаточно пары элементарных вещей: иметь нужные документы и просто быть адекватным человеком. Если ты едешь на машине - у тебя должны быть права, страховка, техпаспорт. Если ты выпил, не едь на машине. Если ты напился в соплю, не надо ходить по улице, орать и докапываться до людей. За свои 38 лет я ни разу не столкнулся с каким-то беспределом полиции. Ни с патрулем, ни с ГИБДД. Обычное уважительное общение. Нет, было пару раз, вспомнил: одни раз по молодости мы пили пиво в вестибюле метро, и нас принял патруль. Дошли до отделения, где престарелый капитан нас пожурил, и просто отпустил)) А второй раз был такой: за моей машиной ехал ваз 2109 без мигалки и ливреи. Когда я приехал к дому, оттуда выбежал полицейский (по факту - какой-то мужик в форме), и начал наезжать, типа почему я вез ребенка без детского кресла? При этом дочка была пристегнута и в кресле. Я задал пару вопросов типа "где ваши документы, что у вас за машина, почему вы мне грубите?". Он развернулся и уехал. Вот тут сильно было похоже на попытку развода на деньги.


Let's not mix up freedom of speech with being disgustingly offensive to people. Whether the people in question wear uniforms or not.


As regards documents I got pulled in a park in a Moscow suburb drinking lager. I had an expired visa in my passport in my pocket so played dumb " ya tourist" and showed them my British driving license. I poured my beer away in the bin and the Russian cop just said "no drinking in Russian park" laughed and walked away.


The main advantage is that on an area of 17,098,246 km², all subjects of Russia are subject to the same laws, which makes moving and doing business very comfortable. At least, when leaving Moscow towards Vladivostok, you can be sure that if you do not break the law in Moscow, you will not break it on the road. If there are additional laws in the regions, as a rule they are not significant.