
Are Trans People Appropriating Autism?

Meet Amber! She is a loving mom who has a son with autism, & she has a lot to say. We discuss autism appropriation, trans kids, transtrenders, gender dysphoria, puberty blockers, hysterectomy denial, and tons more. This discussion is extremely valuable and important, and I hope you enjoy it! Big thanks to Amber for taking the time to come on my channel, you rock!! Love, Buck Chapters: 01:40 - Amber's Intro 05:28 - Denied Hysterectomy 18:19 - Autism Appropriation 43:30 - Creeps Buck Angel interviews trans (and sometimes not) guests from all over the world with different backgrounds so they can share their story in hopes it will helps others. The most popular topics are stories about gender dysphoria, coming out as transgender, detransitioning, puberty blockers and their side effects, medically transitioning children, hormones, and lots more! Helpful links: I'll see you on Wednesday at 12 NOON PST for my Buck U livestream! ------------------------------ If you think you're trans, think again. Then think again. Talk to a professional. Talk to a loved one. Then think even more. Transitioning is a serious life-altering situation, and it should never be taken lightly. If you are confused or depressed because you feel you might be trans, you need to make sure that transitioning is truly what is best for you, because the mental anguish you feel now will be even worse if you transition and realize you made a huge mistake. **Interested in sharing your story with Buck? Send an email to Follow me on my socials below: ********************************* ********************************* Transsexual man keeping it real. The truth matters. - Buck Angel aka Tranpa Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. #autism #gender #detrans #genderidentity #transgender #ftm #mtf #trans #genderdysphoria #gayrights #pride #nonbinary #trans #transkids #transition #hormonereplacementtherapy #detransition #genderdysphoria #transition #transgenderrights #transguy #transsexual #buckangel #trans #transition #transguy #transman #transwoman #transgenderrights #testosterone #estrogen #hormones #puberty #topsurgery #lgbtq #detrans #transwomen #blairewhite #maletofemaletransition #maletofemale #womensrights #transgenderrights #hrt trans woman #michaelknowles #folx michael knowles gender dysphoria ftm facial hair kcmiller #nonbinary #transition mtf passing #gaysagainstgroomers buck angel jubilee debate conservative liberal transsexual jvn conditioning puberty blockers lupron queer eye jonathan van ness jvn hair are puberty blockers safe side effects autism autistic spectrum parenting

