
Are You a People Pleaser? 4 Signs You’re One

Are You a People Pleaser? #shorts #selfesteem #selfconfidence #peoplepleaser #personaldevelopment #selfrespect #fulfillment #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement #personalgrowth

Transforming Step

7 months ago

Let’s be real; being a people pleaser is exhausting.  But that’s just scratching the surface. When you’re a people pleaser, you  can lose your sense of identity; experience stress and anxiety; or even  miss out on authentic relationships. Make no mistake, this is not the same as being  kind. Kindness is genuine and intentional, while people pleasing prioritises  external validation over self-respect. If you’re wondering whether or not you’re a  people pleaser, look for these four signs. 1. You a
gree with everything and everyone,  even if you don’t really mean it. 2. You apologise for things that are  not your fault or responsibility. 3. You avoid conflict or  confrontation at all costs, even if it means compromising your integrity. 4. You feel guilty or resentful when you do  something for yourself or say no to someone. You see, the satisfaction you get from  people liking you is not sustainable. You want to feel content even if they don’t.