Buck Angel

2 weeks ago

my son is 12 years old he still wears diapers  my son does not speak my son cannot feed himself my son does not know time my son does not know  weather my son elopes my son like he hits himself he hits us that is autism I don't believe that  autism should ever been umbrellaed and I'm gonna get CH up a little bit I am too actually I am I'm  sorry it's really it's really hard to see that all of these kids are making a mockery of what my son  my son like when I die nobody is going to be there I'm s
o sorry um when my son when I die nobody's  going to be there for my son and I've had to fight so hard like a principal locked my son in a closet  for 20 minutes he physically locked and after he hit him it's all on video and these kids were like  oh I'm neurod diverging cuz it's cool it's not right hey everybody I caught myself another one it's  gonna be a good day so um before I move forward again I always want to thank you so much it means  a lot to me that you're all watching this Channel an
d really participating and I'm building a  community or we are and it makes me really happy because I have such a diverse talk about diverse  my God we're really building diversity here so it makes me really happy and um your comments mean a  lot to me they not only help the channel they also mean a lot to me and um liking and describing  really does mean a lot to me so thanks with that and now we're going to move forward to our  interview today and I have this amazing beautiful person named Amb
er and Amber is going to introduce  themselves and then we'll move forward with the interview hi Amber hi I'm Amber and um I'm a woman  who has been asking for hysterctomy for a while now and then I also am a special needs mother and  advocate so great um autism is a big Focus for me so going into this trans world where a lot of  kids with um trans identifying factors that find themselves on the autism spectrum as well is  kind of horrific like horrifying in some manners because um autism is lik
e a whole separate genre  that we don't even understand as much now yeah well it's well first off thank you so much uh  I would like to get into the hysterctomy thing first and then let's get into the autism because  this is great you actually have an autistic child right yeah he's level for now because the GSM 5  changed so there's two separate categories before there was just one now there's like a cognitive  and a social Acuity test basically so my son is a level three out of three so okay wh
en people  say they need to gatekeep transgenderism I feel the same way as gatekeeping the autism Community  because that's something that's so important that people now are self-identifying as and it makes  it less valuable for therapists um psychologist all of these things it's really scary going into  this like slipper slope to be honest wow thank you for that I 100% agree with you it's all of  a sudden this new generation there there they're literally self ID since they self open self ID for
  Trans that just opened The Floodgate to all of the mental disorders uh that are available to us here  and it's as if these and it's mostly a youthful generation that's just picking all of these sort  of situations that are not a joke transis a not saying they think of it as a joke but it's not  something you want to have yet these kids all want to have it so you having this experience with  your own child and really what what you said high level I think three right level whatever yeah  three i
s the highest you can be diagnosed yeah he's nonverbal so he doesn't speak at all and he's  12 and he's incontinent so that means he still wears diapers so okay he's he's really generally  like the like what autism is what autism can be and so it's kind of that's right all these kids on  Tik Tok that have hijacked oh I stem but I could do this on beat um that's not stemming my son I  could show you videos of my son it's an echoic stemming so he'll scream a or he'll flap because  that's what his
body is telling him to do it's not something like oh I'm dancing so I'm stemming  and it's really dangerous to have wow it's it's kind of like um I don't know if you've seen the  influx of people with tourettes kids with trats on Tik Tok and that's what this social contagion  has become it's not only going into gender I also so once we talk about my thing with the hyony um  so I'm in the medical field and I have a 2012 from when I was going to school my PDR about loon and  all of the side effect
s that they've been showing since 2012 it shows that it castrates kids so  I have all of this stuff oh wow wait I have to stop oh it says it here in this you have gold yeah  it's right here it's in my it's in my it says it castres children and it's sorry it's only what  wait okay hold on so CA in my hysterctomy this is from my own doctor for myself who is a 31y old  woman who's had three children yeah um I was told I'd have to ask my husband for permission to get a  hysterctomy when I was 28 wha
t yeah yeah and that was after my third child and I have a bleeding  disorder called Von will Brand's disease okay kind of like chemophilic where I don't clot so  my menstration is horrible I have painful painful side like the cramps um I just bleed continuously  for three years wow I have to do all of these step before I could get a hysterectomy I'm like my look  at my face yeah and the the one two three four five six seven eth one is loon and that's only  suggested for six months injected once
a month for six months and that will put me in two menopause  it literally says it yeah holy [ __ ] and this is from my doctor you could see her handwritten notes  totally totally then um also uh with the whole thing so I'm not sure if it was because of the  Loon so my doctor she's I'm from Colorado she's like one of the best OBGYN in Colorado she said  don't go on it she even exited out for the Lupron do not go on that try everything before that and  she said that they gave a transgender 15 an
d a half year old a hysterctomy and I'm not sure if  that's because of the Lupron or the testosterone or what what the Yeah and let me and so this is  one ofon has over 17 pages and I don't know y if you could see how small this writing is yep yep  it has seven this is how much luon pages is for the contradictions and side effects but it says  for precocious puberty it's only supposed to be for six months and for men it castrates them let  me just give you some of the side effects great of L gre
at and mind you this is a 2012 edition so  I don't care I don't that even makes it more that even makes it more powerful to me because since  2012 they've known this is when I started going into the medical field and that's when I got this  so what's the name of that book sorry what's the name of that book Desk Reference it's a PDR PDR  and so it says athenia which is like body pain General Pain headache hot flashes gastrointestinal  nausea vomiting GI metabolic disorders but the one that scared
me the most is um that keeps recurring  and no matter how you give it intramuscular so that the one that is everyone says goes into  their leg that's um an intramuscular um or the pill form or any kind suicidal ideation is the  highest thing as well as uh oh my God carcinogenic infertility Lupron muscular um and then it did  show like um so decreased libido in women and then in boys the gonad shrink and so my doctor was  saying what happens with a lot of the ovaries is they raisen up and so tha
t's why I'm thinking  like if the testosterone made you go into your atrophy it did it did that's exactly what happened  basically it put me into early menopause and when I did it 30 years ago nobody was really doing it  especially a female right I'm taking high levels of testosterone and it literally atrophied my  whole reproductive system yet not one doctor could tell me what was going on until it was too  late so it's the same thing because when you take estrogen out of the female reproductiv
e system  you're you're asking for it that's right yeah and so there's so many the contradictions are  like way longer than anything else everything is libido decrease libido decrease respiratory  uterine dysfunction urinary track dysfunction incompetent incompetence impetus testicular  atrophy I don't know if you could see it no but you know what I would love if you could do if  you could take photos of that and send them to me yeah I want to add where it says the castrating  yeah yeah yeah so
that's why I'm wondering if a lot of these kids who go through this a lot  of their comorbidities of depression are these side effects from these drugs and it's heightening  those side effects I mean it's heightening those things comorbidities that are already happening  with these kids so then they're putting out on lopon which is literally destroying their sexual  reproductive their sex drive everything everything that's why when I heard Brianna's story from you  it broke my heart and I've wat
ched all of her interviews with everything for them to So Not only  was she left with um physician abandon which she could sue for but also um it was malpractice of a  child so all the things that she went through as a child she could still go after she is I think  I hope so because that's it's it's disgusting because I'm in medical Journey like I'm in the  medical field and I see and I go through this and we need to know if you'll have a a torsion in  your penis we can't just stop that that's r
ight totally there's a lot a lot of things but the  fact that I mean you just read off just I don't even the first thing you read off to me was the  suicidal ideation that oh my God no wonder these kids are so depressed and freaked out and on top  of it they're giving them this insane medicine and then look literally walking around saying  it's irreversible it's you know all the trans activists all those Dylan mulany that idiot what's  his name jvn like people who aren't even actually trans sayi
ng stuff like this oh give it to the  kids well that's what's crazy to me is because it only shows a 23 week study in this one and  Lupron is only one named brand so it goes the PDR once you get it it goes off of different so  like fizer is a name brand Merck is name brand so they're all being sold under these different  brands so you don't know what you're getting and that's right that's right um this even shows like  after a 24 week period it castrates boys it makes their ball sacks shrink so
much it's like a man  on testosterone like a bodybuilder on testosterone yeah that's right that's right and and so I want  I would love I got to find a parent who put their child on this because I want to know if they're  actually telling the parent all of these actual side effects do you I don't think they are no  because you couldn't go through all the this is just these are from drug manufacturers they  have to put this out here so they have to do all the things so vs you could put your side
effects  on vs which is the vaccine adverse reaction but you could still put it on they don't do anything  because pharmaceutical companies can't get can't get sued like that's why John F Kennedy is a  breath of Fes a because he sued Monsanto he goes after all of these things and it's like you  could be vax novx whatever you want to be sure but it's like when you have there's so many black  drug L like things like their mayor side they were giving that to mothers and then there were  kids that w
ere born with without arms and limbs flam flam my friend is one of those people yeah  flam what is it called it starts with a th the mil yeah I can never pronounce it yeah but you're  right I used that actual example I think in one of my li lies and I was saying they gave that stuff  to to mothers and they all had babies that came out all messed up and then they stopped it so you  know this is exactly what's going to happen with this CH with this with this pu all these kids are  going to be scre
wed up and then all of a sudden they're going to go whoops we better stop doing  this but what if it's your kid what if it's your kid now what right that's why Sweden and all of  these other countries that everyone looks to and to be honest the newtonburg trials if you want  to go like in depth into all this medical guinea pigging that's right these are all Joseph mangula  if you want to be truthful about it all that's right these are all all of these all of this um  that's right right they shou
ld people should start suing especially these transitioners because even  a um a civil lawsuit um because I advocate for a lot of people to do civil lawsuits against school  districts mainly right but um they should all come together and go against this because what are  they doing to you and I aren't going to be here very long and I have a child who is going to need  the system what if someday something happens to him and they sterilize him they weren't they were  sterilizing kids with special
needs not too long ago in the 60s and black people all these things  they were sterilizing mothers and the tusy like this whatever the syphilis thing they hadity and  they couldn't give it to it's crazy that how far medical will go oh they have no ethics no morals  n none of it they are 100% based on on money that that's all they care about is the is the is  is the what do you call the base or how much money they're gonna make that's how you find out  anybody's um anybody's uh like how they feel
is you follow the money that's right follow the money  it's so obvious what's happening right now and it's sick it's actually sick that we are having  this conversation about something about children who have nothing wrong with them these children  have nothing wrong with them they just are maybe dressing like a boy or dressing like a girl saying  I'm trans or there's nothing go kids were cool or like go kids were the thing everybody or the jocks  and there were so many separations and that's w
hat scares me um so my friend is she's a doctor in  education and that's who I was talking about and she she was saying that she's witnessed so many  like older kids do this because they're getting the accolades and that's that's right that's why  kids with autism they have true autism um they're born into a world of therapy that is praise based  and it's you learn to be social you're not social so it's like you're learning to be into this  thing and so that's what is what I think kids with auti
sm why it's such on a rise is because you  are going with what is in style because like my son is taught all of his social norms he wouldn't  be able to live in a a world that is normal quote unquote he is taught all of his normality from us  from his therapist mind you he's in over 30 hours a week of therapy plus 40 hours of of school in  a specialized school so he gets a lot of it and these people who are like oh I'm neurod Divergent  that's why umbrella like putting an umbrella over all of th
ese things really has sickened me like  the dsm5 changed and so now asers is a part of ASD which it should have never been nope I totally  agree with you like there's so many kids with aspergers who are just a little bit socially  awkward I'm socially awkward I don't know how to you know I'm really right exactly everybody  like my husband would be considered on the autism spectrum if he was going by today's standards  because he has OCD and he stems sometimes what's stem um so stemming is like m
y son flaps but it's  like a rigid flap so it's kind of I would describe it more as a seizure where it's uncontrolled now  you see on Tik Tok all these people are like oh I'm steming this is a stem and it's not a stem  this isn't a stem I can show you Buck videos of my sun stemming where he flinches his whole like  he clinches his whole body and he goes into it it's like a it's like a uncontrollable thing  like an actual seizure and so there was these hysterics in like the 2012's when I was work
ing  in the Ed um that all these girls it and it was weird that it was predominantly girls would come  up with ticks saying that they had Tourettes but that's when all of this Tourette Syndrome started  coming out on Tik Tok on social media right and it's it is Conformity and it's crazy it's so sad  is what it is do you think these kids have some form of autism that are doing this and yeah I'm a  I'm going to be real honest and really that's I'm to gatekeep autism where I don't think if you're 
awkward or if you think different or if you can't be in a social room that you have autism my son  is 12 years old he still wears diapers my son does not speak my son cannot feed himself my son does  not know time my son does not know weather my son he Lopes my son like he hits himself he hits  us that is autism I don't believe that autism should ever been umbrellaed and I'm going to get  a little bit I am too actually I am I'm sorry it's really it's really hard to see that all of these  kids ar
e making a mockery of what my son my son like when I die nobody is going to be there I'm so  sorry um when my son when I die nobody's going to be there for my son and I've had to fight so hard  like a principal locked my son in a closet for 20 minutes he physically locked and after he hit him  it's all on video and these kids were like oh I'm neurode diverging because it's cool it's not right  I'm sorry no it's okay it it actually you know the emotions are important for me and it's why I cry  wi
th you because there's a lot here you know first off personally for you to have a child like that  is so you know I'm a I'm a I'm a parent too and I just you know I feel for you because it's it's not  easy what you're having to deal with but you're such a loving beautiful mother I can tell I I just  met you but I can tell and to struggle with what you have to struggle with and then to see these  people making sort of mockery and choosing to have autism is so on on so many levels so wrong  and so
disrespectful and so just ugly and nasty and it's like the same as if somebody was like oh  I have Down syndrome it's different because you can't see that physical that's right that physical  um description of down syndrome and so everybody could claim this and that's what's that's right  all it is is like the socialness of having a disorder and it's like it's not cool no God no  why would they think it's co 50,000 a year for my son's therapies and his schooling God my God  and so me and my hus
band have to work our asses to the Bone yeah to provide and we have two other  kids you know we have two other kids and like the reason why we like and I feel bad sometimes but I  always tell my daughter you're gonna have to take care of Noah when he's older like you're gonna  have to take care of him I know I know I said it's heartbreaking for me to hear your story on so many  levels because it also makes me so mad Amber that these kids are getting away with this stuff and  nobody's pushing bac
k on them and like where are the [ __ ] adults where are they and why are we  letting and so so you know I that's why I do this you know that Amber it's why I do this I I and  it and it's not just trans it's stuff like this right that starting to upset me as an elder and  an older person who did struggle right I struggled different way but I did struggle to find my truth  could just be in the world right to fit normally to fit comfortably my son will never have the  never and kids could write on
the internet Tik Tok and do all this stuff my son doesn't understand  the use of a computer my son doesn't understand this and it's it's just sad that self ID has got  us to this point where you could say whatever the hell you want and you get to be treated as you  want no my son's diagnosis took 11 hours for me to get wow so there are so Insurance could cover  some of it just like you had to fight so Insurance could cover your mental disorder and guess what  it never did it didn't start you kn
ow 31 years ago I transitioned we did not have insurance for  this I fought to get this into the insurance space and we got it there and now we have these idiot  kids going it's not a mental disorder blah and that you know what that does it immediately takes  it out of the insurance space because now it's an elective right you're choosing to transition and  they're going to do the same [ __ ] with other kind of things like autism and all that they're  gonna be like oh well maybe you can just say
you have autism it's very dangerous we've been on a  waiting list for one of his ABA therapies because all these other kids who who just ID asn't they  haven't even had an actual diagnosis are getting it first that okay there you go everybody did you  just hear that lay that also over top of trans okay there are kids out there who are using the  trans space getting Top surgery getting hormones getting and then detransitioning that could  have been given to an actual real trans person now trans
people are waiting in line for years to  get what they need because people who don't really need it are being put ahead of the people who  actually need it this is why self ID is a [ __ ] dangerous wake up and then kids are self iding  with what her actual child and she sees every day can you imagine how [ __ ] that's me and you are  in the same space Amber Amber it makes me very mad when I see this the same way it makes you because  I'm like what I struggled you can't just go on Tik Tok and say
I'm trans and then next thing you're  trans it's just it's the same thing thing with children is like the you have kids who obviously  don't even understand their whole entire cognitive space that's right and that's one thing that I've  learned like I never worked Pediatrics except like a clinical route that I had to do and it was  just terrible because you would get behaviors from kids and then you have all these kids I'll  link this back like just so it's like making a round conversation so i
t's not just all focus on  trans but kids are committing um burglaries and all this stuff because older people tell them  to do it because they won't get in trouble so harshly they don't have that frontal cortex or  kids are like there was a a video saying that should kids get tattoos absolutely not because  that's permanent it says right here that this castrates kids It cast it actually says it cast I  you've got to send me a picture of that Amber I I need that that is like so powerful well eve
n like  the testosterone one it said like kids can't take it adolescence aren't allowed to take it it says  it right on the bottle yeah and this is 2012 and it's like kids aren't allowed to take this but  they're giving it to kids yeah all of a sudden now somehow it's safe somehow even though they did  nothing to change it nothing to do it's the same thing it was in 2012 now in 2024 you can take it  and it's irre and it's it's um reversible I'm like what well I watched that interview you did wit
h  the the kid who transitioned at 12 yeah the young guy and he hasn't ever had a papsmear that's  scary and no one told him to only me and they still have for reminding thank you for reminding  me I'm actually oh yeah I just watched that and I was blown away they didn't give ultrasounds  they didn't see if there was and it even even in this Lupron one it says that you have to give  it every six like every six weeks to do a check and this was for the this was for the um the ones  that were and i
t was only it was never for males precocious m or precocious males it was always for  precocious females in this from the drug company the drug company is Abbot um they said that every  six weeks they have to come in for a scan and it was for only females the males were never until it  got to men which is men after puberty because this it is actually used to castrate men in prisons  or it been and it's been I went I did a three I looked at three different studies on medpb and um  another site an
d it said that this was what they gave to rapists and child molesters and there was  over like 17 studies that I read through and all the contradictions were the the testes basically  shriveled up and the libido was gone so imagine never having a libido in the first place that's  why Briana I felt so bad for her story oh my God it's heartbreaking right she even said she said  why did they not just let me go through my puberty I might have been just a gay man she said that  she could have just be
en a gay man now and maybe that's what she really is but now she can never be  that person ever she's going to have to figure out how to live her life this way never having sex NE  she doesn't even have emotional feelings towards people she has no only that would be to fill  her up with testosterone which she doesn't want obviously nope nope that's right because estrogen  is this um it's called atin is what they use and it's basically like a testosterone replacement for  historectomy to before h
ysterctomy use oh wow I had no idea that they did even says that once you  go once you get the Lupron and um a hysterectomy so a lot of males you will need to have a vaginal  estrogen if you want to lubricate yourself that's right and then a dilator use laser prestol which  is a a vaginal so there's so many things that you would have to do even after a hysterectomy and  Looper on they're not telling so you know I had that situation happen to is the biggest thing  because it's part of youri that'
s right and and they're not telling young transmen that you might  atrophy that you better use a vaginal suppository like a estrogen suppository or you better take  an estrogen supplement if they would have told me all that I never would have had any of those  problems they they're still not telling these young trans guys this well and a big thing too is  the ovaries can wrap around your colon basically and you die you die within five days of that oh so  there's so much medical things that are h
appening that I'm so surprised that the FDA would clear  they're not wait wait wait they're not they're not clearing it they're not clearing it that's the  that's the thing that this is not FDA approved you know Lupron is not FDA approved black it's black  booxed that's right so and so that's the same as a bunch of the pills that they were trying to give  me instead of and I was like I'm not going to use them off label because it doesn't show the the  contradictions of it so I don't want to and
but the CDC that claims and The Who that claims that  they're all KN they're not government um entities you know that they're of course I do they're  money backed money backed you go backed how do we trust them the who the who is out of control  do you see the [ __ ] they're doing they're just like do it everybody transition everyone that  one person said D Tree Dell big tree he was a producer on the doctors he's I'm one of those so  wow and I'm in the medical field that's what's funny is I'm I'
m in the med and so because I'm in  the medical field I know some of these things you know wow that's right and seen them awesome yeah  just awesome my sister went to she's a paramedic and she went to a guy who basically like I don't  know if you heard that Matt Walsh thing um where he goes I was just on a snippet I don't really  listen to him much because he's it's okay yeah he's a little bit he's all over the place whatever  kind of it's contradiction some of yeah I agree I I feel like he's ki
nd of a misogynist but at  the same time he's all like what's a woman and I'm like what dude right he's all yeah totally  so um well he was telling that one parent met medic that was like oh if you're bleeding for a  my sister actually encountered that in Denver two weeks ago wait what a guy said he was having his  ministration yes he said he was minrating he had stabbed himself 32 times in his region yes and  then he was saying that it was his period yes is he trans yes is there a story somewhe
re is this  written up somewhere in a paper or anything I I I actually I'll send you the thing where it says  man cuts off penis please send it to me oh my God what you can't show where it comes from never I  would never never let that happen so don't worry I have I have your I have you very yeah knows  it's the funniest thing it shows it's not even funny it's sick are you kidding me these people  are actually mentally ill they are and people are just continually saying that they're okay that's 
right patting the only medication he was on was estrogen and a form of birth control basically  he literally is insane and we're like it comes it comes up as a a little text from the ambulance I'm  just what the [ __ ] I can't believe this wasn't all over the internet I'm shocked because because  you can't do it it's I'm you can't this stuff has no this stuff has to be exposed not where it's at  I don't care about the location I don't care about that is so mentally ill they're stabbing  themsel
ves in the penis and saying getting a period how is that okay I never did anything  like that ever right and I I struggled I but I didn't stab my vagina and be like I have a penis  well and then when you were talking about the um tampons in the pisses me off oh well I was just  thinking like all of these awards are going to men and I tell my husband all the time I'm like  you guys must really be crushing it out there like I was like in the kitchen and make you've  gone back a million years stay
in the kitchen where you belong we'll take care of everything  we'll even take care of your periods for you right well that's the funny thing is like they called my  husband for my hysterctomy I know that's a little bit personal and my husband's like it's not my  body why the hell do I care I mean I I am so I am actually Amber the fact that you had to get the  authorization from your husband is so misogynous I I'm like I want to puke but a 15-year-old can get  a hysterctomy if they say they're t
rans hospital if they say they're trans yeah and it's a Catholic  organization too that's what's crazy oh yeah damn money it has to be because it's not their  principle it's not their morals in any way she perform and when I asked me for my husband right  they they said that he would have to wait till he's 42 and um and he'd have to either yeah there  was never any part of my consent for it that's my point only if he wanted to get another person  pregnant that's my point me can get visectomy and
they don't have to ask their partners and and  they and they don't ask you well are you sure you don't want to have babies are you sure they don't  give you the third degree like they do to women right they give you the third [ __ ] degree are  you sure you want to do this [ __ ] I'm standing here and telling you I want to do it what part  of I want to do it after three kids that are 12 years apart you kind of know right I I hear you  friend I hear you I I can yeah totally 100% it's your choice
right this is all over the place but  going back no it's great the interview is great the interview is great I I don't I just hate like  because sometimes I don't want you to be the only one talking because I know it's kind of awkward  but no no don't worry about it this is all good are you kidding me you're giving me gold and  not me us the world all of this information I mean my God thank you so much I'm just going to  thank you for being here and and and and giving yourself to us a lot of cr
azy things like when  I um was doing rounds at a nursing home too um there was a couple people that were saying they  were trans and it was just to get more medication because the testosterone raises um that's right  the liido yep and so women were doing that but then chlamydia went around a a lot like because  they're having sex all the time and all the time we know that women who women who were really  women but wanted testosterone to couldn't get it they got it saying they were trans but then
  um it was just to have sex with the only like there was only like two guys in the whole Wing  oh my god wow yeah there was like 24 cases of chlamydia in a month oh no I know this and that's  the thing is you know I thought to myself one time because you know I'm very sex positive and I'm  around that situation I thought why are we not talking to you know these homes about the fact  that they are having my partner worked in O she goes they're all having sex but that's right at  there's a ton of
STDs there's all kinds of stuff happening but no one's talking about it I'm like  why don't we just bring condoms there and like teach them how to use condoms and just that alone  would help the situation do you remember that MLM scheme that Pure Romance thing no tell me I'm not  sure oh it was like where it was it was like an MLM it was kind of like Mary Kay but they sell  dildos okay okay right I think so yeah we tried to get one of them to come just to say like oh  you could use this instead
of you know hooking up instead of that's right masturbation no no  they wouldn't allow that they wouldn't allow it that's coordinators wouldn't allow it but it's so  it's so oldfashioned like these are people adults they want to have sex who cares but the fact  that they're getting chlamydia and STDs that's not cool that sucks this is and then they know  sorry I was just reading off more of it go more read it lot of the things too show osteoporosis  from the Lupron and from the testosterone and
high levels of estrogen and so you have to worry  about that and coronary heart disease which that's right oh wait I lost you I lost your audio I don't hear you there now I got you don't  worry don't worry yeah go on I was just saying it must have because of the osteoporosis and all  this and how long are you even going to make it in order to get to these old folks home to be  sexually active in the old time that's right no it's actually so we don't you know there's  not a lot of long well firs
t off there's not a lot of long-term studies on what all this [ __ ]  does to our bodies secondly I'm one of the oldest trans people out there and I get no respect from  a community that thinks it's all about making sure people are happy that's how you can tell it's all  [ __ ] it's all an agenda it's all some kind of like indoctrination and these kids are being  indoctrinated yeah the Euphoria screams like um mental instability that's right there's that  would get you into you could get um Bake
r's Act on this trans Euphoria a 5150 hold if yeah you  could because it would be like a delusion and you could get 5150 on to it wow and so a lot of  these people who are like oh oh my gosh sorry I'm gonna skip to another point I I'm so Sor sorry  I wish we had like seven hours um I know me too we'll have you back because you're you're you are  gold friend you have so much amazing information I really just want to thank medical side of it and  I can even bring you in my friend who's a doctor sh
e has two phds um and she hers is from education  and we we could talk and do this um because she sees all of like the high schoolers and um she  also works in a a rescue mission where uh they basically give a lot of the rights or a lot of the  homes to these this certain lgbtq wow um instead of families and a lot of them are drug users that  come into her rescue so wow so does that does that compute with the the mental crisis that's going  on with it and another thing that I was going to say is
I'm going to use his name and I hope you  don't get flagged is really scary yep and it's not just on the pilia side oroming side yeah but  to to solve your family is a huge break in trust from somebody who is in that you know that guy's a  I don't care what anybody says now I'll blank that out because we're not allowed to but that being  said he is I don't care what anybody says and I I've watched that guy for years he's not he didn't  just pop up out of nowhere he's been around for a long time
but now he found his platform where he  can be the creep that he is he's a creep and I cannot wait until he gets nailed so like a lot of  people say that it's red pill or whatever to have a nuclear family but so my sister is a lesbian  okay and so she has um her wife for a while that raised their son my nephew was a dudo champion  and so yeah she's she's amazing and it's like the nuclear family just consists of two parents  who love the person and it doesn't matter if it's boy boy girl girl man
woman that's right it just  means two people who can provide support for the child right It Means A solid family unit I okay  I am a transexual man a biological female who's married to an actual biological female we have a  child and we're going to have another child I'm in a nuclear family so what the [ __ ] I mean it's  just yeah so so like the so trying to break up the cohesiveness of the nuclear family is what's  scary because then the child gets to fall into this um Rabbit Hole of who's go
ing to accept  me on what platform I land is it going to be ticks with TRS is it going to be autism with  stems is it going to be transgenderism with cutting off my boobs that's right and it's like  which could you land on and so all these parents who get affirmed saying do you want a dead son or  Alive daughter no it's very manipulative and um a lot of the times it's not even like how long  has that person been practicing and what are they getting paid from are they getting paid a  lot of Medic
aid funders are paying for it now too which is taxpayer money that's right and so  it's like why don't I get to choose if I choose a child getting their breast cut off but also if  they're going to pay for people doing these types of situation now there's some people who really  need these surgeries it's very small though this is what's ha transsexualism mental disorder is  small it's always been small it's why you never saw very many of us until this whole new social  media contagion came about
it's ex you can just look at it you don't have to be a brain surgeon  to look at it and it just exp loed and now all of a sudden all these kids are getting surgeries and  there's a huge amount of money laid on the table here so like we started out the conversation  it's always about the money people don't care about these kids they don't care whether or  not these kids are happy one out of maybe a hundred of these kids might be actually trans  but now we're just doing every kid and taking every
kid's breasts off who say I want my breast  removed and it's going to be the biggest medical Scandal ever you watch no doubt yeah just like the  cutter incident with the polio vaccine and all of this other things that's right it's just really  honestly it's scary sad it's because um all we put our trust into the medical field and when you  don't get informed and yeah there's been a lot of study saying that surgeons are like Psychopaths  because who oh they are yeah exactly there's been like fiv
e studies showing that they have site  um Psychopathic Tendencies and narcissists you can literally especially especially surgeons  or people who have a specialty right they are such insane narcissists you can just feel it but  why do we put so much trust in doctors they're practicing medicine people forget that why aren't  you getting a look if they came to me and said my kid was trans right I would be like okay well let  me get a second and third opinion about that why are people just going to
one doctor right if you  have cancer I hope you're going to another doctor maybe having them check to make sure the first  doctor is diagnosing you correctly it'd be like if your arm was bent this way would you say oh it's  fine let me just go and do it so yeah it is that's right and Marcy Bower started in Trinidad Colorado  I know I'm very familiar with her yeah yeah and there's been a lot of people who have said like  been upset with her work CA she's lied she lied and she's deceitful and she
totally made [ __ ]  up and but you know she backed tracked on some of that stuff the Tanner stage 12 is crazy too where  or four or whatever and it's like judging puberty by this and this and this my 12-year-old is ahead  of puberty and and it's like you Jazz Jennings poor thing my God she couldn't even get to any of  these stages that's right no one she's depressed oh my God you can just look at that poor young  thing and she's a mess and you know I friends with Jazz I I remember Jazz from ye
ars and years  ago but she just like the it's not her it's the people around her that have completely [ __ ] with  her well then the money aspect of that too there they get a bunch of money from their donors TV  show that show is how long how many seasons has that show been on do you know right and would you  think what would you think if a mother was saying that to their daughter oh I'm going to shove that  in you until you oh man it's so embarrassing and gross and they aab daughter oh God and
that aab  thing you know trying to they're all trying to Gaslight us and trying to make us look like we're  all just like including me a transsexual including me they're like wait a minute here you were  not born a female uh just so you know I lived half my life as a female and I'm still a female  I just don't look like it well what's funny too is my husband he's like he was brought up in a  small island so he was never like around like a lot of gay people and I was like oh look at Buck  Angel s
tuff he's doing this and he's like yeah I could totally understand your your position on  it right on and so for him to come from this can you see me yeah yeah okay yeah um for him to  come from this like smaller location and not hello I just lost you are you back you can you  see me okay great great great perfect okay okay go on but for him to come from like a small thing  and understand what it means to fully be like a transsexual like you claim instead of like what  other people are doing lik
e that one who's like if you come if you don't let me in the bathroom  I'll shoot you it's so it's so crazy right it's actually messed up because I work so hard along  with other people like myself to just get part of the world and for you to like us and now  everybody [ __ ] hates us because we have Wing nuts like I'm trans I'm gonna just it's crazy and  we're gonna and all the new Trans Community wants to kill everybody I know it's it's just something  that I think that everybody needs to star
t like really looking into what is going on with it  all thank you thank you I appreciate that so much you know um we're GNA end soon here but but  listen you gave me so and us so much incredible information it is I didn't know some of the stuff  about Lupron though I know the basics but I didn't know this stuff which you told us and I think now  we have we have some gold and some push back yeah I'll send you all of this right where my phone  is kind of weird um I'll totally send you all of this
um right word it even says that castrates  the men and then I could send you the part where it showed him stabbing himself in the genitals oh  my God I'm so disgusted it's it's just not okay that is actual mental illness right there and  we're letting people with mental illness just run a muck as if it's okay and no one's saying  anything it's not okay mental illness sucks and it's not okay to just let people go crazy with  their mental illness they need to help well and with the disorders bein
g how they are in order  for you to get some kind of help and some kind of hope there needs to be something on the books  but it shouldn't be everybody who thinks that they have this or thinks that they have something be  able to to distinguish it right exactly because yes they're not doctors they're not therapists  but because you took a two-minute um quiz on Google that you get you get to say this so that's  kind of frustrating is that everybody thinks that there's something and it's cool to b
e something  ADHD anxi everybody has anxiety who doesn't have anxiety and that's right that's the one thing that  kills me now is everybody has to have something in order to fit in because Conformity is is  basically like the the Wild Child of the 60s right and we actually regressed we were aggress  we were gone so good girls could be you know walk around looking like boys boys could walk around  looking like girls he didn't change your sex it was all [ __ ] cool like just do your [ __ ]  my son
had hair down to here right like it was likees my baby mid but midlength hair awesome  awesome well you know my son started getting he started getting misgendered and I was freaking  him out and I'm just like sure dude cut your hair and you know what I mean so anyway friend listen  I appreciate you a ton you are awesome thank you for stepping up to the play and giving us all this  incredible information I'd really like um so this could be clipped my friend Angela she's actually  a doctor in yea
h education and she's she's really knowledgeable and she knows a lot of like the the  things that go on with the kids and that's what's that's my biggest thing is like whatever you do  as an adult do as what you want totally totally I only knew like growing up for people who were  gay and I grew up in like the early 2000s yeah and now it's like a boom of it you know it's it's not  even gay it's everything is trans it's all trans some of these kids might be actual gay kids but it  the thing is is
that they're indoctrinating when you when I walk down the street and every [ __ ]  building has that damn flag it I'm like this is weird I'm I'm even uncomfortable with it you know  like I don't even want to see that [ __ ] right it's well that's what's crazy too is like the  teaching of sexed and all of this stuff um with kids with autism they have to do short stories to  learn things like my son does short stories and I do apologize for getting off like I'm a tangent  follower so I just go on
tangents oh no you didn't get off at all so the the short stories that they  teach them um and it's was really sexual for a fourth grader and I was like this is inappropriate  I don't want my kids to be taught this yeah and like we have one of the only gay governors in the  entire USA and wow it you know it shouldn't just be like that he's pushing all of these agendas  because it makes him look that's right that's right no everyone's pushing the lgbtqia because  there's money attached to it tha
t's why there's no other reason why they would ever push this  gays we have everything we need I'm comfortable I I live a great life I I'm not in any way hated  by the world at all I like literally built my own I built everything on my own as a transsexual  person before trans was even a thing so for these people to say oh we're marginalized no [ __ ] we  all [ __ ] work to make sure you got what and now you've literally destroyed the whole thing and the  world hates us again like they used to a
nd that's why it's so political like um political things  are getting thrown into it now and it's that's right that's right and that's what's sad is how  hard everybody had a fight and now it's getting dismantled that every gay person is a groomer  every person right is a groomer that's right it'd be like the same as every red head is a groomer  or whatever and so that's that's not fair it's not it's why I just just you know detached from the  trans community and I I openly said I'm no longer a
part of that Community that's not my community  at all I don't feel comfortable with those people they're Liars they're lying to the world I don't  need to lie to you you know that you know how many times I've had to say I'm a biological female  more than ever more than my whole [ __ ] life I literally every day have to say I'm a biological  female who cares but I have to I actually have to because these people are being taught that biology  is a social construct and that everything is a social
construct and like go [ __ ] yourself this  is not easy I want to tell these kids this is not easy I might make it look easy but I have to get  up every day and know that I'm a different human being sometimes it's not easy to have to deal with  that well and sometimes the struggle is worth the the opportunity right like that's right that's  right you you struggle through your dysphoria for however long and then you got that ending  goal um that's right and so it's like why does everything have t
o be the insant gratification  which is yeah which is showing all these kids they could be entitled to whatever they want it's such  bad behavior can you imagine if I just let my kid have whatever the [ __ ] he wanted it'd be insane  I'm like no dude you actually don't get that but he doesn't even ask because he knows don't even  ask because you're not getting it I am that dad by the way big no right on that's actually real  parenting just so you know I mean they kids need structure they need to
be told no they need to  sort of understand you have to work for it dude I'm not handing it to you like come on man that's  why the school system is in such an array and such a mess and um teachers are leaving by the droves  because kids aren't being respectable and they're getting what they want and they just get right  run a muck that's exactly right friend and it's so what what goes up must come down and what goes  down must come up so maybe we're finally going to like get back to normal on
some level we were we  were doing so well before this trans LGBT agenda came into effect we were just I really don't I  don't know what these people are talking about they're they're full of [ __ ] like we're we're  we're not marginalized like we used to be we do have opportunities we have so many things I  wouldn't be this person if I didn't have the opportunities like everybody else but I just  never cried about it I just found my space and did it and how you make [ __ ] happen so thanks  so m
uch Amber for all your time and your energy and your love you so much yeah and wanting to  really help us get back to sense of normality and um I'm not sure if you want to be contacted  or anything if not just people can leave comments down here and then you'll read the comments and  we'll we'll figure that out because you're really gold there's a lot of people I think struggling  with maybe autistic children or you know that situation and I'm an advocate here in Colorado  so maybe I'll be able
to leave my information out I would love that it would be Co great you  would help so many people so we'll definitely do that so thanks Amber have a beautiful rest of  your day and thanks everybody for joining us I do appreciate you leave Amber some beautiful stuff  because she really opened up and told us gold oh my God you guys we got such good information today  I'm I'm like really really happy so remember to like subscribe comment those really help you know  get these videos out there and it
really it means everything to me I can't do it without you guys  so well with that have a beautiful rest of your day I'll see you on Wednesday with the live and  go and make [ __ ] happen everybody right [Music] on



Meet Amber! She is a loving mom who has a son with autism, & she has a lot to say. We discuss autism appropriation, trans kids, transtrenders, gender dysphoria, puberty blockers, hysterectomy denial, and tons more. This discussion is extremely valuable and important, and I hope you enjoy it! Big thanks to Amber for taking the time to come on my channel, you rock!! Love, Buck


I agree that the 'umbrella' isn't helping, however I hope this video doesn't lead people to think that people with milder forms if autism are 'faking for attention'. It is still a legitimate challenge even if it's vastly different to severe autism


does this woman understand that autism is a spectrum? that’s mad weird.


i really don't like how this mother reveals very private information about her autistic son. what if he finds this video later in life? he'd probably be pretty embarrassed 💀


Asperger's is way more than "socially awkward". And I do take offense on many things she said. My son is 27 years old and he has Asperger's and was diagnosed at age 3 and it took 6 hours of testing to get his diagnosis. He was homeschooled because of his autism, he has had to teach himself to push through things when he didn't want to, he couldn't handle loud noises, so taught himself to "tolerate it", he has done these things to just fit in and have friends. He is my youngest child and it has been hard raising him because he is so different. Many people with Asperger's think so differently than a normal person. They are very smart people, they think differently and act differently. So Rain Man was a movie made about what?? A man faking Autism?? He could talk, walk, etc. He probably wouldn't be a 3 out of 3. The Autism Spectrum is very real. Every disease has a mild to severe quality to it and you CAN have mild Autism and not be normal. Being socially awkward doesn't define Asperger's, there's more to having mild Autism than just the social component and I'm taken a back at someone that has a child with severe autism to say there is just 1 level of Autism. smh I do understand the social media fakers, from Asperger's to Tourettes to Trans, but stop with the claim there is just 1 level of Autism. The spectrum is not new.


I have level 1 autism. It took 2 years of diagnostics and thousands of dollars to finally understand why I am the way I am. Autism studies have largely been limited to young boys. Since girls present differently, we are often overlooked. Asperger's was renamed 'level one Autism.' This has impacted my life so much because I can mask and mirror others, but the minute the mask slips, and I have to stem, or I shut down from over-stimulation of the senses- I am seen as a weirdo at best or a faker at worst. Maybe it's time to find a new terminology for the levels? Our autism experience is valid too.


Hi Buck, I have to chime in because, although I understand where yours and this woman's hearts are coming from, there is a lot of misinformation being presented here. I was going to go point by point, but 20 minutes into the video, there's too much to address, and no one would read it, and it would get too mucky. So I'll be more general. I'm 36 and diagnosed with, and I quote, "Asperger Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder." I'm also (currently on leave but) getting my Master's in Developmental Disabilities from Columbia. I worked as an ABA technician in the past, and spent the last year+ designing sensory rooms for dental patients with disabilities. Despite being diagnosed by a team of Master's and PhD-level therapists and clinicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating autism, because of what anyone on the street can see about me, I've had all kinds of non-experts openly question my diagnosis. First of all, that is incredibly rude. But what you don't see are decades of difficult, painful, and dangerous experiences shared with myself by many that I've both read about and heard from friends. I don't know if teenagers calling themselves neurodivergent on TikTok is a problem or not. What I want to say is that the perspective that "Autism is something that looks like A, B, and C" is reductive and inccurate. This perspective is far more harmful to Autistic people than people impersonating or appropriating autism. One very important thing to understand is that the diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder does not include Intellectual Disability. When people claim that autism is defined by an inability to speak and needing diapers and adult care, they're misequating Autism with Intellectual Disability. The fact is that most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder have average-to-above-average levels of intelligence. It is also a fact that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder are more likely than people without Autism Spectrum Disorder to have an Intellectual Disability. So it's not an "all squares are rectangles" type of situation. They (autism and ID) are separate things, however one is more highly correlated with the other. Secondly, people with Autism Spectrum Disorder who have average-to-high levels of intelligence often fare worse in life than people with ID because people see them/us as not being Autistic or disabled enough to need or deserve assistance. Because they can't always "see" our struggles, they assume we're too privileged to identify with the horrors of autism. Meanwhile, the life expectancy rates due to suicide is the true horror of Autism. Third, who is this random non-clinician to say whether Asperger Syndrome should or shouldn't be "grouped" with autism? Diagnostic materials are updated as data are gathered and folded into the collective knowledge. Change is good 👍 it means we're learning. To this woman, I'm so sorry you're not getting the help you need. It's not easy to parent any child, and you probably sometimes feel really alone and overwhelmed. You didn't choose this for yourself or your child, and no one wants to feel mocked by happy-go-lucky strangers who claim your son's identity without experiencing his, and your, pain. But please accept that being a parent of an Autistic child doesn't make you an expert of Autism any more than being the parent of a teacher makes you an expert of pedagogy. It's not that simple. If a body of experts can't neatly define it, why would you? Tell your story, yes, but to a therapist. A support group. Not on Buck Angel where people are going to assume your presence on the platform gives the content of your words credence. You are sharing partial information, and your own personal opinion, as fact, and that's not okay. Research suggests that Autism is probably genetic. You say you and your husband both have "Autistic-coded" traits. One of the core features of Autism is an inability to regulate emotions. When I watch this interview, I see a tired, overwhelmed woman who, for whatever reason, has a compromised ability to regulate her emotions in the instance when she identifies people she sees as not being Autistic enough claiming an identity she would desperately discard if given the opportunity. Are the goofy, dancing children on TikTok "neurodivergent"? How would any of us know by their 15 second video? And why would we care? Because there is already a gate to autism, and that gate is called diagnosis. And parents aren't the gatekeepers, unless those parents are also experts who specialize in diagnosing autism. A team of clinicians spent months counseling and hours testing me before I was diagnosed with Autism. Non-experts simply can't do it in one second based on how they feel about that person's perceived experiences compared to their own. Being Autistic, though, I have had gender identity confusion that I think was a direct result of a combination of trauma and politics, however some research has suggested that, structurally, the brains of Autistic women look more like the brains of typical men. Some research has also suggested that autism is related to hormones. I have PMDD, a hormonal disorder. There's overlap everywhere, there are no clear answers, and anyone who purports to have them is simply wrong. Also ily Buck, I don't always agree with you, but I learn a lot from your videos. And you are aging like fiiine wine 😉


People with level 1 autism aren't just awkward. Stimming is not simikar to a seizure. Woman are diagnosed more now because they were ignored in the past. Aspergers not existing is good because the line between it and autism is so thin it could leave people not getting the proper diagnoses. Every autistic person is different and deserves respect.


Amber is too emotionally invested to determine what "counts" as autism. Autism isn't just the extreme its also the mild and its mostly a social disfunctioning disorder. It's incredibly wrong of her to suggest only autistic people like her son are "actually autistic."


Sorry but My 11yo son has been diagnosed with Autism since he was 4, so has his cousin(aunts son), and so has his uncle (so I believe it comes from my husbands mums family). My son, and my husbands little brother are "high functioning". My son can be self sufficient, BUT he has always had sensitivities to food textures(he refused solids point blank till 9months old and even then was vanilla baby yoghurt), general textures (ie grass, or paper, etc), he didn't toilet train till 5.5yrs old, delayed speech, noise sensitivities. He chews on his fingertips. He has trouble with social cues(even misinterpreted his teachers body language the other day that led his teacher telling him he needs learn respect and when to talk instead of answering his query), struggles with emotional regulation, he literally will look back and forth/left to right, while he talks so he doesn't make eye contact, hyper fixations like lego and video games. The uncle is very similar but he also used to do a stim that we called munching fairies, he would bring his hands to his mouth and sort of be doing jazz fingers if that makes sense. But both of them are fully capable of looking after themselves, they can go to "normal school", are very intelligent etc. While the cousin, he is 16, he is verbal now ish but he was practically non verbal till 10+ years old, his emotional regulation issues are more significant, and he does still need reminding to go to the toilet. I get that it can maybe be upsetting to see autism being self diagnosed by people and used as an excuse for behaviours and seeing people "faking" it, but still, an Autistic child doesn't have to be indefinitely non verbal and never able to toilet train to be autistic, it is a spectrum, I understand the significance of the spectrum and how some children with Autism, struggle more but that doesn't negate the struggles of children who are high functioning


I just watched a movie last night on Netflix that had a really good representation of a high functioning autistic character. It's called No Hard Feelings with Jennifer Lawrence and the main boy in it is obviously autistic. It never says so, but it's a great example of a high functioning autistic person who will most likely never be diagnosed, or even know they're autistic. I just wanted to say this because I don't think most people would realize the guy is autistic. If everything you know about autism is regarding severe autism, then I promise you, you know absolutely NOTHING about high functioning autism. It's way harder to see it in females too.


When the woman said that autism should never have been on spectrum and Asperger’s should not be in with autism, I have to completely disagree, and I’m actually quite upset that you agree with that, I can’t go to school I don’t have any friends sometimes I just rot in my room people think Asperger‘s is just very mild autism. And yes, it is compared to some higher needs autism, but it is still horrible and I still have autism and it’s a struggle and I would 100% put it in a spectrum of autism


This is pretty frustrating to watch. I am not considered autistic by others unless I'm having a meltdown or I'm nonverbal. One of the most common "compliments" I receive is "I couldn't even tell you're autistic!" The idea that autism can only be level three is so bizarre because people so often only associate autism with autistic pain behaviors. She literally says there are multiple levels to ASD, but disregards the others. Also, Asperger's was simply a way to distinguish autistic people who could work and those who couldn't. I like to think of ASD as a soundboard, not a spectrum, because then we associate "high functioning" as a permanent state, which for many it is not. However, if we use a soundboard metaphor, it can account for each individual's levels changing over time, even within one day. Yes I can work. Until my building's fire alarm goes off. Yes I can communicate. Until I'm nonverbal and having trouble with auditory processing. Yes I can "function." Until I spill water on something important and have a meltdown. I'm sorry that she clearly struggles with her son's autism, but then choosing who can be autistic is so harmful, especially to AFAB individuals who are often not diagnosed young due to differing traits. And as far as the "trans people appropriating autism" because a lot of transpeople also report being autistic thing goes, I have heard this put a lot better. The idea is that because autistic people are constantly evaluating our position in society and our relations to others, we are more likely to realize that we are trans. If you are always criticizing how you fit sociologically, you'll probably notice gender differences a lot easier than someone who isn't autistic. They seem to miss the entire point. The root then that we need to fix is the trans community focusing too much on medical transition (if we don't pressure people to medically transition, there will be fewer destransitioners). Also providing supportive environments for everyone, since a lot of people who choose to detransition are still trans, but they live in an unaccepting area or family. The root of the "problem" with autism self-diagnosis is to make it easier for people to receive a diagnosis. The whole "you're doing it for clout" goes out the window when you see how much people who are autistic or trans are bullied relentlessly online. This video is essentially the further bullying of people, as they can't even provide a consensus on why people do this. What is it? Are they conforming or are they doing it to be special?


I recently got my autism diagnosis and it really has helped me realize so much. I can recall others around me knew i was autistic and how much bullying i got from me being me. Self diagnosis can be valid for recognizing symptoms you have and not everyone can afford a professional diagnosis. I do feel there needs to be an autism gatekept. I see so how many folks mock being autistic and it is so sad and upsetting. It was a friend of mine who was also diagnosed with autism and adhd who said I might be on the spectrum. May he rest in peace, he was sadly taken way too soon for being bullied for him being him. Autism in women also get misdiagnosed with things like bipolar, or depression. When really it has been the burnout from autistic masking and over exerting yourself. I didn't finish college because of burnout. Those who fake being autistic should be ashamed of themselves. As well anyone who bullies someone for the person being comfortable being themselves, just stop. I wish everyone here a safe and beautiful day.


People should definitely receive assessments & testing. But, still be aware that it's a spectrum. My older daughter is autistic. We've been aware of it since she was 5. She had multiple assessments. She has learning disabilities and advanced abilities (nothing in between), she has issues with understanding social things with other people, she has special interests that she talks about nonstop and doesn't notice that people are rolling their eyes, sighing, slinking in their chair, trying to redirect her, she has a chromosomal difference related to it, and it runs in my family and her Dad's family. She really, truly struggles with many things, and needs autism support.


I'm a diagnosed autistic person and I believe people like Amber are the reason ASD is viewed as a pediatric disorder. I find it disgusting that she thinks it's her place as a non-autistic person to gatekeep autism. We need to stop centring the conversation about autism around "autism mommies". Yes what her son experiences is absolutely what autism CAN look like but it is a spectrum disorder. Also the assumption that just because someone's autism isn't as visible it doesn't disable them is wild. People tend to be able to tell that I'm different but they don't always realise that this difference is autism. However, I have accomodations such as extra time and rest breaks in exams, in sixth form (high school) I wore headphones in class because I have bad sensory issues. I have verbal shutdowns when overstimulated, I stim frequently and visibly and I have violent meltdowns. This is also the experience of many autistic people online, diagnosed or otherwise. Your son is not the be all and end all of autism. As a trans person I really don't like Buck Angel but he could have at least had the decency to interview and actually autistic person.


the lack of knowledge she has on her own childs disorder is insane autism is genetic, its super possible her husband could be autistic also “stimming” is a self stimulating behavior to regulate their emotions


I feel for this mother but she doesn't quite understand what actual diagnosed "high functional" autism/aspergers is. its not just social awkwardness, I still have meltdowns and shutdowns even as an adult and have been hospitalized on occasion. The difference is I need less support in day to day life. Thats not to say I don't need support at all but not to the level of her son. that's why there is level 1, 2 and 3. Just because I can speak and have a bit more self control as an adult, doesn't mean my parents weren't traumatized trying to raise me, I bit, screamed, hit myself ect. I was the kid on the floor in the supermarket to screaming and freaking out because the lights were too bright. There is a difference between someone with level 1 autism, and someone who has self diagnosed level 1 autism/aspergers. Just because I can type a coherent sentence, doesn't mean this isn't something I struggle with. a diagnosis is 2000 dollars and not something I went through for shits and giggles. You don't have aspergers/level 1 autism just because you are socially awkward, that's not what it is at all. Sure that is a big part of it but so are extreme sensory issues, emotional dysregulation etc. Just because I don't soil myself and can speak that does not mean the things I struggle with are not directly related to being on the spectrum. I understand her frustration but her son does not represent each and every one of us. Someone faking level 1 autism is not the same as someone who actually has it. You and your husband are not autistic based on current criteria for only being socially awkward, getting an autism diagnosis is not easy...which is why these teens self diagnose because they would never actually meet the full criteria. part of the criteria is "Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning." keyword: clinically significant. I do not have "severe" autism so I can maintain a job and blend in with the rest of society for the most part but I relate to some of the struggles. I get overwhelmed and whack my head off the wall, I shutdown and I am unable to speak for hours at a time. I can relate to being locked in a closet by school staff, I was forced to sit in what was essentially a broom closet with an overstimulating fluorescent light. I wasn't allowed to sit with the few friends I had at lunch, I wasn't even allowed to use the main bathroom. My biggest crime was not doing my work, nobody asked if I needed help. With the support of my family I have been able to live a somewhat normal life and follow my dreams, I am lucky enough to be employed. These things did not come easily to me, I had to drop out of school due to the mistreatment and following mental issues. I get so fucking MAD when I see these people like "ehehe I'm so cute look at my cute stims on beat to tik tok audios, I love anime!" like that's even close to what autism is. I had to learn how to navigate the world in a completely different way from my peers. I will say that I cannot relate to anyone in online autism spaces, they are overrun by self diagnosed teenagers.Every post is like "teehee going nonverbal" like first of all you cant "go nonverbal" you either are, or you aren't. In my case I am NOT nonverbal but I have periods of time where speaking is not happening. These are called Shutdowns. They don't even know the correct terminology for the shit they are faking! or or or "my special interest is this show I watched last week" like...that's not what a special interest special interest got me in trouble because it would get in the way of school and taking care of myself, its not just "liking" something, its a deep obsession.


I was put on lupron in 2012 for endometriosis when I was 17. The only side effects the doctor told me I'd have is hot and cold flashes like I was in menopause and it'd stop my bleeding; and that it would all stop when I got off of it. I'm 29 now and still experience DAILY hot and cold flashes, my sex drive has been practically non existent since I was on it and my joint pain continues to get worse. It was absolute hell while I was on it and I was told by my doctor I was lying about my symptoms because "no one else experienced them". Since being in a group for lupron and now watching your videos about it, I know for a fact I wasn't the only one with that experience.


I am a level 2 autistic. I cannot make doctors appointments or fill out complex paperwork on my own. I don't know how to brush my own teeth properly at nearly 26 years old. I was semi-verbal until around 20 years old. It took me an immense amount of effort to learn how to speak. So much that I had no desire to speak at all until around age 12 and often had to be yelled at and pressured into speaking by people who could not understand why I would not respond verbally or how difficult it was for me to connect my brain and my mouth. I still have episodes of speech loss, moments where it takes more effort to force myself to speak, and difficulty translating my thoughts into words. I struggled with incontinence for many years and I still have moments where I am suddenly hit with a painful cramp and have to rush to the bathroom because my body didn't send me any prior warnings. I have restrictive eating habits that can occasionally be so severe that I can only eat one specific dish prepared in an extremely specific way or I will become extremely nauseous. I am employed, but even part time hours put so much strain on my body that I often dont have the energy to keep up with basic self care and household duties. I regularly go to bed hungry after shifts 7 hours or longer because I am simply too weak to stand. I also live fully independently, look "normal," and found out I was autistic through social media. I actually knew I was "different" and that something was "wrong" with me since the early 2000s when I was just starting elementary school. But my parents, teachers, and doctors all insisted that I could not have a developmental disability because I was born a woman and that all my struggles were self-inflicted. I was forced to present as a non-autistic person through systemic violence. I would literally get hit for rocking, flapping, or having meltdowns in public. Sometimes I would even be hit for simply not being able to speak at that moment due to sensory overwhelm. According to this mother, that means I am an attention seeker who is following social media trends? Mothers like her are exactly why autistics like myself are not able to recieve the care we need to function. When you have to die to prove you need accomodations, then people like myself who need care will continue to not recieve it. Part of the reason it is so scary for her to wonder what will happen to her son after she dies is because it is impossible for autistics to access disability services without a caretaker. Shouldn't the response to that fear be making accomodations more accessible? Not less? Our current system ensures that any disabled person risks homelessness and death the second they no longer have access to a caretaker. To advocate against accessibility of autism services is to advocate against her own child's needs.